How Charlamagne tha God Became a Force in the Culture | expediTIously Podcast

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Joe Biden has done worse things to black people to Donald Trump ever man hell yeah man 88 crackles welcome to expeditiously man I am CIP and man this is an incredible episode today man I have a close player partner man someone who I feel privileged enough to call my brother also this gentleman is known for being in the co-hosts the most outspoken co-host of the nationally syndicated hip hop i heart radio program The Breakfast Club the most dangerous radio show in the country he's considered hip hop's Howard Stern and has become a force and an influencer in the culture he's an executive producer with his own production company seed the god world and co-host of the popular podcast brilliant idiots he's also a New York Times bestselling author two times over of his critic mm-hmm with his two critically acclaimed books black privilege and [ __ ] one although he's widely although he's widely known as Charlemagne he may be widely and worldly acclaimed there's a self-proclaimed family fan who is still a southern charmer from the world of sound like I'm really I adore my life but look how much getting used to does being a best-selling author New York Times bestselling author laughs how long does it take to get used today I think about it you know saying I don't think about it until I'm in certain situations in certain circumstances all right here it like I you just you know I'm saying I'm like damn I am a two-time that's about twice twice yeah I don't think I'm ever because in my mind I'm still that kid on the dirt road in Moscow in South Carolina yeah that's me speaking of Moncks Corner South Carolina yes exactly could you please share with the listeners where the [ __ ] is that if you ever been to Charleston yeah oh it's like it's like 20 25 minutes from Charleston South Carolina it was a small town and when I was growing up the population was like 7080 now it's about 10,000 and it's this in-between like Charleston if you going down I 26 in between Orangeburg Columbia a lot of white people don't up my dad used to always be like look at them damn crackers dad it was that kind of town because it was a guy that used to ride around to pickup trucks with rice with a confederate flag on it you know I'm saying a shotgun in the window yeah always that uh I don't wanna say racial tension but you know we were aware of what we were I mean there's always conflict yes there's always been Catholic so I mean it's most is it mostly farmland like coal fields all around my mother's house you know we used to play in the cornfields and then we'll be children of the corn came out we was all [ __ ] we used to run through the woods you know when I got into my days uh you know selling selling drugs yeah yeah we would hit the woods when the police came country super country I'm trying to think what the closes you probably been there I know you've been to Columbia yeah end up in Auburn you used to do them small town then I don't know what is so far so far back I don't really recall I know that we ran into each other man when you were you are a radio personality on the radio station was it Columbia I'm just talking like Columbia South Carolina and I mean you always one that was known for you know you a shock jock even baby you know what's so great about the term shock jock is funny to me cuz it's like what's shocking about I guess just speaking your mind you know what's shocking about just being honest with your observations this is true cuz you guys I've seen real shock jocks that'll do stuff like sacrifice pigs and katene oh yeah yeah that's nothing but they would do this they would do things like that on purpose you know what I'm saying like like to get a shot out of people like I'm not I wasn't trying to get a rise out of people now like they thought it was shocking I remember the first time you came to the Big D I don't know if it's the first time mmm but she was in between albums so cuz you already I dropped I'm serious right and I think you had just did you do no I don't think you did to deal with Atlanta yet okay and you had 20 falls on white label right and you came to the station like 10:30 11 o'clock that night it was UNC Rock okay and me playing 24 right you know without consulting the program director that was a big that was considered shocking that was you know that's not shocking I'm like you try to control the the DJ's ability to break music and that's what the DJ is supposed to be in place for when I was back in the day when they was really taking money to play with you didn't have a label situation it was like what is you playing at fault yeah you know I mean how much of you know your method of interviewing is reflective of your true personality and how much how much sauce are you putting on it you know I'm saying just to be provocative and you know cuz you know that's what people kind of expect from Charlemagne I don't think I do it anymore it was a bit was a point was a period where he's especially when you get caught up in the arm when you start seeing in magazines I should say like the hip hop Howard Stern right which I don't like cuz you don't never see them compare a white guy to a black guy that makes sure I'm saying you know like to me he's not I like Howard I respect him right he not to bother me you know right right the ball for you would the Barbie I mean I like I like I like PT green man yeah if you agree with the truth and PT was Howard og yeah no PD had a TV show then he put Howard on back in the day before everybody knew Howard Stern was Peter Graves from DC yeah yeah he I think he kind of helped he was like one of the main radio personalities for radio one so I think Cathy Hughes hip hop's kind of put him in position and he was just very outspoken but down with the people kind of you know I'm saying almost awesome if you would have took Rudy ray Moore and put him on the radio absolutely I mean that actually [ __ ] me up though when they thought it called me hip hop I when I stopped paying attention always I paid attention house I'm like well damn what today like about out so that I have you and then sniffing JLo seat and she bringing Pawn Stars in a tiny moment but it was integrity work it was a period I was doing that [ __ ] though it was a period that she was just kind of like that was it was it was like status quo when you think about of course they call you a shock job but when I think about the differentiation between you and other personalities like starring book Wow you know like have you ever been concerned with going too far now because I think I have a different level of integrity that keep me from doing things that day just that things that they did that I just would never think about doing like I'm not going so nobody's children I'm not gonna threaten nobody's children you know and I'm not gonna you know make no jokes about nobody's children and the way that star did with any of these kids you know I'm not gonna play playing I'm not gonna please sound of plane sound effects I'm not gonna do all of that you know oh by the way some people might look at some things that I've stated be like well I wouldn't do that well I have I just heard you be completely honest necessary yes because a lot of no [ __ ] need to be put in a place so far gave me referees yeah you know get carried away with yourself that's why I like when guys like you started to be more vocal outside of the music I mean I feel like once you get to a certain level in your career you know you've kind of earned the right you know your legacy allows you to be more outspoken and I appreciate that man I mean I appreciate being able to be in that position so this is new for me you know I'm saying this you know the podcast it seemed like it's very it seemed like you've been doing that your whole goddamn very well I listen to like I listened to both episodes with killer Mike I listed Alex Jones episode which I thoroughly enjoy mammy you know saying listen man you know he got some he got some he got some information but it's a lot of cap on it a lot of it's not like a black Israelite to me New York behold the pale horse like the stuff he's saying again I thought it was just a bunch of [ __ ] the silent war and I think with somebody like Alex I think I think he's telling the truth about a lot of stuff those Bush you didn't throw you all for what he is actually telling man to like why would you ban somebody like that if you just put in some propagandist and BS you cool the fact that he must be saying something that's true somewhere where somebody wants to silence now you as a person now how long you know from South Carolina to your might your migration in New York how long have you have you been like a journalist do you think oh I never considered that title like I look what I look at journalist I think alike you know Barbara Walters Diane Sawyer okay so do you you don't think that radio personalities can be journalists so I think they can be I just don't think I'm one I think I definitely think they can be when I look when I think about like the Miss enfolds okay you know Angie Martinez Elliott Wilson okay like they date I'm not gonna say they take it a little bit more serious than I do but I I think maybe the I think maybe the the defining the definitive factor would be one is for say sharing opinions for the purpose of entertainment and another one would be kind of like discovering facts you know it's a lot of day and what you do you know especially with you know you got which you're late is not your latest book shook one you attack the stigma of mental health in the African or in the black community I feel like that's that's journalism you know that's interesting cuz all I was doing was telling my story I started going to therapy when I started going to therapy I was just keeping a journal of everything that I was experiencing in therapy and like the conversations I would have with my therapist and that turned into the pages pages of this book and I was trying I actually was trying to translate what my therapist was telling me no but I realized like nah that's not what therapy's about therapy is just helping me to understand the [ __ ] that I've been through the things that I'm feeling so I was able to tell the stories I bought in this guy named dr. ish he graduated from University of South Carolina he's a psychiatrist and so he gave these