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oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh oh my god did you see that oh we might be boogered here I feel like it's been a hot minute since we all saw Crystal so here she is don't worry she is alive and kicking she's just been looking after the Raptor pack which just looks after the whole Ranch so here she is she just wanted to say hello that you know she's still here still doing her job God damn what a beautiful freaking Raptor we got all right crystal go take care of your pack there we go you're in charge of all of them well hello everyone on this welcome to this beautiful rainy wet day on Ark today we're going to get us some fers finally hey oh that's not the backflip there we go hey we're going to get some filers today or at least one filer so since last episode I have built up some stuff as said I was going to I'm going to show all of that off and then yeah we're going to hop into the fer taming situation so the last couple CP episodes we have tamed Penguins uh sheep snails and a unicorn did we oh and bees and we Ted bees as well so um I guess I'll just show you what we've built up then so um excuse me Cove just coming through here so back here we have a little farm area a little place just for our sheep nothing too fancy I just wanted the back blocked off so no Alp Raptors can fall down and get into them but I wanted like a little fenced off area and that that's where we've got sheep so we tamed this one which is a male and one of these which was a female and then bred up a baby to get another female um I mean that's all we probably need for now I might breed up one or two more sheep later on but what we could do is L breed baby pops out and we have mutton which we're going to need to do today to get us a filer so that's the Sheep like I said nothing too fancy so we're going to move on to what what are you doing way out here okay that was weird I guess you go back in there not sure why you no over there no are you in get in a no I don't want you over there what are you doing go in this section what what is this do doing here there we go okay I have no idea why that Dono was out there that was bizarre so anyways yeah we have a Dodo Hut there now for the snails I decided to pretty much just copy that because I didn't want anything too fancy but I wanted it to feel part of the ranch so we've got another little random Hut and in here we have snails which they have been making babies and they are so loud God damn it okay everyone chill out but if we come to some of these as you can see 100 spending pays the G they they are so loud um I will deal with the babies later cuz when you put them on window if you don't like chop the balls off they keep breeding so that's the snail we got a bunch of spending P we get a little bit of organic polymer from them they're amazing in the barn over here I did add a little upstairs area because it needed a little extra I'm just going to slowly build on this barn but still got sloths got our unicorns we' got one of the barries because I'm going to show that off in a minute uh but yeah if you come up here we use the ladder and boom got a couple fire Flyers so so of spare argies and a good old Pteranodon and then we can just fall down here without breaking our legs right there yeah sure a little bit so that's the barn and then this contraption up here I've been experimenting with not done just yet but this is our organic polymer Farm now I have actually never built one of these before so this is the first time I've done this they're very loud a bit of trial and error but it does seem to work so what I've done we've got like uh a you male so got female male female female female you should be a male cuz he can only reach there then female female and a male so so far we've already got like five females but they they dropped the eggs as you can see below us there's some normal eggs there some poop um what I had to do is Place quarter walls and then put feeding troughs in front of them just to push the dudes back a little uh but yeah this actually works obviously the EGS Drop Like That poo does the air conditioning incubate them and then uh Sarah the Sab over here is the one that eats them right now now she only gets I mean we've only got one polymer here uh I've been told we need to go and get a pelorus I will get one of them at some point but for now Sarah's just in here as I was trial and erroring error erroring some stuff but yeah this is what I came up with um I think you meant to use ramps and stuff but I kind of like this more I'm also thinking like we could probably do a second layer of this maybe if I wanted to I'm not 100% sure but yeah that this is our farm organic polymer farm right now complete with a little outdoor balcony for no reason at all I just thought I'd had that so yeah it's nothing crazy but for now I think it's going to do its job so last but not least then we have our first mutated bionics this dude here in the blue had a little bit of Health finally so 4488 Health uh and The Originals had 4 32 so first male mutated uh can we have a look at you and then we got a couple eggs that we can hatch at some point but yeah finally we got a a first mutation so we're going to keep going with them for a little bit longer I want maybe a couple more into Health if we can a couple into melee as well before we take on a cave Adventure God damn the fish God damn them fish so loud all right so what we're going to be doing today then is we're going to be going to get us a f off so first things first is we need to get some mdin and we need to cook that muden up into lamb chops so if I pop you oh