It's All About the Money (Reddit Compilation)

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redditors who grew up filthy rich what did you think was normal till you learned otherwise my family was broke as heck bid my mom was and still is a teacher at this really nice private school which was the only reason my brother and i could attend everyone's parents were doctors and lawyers you get the idea but why brother and i were being raised by a single mom who had just relocated we were living in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere for the cheap butt rent we didn't always know when the next meal was coming one day during lunch the kids noticed that all i have is a peanut butter sandwich and a tiny bag of pretzels one dude says wow you must really not be hungry since i was sick and just as clueless to any other lifestyle as he was i just straight up told him we don't have any more food i had to explain it a couple of times before he realized lunch bro sheepishly asks if i would like some of his food that orange and baggy of cheetahs were the start of a now 20-year long friendship i thought until the start of high school that a 100 bottle of wine was cheap expensive ones rise several thousands after all at the end of the year we decided to offer our retiring teacher a bottle of wine and he said don't buy a 100 bottle i made a joke about how picky he was and made a fool of myself reminds me of the movie meet the parents where the guy goes to the local grocery and tries to get some good champagne to impress his in-laws all they had was mum when he mentions to the cashier that he was looking for something more expensive well you could get a whole bunch of mums is the reply my roommate in college would order a catered meal for every dinner like he'd have a restaurant bring so much take out that they'd bring it in those aluminium trees and heaters underneath and a server would stick around to dish out the food and clean up afterwards it took us a couple months to realize that he thought this was totally normal behavior and was confused why we made such a big deal about it he saw it as kind of a splurge but not crazy out of the ordinary until i just pointedly asked kevin the server who else he did this for in the entire city we were living in um just him my roommate just looked shocked the interesting thing was the fallout this was only part of the reality check that college dealt my roommate he really was raised to think catered meals and drivers and massive wardrobes were the norm and he felt deceived that's how his parents lived that's how his friends lived he'd never known anyone who didn't live that way i mean it's hard to imagine but he really did feel like his whole life was a lie and he felt really dumb for not seeing it before so he really swung the other direction he rejected his parents help started working on his own got crazy tight about finances and became honestly annoying about money but it was a learning curve so we were patient it was inspiring to watch someone take control of their life we never have sympathy for the wealthy but it was a painful growing experience for him and i was proud i think this should be upvoted more because nobody really thinks about how much of a shock to the senses this kind of realization would be i know i still can't comprehend it completely my eight-year-old came home from school last year and told me that not everyone had a tennis court in fact he said nobody but he had a tennis court in his class he was amazed that other kids played in the street instead of their own tennis court the tennis court is old and crappy but it makes a great play area paved and with a 10 feet fence around it i have many kids who have many friends it's nice to have a pen to keep them and during parties i think the term you're looking for is prison yard not tennis court this girl i knew was rejected from a law school because her diversity statement was written about her struggle of riding commercial to europe for the first time i was poor growing up and most of my friends were poor middle class there was this one dude who drove a crappy falling apart to beat a car he was always hustling to and from work trying to make a buck to afford repairs for his car we all thought he was lucky just to have a car one night after we had been friends for a while he invited a bunch of us over to his house even offered to pick us all up since no one else had our own wheels imagine our surprise when we rolled up into the ritziest neighborhood in our area dude lived in a freaking mansion indoor pool elevator the whole nine yards we were flummoxed someone said dude we had no idea you were rich his answer i'm not rich my parents are they worked very hard to get that way at first we felt bad for him freaking filthy rich parents and dude is working his butt off to afford a beta now i get it though just wanted to point out i grew up in a major east coast city with a good those sometimes annoying public transportation network having a car wasn't a necessity by any stretch but it did make life a bit easier having a car at 17 of any sort was definitely impressive in my circle it was one of the outer boroughs of nyc interesting to know so many other cities have annoying public transportation through the entirety of elementary school i will buy ice cream for my class on fridays at lunch the money came from flipping pokemon cards paper jewelry and of course mostly from my dear old dad it doesn't seem like much but we all came from a very poor rural town with one store and one school our playground at school was a stretch of course pavement it was like the 60s in the 90s my dad had just started up his own machine shop in town which employed 10 also my slight business sense as a kid coupled with my dad's business since made us rich everyone would call us boss man which is probably where i began realizing that being a boss man wasn't the norm my dad taught me a lesson after he realized i was spending all my money on the other kids if you want to make a lasting impression let's really give something back and fix up that old playground my dad's machine shop then produced and installed an entire playground system for our school at no cost it was that day i knew what it meant to be a good man and that i wanted to be just like my dad what's funny is that i wanted to be absolutely nothing like him once i hit the teenage years but now i'm a grown man and a splitting image of my dad in the flesh as well as in character i appear to have gone off on a tangent i'll stop the story here my dad gets a stone wall look on his face as if his soul is squirming when people are more than gratuitous toward him i guess it makes him uncomfortable he's just unusually modest he's always been the you would have done the same a handshake and that's that kind of guy i want to show him this thread but i know he'll tear up and then i will too and then it's all aboard the crybaby train that was really cool of your dad and his company to do that and sounds like you learned the lesson he was going for when i found out my dad paid off a multi-million dollar mortgage in less than five years that's when i knew one was not like the others i grew up dirt poor and when i met my husband was dirt poor myself he came for an upper-middle-class family where everyone got college paid and they always had new things my husband has never been unemployed and doesn't understand how someone can be unemployed i remind him all of the time that when he met me i was unemployed yeah but you just had some crappy things happen to you that's all um yeah honey that's how it works complaints about airport security we never got around to owning a plane but most of our family friends who we would vacation with would share theirs with us basically you show up at the local airport and hop right on if we ever took a commercial jet we had a prepaid tsar pre-check that let us zip through our own security line i never understood why people would say they planned on heading to the airport two hours before their flight comma we never got around to owning a plane sorry peasant this thread is reserved for the filthy rich only flip side growing up in the projects i thought that people that lived in trailer parks were rich because they had their own house among many other odd beliefs my mom never worked instead she stayed at home and raised each one of her four sons in succession so there was a point when i was shocked to learn that other kids moms had jobs and didn't just play them watch them take them on excursions every day obligatory we were never rich but i feel like this qualifies also mom got her masters and had to go back to work so that we could pay the mortgage and have health insurance once dad's business took a crap at the beginning of the recession my boyfriend's family was pretty poor compared to mine so when we discuss our childhoods we notice some pretty glaring differences for example he was telling me recently about how they would leave the kitchen stove on and open in his house for the heat and winter no central heating air something i completely took for granted as a kid i think people start with not filthy rich because everyone looks up and sees people with more money than them rich and poor will always be relative so i can't help but start with saying that while my parents aren't filthy rich it never occurred to me that it wasn't that normal to have a fully owned house without any mortgage i thought renting was something only people in their 20s had to do i thought doctors and lawyers lived in the poor part of town you know the guard gated communities with golf courses in them i don't think i realized they weren't poor until i got to college ro this reminds me of when i used to live in santa barbara we were dirt poor college students living in heavily subsidized campus housing and i had a conversation with a man in his mid-60s who told me he really wanted to retire but he couldn't find anyone to take over his job because nobody in his line of work could afford to live in our area dude was a pediatric surgeon i wasn't the one who was filthy rich but i went to a fancy private school from 9th grade to 12th grade on scholarship there were tons of kids there who didn't know exactly how rich they were i remember one girl complaining about how her parents were buying a third house in florida but that it cost 1 million less than her main home which was around 4 6 million i have so many stories where the rich kids from my school didn't realize just how rich they were it was pretty sad only middle class but i realized i was globally rich when in the marines filipino folks were taking our trash to fix their roofs now i am internationally rich too i remember going to india and giving about 10 rupees roughly 10 pence or 15 cents to a homeless woman she was basically in tears it's as if i saved her life or something that was a big wake-up call my parents are very well off when i was growing up that wasn't the case though my dad was working and don his master's part-time and my mom stated at home we lived in a very small condo my mom always tells a story about my much wealthier relatives coming over with their sonny ran around the whole house and came back so confused he asked my mom and dad where the rest of the house was anyways the point my parents are quite well off now i'm older and don't live at home anymore but i have a much younger sister who does watching how growing up with money has made her as painful she is incredibly spoiled entitled and quite frankly a brat i feel sorry for your dad having to dong his masters at least it was only part-time but that's real dedication to the family respect when my step-dad started college he went out to dinner with his friends when they got their bill and were getting ready to leave he was really confused he had never had a one-course meal he was under the impression the next three would be coming any moment my father was a successful chemical engineer manufacturer and private pilot i spent my childhood in a gated flying community with a fully functioning airport not only did we have a garage full of your everyday vehicles we also had an airplane hangar full of classic cars that my dad enjoyed restoring world war two zero warbids as well as the modern twin engine planes he used to fly to business meetings we owned property in nantucket and saint martin and we're constantly taking extemporaneous vacations john travolta would walk over from time to time and shoot the crap with my dad to now hang her up until he made pulp fiction and was slingshotted back into relevancy i remember having play dates with his son jet was also family friends with well-known nascar drivers and would spend a lot of time over at their mansions hanging out with their kids driving around on golf carts and shooting paintball guns everyone i knew had airplanes nice cars big homes and what seemed like an endless supply of wealth that was my normal when i was about four years old i made a new friend at school and was invited to spend the afternoon over at his house it was an eye-opening experience to say the very least and when i returned home still very confused i remember saying something along the lines of mommy they live in a really small house and they don't have an airplane hangar my mother was slightly horrified at the realization that this was my reality and had to explain to me that not everyone has the same things that we have life has changed a lot for me since the 90s when i moved away for college my dad suffered a series of mini strokes which subsequently caused progressive dementia towards the end he couldn't even tell you what year it was my father passed away in january and i've been spending a lot of time recently looking through old photo albums and listening to stories maybe that's why i felt compelled to share all of this with you guys being rich is nice don't get me wrong but i would give it all back in a heartbeat just to spend a little more time with the dad i used to know the man who was the master of his own universe there was still so much to learn from him but what i'm left with are the cherished memories of my childhood that will forever put into perspective just how lucky i really was discovering that other people's parents didn't have 100 plus properties in their investment portfolio we had quite a frugal lifestyle so i just assumed that most middle class had a few investment properties and that's where all the money went my mom was really into fashion so i used to get rid of old clothes pretty much every season and have new clothes almost constantly i realized this wasn't normal around middle school and high school when people talked about having their clothes for years at a time old habits are hard to break but i shop a lot less than she did at least we gave the old clothes to goodwill watching sportscenter runs all morning in college and complaining i was bored a poor kid finally schooled me on the fact everyone else had to work to put themselves through college and become indentured servants to pay off their student loans oh wow still not getting a job though one i thought every family had staff we had a chef gardener chauffeur two nannies hand them an errand guy took care of the house picked up dry cleaning bought supplies washed the dogs handled maintenance and repairs and two maids these were full-time and several lived with us we had a host of part-time staff as well when i went to college i was shocked by how everyone took care of themselves so well when i barely knew how to tie my own shoelaces two my private school had many forbes 500 billionaire families kids of world leaders and general global establishment types if we ever needed something anywhere someone's parent or relative or friend would have a connection i just assumed that's how the world worked three money was always just an afterthought nobody ever asked anyone how much something cost if you just liked something you got it again interacting with regular people in college was a huge eye-opener for respect everywhere i would go either with my family or friends or their families we were treated with what i understand now is a ridiculous amount of respect it's hard to explain this one but i think others in the same situation understand two that is how the world works it just works better for you serious question what kinds of jobs or circumstances allow people to make millions of dollars per year besides some cs and some stock investors i used to be really poor i mean like really poor sometimes my parents wouldn't eat just so i could but over the course of the next 18 years my parents did start to make a lot of money dad has a building company and my mom runs an online shopping business altogether they earned 200 000 pounds after taxes i guess money really did change me for worse at the beginning i was spoiled and wanted everything that there was and my parents did buy me most of the things a new phone here new ralph lauren suits there going abroad etc i never could experience these things as a child so they tried to make up for it later on but then i noticed that people started to get jealous of all the things that i had and me spending money like it had no value to me at all the negativity surrounding my personality and character is what actually changed me from showing off my wealth to me becoming who i used to be just with few more zeros in his bank account we weren't insanely rich but upper middle class i never realized that other kids