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oh the sco tag broke oh at Stam oh this could be bad oh he's doing a lot of damage um I can't move I'm about to drop the biggest news any of you have heard today on this channel playing this game this is huge massive news because if we go into engrams xman chibi is back air hor in the background D we have the X-Men chibi he's finally returned he has been actually out for a while a load of you have downloaded it but we just had to wait for the syntax hebi and wait for them both to like make sure they're all working correctly and put them on the server and stuff so the X-Man chibi the SAG chibi they are back so alphamon who created the animations for both of these uh he was the one that uploaded them to O evolved he's managed to download the new dev kit you know make sure they're working and upload them to ASA so big shout out there and we do have some other little bits and pieces we're going to look at as well but today we're going to create an XM chibi we need one fatch I'm not going to create the syntax chibi cuz you need a g egg so if you want to see that obviously go look at syntax channel it's his chibi uh but we also have a cartoon axe mask which I didn't ask for um alphamon just created this and he also looked like he creates a plastic Galley costume as well which sounds crazy need a fertiliz gal egg for that so um yeah we need to create that um we are going to be doing other stuff as well don't worry we're going to be doing some baso taming today we're going to be heading into the water but there's a few little bits and pieces we're going to do and show off first uh number one is we're making these chibies and then number two I have extended the house so we're going to be looking at at that in a hot second as well so no spoilers no one stare at me house okay so two fatch pieces is all we needed we're going to make the cartoon axe mask cartoon axe mask say that five times real fast cartoon axe mask cartoon axe mask C got yeah okay I can't do that all right so the chibies and stuff go into our Cosmetics here we go chibi axan pop into the pet give a name minia ax hey where is he there he oh you know what we could do boom toggle there he is minia ax is back look at him in all his glor oh I miss this little guy I've missed you so much I love I just love that we have a little mini chibi here oh man he's so cool H he's about to get into so much Mischief I'm sure I love his eyes so this means when we kill alphas and stuff he gains um some little bits of XP and he can actually give us additional levels obviously as we build it up and stuff so that's that's really cool I love his little axe and stuff ah everyone really axis bag hey okay now the next bit is um what was it a cartoon axe mask so yeah I'm not sure what to expect here so I think this is just a skin right okay so let's put it on and I'm going to have to unhide the Hat let's go into photo mode let's not look up okay now I do believe we're meant to have no beard for this but let's see what's happening we're going to slowly go up oh my God okay okay okay that's a little cursed I'm not going to lie I don't know how I feel about that I like the eyes though the eyes look crazy yo so here's the thing I actually commissioned Cyrus another modev to creators and axman mask that's done and stuff I'm not sure if we're adding it to this series but definitely the next series we'll have a mask for the whole playr and stuff um I mean for those of you that you know will download this mod if you want to use that face then sure um the eyes look sick the eyes look really cool the rest it looks a little cursed though yeah um I think we'll take that off uh I'm not I'm not 100% sure about that uh right we do have one tiny bit of bad news so you can when you upload the mods you then have to like upload them again for crossplatform stuff so mods that go on console since X chibi got accepted for that we've tried twice with the minia chibi and it's been declined it's been rejected both times they don't give you a reason why but for some reason whoever's in charge of the console mod stuff doesn't like the miniac chibi I don't know if there's someone I can reach out to and talk to if there is let me know but for right now miniac isn't on Console which you know big rib F in chat but I will see if we can find a way to get get him over there cuz I know a lot of you who have never like seen the minia a chibi would really like it and I would love to see everyone like having him around and I don't know I think it'd be really cool so I'll keep trying we'll see if we can figure out what the problem is but as of right now it's not available on Console but if you follow the Twitter and stuff I can keep you all updated all right next thing then so mini XB is sorted next thing I'm going to show off the upgraded house so if we come in here let me have a little drink first open the door as you can see already it's looking bigger uh right Min ex are you in you are in good stuff we have a little balcony thing so before this was the space and then this was the space here it's now bigger so we've still got the normal space around here complete with a