Tales from the Hospital (Reddit Compilation)

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medical workers have read it what is the rarest disease you have seen a patient correctly self-diagnose i worked at a pediatric clinic and we had a mom properly diagnose a nine mo old baby with tay sachs disease he wasn't progressing developmentally and ended up passing away at 18 moss subarachnoid himalayage guy straight up walked up to the desk and said i got a headache out of nowhere i think it's one of those spider himalayan things we didn't take him serious until the ct came back to be fair he was walking fine talking fine and didn't have any light sensitivity said payne was five stroke ten dude just could really handle payne well i recently saw a chart that gave you a scale for pain usually i'd say my headaches are like a four or five the chart says eight since they usually impede me from doing things because i'd rather just stay in bed until the advil kicks in but like i'm sure that being eating alive is much worse so far very freaking jealous of all these dogs whose patients are helping out with the diagnosis mine are all i have chest pain in my toe when i poop lol i am about to go to my doctor and tell him i have chronic diarrhea and have tried to test if it is diet related and it doesn't matter what i eat but i have one more thing to try before i see him and it is going to suck coffee i was really hoping it was something else i had an 11 year old girl who didn't move her bowels for a week a week tell me she thought it was a girl parts that weren't working after a full work-up and finally a ct of her abdomen and pelvis which i hate doing on kids because of the level of radiation i found out her uterus was so full of blood it was causing a full-on bowel obstruction her high man was so imperfect closed up she couldn't menstruate and all the blood just stayed in her uterus she required an emergency hemonectomy and was sent home the next day hot dang if she didn't call it from the get-go reading this made my uterus hurt when my oldest was born he peeled a little like babies may do but it kept getting worse and he was flaky and had scales the pediatrician told me he had dry skin and to lotion him dr google claimed it was a condition called ichthyosis but that was super rare so no one believed me anyway fast forward six months and a referral to a dermatologist later he's got ethiosis also after my first was born i had excruciating pain just under my rib cage mostly after i ate tums did nothing gas x did nothing do a little googling it sounds like gallbladder attacks only it's on the wrong side go to my gp get an ultrasound my gallbladder was full of stones get a referral to a surgeon who drags e feet for a month claiming it can't be my gallbladder the pain is on the wrong side meanwhile i have attacks after every meal and stop eating except ginger ale and club crackers lose over 10 pounds call the surgeon daily in tears finally he agrees to operate but right before the procedure tells me that once my gallbladder is gone i'll still have problems wake up from surgery and find out my gallbladder was worse than they thought so it needed to come out anyway 2.5 years later and i haven't had any more attacks guess it was my gallbladder after all bird mite infestation the lady wasn't taken seriously at first came off a psych nope birds built a nest in her sea ductwork thanks dr house for having your interns break into my house and rip it apart just looking for something anything patient here self-diagnosis still unknown fungal infection inside both eyes took making them glow with my rock lamp to get attention kept seeing strands in both eyes then wow that of lamp ended up on one heck of a cocktail to save my sight kids don't wash your eyes with river water in a tropical rainforest just say no a nurse friend brought her newborn to the pediatrician in 1963 and told him her son had a wilms tumor the guy blew her off and told her she was a nervous mother and a little bossy boots kid was starting to crump when a pads on guy noticed and saved the baby she dumped the pediatrician double points for self-diagnosis before the internet a patient turned up clutching some internet printouts about visceral leishmaniasis luckily i managed to resist saying anything sarcastic as that's exactly what she had i appreciate it's not uncommon worldwide but in uk hospitals it's pretty dang rare and i was grateful for the printouts saved me a lot of searching same exact story when my son picked out leishmaniasis in iraq we went in with the printouts too as a physician and a med school professor it is distressing to read all of the i told the doctor i had entered the fairly common disease and typical symptoms here but as he didn't believe me we teach our med students to ask the patients if they have any idea what they may have docs need to take patients opinions seriously much of the time the patient has already spent hours researching the disease and may have some experience with it especially if it is a familial disease i may require my students to read this thread i'm not a medical worker but my grandmother self-diagnosed herself with chiari she had been having problems and everyone in the family tried to tell her it was nothing she ended up needing brain surgery and still suffers from it i had a resident tell me a patient was in the air saying he had a worm in his eye why does he think that i asked because he feels something in his eye i patiently explained to the resident that often people have a speck of dusty ttc so you have to look carefully all around the eyelids under the slit lamp microscope as i was talking and examining the patient lo and behold a worm wriggled right under the surface and i jumped back and nearly fell off my chair it turns out the patient was visiting from africa and his father was a veterinarian who told him to come to the hospital to take the worm out these parasites are common in africa not so much in the us the entire infectious disease department was very excited the entire infectious disease department was very excited this is wonderfully nerdy as well as absolutely horrifying years ago a woman who had been taking calcium supplements made from groundhorse bones diagnosed herself with lead poisoning i recall she was a movie actress impressive in that i think none of her doctors saw this and there was at the time no reason to believe that a calcium supplement would have a lot of lead in it but of course animals store lead in their bones and until leaded gasoline was phased out every animal pretty much was getting very high exposure i'm no medical professional but seems like there has to be other ways to supplement calcium without eating ground up horse parts fifth year med student here diagnosed myself with lymphoma everyone thought i was being a classic paranoid med student but turns out i was right finished chemo two weeks ago not particularly rare but i had a guy diagnose himself with gillian barry syndrome and a lady diagnose herself with chocolate marie tooth disease i worked in a health department for a while looking at infectious diseases two things seemed constant one the vets are really good at self-diagnosing zoonotic diseases two their doctors rarely believe them in my time we saw two uncommon diseases cytokinesis and tularemia vets are well trained anyway but to be fair it is a pretty obvious leap from i treated a dog with extrao now i have x2 the psiticosis was from some exotic bird and had infected the owner the owner already had a cough when visiting the clinic and the vet recommended the owner see her gp but the gp refused to order the tests until the patient was extremely sick if i recall correctly the lady survived that a lawsuit came from the ordeal no idea how it ended bird survived too i believe a different vet herself got tularemia treating a stray cat that was brought into the clinic tbf it is very rare in cats the cat sadly died despite treatment the vets gp was not convinced she could have contracted the disease so quickly the health department had to intervene and insist that the vet get treatment i honestly have no idea why anyone would flat out deny the possibility when a known exposure is present arrogance and a dismissive attitude mind-blowing i had a patient who correctly diagnosed herself with mastitis although she was very worried that she had inflammatory carcinoma of the breasts to be fair they can look similar another time i had a patient correctly diagnose a lump in her breast as a fibroadenoma i was very impressed after staying up all night convinced i also had breast cancer around 4 am i started chilling and had a fever and then realized lost nap this is mastitis went to her had mastitis i went into the air in severe pain and was sure it was kidney stones i told the nurse that and got a long lecture how i do not self diagnose just tell the doctor my symptoms and let him figure it out because he's the professional doctor comes in i describe my symptoms leaving off my ideas on the matter and they do some blood and urine tests the doctor comes back and it turns out i had kidney stones i looked at the nurse who happened to be in the same room at the time and she just huffed and walked out doctor looks confused and i tell him the whole story he laughs and says something to the effect of of course patients should tell me what they think the issue is and why i may not come to the same conclusion as you but every bit of data helps some clinicians like it others don't most phlebotomists i've seen they're the ones that draw blood for a lab test like it when i tell them that i have difficult veins and where good spots are some have gone straight for it others have preferred to check other spots only once have i gotten a flabber to miss that told me not to tell people that that it makes their job harder i work in pain management and a lady had symptoms that other doctors didn't believe she was labeled a drug addict or someone seeking narcotics she came to our office in tears just telling me that she felt pain in random places of her body with no abnormal imaging or other symptoms but she stated several times that she felt she had something unexplainably wrong with her and that she wasn't lying for pills we discovered she has a very rare case of chronic regional pain syndrome more severe than any other case we have seen sadly there is no cure but at least she has an explanation as to why she has pain for no evident reason not a medical worker but i am a rare case of webmd being right about cancer felt a lump in my throat for upwards of a year and a half but doctors kept telling me it was in my head they stuck cameras down my throat and nothing it took an ultrasound after myself giving up and my pcp saying my thyroid felt slightly enlarged for a doctor to find it one ultrasound and a bioci later they found out i had stage 2 papillary thyroid cancer that metastasized to 18 lymph nodes myself with lupus been having issues with chest pain and a mirror other symptoms that never made sense together gps don't want to look at the mountain of records they have for you just the problem at hand all tests for a diagnosis came back in normal parameters but i insisted on a fail safe i'd read about i asked to be tested for syphilis but you have no symptoms of that i know it's because lupus will show as a false positive on that test done and i have lupus i also diagnosed myself with lupus went to two doctors and they didn't believe me i was 16 and they claimed i had the teenage blues or it was anemia symptoms finally went to a third doctor when i couldn't go on feeling like crap any longer turns out i was in stage four kidney failure from lupus and they were like yeah you need to see a rheumatologist tomorrow pyloric stenosis a couple brought in their little one with exorcist type projectile vomiting examined ultrasound confirmed the diagnosis my older brother is developmentally disabled for the longest time all the psychologists and school counsellors said he was adhd and had some learning disabilities that he may have obtained in utero my bad ass mom with only a high school diploma never really accepted that this was all that was going with him but listened to the doctors anyways fast forward to when my brother was 10 years old and my mom had read an article about fragile x syndrome she happened to read about a rare form of it called fraxy the article perfectly described my brother's condition my mom then decided to talk to a genetic counselor about getting my brother tested the genetic counselor kind of scoffed at her diagnosis but went along with it anyways lo and behold my brother had the exact form of fragile x she had read about my mom not only diagnosed my brother but also found that our family was a carrier for fraxie it turned out my mom was a carrier and my grandpa had fracks it was amazing because all my grandpa's life he fought with feelings of inadequacy because school and learning new things were really hard for him he was held back three times in high school when he found out that there was a legitimate medical reason for this it completely changed his outlook we had a 20 year old patient come in the hospital because his girlfriend was laying on his chest and told him his heart beat is a little fast and sounds weird he came in and said he has an irregular heartbeat arrhythmia according to his google research he said he may have a fib he was correct while watching a documentary about asperger's during class i had a potent and slow realization that what they talked about was disturbingly accurate on a personal level after running through some screenings months later cause diagnosis screenings are more focused on children than adults the doctors were wondering how it managed to be undetected during my childhood you were just odd not really a rare disease but when i worked in a district hospital i had a patient who came in for a three-day fever saying that she might have hepatitis a because she had some shellfish over the weekend she had no other symptoms i laughed it off her full blood count did seem to indicate a viral infection but i was thinking of dengue which is a very common thing in that area or just your run-of-the-mill viral fever fearing the former i scheduled her to come on saturday three days later to review her dengue antibodies test result it so happened that i was working half day that saturday it so happened the lady was yellow on that saturday jaundiced from the hepatitis and the igm came back negative boy was i humbled she was hospitalized in a tertiary center and came back for follow-up a few weeks after and she was fit as a horse i knew a guy who diagnosed himself with appendicitis within one and a half hours of the symptoms appearing oh it was very impressive for someone with no medical expertise i had a guy walk into the ed one night he was septic which was causing stress on his heart and was causing a heart attack he walked in and was dead within 90 minutes his last words to me were you're going to have to tube me as he slipped into flash pulmonary edema he was right the whole situation still haunts me whereas diseases are often easier to self-diagnose than medically diagnosed as the patient will jump to the worst conclusion with no data and the doctor will start at the most likely and test down from there when you hear hoof bits think horses not zebras i am self diagnosed with congenital mirror hand syndrome which less than one in one million people have it's kind of obvious because when i move one hand the fingers on the other hand move two i may have an extremely rare variant because i also have mirror movements within each hand and i can't find evidence of this in other people but basically when i move each finger the other fingers in the same all move in the opposite direction but so when i lift up a finger the others all go down and vice versa i thought this was normal until i asked my friend if she could wiggle her pointer finger without moving the others it blew my mind because it looked so weird to me i had a guy come in one night and diagnosed himself with a broken tibia wasn't as impressive as it sounds as it was sticking through his skin i mean i'm impressed his diagnosis wasn't ah i self-diagnosed myself with allergy to carrot antifreeze protein for some years i after eating raw carrots or having fresh carrot juice from the fridge i was experiencing a tingling sensation in the throat and i could feel it swelling at some