didn't get to travel as much as we did by the time i graduated high school i had been to 10 countries in countless states now as an adult working two jobs to keep my head above water i'm grateful for how lucky i really was this wasn't me but a filthy rich friend didn't know that filet mignon beef tacos was not the norm i grew up in a foreign country where by comparison we were rich coming back to the us as a young kid i learned pretty quickly having house staff was not the norm i stopped mentioning those things in conversations with other kids we had a house boy i mean what position is that even i grew up pretty isolated so i didn't realize that there were smart poor people who just weren't told they were smart every day of their lives it never occurred to me that people could be smart and not praised for it my family used to be pretty rich when i was really young never had to look at prices when shopping not anymore though everything is embroidered to a certain point from zebras to toasters everything appears to be embroidered when you don't know any better i can't think of any reason why but the patterns in the air just really mess with your perception see when you're rich and have all this extra money there isn't any reason to not get personalized everything so everything else seems like it was embroidered by someone or something one thing i've learned in life is that anyone who is well off to any degree believes the following one they are middle income two they are not rich because they know people substantially more wealthy than themselves three only the unemployed have money problems everyone else earns enough to live on because the world is fair as long as you work hard i grew up in one of the poorest areas in my state being looked upon as the rich boy because my dad was a teacher people living in this area almost exclusively were unemployed or working factory jobs little did they know that my father gave most of his pay to the church leaving us worse off than some of the kids who thought i was rich despite this i knew i was lucky because i was never hungry always had a roof over my head even if it was a cheap and nasty rental and did reasonably well at christmas multiple presents instead of just the one later in life i found myself working at a bank in their head office alongside people earning very healthy six-figure salaries who had never set foot anywhere near an average income suburb who were all convinced that they were average that they worked hard for their money and that their life wasn't that easy bulls on all three counts i found it incredibly difficult to not scream at these people particularly when often their job was to try and figure out ways to profiteer off of people earning significantly less than themselves getting best medical care and hundred dollar allowance every week i got paid more by my dad than i did with my first job i had a friend whose dad managed a bunch of budweiser factories and she sent me a picture of her new car which was a lamborghini i sent her a picture of my 1993 honda del sol and she then realized she was rich chauffeurs who drive around rich people what are some of the weird shocking conversations you have overheard not a chauffeur but this happened because of a lack of one basically a guy i used to know back when we were teenagers 17 years old had a lot of money we just never knew how much until i was invited to go on holiday with him and some other friends all expenses paid of course anyway we took a taxi to an area where this guy wanted to buy an apartment and wanted to show us so we went with him and ended up spending the whole day walking around the area we got tired and eventually wanted to go back to the house but we were so far away that walking was not an option unless we wanted to walk for about three hours neither of us had enough cash to pay for a taxi and back then taxes didn't accept cards this was around 2000 or 2001 btw so this guy rings his dad and asks if he could send a chauffeur to pick us up but the chauffeur turns out was busy doing some deliveries for the dad so instead the dad says there's a mercedes-benz dealer shop near where you are i know the manager there is i've bought several cars from them just go there and buy there and buy a there and buy you can leave it in the house and we'll figure out how to bring it home later so we went to this dealer shop and somehow in about 30 minutes the manager did all the paperwork and we ended up driving back to the house in a brand new mercedes c-class which we used for the rest of the holiday frick billy bob thornton was doing radio press for a movie about to come out meaning he had to stop by six seven radio stations for interviews he wanted to have a cigarette in the vehicle on the way to the next interview but i had to let him know our company has a no smoking policy in our vehicles he asked me to call the owner to make an exception but the owner said no and it's a 250 cleaning fee if he smoked in the vehicle he asked to stop by a bank came out and handed me five thousand dollars cash and said here's for the whole god damn pack he smoked in the car the rest of the trip later i got up the nerve to ask him if that's the most expensive pack of cigarettes he's ever smoked all he said was not even close never explained it further i think about him often picked up a wedding party bride brian's maid and bride's boyfriend who was paying for the wedding they had a magnum of champagne and we drove around for quite some time while they snorted c in the back they were using rolled up fifty dollars s and twenty dollars s then tossing them to me in the front seat as tip money i dutifully brushed off each bill and added them to my wallet pretending not to know what was going on with a couple argued off and on about showing up to the wedding apparently she felt weird about getting married and he was trying to convince her it was a good idea finally dropped them off at the church and he slipped me a matchbook with his name and number written on it but yeah it was the late 80s and i was a young woman one of the only female limo drivers at the time in that city scored a sweet leather jacket with the tips from that night so many weird stories i was a bouncer at a club in the 80s and only 18 i never knew see sex and tanning booths were so common it was like a pulp novel unfolding in front of me i was so naive when we were in high school my friend used a caddy at a local country club one guy really liked him and asked if he would be willing to drive him around while he went out partying this was like 2003 and in a pretty rural area my friend agreed he picked the guy up at like 8 p.m right off the bat the guy handed him 200 he went to her bar for a little bit my friend sat in the car the guy came out handed him another 200 and told him he had to visit his friend real quick he went and got a bunch of coke they went to another bar he handed my friend another hundred dollars and told him to look out the window and turn up the radio he then blew several lines he came out a couple hours later with a girl he was married with kids he handed my friend another two hundred dollars and they went back to her house after they freaked he came out and asked to be taken to the beach at this point it was like 2 3 a.m my friend said that the guy slowly walked around the beach went into the water up to his ankles in his shoes threw a bunch of rocks into the water and then sat in the sand for about 45 minutes he came back to the car and asked to be driven home when they got out of the car he hugged my friend and gave him 500 and asked him to never tell anyone what happened none of us really believed my friend when this happened until the guy he drove got arrested for assault and possession of sea like six months later i used to know a chauffeur he ended up driving around some big stars he was big dude like six feet eight inches and super muscular his best story was when he was driving around a few wwe wwf back then stars and they awkwardly asked him to not get out and open the door for them because he'd make them look smaller friend of mine worked for an upscale concentrate show for service his most memorable moment came when he lost marie osmond fairly simple gig go to airport and pick up marie osmond who was to be the featured entertainer at a private event plane comes in he meets her she has carry-on bag but her checked suitcase containing her stage dresses and makeup is missing she is unflappable though asks to be taken to the nearest upscale mall he does as instructed she goes into a large upscale department store selects two long sequined cocktail dresses and goes to the fitting room to try them on without him of course unfortunately there are two entrances and exits to the fitting room and marie osmond exits out through the other side and cannot find my chauffeur buddy who is waiting patiently on the side she'd entered 20 minutes passes he thinks something has gone wrong so he grabs a female manager and asks her to go into the fitting rooms and ask for marie osmond or the manager thinks she is being pranked and declined chauffeur buddy is in mini panic mode now running wildly around the store asking random customers have you seen marie osmond have you seen marie osmond store security is summoned and he is asked to leave the premises right now he calls his employer and tells them he has lost marie osmond the employer doesn't have her cell phone number but has her agent's number and he is not accepting calls she has in the meantime taken a cab to the gig thinking she has been forgotten lots of apologies eventually ensued and there were no repercussions buddy of mine ended up picking up a netflix producer while doing uber he said they had a great conversation as he brought him to his hotel the producer invited him up for a drink and since my friend was a film student he thought it would be a good idea to go and try to get some good networking in they hung out for about an hour when he asked my friend if he knew of any massage places with happy endings he didn't but the guy paid him 500 to bring him to the closest massage place which was only a few miles out upon dropping him off he gave my buddy a card and said there's a big party festival i'm hosting that's your ticket in i'll let you know then if i get that happy ending he got the happy ending not a conversation and not me but definitely weird shocking and disgusting a friend of mine who worked in music was in a limbo with robin thicke and a load of dancers and models driving around london they are all just chatting and whatnot and out of nowhere robin thicke just starts going down on one of the models there was an awkward split second silence and then everyone just carried on and ignored it holy crap i have a robin thick story too one of the administrative assistants at my work went to vegas and met robin thicke there he asked her at the bar if she wanted to come back to his room when she said sure he whipped out an nda to have her sign dude cheated on his wife so much that he had paperwork drawn up so the women couldn't tell on him my aunt was a driver for actors mainly when they'd have shoots here in oregon she drove woody harrelson around for a time and she said he smoked weed constantly and she was always worried she'd lose her job lol i used to drive limousine and taxi one time i got the manager of a fairly famous canadian band in my car asking me where to buy coke i had no idea where and i told him that so his bright idea was to find a prostitute hire her and ask her i told him i couldn't help him pick up prostitutes either he was disappointed but understood he had me drive down a well-known street until he saw a prostitute he asked me to pull over got out of the taxi pay the fare and then immediately flagged me down again as a new ride i knew what was up but whatever he gets back into the car with the prostitute and she tells him exactly what house to go to for some coke i take them there and wait a bit they come back out and i drive him back to the venue then he offers me two free tickets to the show which i gladly accepted as love that band and had seen them three times alas since i was still working during the show i gave them away to two friends who had never seen the band they had a good time and i had a fun story to share with them about how i scored those tickets not really a shocking conversation and hardly a famous person but it was interesting how easily and full of trust people can be about searching out and buying drugs in a strange city for the record this was 2003. my dad was a chauffeur when i was younger and he told me of one story driving the director of a company down the road with the blackpool illuminations in the company limousine the director was standing up out of the sunroof with his arms out waving at people as he drove past what the people on the street didn't know is that in the back of the limo there were two prostitutes blowing him out of all of the answers this is the one that made me go yep that sounds about right freaking blackpool i've have multiple people pay me handsomely to let them smoke weed in the car heard a french guy yelling at his wife at ten thousand dollars was too much to pay for two bracelets that she bought also overheard a lot business deals with absurd amount of money referenced like tens of millions i've had conversations at work where i've said just by the two other dang things it's only 25 k kind of crazy to from that to debating if i wanting to keep my hbo subscription that night drove limo at marquette university during undergrad and grad school some of the students that went there were obscenely wealthy limos are the vans that drive drunk students anywhere on campus and a few blocks outside of campus a couple things i remember randomly from it one drunk guy leaves his wallet on a van and another driver calls it and so me and another supervisor can take it to campus police we pick up the wallet from the driver and open it to get the student id so they know who to email there had to be a few grand in there and when we called the kid to tell him about it he told us we could just keep it because it was too far from his dorm to bother picking up okay two i picked up a couple girls from akaio and they spent the entire ride talking about how it was ridiculous that one of the girls parents planned on making her pay for her own apartment after graduation and there was nothing even livable under 2k dollars a month the school is in milwaukee wisconsin 3 mardi gras is the name of a campus ministry trip where you use your spring break to build houses and drink in somewhere that doesn't get snow in april one of the people on my van was getting a free night of drinks from his buddies because he paid for everyone's trips i think it was like 1 500 per person if i recall correctly four rich kids are rich but foreign rich kids are usually on a different level was talking to a guy from spain who said his dad did something with movies over there idk he had an actual rolex on and ended the conversation with so anyways do you know where to find an em at five it is a free service and a frat star tried to pay me for the ride with a ziploc baggie of c i said no when he called me a legend and left a 20 in the cuff holder before i realized it this is not a limo story but this thread reminded me of a rich guy story my daughter played soccer for many years and at one practice a guy drove up in a ferrari got out and started talking to another of the dads on the team after a few minutes the guy left and another of the dads went over there and asked him who that guy was he replied that the guy was his lawyer or something i come to find out years later that that guy in the ferrari was a multi-millionaire had one and only one client that dad and his only job was to handle the dad's charitable donations so this dude got filthy rich donating millions of dollars of somebody else's money and taking a percentage off the top the dad who was apparently worth several hundred million dollars never came across as rich at all he wore sweats to and was at every practice and game he drove a camry had been married to his average looking wife for like 25 years stuff like that acted like a normal guy like the rest of us my sister was in a limo once and asked the driver about his most interesting ride the driver said that he picked up some models who were going to her pet a demonstration i'd rather be bare than infer or whatever it was he got to the location they stripped naked in the back of limo and he waited until they were done with the photo op i remember that the girl from walking dead was in that shoot not a chauffeur it seemed like a good chance to remind people of the story of john boehner at the time speaker of the us house of representatives third in line for the u.s presidency not knowing how to use uber as the story goes one of his aides downloaded the app onto his phone and showed him how to use it unknown to him he'd been stuck on the carpooling option uberpool that's what he used for years there are all sorts of tales of commuters hopping into their carpool and bam there's jon boner stuck in a middle seat asking to get dropped off at the capitol building however you feel about his politics i think that's pretty funny one of my best friends used to drive uber in a wealthy area of l.a he told me so many stories about drunk celebs and tick tockers in his car someone offered him a bag of weed because they felt sorry for their friend throwing