clinical correlations in the book so when actually came out and people started gravitating towards it and then like I'm showing up on shows that I never been on and speaking in places I never been speaking to speaking at and they're like oh you're a mental health advocate I'm like a lot of people don't think there's enough acknowledgement or consideration given to how much trauma Mercy black not just black me and but black people or that mercy have endured and they're like how much how much is actually being internalized you know it's at a point where once you get to a breaking point you know when people see the effect of that trauma then you know Kano sanity's they label you as crazy absolutely I mean you think about it my father over Thanksgiving a last year hmm my father read my book and my little cousin killed himself he's 26 years old he's like the fourth time he tried to kill himself he cut his wrists one time they didn't do it he shot himself in the stomach that didn't do it I think he tried to take some pills or something I didn't do it and nobody's giving he put the gun in my blew his brains out so between that and my book my pops was like yo you know I tried to kill myself 30-some years ago and then he told me that he was on 10 to 12 different medications throughout his life and he had been going to therapy he ain't never told nobody dare to tell Thanksgiving the last year so I'm never going to my mom like you know Pop's is going through all this [ __ ] she was like I thought he was just playing crazy to get a check but the admin get to check with the past one year so this is like we don't take things serious when our people are going I mean probably cuz we did what I owe you know a black people man expect this generation we the first generation of black men that probably got the luxury but what would the luxury of healing this [ __ ] is a luxury the means to actually afford I see you think about our parents our parents are just trying to survive what is your own good time they're scratching this environment how you gonna pay for a psychiatrist that's why we turn to drugs that's why we turn to alcohol that's why we turn I'm not on drugs Solomon yeah and you guys like I just recommended marijuana in some case properties you know I'm saying the CBD I feel like I love them you know they definitely have here the properties they can help you kind of saw it through other thing you only looking for THC though oh no THC Kattegat sea CBDs in breast milk CBDs in breast milk yeah CBD is a natural thing in breast milk and one female breast milk could we just thought what you're a piece of blesses tool but we just found out the Beyonce pops has breasts can wait the hair they got to do with milk man have breasts can you have a brick you just you know never touch me but it's still defined as a bridge I'm just down baby there's one Oh God tell me how the female breast milk Brooklyn Public Schools such a marvel man please Bob know that math you know story did [ __ ] me up though I could I never heard that before no man was no we had you see that's not gender specific I don't even read that story no cuz I I read something like that on my pecans react I thought that you know I got the front at the first story I heard about I've never heard a man say the address counselors counselor that [ __ ] sucks whatever you catch you you can have toe counsel this [ __ ] gonna be [ __ ] up that [ __ ] is everywhere somebody said to me earlier because like oh did you talk with the owner the owner gives you cancer I'm like what don't you can't I mean for real of impurity so one Obispo baby powder Johnson to Johnson is definitely you know they've settled they've settled cases for baby powder I'm giving cancer well how much maybe not you have to put on to get can't she had a lifetime worth yes and if the food carcinogens carcinogens as well you have foreign foreign chemicals that are put into the body and effect those foreign chemicals have on the body if they have a great effect it's called higher levels of carcinogens carcinogens is the kind of chemicals that can produce or cause council Wow so this for listeners how do what can they put on other deodorants stay fresh nothing trying to go natural putting lemon juice on the day on and all that [ __ ] that [ __ ] ain't working for a long live life is not going to be will enjoy it if you stank today working man musty quality of life will be can do it it's gonna be disturbed so how can we can do how can we kind of remove the stigma of mental health within our community everybody keep telling these stories people ask me that all the time how you eradicate the stigma on mental health tell your story okay like we'd be so afraid to talk about things that we going through how we feel you know the effects of certain things on us like a lot of [ __ ] ain't no ain't no I'm gonna be getting guns pulled on you ain't nobody sitting in a jail cell and didn't mean [ __ ] solitary confinement for three months at a time I mean I'm sad I think about the mind stay we had to be into even do some of the [ __ ] that we used to do back in the day whether it was it was abuse first and then brain then we just hurt people are people ma'am I meant to ambassador you know he said man you know the condition of the household at least in the civil rights era or ever since you know I'm saying even before then Jim back in Jim Crow day so he's like it's really a trickle-down effect you know the man is the head of the household but when the man leaves the house here's the deal with the conditions of the world you know so he's he treated like he ain't [ __ ] out in the world so he takes that you know that trauma he come back and he treat the wife like she ain't [ __ ] and then she takes that trauma and she treats like he and she then the kid kicked the dog and the dog chased the cat and the cat chased the mouse so on and so and it really just disturbs the ecosystem and that's the beauty of therapy but I feel like yeah we are dealing with so much trauma we got to get to the root of that trauma if we don't get to the root of that trauma we're just gonna be a bunch of hurt people in pain redistribute in that pain the [ __ ] that usually look just like us those the people who I think you know we go to first we always lash out at the people who are close or most familiar that we're most familiar with that's why I hate that I hate when they talk about black-on-black crime you know the black on black crime is a fictitious country there's no such thing as black on black crime people kill or commit crimes around the people that they live where is the white on white crime as many you know crazy hate for white boy we got out here doing crazy hateful [ __ ] there is no statistic on white on white crime why is it that there's only a statistic of black on black crime I tell you why because it perpetuates it perpetuates that that theory that we need to be policed and it contributes to mass incarceration whoa yeah can we take another way than people smarting up a little bit absolutely I think that the black on black crime is too okay the okay the system it operates on fear correct yeah I mean so you have to do something create fear and from that fear you can justify go justify all - you know you have to do for instance like the Patriot Act you know I'm saying after 9/11 you know that's why they could tap your phone hey you know you see what they're coming over here doing the flat plains in that building so when they put all those police in our neighborhood and they hit us with those harsh sentences for whether it's the ninety-four crime bill 288 crack laws they can justify that [ __ ] based off this is where all the trouble is that this is all the problems is that you've seen Joe Biden stand on the Senate floor and say that verbatim you're like I don't care about the conditions that cause these predators to become predators we need to fix this [ __ ] now but if we don't end up killing our moms and our fathers and our brothers I got questions he's a good guy with bad [ __ ] on him man you got some bad [ __ ] oh I said it all the time Joe Biden has done worse things the black people to Donald Trump in 88 crackles crack laws with Strom Thurmond Ron Thurmond was a [ __ ] racial segregation is from South Carolina think about it 88 crack laws everybody know crack was in the black community more than anywhere any a crack laws that gave you more time for crack than a dead powder cocaine that wasn't stimuli done because they knew who was running around with the 22 rocks in their pockets yeah absolutely then you fast forward six years later did the 94 crime bill that he called the Biden build now what's the 1994 crime bill was what deal was so mad about Hillary over hilary wasn't even in the administration when that [ __ ] went down you know she was just the first lady she was just Bill Clinton's old lady with a nine-foot crime bill basically what they say started mass incarceration you know I'm saying it just gave out all these harsh sentences yeah next well before yeah my dad did 29 years he came home like in the middle he came home one time about you know 14 years then he came back his whole generation and listen we all make mistakes but sure he will not even say that it was a mistake you ask him now he'll say no probably or didn't cause mass incarceration so tell me man 2020 is a big year mm-hmm and okay we have options you know far and few in between for me is really anyone with Trump 2020 that's how I feel although he might not even make it there for yeah the way is looking now I don't know each man is going to help because they're not taken back to history book clean when necessarily impeached in PE I'm talking what about Nixon no boos Clinton Clinton got impeached but he didn't get removed okay and Nixon got impeached but he didn't he removed Nixon actually quit before he even went to his his trial hearing Clinton went through with the trial but they found him I guess not guilty but Nixon hang his pictures end up in no post offices just like no I couldn't really looked at as a loser and Nixon quick so that that's an admission of guilt right there what do you mean come on man nice huh Nixon study scene to UFO I don't know if you Google they said he did it deal they said I ready to deal with extraterrestrials how do you do a deal with almost like like a fly zone type of thing homos I don't know this is true I can at least them some airspace there you go like you y'all