balcony which means we have an upstairs we have labels on our boxes I mean am I organized for a change hell yes I am we have all the boxes with all the clothing moving in we then come over this way there's a box with all the ammo in I know some of you are going to be just flabbergasted right now uh I've moved the fridge over to that corner cuz we have stairs there this area is going to be um for some artifacts maybe some other little bits and pieces we have a chemistry bench complete with a flashlight for some reason down at the bottom so we have a chem bench now this leads back around to this section but yeah we have upstairs there's like two upstairs you can come up either way so up here we just got some storage right now but as you can see more labels Saddles so these boxes are just full of saddles that we've created or got from drops over this side we've got weapons so again any weapons we've created or got from drops or whatever we have the grill the industrial Grill which I love I think this is so cool we've got the little frying pans the bacon trays and stuff that's sick here's the balcony where we can just kind of like I don't know I don't know why but when I made this I was like yeah this is I like this I like this weird balcony we've got it's just cool I just like it so um got a grill got a the cooker and stuff we've got a map uh which what I'm probably going to do I might paint and have where everyone's bases so for us our base is here this little Waterway syac lives here uh Evo lives here I think and then Jim lives down down on the coast just here so you got me and sit close together Evo right smack bang in the middle of the the map and then Chim all the way far right yeah that's cool um so yeah I don't know let me know what your thoughts and feelings are on the new little upgrade we do have another outside not balcony what is this called ax what is this called everyone kep telling me uh porch is that the porch we have another porch out the back door which then links around to all of our storage the little Barn there there I was playing around trying to create some sort of gate um so I was seeing if I could get the door frames like a quarter wall door frame put it into the ground and have like a little you know what I mean like a small gate apparently that's not a thing but I've definitely seen someone online do it so I'm going to keep playing around with that but I'd love to have a little like gate opening here but as for now it's just the little walkway we've got one more tiny thing to show off uh what is going on at that is an alpha Raptor okay um okay do we grab uh okay boys let's go crystal is going to get some action right now nice good [ __ ] Raptors and if you can all just come back down here Crystal just wanted a little bit of fighting there we go God damn look at them Raptors uh we have one more thing to show of and that is in here industrial Grill uh the organic polymer Farm is working perfectly I've not touched it you know when we showed him off and the bird was flying around it works if you're just not in the room with it so yeah I was able to create this with being smelting up some metal and stuff so um yeah that's all the upgrades oh one last thing our breeding rates have increased slightly which means egg hatching is a little bit faster which is great cuz right now we've got a Barry with one Health mutation one weight that is it we were struggling a little so um yeah that's that's going to be a little bit faster I believe that's everything I've got to show off today I think so anyway so what we're going to do we're going to head into the actual episode then and that is baso T we're going to go into the ocean and get us a big giant sausage so we do have Cove we also have our shark um we also have something to show off at the Docks I think I'm going to take Cove to the docks and leave them there if the shark is struggling we can switch out and you know do all that kind of stuff but but taming a baso we need the yellow kibble which is either exceptional or extraordinary I forget which is which um or you use mutton now on dodo deck I just kind of looked at this if we found a 150 basso and tamed it with a kibble obviously it'd be quicker but you still get the exact same tamame Effectiveness as you would with just mutton only issue is mutton spoils in like what half an hour so what we're going to have to do is find the baso first and then come back get the m and then go back and find it that's how we're going to have to do it cuz otherwise the mut's going to spoil and it's yes it's it's not going to be a good time so what we need scuba gear uh scuba mask scuba top scuba flippers do I have any other scubba I've not made any of this I think I made this actually I've not made this that was from a drop I made that one actually I made also that one I also made that one why did I make two of both I don't know um I think that's honestly all we need for now okay uh got food don't have to worry about water too much but we'll fill it up anyway don't really want to be drinking the the salt water so miniac are you ready for our first Adventure it's going to be a water adventure which I know you're definitely