up in the back seat most people were just normal though some highlights quentin tarantino and trisha paytas were making out in his backseat when they were secretly dating lol mike tyson is apparently very nice in person and also a giant pothead somebody on gossip girl and her friend were arguing about chicken nuggets and tried to get him to go through a wendy's drive-through during the lunch rush when there were 10 cars already in line addison ray or one of her friends took their shoes off and left them in the car leo dicaprio took more than five minutes to find the car he seemed out of it and was quietly bobbing his head listening to music on his headphones wasnt exactly a chauffeur but i did have the distinguished privilege of working with a multi-millionaire one time for a couple days and i was just astounded at how out of touch he was with people one conversation and he was talking about how he hated all the new homes they were building and he liked to old castles so he was having a castle in scotland disassembled and reassembled here in the u.s piece by piece on another occasion he asked me why i wasn't in college yet the job was after high school and i was working as a plumber and gave me an alright when i told him i couldn't afford to go yet and had to save up having a scottish castle moved to the us and reassembled here is literally the plot of gargoyles a 90s cartoon on the wb i'm kinda excited to see where this goes not a chauffeur and i was a participant in this conversation i used to tutor an oligarch's daughter in rebelevca the wealthy suburb outside moscow and one day she mentioned that she likes to ski i asked her which kind of skiing she preferred downhill is more popular where i'm from the cross country is quite popular in russia it's even part of some schools curricula her answer my favorite kind of skiing is the type where you jump out of a helicopter silly me i forgot about that kind i was definitely expecting something much different not a chauffeur but worked as a caterer for private jets and the insane folks who owned them had a huge order from what i knew to be a smaller jet so i really wondered about it when one of the owners handlers was training a new flight crew he ordered 12 k of meals for a flight that didn't exist just so the new flight attendants could practice the fine points of checking in a catering order i listened outside after the food drop as the handler started explaining what to do to six of the most beautiful humans i have ever seen we provided food for a lesson the food was wasted i found it in the dumpster outside one of the hangars the next day about 25 years ago i had a summer job at a very tony country club six-figure joining fee five-figure continuing membership dues and that got you nothing but the privilege of paying top dollar for rounds food etc i was a porter some of the time as we had cottages on club grounds for members to stay and make a weekend of it one of my duties was driving members to and from airports usually private airports for private jets one time i'm driving two guys to the airport and one of them starts complaining seems he and his wife are always fighting over who gets the jet every weekend and where they want to go well the other one replied my third jet is actually just gathering dust right now since my son went to college wanna take it off my hands they shook on it right there in the van not a chauffeur a small part of my family was chicago mafia grandpa told me a story of a famicy wedding in chicago they went to in the late 60s they were picked up at the airport by a limo with some high-ranking family members on the way to the hotel they were stopped about eight times by various police officers the officer would walk up to the driver's window the chauffeur would reach into a money bag and pass a bill to the officer nothing would be said and they'd take off again eventually my grandpa asked if they were being bribed his cousin mafia laughed and said no it's thursday that's when we pay our boys so i guess that's how they did it looks like a traffic stop and in the open where it's not unexpected so i'd imagine that joffer had seen some things i'll answer for my grandparents they owned a limousine business i believe in the early 2000s and my grandmother drove mel gibson around she said he was nice and that he had requested to sit in the front passenger seat due to car sickness imagine hiring a limo and sitting in the front in australia we tend to sit in the front in taxes so it could have been a bit of that too not a driver but i used to caddy at a fairly exclusive country club in massachusetts it's the kind of place where no matter how rich you are you can't buy a membership you're either born into it or you marry a member as a result a lot of the members like to show off their influence by inviting guests who would otherwise be unable to play at the club someone invited mitt romney we were given a heads up that the governor he wasn't a senator yet would be coming and they wanted us to know how to act around him we were told he wanted to be treated like anyone else but they didn't want us to gawk so i guess to make sure as dumb caddies weren't gawking we were instructed to not look at or acknowledge the governor because this is precisely how we would treat other people i did get to shake his hand and chat a little bit he was friendly personable way nicer than a lot of the members i still don't like a lot of his politics but he seemed nice enough in person i used to work in politics and never heard a bad thing about house and romney acts in his personal life seems genuinely courteous and respectful to people i have deep ideological differences with him but you can tell an elected's real character in how they treat underlings i sometimes uber drove in dc and they would order a ride but instead of getting in the vehicles they would just put a bunch of paperwork in your car and then you would deliver it to the next government building always felt kinda sketchy that government employees would send documents via uber drivers lol i was driving as uber and i picked up two businessmen in an industrial park they were building developers the man who was clearly the boss spoke to me as if i were a man and i was always the driver who picked him up although they were clearly from the middle east they chose to speak english maybe they thought it was rude not to being in the u.s but if that would have been rude i'm not sure what the rest of the conversation was they spoke about the future of business as if it were all so futile and how everyone will be either very wealthy like them or very poor and how their children really won't be able to get jobs either but also won't need to i logged more than 4 000 rides between 2015 and 2017 and that was one of the weirdest the other weirdest guy i picked up from a dispensary he was really good looking very well dressed and clearly well to do but he was in some kind of mental distress he wanted to visit more dispensaries but had clearly already bought the maximum i got his hotel information through conversation and went there instead on the way he told me in all seriousness all about how his father was god which meant he was jesus didn't you notice how much brighter the sun became when i got in your car he was serious he also followed guns and roses like they were the grateful dead he thought axel rose was the smartest man alive he didn't really notice when we got to his hotel instead of the dispensary i did ask him if he had taken any other drugs that day and he insisted he hadn't that was also one of the weirdest it sounds like a guy having a severe manic episode i am late to the party but i can absolutely contribute to this thread used to work for a private transportation company started my own show for business last year a couple things right off the top of my head that come to mind one had a really snobby family from another mountain estate come to our state and the entire ride to their destination was spent talking about how much better their state was towards the end of the ride the mother started cutting her toenails in the company vehicle no idea how to react to that situation basically just had to let it ride too probably one of the wealthiest people i've ever met in my life was a gentleman who was a very high ranking member of scientology was also one of bill gates close business partners never in my life have i been treated like i did not exist until that right barely even got his name before he asked not to speak for the almost two hour ride three just previously i drove an nfl all-star and he was one of the coolest people i've ever met which was super refreshing all i ever heard of celebrities particularly athletes was that they could be very rude guy was just a regular but homie who gets paid 15 mil a year scientology guy sound sus af what's the worst case of rich kid syndrome you've seen girl in my high school physics class offering her brand new iphone to be destroyed in an experiment because my dad will just buy me a new one she had it for like one week i volunteer for burning man which happens to attract some of the worst trusterians i have ever seen people who claim to live bohemian lifestyles of art and magic that also have unending parental support for their magical global treating adventure it's frustrating because these people live in the most sheltered bubble of all i can't even begin to describe how infuriating it is to deal with folks who can drop 50 000 on a week at a festival i was wondering how some of those people afford that crap hey guys please help which car should i get i want a lot but daddy will only buy me one this was posted to facebook by a tinder match yeah i'd rather not go there you should go there and make her fall in love with you then you get to be a rich snob as well my friend was chinese canadian she worked as an english tutor for the chinese uni students her role was to teach them functional english help their pronunciation and work with them on essays etc what ended up happening was her teaching these students life skills egg how to use a washing machine how to grocery shop etc she had to call one family because they were sending the 19 year old kid u.s 25 000 a month for living expenses this was back when a student apartment was like 600 a month on average 90s she explained to the parents that the amount was excessive the parents chuckled about it but didn't stop p dang the kid was making more than most of their professors a kid in my graduating high school class was very wealthy his parents bought him a land rover when he was 16 and he crashed it into a school bus they bought him another land rover and he lost his street racing guess what they bought him a mercedes ha that will teach him dude would stand in a club and rip up bills of 10 euros yelling this is nothing to me okay how about just giving away beer instead of antagonizing anyone in sight my broke butt crawling around picking up half tends to tape together lol my sweet may freshman year of college would pay me my roommate and his roommate to his chores for him every couple of weeks he literally gave me 20 for making his bed tbh depending on how gross he was that sounds like super easy money my cousin is just graduated from high school last year his parents are big time real estate agents in our hometown like they both probably clear one dollar million a year easily so my cousin goes off to college and gets busted for public drunkenness and resisting a rest his first semester gets expelled from school starts bumming off his folks for money his dad just bought him a brand new ranger over last weekend as a reward for learning from his mistakes and staying positive when the law targeted him i feel like his dad needs to be audited was iran college one of my residents was a rich freshman from rhode island he lives on an island and takes a ferry into town anyways his first week he asked if there was fresh water available in the shower i didn't understand what he meant but apparently he didn't like showering with city water and didn't realize it was everywhere he went i was so shocked and didn't know what to say that i suggested he used water bottles to clean him yeah he didn't last long i work with a girl who said she only drinks new water she explained new water meant only bottled water because it's new because they make it fresh just to bottle it another colleague explained the water cycle and that bottled water isn't new water at all she was dumbfounded not me but my scuba instructor told this story some rich family paid him a few thousand dollars to fly down and give private scuba lessons to them in the bahamas in scuba you have to demonstrate you can handle all the skills in the pool before they let you in the ocean during the pull part they got to the skill of clearing the water out of your mask which is mildly unpleasant but not painful or even hard they refuse to do it my instructor said if you can't clear a mask you can't be cleared to dive they spent a few thousand on private scuba classes and wasted it all because they refused a pretty simple skill once when i was at a camp me and a few other kids were playing a game kids from a different part of the camp came over and told us to leave we replied that we were there first one of them replied yeah but does your dad have a helicopter that's when i would have step kicked him in the nuts i used to work at a wholesale kitchen appliance distributor it was a multi-million dollar company the ceo's daughter was my age 23 at the time and would often come shoot the crap with us in sales she had a high-rise condo by herself downtown worth about three hundred thousand dollars after i left i bumped into one of my old co-workers and she came up in our conversation i asked how she was doing and my co-worker informed me that daddy bought her another high-rise condo which was directly across from her current condo and the only other condo on that floor why did she get two high-rise condos well she wanted the floor to herself i kind of felt sorry for her because she was an only child and didn't have many friends she'd also never had a boyfriend in her life she confided this in me when we were talking alone one time and said all the guys she tries to date are intimidated by her family's wealth looking back now i think she might have been coming onto me i still regret not asking her out maybe she got the other condo for you for eternity did a pledge event in which we were placed in a limo normal friend wow this is awesome i've never been in a limou before rich kid syndrome friend haven't you ever been to the airport i went to a private school for high school so we had a lot of those crashed one fancy car and daddy bought them a new one kind of stories floating around but i didn't know any of them personally then i went to a private college suddenly most of my classmates seemed to be these people the worst by far was this guy my roommate dated for a while had a really nice car but had no idea how to take care of it when it started to have trouble he dropped it in front of a friend's house and had his parents buy him a new one spilled a drink all over someone's computer and when they got upset he laughed and told them they could just get a new one told several professors that he paid for an a so he dang well better get it in poetry class wtf dude that was the easiest i ever didn't understand why my roommate went home for a weekend to help her dad after surgery he asked her why she didn't have people for that threw away his textbooks when he was done with them i dug through his trash with his roommate and we split the whole even stevens and so so much more he didn't last long as my roommate's boyfriend nor as anyone's friend i don't think he ever graduated weirdly he had a twin sister who was very sweet and down to earth so i have no idea how that happened comma threw away his textbooks when he was done with them i dug through his trash with his roommate and we split the whole even stevens if i learned anything from this thread it is that i should follow rich people around and sell their trash this kind of pales compared to some of these but i'll give it a go when i was a broker's frick bike messenger i was dating a woman who was heir to a major restaurant fortune one evening she wanted to go to a club downtown and i said i couldn't go because i didn't have any money she said i should come on anyway so i figured she's footing the bill when we got to the club and it's time to pay the cover at the door she pays for herself and starts to walk in i'm like hey i don't have any money i can't get in she comes back out and tells me to just put it on my credit card but of course i don't have one that she tells me she'll drive me to an atm but of course i don't have a bank account because i'm broke i'm standing there in the street with her trying futilely to explain that i literally do not own any money she could not grasp the concept i ended up walking home and she went to the club we did not last long went to visit a friend at university queens university and they were all known for being spoiled brats we're at his student house with his roommates i introduce myself and say what's up his one roommate looks at me looks down looks back up at me and asks are those knock-off spares of course they were being the broke butt college student i was so i told him yes and he just goes wow and walks away kids never said another word to me the rest of the weekend yes currently at