Ego vs Humility - Mike Tyson & Evander Holyfield - Evander's Testimony

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I'm Mike Tyson Mike we've got the champ Evander Holyfield oh how at five-time champ heavyweight champ I'm a real deal Holyfield brother how you doing man I'm doing good what you doing in town man well you're down here for this event yes awesome Abin accent some questions man I just want to first start it off with I think it's awesome that you guys have this relationship that you have you know the battles that you've been through it's like Clash of the Titans with you guys now and talk about a little bit about what your how you got to this point of being friends after some of the viciousness that you guys went through and put each other through I don't know how you tired you explained you know we known each other for long since we're kids you know and I remember that's just stuffing begin the [ __ ] way you know um I started doing the amateur boxing 1980 I won the National Junior Olympics then the 81 I want him again I guess in 1082 I won the National Junior Nationals again and stuff and then I want I guess Ohio Fair but but no I fought some other Championships too and I met these guys I'm a guy from all over Matt Todd Hickman I met um Ricky Womack I mean I'm at all these guys Frank take I miss all these other amazing fighters from different parts of the country and they were always successful fighter the best fighter we'd always known as they enter tournament they were gonna win this and that and we brought one and then one day um I came to the high state fair to fighting that championship and then everybody had said um Ricky one Mac loss Frank take loss never it's like who who beat them who [ __ ] beat oh no some kind a Harley feel holy I don't know it I don't know II never said his first name if you're holy who the [ __ ] is that you know so that was the word gonna that's how I first became aware of him Wow yeah how old were you I was 16 Wow you first heard the name yeah how old are you them what I was I was 20 oh wow I had made you to Pan American game yet that's amazing where did you grow up the vendor I grew up in Atlanta grew up in Atlanta and when did you start boxing start at eight years old I coming in from the football field and oh wow and I wanted to hit the speed back but the man said you got to be on the boxing team I said well I want to be on the boxing thing he said nope and it's for four days he kept saying no then on on that Friday and I looked at and he looked at me and he shook his head and I ran up there in a way and he let me in and told me I don't want you to hit the speed back on what you hit the heavy bag so I hit it with on like in and I've knocked the skin off my knuckles and he still laughed when he saw a laugh and I just kept hitting him like this and he said you're good thank you he said do you know you could be like Muhammad Ali as I'm only eight years old he said you won't always be eight and when he said that I knew next week our gonna be I will gonna be none so I believed it so he asked me what did I think I told Matt I asked my mama he said what I said I kind of asked my mama so he told me he said go ask that good mama that you got and see what she say I said mama she's what I said the white man at the boys club said I could be like Muhammad Ali and my mama said do you know what they gonna do to you I said well no she's they gonna hit you when she said that I looked at her and I started laughing I get three weapons a day all my brothers and sister get a chance to hit me I can't be hit them back so my mom said well well you can't hit them back like that she told me I can get on the boxing team I go and in the bathroom I looked at the mirror and see Evander Holyfield a heavyweight champ of the world it didn't sound good but I said I kept saying it every time I go to the bathroom I like this cuz I really want to make my mama proud and so I go back and tell miss Morgan my mama said I could be the heavyweight champ of the world and he looked at what I said my mama say I could be the heavyweight champ of the world now I'm thinking is overnight agent sees his son sit down let me tell you this I don't have that much time because he was 60 years old Miss Morgan and he said I ain't got that much time he said do you know what panaceas I said and I said no he said hey Cecil cuz I got to know is he's company ain't got that much Sun he said this is what you want a fantasy a fantasy when you want to do something but Jane willing to work at it he said oh so is this a fantasy or gold he's called I ain't got that much time I said well I go it's okay then you fight tomorrow the next day they putting on the gloves and stuff and like that he said he see that kid right there I said yes sir he said when the bell rang I want you to run out that fast you can and hit him in the nose and I said okay so I look at the kid and their coach told him to run over hit me in the nose and so my coach Harvey didn't know what my momma had told him you need to listen father action don't quit now if you don't make him do that then he's not gonna box no more I said okay the bell rang I run out there another kid run out there so the white kid got close to me and he closed his eyes I didn't close my eyes I hit read in the nose and he strike crying he said oh god and I started crying and the referee stopped the fight mr. Morgan get caught up in the ropes trying to get in there and he get through and he says do you know what you've done I said you told me to hit him in the nose they said yeah you took your first step and been a heavyweight champ of the world like this hand Wow and they give me this trophy so when I come home there and I I showed the trophy to my mama and my mum put that smile on her face and she put it on the shelf everybody came in the house with said Miss Holyfield who was the boxer and she would look at she was smile I said that little one right there they said he lived my mama said buddy he can fight and that started off then all of a sudden I went another trophy and another trophy and I my mama like trophies so I finally felt like I was a part of the family because I could do something real well talk about your tournaments when's your first tournament well uh you know of