point i realized that i was allergic to carrots but only to the raw ones the weird thing was that this wasn't always the case i sometimes had raw carrots and had no symptoms at all the cooked ones were fine then about 8-10 years ago i watched a program in which they mentioned that carrots can produce a natural and at the time only plant antifreeze protein carrots make it in response to excessive cold they also said that some people may be allergic to it this protein is also broken down while carrot is cooked this struck me as that's it so i did some tests i can happily eat raw carrots that have been pulled out of the ground with no symptoms however raw carrots that have been in the fridge for some time will give me narrowed and achieve throat patient was having clear fluid drip from her nose and headaches she was convinced she had a csf leak fluid surrounding brain hot dang if she wasn't right rare mitochondrial disorder mother is a researcher investigating this particular extremely rare gene in a neurological laboratory while her child is growing up he developmentally regresses mother believes that the constellation of symptoms fit the genetic disorder she is researching they do whole exam sequencing and the child turns out to have this rare disorder the mother is one of the few in the world to be doing research in made ambiguous for sake of confidentiality har not that confidential the new york times just did a write up on it i diagnosed myself with a condition called hydranitis super atopa i've struggled with it for 25 years been to several doctors who just threw a two-week antibiotic at me and told me to come back if it returned when i asked why i was having these flare-ups they usually just shrugged and said i was just one of those people who were prone i was never given a diagnosis i started really looking into it about a year ago and went to a new doctor where i explained in detail why i believed i had the condition after examining me she agreed and has been wonderful in helping me treat this with practical remedies and an open mind and listening ear so glad to have found her when i did theater in college there was a guy who was a fifth year physical therapy major we had a huge physical therapy program at the college i attended and he was going for his doctorate he fell of the stage during rehearsal and broke his leg really gruesome fall his leg was clearly messed up and he was yelling out in pain and there was a lot of blood but when the paramedics arrived he started telling them exactly which parts of his leg were damaged or broken between his shrieks of pain our director said everything he told them was correct when they checked it out at the hospital who else here is familiar with what i like to call patronize the crazy woman test package 1 cbc 2 drug test 3 pregnancy test 4 discharge home with anxiety diagnosis i went through this for 14 months with my doctor till i got a second opinion and found out i had metastatic cancer good news is by the time i received the dx he had cranked up my anxiety meds dosage so high it wasn't even that distressing not a medical worker but an ex-roommate has three girls one the four-year-old he would sway held her breath till she passed out when she got mad one morning while watching them all she did was get angry and boom hit the floor eyes rolled back in her head i knew it from the start off the top of my head it was cataplexy any sudden burst of emotion and this kid would hit the floor i sat the dad down and told him he has got to take this kid to a neurologist diagnosis made two weeks later i watched a medical documentary on it when i was 13 and actually remembered something basically half the patients i talked to tell me they have some random rare disease more than once though rarely they have been right if i had a gold medal to give out would be for this 70 yo male that came in as per family members he's been sick ex three days cough runny nose low fever x 12 hours family members explain he is never sick and he must have tuberculosis he tells me he probably has a cold but came so family would stop worrying he was right not a disease but i once thought my pelvis was broken so i got an x-ray and the doc said it wasn't but i wasn't buying it got a second opinion and sure enough broken pelvis if someone can stab you in the back while smiling in your face you have a broken pelvis not rare but i self-diagnosed a psychotic episode i was then told that self-diagnosing a psychotic episode was impossible and placed on an antipsychotic because i was correct i had a nagging suspicion that my husband had thyroid cancer based on how his shirt collar was sitting at our friend's wedding last year he was driving and i was sitting in the back and it just looked off and my heart sank our doc dismissed it but sent him for an ultrasound at our insistence thyroid cancer is not rare but i wasn't wrong i guess when you've been staring at someone neck for a decade wife of the year candidate right here i diagnosed myself with trigeminal neuralgia but it took me years to find a doctor that would even consider checking it i was told over and over again it was my teeth my dentists various over the year said it wasn't because the pain was not a constant but had horrific flare up it was hard to prove and various doctors assumed i was seeking painkillers at times the pain was so bad i hit my head against the wall in my bedroom to knock myself out not as easy as it sounds eventually i would have a bottle of vodka and stand by and start drinking till i passed out if i came round when it was still ongoing i'd drink some more eventually two years ago a new doctor joined the practice and having seen me she read through a year's worth of notes and to my utter surprise told me that she agreed now i am on painkillers hydrocodone and pregabalin pregabalin is a godsend i wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone i stopped leaving the house and became completely agoraphobic as i had become terrified of being in public when a flare-up happened i am so so grateful to my doctor for believing me and making it bearable my mom's friend is this get yourself a good support group you are not alone i correctly diagnosed myself with an ectopic pregnancy about eight years ago if it weren't for google i may not even be alive today not a medical professional but this happened to a friend of mine he traveled in africa came back to the states and was looking in the mirror one morning some time after when he saw a worm swim across his eye having heard of african eye worm he went straight to the doctor who put him in the psych ward without even examining him several days later he was diagnosed as a completely sane man with african eye worm freak you doc i wish i have what my immunologist calls a case of we don't have a name for everything i've googled many times with my lab results and nothing matches oh well doctors nurses and emts have read it what's the worst injury illness that you've seen someone refused treatment for had a guy go into cardiac arrest in our station he was promptly lit up and came back around soon after he wanted to leave and we told him that was a bad idea it wasn't a long argument as he kept going into a rest less dramatic than some of these did a patient i knew refused consolidation follow-up chemotherapy designed to kill lingering cancerous cells and maintain remission for his cancer in favor of some holistic treatment i don't know the details of unfortunately he died within the year my dad did nine of his 12 chemo treatments and quit recently because injecting mistletoe into his gut is what he actually believes will cure him at stage 3 colon cancer and he actually believes modern medicine is a giant government conspiracy i don't know what upsets me more that he's got cancer or that he actually believes this crap gunshot wound to the head as long as the bullet misses the brain you can walk away from surprisingly gruesome injuries unfortunately it can put you in a state of shock that leaves you resistance to anyone trying to help nursing age care gangrene from knee to ankle all the way to the bone she had the chance to amputate a year or two before coming into residential aged care but apparently said no she wanted to die she was only in her early 80s sound of mind and no other medical issues so instead of living for another 10 years she died in horrendous pain getting her dressings changed every other day and doped up to her eyeballs on morphine unable to have any meaningful conversations with her devoted family and friends that came in everyday i'm quite a young nurse and it was the first time i'd seen gangrene in person the seeing part was fine but the smell oh my frick the smell you would change the dressings in the shower after another hit of morphine and it would stay on you and your clothes all day it's like wet old band-aids x 100 and like when you leave herbs in the back of the fridge too long and they turn to liquid it's been four months since she passed and the room she was in still has the rotting flesh smell you would be surprised how many people refuse treatment for crushing chest pains the only real thing you can do is wait for them to collapse and then treat unconscious people equals implied consent for treatment the bill cosby rule kid i knew in high school had cancer his family didn't believe in modern medicine they belonged to some sort of weird religious group he instead went to the chiropractor and was treated naturally let's just say i don't know this kid anymore letting your kid die from cancer due to your own ignorance and negligent parenting poor kid emt story from 2010 havent worked the band-aid box for years but this stuck with me had a guy one time who had a stroke the year before and hadn't taken his meds after his discharge he was rocking a 250 stroke 107 bp that is not a typo had a second unit come by to double check we tried for 20 minutes to convince him along with his daughter but he was convinced he was just fine the kicker was he literally lived two blocks from the hospital i can't imagine he lasted much longer but i never found out anymore i'm an edie tech absolutely massive diabetic man comes into the edie with his leg wrapped in a plastic garbage bag paramedics said he'd refuse to remove the bag they didn't need to tell us something was clearly horribly wrong as the stench from this man was horrific even in a well-ventilated area a nurse finally threatened cajoled him into removing the bag and his entire lower leg is a horrific mess of gangrenous flesh the foot had actually turned black i was only two months into working in the ed and this was the first time an injury actually turned my stomach the smell permeated everything can't imagine what the other patients were experiencing he was informed that the limb needed to be amputated or it could lead to sepsis i believe he was in total denial insisted that he was fine he refused treatment and left the edama no idea what happened to him but he did ask for his trash bag back oh he died a pregnant jehovah witness involved in a car accident and refused blood transfusion five hours later baby died and then she died i grew up in that cult and used to carry a no blood card around i'm so glad i got out of that religion i tore that card up a few years ago i had a patient was elderly but in her right mind she came into the hospital via ambulance with no family still lying on the sheets we sent her home with the last time she had terrible pressure ulcers and was covered in excrement come to find out she was the mother of a wealthy dentist in the area and actually lived with him he was neglecting her horribly a referral was made to her long-term care facility and social services was notified but because she was in her right mind she chose to return home to those terrible conditions that's heartbreaking i've had to talk way too many people into getting treatment for their heart attack like why did you call nine one one for chest pain or go to the only to refuse treatment not a met myself but last time i was at the hospital there was a guy with tuberculosis who refused treatment because it was all propaganda from big pharma yet he wanted to make the doctors to make him feel better tl dr refusing treatment for broken penis oh man i really don't tell this story very often just because it's nsw i used to work as a medic with an outfit in the dallas ft worth area of texas it was not uncommon to receive call-outs from the 9-1-1 dispatcher with little to no information on the situation going on usually an address and maybe the patient's condition or complaint if we were lucky on one such call we arrived to this hole in the wall apartment complex to see the city fd paramedic engine had already beat us to the scene i asked one of the fire guys standing by his rig what was going on with the patient he shrugs his shoulders and tells us he hasn't a clue lt just told him to make sure and let us know we needed to prepare for a contaminated scene by wearing full ppe mask gown gloves googles etc so as walk into the apartment doorway the first thing i noticed was a late 20s naked female caked in blood passed out in a corner of the main living room a second similar appearing female was barely cognitive on a couch talking to a fire guy and trying her best not to slur her words as my partner and i started towards these patients another fire guy grabs us by the arms and drags us to the bedroom where we were apparently needed the most first impression well do you remember the scene in a nightmare on elm street where one of the female leads is dragged across the walls and ceiling of the bedroom well this was exactly what i was looking at blood splatter dropping off the ceiling bloody handprints and streaks along the walls and floor the room was bare except for high quality recording equipment in one corner drug paraphernalia littering the floor and in the center of the room laid a blood-soaked mattress with a man on top laying in a fetal position and rocking back and forth clutching a ratty pillow turns out this man was filming himself and two other cool girls in what i can only imagine was supposed to be one epic drug-filled ragging threesome porno unfortunately for the man right as he was to ejaculate he hit one of girls the wrong way breaking his penis in the process and ejaculating blood all the ceiling and the girls this no doubt frightened and confused the poor girls as they stumbled back into the wall smearing them with blood in the process the cherry on top of this entire incident was the man refused to be transported and treated to nearby hospital even after explaining to him this would likely be the last time he would ever be able to have sex or urinate normally again unless he sought out urgent medical attention tonight fortunately the leos were able to talk some sense into him but my god what a way to go out haha ejaculate blood oh my god i'm gonna puke a story from my friend who's a specialist breast cancer nurse in the uk but in an area with a large west african population a complicated subject but in a nutshell there are quite a lot of patients who don't pursue western medical treatment in favor of faith healers or similar and may only return to hospital when things have reached a dire point she told me about a lady who showed up one day having not attended follow-up for months after diagnosis when she examined her she found the cancer had caused a festering wound in her chest that had eaten a hole through the flesh so deep that when my friend shone her torch and she could see her aorta the lady had just been stuffing it with tissues and hoping for the best now just imagine how many people in africa itself there are that do similar crap and then when they eventually do go to a hospital it's so underfunded that they never had a chance of surviving this thing from the beginning student detection here while on placement i witnessed a patient be referred to italy with end-stage kidney failure for dialysis he hadn't been diagnosed with kidney problems although he had noticed that when he had a big meal and a few drinks he felt a bit itchy and sore presumably when he was overloading his body and his gfr was on the floor said he didn't think he felt that bad and left pretty sure he would have died within a short while without a transplant or at least a good dialysis regime i am was an emt but this one's about a call my father was on as a firefighter back when i was a kid in the early 80s guy