Tameka "Tiny" Harris & T.I. Break Down The Keys Of A Successful Marriage | expediTIously Podcast

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we're rolling in three two one now the following experience is not a test the conversations and stories expressed on this podcast are meant to be an expression of purpose and truth this show properly entitled expeditiously is a free exchange of ideas and opinions no judgment no preconceived beliefs no fear you're encouraged to share your thoughts and ask any question as long as it's done with respect through true love and respect for others that we would change the world and speak truth to power one show at a time now without further ado this is expeditiously i'm till tea hours now now we all know that marriage and relationships are not easy surgery to talk about especially when you're talking about it with the opposite sex with that said I've decided to do a topical episode around relationships in marriage however this is not an attempt to give you the same fair tere unicorn approach to marriage but rather have and authentic no-holds-barred discussion about [ __ ] hmm did everybody wants to know real [ __ ] you know saying you might be afraid to ask now given that I have not been one to shy away from critical issues I thought what better platform to have this discussion than my new podcast and who better to have it with then my life partner my matrimonial other side miss Tamika Harris you y'all call a tiny what's going on what's up baby okay so today we here to give them the juice you know what I'm saying we got a lot of guys who want to know why the [ __ ] should they even bother in the first place and a lot of girls who want to know why didn't the [ __ ] can I get married or someone wouldn't know why should they bother in the first place well I think they already know they get half his sheep so we gonna have a nice private conversation just between the two of us and everybody else listening huh but you said that like as if the women or the woman doesn't make no money I'm trying to say that but you said I get had this what a day but traditions you know now we are say yeah there's lightning in the bottle now you know lightning in a bottle there's a unicorn you're talking about the Wendy Williams situation when do we husband is probably the only one walking we would half of anything listen beautiful take your drink okay the whole thing I like taking the whole thing yeah see that's what now that's what got you married let there be a lesson to you ladies you know a lot of a lot of ladies I mean right now I do agree that right now I even I even really somewhere they say the happiest group of people a single black professional women well I wanted to speak on it okay and I think did they say because you know black women are so educated and accomplished and focused and driven they're like right now they just ain't got time for it [ __ ] [ __ ] no more you know what I'm saying that's what they did this thing so it's a lot to put up with and when you uh black single one man and you're doing your thing you run y'all [ __ ] yeah and we'd like to kind of be in charge yeah I like to be in charge okay what we do like a man to take charge to see now you gotta make you matter no you can have you got to make you mad no I think that everybody I think that the the the point of matrimony is is is to to develop a team yeah and do more with the team then you could individually of course in order to have a team you have to have roles responsibilities and and you know people have to have actual purposes and understand the purposes and played a position if you had everybody on the team trying to do everything the other person doing then that's an ineffective team so that yes I think with a lot of men are afraid of I should say they're apprehensive about developing a team with someone who don't want to be a team play well that's that's if you want that team player to be like take lesser roads because sometimes you might find a player that's you know just is equal to do some of the things mm-hmm that you know they're mill okay now how come he couldn't have been that to me I wanted to do something that that the woman was like what if you know what I'm saying yeah why let's not make it gender specific okay because I think well but now we don't okay and that's another thing let's not harp on old topics people listen you know let's deal with it and forget it unison forgive and move off into the future with better understanding of one another yeah to properly evolve in advance especially as a team I think that a lot of people would hmm how can I say now I want you to remember this is a no-judgment zone you know I'm saying so don't judge us and we won't judge you now that is to the listener okay so we gonna kick some real [ __ ] you know I mean is there anything that is off-limits for you is there anything that is obvious awful name is you know saying any things you think we shouldn't be talking about no no good me neither so first question how about telling the world how absolutely fabulous it has been to be married to such a small debonair ravishing wonderful man now I'm thinking I'm just kidding but I can't tell everybody how my greatest being to spend the last nine years with such a tolerant woman I will say she is very tolerant not very patient but she is very tolerant and and an accepting of I am within my transition I will say that and that's important because a lot of women won't mean to come already ready they wanted to come already fixed in County you kind of got to give a man a little time to kind of work the rust off don't you think that's true but I think a strong woman can also help you know help with that process like help influence by not trying to influence by just doing being great are you talking my running game no just been great being great at what you do and making him want to change without making him do it man do you know they say none be to double cross but the triple cross Ness she said you know say I'm making him want to change what you want him to change without telling him you want him to change you yes Jedi mind-trick should you do that to me okay man so that was really a trick question you know so I wanted to see how eager you would be to share the truth with the people obviously you want to keep that to yourself so let's start with a basic question tell me of your understanding because you grew up you know with your mom and your dad and how they were married you know what I'm saying and so you grew up around matrimony around marriage and you have the first-hand examples so she tell me and the rest of the people listening in your opinion why did people used to get married I mean I think people got married because they were just in love you know I think it was more so about love back in the day you know because they had a lot of things to fighting games you know speaking about my mother and my father they would spike the fighting against racial you know racial issues yeah being interracial couple yes and you know him being a black man her a white woman you know they had in the 60s they had difficulties you know he was getting locked up because he's riding with a white woman yeah he did mr. speed to me is way way like like a too cool to go to jail kind of guy yeah yeah you right he didn't stay in there long okay so in your opinion I'm sorry you want finish no and that's what I was getting to that's what I was getting to because from then to now like why do you think people get married today well I don't know but I'm gonna tell you I would never forget that you know when I was about 16 15 years old okay ain't Joyce Candy's mama told me do not marry for love Mary for what'd she say Oh security security yeah and I didn't understand that at the time but I think she you see nobody had that conversation with me see me and this is the first thing right see women are being trained and conditioned from children you understand what I'm saying this young lady said at 15 years old Oh like an old G you understand that Oh G gave her the game and say listen here young lady you're gonna fall in love but forget that you know you marry for security and lifestyle and your will and your way of living never did for you now some you know I was blessed to be able to have both mm oh you are a sorcerer of words okay so you say you was able to do both yes okay man I'm happy I was able to provide you know a diverse platform of matrimony for you now is it you to be married with money you think I've never been married outside of money okay no no but I you know back to what you were starting to say about the black women I was told that women that more successful than their man I'm happier in all right right you say you heard yeah I could see how that's possible that was the same article that I mentioned earlier yes they did say they're women who women are marrying down now you know because of their success and they don't want anyone or anything to impede on their progress you know understand so you know like very successful women usually a very successful woman would take the time to try to find somewhere as successful or more successful as her so you know I'm saying she wouldn't be the breadwinner and but now it's like women are much more comfortable being the breadwinner and you know and carrying the load and as I you know you know trying to like women are trying a role reversal of sorts now are we trying nothing we're just doing what we do best you know which is what getting well pick one and see it you know with showing I tell them we give mine I tell it to you know the