course you know and from that point on I ran by for five fights then then I was helping I get I get I get 12 and this Junior Olympic time then now on fight kids all over the state of Georgia and have fun though you see so many fighters you never knew existed right right yeah then you know you guys and everybody's talking that's such as such that such and such that's such a such a fun when the Nationals twice I saw him win the World Tournament I saw him win the Olympics and everybody names when everybody's winning that the true their badges that they wanted tournaments and your [ __ ] infall [ __ ] he's just a kid he's the best fighter in the world anybody losing them yeah so hey so here it is and my first loss I'm like I fight this this kid now my my brother had told me white boys couldn't fight and I and I thought he was telling the truth because Co all the white boys I played they said Oh God and they like this but I'll dissent my coach mr. Morgan who white told me said are you afraid of this kid here and I looked at him you know this kid was different from the other white kids because he held on velvet truck song and he have his initials and his mom and dad went with it and this how was long another killer huh oh there's other kids had happy he had the short hair and I already said Miss Moore it's mean I said no cuz I looked at him because he white now Wow well godless to how you look and see why so that's what my thinking book being all dissenting the Bell wrong mr. Barton say hit him in the nose why I hit this boy reading a note and he hit me back yeah I'm feeling but so that for the whole the whole town me and him with toe to toe and the bell rung that my first time they were hitting the bell run now they usually call me one knock that one punch Holyfield cuz I I just stop all going all the fighters I stop now all of a sudden I go back to the cone the smartest said what's wrong I see he hit me back he's a welcome to boxing and so I always said go out the second round men this guy go we go toe to toe for a minute and a half like this miss Mark said West wrong I said he hit me in the stomach say heading back in the stomach then I was sent in the third round and the Bell wrong but Marcus said you got to go back out and see who won and he said the winner see Sir Colin and everything just went quiet man Ostra crying and start I start Holland and totally told mr. bargain I didn't like him then why I told her I quit I just said so I was crying and they were trying to get me to be quiet I'm like man I was so mad now all the sudden I told mr. Morgan ain't like him no more and all of this and I quit boxing now go home and I tell my mama and my mama said she didn't raise a quitter so what that means she said you going back and she said I don't care how many time you're losing you going back you don't quit now you go back and so come Monday I went back and that's Morgan ask me sue why are you doing here that's because I said my mama said I had to come back she looked at me did I not tell you you had a good mama so I met even more because I don't want a boxing more it's a miss manga athlete said why were you so crying and angry I thought you told me I could be the heavyweight champ of the world he said well you can still be the heavyweight champ in the world I said I lost he said son you didn't lose they gave him the trophy and he said yeah cuz he got the decision he's and I said well did I mean I lost he did no you did not lose I said then why didn't get me the trophies because you didn't get the decision I said what I mean I lost he said no you lose when you quit you when you ain't no boxer more when you change your mind you ain't no boss no more that's me that you lost cause you quit he said if you don't quit you eventually gonna be the champion it's not time for you to be the heavyweight change the world now today but but I thought that I'll leave was undefeated I thought that's all the way you could be he said it ain't time yet if you don't change your mind you gonna become the heavyweight champ of the world so all of a sudden I go and so it build my confidence up so imma have to fight this white kid again and I fight him and he beat me again and I started crying start crying so I realized that if I tell my mama she gonna she gonna make me go back so I figured I make a sacrifice I won't eat today I won't eat the day and my mum won't ask me no questions so I come home and I take a shower just get into bed and I hear my mom I asked my brother where chubbier and she named chubby yeah my nickname was Chuck that's her and so and my brother said he don't feel good and I knew to have two wrong answer call who gonna tell a good mama that the kid don't feel good and she's not gonna go in there I hear walking boom boom boom boom so I act like I was sleep and she turned on like in she's and I know she had to be holding her hand on the hips and she's just looking and I wonder when she gonna leave but I still blinking and she said but you opening my side knock the mothers are Oh God I said ma'am she said what's wrong with you I said I just don't feel good mama she said you know that doctor answer and she put her hand on her hips and she said who won that fight oh no when she said that I realized that you know if you lied to my mama it ain't over then whenever she find the true few getting a whuppin so I found that I read on lost one shot so I know since again good whoop again so I told the truth I lost she said well okay then you know you got to go back don't you I said yes ma'am sir I realized I got a dead being and went on in the dosage couple my mama don't found out that yeah that daddy that I how that's on reason why I went gonna eat because they ain't wanted to tell you the truth so I told the truth late then all of a sudden then I turned 13 and definitely everything changed what happened because what happen when I turned 13 now they got seasick all it now I was now I would looking for sea Sakhalin because whatever the sea Sakhalin way I went away the same thing hmm so you know we used to fight at a hundred pound so I brought a five-pound weight with me but because I wasn't gonna fight see Sakhalin cause he'd only way board that could beat me that all other way both can't beat but now it seeks the college kid but