don't come here y'all don't come there of y'all dude you know take a couple of you know cows or whatever some human abductions just bring them back type [ __ ] I remember reading something like since I'm not gonna say I read that in a reliable source I just readin it they gave Bill Clinton a bad deal though it means nothing I'm saying why Bill Clinton got away with netting is there I mean listen who is gonna tell the truth about cheating on your wife yeah what man regardless of what they say him being the first black president he was a white man you get caught cheating what you expect a man to do I'm caught and if you do tell the truth we gonna tell him his old lady's wife in the commodity no I looked it up Nixon definitely made this away you ain't even pulled your phone out fine I looked it up lift it up white I did it slick you got you got a pic for 2020 you got somebody you look man no I don't know that's the I'm Way no need to shake out a little bit Bernie everybody it don't look good everybody saying you too old and then you in the hospital today burning his family but I definitely said two months ago that Bernie Sanders it's green kind of kind of what you mean that's all oh that is old we started to run our country in drag I don't believe in ageism but now I kind of feel five on that just because of the duties of the presidency man you should have a certain physical like there should be there should be some physical capacity to the president you're the leader of the free world absolutely [ __ ] Putin come over here and knock on the White House door say he want to challenge you to a fight oh you want a life is this Barack you like you know Rock and Michelle look like a good fight you know like they look like a nice healthy couple absolutely and look how old Barack look after those ages so imagine imagine Bernie in the White House man hmm I don't know why anybody would want to do it it's a really like a big big stroke of the ego it's real out here I don't have no more somebody to kiss your ass out do you have no privacy I don't think it's nothing wrong being the president if you really got power I'm not sure that they really got power you know I didn't fit a puppet you know I believe that somebody controlling [Music] money runs the world period correct whoever has the most money buys the best weapon absolutely you know so on so forth so money runs the world and the central banking system you know that's the source of the most wealth in the world so therefore the central banking system would have a little more say-so over in any country then the president the president ain't nobody man Trump Trump is showing me that prisoners got more power than I thought I mean listen he's done things in the presidency I didn't think was I didn't know he's shown me that prison is got a lot more power than I thought they'd be shoutout to Robert De Niro you know that's exactly our fuck'em that's the problem that's actually the problem with the Democratic Party they don't realize the language of politics is dead so they still getting on TV you know talking all privacy trying to be PC yeah they have their talking points you know Robert De Niro Trump tomatoes letting it fly oh [ __ ] remember that movie Bulworth yeah where Warren Beatty that's how one of these liberals gotta be they gotta be like bulwark Don Cheadle wasn't that to bulwark was running for president he fell in love with Halle Berry and he started going through the hood with Halle Berry and he started listening to Don Cheadle in the gang members talk you know my brothers are in the street we articulate and we know what's going on in our community and he started taking that information in and getting on them [ __ ] debate stages and spitting that [ __ ] and the nation fell in love with him when they kill to that boy war for the end of the movie they smoked them at the end of the movie man we in this past week have seen quite the turn of events okay so the the the impeachment inquiry it derives from an alleged conversation between Agent Orange and with Ukrainian president cranium president which it is it is said the the sitting president suggested that the Ukrainian president should look into Joe Biden sons business in the Ukraine now the thing about that is that's already unlawful to use your power to influence another president to investigate potential political opposition yeah yeah so in that dimension on the same Carl is to talk about why the funds of the aid for the Ukraine name eighty years he held that he held on to that so basically he held the funds and so basically so you got what he wants right the United States have an agreement with the Ukraine where they give them aid and you know they sent a money they sent a money they get a cat package and when it was time for the cat package the care package didn't make it well yeah and so do you cranium president of course it's like you know what's going on guys and troubles like yeah well you know I want to talk to you about this thing yeah I want you to do I mean man I honestly feel like and then after the inquiry for the impeachment the article of impeachment he started took to Twitter and in so many words threatened a civil war in the Civil War well today this morning this morning he said this is a coup happening it happening in America he's in the Democratic Party is trying to take away your rights to everything that right there that's war talk right there you riling up your troops all the [ __ ] bike fair and decent people yes so he's a he's a fascist and this is textbook fascism you know assists against fair supremacist is gonna lose do this absolutely the premises or the news Fox then white woman the areas then white biker gangs ain't [ __ ] the police ain't bullshittin yeah for most never underestimate anybody everybody man a baby will knock you here though people I'm not scared in a white supremacy don't try to be funny about it but like there's people who see the KKK or cease Authority in his back there no no I'm not scared a wise if I want that to be no like that's played out nobody's worried about that's the Bible the Bible meters fear that 6/5 fear is exclusive to God yes with the but in the Bible is said earthly is their slaves should fear their earthly masters I believe God is real religion is [ __ ] totally in the Bible there are so many inconsistencies and that's the reason why and I believe Jesus I believe he walked the earth I believe he he was a great man like Martin Luther King jr. or Elijah Muhammad better than that I think I even go with the man with I won't go without saying the man with the least sin who that's what I will go you don't know what heaven Mary Magdalene was doing I don't a man that can turn water into wine I want a party the myth of Jesus though the story points have been duplicated throughout in different civilizations in 1400 1500 like there are different I guess people who were born they say on December 25th who were born Immaculate Conception to a virgin who died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day all of the different points of Jesus's store have they've been also associated with other people in history I don't like somebody who want to be so smart and go back to thirteen hundred billion you don't say that don't be that the widest thing about Jim is I don't know how Jesus became God over God because another inconsistency in the Bible it says I God is a jealous girl that's right you can't serve two men absolutely okay so if God is a jealous God and but Christianity is telling say the only way to God is through Jesus yes you service to what you serve all people saying Jesus is God I'm not God with the father Jesus was the son if you're a scumbag you used and pray in Jesus name you see I'm trying to say that's how do you pray in Jesus name because I sinned or whatever the case may be I'm going to god I'm not worthy so therefore before pray how do you pray in Jesus name if you are serving God Jesus is the Son when you want to when you when you want to talk to you asking questions are you gonna have to listen to dances this you can't step on my shoe and didn't say a domani exact and I'm sorry exactly all right you got a point Bob but you're still not putting domani on the same level but that's what they do with Jesus that's a mistake yes Israel is propaganda the behind which is propaganda also the Bible it says that God's Word is everlasting yes God's Word is everlasting so God's Word is everlasting and that means there isn't there's no ability there's no opportunity to change any of these words absolutely not in this Bible now and that's the problem well you do know that the Bible has been rewritten more times there sir any other book yes sir Old Testament New Testament LeBron James you're supposed to figure it out yourself like that's what God gave you your time and figure out now if you get caught up in the inconsistency that's what you but there's more good than bad that's my dad's whatever that's that when I speak to preachers and I say this man he knows and I have I mean with a subscribing to a policy I believe a lot of a lot of preachers are very good wait wait a minute I think a lot of them are good people I think they really really really do believe they've been tricked they really do believe it just like she some lawyers really believe in the legal system yeah you know what I mean that's true now is some police really believe in good police work however you do know that as history has shown us the biggest problem I got with Christianity man as long as you got black people worshipping a white Jesus you will never ever truly rebelled against your oppressors because when you see them you see God I guess what I see today you look at that case the data the whole ample goggle situation we got one police woman rubbing our head you got the joke no pinch to hunger you got the the brother saying I don't want you to go to jail that is what happens when you worship why Jesus comfortable Stockholm Syndrome Stockholm Syndrome is when you have been held captive or kidnapped and the people who have kidnapped you have you know kind of brainwashed you to where you support them I'm telling ya we gonna so we so forgiving when it comes to white football we cancel each other in a heartbeat one of the best shows I went to my life was the shot the pastor Frank a Baptist Church there's a white chirps I'm not gonna lie but he was strictly to keeping it real he was in there now ain't no white Jesus