you're actually on breeding if I pop you onto breeding you should mate real quick and then we have to wait a few minutes for your Gest station okay so 10 godamn minutes okay that's fine so they're going to CH out a baby bear we can then kill that baby bear Harvest it up get the mutton and then cook that M up into lamb chops because if you don't have the cable for the filers lamb chops is what we need what we need to do also is maybe build a trap H we could do this on Cove but it might be easier to use Pidgeot fly over to the Redwoods pick up a Filer and drop it into a trap um I'll tell you what I will do first I'm actually going to scout the area find the fer we want and then we can decide where we want to build the Trap because just say uh how do we do this double m just say we find one here you know we could just build the trap on the beach somewhere but just say I built the Trap here and we find the fer over this way I've then going to fly him all the way down here he might be biting me and bleeding me out so I think we'll find him first then maybe come back and grab the Trap and stuff uh in terms of the Trap it just needs to be Stone so I don't know like nine foundations a couple of the doorways and we should be good to go so before we do head out then um if you do enjoy today's episode if you've been enjoying ASA what was the plant doing then the plant's waving to you all if you like the plant waving at you all make sure you're working a like on the video make sure you subscribe and you ring the bell enabling notifications following the social medias the Twitter the Discord all that good stuff my sheep poops I thought that was this baby coming out already if you do want to spoil the channel That a little bit more you can become a channel member or a patreon it's as little as $1 for a whole month it supports the channel massively it's $1 you get an exclusive Ive video every single Friday I think I could pop a little clip up of what we've got going on them Fridays now if I remember and once again if you want to get yourself an X-Man hoodie I'm actually wearing mine right now it's so warm so comfy get one of them before the big Christmas rush and if you need a a server 4 ASA Link in the description use code axman save yourself 10% all right sheeps how long have you got then so you got 7 minutes all right what I'm going to do I'm just going to start building the Trap get that ready to go do you have any stone on you no cuz I bet it's all in here all right let me get to building some little bits and pieces I'll be back in a hot minute all right here comes baby sheep can you imagine if you got like don't you dare fly up can you imagine if we got like a an imprinted one not imprinted mutated one in fact okay so I'm not sure if we need to wait for it to be old um I guess we just kill it here and I'm not sure what tool we meant to use okay now that's cool all right sweet I again it's been a while since we've played around with like mutton farming so I just had to make sure that's how it's done so yeah babies work I it doesn't really matter what Hatchet I use but there's our mden all right so we're going to start cooking some of this up can I cook mutton in here is that a thing we can do uh let's chook as much that in there as possible crafted Foods I don't know if I I don't think I can right maybe I can um I don't know if I can cook food at a cooking pot I feel like I should be able to uh I'm going to guess not because the fires are making it and this is not okay that's cool I just had a check soz I can't remember if I ever cooked meat in there but boom there's lamb chops Ching have one in okay let me get this stuff cooked up this lasts a good hour and then we'll head into the Redwoods and go and find ourselves a beautiful fire I'm also going to check how much mutton I would need cu to say like a level you know just in case we found a 150 or whatever all right and we are off then so uh yeah I looked at Doo de for a Max Level so we just found a 150 I believe it was 24 cooked lamb chops uh we've got 28 just CU obviously one my spoil but what I've also done I've also bought the trap with me because why would I not do that like that just seemed like the big smart thing to do so with an RG for some reason we can pick V up it's weird because we can't pick like a Pia up or a Barry but we can pick a big heavy fer up so it means yeah we can use Pidgeotto we can fly around here if stuff does get a little spicy Pidgeotto should be able to help us out here so if this is your first time ever seeing a fer and looking how to tame them they are on the side of trees um I would like to show you what I mean but yeah they hang on the side of like the big trees and they will jump and pounce you off your your Mount they'll either grab you or your Mount and just rip them to shreds so they can be very scary especially if you're on foot um like they could literally one like right in front of us it could just come pouncing off and grab us so obviously we're looking for the highest level possible obviously we want a 150 but filers are I wouldn't say rare but there's only like a handful of them cuz they only spawn in the Redwoods they're only really on the trees so there's only a certain amount of space for them so might only be like 10 on the map at one point so just say we find a 120 or some then I'll be happy for that for now I think it should be right in the cave uh do I want this drop do we want to have a look at this blue drop I guess okay what we got show us the goodness okay um right I'm just going to get back up in the air before someone comes to eat man I think we got an artifact pedestal which I will take um you know