world and letting everybody see how gifted we are I mean that's wonderful because you know of course we are both creatives and you know we both have talents and ambitions and that's great but let's talk about like when is like would you not like would you not sacrifice like a great opportunity or great like job or occupation but but like for for the sake of love what this is what I was saying you know women that marry down seems like it's for love because no it's for convenience no it's it could be for love because friends I have friends that they they want to be with a [ __ ] who ain't got no leverage to be able to tear them [ __ ] goddamn it when I tell you take the [ __ ] trash out you take the goddamn trash out that's that's a that's a plus they also intend to put them in position to be very powerful what you mean put the women to put the mean women that marry down sometimes put their man in position to get be as powerful overpowered that woman right but they were powerful then they were yes okay I understood it but that speaks from the perspective of that see man like why he would enjoy it he enjoys it because she gives him a certain level of power and influence that he didn't have before but what is it that she enjoys she enjoys the love and the attention to affection you know them catering to her because she it's so she's making things happen giving them out of good sex you know whatever it is may be second very mmm I'm not saying that the woman that mare's down don't do nothing cuz she still running she still like the breadwinner she steered may come home he cook for you do you sex and do everything here you six make sure you see that's the thing make sure you please whenever you are you know see you can't be rationing out still tell me what you're gonna give nobody because you know what's your sex box you guys and then I'm the rest of it is mines you know saying we could split right down the middle little what they called it the the the the is it the you do you view look the uvula yeah yeah that's the living okay so so we got the clitoris the labia and it's the UV what is it the uvula you've you I can't remember damn damn Anatomy but what I'm saying is is half mass yeah but a woman don't get you heard of my habits on the inside don't even have sex anymore a lot of Shh well that's a bum deal they get and that's crazy to me that is I'm talking about you know because those are one of the things that you should always want to do for your man we can't just talk about for your man and for yourself what I'm saying a lot of times the man you know they wake up like that they go sleep ya know willing no you signed a verbal contract we've had a verbal commitment now then you have witnesses it's a priest here we and we have a verbal commitment that what about a bourbon commit me does it still stand when you gone out of town and I won't it and I can't get it which takes us to our next subject your speech is far too clear and concise please thank you very much inebriated is imminent I mean now I've always heard this as an idea you know people always say it to me especially you know I'm saying young guys who are considering marriage are in a relationship and they girls want to get married and you know they always asked me how do we do it you know I'm saying specifically how do I do it you know they could they want the male perspective and they think that it's easier to be married for rich people now when you remove the barrier of money and success you can move however you won't steal I know it's not true to me you know I like to believe when both parties can move free they're only together because they want to be is that true that's true if you could do anything you wanted where I could do anything I want in the world but we choose to be together it's not because you need me because I'm providing a certain lifestyle for you I need you because you provide a certain lifestyle for me it's because we made a conscious decision that this is where I want to be and what I want to be doing I agree with that I think those are the healthiest relations but I think that you know also the relationships they don't have a lot of money but they're just maintaining probably pretty happy to you know what they are you know why because the men have much less options and that's why the woman is more happy [Laughter] yeah you do you want a man nobody want with you but I mean you know it sounds good sounds like a healthy life for a woman yeah she won't know man yeah only she won't somebody won't you know people just desirable you know what I'm saying you want to feel like man so much and nobody wants them but you still desire them because this is what you only way that's gonna work is if you don't know don't nobody else alone if you desired this man you want to feel like man he could be anywhere else he want to be with anybody but he choose to be with me yes sound good yeah yeah that's what about you but if he's not on display you would never know that nobody really wants him there on display for everybody to pick and choose for him and he just go on living a normal life you know what's on it surely what does that mean display like you know out there for everybody be like oh look it's all so surreal social media everybody's kind of it depends on what you do what does it mean depends on what you do cuz even though you out dang you ain't doing nothing about they overlooking it they looking for the ones they didn't know doing it's not bad but maybe some people can't be overlooked daddy knows that was this doing something what wait a minute not necessarily hello you doing something what I'm doing you know TV oh you mean I don't know anything about you tell you man if I coach you back in your escape day I'd have been getting fluid out you wouldn't have mattered peckerhead and even grown time maybe you better ask somebody about me but ask somebody about you okay well you know it window got a many when it went then touch your nose up at beg Dean I don't know well you feel that nicely as well have you no thank you yeah you quite slim and petite I'm still am a petite oh no you look chunky monkey now yes that's what I cultivated you know like I worked hard you know I'm talking midnight hours you know pounding babies in there pounding and pressing and you know most softening and you know making it would you did it I wanted it to be yes I did Oh mm-hmm well thank you you've been oh no no no thank you now do you think that today's music and pop culture in general has anything to do with how people think about relationships and marriage I think yeah it could be a distraction a lot of hoes and [ __ ] and you know got to do anything me what I'm saying in the songs like oh gosh there's no real love in the songs these days y'all don't want to hit you I won't here I don't want this [ __ ] listen man I be seeing more [ __ ] mo girls sing the most derogatory records that's what I'm saying everybody's getting away from the love the music is [ __ ] everybody up let's see the but listen if there's no market for it then it will not be provided to the market you understand what I'm saying the way the child gravitate to it and I will also add you say you want a certain type of man this is most women you say you want a certain type of man but you continuously allow yourself to be attracted to them the antithesis but that's been going on for life forever you know ever since you were like in grade school you started you know started dating you always like the bad guys never liked the ones that's sweet and giving y'all attention when will you grow up older and you wonder why you learn you know I'm saying that's not the way to go what you got to go through it you do yeah you got to you got to go do it you know cuz I try to tell my daughter's my nieces and stuff to say anything you know they they don't like it either oh he too sweet he did is he did I would like you should want that but then go get it today get you know older and they get you know doll down and man treat them like [ __ ] man I go on it what you mean treated like [ __ ] I mean okay now listen don't give me my feelings okay what you mean payback for doing this side typers they get payback for doing okay it's kind of things that they do to women when their daughters grow up it's like a listen to lies I'm real okay listen let me get there let me tell you something right it's all about your actions it's all about your actions like for instance you you have an opportunity let's say it's a young man who did everything right to every girlfriend he ever had and he grows up and he has a daughter but he stays out on the road doesn't really invest any time into his daughter's life then the good that he did before he had a daughter is not gonna keep his daughter from sucking cucumbers I'm trying to tell you no matter it works in the reversal so no matter how bad you did women before you had a daughter as long as you invest the time effort and energy into your daughter's life you got to put those that prevention program I know that's what it you know information and lets them see you know how to deal with things but that doesn't mean they're not gonna go through it so you just saying there's just some you know some unidentifiable reason for girls to go through things and enhance their relationships with certain guys based on what their father did no I'm not saying that karma is constant and but it but the thing is it's happening everywhere to everybody example let's say you do me wrong right you do me wrong now people mostly gonna say that you got karma coming to you but I obviously had some karma