okay that's the only white church I've went to and Cena in my whole life but there was see like you would love it first of all I am anyway trying to [Music] oppose Christianity any more than any other religion I think all of us are there to control the minds and actions the people I agree let me Catholics okay so anytime you have a human being a man in position to hear all of the sins and confessions of people within the congregation they don't know who he is so he could see them okay first of all they as the Bible should state Jesus died for human beings to ask for forgiveness and be forgiven for our sins correct [ __ ] sacrifice okay and that sacrifice come when you accept Jesus and you believe he was so if that is true why do I have to go through yet another representative I want to talk to your boss can I speak to your manager so you got this person who you can't see but he could see you you got to tell him I'll you'll being and he tell you some futile activity for you to do to be forgiven three hare Mary's in but I think that is because the preachers want to use the the confessions against the God again I'm in the confession roof and I say man I cheated on I cheated on my wife and I'm man I'm so sorry and he said oh you did yeah mmm so then he pull up on your wife at communion you know your husband cheated on you so why don't you meet me in because we'll be actual one thing is the church most of you know why they go to the church because the church they noted to church had control of the minds of the people of the masses if you can go to any leader of a church and he has a congregation of hundreds to thousands so if I'm a politician I'm gonna go to this church cuz I know if I get so I get all these people I got all these people and that's why that's why you see these pastors and preachers be using the word to get [ __ ] man church is will you get [ __ ] everybody knows they have you've been going to church I ain't never to church you be in the sermon the girl that church or the freakiest between [ __ ] them in the church like you know slightly rapey she praying to Ukraine going on - you know if you in church you got a girlfriend of some you can't kiss your girlfriend 14 those b21 you know the Bible says you can't find God and any man right Jesus never I've never seen where is say Jesus David Moses where they spoke to God and to see it happen in a church is always in the wilderness burning bush outside and earth is God's to god I'm gonna say meet me in the building right now that's the part that is the Christianity the impact on Christianity and the black community man is the reason that you see like in Charleston South Carolina when you see like the church shooting that happened there when the nine people got shot in a man you and me or even the thing with Amber Gaga's that forgiveness they talk about that comes directly from Christianity you have seen watch Birth of a Nation the story about nat turner and it breaks it down exactly how they used to use religion to control us you actually keep us in line and that's that that scripture that you quoted earlier respect your mouth yeah feel them you have that kind of talk yes it's hard my god and gonna tear me no [ __ ] like hell no I'm gonna sorry I just get off the stand in a hug her that's for me you ever seen a joke huh a judge hug somebody remember a murderer a precedent I don't know I thought the judge they got a buddy while she was black well we also saw at least allegedly she was supported by the same Police Department that the young lady who she sentenced work for you know judges are elected elected official so her last election she was supported by the the police department that the lady worked for who she sin is not speaking of this the later we're talking about is amber gaya she gets ten years for murder sinners Lord of Mercy for fatally shooting both them jeans for no reason yes this former Dallas police officer she killed the brother Botham Jean in his apartment last year she had the prison to begin a ten-year sentence now my uncle got 10-year for a brief one brick she get in full body and they said she'd probably get out of fast she probably will get out in less than that because if you see that show that they put on in the courtroom today with the judge hugging her and the brothers saying I don't want her to go to jail I'd like to why does the brother say that that wasn't even forgiven that's more like you just turned a blind eye yeah like there's nothing I don't think this like genuine the brother somebody told me forgiveness is on when you truly forgive is when you realize that you're not going that you can't do anything to the person that harms mm like with somebody somebody does something to you and you have the the means and the resources and the ability to do something to them but you say you know what I forgive them you know I mean they said people that forgive you usually can't do anything to the person that did something to them so that's why do you forgive but they have nothing else to do I've seen that notice tree I've seen people be tough get get their ass beat and I'm saying and then you know do blow you ready to go put some work in when I see that when I see that brother say that on that stand a day he know you ain't gonna answer yeah what can he do there was some visits to the family to can do from Co hers yes Department yes they still got a duh she a cop five you did good I'm saying and she got the complexion for the connection and protection forgive me but when people use it when the Constitution do stuff it needs to be consequences police officer was in the hood doing some [ __ ] before integration mother 90s I remember the 1990s in the ninth ninth 97 96 when I walk the streets of Brooklyn if a police officer I could be 15 two police officers walking up the block if I get him thinking tomorrow bye [ __ ] outta here then they get the turnaround but not this street and keep it moving they're not calling for backup or what you say none of that [ __ ] it's like [ __ ] what don't make me get it make out how the [ __ ] come on Yusei now [ __ ] no more babe over militarize y'all well they are neighborhood you know his name when ownership exactly what do we own within his neighborhood back renters knows tenants well we just lost control like the police should not be governing the hood I like I like the days of the black pants is when the black fans used to police the police that's fire [ __ ] fire was talking about just now are you talking about listen you had to be like that you had to have the heart the police you know you out there with your guns the police out there with a gun you just make a show [ __ ] go smooth that was great because you know they actually they they attended to the needs within the community yes and they knew the needs of the community because they were members of the community for instance I think one of the one of the first things they did was they there was this intersection where kids had a crosswalk okay and kids had to cross the street to go to school and there was no stop sign in the red light and cars would come flying and then the kid got hit and dad so the Black Panther was standing out there with a pistols and make sure that the cars will stop so the kid could cross back and forth to go to school and may the the city well I mean I guess encouraged or you know kinda make some happen yeah they put up what they put up a stop I really like something like their butt so that was like those are the tight those are the type of things that the Black Panthers were actually shot to do then you EP [ __ ] up though I don't listen to nothing they say about any of our black leads every single one of our black leaders they've tried to defame their name in some ways everybody historically no matter what color you are you everybody got dirt everybody did indeed [ __ ] everybody fallen short of the glory so why is it that it's so publicized when we do it yeah I mean they wanted the fame our leaders names because they don't want us to follow our leaders and if I put dirt on Malcolm X's name Martin Luther King Jr's name uep news Garvey whoever it was it makes you be like study on that person okay turn the corners a new Malcolm X woman like that and they do things on purpose I remember when they tried to save Malcolm X was gay yeah I don't know that there's a certain yes in the black community you know they think that that would discourage that's why you need to watch their Harlem golf all the whole it really is like Malcolm X and then it shows you Malcolm was really helping bumpy Johnson and at the same time there's a lot going on talk about somebody like Malcolm only somebody like Malcolm would understand the the need for somebody like bumpy and would actually get with him to try to make some change already still telling bumpy you need to get his [ __ ] together though he the process a few times yeah a few times I won't ask you know isn't it I think all that stuff is necessary man you know with no order there's chaos and I think that's the problem man we've separated all of our leaders from our communities and and the youngsters run amok you dig and when the youngsters run amok there are no consequences you know aside from the legalities there no you know there's no accountability you know checks and balances in the hood no more yeah that's a hard to help what do you mean do we go there trying to help out anybody run in the muck and then you know the leader get no respect he got beat up Robshaw you like you know what [ __ ] the hood I mean whenever you rally a helping and somehow the hood I'm saying the only way one could say that is if they as if they don't have a genuine love respect or appreciation for themselves self hate is what that's what's gonna cause you to turn your back on people that look like you you know I mean turn your back on people who came from the same places that you came for like for instance you from Brooklyn okay so you go back to Brooklyn and you see [ __ ] who walking the same street going to the same school you went to having the same struggles that you had and if I you got to say it man [ __ ] them folk and that shows that shows that that's really projection that shows like how you feel about yourself no yeah I mean but the essence of the black the essence of the community for us has always been the answer to the problems within our community have I always been getting rich enough to move out and never look back and