I'll take the forge as well and we actually got some more foundations I don't need maybe I do need them um okay screw it hold all of that pigon there you go good [ __ ] all right that wasn't a bad drop oh there's a fire right in front of us as well look at that perfect and here we go everyone ready for a 150 it's going to be even better we 18 all right 55 um okay what we're going to do is actually going to kill this one cuz we don't we want we want to someone else to spawn here right can I grabb you off there did he jump I think he jumped somewhere oh no he's still there uh also is that an alphar Rex uh that's a 145 alphar Rex okay going to avoid him all right so if we hit you you should fall to the ground and then we should be able to pick you up right just check in perfect and then we could Lally fight with the air if we wanted to but yeah these dudes do a nasty little gash it's a Nash but it's SP with a cheese so it's a gash uh did I uh where did your body go uh there you are I want your claw did we get that nice want to make sure we're snagging all them but yeah that's that's what the fighter do and yeah if we was to fly like kind of under that he would have tried to pounce on us so you just got to be careful of that so 55 is the first one we've seen surely we can only go up from there right I hear a fer somewhere um I is that it in front of us yeah okay there there's one here sometimes the filers do go on the ground uh he either tried to pounce at us or someone else uh you know I'm just going to pick him up to see what level he is yoink Uh Oh I thought that was a 135 then I nearly got excited all right so unfortunately you are going to be toast okay you seem a little stronger than I thought you was okay so oh there's another one nice all right what levels this one 40 so what we found a 55 a 35 and a 40 so far I have to say the Redwoods looks fantastic I know I'm out here looking for a dangerous F but the light then in the Mist wow I nearly had to just stop and just like like take it in then God damn yeah the Redwood squ real Engine 5 God damn this is a such a pretty game God AR even with all the crashes and the bgs I I love this game maybe if I just speak highly of the game it'll give us a a Max Level filer that that's what I'm hoping for now oh you're the greatest thing ever the best game to ever exist please give me a high level filer uh this is normally the spot like back in the old days of Arc this is where I'd normally always come to find them around the lake I don't know why there'd always be like three or four filers just on the same tree I'm hoping that's like there's a lot of redwoods around here just a be hi that was one right or was that a bear y That's fer hello sir and what level are you yo uh 15 cool okay I guess I got to speak [ __ ] about Aras to get a high level fighter then instead oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh oh my god did you see that oh we might be boogered here we might be boogered here um he flew oh my God it's an alpha Raptor oh w w w w that's 140 that's 140 fer oh I don't think PID got involved there wait which one did I die at this one okay I guess we're tracking that right boys okay that thing flew like I turned saw two FES was about to check the level and he just flew that's not how gravity works that was also a 140 but it's also probably now fighting an alpha Raptor bro okay um how do we go about this uh so there's my last death do I it's also really cold right now it's probably going to night time do I use the tanadon or do I use me spare Argy I think we use spare Argy we got Hawk right okay let's go on a quick Rescue Mission Hulk this is why we kept you around going to need your expertise here all right let me just make sure we're sh there so nothing comes inside bro that F just zoomed and there was like no way to get out of it um all right I tell you what we do cuz everyone always tells me to do this we'll track pidoto right is that tracking it or do I have to put that little thing on everyone's like hey axe when you die why don't you just track pidoto okay we'll do that I mean I know where I'm going I just got to follow the death message but okay let's head out all right I was going to say I'm hoping Pidgeotto isn't fighting but Pidgeotto is right on top of my death which means they are probably fighting and they are definitely moving around now okay they should be able to take on a low level alapts by themselves right you got this PID right maybe is the fer dead I think the figh is dead all right let's get in and help all right let's go boys TR to get Al Mega Raptor Mega Raptor micro Raptor you know the deal oh man okay um so right I died over here let me go and grab his stuff I'm just thinking do I want to fly Hawk back are we all good you ain't going to attack me Mr sloth right okay so let's get all this um I think I'm going to go and Chu Hawk on top of or on the beach or some I don't want to fly all the way back right now okay uh let's have you follow me oh there's that other filer uh nine whatever were you 40 God damn it of course you are I'm going to grab you actually I don't think you were the same tree sick missed that one hey okay oh I can't believe we found a 140 and it got freaking killed by the alpha Raptor what is this lighting going on this is weird where where am I on the map okay yeah let's let's bring you over here do we think Hulk would be safe just here Hulk I want you to land just here please or not okay I mean as long as you're on neutral I'll be back for you I'll be able to track you so I know exactly where you are I just saw you full the ground sir I think he was after that trodon come here where'd you go