had fallen through a glass coffee table and cut his throat ridiculously wide open looked like he had a second mouth somehow managed to avoid the carotid arteries but was still seriously bleeding oh did i mention the guy was drunk out of his mind refused assistance i believe the exact words were do i freaking look like i'm on fire from my dad's crew same with the cops who got there behind him and the ambulance that got there a while later early 80s zero paramedics the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the ambient the app told him multiple times he needed to go for immediate surgery or at least a shitload of stitches and was so blasted out of his mind that he couldn't recognize how badly injured he was he wanted the crews to frick in the general direction of off eventually the cops told his wife we're all gonna wait out here on the road until he passes out from blood loss and then take care of him after he's unconscious he finally realized they were serious and with a bit more cajoling especially from his wife he went in and got sewed up frick in the general direction of off i may need to use this from now on i'm not a doctor but was the patient as kid i was afraid of doctors and hospitals for some reason and when i was like 11 or 12 i was walking across the street to get the mail when i got hit by a car and was hurt real bad and someone called 9-1-1 without me knowing so when the paramedics got there i tried to run away that's adorably hilarious yesterday i heard about 24 m with pancreatitis who refused hospitalization for those who don't know acute pancreatitis is your pancreas being digested by itself quite deadly especially if you try to walk it off only to be rushed back to hospital the next day my brother has been refusing to take insulin for about the past two years now he's read a bunch of articles and watched youtube videos saying that a vegan diet mixed with intermittent fasting will kickstart his pancreas and cure his diabetes since he started this he's gone from five feet eight inches and about 135 pounds to 96 pounds when they weighed him in the aiku this past week he developed a pretty serious case of dka on tuesday and when my dad took him to the hospital his blood sugar was over one thousand it was really hard for the doctors to be sympathetic with him because his illness is manageable if he just takes his insulin they see people day in and day out who would give anything to beat cancer or dementia but there's nothing they can do my brother wanted to take charge and try to get his organs working the way they're supposed to he thought if he took the insulin they gave him that his body would never stop to produce it because it didn't absolutely need it he's been grouchy and depressed for a very long time because his body was never actually getting the nutrients or calories from the food he was eating he was extremely strict with his diet i've never seen that level of dedication from anyone before i think he's realized he's gonna have to start taking his insulin on top of maintaining a healthy diet or he won't make it very much longer idk where i'm going with this rant all of the emotions are still pretty fresh since he's still in the hospital she didn't refuse treatment she was demented and had a medical proxy poor old lady was dying of congestive heart failure basically your heart doesn't pump as hard as it should so blood backs up into your lungs increasing pressure in those small vessels causing fluid to leak into the lung tissue tl dr you drown on your own fluids we were keeping her pretty out of it because it can be quite frightening particularly if you can't remember that you are old what sticks with me is when she would have brief periods of lucidity she would ask for a claritin for her allergies she thought her chf was just bad allergies poor lady passed away a couple days after but she went peacefully i don't know why but the tragedy of her asking for a claritin will stick with me for the rest of my life had a rage overdose come in and refused treatment once he was awake so once we felt he was okay enough to go we let him go only for him to come back in several hours later this time dead from a second age overdose funny h overdose story told to me by a paramedic pal guy calls saying his girlfriend has od'd and is non-responsive and he's trying mouth-to-mouth pal gets there guys giving mouth-to-mouth to a teapot while near dead gf is lying next to him guy insists to put his gf has to be restrained so partner can seat a girl who couldn't make this crap up a man was coming into the coronary care unit ccu to visit his dad who had just had a heart attack the day before on the way out he starts feeling sweaty and has crushing central chest pain reed equals heart attack we get him to sit down do an ecg and find widespread saint elevation read equals big heart attack tell him that he probably needs to be admitted but he denies all treatment tries to leave the hospital as fast as a man having a heart attack can do so before collapsing conveniently near the emergency department following stenting of his coronaries we couldn't get him a bed next to his dad on ccu but they were close enough that they could have conversations aww that's kind of sweet my girlfriend was longboarding in peru and she fell and cut her knee except it wasn't just a cut it had actually sliced all the way down to the bone and tore a lot of skin off around it she got up not realizing what had happened and continued longboarding for a while hardcore saw a person with a heart attack refusing to get admitted and he left after strip toca lace infusion was over i saw him going about his chores many months later at a convenience store he was apparently doing fine guy who loved to travel gets leukemia doesn't want to poison his body with antibiotics on top of the chemo refuses antibiotics antifungals antivirals etc guy has unbelievable worms coming out of him just unbelievable patient with history of 15-year ivh jews presented to maya today in septic shock secondary to large abscess at one of the injection sites on the right arm due to the patient's history of long-term intravenous injection multiple unsuccessful attempts at gaining iv access were made ultrasound machine was then brought in and her anti-cubital vein on the unaffected arm was deemed the only site available patient then expressed desire to leave ama because this is the only site i have left to inject and i don't want you to ruin it explained to patient that in all honesty they would still be able to use the site for later iv drug use patients did not trust this information patient was advised she would likely die in hours to days without treatment patient still wants to leave ama patient then offered central line which the patient promptly declined patient left not the most physically gruesome injury illness but the degree of addiction in this patient was pretty psychologically gruesome in my opinion patient would rather die than run the small chance of losing the only usable sight patient deemed self-accessible after recovery discharge i have maybe a different take on this i'm a nurse on a behavioral medicine unit and there is one patient that i keep thinking about years later he was a handsome young man married to a beautiful wife and had a beautiful daughter really was a picture-perfect family early twenties is when schizophrenia usually shows up and this poor guy was already married and had started a family when it began to manifest he was acutely paranoid and extremely delusional his hair became long and unkempt long messy beard etc he refused food and water refused medication and had a reason usually religious for all this it went on four weeks until we were finally able to get him into the state hospital where he tried to escape but was able to talk his way out in just a matter of weeks last i knew he was in the paper after he abducted his daughter and was found in a hotel several hours later luckily the daughter was safe mental illness can be every bit as acute as physical illness crocodile that missed a vein in her arm ate away so much flesh smelled awful and both the bones and her arm were very visible her elbow was only bone no skin or muscle they were blackened as soon as they mentioned cutting her arm off she dipped croc quick kills we get people over and over for ods of m and h but usually croc is just a body coming in to wait for examiner colon drugs are bad forgotten respiratory therapist here i've had people refuse oxygen when their pulse ox was in the 60s and of course they are code one so we just end up intubating them when they can't make their own decisions anymore it's really sad and frustrating my dad has severe end stage copd and when his oxygen drops he becomes disoriented and will refuse treatment it is so frustrating he has technically died a couple of times people refuse treatment for stuff like cancer and chf all the time i can understand it in a way but it seems crazy for your gut reaction to a cancer diagnosis to be just shrugging it off guy came in with osteomyelitis and gangrene of his foot leg up to his knee started as a bump on his shin that spread and ulcerated and wouldn't heal antibiotics and debridements as well as skin grafts were doing nothing for him could see down to bone and exposed muscle in parts not covered by fascia as well as parts that were fairly eating away this guy's had terrible diabetes that wasn't controlled in any way shape or form because he thought he could heal himself with prayer basically his only option was an amputation below knee wasn't an option because his tibia and fibula were eating away like swiss cheese through knee was maybe possible pretty high above knee amp was probably the only way he was going to keep any semblance of his leg without doing a full hip disarticulation of this thing spread anymore but he wanted a second opinion and decided to leave the hospital against medical advice despite us saying there was a massive infection in his leg and the need for systemic antibiotics to keep it from spreading any further he figured his podiatrist who was the one who sent him to the hospital in the first place to get a possible amputation because this was beyond the scope of his practice would have some magical formula to cure him of his problems and he would get full recovery and use of his leg i wanted to punch this guy in the face repeatedly before he signed the ama papers and left the hospital about a year ago young guy h addict comes into emergency nice enough guy just a problem with drugs some guy has beaten him with a baseball bat his arms are all sorts of crazy they look like the arms of mr tickle i x-ray them and he has so many breaks you couldn't count he needs surgery he needs his arms put back together i take him around to wait for the doctor and he can't wait said he can't be bothered and wants to go shoot up when i asked him how he was going to do it he said he would find a friend walked out of the department arms flapping in the wind never to return man tried to control his hypertension the natural way through herbs and spices he stroked he was a fit and active man but sometimes genetics win coma he stroked didn't realize that this is also used to control hypertension paramedic i had a drunk dude that jumped from a second floor balcony and broke his femur refused transport family took him in the next day it was a close break at the ball with minor rotations so not nasty looking but definitely still broken this is why in my system intoxicated people cannot refuse emt here lady ode and her husband found her unresponsive and turning blue guy slams narcan into her temporary fix we show up and the lady argues with me about going to the hospital says if the narcan wears off and she goes unresponsive she'll call us back told her that's not how it works necrosis of the penis like black chunks of skin falling off could not pee without catheterization doc said the only option at this point was to get a panectomy removal of the penis and the guy refused so all they could do was keep scraping the dead skin off it was freaking horrifying really bad motorcycle accident his left leg was so destroyed we couldn't even figure out where his ankle was we eventually found it because his bone was sticking out we took care of cleaning it the best we could and covered it while we waited for the doctor he said he couldn't wait anymore and he'll take care of it at home got up and literally wobbled out always wondered what happened to him he dead i'm not a doc but a social worker my grandmother who lives about five hours from me suffered a fall in the shower my mom found her and she seemed all right aside from needing help to the bed she was about 87 at the time and my mom called me to tell me what happened she and my dad were still at my grandma's house with her grandma said she didn't think she needed to go to the air to get checked out i told them that they had to take her to the emergency room and to not take no for an answer one of the things we were taught in my geriatric social work class is that a fall is very rarely just a fall in the elderly and there is likely some precipitating factor i told them to explain to her what i had said and she agreed to go sure enough they take her to the ear and tests are run and she has a major blockage in her large intestine and has to have the majority of it removed and a permanent colostomy placed she did not know that her diverticulitis had gotten as bad as it had which was what caused the blockage the doctor who performed the surgery stated that if she waited a day or two she would have died she still brags on me for saving her life from five hours away she's doing pretty well now and is in assisted living and she is taking the ostomy in stride she gave the darned thing a human name she's gotten mobile enough that she is able to go to my parents house for holidays which she wasn't able to do in the months just before and after her surgery she'll be 90 in august it's nice to read a story in this thread with a happy ending good on you for sticking to your guns story time i'm a paramedic now but i was in training when this happened we got dispatched to someone not acting right on scene we found a guy who was extremely agitated and refusing to go to the air he said he'd just keep peeing out his belly button and stay home thinking psych we tried to convince the guy to go to the air and it just wasn't happening the guy is now escorting us out of his house when i feel something warm and wet on the back of my legs i turn around and there's a stream of fluid coming from the patient but it doesn't look or smell like urine at this moment the patient sneezes and several loops of intestines come out of the patient's necrotic belly button along with what seems like a gallon of fluid patient keeps trying to shove his intestines back inside of him making the most god-awful noises ever with death smelling fluid pouring out of him he's still refusing any and all treatment i got on the phone with medical command and they gave us authorization to bring him in under the altered mental status protocol so we get the guy on the gurney with a fight but he slowly starts to lose steam and became less lucid in the ambulance the fluid kept pouring out of his stomach and i wrapped his intestines in saran wrap we got to the hospital and the back of the ambulance was covered in what we found out was acidic fluid he had such horrible and treated acidities that he did to weigh his belly button from the inside causing everything to spill out he ended up dying from liver failure and various complications a few hours after we brought him in read the whole thread and this is the one that got me i work admitting foreigner and i'm used to dealing with some screwed up stuff but so this takes a cake congratulations i gagged on water trying not to imagine the smell medic here active massive heart attack i even went so far as to call the emergency room so the doctor could tell the man over the phone that he would be dead very soon he still didn't believe me he refused transport to the hospital because he wasn't going to miss his son's graduation from sixth grade i'm pretty sure he's dead now that's some freaking dedication though i'm kind of jealous my parent never came to anything ever for any reason not the worst but certainly the easiest fix with the worst consequences i had a patient refuse surgery for a colonic obstruction because he was not willing to ever have