that's why the communities they [ __ ] man you gonna give up not me person I'm just saying I could see how some people go to because look I go back to the whole old time but there's definitely time I'm like I'm not [ __ ] with the hood and I don't care what the hood says I'm from the hood I help y'all when I mean but I'm not here to just cater to you people who don't care because we in the hood but you're not saying [ __ ] the whole hood though you just saying [ __ ] some individuals saying is that you don't want to subject yourself to the environment for whatever sometimes the environment is not hell even though help you can't go back out there with a gun in your in your waist five no no it's going to like to use two homes you don't wanna go out there you're going to help somebody they say yo guess what we don't [ __ ] want your help we don't care if you lived over here what you don't get the [ __ ] out and we happy being broken pork yeah but what about what about the people who do appreciate your help those are the people that you say come down and that's how you focus on you focus on the next little five in the hood that is true though no fun over there I mean I have heard many times that you cannot help our people if they know they're being helped we got to swallow our pride and ego and stuff like that you know you get to the hood and you know somebody will be saying to you like ohoo you to be helping me you ain't nobody I remember you and you was just running around here doing that twinsies you got a block all that out and say you know what my people in spite of a Salesman see this is the thing there's a difference between see of course how we see it is we see it as we are doing something for somebody right they see it is we're doing something to it should be is we're doing something with there you go you do say so there it has to be a natural progression so so we can we can gain some kind of some kind of equal ground man because we just owned we've been on this hamster wheel for decades yeah but that's why I say you gotta just silence the noise and just go help man like I do I do so much stuff in my time I do book bag giveaways turkey Drive yeah and I see the appreciation that that be on these people's faces I remember just someone and I'm out then it's pouring rain I'm giving I did a fish fry giving away free fish free shrimp fries all of that we giving away backpacks from sprayground and I've seen this little kid running around with no shoes on I'm like bro your shoes on it's raining I want my shoes to get messed up and I'm like what then you ain't get no bookbag it's like not all the book bags out like man were your mama damn go put something in her pocket right then come to find out 20-30 minutes later they stand they've been living in a hotel she ain't even tell me that when my partner's told me that like many you know they living at a hotel right now an X Y Z but I'm just doing something like the goodness in my heart because I saw the condition of my people we can't we can't ever like turn our back on those genuine to like even if you come to hood and they know like I I don't want to get help but he's being real it will give you 20 minutes of time and respect but it'll be a time I I'm going back up there but they'll give you that respect they know you're efficient be real yeah and I say that because this muhfucka sound like he from the hood I don't know a doctor donated sperm 30 years ago lord have mercy now he has at least seventeen keys he was a sperm donor I think I was like spikes first movie it might be she got I don't think what she I tell you guys about this tidbit of news here when an Oregon medical student he's an air doctor his name is Bryce Cleary when he was asked to donate sperm in 1989 he was promised that only five our spring would be born all on the other side of the country the lawsuit alleges a clinic violated the agreement by allowing the birth of at least 17 babies among other alleged violations well I mean weirdest kid that they over there laying around yes she hate me that was the name of it damn you remembered as do became a sperm donor uh uh yeah Kerry Washington was in that [ __ ] with you Allison and he had all the monkey kids so what are you doing a case like that he used like eligible or you still obligated yes the page house oh you should experiment I'm good and you a sperm donor I donated my sperm I don't I gave I gave her to have 17 kids I don't know you shouldn't knowing that when you donate it just borrow five what do you donate sperm for anyway to help people who care so you say you've been spanking your monkey doing out and research out the only reason only reason you would want to be in your kid's life is if you see somebody like in five case I might have looked just like him in the NBA balls I'll be mad as hell the Celtics I'm Canaria as I'm the dad how about this - this is something you know all of us are in the community of hip-hop we familiar you with this story but it has progressed though three men arrested in connection with Mac Miller's death they've now been indicted and accused of dealing counterfeit oxycodone that caused his death hmm a federal grand jury handed up the indictments of these three guys are you gonna set a name in a California federal court the peels Mac receive were counterfeit and contain fintan all the powerful synthetic opioid 50 times more potent than heroin they start arresting drug dealers the people that week well I think with me quite a few now are they arresting them for selling drugs are they arresting them the murder charge now when I'm saying is but are they arresting them because it was counterfeit oxycodone koto like they probably wouldn't be pursuing this so nine eight that you knew because I'm sure they sold them to other people to didn't die well you kill Mac Miller you on paper table man I'm saying I think that the fact that they are authentic you know substances had to because people have overdosed before absolutely how do you find them I think it's the counterfeit I think it's the counterfeit ball because you got to think about that now opioids I don't mind him going to jail but that goes back in the day I bought a half ounce of crack and it was like mostly ice at all yes people back in the day I was a regular drug dealer with child yeah then I go be over there and be selling fiction that was the worst feeling in the world I was stuck with that half ounce for months that's what [ __ ] up [ __ ] I want a quarter spoon is I'm up seven grand some melting and so dad to try to get the money back complete a dude hit little by one but hey if you went to buy weed anybody knows this if you went uptown to buy weed you're asked to get wrong you get sneak-thieves like no other I'm talking like very funny like yo the doors right here like he walked out to another part man keep it moving you'd be in the home alone never gained a battery no money a man and let him walk out no dough I'm saying walking his crib come on me same time yeah I don't mind him drug dealing going in yet speaking of speaking of the drill a trade man every day that you were arrested for drugs and your pops thief used to pay your bill yeah the first time the first time for the first time first time I ever went to jail was full of soda battery with intent to kill mmm and I was in I was in high school and already I got kicked out of one high school got kicked out of Berkeley high school they sent me to scrap foot high school because my mom used to teach right and your mom was a teacher English teacher in Berkeley County okay thirty thirty plus years what ended up well for that case I was with my homeboys my partners and we was in this neighborhood because it was a new school in this other neighborhood kicking with some girls yeah and there's some of the duals in the neighborhood came riding by we was on our [ __ ] boys in the hood [ __ ] like the movie theater drive-through that was suck you got prom cards all that [ __ ] and then we with the burger king of McDonald's and when we was leaving they pulled up beside us mmm I partner at a little 25 and he let it go and so they came in arresting me from high school the next day dad and my dumb ass wrote a whole statement you know sending the police on a wild goose chase saying I was hitchhiking and I was with some hitchhikers I don't know the people I was with at the ended up locking my partner up so we ended up sitting in jail and my father at the time he was like me I'm not I'm not paying you no bail just because of the way I was I was wildly called while in school he always told me I'm gonna end up in jail dead I broke sitting under the tree if I didn't change my ways at that time in the county jail you let me sit there for like 50 days yeah and he was waiting on that born-again would you consider that to be like a turning point for you no cuz I got arrested like my pops was the kingpin suits my pops like lying McKelvey on most corner stock commodities these are thinking with some type of drug kingpin for whatever reason right he was leaving his little Sugar Shack one day and he had his girlfriend with him and they pulled the mobile searched him and he had like less than a gram of coke under the Berman's hat they used that to come sir my mother's house and I literally had just came in from from from from from the block and I had a capsular crack and I remember putting it in a coat jacket in my closet and the Kojak had a hole in the inside pocket so it dropped all the way to the inner lining so when the police came they're not gonna dump like old [ __ ] and they wanted my mom to sign a warrant to search the house under warrant she signed a warrant and could they totally was like we don't sign it will come back kick door well come back [Music] search the house never found the capsule crack I had in they did find was in the trash can I had a baggie that had some residue on all the bag they took me to jail for less than a gram of coke they had me and my father sitting in the holding cell for a whole weekend for less than a gram of cocaine gasps oh yeah I had it for a whole weekend whole we do say we just getting on it so how do you go from that moment to when you went and got an internship at a radio station for the first time cuz my father used to always tell me if I won't change my life I'm my lifestyle I'm gonna end up in jail dead or broke sitting under the tree so after bumping my head a couple of times and realizing like [ __ ] right we