nobody else now I'm a dancer I'll see to college my brain this five-pound weight so I had for my friends who got on the boxing team because they know whoever went or win the tournament get to go out of town and so this is gonna be our first time standing in a motel so they told us what we gonna do oh shoot man interpreter everybody jumped in there so all my friends hang they ain't bought yet then they don't know that white boys can fight so they don't know that so we we go we go to the tournaments and they go on the way in and they see all white boys so now all descend they say Holyfield we know he gonna be very bored I dipped it up so he said that they said yeah these white boys you know they can't fight so we all win the first night the second night and the third night so all of a sudden we came to the final was that we had to fight two times in one day I'm only used to do that twice a day Gary round fights yeah yeah well so and so all of a sudden Ilyich said to come that evening so they take us to they take us a Burger King so we all had we all had whopper french fries and shakes so the first guy Lou the second guy who's the third guy lose the fourth guy loose so I was the last one they say offender we had cramps that's where I ain't got no cramps they said you're still gonna lose I said no man I would lose but my mama's gonna get me so your mama what's the excuse my mama said if I'd be the only one show up then I have to do it man they said well you gonna lose anyway I said no I'm not so then you know they got a seasick I say he didn't show up the next and then what is his name doing right here I see this kid named and I start crying instantly I couldn't hold back the tears and then they say see you crying already so all the sentence they followed me to the club and table when they get to the club and table they see this white kid they say you see Sakhalin he said yeah thanks you beat him he said yeah you gonna beat him again and he said yeah then they sir I told you gonna lose and I just start crying right in front of that kid I start crying so the people that rented the organization knew who I am and they told me I ain't got to fight him I said no my mama gonna get me they said they not gonna tell uh you know yeah I can try to whoop CSUN I can't try to work my mother oh shoot bad boy whatever my mama said goes so you know what what I did I pray this is how I end up praying for all my whole life because my mama taught me I had to pray and one day my mom was whooping me she she all whooping me too long and I called Jesus and my mother stopped it stopped and she was so mad and she was she was I can feel the heat off her face that she wanted hit me again but she didn't hit me and so so my momma whooping me again one time and I called Jesus she stopped again so I realized I want to win so bad that I didn't care and I just said Sam please Jesus help me and my friends don't start laughing at me say he call the cheese with it and they laugh at me all the way up to the ring like this yes mr. Martin my coach didn't said nothing he said now you know if you cry they gonna stop the fight just do your best and I went out there and I beat him for the first time my first hell yeah from that point on I pray every fight that I lost not another time but that's amazing like how do you feel having him in here I feel violet the interesting feeling I mean so happy that he's here and we could talk about this I wanted to know I had it like he was explaining that Mike don't know anybody was explain why how does he feel about me is talking all that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you know [ __ ] talking [ __ ] I'm missing that I'm gonna do this and it's like [ __ ] reference now that I think about years WWE you created that dude you created that monster those characters let's just talk [ __ ] before the boy always won how do you be so good and being so humble I couldn't keep it around me hmm I think control my ego well you know I really didn't have one my momma beat the ego out of it round up some energy my mama always really liked he didn't ever so interesting my mama telling me oh the same way you went up saying where you come to you come right back down them people mama my mama were telling me that now she told me that the wave of Kangas she said boy let me tell you something going up there coming down you're gonna come right back by them same people don't you embarrass nobody going up there's the cars coming you coming you see something you like that yeah how long you stay up there but you're coming down you're not gonna be that person well you coming back down you know that's amazing they miss that lifestyle the championship lifestyle the planes the mansions the boats and [ __ ] no no you know what my life became great I time I turn 17 18 when I was able to work myself cause once you start making your own money you ain't got to worry about nobody to give you nothing anything that was freedom to come oh yeah I pay my own bills and all this so and you know so my mama talked about how much money that you just make I said me I just made eight thousand dollars a year she said okay and you thought you were doing good what I said well I was doing good compared to compared to the math well then my mama said now you say now $8,000 the pocket change for you right yes see just remember that remember the first time you thought you were doing well that would let you know that hey if you save that mean that you try to help somebody else if you don't save you ain't trying to help nobody else he said that's the point of saving how're you save me you can only help somebody when you got more than enough so if you ain't saving you even plan on helping nobody else so my mom I would say got to help somebody for God dog it is everything just for you just just you live a good gotta look out for somebody else so long as you looking out for somebody else they gonna come back to you anthem melody you know I'll give you all my money too but you got to tell me I'm great yeah tell me I'm beautiful you gotta tell me I'm glad you could take all my money if you Stoke my Eagle you can have it all I'm a sucker how's your life been since you've been champing all that stuff I come out of the house life's been you know if they 10 years