coming to me I probably did somebody wrong some other time and that's why I got there had to be done wrong by you right and so later on you can be done wrong by somebody who probably had been done wrong by somebody before so so it's not like just people talk about karma in one direction you know I'm saying the person who's giving out the undesirable energy is going to receive undesirable energy but what about before that what about before that what about the person who received the undesirable energy and what they did to deserve it early your own it's just gonna happen I mean I don't think that you know I think there's some kind of ways to prevent some things but and I remember now I do remember this right and we all know I have like you know buy one of the most unorthodox since a few senses of humor and then that that most difficult to understand I put a post up and the post was saying that okay so the post said there it was a woman speaking okay and she was talking about how women should address the elephant in the room of how things change after we say I do and that elephant in the room is what continues to make men more afraid or apprehensive about getting married so I posted there and I said hmm now it's interesting to hear a woman say this because I myself hear this all the time from young men about marriage and their concerns about marriage and you jump down my throat alone every other woman and say how could you speak about your marriage not talking about me so but now that we're here and and this is a judgment-free zone you know what I'm saying I feel like it's a safe platform it's I'm in a safe place we can talk about this what is it that makes [ __ ] change when people say I do honestly I thought their posts you know was irrelevant to me because I don't know nothing about that I don't feel like things changed I feel like what a lot of people say when they get married the biggest thing that I hear when people get married they say that they don't have sex anymore that's the biggest thing I hear from American couple yeah that's terrible experience that so and you never weep I don't know anything about this so I feel light in this matter I don't feel like it's been a real change i'ma be not ever whole you get wherever I could fit baby whatever I can fit this way i'ma get you understand me those eyes are you talking about some Saudi boy so you think that the six is the key I think sex is the key in conversation interest you know Trust is a unicorn in today's it is you know but you know you gotta have got to be able to communicate now one thing I think the Trust is such a unicorn is because all the excess we have into other people and so many different you know backpacking thing you know saying you you you had to be around somebody to know where they had going on right you had to be in this person's face I had to be in Miami to know what's going on in Miami I had to be in New York to know what's going on in New York now you roll out of bed say god damn that's what they do in his fame true and so that it creates that bit of curiosity that makes some people think could the grass be actually greener am I here in Greensboro South Carolina and I could be somewhere over in Malibu California and this is what I could be exposing myself to Oh horny hound dogs cuz if you have someone that you love and you've already been exposed to some of those same things then that's what you should be on you shouldn't be looking at this person like oh they got the same sheet on this person you already we got going on this is a safe place but look what we doing is we trying to break through the barriers dig beneath the surface and you know and and uncover the minutiae of this [ __ ] so we can help other people find yeah that's what we don't see because we already know what it's like we didn't pay me now you did what I'm saying so we ain't including ourselves in the discussion only our experiences like for instance how could we get someone who isn't married I can't we get them the tools they need to go out there and get themselves if only we could find some yeah here yeah Deena Deena you're right there Jean Mary come here man Deena come over here you have been notoriously single and we would like to we would like to help you because we feel that you are a accomplished you are a intelligent you are a competent capable driven young lady without a husband so I would like to know why is it there you think you're single what is it about the dating pool that you think is keeping you from landing the big fish well that's a good question tip thank you for bringing me on okay let's talk about this so I have a couple of comments cuz I've been listening to what we're talking about okay could you start with your question I'm sorry um so I think times have changed where there is number one a lack of real men left there's a lack the pool is getting smaller and smaller this year that's true I think that people's concept of marriage and staying together for life is different I think that especially in America people who do get married don't often see divorce as like the first option rather than trying to work through that actually works in your favor could that be somebody else to lose date who's in the D and never get you more chance more opportunity man you win so we trying to figure out how people just break out easier they don't work on it because the relationships are work they're hard work so they just rather oh I'll just go to the next person cuz there's so many people so that is so true but look though but so you're saying that you have had me and you run em off actually get to it I think that maybe she works a lot you know I'm saying that she hasn't had a lot of time to do it you know know that when I was younger I was very focused on my career so I wasn't really interested in being in long-term relationships with people I was just dating around gosh but now that I'm a little bit older and I'm I'm in a different place in my career I want to be in a long-term committed relationship with one person but and I want to get married and I want to have children okay but but that just ain't like the way it has shaped that but why though what is this listen you are a young attractive accomplished young lady so that's why so mind boggler why you don't have a mate so I'm trying to figure I think that women have caused the issue and let me tell you why Oh talk that [ __ ] do you know I love what you saying that love would you go but just let me just say I think women have devalued themselves in the edge away they have made it to where men don't have to even work hard to get a woman anymore they have made it to where back in the day people got married to start families they got sometimes I mean honestly I just watch this whole video where it's called the economics of sex and what it is is that with people getting married they got married younger because they had to have children but oh well that was the whole kind of what you was talking about 1960's earlier they they would get married to have children but now with birth control being so accessible hmm people don't really have to get married anymore right to do that and people also I didn't get married to have children well I didn't get married and I can't relate to it but I'm talking about your life in a day how far like before I like sixty seventy sixty seven and so you know that was kind of the thing so national my dad who grew up in the fictive he my daddy were born in 1930 he in the fit in the fifties he was in his twenties in the sixties he was in his thirties and the semanas he was in his forties had me at 50 years old in 1980 he died at 72 single never been married my mama right now never been married so well I came from a family my parents were together for 40 years and the only reason they're not together is because my dad passed away but I came from did your mama remarry she would never remarry seeing my see that's what my culture they don't remarry like once you are a widow that's pretty much the way it goes now in America is a little different but I also want to bring this point up okay because I'm from the Middle East you don't come here I think that American women in their their goal to be so independent and their goal to be so equal to a man I don't agree with because this is what I believe right I believe as spiritual beings we are equal right American women is equal but I believe that men and women do have different roles right I believe that has gotten very cloudy I get it because of women feeling like they don't need a man they can like a man they are independent they can do what they want to do and they want to control the situation I don't agree with that okay I actually believe that the man is the lead of the relationship okay the man is in charge and a woman is submissive to the man well that's because you come from the Middle Eastern because in the real world in America we're not going to okay okay but you know nowadays you know it's things a change and I feel like the man is the you know he runs the household but at the same time the woman should the woman he the mansion have to step in until it's like you know uh you know now we gotta figure out you know is this right or make sure everything's taking care of the kids the home you said assume a certain level of authority and a mansion in a field with their this is the way I wanted to go but at the end of the day there is an argument or a disagreement the man has the final word in my world I think I agree with that okay all right but does it but but we are you know what I do think you know I do believe