queen's and this place is surreal i'm a poor phd student and tbh this is more money than i have ever had haha so i don't fit in i see these entitled kids every day all day bonus i also mark their exams assignments and may even teach a class in a few years jokes on them i worked at sunglass hut in south florida one day a family of four came in to buy glasses now i am used to people having money and buying stupidly expensive sunglasses but the dad told the kids who were probably six and four to get the glasses they wanted both grabbed four pairs of sunglasses that cost over 250 dollars each then both kids pulled out wads of 100 bills to pay for them back in middle school when flip phones razors were in a friend asked to use my phone to call his parents causes died i hesitated but then i handed him my nokia block phone he looked at it and was like what the heck is that laughed and walked away what a dong i read this as he wanted to borrow your phone because his parents died was really confused for a sec old roommate signed up for classes at the community college never not once went to class obviously failed his mom got mad and over the phone he explained to her that the reason he failed was his car wasn't good enough 2012 ford which was fine and needed a new one so his mom buys him a brand new car 2016. he signs up for classes the next semester and still ends up never going to class oh holy crap i posted something earlier about my own experience but something my sister experienced just popped into my head on this one i'll call it rich adult syndrome my youngest nephew was invited to a birthday party in the first grade a girl in his class was having a birthday party and invited the entire classroom about 25 kids my nephew was super stoked to go to his first big kid party as he put it and spent the entire evening the night before picking out his outfit so he could look cool the morning of the party however he was on his knees puking his poor little guts out in front of the toilet crying about not being able to go to the party my sister did everything she could to make him feel better but he was devastated he was also really upset that his friend wouldn't get the present he picked out for her so while my brother-in-law cleaned up and took care of the sick kid my sister drove to the birthday girl's house to drop off the present and explain my nephew's absence of course the party was at one of the large mcmansion neighborhoods filled with bmws mercedes land rovers and enough gordy look at me i have money crap to stun even donald trump when the mom answered the door let's call her [ __ ] mc and face she seemed polite enough at first my sister explained that my nephew was sick throwing up and could not come but he wanted his friend to get her birthday present so there she was to deliver it and make sure it was received [ __ ] thought that was grand and then said oh and i have something for you and your son she gave my sister an envelope and a small goody bag for the kiddos the bag had stickers gum some m ms a bouncy ball all the typical crap little kids loved it probably cost about two dollars per bag for the kiddos my sister thanked her and left it wasn't until she got home that she opened the envelope it contained a card that said we are sorry that you did not feel it appropriate to respect your rsvp'd confirmation much time energy and money was put into this party please pay us back for the money and time that you wasted by not bringing your child to her party he or she was confirmed to attend it contained a breakdown of food costs about 25 dollars per kid according to mrs mick and face costs for the entertainment a clown or bouncy house or some such crap and 35 dollars per kid and a 150 dollar inconvenience fee for non-monetary expenditures this woman was rolling in dough and she threw one heck of a bash for her kid if the itemized bill is to be believed yet she had the goal to think that a sick kid not being able to attend meant that the parents of the child should be charged over 200 for the inconvenience i had a friend i met through competitive gaming that i visited once for a tournament he and all his friends went to a prep school and were now all in university i stayed at his uni rented house because it was before school season and there was empty rooms he told me he didn't talk to his family because his father kicked him out and abandoned him we keep drinking and he keeps explaining and it turns out his father felt like when my friend turned 18 he should leave the home old values understandable so the dad pays for my friend's rent his uni tuition and his car dude still considers himself abandoned my mum got me a pair of jeans for my 18th birthday i couldn't even imagine having all of that provided for me i saw a girl absolutely fuming because the bmw she got as a high school graduation gift wasn't quite the right color i got a chili's dinner undergrads i was at a club with a very rich friend of a friend who wanted to show off and impress the lorieties and he poured some super expensive champagne on the floor and was like what's money ee h i would have told him he's a freaking idiot and should rethink his life then and there but i saved that for after he picked up the tab that night he was overall a very unpleasant guy i met a kid who didn't understand the concept of washing dishes and then bsp wife went back to college new city didn't know anyone started a movie night thing to meet some people and build a social circle and then bsp we provided a home-cooked meal a fun movies that most people hadn't seen and a place together went over great and had 6-12 people showing up each week to hang out and talk and eat our food generally good people because she was going back to college a lot of college kids came all good and then bsp i knew this one guy was from a rich family his first night there he's bragging to everyone who'll listen about this 30k plus truck his parents just bought him and telling everybody how awesome he is and then bsp after everything is done we're collecting dishes in the kitchen and he walks over and following me to the kitchen he walks in and puts his dish and silverware in the trash can hey man what are you doing i'm assuming he brain blanked for a second no big deal what give me the dishes don't throw em out it's a ceramic plate not a paper one why he asks obviously confused i'm going to wash it why he repeats now i'm confused so it'll be clean for next time oh like the dining hall oh okay sure and then bsp i find out later he basically lives off take out restaurants etc he's never cooked anything in his life his family has servants who clean up after meals and and he just assumed dishes were something you threw out when you were done college was the first place where he even saw the idea of putting dishes somewhere other than the trash or leaving them on the table afterward and then bsp he wasn't a bad guy honestly just i was amazed something so incredibly basic had slipped by him for years i'm seeing it right now actually i have a friend i went to art school with and we both studied photo we both coincidentally live in a large city where i have been working and making art in my spare time for about a decade she's also been here about that long it has been fortunate enough to have her father completely underwrite her life meaning no need to work and she even has a full and home dark room set up in her apartment well dad finally pulled the plug on the free art life so now she is likely going to have to leave our city her response was to set up a gofundme to the tune of 11 grand asking her friends to pitch in to help her renew her lease and pay rent etc pretty mind-boggling on so many levels i guess people who have had stuff handed to them their entire life have a very different concept of what's owed to them and what's okay to ask for the art life is tough i know from lived experience but there's no way in heck i'd hit my friends up for rent money over it the killer is she's had a decade of what amounts to a free art grant and the amount of work she's produced is ridiculously small i personally create more work in a year and that's with a full-time job seeing things like this on gofundme pisses me off to no end i once reported someone my younger brother knew for setting one up to collect money from people for paying for his hospital stay after a car accident conveniently forgetting to share with people that it was his second dui and he was without a license at the time two guys in college one mom i need new gucci shoes they're dirty two throws current cell phone against wall and destroys it can i borrow your phone to call my dad dad i need that new razer mind broke maybe not worst back when i was in college in the us at the end of every school year the students who were from other countries in particular japan china and india would throw out barely used clothes bicycles and any other items they couldn't bring back with them over summer and didn't bother to keep in storage these were often students that were going to this u.s college for four years but who were just going home for summer many people would go dumpster diving after they left and find designer clothes and tons of other great stuff for free can't complain cause many of us benefited from it but i can't imagine how rich you must be to throw away those things and not think that anyone else would ever want to barely use designer shirt or sunglasses during a holiday my cousins came down to visit from new york two of them were younger i think one was 11 the other 15 at the time and we knew that their family had a decent amount of money my grandmother not having a lot to give and not knowing what these two boys could want gave them money cards with twenty dollars a piece inside instead of gifts when they opened them the younger one laughed loudly and the older one just looked disgusted before looking up at my grandma's smiling face and saying what the frick do you think we can buy with twenty dollars what little c when i was about 17 i had recently saved up enough money to buy a new smartphone it took forever since i was a high schooler earning minimum wage and being told by my parents to use money on certain things so in total i had very little say in what my money would be used for so when i had enough for this smartphone i was too excited so it's been about a year with this phone i plan on keeping it for a couple more since i prefer to use them until they're completely useless i'm holding it and standing outside in a parking lot waiting for my friend inside the store she comes out and comes up to me she is spoiled rotten mind you she's hyped up about something i never found out what she grabbed my phone and i thought she was going to make a call since she left her phone at home i want her to be careful with it no she was not careful she wasn't making a call at all she threw my phone in the air and caught it at this point i was flipping crap and running over to her to take it back back she threw it again much higher and tried to catch it she did not catch it my phone was completely shattered i was horrified and cradling it like she just dropped my newborn child i kept asking her why she did it she just laughed and said i didn't think it was gonna break i got angry and said that it took forever to save up for it he replied just ask your mom for a new one ah you kidding me i told her not everyone can ask their parents for a couple hundred dollars for a new phone she simply shrugged and said it's just 300 not really that much she doesn't work obviously she doesn't know what 300 means to a teenager making minimum wage she then asked me to tell my mom that i broke it so she wouldn't get in trouble needless to say when i told my mom how it broke the truth my friend was pretty pee in fact she refused to buy me a new phone when i asked she wouldn't tell her parents and she never invited me over again so i could tell her mom so a few years later i'm out and about and in town again and i see my old friend's mom and we were catching up from the last time we saw each other which was before the phone incident then her mom says it's a shame you two stopped talking because you were upset that you broke your phone well i quickly ended the conversation and went on my merry way side note i have an iphone now i don't let anyone near it row i don't care who it would been that did that to my phone and said ask your mum for a new one i'd go right to their parents make them pay for the dang thing and then give the kid a swift punch in the nose out of spite what is the worst way you've seen someone mismanage their money well the accountant of the small business i work at does a lot of funny things with money has a perfectly good paid off car but it was slightly too old to drive for uber to make extra money so she got a lease on a brand new car through uber after a month she found out she wasn't making enough extra money from uber to even pay the lease and her commute was too far to drive the uber car to work and back because they limit the miles after she weaseled out of her uber lease she decided she needed a brand new harley that she had no idea how to drive this was over a year ago she has ridden it exactly once around her neighborhood she will be paying for this motorcycle for another four years at least she took out a second mortgage on her home to fix it up to get ready to sell she is so happy with the remodel that she is keeping the house she is a single mother twice over and is always telling a sell some nice man from her church paid for her daughter's school trip or whatever she is the dumbest person i have ever met and i am always a little freaked out that she is handling our money i am always a little freaked out that she is handling our money you should be every fraud story i've heard used to be an auditor when just like yours hopefully there are good controls in place so that reviews and approvals are required and the expenditures are accounted for divorce growing up we were good friends with the family that had made it big with buying selling airplane parts pre-internet age the couple went through a nasty divorce that got strung out over a six-year period the wife was 100 convinced through her [ __ ] lawyers that her husband had funneled money into secret accounts he didn't and wasn't happy with his initial offer the mansion half the multi-millions and 5000 a month for child support alone the court proceedings went on for years and at the end of it all they both pretty much had nothing due to court fees and lawyer fees his business failed because of how unstable air travel became after 9 11. if she had just split things and taken that with the mansion and the other payments she would have gotten 4.2 million from the divorce not having worked today in her life tl dr divorce is a helluva drug the wife was 100 convinced through her [ __ ] lawyers [ __ ] lawyers playing both sides of the game husband has funds hidden away get huge commission for winning a bigger settlement in the divorce husband has no money hidden away drag case through courts for years racking up a billable hours win-win for them i have an idiot friend who's getting something like 30 of his wages garnished why because he forgot to pay his student loan he's crapped paying bills and it's not because he doesn't make the money for it he has a decent job he just literally ignores paper mail and emails reminding him and then eventually demanding him to pay off things like credit card bills and his student loans if he does bother to read them it literally goes in one ear and out the other just slides right out of his mind after a few months he'll remember log into his account pay the payment in full with a crude interest and shrug it off like it's normal somehow he forgot to pay his student loans for something like a year and it went to collections i told him he could even just set up automatic payments for that crap and he agrees it's a good idea and then just never does it i offered to set it up for him and it's always later friend got 150k in life insurance from her mom passing it was gone in a year she paid a 20k bail for her boyfriend at the end of that year he was also gone she works at popeyes now the idea of bail is that you get it back though a friend at 37 who have never worked any job that pay above minimum wages inherited tons of money from his father despite having absolutely no experience in any of those positions or even how to run a business suddenly open up a restaurant which was a disaster from day one and closed down not long afterward but decided to get into photography business throw away tons of money on all super fancy equipment you have absolutely no idea what is for or how to use never made a penny tried to start a dj business no bite disappeared off face of the earth right afterward i bet his social media was all about grinding hustling and killing it my friend whom i love dearly recently has been driving me pretty insane her parents are terrible with their money and she has been complaining for ages about how inconsiderate and irresponsible they are how they infuriate her because they buy things they don't actually need with the reasoning of well it'll make us someone else happy so what's the problem she calls me a month or so ago because thanks to her parents and their irrational spending habits and irresponsibility she may not be able to finish school she doesn't know how she'll manage to eat or afford anything she needs and she can't get a full-time