a colostomy he had friends and family who had had one in the past he was otherwise totally reasonable and competent and staunchly refused the surgery which was the only treatment he knew he would die without surgery he and surprisingly developed ischemic colon peritonitis abdominal sepsis and died about 36 hours later i'm just going to tell you i am freaking fearful more than anything else of the idea of having a colostomy it's irrational i guess but the idea of it freaks me the freak out doctors nurses and hospital staff over at it what are your experiences funny sad horrible with people waking from anesthesia nsw in 91 i had my appendix out but there was a complication instead of being inflamed and ready to burst they found my appendix dead and shriveled the poison in my appendix had drained to my lymph nodes in the center of my stomach the doctor doing the surgery had to feel around to find where to make the second incision problem is that i was in the operating room for so long i built up a tolerance to the anesthesia that i woke up as i started to sit up with two huge holes in my stomach all hands came out of me and a nurse forced my head down making me look at the ceiling i thought this was a dream from the meds they gave me but my doctor later confirmed that this actually happened the anesthesiologist decided to up the dosage on the anesthesia to an adult level then double an adult level and i finally fell back asleep because of the high dosage they gave me my arms and legs twitched and i almost turned over on my side with two huge holes in my stomach they had to grab straps and strap me down to the bed including my head i do not remember it but the doctor who was my family doctor until the day he died told me that i woke up three more times during the operation and one time i saw my open wounds and freaked the heck out after that they strapped my head to the table the anesthesiologist refused to give me any larger dosages of the meds because he was at the danger levels for an adult i was a child and it was not working on me ever since then i have had to be prescribed large dosages of anything or it will not work dental work has to be done with both the local and gas as well because of this with the exception of heartburn meds and antibiotics medicine is something i usually do not take because it does not work one me well unless i take illegal doses my 11 year old daughter woke up crying after foot surgery because she felt bad for luigi when i asked her why she said because no one ever wants to be him when they play i have a nice sister of a friend story she was getting her wisdom teeth removed and after they took them out they just sewed up the holes they were in now she came out of anesthesia but she was still groggy and like sue wooper high while they were in the car going home she reached into her mouth touched the stumps and got blood on her fingers and then reached up and gave her the double football stripe look pulled her blanket over her head and said i'm a warrior the friend who told me this was laughing for a good five minutes after she told me this just thought i might share my brother had knee surgery done and at the time was running his own business and was stressed out when he was coming off the anesthesia he was trying to get out of bed and demanding to let him go because he had to get back to work it took three nurses to hold him down to convince him to stay in bed the sad and funny thing is he remembered the whole thing but he said it was like he felt he couldn't stop himself needless to say he was really embarrassed the rest of his hospital stay i'm not the medical professional in this story my husband had emergency surgery a few years ago and when he woke up he was just different i can't explain it he recognized who i was but his personality was completely different and the way he spoke to me was completely different it's sort of like in movies where people wake up in someone else's body it freaked me the freak out 36 hours later it was like he just woke up and was himself again the weird part is he had no memory of the past 36 hours he remembers being sick and he remembers the emergency room but after that nothing a lot of people came to visit him in that time period too a bunch of family and everyone from the office and he has no memory of any of them the only thing i can think is that whatever medication that was used in the anesthesia that gawked him finally worked its way out of his system thank you for the new verb to gawk i had an endoscopy performed and was put into a twilight sedation when i woke up i barely remember sitting in the recovery area i heard the beeping from my monitor i started to shake and my wife freaked out and called in the nurses thinking i was having some type of seizure or something i was just trying to make the beeping go faster by shaking while on fentanyl for gallstones in the air i asked the ultrasound tech if she wanted to take a selfie with me she declined and i got but hurt about it apparently i also told my sweet grandmother when asked if i was okay that i was fine gran i'm high as giraffe balls 2011 i had a hernia surgery don't remember this but was told i woke up exclaiming how f kedup i was wanted to know what they had given me and if i could purchase some i'm a nurse on a post-op floor and this type of comment is pretty common pee i had my wisdom teeth removed about a month ago and apparently when i woke up i said wow that's some good crap i was coming around from surgery and the nurse who was looking after me had a crush on a guy i dated when i first started nursing several years before it was rather surreal to go from deep deep sleep to talking about an ex-boyfriend i had hardly thought about in years i almost feel it was an abuser of her power i could have said anything coming out you don't expect to be interrogated about a past relationship the first thing waking up from major surgery in the end i found out some gossip the relationship didn't last long and apparently he was hurt that i wasn't devastated when we broke up and that i started dating someone new within a few weeks slightly different in that it wasn't anesthesia but rather sedative meds i worked in the hospital years ago and once had a patient who had an extreme paradoxical reaction opposite of what is expected to her ambien she went off the rails she started hallucinating that she was in a hostage situation with a man who was killing babies one nurse went in in the middle of the night while doing her rounds and the patient attacked her with a folded wire hanger and severely beat her in the face and head the nurse ended up with multiple broken bones in her face blacked both eyes and a number of deep wounds on her face she was gone for a while on workman's comp but eventually quit stating the experience had traumatized her and she didn't want to be in the building again don't know whatever happened to the patient but i doubt she would have been punished or charged since she was not in her right state of mind and nobody expected such a reaction to the medicine i was just going under and was barely conscious but my mother asked me how many fingers am i holding so i replied by lifting my middle finger and saying no mom how many fingers am i holding up i woke up from knee surgery and demanded a vodka and coke with no ice also for some reason i when i woke up i was freezing cold and shivering one of the nurses hooked me up to some heater which blew warm air under the covers from the bottom of the bed i then likened myself to marilyn monroe i'm a six foot two athletic guy heater which blew warm air under the covers from the bottom of the bed what a fancy hospital got wisdom teeth out one month after my dad died woke up and asked where he was thought he was picking me up comma my mom had a rough time with that one crap man my surgeon told me that when i was waking up from anesthesia he was walking past my bed and i yelled out as loud as i could thanks for not killing me doctor smith name changed he later told me it really made his day and he'll never forget it i'd like to seize this chance to say sorry to that poor guy who was around when i woke up first thing i said was i got a puke and i did so generously while he helped me suffer through this then i looked at him and said what's your name i don't know what he answered because he reminded me of a friend of my sister so i told him well you look more like a tobias to me he laughed and said that i look like a hugo to him then my dizzy mind then thought it was nice to say so does your mom then i laughed and puked again i fell asleep soon after and another nurse was there when they brought me back to my room so i never got the chance to apologize while it's a good story i still feel a little embarrassed can just hope that guy has seen worse if i was that dude i would chuckle for years to come we had a cute little guy 6yo who was getting his arm set in emog after a pretty big playground full he'd been waiting patiently for about three hours was a super trooper all through the x-rays the iv and while we get him set up on monitors they were talking about how he wouldn't remember the doctors putting his bones back in place because of the meds and how he'd probably have funny dreams from them too so he should think of something good right before we gave them having taken care of him all shift and knowing how hungry this kid was he was restricted from eating till he was in the cast i said you like hamburgers right maybe mom and dad can take you to mcdonald's when you're done as a treat the dad was like yeah cool buddy we'll do that just get this all done first so we push the special k and the kid conks out the arm is a bit difficult it was radial on a snap a couple inches below the wrist big fish from a height almost an s shape he was only out for about 10-15 minutes and came awake after that but was still partly under for a good while the moment dad were rubbing his shoulders getting ready to go as soon as he was up unable when they asked him if he had any dreams he said kind of drunkenly hamburgers dancing it's much cuter when said by a heroic sleepy six-year-old not a hospital staff but my grandma recently had to get anesthesia when she woke up she went paranoiac and thought that the doctors and nurses wanted to kill her to harvest her organs we had to try to explain to her that at her age there wasn't much that would be worth it many elderly people especially those with a baseline of dementia have adverse reactions to anesthesia they are frequently cookie for a few days also interestingly enough they can still harvest organs from the elderly the lifelink rep at my hospital says she has had some organs taken from people as old as 90. way too late on this thread but typing this out made me smile while on my third year surgery rotation i was meeting my patient in pre-op he was a stern-looking iraq war vet i told him that me and another med student would be viewing or assisting the procedure repairing an anal fistula since the other med student jim was stuck in another ore i asked him to help me mock jim for showing up late without flinching he casually says oh jim i've heard about that guy on the internet isn't he some kind of disgusting sexually deviant borderline pr file well not what i was thinking but sure let's do it your way med students are pretty low on the totem pole in an ore so no one outside of the attending even knew jim would be sitting in on the procedure we had just started this rotation at a new hospital so no staff really knew jim at all so we roll the patient in and we're getting ready to administer meds he signals me he's now very worried that we're gonna put him under without getting to prank jim jim enters the room as our patient starts to knock off he introduces himself hello everyone i'm jim a third year med student and i'll be sitting in on this procedure the patient's eyes opened wildly he screams frick your gym and is out everyone was silent for 2-5 seconds before i cracked up and explained what happened in pre-op so all was good when he woke up his first words were did we get him we got him sedated fist bump dude was committed to the joke got told the story when i was eight i got a knee surgery while on anesthesia the travel between my hospital room and the or i tough i was in a formula one car so i would make all the noise telling people to faster make the sound of the tires too the guys told my mom it was the funniest transfer they ever had everybody was laughing including people in the hallway obligatory not a doctor but i've gotten anesthesia a bunch of times i only have vague memories of waking up from it but i imagine the nurse's favorite from me is the time that i convinced my nurse that i spoke russian and could help her translate the one phrase she knew in reality i had taken like two semesters of russian but still had a very limited vocab i still wanted to get my flirt game on though the only thing i could think of as the patient was that i surprised a lot of nurses with how quickly i shook off the anaesthetic i would be walking around an hour later and getting changed ready to go home they just look dumbfounded i am one of those people as well i wake up quite easily like i just had a nap or something i'm also quite difficult to put out and hard to keep under i don't fight it or resist it it's like my body just shrugs it off i shadow the surgery once with this guy who woke up saying give it to me straight doc will i ever play the piano again all of us were cracking up and he then goes oh wait i don't know how to play the piano ha ha ha ha ha ha this one made me laugh [Music] woke up from a two-hour reconstructive surgery on my ear they had removed most of the skin between my ear and my head opened it like a door and built me a new eardrum as soon as i woke up i had to clean so i started walking around the ward in my assless gown trailing an iv and looking for stuff to throw away nurse was not amused but i refused to stop cleaning she gave me a piece of paper and told me to throw this away then go back to bed i agreed also what's with everyone being put under for wisdom teeth removal i had mine yanked then i drove home 15 minutes later a lot of times doctors will try to pull wisdom teeth early before they cause too much impaction if they haven't broken the gum surface yet it's a pretty involved oral surgery that can take a long time also some people are wimps this will get buried but i feel compelled to share anyways i went in to get all four of my wisdom teeth pulled and they used light anesthesia on me because i did not want to be awake in any way the first thing i remember when i came out was my girlfriend at the time and three nurses laughing hysterically i didn't know what was going on they kept saying to me sing us your song sing us the song and i kept asking what song my girlfriend says they told me all about the body condom [ __ ] lover song you kept singing i want to hear supposedly when i first woke up they asked who had brought me in for the surgery you aren't allowed to drive away after anaesthesia duh and i responded something to the effect of my [ __ ] they couldn't believe it but i was adamant that my midgets had brought me i then began to sing a song called body condom [ __ ] lover which i don't remember a single word of so one nurse went out into the waiting room and started looking for a little person of course there was no little person so they just asked who brought madison for surgery i guess they were shocked when a normal woman walked up and said me unfortunately i still can't remember that song but i hope all those nurses never forgot it tldr woke up from anesthesia telling the nurses a [ __ ] brought me for surgery and proceeded to sing a song body condom [ __ ] lover which i never sang before i had ingrown canines they were basically growing sideways in the roof of my mouth anyways once i woke up my wife who was then my girlfriend had to leave the dentist office to go to the bathroom or something before we left anyways when she was leaving i started singing baby come back i did this with a hole in the roof of my mouth where they were trying to pull my canines out through two missing baby canines which were just removed and under a crap ton of anesthesia while my mouth was filled with blood so needless to say i had quite the lip she said it was both the cutest and scariest thing i had ever done not me a male friend broke his nose which was a bit off