going to jail I got partners that's getting killed I got older cousins that's really broke sitting under the tree people that I used to look up to I'm like man I don't want to be one of them ya know but I started doing I just started working odd jobs I worked in a warehouse I worked in a flower garden I worked at a clothing store in the mall called demo I worked in a telemarketing the recording studio one day and I met a local radio personality named Willie will and I just asked him like yeah how are you getting the radio and he was like I got an internship and I said this 1998 charges talking line he's like yeah you got to be in school - nothing that's information that's why we got to share information when he does they're good nobody had told me that I wouldn't even thought that I could go down there he's still gonna told you had you not asked the fact I went down there filled out the internship papers and I thought I got my foot in the game of radio but you took the interest she has a lot of things people would want to skip past not a paid internship was free for like a year oh my first paid position was uh in the promotion's Department so I said you still a glorified intern you're just making five six dollars an hour now the drug trade we knew back then versus right now okay when it was the war on drugs in the crack epidemic they jailed us hmm okay now that it's an opioid epidemic it's rehab treatment I mean of course I mean it didn't check this at you know the the guys that came out with you know the oxy oxy cotton they got the lawsuit and they were supposed to pay out what was it twenty-one billion they file for bankruptcy does you talk about some pharmaceutical company Oh Purdue okay do Purdue chicken put some brakes on your skates no wait a minute but yeah so so and other people you know saying actually the the the ruling went in the favor of the people and Purdue saw fit to file bankruptcy so they wouldn't have to pay high in the hill can that be allowed to happen I'll pay the first place they said that to get you feeling good and let you know they allowed to file bankruptcy and the college you issued a company's being the whole like you know what file bankruptcy I know a lot I know I know corporations that want to do that damn in order to not have to pay today they read his file bankruptcy get that she wiped off his money did you did you hear about this uh this this Sunday service the Sunday service walkout was in New York no they say they say can't a man had a Sunday service and the spa you know it prompted people to walk out Wow well if service is too long I don't mind you walking out no I wasn't at the last service but I've seen some stuff at the last service that if you know the one in the linen I missed that one it was a Calle fault I like Kanye Sunday service weaves in the woods [Laughter] make it to church and then he's not preaching yeah the preacher he got the all right everybody the car here tonight we needed yeah I think yeah I think yeah I fear that he's genuine I mean when his first big hit with jesus walks mm-hmm he hasn't been leaning on Christ forever like jesus walks was the same type of regular area but I always thinking they said I found the weed on Sampson on SAMHSA's Castle gravesite of them that's where the first piece of bone found on Sampson King Sampson that's how I think they didn't scare Kanye and not putting his album out - I just think that he went on he did the Lowe's the church tall and he put it out and I don't think you got you got two reviews he wanted and I think he decided to take a step back I don't think a church tour was that thing like you see cuz you shoulda kept in the world I believe that's what's causing our to flag because as it stated here brother yeezus here his infamous or should I say his celebrated Sunday service at the greater Allen AME Cathedral in Queens that's the problem okay a number of regular churchgoers walked out me at performance now I mean I get it cuz they came for the word that's a Sunday too but it comes into Ino after the word is you know if they after they after they do to the collection the filter collection [Music] I need twenty people to stand up and dedicate a thousand put a number on it tell me what to give a man you got some people who got they got uw2 tdj church and potter's house man that sermon was so fire I felt like I had enough money yes so when they put when they started passing the slips around he got to slipped away you could put your credit card information and all of that table stuff what I gave him a bad man listen his sermon was that good TV preacher why you don't like Bishop TD jakes man oh I just like Darla's tdj I think TV for real any be dressing his a song i like CD man I ain't got no problem in he now he's I believe that you go to church everybody has the preacher even though he could be whatever he might say something that service that that can help your life yes is the show you can go see a movie no we talk about people being gifted right he's a walking ball players give her a purpose he's a gifted faster he's an anointed human if you listen to him he pees people for the baton he got a lot of passes in my life Bishop is up there jay-z oh you make me go check him up may I promise if you would apply and I gotta kinda got a college arena fee I don't really want to go to the site to the church if your faith I can have a conversation with a pastor like you know just over dinner or out here in the world and we'll get along Jeff I and I feel like going into the church is like man this foolish it doesn't represent or it isn't what it was intended or how it was presented to the intended wait don't put don't put TD jakes and Farrakhan I'm just talking about a fog being anointed and having that gift I go to favorite corners leg up there he's the best of me oh no Farrakhan the beef yeah making yeah truth I'm saying we need another one of those I wasn't the one in the 90s I definitely intend mm at one was real the real brothers was there I just think it would be good because like we need that type of unity we need to show that type of sense of community and I think we just need to have other brothers they're telling brothers we love them and we value them and we appreciate them man you know I'm saying like I just think it I just think it would be a good reset you press a good reset button going into a new decade now one thing I never asked you before where did the name Charlemagne come from going I used to sell crack I didn't say my name was Charles Charlie I'm from a small town oh you know the themes I roll up and you'll see me but that's Larry son that's Julie son and they would go tell on me other day was invited and so I thought well hoodie owners if you like my name was Charles a Charlie and then I was reading in a history book that Charlemagne was French for Charles great oh you ain't got the bookie program man you had to read four books for a pizza to read four books to get a free pizza so I used to just run through books and my mother used to always say read things that don't pertain to you so I'll be reading [ __ ] like Judy Blume and Beverly clearly then I got in the supernatural golden fourth grade telephone grade nothing nothing now the Ramona Quimby right so that was Judy Blume other Judy Blume books Ramona Colombia was uh Ramona Quimby age 8 [ __ ] like that man what is the most dangerous situation you feel like you've gotten into with your line of work you know I mean because I've heard stories but I mean I can't really say nothing dangerous I mean it's like everybody's seen the can I get a drop [ __ ] what he tried to jump me in front of the station when he tried to jump me in front of the station do hit me from behind okay so I took off then I turn around and saw for the dudes coming at me and I was like oh [ __ ] that so I got about it he knows then that was but that's the most dangerous situation that wasn't the most dangerous that was a hopeful situation because I couldn't sing the line of motivation no more remember motivations I don't care what [ __ ] [ __ ] telling me [Laughter] I'm never felt like I've been yeah never been no like life-threatening danger like guys waiting outside like the station ain't dangerous is you know unidentified part cars in front of your house actually had guns pulled on me but in my life you know say now when I was in radio but even when you in there interviewing artists and making a hostile and [ __ ] like that I never felt like it very threat never felt like it was a no I love the way you handle yourself with all right I love when you look at them like what they say we need that yeah a lot of others before them I never felt like I was a threat now I had a lot of partners from Atlanta hit me up and be like amen I just need you to know vermeer may not even know there but it was a real one sitting by you Rallo I know and by the way it was so many people on social media say man you [ __ ] up Rio moment only time I ever felt like somebody was gonna really put hands on me in that studio was goddamn Nellie eight nine years ago but I remember Nellie coming in there and we having a conversation and I was talking I'm like you kind of you got a cold out here musically with that retain as little brothers like you cuz it's like you know when you come from a certain environment you know when something's a threaten when something's not right you're coming in there with the ride you all listening I would ever seen that before when somebody talk to you like that [Laughter] he's only present ever felt like I know he'll put hands on what now you guys have I thank you Anjali and DJ envy I have a it's a very I guess I don't want to call it strange but it's a different dynamic I feel like each of y'all serve a different purpose y'all play good-cop bad-cop and in different cup you know what I'm saying how do y'all like me nothing yeah so it's all just you know again I don't mean every my talk I was not a radio every now and so it's just like that's just that's just the natural chemistry to be watered down as a viewer and I think because all of us with sidekicks at one point we were all somebodies co-host yeah I can be with Miss Jones Cohoes I would win these clothes Angela with cyber sounds I think that dynamic when we come together we just know how to how to work with you so you started with windy no I started I started in South Carolina and I'm saying but you started like you know New York yeah yeah I got my break in