what level are you God damn it okay that's fine that's fine oh it's about to get dark in here as well this is oh there's one in front of us this is going to be a bit of a challenge 65 all right I'm literally just going to kill all of these that we don't need I'm literally just going to have to kill and yoink missed him sick okay I'm try that again as long as I'm above them I don't think they jump at there good job axe all right F time is a charm you know what I'm just going to knock him off we'll fight him on the ground there he is all right uh oh this is so we died oh you must have been the one on the tree that was close to me hey I rhymed I'm a p and I didn't know I was one where did you go sir there you are the same one yep 65 okay I guess it's not too in here I mean it is a little bit but it is what it is there there's another one right in front of us as well actually uh you're the one that was under the one the 140 is alive the 140 is alive okay you know what screw it should we just Place trap here the one he's alive I mean flat land I don't see any MyCraft and stuff okay pogers and coggers can I carry all this let me just chug these down here oh okay so you must have just like okay um God I hate building uh whatever this will work here right maybe um like that uh Maybe not maybe I just make it long ways can this snap up to this one no okay right we we're just winging this trap now I mean that might you know what that'll be fine okay we want um doorways right there ain't no way filers jumping and getting out of there right I think that' be fine all right well let's let's try it let see what's going on here I can't believe that that dude's alive so when we die he must have just um uh right no I want this I want to put use to hold these when we died he must have just like I don't know popped up there somehow I'm not really sure all right can I yoink you oh we did sick okay first try amazing uh where's me trap okay let's see if this is a thing that is going to happen all right right I feel like you are in there right you are in there like swimware okay so I don't have um me rifle just because this does way more toour it also does more damage which we do have to be careful of so we're going to shoot and then like Let It rest a minute and we're doing 69 damage nice cuz the Toro builds up with dart with the arrows rather than darts just want to make sure I'm safe I just feel like we're going to get teror bird or some 140 boys is hogers that is so good P you just watching out for me I can't believe and I thought you was going to die to the alpha Raptor that's amazing right shoot between the eyes I'm using the wrong freaking thing wait hav I switched out switch out to this one there we go this one does more damage which means more toour I was going to say why why did I have a blue and the yellow's not there that's weird look at you 145 that is so good that is so so good and it's out there we are boys ah you had loads of Health all right 28 boom I think you're only going to need maybe 20 to 22 of them so what was this guy this is a 60 look at him just laying there all dead I should probably eat him cuz I feel like it's going to attract Terror Birds 140 fer down boys all right eat him good stuff um right is a SLO likely to to him I don't think so like do I build spikes around him I feel like maybe how much hide it's 10 hide fiber and wood I think he's going to be all right I don't think the sloth will fight him you know what I'm going to fight the sloth all right so I'm going to sit here I'm going to Babys set our fer I'll bring you back with any updates um and yeah ah that was that was good hey there we go boys a fight is tamed all right what we're going to do let me just chook you down here for a hot second all right I'm just going to pick this trap up cuz uh it might stop like other fers spawning in and obviously we are going to need um a high level what what were you you're a male so we're going to need a high level female at some point uh so I pick all this up they should pick all the doors up as well right um okay these ones are floating that's not meant to happen Okay sick nice hi Mr fer welcome to the family let's grab you 207 that is pogers all right let's get you home before anything bad happens to you let's get a saddle and let's see what type of damage a fer can do on ASA oh I am excited to play around these These are up there with one of if not my favorite creatures to use in Arc they're just so good get an imprint on them as well get some colors and Mah chef's kiss um I will come back for Hawk do not worry Hawk is still alive as far as I know we will come back for them very shortly all right Mr fer get over here so I can see you in all your fluffiness and stuff looks like he's got a little chin Bard go God damn I I think I've said this before but I feel like all the dinos are slightly bigger than they used to be has a fer always been that big I don't know I feel like they're all just ever so slightly bigger or maybe it's cuz my character is smaller I don't know um all right we need to learn a f cell already learn it good job a well done um all right let's go craft one of these do we have enough stuff for a fter saddle do I have I don't think I have a blueprint for one I'm going to look anyway just in case uh so in here do we think we have oh we do I mean it's nothing special but that's definitely better than a regular one right hell yeah good [ __ ] I'm glad I had a look at that so that's 47 yeah that's 25 uh um all right we need some hide all right we need a little bit more metal we have in one of these right uh no but we got it in here right yeah we got a little bit in there uh we