looking forward to come on we can jump over here got a Spam jump and I can jump over the little fence nice so a lot of you messaged me the other day telling me I need to check my docks um I I've checked them I just completely forgot to put it in the last video but down here oh no no oh nearly Cove you nearly got in there let's try that again um I don't know what's happening what are we looking at where am I right hang on no no one look at that other shark let's pretend like you didn't see that shark and let's do this again hey look we're at the Docks um so yeah obviously this is our shark which I've named Shark this dude is not not my Shark this is syntax shark who parked it here he's been here for a couple days so I've started to charge him uh shark parking his five gunpowder per day so I'm going to see if he honors that when he comes back for a shark but I don't mind Sharon us if he wants to use it and stuff um but yeah he parked out there it is what it is so Cove you're going to chill there Mr shark we're gonna head out you've got meat on you and stuff uh you've also got a level so we got 10,000 Health on you I think that's going to be pretty pogers right let's pop this on this on let as put flips on so we're just looking for a giant swimming sausage F Moodle now they're always covered or surrounded by mans that's why we need some to uh eat them with okay now I know a lot of you what the titties was that noise uh is this just a white drop this is a boosted wi drop I kind of want to grab this I know a lot of you are going to tell me about this uh fog command setting I'm not going to use it uh this is just me my personal taste I like uh what we got in here you know what I'm going to take that drop all of this uh don't need that club either okay um so personally I don't mind that the ocean is this foggy because in real life like you know a bit of realism you can't really see that far in the ocean right like you can't see the bottom I mean like we can see a little now but I don't know I like the realism of not being able to see that much I've seen people use the fog setting and it's just the water's so clear you can see everything it ruins the immersion for me so me personally I'm not going to use it apparently it's not a cheat command it's literally a console command like gamma is so oh there's a Moosa so if you want to use it and you know it makes you feel better then you know feel free no judgment here just me personally I'm not going to so what we're going to do then is we've just got to swim around basio kind of they're not too deep down they're kind of where we are now kind of like this sort of aaish not too deep but not too high up so we'll try and find one uh locate it and then yeah we'll have to swim all the way back and wrap that M let's let's just hope we have no art crashes today last time I was in the ocean we had them AR crashes we've not had one for uh I think what maybe a week has it been a week since we've had the last crash so that's good and you're out of stamina amazing you know what shark I will fight you I want to test our medal let's go let's see what we're doing 1 33 there's a bunch of sharks coming actually uh I think we have a standard shark sadle right that D's doing 51 damage which is kind of crazy 68 now his friends here let's just test the metal let's see how good the shark actually is cuz obviously if we was on Cove we'd be doing like 200 damage or some suppe you might have been M boosted as well where did that shark come from God damn it the shark AG gr range is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a game like they just come from miles out right so that's a 20 that's a n uh yeah we've taken a bit of damage see 21 damage we're doing without any of their mate boosted actually no it says it's plus one why are you plus one is that cuz I'm a shark as well interesting that might be a thing okay this dude's apparently a tank there we are all right let's eat him let's give you a little bit more melee is fish going to heal you better than meat it's also just going to give you a bit of Stam okay so it looks like we can hold our own against a couple sharks now if we came across an alpha that's a different story who knows what would happen there all right what I'm going to do then um I will take a some around see if we can find a baso um I'll bring you back if we find one or if there's any other big updates or if I'm screaming and panicking because someone's trying to eat me and grab me then I'll also bring you back so um yeah wish me look I'll see you in a bit oh we're back and we have found our first one okay ah um a 120 is actually kind of good oh I would have liked to H I don't know that's like borderline like 130 to 150 is kind of like pogers 120 is just on the low side but also still really kind of good especially with like the island levels uh where are we by the way uh red oblisk uh okay where are they gone right I'm so that's right the red obisk I'll be able to find that again okay I thought that was another one then I'll definitely be able to find that again so 120 okay that's kind of good um all right you know what I'm going to search little bit longer I mean it's