that women should be considered equal but opposite I don't think that you should be in a relationship with a woman I don't think you should be in a relationship with a woman a woman trying trying her best to go out her way to do the [ __ ] that you doing and I don't think that you should go out your way to be trying to step on her toes and do this I think there should be equal opposite Authority in the relationship absolutely it equality ain't the problem it's just that it's just like two cars can't go the exact same speed in the same lane go just as fast and something else not in this particularly absolutely and I think the bottom line is with women is we want to feel protected we want to feel secure right and we want to respect our man respect is like the top of the list if you don't respect that man you're not gonna listen to him you're not gonna go with this lead you're not gonna you know it's like that's where it causes so you ain't found no man that you could respect I mean I guess to a certain degree it you know I guess not I mean I have had men that I respect I'm just saying in a long-term committed relationship I need to know that he's gonna lead me to the right but you don't know that you have to step out in faith we do you have to step out in faith you don't necessarily know that he ain't gonna come with a sign say I'm the one saying and it don't always come in the shape form and fashion that you envisioned it so you have to step out on faith now your connection with God God gonna have to send you send a spirit through you and say you need to try this one step out on faith but at the same time you also gotta learn and know what kind of man you do the way you know that takes time and we help with the port the man because you gotta get there first you got a land one and then you get did you have the respect for him then everything else is built from there I think if you respect him like off a GP then you work it through with everything else it's not like I need to know where he's going I just need to know that I I just that he's yeah I trust this situation yeah which brings me to my next question for you what made you certain that I was doing well I mean maybe the way you I felt like you were very protective I felt secure you loved me like I felt loved and my doggies dad no I mean I loved everything else about you so you know like you're pros outweigh your cons I mean that's a good point no I would just like to take a little time I just I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I would like to just take a little time to speak on behalf of my doggystyle it is an excellent dog astaire about the way and she loves it I don't know what kind of propaganda is being spread on this platform so all of you young men and women just understand that this is the time well you have to live and let live see I'm going what you're gonna do is when I'm gonna do I McCall position I'm a coward is holding a grudge so later on when the mics is off and you need what I'm saying she will beg for mercy there's a time and place for everything yeah I guess there are I think one one main thing the main thing that you touched on the topic that you touched on is women you feel like women have diva oh absolutely seal so what they're doing is like the man doesn't have to work for anything anymore I mean the women are pretty much just laying it out on a table for him yeah on a silver platter there's no courtship there is no like the men don't even have to be gentlemen anymore it's like women are just like here here it's like I'm gonna give it to you and for no reason like it's cloud chasing whatever it is whatever's going on and I think that they set the tone so women set the tone for the man so if a man doesn't have to work hard for it he's not gonna work hard for it he's just gonna be when he can take yeah and then they don't those girls but do you know why though there's a like of course we could say social media the internet access and yada yada yada yada yada but there is a real breakdown in numbers mathematic real like a lack of real men left wait a minute wait just whoa you're saying there's more women I'm saying that mathematically okay let's just say in Atlanta alone I think that the ratio has been called at 22 to to 120 okay let's say 29 yeah 23 to 123 women for every one man in Atlanta what you Leah Dena I don't know a lot of diseases well you wanna dance murder yeah okay yeah you got that right - you got that you got that right - but okay okay let's get past it let's get past it we can come back here later so 20 3 2 1 so let's just say Dena Dena has to fight 22 other women off to get this one man and if that's the one man that we are talking about because we got a way down it's 23 to 1 just man now by man you just mean gender you know what I'm sayin so now what we have to first of all we have to talk about the incarceration rate if we took a but we look at how many me and unconcentrated that may hike it up to 25 to 1 ok and then if you look at the the men that a derelict that don't work and don't have any way to support themselves and can't support another woman and you know don't really deserve I guess a certain type of woman's attention that might take it up to 27 to 1 and then if we talking about the mean that don't really want a woman anyway because they want another man I mean right so now you might go up to 30 to 1 correct and as Tameka just pointed out you got guys who you know they may be infested or infected with something so now you don't forget about the married ones because then you got a wait wait a minute wait a minute now you might go up to 30 31 32 to 1 and then like you said you got two married ones that takes half the pool out ok so now you might be up to 34 35 to 1 what kind of battle of so now if you had a man one man to yourself but wait now I'm glad you said you got to keep them in hold on tight but if you had one man to yourself knowing it is up to 35 to 1 and that man go out and do something that was not in your best interest and you don't like it give me an example okay let's say he let's say he went to Miami and he slept with four people I'm just saying hey hey what kind of man you want do you own a man naked only hair one more minute do you own a man that could go get okay look I'm just saying I'm saying come on it's a hypothetical okay so I so he goes he sleeps before he I got it I got it but so he goes he goes and he sleeps with it that's the hard truth that we have to we have to discover so he goes to sleeps with four women and he comes back you finds out about everybody all your friends know you everybody called you yeah I can't believe it can you did you see him it was on Instagram booties boom boom right but just to keep to keep the Train on the track right okay so he come back he come back and you are livid you are disgusting you can't stand you but you just said you got to hold on tight net 3501 now okay so that's a very important question yes it is do we have children are we married hmm all these shoes change yeah yeah yeah we dream man you got children he literally ass is mine for a moment and once in my hand he lost his mine in Miami first let's just say drugs were involved he was Annie Brady alcohol yeah okay so he comes back okay dude you kick him out do you break up with him do you get a divorce but I know the first thing before you decide any of that you're gonna chew his ass out real good tell them about itself and the first thing you said don't say is I can't believe you would do this to me how selfish you have been right but in actuality Dean you have one man to yourself and it's 34 other women that did it ain't got in there so what the [ __ ] do you expect them to do who's really being selfish Deena the man because I just don't know how many know other people into where a lot there you go that's the hope that's the hurdle we must overcome but Deena to get a husband really that's the hurt he gonna run off to Miami and he gonna eat pho booties and he gonna come back and then she go so we got to make sure that we get the right man women I mean it's really let's go back to the women there might be less problematic if you find one with a little one if you had like a nice and we see one if you have a man with an eensy weensy when they get guess with if you can learn how to work that if you can work that to your satisfaction that is an acquired skill that no one else has developed you have curated that talent for yourself I think we would be in a relationship because all of those things would be set satisfactory to me so I don't think we that would be I think you deserve that much and more than you know but but sometimes you have to walk through the woods to get to the other side of the path okay you're gonna give me the real scenario I wouldn't just divorce him okay I would probably go to therapy okay I mean of course I have to chew him out make him feel real bad make sure he knows that I take but then figure out are we moving for it or when I'm moving for it I know who's gonna decide that you go ask him we'll be moving forward or like I mean we gotta sit down I really figured this out because clearly he went to do something that was out of where our our understanding and what if you say didn't you let me eat your booty so I had to go and I had to find somebody to do oh that's it that's an excellent question so that's an excellent question because I actually get that point you have to look at pattern and not words okay and it's more about action in other words because if he keeps saying I'm sorry I'm not gonna do this again and then he keeps doing it you