to begin with and asked the doctor to not give him a cosmetic operation only functional since he couldn't breath well before the operation a nurse had him stripped to put the operation robe on while high on anesthesia he proceeds to brag about his penis and tell the nurse how hot she is to which he only laughs operation goes well the doctor however once he cut the nose bridge or whatever and place the nose in its new place thought the cosmetic one looked too good to not be done so he did it anyways friend wakes up sees his nose in a mirror pointing upwards starts to get real angry almost punching the mirror until the hot nurse came in next words were he ee iii how you like my new sexier nose there was another male nurse on the room after trying to hit on the female nurse patient said to him hey i am really hungry come bring us a pizza and i'll pay you later guys game even while high i was the patient in this one but i was having a squint corrected by surgery when i was five they gave me anesthesia but it just made me more and more hyper i was bouncing around the little cos they'd put me in as the doctor said to my mum i don't understand he should be going to sleep the bit i remember clear as day was when with my surgery window about to close they switched drugs and pinned my down with a mask on in my memory it is super violent and traumatic i'm sure it wasn't but they were wearing masks and i was a kid and basically became terrified of doctors for a while a lot of sedatives and aesthetics have the complete opposite effect when given to kids they get hyper and excited rather than sleepy after a not so routine septoplasty on a vip only bodyguards and close staff were initially authorized to be present at bedside when he came out of anaesthetic anesthesia however the family particularly the wife and mother protested heavily and due to their status were permitted entry despite the initial orders as he started coming around the nurse the protocol got him ambulatory and steer toward the toilet however after several stumbling albeit assisted steps later the patient pulled up his robe grasped his erect penis and proceeded to urinate on the small assembled group in great arcing streams swaying his hips from left to right like a lawn sprinkler on a prinkler on a prinkler on a prinkler on a prinkler on a pouring the group literally did not budge as the patient hosed them down for the better part of 10 seconds as our staff scrambled for protection and i was able to get behind him and gently wrestle him toward the toilet staff respectfully but quickly ushered the befouled group out and into another room to gather themselves and dry off just as we made it into the tiled bath the patient arranged himself as i attempted to steady him and suddenly became rigid putting out his hand as if to say i've got this i asked to be sure and he turned his head and winked a broad smile beneath his heavily packed and bandaged nose not every day you get to pee on your family to get them to pee off i had an appendectomy when i was 17 1987. when i woke up after surgery i was singing while thing very very loudly but i was still under a bit so i hadn't tried to open my eyes or sit up when i finally did wake up i couldn't see at all i was screaming i'm blind i can't see and my mom and dad were in the room with me thinking i was indeed blind from the anesthesia the doctor eventually came in and explained that this happened sometimes and it can take a bit for eyesight to return it took 30 minutes and the entire time i really thought i was never going to see again then to make matters worse i was in horrible pain and the nurse said we will get you a shot really quick while giving me the shot i started to speak and then the demerol hit me and i threw up everywhere h.a i was home after having my wisdom teeth removed and i asked my dad for a bottle of water i still had the gauze in my mouth so i couldn't close my mouth all the way to swallow so of course water dribbled down my chin the water was red from the blood but my drug-induced mind thought oh my gosh i just drank water and it came out red like wine wine like jesus i'm jesus yeah my very religious father didn't take this too well lol who also had the three heart monitor patches on me still and when i felt them they were pointy so again my drug-induced mind thought where did these extra nipples come from oh crap i have five nipples now i was at an inner city teaching hospital and this young lady comes in with a dislocated shoulder that happened during some acrobatic sex her words we tried a single maneuver without sedation but figured out pretty quickly that it wasn't going to happen instructions were given to get her set up for a more in-depth shoulder reduction i came back in the room and things seemed ready to go some ads were given including one that can make folks pretty disinhibited the patient gave a loud sigh and laid back the way we do this is give the meds and then work pretty quickly to get the shoulder fixed it lets us use less medication however in this case things were done correctly we were going to use some sheets to help apply counter traction and they were laid out completely incorrectly while we work to get the sheet properly placed the patient opened her eyes and announced i'm just gonna finish real quick pulled the gown aside and started masturbating one of the techs grabbed her but grabbed the bad arm she yelled cause it hurt and he let go and walked out of the room he was upset and there were some issues there she looked me right in the eye and said help me out or get out of the way i will like it more if you watch the nurse that was giving the meds at this point lost it and just started laughing her face off and the patient attacked herself with renewed energy while i tried to cover her with a sheet less than 60 seconds and she was very vocally done thankfully i had my choice of people just outside the room to help me get her a positioned and reduced very next shift i had it out with those two the tech still seemed horrified the nurse seemed to take it very seriously later that night we had a nasty gi bleed that lost control of their bowels i was trying to help out and she leaned over and whispered help me out or get out of the way i will like it more if you watch i died so many ways the staff worked that phrase into so many great circumstances for the rest of my time there patient here had to be gassed when i got my wisdom teeth removed apparently my jaw needed some kind of jiggering so they doped me really well luckily my wife was there to keep contained when i came out of surgery i apparently called the nurses cold bags probably for being rude and tried to cheer them up by singing the adventure time theme song with a mouth full of gaws and blood this is assumption by the way as my wife had to fill in the gaps in my memory but what followed kinda confirms things the nurses fed up with my attempts to sue them told me to pipe down and handed me a white board with a marker this is how i was meant to talk for the next while i took some artistic liberties and drew my best jake and finn for them and kept trying to stop the nurses as they rushed past me so i could show them my drawing nobody stopped so i sat there weeping and smiling unsure what i was supposed to feel i was quite a sight a six foot tall heavily tattooed child smiling and crying like a doofus in his wheelchair hoping the nurses he insulted would be proud of his artwork i did a three-day internship at a vet in eighth grade and i got to watch them operate mostly castration neutering and one time they brought in a wild cat like a european one so it looked just like a house cat with weird markings it was oddly tame and let me touch it it also had only three legs the last one had got abs stuck in a trap and was in for some infection had gotten stuck in another trap so we got the needles ready well the vet did and it was fine until the vet injected it it must have hated needles because it started literally running as cyril's abd hissing they got it in a net eventually but it still wouldn't calm down do they double the dose then tripled it finally it knowed it off but still kept waking up very so often to glare at us after the operation it went back to being nearly tame let me pet it gave me a nozzle and was released the next day late to the party but when i got my wisdom teeth out i managed to get two people in the recovery room to sing christmas carols with me i also argued with the nurse about my singing in my defense it was the 26th of december code browns are pretty common patients crapping themselves during anesthesia or on emergence one of my patients who was is in lithotomy position for a gin procedure vulvectomy started wiggling a bit the surgeon was positioned between the patient's legs putting a wound vac on and was almost done so i had turned off the anaesthetic well she ended up squirting a dark brown streak of poop up the surgeon's gown and up a mask surgeon was less that pleased i told her that she should have finished up faster and that i was sorry but i ran out of quarters for the anesthesia machine nurses doctors hospital workers over read it what's your creepiest experience in the hospital serious so i'm not a doctor but my dad is and i sometimes go with him to different hospitals that he works at there's one in particular that stands out though this hospital used to basically be a death camp for people that got tuberculosis they'd send them there for fresh air to heal them and they'd die because there wasn't any real cure very many people died this way in the hospital and the building in general is old and creepy looking when he sees patients i hang out with the nurse's pas and they often tell me ghost stories because of working there a lot of the staff has gotten into things like ouija boards recorders ghost tours etc too so that's also cool and i've heard some of their recordings and such here are some of the stories i've heard until last year there was an old elevator that was known for sometimes stopping you on either the second or fourth floor before taking you where you actually wanted to go this wouldn't be a big deal normally but this hospital is strangely laid out it's a four-story building but only the first and third floors are in operation the fourth and second floors look like a typical abandoned hospital complete with broken wheelchairs outdated medical equipment and no working lights my dad has gotten stuck on the abandoned floors several times in the past and people have claimed to have bad experiences there patients who would report seeing the same people in their rooms one incident involved several patients complaining about a little boy and little girl coming to their rooms at nighttime several patients refusing to stay in their room again after the first night people hearing screams and children's laughter a horror movie was filmed at the hospital on the third floor and the staff kept noticing noises that were messing up the filming coming from upstairs they went downstairs and asked the staff to tell the nurses on the fourth floor to quiet down no one has worked on the fourth floor in a very long time cna in a nursing home i swear i heard a walker going down the hallway for a full few minutes hallways were empty no doors opened or closed and we did rounds 15 minutes after hearing that and every single person was in bed there was an old woman in her 70s when i first saw her in 1985. a chronic schizophrenic by all criteria the consultant who trained my consultant was a resident in psychiatry as she was admitted the first time 1943 that is i found it rather strange that my consultant would never ever prescribe her any medication instead would treat her as a guest visitor whenever she dropped in to have a chat with her friend my consultant was due to retire and during one of his last days i summoned the courage to ask him about the old woman she fulfills every requirement that warrants the diagnosis yet my consultant never ever attempted to admit her or treat her nor did i you must never as well the answer was unexpected he must have read my complete shock he took out an old worn out file from his cabinet and asked me to read pages were yellow and the ink was fading but the dates and notes were legible 1943 his consultant had broken the rule secured a patient's file and kept with him then he handed that file and the patient to his student who was incidentally my consultant as i read i knew the reason she had back in 1943 while in a mental asylum predicted demise of nazis usage of nuclear bombs and half of europe falling under atheist communists freedom for colonies in asia and africa the notes said that she had systematized delusions and auditory hallucinations that she held to be true and voice of god i never saw her after my consultant went into retirement however if ever there are a few enigmas that i encountered she is the biggest of them all i had a 29 years old woman coming for drug overdose and was on life support for a few days while being brain dead during the same time mother eventually chose to withdraw care and the woman died in 30 minutes the color of her skin had gone an extra tone of white that no movies can match with her sunken eyes open security here in the cancer institute for one of my hospital plazas you can always feel someone watching you or if you're standing in the parking lot you can watch tvs go on and off or if you're extremely unlucky you can see a figure standing in the window then vanish i always thought security is one of the worst jobs for dealing with paranormal stuff you're usually all by yourself fresh intern in a massive university hospital as with a lot of hospitals in the uk half of it is space-aged while the other half hasn't had a lick of paint since the 70s a lot of the old section of the hospital has been out of use for years but later tonight interns would navigate these closed wards and corridors for shortcuts when under pressure my cardiac arrest bleep yanks call this a code went off about 3am i was on the ground floor of the old section of hospital and the call was to the far end of the top floor of the same section i ran up five flights of stairs to bring me to the right floor but the wrong side i had to pass through a massive abandoned ward that was completely pitch black to get to the ward i wanted i sprinted down a long dark corridor huffing and puffing i nearly smashed into an elderly lady she grabbed my arm i'll never forget how ice cold her grip was how do i get out she said i pointed towards where i had just come from and told her to get into the elevators i continued my sprint i was the first doctor to make it to the bad side a nurse was performing cpr and another was drawing up adrenaline i went to the top of the bed to manage the airway i looked down it was the same old lady i met in the corridor this is my favorite so far chills former cna here i used to work in a rehabilitation center for post-op surgeries i worked at a small facility less than a hundred patients in that time i had one peculiar case i was doing my rounds answering call lights and helping out where needed when i got towards the end of my hall there was an elderly gentleman that had knelt down and died it was very alarming at first he had an iv in his arm and an oxygen tank when he passed at first glance it looked like he had died by getting tangled in his tubes but after getting the nurse and examining his body on the floor we determined it was a last burst of energy before he passed i didn't get to know him as he was bedridden but that incident has stayed with me forever maybe more disturbing than creepy but i get called into work late one night i am an rn working in surgery and late night calls are always a roll of the dice as to what you might get the hospital operator calling had very little detail as to what we were coming in for just the surgeon and patient name i get there and the doctor had booked a transmetatarsal amputation on a diabetic patient which is not unusual when i go to talk to the patient it turns out that due to his diabetic neuropathy and therefore lack of sensation in his feet he had a sore on his toes that had gone and treated again not unusual well in this case he had awoken to crunching noises in the middle of the night he wakes up and turns on the light to find that underneath the covers his beloved chihuahua had eaten all four of his smaller toes and was working on the great toe the wound was a pretty