pretty close to base as well like we'll be able to get the mutton and come back it is dark as [ __ ] down there and I'm not liking that too much okay let me search a little bit longer if I do find another one if that one's lower level then I'll go back for the one 20 it all depends on when we find this next baso I'm just going to find one more could be a Max Level could be the lowest level we find I want to find one more just so there's like a comparison 120 though it's pogers and coggers there's one just there look at that perfect and 15 all right sick we're going to go for the how about that right let me swim back home let me go breed up them office let me go and grab the mutton and then we'll come back and uh T this bad boy up so it's literally like to the left of the red obisk cool all right be back in a minute okay we're back um We've ran into a slight problem number one it is dark as [ __ ] I can't see a thing number two it is extremely cold like to the point I might have to get out of here uh so this is kind of roughly where we were so somewhere in this just darkness is a baso and I need to find a ASAP I just need to give it a little bit of meat so then I can like just track it once we get that first feed it'll be all good or or maybe we wait until it warms up a bit that's aaso just there I can see it dive in all right we found it see it's all good uh it's only 3° now so it's warmed up a bit right so the way we're got to do this is we put a bit of mutton down here I need to get the mans away that's it can find manners um so there's any three of them which is kind of good sometimes it's like it's one you're not even moving around which is poggers um how can I not move all right that was weird I was like stuck on an invisible body 25 all right I'm going to need to chook this in your booty boom okay hello all right what was it saying is that 8% so we're only going to need like 11 of these hogers all right that's good oh hello shark the only bad thing is you just get attacked by everything that swims comes after you in the ocean that's why I don't really like dark ocean every every time it's just a bad time but at least now we have a tracker on the basio which is going to make things that a little bit easier first feed is what's the difficult one um all right so we can pop another one down here uh you also have a level uh into melee nice okay that scared me uh I should probably eat you right cuz you're going to keep scaring me um I'm yellow why am I yellow what I I I just turned yellow some reason all right we ready now uh no still not hungry can I see that when I'm looking at you no okay okay so I have to get off to do this um apparently the ocean's just yellow now that's that's just a thing uh is that another mant it might be at least we're up near the surface though that's nice all right what about now no still nothing come on bro it will like after we've done the first feed or the second one in fact it will be a bit quicker it looks like it's not changed from a ox evolved where when you passive tame some it's just a long wait between the first and the second feed all right back with an update just had to fight some sharks um I can see everything in the ocean now I've not done the console command it's just because it's daytime um right I need this Manta so aggr me or some I will have to shoot an arrow at him uh let me see can I feed you now yep no no no why you do that why you do that stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop okay what did you break I bit the stupid Faso okay we can just try that again now right though okay sh going to come for me are you going to be hungry now okay we fed it again okay but hopefully he's just hungry that whole time God damn it okay it was the stupid dolphin and the the the stupid maner inside of him that was my bad I should have been more patient but um yeah a our uh Morton is what what time's on it left 10 minutes so it was 10 minutes between the first and the second feed which is ridiculous I don't know if it's worth swimming back and grabbing a fresh set of mutton because I think he's full on reset uh 99.8% I think he's full on reset to where it's going to take 10 minutes before he eats again and by that time I can go and get a fresh set of mutton I think that's what we should probably do right all right I I'll give it let's give it 1 minute so that's got 8 minutes left let's give it 1 minute if it doesn't eat then I'm going to go back get some get fresh set of mutton like we're not that far it takes us I don't know 5 10 minutes is to where he'll be hungry again and hopefully his taming thingy doesn't go down you know what I'm going to do it now I I just think that's better it's better than me just following him around okay we are back once again hopefully this is the last time so let's see what's going on with the bass oh he's right in front of of us hello sir uh mutton boom no thingies feed okay perfect right I know there was a shark over there are you going to eat like every 30 seconds now cuz that's what you should do so at 16% uh what is that why does that look like a dead bird might be a man we killed before we left okay so can't really see what's