old 15 years ago it's up to now life's been a life life's always been great cuz no big thing is made this plan that I will forgive cuz that's all people answers now I don't want you to forget about I said everything that ever happened at some point in time I did it I said I might get me I said nah I bet somebody to thank you for forgiving me thank you thank you it's just one on TV I bet somebody does yeah a bit of guy in the shoulders he dropped me and I didn't know when you have a concussion your bike - I said when I the guy dropped me and I got a and when when when I when I got rid of swinging he grabbed me and I've been a red on the shoulders like this end and it's cozy because as you know soon that might bit me and there's that back then you're doing it for the trophy we've done it for 50 million hours yeah yeah but but the same thing you know the guys said the guy called me and said do you remember when you bent me I thought sure did [ __ ] ah she should've grabbed me already on the show did you take a joke yeah no listen that's been they come I've been on this is so interesting right how many people have paid me money to take pictures by in their ear i recoup my three million ow that was penalized for why would you want me to put your button yeah that's just crazy that's great thank you for it 250 bucks psychotic moments and fun people take pictures they want to bite you or anything you know with me they asked I said no I don't remember for that you know yeah I forgave it I said yeah I forget I love that I think we're making for me you might be in business with we're gonna make some holy ears from some other folks I got a bite taking a little ear with a bite taken out of all the ears we gotta take a mold of your ear Evander well I could do that all right all right this is nuts back then but Mike was crazy back then it's amazing that you guys have just had this relationship you know and you you know watched each other fight and had a lot of respect for each other I can tell you know and then you fought each other twice since amateur to be watching each other fight that's amazing yeah that's amazing and how does it feel now man how does it feel like having that legacy and just you know both of you is if I ever happen to feel like it was a blur to me for making up my whole career baccala me and the kid learning from customers they just disappeared I mean most of the people like probably evangelist some of the guys I thought you know if I don't see them like a Pernell died that was like a piece of me died at the wall I remember him when I started boxing I remember seeing him and yet looking up to them he was such an awesome boxer yeah well you know I thing is is that I always knew that Mike was special because I say ain't no way in the world he don't do things that nobody else is done in life I'm coming for skin color and all you know is I guess is Mike was wait then use uh you know I can understand that but Mike is black and so the things that might have done ain't nobody ever done it in as well so I know that he got a gift you know bite is almost like when I look at the Bible I look at Paul now Paul was killing everybody then let Paul switch up and come they knew how Paul was and so the whole big thing that God used people who who hold a mine is they do what they say they're gonna do I'm saying you know and so so all these things that I see Mike Dossett well I say I see you never ever in your life gonna see people who have done the things that he had done I'm Tom it's Mike like you he likes you it might don't like you he don't like I think that's how to it yeah I'll tell I said that's the whole art of life as a person stable enough to know what they what they like and what they don't like and God use people who that way I'm not your mom my own thing I'm not go sir things I'm not I'm not gonna do cuz I don't do it I just tell a person I'm not like that yeah you know is that what you want to go go ahead go I'm like that Mike is like what Mike like he nobody like ain't no we don't like when people know what they like it though they could be accountable people like being around people accountable to what they gonna do and like that so they so you understand that this is hi Diaz in life I never had no problem with anybody who being the way they are okay you have to wait then they ain't got no just this is the way I am holding okay then I can love you for who you are because all they think of that's what it is because you don't cup that's what life is really about can you like people for who they are then if you know that you don't like it then why you're around them some why try to be around somebody you know that you don't like we don't know all right somebody borrowed I don't want to be round about it I don't like well I just maybe we don't like come but we believe we don't like him cuz I don't why you did why are you here why are you pink aired all this time perhaps um I could put up with people and but that's you know you like my mom always told me she said look these are your brothers and sisters so move away from them give my distant where you won't be continued mad with them because you know you need to get my distance I mother told you know yes kind of got a distance between between you and people that you don't like that sometimes you know you know yeah absolutely you shouldn't fight your brothers and sister cause you know your brothers and sister you know how they are ain't no sense pretending that I don't know how you are so we we don't ever have to fight and we respect each other for who they are and so this is what this is what love to do alright then you don't know we were used to having your weight yeah I go home I ain't gotta spend I know your house we ain't gotta stay in the same house we we go back when when we in a disagreement we split up then when we miss each other that we come back together you know people then you know about who they are not for what you want them to be
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,314,268
Rating: 4.8721199 out of 5
Keywords: Ego, Humility, Jesus, Tyson, Mike Tyson, Evander, Evander Holyfield, Holyfield, Testimony, Podcast
Id: a7Wr7iMlrYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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