clearly have what if you say I'm sorry but I got a problem you still love me I know I have a prob I'm gonna help him work it out but I might have to go find somebody somebody doesn't have a problem what Dana wait a minute 35 to 1 that to remember how long it took you to find him so you mean Sam you just gonna discard him throw him out to the guy but you go and begin your search on you shouldn't really be getting married until like around at least 30 because like before that they need to experience life they need to go out there and I think experiences allow you to know what you do won't don't know in a relationship and that can kind of it can navigate you through a lot of [ __ ] I do believe that Tameka she brought up a great point if it's the third or fourth time so if it's if it Tameka brought up a great point if it's his third or fourth time that brings me to my next question one guy 30 chances or 30 guys one chance guys one chance do you end up with the phase xxx the one you stay with yeah I mean with the first option one got 30 chances so why do you miss if it's gonna be a third a fourth chance we're not talking about what we want we're talking about what we need right now what Dina needs is a man so what we're gonna do is we're going to create the hypotheticals that suit the situation one man thirty chances I'm gonna be pissed by the 30th chance it's gonna be like I understand you know what they say you know they say the 30th time's a charm now listen I what I want to do I want to create I want to create the worst-case scenario for you clearly because this is like see that's what I'm doing in such a horrible picture that when you meet someone the problems you face won't seem that bad you went straight to the booty I know because most dreams it's its worst extreme its worst extreme now the worst thing you could do is go and spend money go and take booty okay we look that we need a male perspective I have my buddy ace here have a seat next to Dina let's see okay ace isn't that single but he is sitting next to dinner and it is I don't know what the Memphis I don't know what the damn did the the Memphis ratio is but I think it's like 17 17 or 17 18 1 iku so his old lady got a little forgiving in her too so let's get you know oh she say come over no I'm saying like some basic you said you've read your house well I'm not gonna get on you know well I got to keep it real I try to run my house but I try to do it further that's right even though I'm the head right my wife is the knee that's right I like that you I like that I can't said of me you can't turn or twist without it without her that's right well I still running that's right you know yeah it always be there well how cuz you going straight to heat because I hurry it down burn it down is wicked this week at the same time you have to be fur too you do have to be found I think that what that's what has been done so improperly over the years I think that men have had the opportunity they've had the the leadership position they've had an opportunity to run the house and they've they've done such a horrible job inclusion you know what I'm saying equal inclusion for the women that the women said man [ __ ] this [ __ ] ain't Jeff in the front behind no more [ __ ] about I can go out here I can earn my own money and I can but they still have a very empty place and we trying to feel that void see not to make it what Tameka gonna do is she gonna say now [ __ ] is the most happiest so if you got a woman XA [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm gonna go get my own [ __ ] okay so in that time in that time he wasn't Mary and that's how what you mean I went man when you wasn't mayor I myself how about a break okay okay during that time let's see it [Music] but I had no I have milk company but I didn't miss it either that was a face I really did it was I was goddamn kicking it I was going where I want to go I was you know I'm saying I had I was having fun time you had a vacation Windom I am and didn't eat no good that's all you did you had a vacation all right every friend around you if they're not married they want to be married no I have one well it was created to be married happy not she had the right man but she just told me she want a white man with a lot of money with a little dick two days go do what he wanted was she cool that's the kind of [ __ ] she ain't gonna do now she doesn't she's not alone women are reducing themselves she's not happy in contempt because she's been in so many bad relationships that when she got into the relationship it was great like oh he's so protective and then it got over bear like oh you didn't you ain't cheap but this [ __ ] get on your nerves so it's like okay I'd rather be without it if that's what imma be if I'm gonna be treated as I'm doing a crime every day and I'm gonna get I don't know what how you gonna be I don't know who you're gonna be when you get home cuz you think I'm doing what I'm not doing have you ever heard the saying it's better to be loved did not love it all but can't he be loved by someone else she can be loved by millions of people other than to have a man to feel hope I do believe speaking from Dina's perspective I think that you you are incomplete and somewhat empty in the most experience but your life is more enhanced when there is somebody else to share it with that you love and you're in like so you staying in it for the keys oh I'm one man that has kids and that was in a bad situation she can do without because I got my oh how to appreciate you like to be where you are you know you know okay God to forgive seventy seven times ten is it okay can you forgive seventy seven times don't forgive I will give you I would not forgive him I'll forgive you but I'm just saying it's public opinion because me are not frowned upon when we make mistakes or we make a bad disease which is not agreed by Oh women when women do a society it's not it's not our fault society frowns upon society like hoes but men know they like to play with hoes but there's no last thing a real man don't want in the corner says a real man that was Deena's dad with Deena's point as to your point Dean if you see I've got a lot of room in they looking for the hoes and they marrying him it really men don't know how to forgive a woman for stepping out usually typically they don't allow it I mean they don't they sure they don't take her back it's a double standard like we finna go plat on this [ __ ] Oh to anybody I mean just because you know you can only speak for the experience of the female perspective that you that you associate with I know me who take more stuff out there with me yeah I would ever do right right I do too so it goes but I know I know me who are kind of like very passive and [ __ ] when it comes to that kind of stuff kind of like Don't Ask Don't Tell I don't want to know there maybe it could be because they're doing everything or it could be okay love is great we was designed to do that yeah make some love and be loved we definitely will nourish a like I feel like today you know more so than it was maybe back 10 years ago marriage is becoming cool because a lot of guys nowadays want to be married yes but it is she they want to be it's cool like out of you know the artist and you know back in the day was I oh I can't let no man who I got a girl you do some questions you know what I'm saying oh and there's one more thing before you jump in I have to say this as you were talking about it earlier but i would rather what future said I won't rather I'm not gonna be crying in a Nissan I just want to point that out oh so you had the grin of rows work absolutely every single day I think that is so you rather cry in a Rolls Royce then smile and aneisa well I didn't say smiling any Sun if I'm gonna cry I don't want to be in a needless I'm gonna cry in a roll hey understand I'm gonna smile I feel and cry in a rolls-royce I'll take the smiling in the Nissan okay gosh okay all right now let me ask you this question and this is for both of the ladies at the table is it okay you'll upgrade the new thought later is it okay to confide in your Brit is it okay to confide and your best friends about your marriage why or why not depends on what if your best friend is married if they know some of the same things that you going through if they've been through some of the same things if you could trust them it depends on who are you talking about you know some things are not for everybody want some advice it's best to go get some advice from someone that knows some of the things that you deal with on a regular or by being married and I agree with that but I think some things are sacred that you never share about a relationship with people and you keep that to yourself because what you don't want to do is now have people forming judgments about the person that you're going to still be with you know sometimes you can't tell if it's perfect that's the thing if it's publicly and you know then this if the average person walking down the street has you know awareness of it then the best friend you know of course my pastor blady River it was he said in marriage your husband or wife's biggest failures should be your best kept secrets yeah of course I agree you know what I'm saying so that's one and that goes back to what I said in the beginning a marriage is the idea of two people coming together to form a team right so now you guys have a team even if the team ain't getting along even if the [ __ ] ain't going the way you wanted to go but if it's a team then you don't take the team business and go outside the team is still