job right now either so she and her boyfriend who she's breaking up with soon decide that instead of saving their very limited money and using it wisely they would impulsively buy two puppies i don't know the breed but they'll be huge dogs when they grow up from a sketchy stranger on facebook who they don't know and who charged them hundreds of dollars for the pups her reasoning for getting them when she knows she can't afford them they'll make me happy so it'll help with the stress of not having any money i'm still enraged honestly the hypocrisy irresponsibility and impulsivity is maddening of all the posts in this thread i find this one the most infuriating those poor puppies don't stand a chance my friend is basically a 37 year old child with a good salary one month his water bill was seven hundred dollars he asked me if i thought it was because his sink faucet was dripping i said it sounded more like a broken pipe he never found out the issue he just paid the bill and said oh well probably one of those guys that has his mom do everything for him i know a lot of men that were big time mama's boys that make good money now and if they get a utility bill that's 500 a month they will pay the bill instead of calling to see what the issue is a guy i worked with was always complaining that he was poor although i later found out that this was solely due to bad budgeting and impulse spending he was really good at his job so i suggested that he do some freelance i.t security consulting on the side he did a job for a high end jeweler which paid him around two pounds k for two days work he was ecstatic that he finally had enough money to fix all the problems he'd been putting off for ages like the oil leak on his car a new pair of work shoes and get his boiler fixed at the end of the job he was leaving the retailers with cash in hand when he spotted a high-end watch in a display case which was 2 000 pounds down from 3 500 pounds or so unable to pass up such a bargain he handed the two-pound k back and walked out with the watch instead two days later he was complaining because his fridge was empty my response was at least you can use the watch to time how long it takes you to starve lol great line at the end there how could he have all these plans to use the 2k to better his comfort in life and then suddenly see a nice watch and go lu shiny grew up fairly wealthy went to a private school with lots of other wealthy kids knew one girl who had two wealthy parents pass away when she was young she lived with an uncle she was messed up as a kid really wild always the first to try everything in her own way incredibly sweet always protected the less popular kids anyways she hits 21 gets a huge trust fund her uncle puts up a fight for the money because he knows she's going to go nuts with it it wasn't for the cash he had much more than her ultimately he loses and she gets everything it's the beginning of the end for her she blows through massive wealth in two years doing untold amounts of sea binge drinking trips to crazy places constantly surrounded by people using her for party money we're talking millions of dollars here not a cent invested anywhere anyways two years later she's back with the uncle not a penny to her name he loves her so of course takes her in everyone that hung onto her for the past two years is gone everyone laughs at her behind her back a few overdoses and drug use left her a little slow she tries school but it doesn't work her uncle gave her a job but it's a token thing at least she's lucky enough that she had someone to look after her in the end she failed the harry potter test my friend started up a gaming store like for tabletop games magic the gathering dnd gaming figurines etc he mistakenly thought because he was so interested in the material it would be easy for him to jump into he has no business acumen and never owned a business in the past he never had a lot of money always rented always behind on bills her child support kids to pay for etc although he was really good at penny pinching and saving money that was only half the equation he ended borrowing a bunch of money from his new wife he set his store location up in a small town that's rather out of the way bad location he claimed the store was only temporary and was supposed to be a storage site so he could ship items sold off the internet thus he never got much traffic and therefore few sales however it was a source of contention between him and his wife he had confided in me his store was ultimately a reason to get out of the house and away from the family not a really good reason to throw money into a business he and his wife ended up divorcing he decided to quit the store he ended up with a ton of merchandise packing his meagre apartment that he had been trying to sell worst of all he apparently didn't keep his books he is currently somewhere around 50k dollars in tax debt to the state and increasing with fines i find this astounding because there is no way he had enough revenue to justify that much in taxes in the period he owned and operated the store i wonder if something else was afoot a lot of the time if you don't file taxes then the state will assess them for you this is almost always a much higher amount than is actually owed once you get the proper paperwork filed but he needs to get a decent accountant to go over his books and figure out what he needs to file in order to get caught up myself had a kiosk at the mall that didn't make that much money she doesn't have another job except uber sometimes she has two kids and always takes them to eat out and does buy stuff that costs beyond her means she lives with my mill and pays next to nothing for rent so there's really no excuse she refuses to even slightly thrift on her kids clothes and constantly buys them stuff like lacoste and ralph lauren because image is apparently everything her oldest just started kindergarten this year he plays soccer too so she splurged on all the high-end equipment and he's not really even that into the sport anyway his teacher said that in her 25 years of teaching this was the first time she was ever instructed by a parent to make sure their kid changed his shoes before pay i just got the news this morning that she lost the kiosk yesterday too many fines for showing up later open and bringing her youngest to work with her so they shut her down every once in a while my stepdad will calculate how much money he could save by quitting drinking then decides to quit and start spending like he has that money he doesn't actually quit pay their current vehicle off with savings then immediately trade in that car and get a car worth a lot more only to be back in deeper debt with less in their savings this person made a lot of other dumbass choices but that's a different story if i pay it off now i can trade it in for something bigger happened so often it's absolutely the worst idea you currently have a vehicle you don't owe on that if you just paid it off likely has 36 70k miles and should last you another 100k miles easy bubba that one hooks up to my phone though i gave my brother a step-by-step plan to cover his rent keep his job fill up his car and pay me back within a one week period he was tight on money i found him at foot locker with a large bag two hours later that must have hurt i knew a guy that bought a transom fully loaded and had a 700 payment in 1985. that's like 1650 today he ended up bankrupt another guy i know told me he was going to declare bankruptcy over a 4 000 debt about 20 years ago we were riding in his late model track i said why don't you sell the truck settle the debt and save up for a new truck he got furious and yelled at me for saying that he ended up bankrupt and still lost the track i have a friend who is 40 years old single lives by himself and will buy weed as a priority over some of his bills every 2-3 months i'll get a call asking for a bailout he is also on social security and lives in a subsidized apartment pays 120 for rent very very frustrating to get those calls for help i went to community college my first year i knew this guy that was from a super low-income family and he received massive amounts of student loans he blew it all on a used car wheels and a sound system i tried to tell him it was a loan and not a grant he disagreed lost touch with him a year or two later but he has to be underwater in debt it's one thing to pick up a used car for transportation using student loans but a sound system in it geez college friend graduated with over 100 k in private student loans the bank offered a 5 k credit towards the loans as a graduation gift or 1 500 in cash they took the 1 500 and used it as a down payment on a new car i have a colleague in her mid-50s who is divorced with no kids she is the sole means of her own financial support that is no parent or siblings to fall back on she lives alone in an apartment she recently took out her second debt consolidation loan as soon as she gets those credit cards maxed out she takes out a loan pays the cards off and runs them up again i'd feel sorry for her if the charges were for general living expenses but they're not therefore highlights in her hair manicures trips to the caribbean with boyfriend du jour those cute sandals that she'll wear twice before replacing them with cuter sandals high and everything makeup perfumes clothing once in a while she will lament about her 40 000 loans and the fact that she is literally two paychecks from being homeless and i will gently point out that less trips to the salons and the islands might put her in a better financial position i work hard and i deserve nice things i deserve vacations i deserve to feel good and look good don't tell me how to spend my money this coming from a woman who has to pay for her lunch with a credit card the day before payday because she's overdrawn on her checking account i've seen her do this and she explained why she was doing it she refuses to believe that she's the cause of her own financial difficulties i worked with someone like this too she was pushing 60 and getting close to retirement age and still didn't own her own home and was renting instead of saving her not inconsiderable salary for the last few years towards a home she chose to get a mercedes convertible on the basis that i'll never be able to own something like this again i know someone that will refuse to work a regular job lives off the women in his life doesn't have two nickels to rub together at 52 years old and complains constantly about how everything is rigged to keep him from succeeding i see you know a slightly older version of my brother-in-law one of my old friends was living paycheck to paycheck less than that some months she was eating food from work for breakfast which was one of those ice cream places when i was asking her about her finances to see where she could cast back she mentioned that she smoked recreational weed every day several times a day but she said it's only a hobby that i could stop at any time however she refused to stop when i told her it was a possible avenue to cut back on if she wanted to comfortably make her bills it kind of got tiresome to hear about how she had no money for food constantly weed isn't addictive i just like getting high too much to stop okay my friend had saved up around 8k and was planning to use it to down a new car instead his parents forced him to use that money to buy his little brother a used car rather than buying something cheap and reliable like a camry the dumbass little brother goes full jdm and buys a crappy overpriced nissan sylvia the car still needed work and the idiot didn't even know how to work on cars when i found out what happened i was freaking livid i know how hard he had worked to save that money what's worse is that the younger crashed the car a few months later and it just sat in front of their house for almost year before they sold it off for dimes not the worst but i had a strong lesson about money management i was 11 or something hitman blood money just came out i was hyped i love that series so i've started to save money right away i was saving by walking home instead of taking a bus i was saving by not eating candy or drinking soda etc i was really close but one day as i was walking home i saw cousin he was holding a rc car brand new i asked about it and he said he won it with luck he told me there is a game in the market near us i was amazed so you can pay one buck and spin the wheel i wanted to try that game and i wanted to win i said to myself okay captain cola just two three games i went there and spin the wheel and then i spin it again and again i lost but i still had a lot of money right when i realized i blew most of my hitman money i was determined more than sad i wasn't going to afford hitman but i still had a chance for that car so i spin again reality set in when i was sitting on a bank with a bag full of crappy candy and plastic vampire teeth i lost everything i made in a month in one hour i learned a hard lesson early so i'm really grateful but i still keep my saved money somewhere i can't reach easily just in case maybe one of the cheapest ways to learn that lesson there was this guy from a hillbilly town who won the lotto 1 million canadian dollar the guy was definitely not well off before he was being interviewed by a reporter asking him what he was going to do with the money he said he had spent already half of it buying pickup trucks for his cousins his family his uncles and friends and also bought three snowmobiles and five atvs oh well hopefully he's happy my ex-husband sill's ex-husband's new wife's parents say that three times fast died in a motorcycle accident that ended up with the couple getting around five hundred thousand dollars my excel immediately latched on to her ex-husband along with her seven kids four of which he believes are his they bought a new house and my exile moved into their old house they also bought five or seven new cars for various people and took exile's seven kids plus their own to disney world twice i believe they both quit their jobs two in less than a year they had spent all the money and were back all trying to live in the original old house that i believe they lost due to foreclosure shortly thereafter not me but i was once talking to andenko who told me about the time one of his younger subordinates burned through five thousand dollars at a strip club with their credit card the subordinate apparently got their money back by telling their bank it wasn't them when they received their bill then co then had to educate him about what financial fraud was he basically committed theft of services because in fraud disputes the business ends up eating the bill what a [ __ ] i like to gamble i wouldn't say i'm an addict but it sure is fun for me any seasoned gambler will tell you even an addict don't put down more than you can afford to lose i like to play a carnival game called mississippi stud because it's slow relaxing and if you have patience almost always lucrative this is a game where you may have to fold 20 hands but in one hand triple the initial money you put down that is when you should walk away but this is where casinos make money because almost nobody does i was at a table and this guy hits on four jacks at this table that's 41 odds and he totaled 4 000 in his win so he gets up from the table and i am happy for him he is walking away with a nice chunk of change eventually i get up and head over to the roulette wheel to end my stay because even though roulette is pure look it offers the best exhilaration for me few feelings in this world match the feeling of when you hit your number after a few spins the guy who won the 4 000 walks over and plops the entire stack of cash on the table he puts all his money on red it landed on black guy i knew at uni spent his entire student loan allowance for the semester in two weeks so he got a payday loan out to fund a night out like 100 pounds at an extortion payback rate ended up owing 8 000 pounds in a few months got a credit card out to pay that off maxed out his credit card in maybe six months he didn't work at uni his family was on the darker side of poor he was the kid that was going to make something of himself so he got the absolute maximum in loans and bursaries and every time he received the money for them he'd spend it in a matter of days on vip in clubs and bottle service etc but not even clothes or gadgets or whatever i didn't even go to uni in a particularly expensive city ironically he was studying something like economics or business either way he dropped out at the end of first year and now works as a car salesman earning a fair amount but living in a tiny studio flat and complaining that one of those furniture rental places won't let him rent out something like a 60 inches tv and ps4 because his credit is so bad we all tried to warn him but we were called stupid because it was free money bet you he spends his free time posting on reddit about how banks are evil for expecting him to pay back school loans i am a restaurant grams i watch most of my servers spend at least 50 percent of their money on booze and or food every single day they bring food in from another restaurant before their shift drink after the shift at a club or bar and then go out and get more food after they have been drinking i have seen on slow nights where they paid to work that day due to spending their money on booze because they were sad they didn't make very much my