ghastly sight and the sight of those tiny teeth marks is something i'll never forget okay here's another story a guy had a heart attack on a city bus ms brought him into the edie in full arrest they cut his clothes off him and hook up everything all of sudden this guy is getting an erection a huge one this boy was blessed a few of the nurses were saying doc you've got to save him funny as heck hospital humor is sick worked as a hospital chaplain this summer we get called to every code blue in order to be with the family and or pray while the staff works on the patient the 3 30 am i get paid to the cardiac iq 30 year old woman has coded and they are working hard to get her back she is flat on her back while they're doing compressions and she's not conscious no family present so i am working hard to stay out of the way and pray silently suddenly this woman sits straight up in bed and full on screams let me go everyone just stops and stares at her finally after a pause that felt like forever someone says not today everyone kind of starts chuckling and breaks what was a very tense room the staff quickly got back to work trying to stabilize her much of which she actively refused for the first minute or so after she was stabilized a little more i returned to the on-call room and continued with my night but months later thinking about her in that scream i still wonder what she may have seen and why she wanted to go so bad her scream has been imprinted on my heart and still gives me chills i used to work patient transport i got a call to take a body from my coup to the morgue nothing crazy i got to the aiku and because it was shifts change a large group of nurses were circled around the nursing station there were two doctors there as well i went up to the group to say i was ready that was when i felt an incredible wave of dread i saw that they were creeped out nurses and doctors alike one doctor asked what was the temperature 101.5 replied the nurse when did he expire over three hours ago family requested additional time bodies are usually only allowed to stay two hours on the floor before going to the morgue the whole group with me trailing walked to the patient's bedside the doctor placed his hand on the patient's stomach the immediate shock that came across his face was terrifying the patient was burning up after three hours they should be cold he said there was no medical explanation he is an esteemed iku doctor with years of experience so i trust him i took that body down and while in the elevator i thought of zombies i have never been so scared but while waiting i knew that i had to touch his stomach or else i would never forgive myself i had to be a tangential part of this medical anomaly through a pair of gloves a body bag and two sheets i touched his stomach and felt the radiating heat i worked it help desk in a hospital for three years which meant working a late shift one week out of every six the first time i ever did this most people went home between five six and it was dead quiet by seven later in the evening i started hearing doors and windows opening and closing in the building's other wings this went on until i left at 1am windows opening then immediately closing doors opening at both ends of a long hallway simultaneously it just went on and on all night i commented to my manager the next day that the security guards took an awfully long time to do their rounds of the building and check all the windows were locked it went on for hours by my watch he gave me a funny look and told me that there was no security in our building after hours i'd been the only living soul in there it's worth noting that the building had originally been a nuns dormitory and when they moved out it was converted into a morgue before getting its final mackie over and becoming an office block same thing happened every time i pulled a late shift i heard these noises all night but never saw anything disturbing so i decided in the end that it simply wasn't a problem however leaving the building meant turning all the lights off then walking 30 meters in the dark to the main door i hated that part of going home i studied recreational therapy in college and we had to shadow many different hospitals one of the ones we had to shadow was an old state psychiatric facility which is rumored to be haunted since it was so far they offered to let us stay in the dorms they have for their interns my friend and i were the last to get there out of all our class the campus was huge so when we arrived we got out where we thought we were supposed to go as we approached the building we heard a god awful scream i screamed followed by monaco laughter i thought it was our professor fellow classmates playing a joke on us we finally found where they were and we told them that they got us good they told us it wasn't them i was terrified to sleep there that night i work in palliative most deaths i've seen have been more or less peaceful though the ones that are not stick with you one guy was silently screaming through his last few hours of life another guy who up until this point had been unresponsive reached up and grabbed me when we attempted to lower his bed to turn him one time while doing post-mortem care i walked into the room and thought that's weird how come nobody has closed his eyes yet he had that movie perfect dead look with pale blue staring eyes and slack jaw and grayish waxy skin i closed his eyes and started the care and when i looked to gain those eyes still staring at me was slowly opening one slightly slower than the other he groaned when we turned him to wash his back and his hand managed to clamp onto the bed rail and we had to pry it off when we finally got him onto his back again there was a foul smelling oily black viscous liquid on the pillowcase i cleaned his mouth again thinking it must have come from there but his mouth and nose were clean the best i could figure the stuff had come from his eye i couldn't wait to get that bag zipped up i created a creepy situation in a hospital once one level of the hospital basements hosted only two things the x-ray archive which nearly filled the whole level and the morgue i was working in the x-ray department and part of my job was to get old pictures from the archive and put them back again after a short time i knew my way around and didn't need the light to find the right room off the corridor which was good as the corridor lights had issues so one day i was on my way back to the upstairs world and waited for the elevator standing in a dark corner the elevator came and a young nurse pushed a hospital bed with an ex-customer into the corridor she tried the lights but it stayed dark i said they had issues so she pushed the bed towards the morgue in the dark she passed me without noticing me and i said boo i nearly had to scratch her from the ceiling got a stern talk with the head nurse for that but she could not fire me semicolon working overnight in a nursing home the call bell kept turning on in an empty room wasn't the stuff because there were only four of scheduled and we were all at the nurse's station i don't believe in the supernatural but it was weird i was still a student nurse at the time but this definitely applies i was interning in an iq and my patient died so i got to take my first trip to the morgue i expected what you see on tv usually a big room with cabinets for people nope it was just a huge walk-in fridge with bodies some on stretchers some on the floor all with sheets over them what made it really creepy for me at least is my preceptor pointed to the legit pile of bodies in the back and told me they put the dead children in the back like that so they're not super visible right up front well frick this starts off very cheesy but it's all true one dark and very stormy night at the hospital i was working with a new cna and training her on how things run around the hospital basically she needed to know how to help me the nurse and how i did things while we start to walk down one hallway and we both are paralyzed in fear because we see a dark malevolent looking figure at the end of the hall by the exit sign i take off running and she follows we screen talk about what we saw and she swears she saw a fog around the entity in the end we chalk it up to late night shifts and too much coffee laughs ensue well even though it's nighttime no one sleeps in a hospital so we are paged to go in a room and continue our rounds we carefully look down the hallway and nothing is there we do our work with a patient and as soon as we step out of the room there is the scary shadow man at the end of the hall we scream and take off running again i call security and they come up and check everything of course nothing is found but then we hear an alarm start to go off in a room so we bolt in there it's the room at the end of the hall where the figure was a doctor and another nurse had made it in there before us and the patient had died now this was a stroke patient who was paralyzed and could not walk the weird part was her window was open so the cna and i start crying and explain what had been happening the doctor requested security playback the video of the hallway to make sure no one hurt the patient in the video we all could clearly see a dark shadow that never disappeared and yes it did look like it was surrounded by fog right before the patient alarm went off the shadow vanished now everyone claims this was the angel of death i don't know what it was but i'm glad i don't work there anymore see this is the kind of thing that makes the most sense to me maybe i'm more chicken [ __ ] than most but all these stories of there was a ghost walking through there are black figures in the corners things move inexplicably yeah that was super weird sound so blase if i ever saw any of that stuff i'd be like i'm out and run away squealing i used to work in a nursing home as a cna one day at lunchtime we were going room to room bringing the residents their lunches as i walked past the room of a resident that i knew the curtains were drawn around his bed but i could still see that he was laying in bed i went in the room and saw that he was dead and his eyes and mouth were open his mouth was open completely no sheet covering him up he just lay there no sheet covering him forgotten ignored while everyone was rushing about serving lunch and feeding the really impaired residents this made me sad that he wasn't shown more respect i asked the floor nurse about him and she told me that he had died just before lunch and the funeral home hadn't come yet to take him away i was angry that he wasn't shown more respect i felt sad for him i quit not long after that and did in home healthcare where i could give more care and time for my clients nursing home and constantly underfunded and shorthanded this is a problem no matter what country you go this is not my story but my friend's partner worked as a cleaner of biological waste in a hospital he said he was once pushing a trolley and a bag fell off as he went to pick it up he realized it had a severed hand inside i asked him if he was freaked out and he just shrugged and said he worked in a hospital and put the hand back into the trolley it creeped me out by proxy the unit i work on used to be an old maternity unit not a lot of people know that but we still have tons of patients report hearing crying babies i walked past a lift late at night while the doors suddenly opened with no one around proper shot me up until i found out the lifts returned to the ground floor when they haven't been used in a while had a patient record a video of me without my permission and posted on youtube claiming that i was his new radio webshell co-host when he is discharged from the hospital he then proceeds to stalk me waiting for me in the cafe and by leaving notes on the floor i worked on asking me to call the number he wrote on the paper so we can't meet for the show weeks pass and a fellow co-worker saw him waiting for me in the cafe so she reported him and security escorted him away and i had to file a report co-workers looked up the video on youtube still there creepy comments from his supporters of his web show radio series comment about me and how they need to see more of me if you contact youtube support team you should be able to get that down generally recording someone against their permission is illegal if you provide evidence report to yaotai about the stalking they should take it down may not be gone from the internet forever but it'll be gone from that channel friend used to work in a psyche ward and there was one patient that was determined to end her life she stayed in a padded room with no objects in the room for her safety he walked in on her one day chewing on her wrists and she was bleeding out she survived but he quit shortly after that i guess for me it is death itself at the beginning of the day you're talking to this patient and interviewing them to make sure they know what is being done and identifying them to make sure we have the right patient you make small talk and joke a little before heading into the room they always have family waiting and we give updates throughout the surgery it's hard to explain one moment they're here and the next you're doing chest compressions to keep their body perfused they stare off towards the ceiling their lifeless eyes i'm trying to get some sort of pulse or shockable rhythm back my compressions are consistent i have a good pace and they are deep i can only go for two or three minutes i let someone else take over their compressions are nearly as good and i'm out of breath i'm starting to sweat too i hop back in she keeps getting more and more pale why won't the doctor call it i'm getting tired again whoever this person was has merged with the infinite the same lifeless eyes are fixed on the ceiling i'm sorry i wish there was more i could do it's happened a couple of time now it never gets any easier our bodies can take a lot and they are amazing at adjusting to life however sometimes it's too much and you realize how fragile a body can be when victims of violent crimes are admitted we take certain precautions at least until the police are confident they have the guy and nobody is coming to finish the job in a hoe my co-worker was taking one of these patients down for a stat head ct two sketchy af dudes came to my unit looking for the patient and tried to get in locked unit our hospitals police security team is great and they arrived shortly after we called but the guys vanished had trouble getting a hold of my friend and ct briefly but she got the message and waited for security to escort them back security found the two dudes loitering outside one of the other x-ray areas so somehow they knew figured out their patient wasn't on the unit and down in radiology but luckily they went to the wrong one never found out anything about it afterwards but that one stuck with me for some reason this creeps me out so much because it has nothing at all to do with speculation or the supernatural so this is just crappy people being crappy i'm glad your friend co-worker didn't get hurt my mom works for a hospital former icu nurse where creepy stuff happens all the time a lot of the staff are convinced the woman the hospital was named after still haunts the place i find a majority of the stories comforting as this woman was a former nurse who cared deeply about her patients it's nice to think she still checks up on the place every once in a while haiku nurse anyone who has performed compressions can attest to this the first time you break through someone's ribs i will never forget that grim feeling i'm a srna that works at a rehabilitation center i prefer to work thirds and one night while i was doing my rounds and checking on everyone i walked in on a dementia patient that didn't have use of her legs anymore she was just thrashing around in her bed and when i asked what was wrong she started crying and just said i'm sad of course i asked why and she responded i'm always sad at a funeral and started to giggle i just nope the frick out of that room and asked the nurse to come in there with me we got back and she was fast asleep dead bodies can moan groan and fart as gas escapes them it's a little creepy when you're working on a corpse and all of a sudden they let out an enormous groan my aunt is a nurse at a hospital at the beginning of her career she was walking a patient to the bathroom and she just collapses falling on