talking about that's just happy right well so those there are things you know key things that you don't discuss with anybody like if it's something that you know your husband or your wife wouldn't want anyone else knowing of course that's something you keep to yourself mmm-hmm you know if there's something some small things like you know how to deal with him like not coming home or something of that nature you can talk to someone help you you know digest everything that you're dealing with cuz sometimes you just need to talk about it and then you can move forward from it right now let me ask you something - Myka since we have Dina here and she's in dire need of advice what is one piece of advice that you can give Dina in women like Dina to keep the flame going when she finds a man so she can keep the flame going you gotta be open-minded to you know just trying to find new ways to keep your love hot you talk about and you talk about you love how do you lost her cuz I think you need to keep you lost hard to keep you definitely got it I mean yes you yeah I think it's important to just you know if wanting to be in love you know cuz you can love I love anybody like you can just relationship and family they don't tell me they don't be alone you have to come to the but you can love multiple people at one time but you can't be in love we talk about intimate you can be in love I don't think I think I think I can I think we could be active because we see you know why because the everything's great when is new so when you find something new you're doing something new you just be all into you thank you you just be so gone you know you think that anyway you know the man probably knows he's not in that's a good point I've heard somebody say like everybody is crazy in a different way it's what you what crazy you're willing to deal with yeah you know what this is a quote from Bob Marley that I read and it is stuck with me and I even heard my great friend Jada pinkett-smith she also recited this and the quote goes as follows everyone you love in your life is gonna hurt you the key is finding out who's worth suffering for let's just say look let's just say even if you have the perfect relationship you get with your highschool sweetheart yeah I'll get marry right out of high school stay married have kids and there's no there is no interruption in your in your faithfulness or there is no break in your commitment to one another one of y'all gonna die before the other that's gonna hurt you yeah so you have to figure out who's worth suffering for whether is having a perfect relationship and how someone died before you or having a troublesome a tumultuous relationship all the way up into the point where it becomes great forever my parents did too and they've got hurt because somebody passes before that but but the love is worth it so is it worth that whatever that pain so people are scared to to get hurt but they have just two people live and one another our love is worth saying if you if you don't only [ __ ] living yeah you know great but the point is is go out there and love because you are gonna get hurt that's right it's worth the love better - it's better to have loved and to have lost than to never have loved so dr. Houdini you know I also want to know yeah is there anything that I have stopped doing that you would like to see me bring back mm-hmm well I don't get my roses every month wait you get flowers all the time I feel I don't get ro I used to get roses every month every month every month well see that was listen okay I remember he doing that from breathing yeah yeah you know but listen this is the thing okay so when we first got married right every anniversary every day of the third year for 31st I was in her I would send her flowers different arrangements yeah I did sure what do you mean sure how long did I keep it going couple years what you do it out and rose from prison I'm smell dummy just you know appreciating them you threw them away but you see what I'm saying so you want me to invest time effort energy and resources into an object it takes nothing for you to call your sister make sure that they're there every chopping down trees hurt the ecosystem just so you just want the thought there you go if I sent you a picture or some flowers instead I want you to have some flower if I see you a picture of a garden with some dope flowers I say man these flowers make me think of you you did X what did she want no matter what we think is about what she and that's what she won't question and she gave us receive this was she right see the fact that she asked me that like that's exactly what I'm not going to no no wait a minute wait a minute because guess what I guess well I do care I do care but I wanted to see what level of thinking you want cuz I'm gonna do better to this horn so to speak oh never because if he asks you for Wayne just to supersede it didn't make it better yeah I mean man I greatly appreciate you and I think that oh well the best thing that a woman can do for a man is properly motivate him with action you know what I'm saying I think that if a woman steps out there first and I hey I love you whether you want me to or not and you know and my actions are going to show that then that man at that point has an obligation and a responsibility to meet that said affection love and desire with as much or more I have I have I have a saying I'm gonna never let nobody bring no more to the table than I'm willing to bring to match you ain't gonna never do more for me than I do for you not ever not I mean of course now we all have our areas that we Excel me and you know what I'm saying here but overall I like it I'm gonna put just as many smiles on your faces you put on man you understand so that's how I feel and I think that if more men took their attitude yes I actually take pride and pleasure and you know saying knock your socks off I'm in total control she can't she'll know what to do with herself she's just like in complete awe and you know saying and in that moment it don't last long now guys I'm gonna be advised this is not a long term effect you know I'm saying but you get you a good 12 to 24 hours maybe depending you know hash Trevor you had great high grandiose the gesture baby you know saying you could Twitter 24 hours you understand that 48 hours sometimes 48 and beyond it I'm to the moon and back with mine okay no no I put less around a star and put them on if a man goes to their much okay now we are one we are one so we you know we not we're gonna be fair I just want to know if he goes through that strength because he asks you what did you want you know he got maybe got some plain old to overdo with what you want he see joy speculation so now I'm action would you yeah yeah cuz i know cuz the world of women are listening and dana is she sad and the [ __ ] at you right shouldn't you appreciate more to encourage more gifts so if I go beyond my knees or beyond my means to put this smile on your face I have done that before too I don't know I don't know I remember like you know I said I didn't know what and you get it on your credit card and I got my credit card and I will bankrolling myself okay well you remember the first car about you know it wasn't it was a Hummer no that's not that was that was that one back man she listened she loved my dirty drawers there day and night Baghdad you know knew yeah yeah yeah and and the thing is though right even when I was in prison even when I had to serve time and do [ __ ] I still will buy a cause ring I was from prison sending big diamond rings you know I'm saying two events that she was having and you know saying like flooding like her I think she had a birthday party with her friends I had like big bouquets a flower was diamond rings and [ __ ] and I'm on this I'm on the wild phone and in the joint like yeah what's he saying 15 minutes hello I can't hear you I gotta go I call you right back like you know saying like that kind of [ __ ] to me is what I take pride in i pre I appreciate that unspeakable look your love language no we're staying in the house and I was always at home and being where he could find me at all times was there to sober okay yeah reciprocity the laws of reciprocity are inevitably in order now you know I'm saying so no that's not a lot of encouragement to do something give her whatever he wanted to he felt like she does he felt like she deserted for some reason so you know you gotta put that into consideration to what she did it for him to feel like she deserves but how we do this we just say okay uh 47 hours me you got one more different organically you know it's like one minute is like very like you know affectionate and sweet and understanding and then is like you gotta be careful too because sometimes me and do a lot of things for you so they could [ __ ] you up it's gonna shut you up to the 48 hour so would you rather would you rather that's because look is that what it is it's the investment wait a minute let me tell you it's the investment you understand what I'm saying did you like if I were to say that a woman with because because honestly as you spoke love languages okay so a woman's love language what'd she do is she speaks with physical affection sometimes so she rewards you with physical affection she gives herself to you which is the greatest gift one could give you do say the service right but out it all in you know that for instance okay a woman dresses six to attract attention but don't want six to be the first thing going yo man okay a man throws a bunch of cash shot down to show you he got money but don't