going around oh oh wait wait wa I think I said I could actually feed it straight away I just didn't have anything in me last slot okay let's try yep okay we're in business boys it just had to wait a bit of time don't go down I don't like when you go down stay up near the surface it's nicer up here all right we got two more feeds left uh one more feed left he's going up to the surface which is what we like get some sunlight dude it's good for you vitamin D very very good for the immune system that that's what we want okay uh any second now it's going to want this last one Bo we've got a baso boys nice okay right we need to uh where are we we need to go up this way you're not the greatest color you're kind of just a beigy white color not a huge fan of that but a 120 I I just don't feel like we could pass that up I feel like without swimming around the whole map I think that's probably what we're going to like that's the best we're going to get so is that going to be enough to do the water cave I don't know what do you lot think do you reckon that's going to be enough to do the water cave or do I need to find him a friend do I need to get him um get a little imprint on them and stuff I do like how fast it is though I forgot these dudes are pretty fast look at him like going in and out of the water that looks so cool where him go that's sick all right bass welcome to your new home uh we'll give you a bit of space in a minute uh Cove can we not fall down that hole thank you very much right let's go and see if we have any madeup Saddles we got from a drop that I didn't notice or if we've got any blueprints if not we'll go obviously just a regular saddle now the reason we tamed this by the way I don't know if I said this earlier on but these dudes heal themselves like ridiculously fast which you know when you're like in a cave and stuff and there's things fighting you like I don't know I just feel like that's really good Saddles all right so we have no pre-made Saddles I don't think we have one in here we do a 64 okay good [ __ ] uh let's go CH actually no I'm going to need me scuba gear let's go out and actually have a look if we' got any blueprints for them as well ah I love that I just keep collecting stuff without realizing it uh bass okay so we do have a Mastercraft saddle that is as we say pogers and coggers that's just going to help cuz a normal saddle's 25 armor that's that's over double it that's 64 so more reduced damage yes that is what we wanted boys um all right let's go and test this dude out so yeah the reason we want a basio uh they heal themselves like if they're up near the surface they can heal themselves um they have like good health good Stam good damage they're just like an all around great creature the only issue is oh you also make oil the only issue is if you go too deep with them then um they take damage but you just swim up like I said because they heal themselves so good um all right let's oh you have you have a ton of Health as well I forgot about that have some more all right we should also be a to jump out the water um when this dolphin gets out of the way let me try this so if we go how do we would do that that that's not doing it here how do we jump out the water right click oh it's right click oh there we go all right so swim swim swim we do that again uh can do it in K mode is it one of them things there we are yeah for some reason you can't right click in K mode you have to like right click then go into K mode look at that that's cool all right let's put scuba gear on let's go and fight some nasties and see what you're all about then let's can I bite you no uh what do I just need to bite some to see the kind of damage we're doing so 135 that's actually more than me shark that's kind of crazy all right now how deep can we go before we take damage it should let us know also we're immune to jellyfish things and stuff as well I forgot to mention that that's another reason we want this dude still going down still going down okay I was hoping there was a MOA here I'm sure we saw one right H that's an alpha Meg titties or maybe not maybe not titties there's a jellyfish okay we uh we seem a little weird and glitchy right now but that's fine okay we can definitely kill this especially with a saddle and we can see how much damage it does and then how quickly we heal and stuff as well this is kind of amazing all right here come the jellyfish now I've not tried this so if we get stung off right now this could be bad but let's see what happens yep still immune still immune to the jellyfish that's amazing in oh wait why did it just why did it sound like I needed oxygen then I don't need oxygen right no we all good I do have to be a little bit hello mosa I do have to be a little bit careful cuz I don't know how long this scubby gear is going to last for hello sir what level are you 35 was that okay guess we're finding Alpha megaa I mean this is a perfect test right here now he is going to be Alpha boosted which Mak makes him a bit stronger and a bit more tankier which sucks uh really want to kill the alpha mag first he's very nearly dead oh the SC tank broke oh we at Stam oh this could be bad oh he's