her stomach my aunt calls for help and as she turns the woman over blood starts to projectile out of the woman's mouth exorcist style we're talking all over the walls the ceiling and my aunt apparently it was an abdominal aortic aneurysm the woman didn't live the creepiest feeling i have is when an ed patient comes in for a psyche vowel and looks through your soul usually they're having psychosis related to drugs schizophrenia or bipolar they literally talk through you to someone standing behind you like you don't even exist and in reality the person behind you doesn't exist it's even worse if they're speaking in gibberish a lot of times it sounds like a foreign language almost nothing makes sense and yet their eyes are screaming for help it really makes you thankful for your sanity and realize how fragile sanity really can be i used to work in a hospital in the switchboard every so often i would get a night shift during the working week 8 am to 8 pm we worked with others between three to four members of staff but outside those times weekends evenings nights and early mornings we were on our own of course sometimes it was busy but from about 10 p.m to about 6 a.m it was steady but quiet i wasn't actually scheduled to work nights 10 p.m to 6 a.m however due to chronic staff shortages i often ended up doing a few every month or so blame those who keep underfunding the nhs that night it was busy then a little lull i had a 333 crash call alert at about 11 10 pm moncton ward children's ward pediatrician registrar surgical registrar and trauma team urgent i put the call out and here for you to run past the door doctors mess right next to our office then get on with the rest of my calls normal sort of traffic a patient's relatives calling the wards to check up on them nothing really out of the ordinary then it calms down for about 10 minutes i am sort of watching the telly but not really to be honest i was wishing i didn't have to work tonight then be back in tomorrow for a late shift 2 p.m to 10 p.m however that is how things go sometimes then as i am gazing out the window i get a shock although at the time it didn't shock me i just opened my eyes a little wider and no dear lord this was christmas eve about 11 30 p.m and i swear i saw what looked like a classic angel pass the window in our switchboard our switchboard was on the first floor he she sorted floated upwards past the window and holding his her hand was a little girl later that night the surgeon popped into the office to get the batteries changed on his bleeper i asked him if he was okay and he said it had been a really tough night i gathered the earlier crash call didn't go well he wouldn't have told me any real information so i didn't ask but he was definitely upset about something i have never ever told anyone what i saw even though i believe in a higher power i know others don't m26 when the 95 year old female patient says if i were a little younger i would have you faster than butterfalls of a hot spoon i used to work in the same hospital that jimmy savile did his bad things in i also had access to the very same mortuaries and quite often had to go at night thankfully since the savile saga no member of staff can be in there without another present they also have a camera that takes a picture every time the doors are opened i volunteered at a nursing home a few days a week got close to the maintenance and security guys there was security footage of a little girl walking down the hallway in the basement then entering the break room the video was from around 1 2 a.m there was no way a girl who was around 10 could have been there they would also find candy from the vending machine all over the floor with no one having to been in the room i had an eight-year-old patient com as all heck tell me something was telling her to kill her neighborhood girl she then went on to tell me she liked fire trucks she had a dog and she couldn't beat the game on her mom's phone all in the same tone creepy like the patient who kept eating himself creepy like the patient who had lies to such an extent you could see his scalp moving creepy like the ghost playing the piano or creepy like the demented patience we keep alive for no reason go on a tad creepy i used to work on an oncology ward at a hospital informed patient we needed to apply barrier cream used to reduce friction from sheets on skin to her flank patient replies oh yeah you can bury my cream patient was an 89 you woman with stage 4 colon cancer i couldn't really blame her for still trying to get some action given the prognosis work at a psych hospital this young male patient is admitted to our unit for acute psychosis he thinks he's jehovah's son in his room his mattress is on the floor and all the furniture is turned upside down he doesn't want us to change it as he says he set up his room that way for a reason every time i do my checks i see him squatting in the corner in the dark all i see are his two beady eyes glaring back at me creepy crap i worked security at a hospital one of the responsibilities was to check the morgue temperatures every morning one day i went to open the door slide my badge reach for the handle and as i start to open it it slams back closed i step back wait a minute and try again morg is empty i almost didn't believe what happened so i went back to the office checked the cctv camera that was mounted in the hallway looking at the door i was trying to open it showed the whole thing one time we had a death blind and tongueless she had to bite it off girl who was in because somehow she got close enough to a kitchen knife to attempt to do herself in the sounds she made echoed through the hospital she sounded like she just wanted to die but she failed and it just piled up into her self-misery beyond the most terrifying experience in my life period this will get buried but i've been waiting for the opportunity to tell this story started working as a cna at an ltac hospital about three years ago for those who don't know cna is a nurse's assistant i do it for the experience but essentially it's a glorified janitor that gets to take vitals anyways we had an older patient that stayed in what the staff would refer to as the quieter hall of rooms she had been with us for about two weeks at this point she didn't talk but was capable as far as i knew one day i go in to take her vitals about 6am right as my shift started i expected her to be asleep but as soon as i walked in i heard murmuring i went to put the blood pressure cuff on her arm without disturbing her as i got closer i could begin to hear what she was saying it was the mother mary full of grace prayer the catholics do she turned and looked at me and kept repeating it without really acknowledging me i got out of there as fast as i could and didn't see her again that day i came back to work two days later and she had died what is your undiagnosed strange physical problem that doctors can't find an answer for sleep issues i have done three sleep study tests and two tests for narcolepsy and they can't figure anything out i am always tired no matter how much i sleep and when i have done the overnight tests i always joke with the techs that i am gonna melt their machines once i hit rem sleep when i wake up they say you weren't lying i can tell you dream most of the night this i sleep so hard and i'm always tired dreams every night and all night usually i have two lumps on the bottom of my foot they have been surgically removed twice and still came back biopsies were clean one podiatrist said they were probably impacted sweat glands but two others said probably not they had reasons i don't recall imagine two pea-sized rocks permanently embedded on the bottom of your foot it hurts to walk most of the time look up hypokeratosis punk tartar might be your issue i had erectile dysfunction for about three years in my twenties my sex drive was just as high as always but i could never get it up without taking some silence not even a lot like 2.5 milligrams but if i didn't take it i just couldn't do anything i was stumped for a very long time checked my testosterone levels saw a therapist started working out more took vitamin d supplements nothing seemed to help meanwhile i gotta go to the bathroom half an hour before any sexual encounter to take a freaking dong pill it was messing with me so hard especially at that early age three years into this whole ordeal the back acne i have had since my teens really intensified and i went to a dermatologist it turns out i have had a raging bacterial infection in my skin the entire time i had to take antibiotics for four months before it cleared up but much more importantly within two weeks of starting the antibiotics my dong was working perfectly fine again i stood up on command not a problem anymore later i found out that the occasional nosebleeds i experienced were also a result from a long-term bacterial infection in my nose and got rid of that too life has never been as good whoa that's wild occasionally i get an extremely sharp pain in the left side of my chest preventing me from breathing at all x-rays came up clean and my breathing is perfectly normal otherwise my ears get irritated easily pun able very frequently it spreads into my jaw and makes it hard to eat sleep talk live i've seen several ants and other specialists about it and they just give me ear drops that temporarily fix the problem maybe someday i'll figure out what's going on i get severe pain in my rib cage under my left breast it can get pretty bad i've been to the doctor and there's been no identifiable cause have that too most likely it's a slightly deformed nerve that gets squished by certain movements been to the air thinking i had a heart attack at 14 because of this lol if i lay propped up think little kid laying on their belly coloring my legs go numb no visible reason why doctors are just like well don't do that sounds like pinched nerves caveat i did get a diagnosis i spent about four months in my early twenties with excruciating but intermittent joint pain it was like glass shards grinding between my bones my knees ankles hips elbows and lower back i would wake up in the morning and cry while i was trying to bend my legs enough to step into the shower i was severely depressed i went to rheumatologists and they had no answers my inflammation markers were enough above normal that they believed me but not scary high they tested me for lyme hepatitis ra etc turns out i had a bad seal in the trunk of my car which created a puddle in the hidden area with the spare tyre which grew mold soaked in bleach dried on a sunny day and my symptoms went away slowly over a couple weeks funny thing is that they asked if i was being exposed to mold but i didn't have any reason to think that i was which led me to wonder in retrospect how many people don't know that is what is causing their problems i have an itch right in the middle of the bottom of my foot i've been to doctors and dermatologists and there is nothing they can find wrong with it it only really itches at night but it will get so bad i want to like rip through my skin best guess is it's something in my nervous system but that is just because my doc had no other explanation i'm tired all of the time no matter how much i sleep i could fall asleep anywhere at any time if i just had a minute to close my eyes if the alarm didn't wake me up in the morning i could sleep straight through until the next morning probably unrelated but also weird is that i have spells of not being able to get warm if i get one of these cold spells i could go stand in the florida sun in a parker and still feel freezing cold what gives a mystery allergy to something i've eliminated everything possible now i've given up doctor did a biasy to see what it is yup i'm allergic to something it's a skin allergy i no longer use lotion switch body wash over 20 times switched shampoo conditioners switched laundry detergent now i only wash my clothes with vinegar still no change sometimes i can feel my heart trip up like it actually misses a beat then has three six super hard beats before getting back to normal my doctor says it's nothing but it feels like i'm about to die i can sometimes hear my neck it sounds like liquid passing through a tiny opening it's so strange doctors listen for it but nothing ever comes to it i get this sometimes too the sound comes from the back of my head and seems to travel down my spine until about halfway down my neck i kept having recurring stomach pains at random with no recognizable pattern or trigger first time was thanksgiving two years ago thought i had just eaten too much and was in mild pain that night still felt a little off the next day or so but went back to normal happened a few more times until last summer when i had to go the year because it was so bad i've had cat scans drugs blood work upper endoscopy and still no answer it's like someone has lit a fire in my stomach and also a little like being a balloon about to pop i never could connect it with a food or ingredient and it was never regular sometimes twice or more a month and sometimes i'd go six or more weeks between episodes the last time was literally the day i found out i was pregnant and i haven't had an issue since which is nice i'm almost afraid to have this kid because i don't want to have the pain painters start up again the hug that reminds me of gallstones abdominal pain is so vague it's hard to pinpoint took me four attacks before i was able to determine it was the gallbladder we finally found the solution for my weird medical symptoms first i started having migraines nine years ago nearly every weekend then i started getting bad stomach symptoms in the morning after eating my cereal thought maybe intermittent lactose intolerance was a thing lived with that for years then my dad died and it kicked things up a notch couldn't stay hydrated upset stomach and diarrhea daily terrible canker sores that made my whole face rob exhausted all the time terrible anxiety the doctor gave me acid reducing pills for my stomach but they were only helping a bit so i started experimenting with my diet as it turns out i'm a celiac after two weeks without gluten i started getting better i remember walking up from a nap one afternoon and not having a headache and thinking do people normally feel good when they wake up felt amazing until i accidentally gluten myself for three weeks by not knowing that the chocolate chips at starbucks actually contain cookie bits all my symptoms came back and now i'm working through the two week period after going gluten free before i start feeling better again the first paragraph i knew that's what it was going to be i'm sorry you have it but i'm happy you figured it out not a doctor childhood friend's mom developed celiac's post-pregnancy and became head of the local chapter of the celiacs association freaky slow heart rate i'm in pretty good shape but not a super athlete or anything typically my resting is mid-40s when i first realized this i was at the doctor's and they did an ekg and my heart rate was 38 i was freaking out the doctor though it was funny he gave me the ekg as a souvenir i had patches of rough skin underneath my eyes the skin started to itch when i was about eight and i could never really explain how they felt to my parents we went to the doctors who would prescribe different anti-itch creams for the patches to see if they would work and sometimes they got me to stop and sometimes they didn't i got glasses simply because they would hide the patches sort of when i was wearing them it took one visit to a dermatologist when i was 16 for her to tell me i had eczema how annoying to put up with something so simple to diagnose for so long same happened to me but the itchy skin was on my eyelids none of the creams could go around the eye but i found that visine allergy helped a lot sometimes i get a random shot of pain in my ankle when i run jump or anything that puts pressure on it after that the pain goes away like it was never there to begin with i have it in my right ankle when i first take off to run it pops funny and hurts for a moment then i literally shake it out after that i can run normally after my daughter was born i had incredible hip pain to the point was walking around with a limp had an x-ray of the hips pelvis spine and it showed early arthritis yay i thought i was afflicted like my dad was at a young age move on with my limping life and start taking margarine