New York with windy and now I talk to windy until you matter of fact when do you call me for the first time this year after like ten years she call me we chopped it up for like three four hours just in your opinion right when you have Wendy who's pretty much kind of like made an empire off of sensationalizing the tough times the others go through and when she's going through her tough time and you know do you think that that's just par for the course robot robot but but but I thought years and I'm saying this out of love just because like you caught it was the weirdest thing in the world to get on the radio and talk about everybody else mmm when I know what's happening to you at home right I know the [ __ ] she was going through with your husband I know the emotional abuse the very the physical abuse crazy I just always thought that was wild to get up damn portray this image of a strong black woman telling everybody else to lead you didn't do she got described she did it this time I was shot I think she learned this little run right here because on social media really gave it to us nobody's holding back you can't you can't hide no more that's what I said kids are watching right some wrong [Music] we live in this era transparency you can't in front the saying like the 90s when you can hide not know more people see through all that [ __ ] I'm telling you man now another thing that you and I did together that a lot of people probably don't have the awareness service we went to Capitol Hill to go we went to Capitol here we had the privilege of working together discussing opportunity zones on both sides of the aisle and I've also sat down to speak with you about equality for women and I know you're stand-up guy but what is the thing that keeps Charlemagne up at night what is the thing that keeps me up I mean the thing that you're trying to you know that the the this the thing you want to find you most want to find a solution for conversation and the reason I think it's the mental health thing is because I feel like if we as black people can deal with that trauma mm-hmm and get that in order we'll just stop redistribute pain each other like when we talk about we want unity and group operation we talk about we want to you know stop the self hate and you want to stop hating on each other I feel like we got to get to the root of that that makes it and I'm sure people are people but I'm gonna start believe that your thoughts become things so if your mental age great if your mental ain't strong nothing else is gonna be strong yeah mmm so so so just I never felt like I was walking in my purpose until like the last three years of my life like the last 300 loves to feel now wait a minute how long you know what was the Epiphany that you had when you just say you know what black me ain't no cheat no more [ __ ] when I got coming out here to LA and cheating all the [ __ ] time and sitting down with my wife went dance she ran down the whole resume to me oh no [Laughter] and this is like yo not wanting to make the same mistakes I bother me you know saying wanting to break them generational curses that's a big thing can I watch my father ruin our whole household cause he couldn't keep his dick in his pants I'm like I got three daughters at home I don't want to be just coming to see them all weekend like yeah this is work it's wack man we good taste of that family like I'm not four years I feel good I'm like a [ __ ] that you could tell name I was an alcoholic that I've been sober for for you that should be applauded [Laughter] [Applause] good talk about being you get out of it what you put into it get out what you put in you know what I'm saying if you put dedication and commitment you know and a real sincere passion for your relationship you put that into it and you gonna get it back and we live days have you spent alone five Mike's I've been I've been lonely this last year so but regular days Natchez on Thanksgiving and Christmas no well I've been I've been with your Kevin Liles told me that a long time ago y'all can tailor your married market a to find somebody you know where the thing is right is two is two things that you'll know when you in love and when you just ready to cut it out when let's just say right now right you walk outside and the phone rings and it's deal on the line you just secured a deal for two and a half me you know the first person you want to call to [ __ ] in ooh that's wrong that's huh that's real that's real and also the juxtaposition let's say you walk outside and on the way to the car you get swarmed and apprehended by the authorities thrown into a hold and since whoa you got one phone call that's real that's the one that emergency contact I'm single I'm at this stage though I'm calling one of my old Shorty's that you know she got she got Jody next to hug I got the boyfriend see that's what you think I'm downtown if she was really your she leave with her boyfriend and house she's a good Samaritan she's a good Samaritan sees a good Christian what do you mean what point you wait no see what you try how you try I try how you try with somebody for nine years I ain't never seen you what are you ashamed not ashamed I can't supervise all the walls supervise what about the trust eight listen I'm coming up at that time I'm not established young man got a pop in my girl sit down I'm figuring out I'm trying to love you yes we're trying to tell you when you to figure out stage you keep [ __ ] with you Mike see [ __ ] which with somebody coming in i'ma tell you sir man this is the time when you and another person connect on the emotional spiritual mental just you know beyond physical level that combination of those two energies cannot be duplicated as a fact since a so you can get with somebody else and yeah I might have a different energy or another energy she can get with somebody else and they might have another energy but the energy of you and her can never be duplicated but better deals come by but you ain't we don't want to for the deal don't say what they were mean for you know I mean we get there with studio jay-z say hey you kind of preach about it what you want to do she's not the one for you anyway if she can be taken away like that that she never know career crafting basically you just think that all women like the women that you've had you feel like they all have potential to be apprehended no I feel like my career and my dreams outweigh the relationship you sound like one of these women but you go for a change but you go chase your dreams but you go from right right now you are well I'm coming up and I ain't really got it like I want to so I don't need no woman and you go from that to once you actually get it it's like when added I done came up you get so which is even when I'm even when I'm in a low stand point I just told you my circle is a little different you know say I'm trying I might be the room all full of everybody's favorite people so he's saying you can see it but they not five if a woman loves you she could you fire I'm just telling you it's like how much how far that Goldman is the bills do well I mean you got to go ahead and actually do something whole families I'm trying to make it you sound trying I can't take care you and all these family just come in with more because I'm trying to no I'm good by myself and I'm with tip I got a few stacks on me I'm good my kids if I run around be a dad you wait until you get your paper right to fall in love cuz I've been growing love I took care to get a lot of stuff kids cops off mom you're not my dad so when these things were you learn like you know what I'm just gonna get my [ __ ] together so I can't just kick it with somebody and it doesn't matter like you're just kicking it but my essence girls get with me like five zombies around the bag and he's gonna lead me to a bag and you saying you a bread crumb you get you a nice finest prostitute like now like I said even my relationship with girls is way different cause I'm I'm not strategize either who's the point where I had to be something I'm not trying to make I mean like fat white girls five which would money and good credit absolutely that's not my type you got a couple of those on the right do I have a car but away from now if they got good credit and they got some changes something you don't to mess with me you have to have money man it don't make no sense I'm not gonna be dishing out all the money yeah your second book short ones of course we already mention that you combat the stigma around mental health so what is the meaning behind the title and what are the key takeaways I didn't go to college so be any I didn't go to college you know Sam my education came from my experiences in the street my experiences with hip-hop know Sam when I think about hip-hop that's what helped me to transcend my circumstances music and books right so when I had the title shook when it was kind of reframing that term you know in the hood if he was a shook one you scared okay you know you food you know that's we put these defense mechanisms up because we don't want people to know that we are indeed shook so I was just really saying and shook one because it's okay to be it's okay to be shook it's okay to have some fears it's okay to have some some insecurities and then the subtitle anxiety playing tricks on me that's the play off my planner tricks on me if you go back and you listen to that song by the ghetto boys you realize super anxiety that's why ice coffees right before word you know saying when I when I when I when you hear that song you can tell like that's no the real experiences the hallucination I realized two years later I think PTSD is something that we all do absolutely has been recognized to acknowledge enough in our community among each other also some forms of anxiety and they said mild depression but at that time I was on my way to prison so I would just say for the second time and the loss the loss of life going about me though bro I'm no I'm no I'm face to be the same way I feel like I I feel I'm torn because when family members die of course I feel in a sense kind of I feel good because I'm able to be strong and be there for the people who grieving and it's not really you know I'm saying affected me the way the I'm able to help them because I'm put together whereas other times I'm like man what the [ __ ] is wrong with me lure it up that's why the reason I started going to therapy to I didn't feel [ __ ] yeah I'm never