stupid drunk self spent all my rent money on a brand new hd tv luckily sober me got a full refund but i was a week late on rent dang that's hard waking up and seeing a bad mofo over tv sitting in my house would be extremely hard to return even knowing it could put me late for rent once it's in the house and you're using it my mother is single 50 years old a manager at her store and pulls in about 3500 a month if not more she rents a room from a friend 200 a month and friend confirms that she hardly ever pays her has no car payment she takes no vacations and never shops she claims to be broke 100 of the time i suspect she is addicted to prescription pain pills redditors who came into great wealth and did not lose it in a few years how did you make the money last not me alas but i remember reading an ama a while back from a redditor who won the lottery i think the jackpot was 30 million and he got maybe 17 million he was only in his early 20s too he was basically a checklist for how to behave if you win the lottery he paid off all his debts had some fun spending some of it then got a financial advisor who gives him an allowance of something like ninety thousand dollars a year the rest of the money is invested anytime he's in danger of exceeding his allowance his advisor calls and gives him crap comma his advisor calls and gives him crap mayo i should get an advisor too simple living plus investing in real estate and stocks inherited about 400k back in 2011 paid off student loans spent 17k on a reliable honda civic bought a 100k two-bedroom condo went on one really nice vacation then put the rest into stocks and retirement accounts i live in the modest midwest and i'm a naturally frugal person but i can't tell you how cheap it is to live when you don't have a mortgage and car payment with those first two steps down i can put about half my salary into savings and i am well on my way towards financial freedom i can't tell you how cheap it is to live when you don't have a mortgage and car payment this is so true my parents lived frugally and paid off their house very quickly my dad was without steady employment for about five years but since they didn't have a mortgage or car payments they were able to survive on very little i inherited a significant amount of money when my uncle died a few years ago it was a complete surprise and i felt very uncomfortable about accepting so much money when i really hadn't done anything to earn it i immediately dumped all of it into a retirement account and index funds and honestly i don't even think about it dude me too get yourself a fiduciary if you're younger than 35 40 invest in moderate high risk lower the risk over time until retirement pull out a bit for a safety net then keep your job which i'm sure you're doing maximize your 401 k and roth ira i knew about an investment account my dad set up for me when i turned 18. every quarter we would go over the investments it started at 150 k when i first learned about it when i graduated it was 200 k and that's after paying for school i realized what it could be in another 10 years and decided to never touch it my now wife and i live way below our means and we are extremely happy we put 20 k in the account each year even after maxing 401k my dad made a point to me by creating an excel spreadsheet he showed me if i saved 10 k how much it would become when i turned 60 then did it with 15 k 25 k act it's amazing what one dollar today will be in 30 years if you leave it in investments we did take out money to pay for a wedding 10 k and a down payment on a house 25 k from investments but 35 k from us personally saving for 1.5 years you should still be happy with your life it wouldn't be worth living miserably for 30 years just to retire early my father passed away when i was 18. i'm about to turn 26 and left me a large inheritance set up in a trust fund the majority of the funds are diversified in low-risk investments and a small percentages in high risk investments with investors at jp morgan i receive a set monthly distribution for the majority of my expenses and the trust will cover certain more expensive living costs i receive a very good amount every month but my trust generates more money each year than what i'm given in my monthly distributions so my yearly expenses don't really decrease the value of my trust when i turn 30 i'm granted access to one stroke 3rd of my inheritance at 35 2 stroke 3 rds and at 40 i'm given access to the remaining inheritance i most likely will keep the money in investments when i turn 30 but will pull some out as needed to start a business i realize i'm very fortunate and i'm thankful every day that my father worked his butt off to give me what he did i'm also lucky that my father was smart enough to set the trust up like he did because i surely would have blown through a large amount of the trust when i was younger i'd still give it all back in a heartbeat if it meant getting my dad back though frick cancer i won a sizable lottery jackpot with a friend my share was mid single digits in the millions i quit working and budgeted 100 k yearly salary i pay myself 25 k every three months for the next 40 years as well as bought a new house and a vacation house with no mortgage and just naturally not being overly spendy that salary is plenty for me and my kid my great-grandfather was a wealthy man with a lot of cash and estate thought that the inheritance would be squandered by his 11 kids only nine were alive at the time of his death he set up a trust with very complex language that would pay out some amount of money every year and every milestone that is when someone got married or had a child or a grandkid turned 18 etc much of the land and property is still held by various parts of our family even three generations down i got about six dollars k cash when i turned 18. my dad still gets a lump sum every year it's not much but although i've never seen him we only have one painting of him and his wife we remember him the painting part of this post made the longevity of his money really hit you not photo a painting my dad and i set up investments for my brothers and my inheritance he doesn't even know how much we have coming available to us right now it's not stupidly huge not like 40 50 mil but it's definitely sizable we both live off of our salaries i make around 60 and he's around 75 slasher and live modestly my goal is to retire early not spend it now could i drive around in a porsche and buy a house yup but i'd rather retire 20 years early we're both big gamers so the only really nice thing we both have is a tv and he has a gaming rig it's funny i started measuring expensive purchases in time till retirement and it's really changed the way i look at things like i could buy a porsche retired two years sooner retirement wins out every time i inherited over two dollars million at 20 at that point my last parent had passed i paid off my college tuition and used some itville groceries bills until i found employment postgrad the only serious purchase i made was a new car i keep a salaries worth of cash liquid but the rest is invested i make enough money now so i can pay all my necessities rent bills gas food and such making it last isn't hard i don't find a desire to spend it on frivolous things and i don't really tell anyone about it i plan on putting it in a trust getting a print up when i get married also my parents were very frugal so i think that has been instilled in me from a young age i also think it would be so disrespectful to my parents if i squandered all the money they worked hard for away if i lost all of it i wouldn't have a backup plan i have very little family to go to for support with all that i still max out my personal ira every year and contribute to my 401k as i get older i will probably dip into it for a deposit on a house another car repairs etc even though i have assets my money is still subject to the ups and downs of the market and requires a crap ton of paperwork and taxes i do plan on trying to retire early so i have as much time as possible to be with my loved ones and enjoy my remaining time on this planet i would give it all up to have my mom back though nothing can replace the love comfort and reassurance i received from her your life is a wonderful tribute to her got three million dollars saved from a business i started and sold sold everything moved to central america for six months and lived out of a backpack learned to shed materialism and live simply moved back to usa way out in the country and now live a quiet homesteading life while allowing myself and the wife to spend 60k per year total including nice vacations and farm equipment there is the old joke of a farmer winning the lottery when asked what he would do with it he said keep farming until the money is gone inherited three million dollars paid off wife's student loans put the rest in aggressive growth funds do a withdrawal of about 10.20 k per year for vacations or home improvements otherwise continue to live below our household income and save aggressively goal is to retire at age 50 and pay for the kids educations a few years ago i found 20 dollars in my pocket decided to fold it and put it in a spot in my wallet i rarely went into it lasted quite some time before i remembered it was there and spent it immediately if only i had hid it better this is a great idea by folding you doubled it and even after you take it out you will find it increases throwaway account for obvious reasons i sold a company for a few million in profit invested all of it and only draw little each year the most important thing i did was make sure no one friends or family knew i had the money a lot of them know i sold the company but i downplayed it a lot and continue to work so they think i made almost nothing stops me from having to worry about people asking for money or expecting me to pay for things because i'm rich this is really the best advice here once you are the rich guy the amount of pressure to pick up dinner loan money etc will be off the charts slightly unrelated i once had nothing and found a double-headed coin that looked like a penny i challenged people to gamble their pennies and at one point i was up over a dollar but my scam fell through when someone picked heads and i lost everything i was in a bad accident when i was younger and the insurance money was invested by my parents on my behalf i didn't find out about it until right before i turned 18. it is in an actively managed portfolio that is well distributed my wife's father passed away when she was in high school he left her a trust that pays out every 10 years we bought our first house with it a small fixer-upper we have saved aggressively since then and opened many other accounts to further diversify but we also bought a small farm that is already paying well just from the rent payments our plan is to retire early to a small farm and live a lazy life and be able to do what we want when we want to i just remembered that being moderately comfortable for a long time is much better than life being crazy super awesome for a short time i'll never understand those people who are like my 70k income isn't easy to live on as they continue to buy things left and right i freaking slow down and enjoy it a bit my grandma gave me 550 pounds a few days ago it's down to 500 pounds because i bought the new assassin's creed but other than that i've been totally responsible maybe think about it from this perspective you spend nine ten percent of all your money a few days after receiving it got a windfall of about two dollars mm in stock from a startup does that count as great wealth these days i certainly think so but my bar might be low this was around 2009. i was a single guy i stopped working put 30 into an s and p etf put the other 60 into five or six large cap companies i believed in held on for the most part through ups and downs and only withdrew about five percent per year which i've lived off since then i did not increase my lifestyle much i still have the same car i had before the windfall a 2004 toyota i spend more on travel and food but overall i live a pretty basic middle class life except i have time to do whatever i want and that's the greatest luxury of all i write and record music i learn about technology and fool around with it i travel and get involved in volunteer projects i watch movies with friends it's a good life i've enjoyed the past eight years thoroughly and now i have about three dollars mm money makes money and having money saves you money life is not fair i worked hard for what i got but i know a lot of people that work just as hard and didn't get a windfall i also pay only 15 taxes it's ridiculous at some point i helped my parents out by paying off their house that money will come back to me when they pass on so it doesn't change my long-term financial picture much i got married and have a kid now so i got a bigger house but kept it within budget but i currently do work at a small non-profit but it's more for the fun of being part of a project and for the money this is my favorite response life is for living and enjoying doing only the things you want to do inherited 500 000 from my dad i honestly just act like i don't have it it's a safety net i won't use until retirement helps that i have a decent job and a paid off house also i'm famously cheap according to my friends i have money but don't like to spend it quite the opposite my sister-in-law got 260k from a trust fund and blew every penny at 18 she got 60k and blew it in less than a year moved out the day she turned 18 dropped out of high school got a new car paid her boyfriend's child support bought 130 leggings etc then when she turned 21 she got 200k she did the same thing as the first time i think she owned three vehicles at one point now at the age of 28 he finally got her get makes around 25k a year and criticizes her sister and i for buying a car we can't afford with a large down payment i'm glad the people who have posted so far made good use of their money good on all of you obligatory not me but a friend diversified investments bought a home first one that was within his means and didn't break the bank a solid base of low risk blue chip investments and some money put aside for more speculative investments flyer stocks businesses etc one of those paid out so he's rolling doing great basically just treat it as a retirement fund and don't blow it all on cars houses and strippers find a good financial advisor and keep the future in mind blow it all on cars is the only part my mind read i sold my startup for midnight figures my share was worth low eight figures at the time of sale i knew i'd want to go at least a little crazy so i set aside a small portion for that the flashy car expensive clothes etc the largest portion roughly 60 i put into a trust to safeguard it the second largest portion went into a holdings company that would purchase and manage real estate for me and my family as well as starting my next venture the next venture failed but i didn't lose too much the following venture was very successful and was sold for nine low figures no only has my money lasted it has almost tripled in size by making smart investments and working hard since i sold the company that gave me the windfall the key is to live well but don't go crazy i try to not spend more than 1.22 of my next worth per year i came into a little over 10 million recently and it seems like it will be extremely easy to make it last i bought a new cayman s and a house the rest of the money is invested in a diverse portfolio of equities that bankers at jp morgan manage for me when i hear editors saying they would put the money in safe investments like government bond savings accounts that seems insane to me with this amount of money you can take on a ton of risk and still be very safe it's me a ton of risk i got 300k from my dad's estate guess i profited off others misfortune the economy had crashed and i bought some houses that the price had dropped 100 000 from their all-time high i rent them out now having financially responsible parents teaching you how to make money last it's one thing to give people money it's another to teach them how to use it i married my loser boyfriend who i supported for the first couple of years we were together my family wasn't fond of me falling for a musician but he learned to code and proceeded to kick butt in his area of expertise retiring at 40 was an option but we both enjoy our careers and we raise our kids like we're lower middle class so they don't blow the wealth we'll pass down i'd bet their kids will be the ones to lose it as is typical came into about 30k from a life insurance policy paid off a rental property and used the rest to start spec home construction i have now turned 20k into another 20k in just about seven months and plan to continue and expand until i can quit my day job making the money last is easier for me when it belongs to the business and is immediately reinvested so it doesn't sit in the account long the first best way to treat that new influx of money into your life is to immediately treat it like it's not your own you find a fiduciary you trust now bar before you ever have that amount of money when you do get that inheritance a good first step is to treat it as if you didn't have it continue following your own fiduciary plan based on your income and how old you are in other words 1. use your inheritance to build capital and investments now investments at