fast forward a couple years find a lime tick stuck on my leg remove it take it to my trusty dock and get treated with like a month's worth of doxy hip and pelvic pain resolved so the treatment for lyme resolved the joint pain i was being treated prophylactically because of said lime tick and it turns out i actually had it to begin with go figure i have a rare condition called idiopathic intracranial hypertension basically my body produces too much cerebral spinal fluid and or doesn't get rid of it fast enough to keep up with the amount it produces putting pressure on my brain and optic nerves the funny thing is it was found on accident my mom got a better job and i finally had decent vision insurance so i wanted to have my eyes checked as a preventative measure even though i've always had good vision and never needed glasses the poor optometrist was freaking out and told my parents they needed to take me to the air because my optic nerves were so swollen which apparently is a sign of a brain tumor 12 hours later i was the proud owner of a rare disease there was a time when i laid down my entire lower half would start cramping up i went through every test imaginable doctors couldn't figure out what was causing it the cramps were so painful finally had an iron infusion and the cramps stopped omg it was not pregnancy finally had an iron infusion and the cramps stopped iron and or potassium deficiency are generally the main causes of these i get it in the summer sometimes and once i get both into me it dissipates memory loss seizures migraines there's so many freaking symptoms and it made my life heck i sometimes get a pain right behind my belly button as if it were hooked to the end of a cord if i stretch my stomach or move suddenly it's a blinding pain feels muscular not digestive and i can't seem to pinpoint a trigger it'll happen every few months and go away after a couple of days any doctor i've asked just looks at me blankly and shrugs it away baffling i think it might be an umbilical hernia i have that in experience similar things terrible pain from time to time from tissue getting trapped in it that goes away after a while and usually touching my belly button is a very unpleasant sensation i think there's a surgery to fix it i'd suggest googling it if you want to find out more female nsw comment any form of vaginal or clitoral stimulation provides absolutely no pleasure sometimes even pain it was determined i have pelvic issues but that doesn't explain the clitoris it just feels like nothing when it's touched fingers feels like something just not pleasure sometimes numb vibrators nothing showerhead oww i technically orgasm but no pleasure comes from it it just feels like a few weak muscle contractions it takes forever two sometimes a few hours i'm in my late twenties and i've been asking doctors for years even when i was a teen the usual advice is relax more drink wine find a partner you're truly comfortable with my partner is me and i'm definitely comfortable with myself and relaxed i finally found a doctor that had me try various hormone creams and even that didn't work for years i was really depressed about it and felt seriously defective i still feel bad about it every now and again and wish i could figure it out it really stopped me from wanting to find a romantic partner the fear of rejection is real i finally got relief but for two plus years i had pain and sensation in my left testicle and penis sometimes severe but always present in some form at first a local midwestern physician treated me for epididymitis i had a bit of short-lived relief and even went through a second round of antibiotics after the pain came back i saw a couple urologists and another physician the first one had checked out one told me it was psychosomatic and would go away in six months a second urologist refused to do an ultrasound because he thought i was just paranoid the second physician had mentioned of iricosaur basically a varicose vein wrapped around and squeezing your testicle but neither urologist thought anything of it i lived with this pain for another year or so before moving to los angeles i instantly found an awesome neurologist who speculated it was a virusal then scanned me to confirm you know like how a reasonable doctor would do i had a virgo selector me a couple weeks later and i've been fine for 15 plus years four years ago i lost feeling in my right hand from the wrist to my fingertips it will lock up in whatever position it likes at a time mostly closed in a fist if not i have to force it closed so it's slightly more comfortable and i lost all strength in the hand and wrist i have a neurologist who after doing multiple mris of the head neck and shoulder to rule out pinched nerves ms and the like and multiple nerve conduction tests told me he can't help me i have stumped four doctors including one specialist for something to do with blood who spent less than and he with my while my hand was locked and told me there's nothing he can do about a month and a half ago i snapped something in my wrist and the feeling has come back to the point where my palm is getting ticklish always had ticklish palms we have discovered that acupuncture gives me feeling and strength also when it locks my great boyfriend has a way of massaging my arm from my shoulder shoulder blade to my fingertips to make it unlock very little strength but the movement is back not mine but sister-in-law had a sore on her tongue no one could figure out what it was for yours for a while doctors said it was nothing then a doctor said it was shingles but that was wrong turned out it was cancer that had been missed on two biopsies before spreading every so often i get a lighting bold feeling in my vagina sometimes it makes me orgasm out of nowhere i've had multiple pregnancies and all the doctors say this is why nerve damage of some sort but it's been happening since puberty at first i thought my phone was electrocuting me lighting crotch this was a big convo in my due date group if i haven't eaten for five or more hours stomach starts getting angry once i begin eating my stomach gets really painful like i'm hunched over the entire time no matter how fast or slow i eat and no matter the types of food i eat it only subsides once everything finally digests about an hour after eating the weird thing is i can skip breakfast or have breakfast and have a late lunch but it's only when dinner time comes that my stomach decides to throw a tantrum the only solution is to eat snacks between but there are circumstances where i can't if i ever need it to fast i guess i'll just die all of me snaps repeatedly it started with my ankle popping endlessly then my jaw wrists knees and fingers followed by hips and shoulders a couple of years ago i noticed i could pop my shoulder blades against my ribs a few months ago my sternum started popping randomly not something i can repeatedly force and now my elbows are popping with increasing frequency most of it is tendons or ligament snapping over bones pretty sure some of it is just bone on bone grinding and there's no good feeling or relief that goes along with it like when when you crack your back but it's not painful either whatever it is it's getting worse and i've yet to encounter a doctor who isn't just like cool party trick and immediately moves on this sounds a lot like kayla's danlas syndrome you should definitely talk to a doctor about eds right away because it gets worse and worse over time when i eat the same breakfast too many days in a row i end up throwing it up once this is over i feel fine like nothing happened it doesn't matter what i eat for breakfast there's always a chance for it to happen i have the feeling that i will throw up a few days before i actually throw up as a kind of warning i guess when i told my doctor she said that it might be heartburn but i swear it's something else look up cyclic vomiting syndrome i know someone who had trouble looking for a diagnosis and found this to be the cause i have a rare condition called selective vigor deficiency i have gotten sick constantly for 30 years i'm talking about once a month and it's really ruined my life the thing is no doctors even knew to test my immunoglobulins and just kept throwing antibiotics at me or saying it was allergies when one doctor finally tested me i realized my eiger level is at zero some people live just fine like this but others constantly get sick like me unfortunately there is no cure for this unless you also lack egg then you can get transfusions which is still odd to me worst thing in the world it's like i have no immune system hard to keep a job get sick with almost any germs like i'm the bubble boy some advice for you if you don't have one already get yourself some medical alert jewelry it's because some people with selective vigor deficiency need to have any blood transfusions irradiated due to having an anaphylactic reaction to the igo antibodies in blood irradiating the blood takes out the antibodies and lowers the chance of it happening not really a problem per se but i and a large portion of my dad's family was born without adult teeth under my front bottom baby teeth so they never got pushed out i'm 20 years old and i still have my bottom baby teeth that are usually the first to fall out so does my dad he might only have one now i think one finally kicked the bucket weird little quirk in our dna one of a few anyways my family has the opposite my dad's side had three sets of teeth one my incredible amount of aches and pain knees ankles toes fingers elbows two my nose is sometimes so clear it hurts to breathe because air stings me it's weird for the second thing your nose is always supposed to have a layer of mucus in it to protect the sensitive lining of the nose the mucus traps air particles so your nose can figure out what the heck is in the air smell also why dogs noses are always wet when this happens your nose is probably almost completely dry and so the lining can dry out and get chapped cracked like with chapped lips passing out in the shower it's not that the shower is too hot it just feels like the water is pushing down on me too hard passing out in the shower that's dangerous as heck maybe wear a helmet when you shower i have had four miscarriages in the last year have two healthy children from my only other pregnancies no one can figure it out thanks for all your well wishes i have done all the tests and absolutely nothing has come up with a red flag i am also in the reproductive health care field so it isn't like i'm not asking the right questions or don't know how to advocate for myself thank you for the advice all these suggestions are great for others who are going through this and boy do i wish my situation were as simple as any of these things i'm sorry you're going through that i cough a lot i've been asked how much i smoke not if i smoke how much i have never smoked in my life i cough seemingly out of nowhere and fits can be bad enough i've gotten quite dizzy every time i've gone to a doctor i've been told nothing's wrong no obstructions in the lungs no irritation no asthma no damage visible on an x-ray no cancer i just cough it's not all the time sometimes i'll go a few days between coughing fits but they'll show up again soon my mom has the exact same problem she's been coughing for at least 30 years i think she told me it started after she got whooping cough and the cough just never went away it also seems like it gets triggered by random stuff if her phone rings or if she stubs her toe really anything that bothers her lol she's even been to neurologists for it but still haven't come up with anything i get a weird allergic reaction to certain beers and wines but not others my throat and tongue swell up and get a chin sore i start having trouble breathing i start dry coughing hacking and can't stop my entire aspiratory system just tries to leave my body it's horrible while it's happening and lasts 6 8 hours each time but it's not all beers or all wines just certain brands and i have no other reactions to anything else that shares ingredients doctor ran some tests found nothing that would explain it he just shrugged his shoulders and told me to avoid those brands i felt horrible for about four months in 2014 constant pain that moved around my body unbearable fatigue my joints were incredibly weak and unstable and constantly clunking and sticking limbs kept going numb i was miserable i went from doing cartwheels in december from barely being able to stand up in february i was tested for everything from mono to lime to lupus to rheumatoid arthritis and more at least 20 blood tests everything was normal except my thyroid was a tad low but that's worsened since and yet i feel much better than i did then i was diagnosed with a mild form of veils dangler syndrome based on my pain history of joint dislocation and extreme flexibility i do think i have that but what seemed like a frightening decline in my condition righted itself sometime in the summer and i've never felt like that since so this was something more i suspect low vitamin d may have played a role though unidentified abdominal pain with no cause mri ct x-ray ultrasound blood tests all negative no crohn's celiac ives cancer just pain it sucks i lose weeks at a time curled into a little ball of pain i have had so many weird issues i'm convinced they're going to name a disease after me my hands swell up and my palms itch sometimes remember those popcorn hands during halloween that's how swollen they feel it only has happened when i'm out shopping and doesn't always happen at the same stores it happened maybe three four times a year unexplained horrific vaginal pain tested negative for everything under the sun so many medications and home remedies looking for relief final diagnosis was vulvodynia just to give it a name the whole reason i made this rigid account i finally found an answer to my unexplained collarbone pain it would swell up and i couldn't bear the feeling of anything touching it reactive lymph node and my shoulder hurts if i eat too much too quickly what the freak i have a lump at the base of my neck slightly off center sensitive to pressure that doesn't impact my day to day a scan didn't show anything common spot for a lipoma which is just a hunk of fatty tissue i get a sudden sharp pain in my chest usually in the same place but not always it's triggered by inhaling or exhaling at a certain point i can either breathe shallow for a few minutes not reaching that point until it passes or force past it and i'll feel a little pop and everything is fine after look up precordial catch syndrome severe muscle spasms in my upper back under my right shoulder blade been like this for years every new doctor i'm sent to acts like i'm making it up and i just need physical therapy i've tried multiple times among other things then they look at it and go oh yeah i see what you mean that's pretty bad then they do nothing on top of that i have chronic inflammation in most muscles chronic hives and severe fatigue no idea if they're related but no answers so far i've had the right shoulder muscle spasms too since i was 14 i'm 23 now it feels like half a baseball in the top of my shoulder and it is palpable and mobile if i shrug my shoulder i've had x-rays and mris of my neck and shoulder and they've seen nothing but soft tissue swelling i was told it was because of my anxiety disorder and inability to stop tensing my muscles until i was like 20 i couldn't burp it was kind of painful sometimes i would have to like lean my body fully to one side to basically force the burp out but it would only freaking come out like a low croaking sound so then i felt like the weird freaking frog girl or something i went to two doctors and they basically said yeah that's weird take antacids ah no burp unexplained tailbone pain it gets severe stabbing pain when i get up from a seated position i also get stabbing pains when i'm sitting down an x-ray showed something but that's all that's been told to me if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 58,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hospital, medical stories, doctor stories, doctors, nurses, emergency, surgery, doctors of reddit, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: OC6O-nnR3YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 42sec (8262 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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