doing a lot of damage um I can't move right you need to tank some of this damage a minute sir eat some of this we need to get to the surface I need to get unstuck cuz I can't breathe okay that was bad how far down are we we're going to be fine right just as I'll say my SCU Tank's going to break and it breaks okay we're fine we actually have way more oxygen than I think we do all right I don't think we'll be fighting the most then cuz he can't come up here the alpha mag should follow us though wherever the alpha mag went uh where are you so there you are come on follow me up here why can I see everything now the water so clear it's crazy all right oh no the mo is coming up okay interesting you know me don't come up this like high there's a lot of mantis now as well look at this mosa I think this is literally the closest he can get hey there we go right where was the mosa there he is come on sir I think I can quickly kill you cuz you're nearly dead so 161 F the alpha boost he's not doing that 200 damage anymore no no no no no no come back up here cuz I need I need to breathe you're a beautiful color I think he has some like purple on him or somewh okay now got to breathe again swim up swim up before I die and then I can pump some levels into melee maybe uh we have 24 levels all right let's get that to 25 resting to melee be okay yo look it's the moster on the surface yo how's he gone it's here somewhere oh he went all the way down there real quick yes so I can't follow you there Mr maner can you booger off we're doing 198 damage now now he's long gone okay so let's see about our he healing then so we're having a look 30 I mean look at that for healing that's about eating food can't see when that's in the way and then if we do the food eating like that's healing very very very fast compared to how a normal Dino heals which is crazy oh hello me not and we're nearly doing 200 damage if we can get one more level which we' have probably got from the Mosa who he's coming back he's coming back nice right I really want to just follow you down I don't know if I'm going have enough oxygen stay here yeah yeah stay here come on we got this come on come on I'm e his tail I'm behind him so close to death come on no I'm going to have to go up I'm going I'm going to need air there's another baso just there hang on ni should be the one to kill him come on keep on him keep on him keep on him he goes down so fast hey there we go all where was that other basio I just saw I just want to check the level on that real quick did I give us a level killing the Moa or is it is that it all right what level do you think this one is oh 85 that's not bad actually okay I feel pretty happy the we will be able to get in and out of the water cave now I don't know which water cave it is cuz is there not two on the island I feel like we'll be absolutely fine I think we need a few more levels into it but look we're at 25,000 health I think we just need to put a bit more damage I'm not too worried about the stam need to get a few more scuba tanks as well like I honestly feel like we'll be all right uh we're not going to do it next episode maybe over the weekend or some we'll kind of see how things play out we have a baso boys let's do a jump we that was not a jump that was a terrible jump okay hang on we doesn't do the rainbow we used to have a rainbow that used to be a thing I swear it was squeeze you in maybe that good all right let me take this off I like Scooby gear but not when I'm on land all right so your name is going to be sausage for the sausage party nice uh the female sausage cool all right let's get that off so basio I feel a few more levels into melee and we'll be ready for the water cave minia ax really likes it look at him he's so happy nice all right so what I think we're going to do what are you what I think we're going to do next episode is maybe get a couple verzos I feel like we need to get get stuff ready for exceptional kibble for when we find like of a Rex or if we do see of one of these we want to breed them I feel like that's what we're going to be needing to do so that's probably another step so um there we go a little water adventure turned out pretty darn well I have to say um I think I forgot say start the episode but anyways if you've made it this far you may as well go ahead and whack a like on the video go ahead and subscribe ring the bell never notifications for social medias get an X-Man hoodie grab yourself a server 10% off uh use the code axan down below thank you very much for hanging out I'll catch you in a bit see you laters bye
Channel: The AxeMan
Views: 49,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AXEMAN, THE AXEMAN, AXEMAN ARK, AXEMAN TOP 5, ARK, EPISODE 1, the axeman ark, ARK 1, ark, ark dino, axeman lets play, axeman ark, asa new, ark 100, ark survival ascended, axeman asa, axeman ark survival ascended, asa axe, ARK ASA, ASA CONSOLE, ASA AXEMAN, ASA, Ark, Asa, asa sea, ark basilosaurus, asa basilo, ark water creatures, ark whale, basilosaurus, baslio tame, ark baslio, asa water tames
Id: ZNvY6XvvmrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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