first tend to being moderately risky when you are younger and reduce the risk over time for when you get to retirement age it's a pretty good idea to max out your 401k in ira with your income and use the minimum required distribution to refund yourself for the income you put into your 401 k and ira so 2 use the minimum required distribution to refund yourself from maxing out your 401 and ira investments from your own income finally having an economic safety net is a great way to keep yourself stable if you find yourself out of a job start figuring out your monthly spending habits then create a 2 4 month job loss plan which is how much money you would need to survive with your bills food and other minor expenses until you get to new job so three once you've maxed out your 401k and ira for the year take out a certain amount from your inheritance and start your emergency savings plan most important thing is to always have a job if you're using your inheritance to fund a fun lifestyle you will build a bad habit that will continue on until after you don't have the money anymore use the stability that the inheritance gives you to find better and better paying jobs in an area that you like and use it to network with other people who make smart economic decisions also find a few people in the middle of the road who are as willing to have fun with their money as they are to have a foundational economic plan for you won't have good habits at first so start hanging around those who do have good habits but also have a human soul do not use your inheritance to fund wacky schemes or ideas yourself especially not if you haven't spoken to several people who know what they are doing when it comes to invention new business owning or other usually risky ideas let the risk be handled by your fiduciary and stabilize your life if you care about your family now is a really good time to realize that their expenses become your expenses if it's reasonable to do so help them pay down high interest credit cards loans and health expenses you should be paying down your own credit card high interest loans and health expenses with your own income because it builds a good habit of budgeting and saving regardless of how much money you have come into i won a small lottery and still haven't spent the funds still sitting at my desk how did i do it self-control prioritize my needs the 140 cash is still sitting in my bank account inherited 500k at the tail end 2014 when i was young stupid and drinking too much i opened a brokerage account and went heavily short in oil futures made a bundle of money got sober and now i just live off dividends inherited 2.5 m in a combination of capital and liquid assets the liquid stuff i used to pay off bills and loans in the capital i hired someone to liquidate it i lived like a king for three months and after that it went all to a consistent growth portfolio i have a financial advisor manager who i pay to prevent any stupidity from happening i feel like people who come into great wealth think they can manage it themselves but have not proven they can just be aware of your own personality and limitations and led with the brain not the heart i got some crazy experiences and now i just work a regular person job and love my life it's a blessing to know that one does not have to worry about certain things like retirement so it allowed me to find a career i truly love and make a decent living i only touch money from liquidated asset sales for fun and excitement but never the whole thing so i don't feel i'm cheating myself when i'm ready to buy a home soon i know which accounts i can use specifically for that reason have kids education etc it's all just reasonable planning and taking the control away from impulses don't live off the principle live off the interest first thing i did was go find a financial planner not somebody at the bank like a legit one next thing is we spent some time going over my investment goals which i needed to have considered beforehand and what a realistic risk return profile was then he invested my money and i waited a couple years now i have a nice monthly income make low-risk investments and simply pretend you don't have that money don't completely change your lifestyle to reflect a one-time inheritance as if it is a consistent increase in income well for my wife and i we both come from fairly well-off backgrounds our parents were both immigrants to our country and did well for themselves despite starting with nothing our families mainly keep their money in real estate bank stocks and index funds it's a really boring answer but when it comes to these things complex investments are probably detrimental in the long run if you live within your means you only need to do slightly better than inflation which is really easy when you have a decent sum to start with although most of the wealth is still with our parents i believe my wife and i both could already retire and live very modestly in our mid-30s if we don't decide to have kids we definitely do not need to worry about saving for retirement we both still work because she likes her job i mainly do it because everyone would think less of me if i decided to quit my stable well-learning job and be a bum i am wondering about how i may be able to secretly quit my job and pretend to be working while doing something dumb like making soap on sd or something i'll be found out super quickly when i suddenly can't qualify for those credit card travel mile offers my folks insist i join once every six months what was the highest waste of money that you don't regret a quick seven-day trip to maui in february a couple years ago with one of my teenage daughters who happened to be free the same week i had off work was grinding me down and i needed a break my wife and the rest of the family couldn't go they were working or in school the tickets were expensive 850 each for bare bones economy narrow rock hard seats it was a 12-hour flight that was packed to the brim i was getting bedsores by the time we arrived we rented snorkeling gear and a car and spent every day from dawn to dusk snorkeling sitting on the beaches and hiking in the mountains we did the hammer road the seven sacred pools and the helicopter volcano national park at sunset and took tons of photos we ate spam musubi for breakfast pokemon noodles for lunch and loco moco for supper slept like babies with the windows open wide in the cool nighttime breezes the best way to blow five thousand dollars ever so much what i needed at that point in my life and a trip your daughter will always cherish sounds amazing opie my little robot yes i spent 600 on a cat [ __ ] bid my house never smells i don't have to scoop litter and i only have to empty the drawer once a week definitely worth it to me we just got one this year i have four cats one leg and a bad back so bending over to scoop is not comfortable i love that litter box i spend too much money on a big treadmill for a very small apartment but i've ran 15 25 kilometers on it every week for the past several years and it's been incredibly helpful both physically and mentally your downstairs neighbors mental health is swiftly deteriorating artwork can i always afford it no but my walls are full of original 90 local art they make me happy to look at i'm sure i made the artist happy too my husband and i just bought our first piece of art from a local exhibition this weekend it was completely spur of the moment and very expensive also since we can't travel for our anniversary next month we are considering it an anniversary gift to ourselves can't wait to pick it up at the end of the month just shy of twenty thousand dollars to go to antarctica traveling solo small cruise ship more than i've spent on every other vacation i've taken combined was one of the best trips of my life it also gave me enough space and clarity to realize how toxic my ex was to me so that i could find the strength to leave not long after i got back i'll always want to go back to antarctica the inner peace i found that changed my life geopol nugget ice maker dank thing cost more than my car payment but man oh man i love nugget ice and i use it the heck out of it every day spending hundreds of euros on broken musical instruments because they were pretty i have since bought spare parts and started repairing them i found my destiny my couch i moved out of my mom's house last year 2019 so no covet and i always wanted a good couch i tested so much i went to so many furniture stores looked at so many different models and then choose mine it's actually from ikea three seats and long enough to let someone sleep on it in a grey but i saw they were also having a black cover so i am thinking about getting that one extremely comfortable i wanted a couch where you could chill out and love how fluffy it is without losing the ability to sit on it in some couches you are not able to lean on the back and still have a straight back you can sit on the backboard in the armrests they are flat so you can also put a cup of tea on them it's also not too low so you don't feel like sitting on the ground which i do strangely often compared to my love for this couch but you can let yourself fall onto that dang thing it also looks easy and simple so i don't want the suggestion of someone who tried a lot of couches and happens to be me then buy the vimmel couch from ikea i've been a fat guy all my life like really fat dressing comfortably was always my preference because being stylish just isn't an option at my size this was always a source of anxiety at any social event that required dressing up when i realized i had four weddings of close friends all coming up within the year i decided to bite the bullet and get some decent formal clothes i spend eight hundred dollars on a suit jacket 250 on two pairs of dress pants a little over three hundred dollars for three shirts and three silk ties that were between seventy dollars and one hundred dollars each i stood for all my measurements and had everything tailored to my exact specifications did a fitting and had a second round of alterations on the pants so they actually looked decent even though i wore them under my gut people were flawed when i showed up to the first wedding i received so many compliments and actual double takes being introduced to new people felt completely different i felt impressive some of those weddings were the best times of my life and it was due in no small part to how those clothes looked and made me feel some of those friends have big pictures from their weddings hanging on their walls and i don't cringe in embarrassment when i see myself in them those clothes cost more than i had have ever spent on clothing in any 10-year period and they were worth every penny being a big guy myself i've thought about doing this but i've always been too cheap now i want to do it thank you for sharing i spend three thousand dollars for my wife to meet the backstreet boys and get front row seats it is the best thing that has ever happened to her and the smile on her face after the show and look of pure bliss in someone who suffers often from anxiety was worth every cent i didn't spend quite that much but i gave my wife a similar experience with 98 last year front row seats meet and greet backstage full vip access at a club post show the look on her face is still really vivid in my mind due to poor insulation and distance from the water heater my shower is never properly warm in winter i just bought a single endpoint tankless water heater for just my shower best hundred and fifty bucks i ever spent could i really afford it number did i need it number do i love it you bet your sweet bippy i do didn't know this was a thing i hate that my shower gets cold after like five minutes looked a few up and this seems a bit more complicated and would probably need a pro to install i want this just bought a treadmill there is a perfectly good street outside i could run on or i could pay for a gym membership for years and years but now i can get a run in during my daughter's nap time or when it's cold or when i only have 30 minutes free and driving to and from the gym would eat up half of my time i certainly could have made it work without this expense but i really love it 600 euros for an hour of laps 3 of 20 minutes each around the nurburgring in germany it was open in the offseason and there wasn't a single other car near me the whole time 10 stroke 10 one of the most thrilling experiences of my life i'm buying this for myself for our honeymoon when we get married and i'm so excited to see his reaction back in 2017 my family went on a road trip to minnesota to visit my nana shortly before she passed during our stay me and my little sister went to the mall of america and bought whatever the frick we wanted big ice cream cones lego store souvenirs tickets to the aquarium fair for every indoor amusement park ride a doll from the american girl store and eating an expensive lunch in the store with your new doll sitting at the table with us freaky little sis it's all yours i dropped over 300 in that one more trip but dang was it was one of our best shopping days ever we still talk about it to this day you're lucky you got away so cheaply you can spend 300 at the lego store with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back i got into a stupid fight with my brother so i found a game he had pledged on kickstarter space haven and saw that for 360 dollars i could write a premade character bio that would randomly show up so i pledged it and wrote a character bio with his name and made him a flaming butthole i have never played this game and don't want to when i was younger i came into a sum of about 15 k i wasn't very careful with the money and other than putting five dollars k down on car i blew the money here and there but what i put the largest amounts toward were friends in need i paid one friend's power bill just before it got shut off i helped another friend keep a water on i never could keep my hands on money for long but i don't regret having wasted helping friends and the friends remember it forever too i got 27 k and spent it on a solo cross country road trip that led to me moving on the complete opposite side of the country from everyone i've ever known i was in a dark place in my head the original plan was to find a nice place to end my story but the trip itself helped me reconsider so absolutely no regrets to speak of the summer after graduating high school i won a decent amount of money playing online poker since i wasn't going off to college and all of my friends were i decided to buy them all ridiculous going away gifts a carpet mailbox toilet seat etc were among the gifts the most expensive and ridiculous gift i bought on a whim was a massive wheel of cheese somewhere between 200.300 little did i know at the time that cheese wheel would set off a yearly event called cheesy diving where our entire much larger now with spouses and kids friend group gets together to celebrate and partake in cheesy goodness this year was our 17th unfortunately all virtual due to covet and i genuinely hope it never ends this is great travel i've never regretted spending money on travel those are some of my favorite memories i can't wait to be able to travel again back in high school i was about to go on my first ever date and i made extra money to make sure i had enough around 600 i had the day before our day she gave me a letter and she basically broke up with me being a teenager i had no control over my emotions as being brought up in my family would say guys shouldn't cry over anything but i had no way to process it so after school i went to 7-eleven bought two large slurpees six hot dogs and got a prepaid card and bought a bunch of nico action figures i actually had a good weekend because i honestly splurged on that money and got into action figure collecting as well practiced stop motion which ended up helping me to pursue her animation career and i'm about to finish and ready to apply to stop motion studios the reason 600 was the date money is because my brother and best friend recommended me to take extra date cash in case she wanted to do extra stuff or to cover stuff instead of having to wash dishes or say no i was able to get the cash because i work i do small jobs or help people out with heavy lifting me and the ex were doing stuff together like i would walk her home from school get her coffee before school began and hang out on campus and she did hide her relationship from her parents but yeah after the breakup i did see who she was as a person and very toxic i am in my last classes before i graduate and i decided my senior film will be stop motion which is a daunting task but i have prepared myself and got everything ready as living in la i have a lots of studios to in turn apply and i am working on a portfolio of sorts to show off my skills in stop motion and special effects on adobe after effects to finish it off i was going to courses for 3d animation and 2d as well but kinda sucked on them until i took a course in experimental and one of the assignments was to do a special animation called replacement animation and i decided to use some action figures and in it i did some stop-motion which my professor picked up and praised for the poses frame by frame saying it's impressive that i got the movement down the only draw right now is that intern positions are halted because of covered and my fellow classmates are also disappointed that the internship