need a lot more hide I've got spare hide also in me how much more do we need or is that enough that's enough Perfect all right uh craft one nice all right 47.1 over a 25 that's sick that's just that's going to going to help us with caves as well that's real good no idea when we got that obviously it was from doing one of the caves that's amazing all right cool let's go and pop that back I have so many Saddles and I just don't know like what they are actually I don't really have that many huh I have maybe I just don't have many blueprints I have a load of random Saddles all right that is what it is okay I'm going to guess that's me poly Farm doing its business let's pop you onto that ooh why is that like a light brownie white color that's nice all right here we go boys we have ourselves a fer hey look at this oh jumped into that that's amazing okay um in terms of stats I mean I still don't know if there's a website out there that can show these and tell me if they're good or not um but if anyone knows let me know if this is like a good filer or just a decent one or a bad one obviously we're always looking for like the health the melee and maybe a bit of Stam so yeah let me know if that is a good one or not is that a boosted blue drop over there let's go snag that there's a couple of allows uh your barri on oh oh oh yeah yeah okay okay don't worry over here I released a bunch of meows I didn't want anymore and just let them on passive so um that dude must have just survived this long oh there was an Al Raptor over there okay allows come here so we're doing 74 interesting not as good Dage as I thought we' be doing God damn alows are loud you are very loud dudes okay 110 without the mes that's a bit better are they head shot as well uh okay we're like half Health already maybe I don't want to fight the alpha Raptor yeah maybe I really don't want to fight the alpha Raptor uh what level this uh you're level 90 Alo are you even bloody uh um you're not going to die right or actually get out of here okay there's yellow wow I am nearly dead I want that drop okay that was with a ramshackle saddle I feel like if we didn't have that saddle we would have just died then I was not expecting allows to pack that much of a punch uh there's some wolves there you know what actually I'm not going to fight you guys I don't want to drop that bad cuz I'm only on 1,000 Health right okay uh I guess I'll just eat you guys instead then wolves aren't going to come here right 222 damage yeah we we got pretty bed by them allows what the heck uh that's a 135 no that's a just a f five RG okay right we took the took the F for a spin time to take him home and never bring him out again because he near died holy crap I don't I don't know would Them Bows just super strong that was redonkulous um okay we'll take the other brains we got eight levels I guess all of that goes into Health right now we only gained 1,000 Health huh interesting all right do we need oh look at the F of footprints oh fins are weird e i supp you do have we feet you're just missing half your face it's okay you'll get better um do we feel like we need an imprint in one of these before we do the cave because the cave we're doing is the one on caral island uh I mean obviously I've not seen it on ASA but back in the day like seaming with bats so many bats you've got to like Spiral all the way down is just loads and loads and loads of bats everywhere or maybe I just need to level you up way more all right I really wanted to fight Alp Raptor cuz that would just give us like a bunch of levels a bunch of XP uh is that drop gun uh I think so don't feel like taking on some wolves but like Mammoth and carnos I think we can handle we'll be all right for that right oh you know what we need to test your climbing ability because I wonder if that's been like sort of revamped cuz it was boogy as hell on Old Ark let's see if we can uh climb up this mountain so we jump um I mean we got up didn't look pretty but we definitely got up without a sliding down okay uh what was that is that a Caro that's nalo are you on your own cuz I don't want to fight another pack of these guys 30 okay done all I guess they do the the bleed when those was in the pack as well God damn um all right I will take a bit of melee you're going to eat all of this meat just help you out a little bit I really just I just can't wait to get like a a colorful one of these that's going to look so good oh I can't wait like do I go for the magenta there's another aloe what what is is it aloe day today and I just missed the memo I don't know why that just looks kind of cool seeing that aloe on a Hilltop that just looks really sick then that better not be a 150 oh oh you got a baby oh you're level 10 okay I'm sorry M but you're going to be dead and I'm also going to eat your baby as well who is blue if you're level 12 that means you're mutated that's a that's a why mutated aloe that's crazy there so if you didn't know you can get mutations in the wild if it's to levels higher than its parent and you can only tell cuz it's a different color it means it's mutated that's mad you know what we could do to get some quick levels into this uh fire is hatch some bar eggs and kill the babers do wild babies give us boosted levels not really all right I think I'm going to do that real quick we're going to go and hatch some Barry eggs eat all the ones obviously we don't need we use the F for that uh have I got this drop yes I have uh we we'll use the F to eat them all get some boosted drops there's a blue Caro and um maybe fight that Alpha Raptor we I'll just kind of see how many levels we get so in here we're looking for a 213 male