like I say between everything between seeing people die in the streets that I didn't really know but just you know just seeing that loss of life but between having you know my best friend in the world I moms you know I'm saying and actually having to carry my my stillborn daughter down and put her into a corner van I had to do it you know like you know cause my old lady she she she wouldn't you know she went in I wasn't gonna just let a stranger you know I had I had to pick my baby up and you know and take it and place it in the van but after that I'm like man she feel like if I if I made it through that and I and I kept it together then for me to fall apart right now about something else to me it doesn't equate that's all the effects of PTSD though like we we go through so much of it you know we become numb to the [ __ ] they're you know mean like we we don't even understand the repercussions yeah I mean natural causes are death like when you know somebody's sick that hurts but you can kind of understand when you see somebody get killed and - it shouldn't be numb to us know like we we've not like that [ __ ] as normal to us and it shouldn't be as long as we if we keep normalizing it then we're not going to ever try to do anything to really really prevent it it's crazy because you know when it passes that's all it does bring back lost my best friend yeah and all they did was bring back those traumatic all the all those experience me picking out my best friends suit to put him in a cab you know there's so many did listen so you know what will happen with nip just all again we talk about PTSD yeah when do we break that cycle or how do we break that cycle thanks to telling your story sharing your experiences so everybody feel one going through it everybody keep your [ __ ] today cell they don't want to feel like alright ball you know I'm out here talking about my feelings a [ __ ] ain't nobody else talking about they feel baby's the new fish it was so crazy because I I never thought I would have empathy for the person who actually killed it mmm I saw that when I see gently saw the video cuz somebody sent it to me and I know what it was that night and I'm like what the [ __ ] going on I'm like oh [ __ ] and when I saw him kick nips mm-hmm I was like that [ __ ] is hurt that [ __ ] got some pain in him that he dealt with ever like that's a different level of trauma that's a different level I hate that [ __ ] when some of the most evil [ __ ] ever seen in my life and that's you may not watch that that's what that's what it's like man we really got to start getting to the root of this [ __ ] trauma that in a lot of these brothers man cuz that's why they doing the [ __ ] that they do that's why he was capable of doing some [ __ ] like that in the first place that's real now we're now as we on the subject what would you want the next generation to know about the subject of mental health anxiety PTSD and other other symptoms other illnesses what could a young person that may be dealing with depression anxiety or some or even maybe suicide or what could they do what would be your message or your advice number one our tell them it's okay to not be okay mmm understand and I hope the next generation learns from us cuz we don't want that telling our stories black people we think we doing each other a favor by keeping secrets by you know we're not keeping secrets you know anymore so now that we're not keeping secrets we know that okay Charlie might deal with anxiety I took my deal PTSD mmm I deal with depression mm-hmm five just crazy but it's okay and so we given people the tools and the resources and showing them your go to you can go to therapy right you know you can go talk to a counselor it's okay to grieve like you don't gotta just five I think about 13 are you honest with the therapist wants to come down are you like what am I telling this person almost well that's why it's good you got more black therapists and stuff now yes yes you should cuz nine times out of 10 Native people that is causing us to have a lot of these issues anyway so now when you got people that look like you a lot better as a New York Times bestselling author water three books that you feel like help shape and mold you as a man oh that's easy message to the black man by Elijah Muhammad market from [ __ ] to gods by a kill from [ __ ] the god of the book they used to go around in the jails a lot yeah you can order it I was on that [ __ ] was amazing you know I'm saying and probably The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz familiar with all three of those books I haven't read them in in totality but I'm for me when there's a lot of knowledge in them so everybody I listen to these three books and mark them down and I think you should make it your business to read them and get some knowledge in your head Bob yeah I'm gonna check them out what's the last one I don't mean Jeff read two called The Four Agreements Four Agreements I'm checking that out man and my last question my last question what do you would advice do you have for somebody like me who just stumbling into this [ __ ] how can I become you a natural man but Stephen talking people fell people fell in love with your vocabulary years ago like years ago they've been liking the head TI talk they've been liking to hate you and interviews and they like when you wanna be talking like this just it's just a natural transition from what you've been doing and what you've been doing on social media this is just I've been telling you like you used to I tell artists is all the time go watch TI interviews yes cuz you don't know how because they don't know how to answer questions or make people feel like they're getting the answer without giving them the answer and you know how to do that what do you mean you you gotta make you uncomfortable you make them feel like they getting what they need and you haven't given them nothing nothing 2003 I had this artist up from South Carolina we were shopping him around I remember being at home I think it was Asylum my enjoy I II said can he talk I think what you mean can he talk I say what do you mean can he talk yes he can talk you like no no no can you talk like TI o 3 thing can he talk like TI cuz you like you know people got this up the stigma there's misconception about artists from down south so you know artists get from down south getting interviews and they they bumbling and mumbling and you know you can't understand them and speaking in incoherent sentences he was like any talk like TI if you could talk like TI he'll be a star and you really appreciate it when you sit down and you interview a lot of these oh I feel sorry for them I'm like man stop bringing these do like I love to grow for the me go because I remember too early me go to another hole mean I remember when takeoff was the most talkative memory me go but yes I remember that I mean now they you know they comfortable right they know who they are they would articulate them wins in the millions hey that's bro you got this well thank you man I appreciate that man thank you for coming here thanks man I appreciate you now what we do here and one of the things we do we have a word of the week now the word of the week is usually something that is indicative of the discussion so for this week's word I chose presentment presentment is a feeling that something especially something unpleasant is going to happen so sort of like cynicism preservers intimate sentiment that was the definition something bad is going to happen oh yeah this 1942 makes with the club got me a present to me [Laughter] okay well before today okay before leaving the house I had a little twinge I just couldn't shake apresenta me that something bad was about to happen damn man so there we have a man shouting thank you so much for taking care not just me but all of the other artists from hustle gang my surname including I love and respect you and we'll continue to fight the good fight shoulder to shoulder standing alongside did you copy I'll be speaking up now man I I mean I don't even I you know he ain't cow I don't he didn't look happy this week I mean man listen we all we all as men we are working through shoes we are working through [ __ ] from what I saw though just from what I saw I think his unhappiness comes from a place of him still expecting the music industry to validate him he's still looking for acceptance and validation from the music industry and as long as he's looking for that never be never be happy because it's just not you know you got to find other things that you gotta find other ways to make your plays you know what I mean you got to recognize when you've got as much water as you can get out of this whale and move on to the next are you remember how full that way do you remember how many trips you didn't get that with the full bucket shoot and walk back and forth to the village and the thing is what I don't want to do what I never have done is force myself on a situation if someone would like to speak to me I always have an open door policy everybody knows they can call my phone they can come pull up on me and I'm going to offer the best advice the most genuine perspective I can even if it ain't necessarily what you want to hear absolutely it's never better who did make it on my phone I never you know I never kicked it like that but at the same time ain't gonna baby nobody and I can't hold no hands you know I mean could we are all me and I but anytime my lines are open and if there's any if there's ever discussion there's ever needed to be aired I'd be readily available expeditiously Thank You Man shout rain to golf [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: expediTIously with Tip T.I. Harris
Views: 1,008,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T.I., Tip, Harris, Podcast, Hip-Hop, Atlanta, ATL, Rap, tip harris, podcast clips, podcasts, expeditiously podcast, expeditiously, ti podcast, charlemagne, charlamagne tha god, charlamange the god, charlamange expeditiously, charlamagne tha god ti podcast, charlamagne tha god T.I., charlamagne tha god podcast, charlamagne tha god interview, charlamagne, rap podcast, charlamagne the god religion, the breakfast club, charlamagne tha god expeditiously, charlamagne ti, full episode
Id: 7S0Af_FvDQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 23sec (6923 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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