want you to ask him for new hmm you see them saying so we both have a specific love languages I'm doing my thing the way I do my thing you're doing your thing the way you do your thing it's just the effect that these gestures are having on one versus the other I don't think that because I'm not gonna invest as much as I have invested in you you know what I'm saying and and do the kinds of things that I do and didn't turn around and did not answer the phone for no reason no oh yeah he broke out his bread on you know spend a lot of money you know he you know I'm saying that's a way to say he's gonna be out so she basis does she have to build such a conspiracy because she was going out and I knew where she was going on I would you know I'm going out soon ever be going I should be trying to get home so she trying to get to the club I ain't on the right time know what I'm trying to say is what I'm trying to say is the friend who has the man who did the great thing for her that she assumed meant that he was going to do something that she wouldn't like she assumed that she has no basis or justification she was already doing something she didn't like because that's why she was going to the club she should be going to the club that's what you shouldn't do wouldn't go anyway [Music] she should be sitting down with that man figuring out what the understanding here listen I I feel like you did this because of this and here he has to say and clear and clarify their position where they stand going out to the club just creates more confusion and doubt for you and him then she don't fix Nick if she would to say to him or pull up on him hey man look you did a great thing for me and I appreciate it but it's hard for me to show my appreciation if I feel like you out here doing this dad no and they should have a conversation about that you should be able to address that hug going out to the club is only going muddied the water not tit-for-tat love is not tit-for-tat so you don't do something to get back somebody or you don't do something cuz somebody did something now you have to do something it's not about that you can keep doing and you're right I don't I don't think it was about that I don't think she was trying to be with her man and find out what we're going on now can't find mmm I'll be worried I have this to say to your friend whoever did from okay that's it if you're a good girl don't let nothing in no-one make you a bad girl as we have your own integrity that's no matter how somebody treat you that's real your good self it's some [ __ ] that will be [ __ ] still remain off-limits for you just because of the person that you are I definitely I definitely agree with that including your mate that guy who live and this coming from a male perspective someone who probably have done such things I would appreciate my woman staying at home yeah would you change your ways because she's gonna stay at home okay what have you been doing whatever you've been doing is she been staying at home for three four years and same for years for that particular she stay home that night right his high field is best played if she's there if she stay home that night with that doubt in her mind even though she wanted to go out I feel like well next time she see him whether he come in at 4:30 5:00 in the morning and she's in the bed and he gets in and she you know how y'all wake up and we think y'all sleep but y'all really be oh man okay duly noted well what you should do with that anger is use it as tackling fuel to find some clarity with the understanding so when he gets into bed or what I was like hey you know I could have went out and I could have really acted that and I could have been this and I could chose not chose not to how many more times you think that's gonna happen how much you think that's gonna work how would you how would you feel if I did to you what you just did to me I would feel it I feel it to you so you don't write see we're women our women got to do is toast the thought that death yes you see what I'm saying I women got to do a toaster thought you know what's a man to get your attention he got to do some sheet well women are they got to do it's house to thought that they're how would you feel because a man does not want to take a threat like you come okay now you know threat but if you if you pose this question you come and call me it like she did it like the scenario of the woman say hey now you just coming in with this 3fo in the morning and I couldn't get you on the phone you know whatever I thought to go out and do exactly the same thing occupy my mind have a good time find me somebody that I could be around that would keep me from thinking about you but then I said no because that would make me just as horrible of a person [Music] if we walked in this room to remain the exact same as we were when we came then you know your mindset it's already in the wrong place but are we looking for new perspectives and different things and different methods to apply to have a better outcome and a better resolution we're better understanding I'm offering so you don't have to take it doesn't it it doesn't change that I would tell you what happens if it doesn't change it only if you tell me what happens if it does yes we had to try what happens if she tries it and it does change I mean then it worked I mean it was great did that mean she shouldn't win that right I can tell you from a male perspective that would get me not the the coming at me with if you go at number that you went out I was like oh [ __ ] it's all war oh I got it I mean why why she can't go out can't go out with its retaliatory okay just like she'd know okay hypothetical just like she knew him that he was doing whatever his face okay whatever I thought whatever she thought you said she knew she knew all the guys she knew her dude he knows her too yeah so if she went out but we only don't go right what she did we know right where she did stepped outside of what he knows of her what he did is within where she knows of him she never goes out normally she's at home she's going home okay gotcha gotcha but if she's going out and she's going out in a retaliatory fashion to get back at him for what she believes thinks or assumes he is doing that's gonna come across as vengeance vindictive and it's going to be taken as an article of warfare you may never do that yes do we do wait let me Oh my woman was you know I couldn't get on the phone and this isn't that so I'm just gonna go - I'm gonna go - no no okay I mean everyone is falling short of the glory now but I'm not trying to say it's not excusable I raised the Big B so much better she do this but it's gonna be so much worse when the man do it though it's gonna go so far it's gonna go so much father be so much extreme because all you have to do it worse when a woman does this very miss very much worse when a woman so you think that I was going to do wait a minute wait a minute outcome is worse when a woman does it however it will be taken father when a man does it right but you know all that being said I'm so happy that we were able to come here I'm extending myself to you do you not see that we are able to have you know such a healthy dynamic within the relationship Sophie and use our experiences to help so I have some insight somebody who has a woman I would like to give you mine I would say certainly a lot of single women I know you're not gonna like what I'm saying but I think and what they call it inside of a man just like the statement of really being a rolls-royce then anything I don't I would be I was smiling anything okay we still talking about a Rolls Royce is so that is basically the standard that is then accept standard of acceptance you will accept suffering in a Rolls Royce is basically what you just see the suffering Wow but but a [ __ ] know that if he got a rolls-royce he could cause you to suffer no cuz I'm not saying I'm just saying whether you know you said it or not it would you say no what I'm saying is if I would rather be in a Nissan smiling I would be smiling but you know I offered that option to you you didn't offer that option to yourself what you say it was I'd rather cry in a Rolls Royce down a Nissan you didn't say I would rather cry in a rolls-royce to smiling and he said with a smile and a Nissan I was crying I was reciting the future okay you just said it to benefit okay is it not the rolls-royce because it's not located which I do be honor with you I think she had crying a Ford f-150 like okay great thing about him you know him saying crying in a rolls-royce and whatever they he also put that same person in position to cry in whatever she wants to cry in because she makes her own money and he put her in position to do that so at the end of the day he was able to lift her up at the same time even though and everybody know love hurts so even though he may have hurt her he was able to also help her at the same time and build her and she's building her own empire now so whether or not she wants to be with him or not she can cry and she got gee wagons and roses and whatever else she won't that because we didn't say that he bought the role okay now we doing a lot of hide with that we're doing a lot of hybrid a because the surgery goes America okay a male perspective I can only speak from a male perspective a man wants to know you you love him and you want him or me no matter what I hate if I hate because my situation there I was in prison for a long time mm-hmm I didn't have lost everything so did your woman stay by her side during that time yes well you know she came in when I was