uh there is a 213 male that's 29 don't care for you uh where are you is this one just here and you are a boy stat wise let me go and have a look so you've kept the health uh let me bring up the picture on me phone 16 12 53 I believe we got a Toro mutation I didn't even know that was a thing um okay we didn't get any more in there did we he got torpidity that's amazing all right so if you come here and just eat all these right how did you not kill them all it w go okay did we get them all all right eat all the meats all right I mean no what are you guys doing can you stop need to kill this baby bear unfortunately you just don't fit the bill can you get out of the wave of the dinos there we go okay you guys can use just all stop there we are all right so we killed like I don't know 10 babies there maybe yeah 12 levels pogers um all right I'm going to go I'm we going to put all that into Health uh I don't think we're going to be able to heal in time to fight that Alpha Raptor cuz it could take a hot minute but that's nearly 8,000 health I mean you know yeah we could all right you know I'm going to heal him we're going to heal him I'm going to finish off by find the Alp Raptor all boys we're going in the Raptor's right outside here we're pretty much as healed as we can be I mean it's 5 damage is a level 60 uh with a head shot we was doing like 300 and some uh can't get a head shot on him right now but with the bleed damage we're doing there's also a scorpion there and if that's 150 we're definitely sagging that um yeah with the bleed we're doing it should be light work the only thing is if the blood kills it we get no XP which really sucks and I thought they might change that but I don't think they have he's doing okay okay damage to me hell's definitely going down we weren't fully fully healed but we was close to all right let me see if I jumped over here we get a head shot yeah look at that 3 42 with a head shot and we didn't get the XP because the blood killed it God damn it oh I wish they'd changed that uh is that any better I don't know that sucks man 198 yeah know what screw it don't need it so even though we just killed an alpha Raptor we get no XP at all for it 145 scorpion I actually thought I was going to tame you nearly the max level that we've been looking for um oh maybe that was a different Alpha cuz there's also an alpha one up here okay um right let's go 29 into that all right let's fight one more Alpha Raptor there also a bunch of Hons here this is a lower level one and a level 50 RG meet you hyons cuz you give us nice XP let me kill some of you maybe we don't to get the little didn't we get like a little XP buff for killing Alphas we didn't even get that from sort of killing the alpha rap to but not killing it oh we got some head shot from behind then back shots how did I do that he was like behind me and I was doing like a head shot on him I'm not sure all right well at least we know now we can definitely take uh Alp Raptors on Al sorry Mr doic you are sort of in the way hey we got the kill on that one at least uh I didn't I don't really want to kill you oh oh oh uh no we don't get XP buff for Alphas I thought we did I thought it's was like 5 minutes or so I'm definitely killing you Hons give great XP for some reason Hons and spinos just these are a pain to chase down right there we yeah appar I hit d off done God damn it I just wanted to go home cuz you might actually kill me all right I guess we're just find them there's one ow yep that hurt this guy could break me armor where is is it big bloody mess in front of us nice okay we got seven more levels can we get that let's see if we get that to 10 I think 10,000 will be really good I think oh we ready to take on the cave next with this filer maybe if we can get him to 10,000 and then maybe a bunch into melee I think we could give it a crack and see what happens what do you think Mr fer you just look so in pain uh let's grab that let's grab that did you get any items from the other Raptor nope all right well there we are then so we got a what were you 140 F you actually killed us remember so now you this is the pain you go through you killed us but we got you in the end what I'm going to do uh I will go and grab Hawk now uh after I finished the episode but I might try and take the cave on next I might try and use him to take the cave on and just kind of see what happens I guess we can bring Cove with us as well just to a little bit back up uh car island is the far right one isn't it and then bottom left or bottom right is the herb of Island I think that's right so um yeah we'll try that out and see what happens so there we are our first fer of Asa he's a beauty if you did enjoy today's episode make sure you are whacking a like make sure you are subscribing you ring the bell whenever notifications follow social medias becoming a channel member of patreon grabbing a server grabbing an axman hoodie thank you very much have a little butt wiggle there we are see you laters bye
Channel: The AxeMan
Views: 46,495
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Keywords: AXEMAN, THE AXEMAN, AXEMAN ARK, AXEMAN TOP 5, ARK, EPISODE 1, the axeman ark, ARK 1, ark, ark dino, axeman lets play, axeman ark, asa new, ark 100, ark survival ascended, axeman asa, axeman ark survival ascended, asa axe, ARK ASA, ASA CONSOLE, ASA AXEMAN, ASA, Ark, Asa, ark thyla, ark thylacoleo, ark thyla taming, ark redwoods, ark high level, asa thyla, ark thyla tame, asa thyla taming, thyla trap, thylas, thylacoleo, ark thyla mount, axeman thyla
Id: GEmce_Qi8cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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