in my lowest well but you know you something and that can never be taken away it can you something but but if you come in this is me speaking to the single if you come into picture and you the Rolls Royce is the subject so I have to have for me if I'm gonna cry well okay okay because I the other part about it is I'm not with the man for his money or his Rolls Royce I'm with the man because I love him that's real yeah I mean I was up it like the high five figures only because of my credit took it that you love him regardless of what he had that's why doesn't mind giving you the world now so that should be that is mine no that's advice but what I'm also saying is if I'm gonna work hard and have my own thing y'all just could divide this into as many you know useful segments as possible we could have a part 1 part 2 part 3 we're just gonna go until we got damn and to you know we stop saying [ __ ] just beneficial to the subject only had a close to Beale oh I've been kicked out of better places now but there's somebody put somebody in a position to do more whoo I was saying the person we was talking about crying in rows whose future okay okay and from someone he was talking about you know D people back and forth and that's where they came in but what I'm saying to you is he also put her in position to where she's now her own boss she's self-made she first of all if he put in a position she self me she said no no no no see it work if you know he put her in position I don't know whose man is but I'm just saying at the same time I don't know that I don't see them together at the same time I know she's doing her thing shout out the future the the the head captain of the city boys yeah and he is definitely leading the city boys to a miraculous victory it is I want you guys to tell me what I need to do to find the right man what happens god damn god off of overalls off no idea check this out yeah you right look denied you be [ __ ] makeup I'd really I'd really be [ __ ] with you man just because it's fun to do such low-hanging fruit for comedy but I will say I think you can have any man you want but I will bring to your attention the fact that I know to be true you find what you're looking for as soon as you stop looking forward I believe it okay I accept that I do accessible also thanks secondly mmm-hmm you squeeze soap to tighten the shower slip at your hand so you're right don't grip it too tight because love is about freedom like you should be able to feel like it's freedom is it possible that it has come to you and you overlooked it and you just didn't like the guy a long time what I saw weird what I saw is there a lot of women right standards they friendzone the people like you have to have that chemistry with that person is like the chemistry is that special part because you can be compatible with a lot of people and be friends with a lot of people but it's that chemistry that keeps that spark if your friends are someone that means you don't have that whatever it is that makes you go you know how many women that I've met that will marry to me in four decades to say you know what when he first approached me I didn't like him at all I didn't feel anything I didn't think he was the one they'd be mayor for 30 years but they didn't know they didn't know them so you play on the friendzone um you never get to know them sometimes you can be friends and turn it to lovers you know I'm saying sometimes you know you become friends no we started you've got to why don't we tell each other how we met I met you in the Mouser yeah you met me in the mom guess what though but guess what though I had been an you for quite some time please I saw you one time I was a child no see that what you thinking that what you thinking I was a no now I will probably bad you were 15 16 when I first seen in studio AJ's a face yeah 17 18 no you were growing his hair that wouldn't even round at their time I didn't get in the game until I was 18 19 so when you saw me how about 18 19 no yeah yeah as if a known time didn't even exist at the time when you talking with you was 15 oh do you might have worked with him but not in not in the building where I saw you the building I saw you in Kings plough okay when Jazze PHA noni me zi mace all them had noontime ranked Louisville audio yes Hicks that was in 2000 2000 yeah by 99 2000 I was 19 18 something like that and I tried to get with you you were really paying me no never man I don't know if it was my my 85 suburban or you know the feeling with the big Desert Eagle I had hanging at my backpack you know now not too easy I went in the mall with the eagle who's in the car when I was in the mountain my studio okay I was definitely in a relationship you're definitely relationship man I I mean this is the thing okay now what is the best time that you can remember having around me and did you expect maybe I'd to be honest with you you know my memories they're selective and motion I don't remember it's been so many good times I will say it's been a lot of good times for me to just pick one I don't know yeah can you think of I mean when one time in that dentist's office the dinner that was a great time hey man in life is going D I was corn and then like going to get your teeth clean and get you right clean I will bid you all farewell man it's been lovely to have my kissed and life partner you guys by the way they love y'all's relationship they love watching you appreciate and now and now because you came on expeditiously Deena yeah they are rooting for you a man thank you understand I hope today that y'all got some good advice about being married you know ain't no we're not about being married about finding the person you posed to be married to but that's the ultimate goal come once you get married like you kind of overcame most of the toughest part actually putting yourself in the mindset and mented developing the mentality of I'm going to be married and be with the person fulfilled once you have overcame net come once is going is going yeah you know say that's it like once you locked up you ain't you're not - yeah yes they're the hardest part there's a [ __ ] turning yourself in yeah yeah I mean very easy get in its very age so I mean I I think that if any of our experiences can be useful to you guys and it can help you dinner or other people who are single and longed for companionship like are you doing you know I haven't been married as long as you guys right you know are people to stay marry the Stanbury is very difficult to stand there it is very difficult to but look man just notice what is your Instagram Deena it's miss Marta M is SMA RTO and only serious inquiries are gonna do what they actually say that they're gonna do okay that was an all call for dirtbags everybody needs to pick their own yeah absolutely so you can live or die with your decision so everybody man is phenomenal appreciate you got to come back sometime I will we can have you okay I'm gonna have you in the backseat of his car so yeah it's been it's been lovely I like to shout out to my home where ace man represent Memphis it's always a pleasure to see them because I know we could a dad so safe I always feel so safe AJ when I go to the hotel room a new zone okay me and they support them they love you know you don't come enough was that the word oh you mean the word of the week that we did before you even got in here what was it let us know okay beside adidas which is smitten with love in love being love struck by head over heels in love with hopelessly in love obsessed with passionate about consumed with desire for okay you get the picture I want the mistakes your relationships lowest point you must feel a certain sense of beside it you had to reach down inside some people say they say they say dig into the good we talk about the definition of no okay in your marriage vows don't do this boughs come out to Bible right man here you go bowels come out the Bible right and they say vows come on respect vows come out to Bible right okay you're a Christian yeah Christian yes are you a Christian yes okay so in Christianity it has been taught to us that God's Word is everlasting is it has it not yeah has it not today has it not and yesterday okay so if God's Word is ever less to high can you reach into this Bible and change the words in this Bible which supposed to be God's words to suit the you know be the boughs the bow on no it doesn't go away but that's not my point my point is that the woman should obey my point is that if we basing it on the Bible and the Bible say God's Word is everlasting and Christians and we all as Christian supposed to believe that how can you go and change God's everlasting Word and expect me to feel that that is true yeah you do every time you see it thank you we're about to leave the building before they cut the lights out on us expeditiously [Music]
Channel: expediTIously with Tip T.I. Harris
Views: 286,274
Rating: 4.7899413 out of 5
Keywords: T.I., Tip, Harris, Podcast, Hip-Hop, Atlanta, ATL, Rap, kodak black, tip harris, podcast clips, podcasts, expeditiously podcast, expeditiously, ti podcast, tiny harris, tameka harris, tameka tiny harris, tameka cottle, ti wife, ti's wife, tiny harris expeditiously, ti marriage, ti wife marriage, ti tiny harris marriage, tiny harris ti podcast, ti interview wife, ti relationship, tameka harris ti podcast, tip and tiny, ti and tiny, t.i. & tiny friends & family hustle, marriage
Id: u1Y1R6omHY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 33sec (6933 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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