spots at some studios the one to work for are halting or limiting internships so it's hard right now but for me it's giving me time to do more stop-motion work trying to perfect it and trying out new methods or techniques comma as well practiced stop-motion which ended up helping me to pursue her animation career and i'm about to finish and ready to apply to stop motion studios congratulations dyson blow dryer it's worth every penny i have long hair down to my waist it only takes me about three minutes to dry it that hair dryer my wife loves it and the cordless stick vacuums are freaking expensive as heck but holy crap they are awesome i think i spent around a grand on gifts over the last holiday season including secret santa stuff on inga last year i got a really well paying job and i'm finally glad to be able to give back to people i feel this right at the end after college i had a decent paying job for a 23 year old and as much as i liked having money to spend on myself after being a broke college student i enjoyed more spending it on others it spoiled my little sisters bought a bunch of gifts for an adopt a family christmas program took my friends out for nice meals etc it was fun then the student loans came due i spent 56 000 on college for a degree i don't use but i met my husband there so i really can't complain if i divide that over the nearly 25 years we've been married and consider that he's the best of dudes it is a pretty good deal same here for my masters the subject was pretty broad and it hasn't really led me directly into a career but i got to study in three countries learn a language and meet a bunch of cool people it's given me a new perspective on the possibilities in life that will never go away i bet 250 years old dudes 200 us dollars each that they won't kiss each other in a bar in a deeply red midwestern town and yes they did it for 60 seconds little did you know they'd both been secretly waiting almost 50 years to do that i went to a renaissance fair with my husband and some friends it was his first time and he's a pretty introverted person so while he has fun watching everyone else dress up and act all goofy and old timmy he doesn't really participate when we went to buy our first beer the wench tried to sell him on one of those big mugs that looks like it's carved out of wood but it's just plastic it cost 100 yes you get free refills but we were not planning on drinking 100 worth of beer that day i could tell by the look on his face that he wanted it he looked like a little kid at disney world without thinking i whipped out my credit card and dropped 100 on a crappy plastic mug all day he walked around proudly with his mug he even took some big gulps and cheered his arm once or twice this might not seem like much but for my quiet gentle giant it is huge i manage the finances in our relationship and i am constantly cracking down on wasteful spending so i think we were both amazed i made such a dumb purchase four years later we still have that mug he gets a big grin every time he sees it and teases me about my irresponsible impulse and every time i see it i just think about how much i love that big galoot he even took some big gulps and cheered hazard once or twice my heart at a home inspector's recommendation i had two sump pumps installed in our home's basement in case of water penetration it was expensive not only to buy the sump pumps but also to have the pump pit drilled and electric service supplied year after year those pumps have never kicked in but they are there ready to go just in case you'll be praising your old self like never before the first time you hear them kick on a business class ticket on a 14-hour flight i ate great food and slept like a boss made a huge difference to my trip as i didn't need to waste a day to recover we needed to reschedule the last flight we took and the only way to sit together two kids two adults was upgrade to economy plus it was about twenty dollar seat and i told my wife we're never flying regular economy again even on a two three hour flight that extra legroom is so nice three hundred dollars hand sewn straw fleet jacket went to her com with a semstress and had her inspect the jacket her verification that it was quality work was the deciding factor spent like 30 minutes on the phone with the bank trying to prove this was me throwing away 300 in one go at a con 3 hours from my address this may not seem like a lot of money to sim but i weighted 287 pounds i lost 100 pounds and my reward was a 300.00 pair of fry boats i had been drooling over them for years and finally scrimped and saved to buy them i told my husband it was my food money lol it was actually my cigarette money i had quit smoking a year before that but still faithfully put away 7.00 a day i figured that i could always find cigarette money when i smoked so i will keep finding it to save i bought a nintendo wii that way too i have never regretted using those boots i love them let me add a note i had helped losing the weight i had lap band surgery which in of itself is another struggle the weight came off pretty fast and now it's a bit of a struggle to keep it off my greatest fear is gaining it back i have a couple of sisters that had gastric bypass and gained their weight back so that terrifies me i am still about a size 14 which to me is healthy i'm happy with that this may not feel like much to some but it was important for me i got divorced in my late twenties and i bought an ahemoni subscription to help me date again this was before free apps were a thing it was way more money than i could afford at the time but it helped me realize that i was wanted and people would be happy to get to know me and date me it helped me move on from an emotionally abusive situation to repair my sense of self-worth it helped me realize that i was wanted and people would be happy to get to know me and date me yeah you don't get that from the free apps visiting the nba finals while being an intern in the us i'm from germany originally tickets were three hundred dollars each had to drive back the three hours from cleveland to detroit at night to show up at work the next day but dang i'll never forget kd hitting the 3.45 seconds before the end friend spent 30 on a jukebox to play i whip my hair back and forth on loop for an hour in a bar the bartender unplugged the machine you can download the touch tunes up and pay to play songs at bars in a radius of your location but there's a club nearby that i sometimes put let it go from frozen on a 1130 at night another song i throw in rotation is my ding gailing i spent about six grand on mcdj for my wedding but he was the most professional mc i've ever met he coordinated all the sound with the videographer the caterers around the speeches pre-planned all music and mixed songs to be the perfect length i didn't worry about a thing on the day if you've ever been to a wedding with a terrible emcee then you know the value in a good one i walked out of a reception where the dj kept playing hip hop rap about cheating nobody danced for the first 45 minutes he just kept playing rap music and became abrasive and hostile when the parents bridal party made other requests apparently it got worse after we left my older sister is obsessed with the witcher games so i paid the main characters geralt's voice actor to wish her a happy birthday doug cockle seems like a really awesome guy glad you were able to make her birthday really special my wife and i were on our honeymoon in london in 2016. we had just gotten an influx of cash from friends and family and we went out to dinner at the savoy grill they had an absurdly overpriced tasting menu with the option of overpriced wine pairings we ended up dropping about 600 and it was honestly the best meal i've ever had the service was off the charts with little stories about each course and its accompanying wine and they had the timing down perfectly just a fantastic experience from top to bottom and if we didn't do it then on our honeymoon with a bunch of free money we were never going to do it my first university degree but it was really my parents money that i wasted i don't do anything related to it now i went back to get the degree that i wanted and everyone told me would be a waste of my potential afterwards i now work in that field and love it moving away from home was one of the best things that happened to me because it allowed me to grow a lot as a person and also my road bike four grand but i love every second on it i just paid our full eight dollars k health care deductible to send my wife to rehab were getting divorced and my lawyer told me i didn't have to pay for it but she wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise 8k is a small price to pay for her hopeful sobriety and treatment of her mental health issues this was really kind of you i'd imagine there's something inside of her that will appreciate this gesture once she's passed everything it'll mean a lot a new car i bought a toyota camry in 2016. everyone told me i was crazy we were in an accident on thanksgiving 2020 with a drunk driver the car saved mine and my husband's life i don't regret it at all you bought the most practical and reliable car on the market what a crazy guy 500 bucks on a home inspection revealed a whole bunch of problems that would have cost us thousands to fix always get an inspection a home inspection is literally never a waste nine dollars k on a hot tub and its installation i use it probably 2x a day and for those 30-40 minutes i am almost completely pain-free sometimes bordering on euphoria i mean using a hot tub twice daily sounds like a great return on investment i was engaged to my high school sweetheart when i was in the military she had about 5k in credit card debt that had been hanging over her so i took care of it for her during my first tour in iraq i had no bills of obligations why not well i spent another four or five k coming home on leave mid tour and furnished our apartment her before going back down range when my deployment tour ended i came home and had to find out from my sister that some other dude s was seeing my fiance and one had been living in the apartment with her the better part of six months when she found out i was back she ghosted me changed locks etc her mother apologized to me in the neighborhood grocery store i regretted it for a long time mostly being angry but i don't regret it anymore it was a far less painful lesson than the ones i've seen men and their 40s come to terms with at least i got my medicine in my 20s that sucks but i'm glad you found out before you all had kids what are some not so subtle ways to tell actual wealthy people apart from flashy big spenders i know a guy who will just pay your tab without saying anything we'll all go out to bars and we will all get drinks with the intention of paying for it and he'll just go up to the bartender and pay your tab you won't even know he did it until you go pay and the bartender gives you your card and tells you oh he got you you're good he's a super nice guy and when i saw his house for the first time i realized why he does that he's a freaking millionaire if a bunch of us have a collective tab of 100 that's nothing to him so he just pays it don't get me wrong i don't try and take advantage of it by making him pay for stuff but he'll do that when you least expect it i had a friend who used to do that but stopped because people were exploiting him he wasn't millionaire rich just well off for a college student billy bought pizza several times and people started expecting him to buy more pizza and from a more expensive restaurant and dinner at other places and blamed him for saying no he doesn't do it as much anymore wealthy people often do wear expensive clothes but they are usually simple and not so stand out and don't really talk about the cost flashy spenders need to make sure the brand and value is known that great t-shirt that seemingly all wealthy people wear there is no sure way to tell my uncle has had seven and eight digit yearly incomes most of his adult life and he lives in a middle class house and drives middle class cars he dresses like an average dad and mows his own lawn he owns nice beach houses etc but you don't see those or his stock portfolio just passing him on the street i agree with you i'm kind of surprised that so many people on here think there's a big noticeable difference i went to school with a lot of rich people and some of them were quite flashy had stereotypical annoying rich people personalities etc but some just acted normal they invest into education like crazy kids want a maserati nope not going to happen kids want to learn the piano of course you can have as many lessons on the best piano as you want they invest into the best teachers the best universities really over all the best education source someone in my family is a private wealth manager for filthy rich people these are the people with money who actually care about their children not superficial spending by spoiling them but instilling the habits that will result in their own success i've seen it myself also the very wealthy people i've known are understated in all that they do and quiet about their financial status everything is of good quality and tasteful with nothing drawing undue attention to itself they frequently donate to worthy causes and don't seek recognition for their generosity whereas flashy types crave your attention they often flaunt their wealth in obnoxious ways taking pleasure in separating the haves from the have nots on a similar question someone had put this and it stuck with me since money talks wealth whispers they never talk about money at least not in the same way others do like the way people who are naturally pretty never bang on about their looks or the benefits it affords them it's kind of distasteful to bring up money in everyday company i had a really rich daughter of an oil tycoon rich roommate at university and when i'd casually mention the cost of something she'd look thrown off or surprised she never bought things in advance to offset the cost like train or flight tickets she'd literally show up and buy it on the day her family used to do their weekly grocery shop in freaking harrods lol i remember her buying some brazilian beef and casually mentioning she picked it up at harrods blew my mind she was super generous too don't know if they're all like that but a lot of flashy people are stingy when it comes down to it the big spending only applies to themselves i grew up dirt poor so was always conscious about how much she was spending which caused us to drift apart because i'd get weird about her paying for things even though it wasn't a big deal for her sorry you drifted apart from a friend but just wanted to say you're good people for not taking advantage of the situation a lot of visual clues have already been said in this thread so i'm gonna talk about my experience with wealthy people as a retail worker i grew up in the part of my home city where the wealth was concentrated and even though we have the best public school district in the state there are men a private school for all flavors of people where i work has a contract with pretty much every private school i can name and dozens more i'd never heard of for the uniforms so in back to school season i get to meet kids who go to school with the children of prolific billionaires and their middle school tuition costs more than my college education and the very affordable private schools the lower level rich always flash for reason said in this thread with branding but even more so it's about how they treat me and my co-workers they are the most likely to give us the you are dirt attitude and have ill-behaved children than the extremely wealthy there are two women and their kids who stick out to me the first had a purse with the cadillac logo flashy and metal on the side of the purse and was giving extreme attitude to me as i tried to ask what school her kids went to so i could look up their uniform rules in our books she was insistent i should know even though we serve over 200 private schools during this time her kids were playing tag around the displays and in the process dumped a bunch of clothes onto the floor and tipped over a display rack and tore the arm off a mannequin she also sassed me for trying to tell her kids to stop playing around the displays the other woman is to this day the kindest nicest customer i've ever met her two boys were incredibly respectful and well behaved and i nearly choked when she told me what school they went to it costs more a year than my private university and it's in a part of the city that is gated off to anybody but residents multiple famous tech billionaires live in this part of the city and send their kids to this school they dressed well but totally normal no fancy branding or watches i knew the purse she had was an off the runway couture purse but only because i'm a big fashion fan anybody else would have just thought it was a black handbag from nordstrom's we were short staffed that day and it was just my manager and i until my manager fell really ill and had to go home until another manager could come and fill in and help it was only me to cover the entire floor and the cash wraps i was clearly stressed and still trying my best but this woman waited patiently and even offered to call the school for me while i took care of other customers because they had errors in the uniform log they sent me tldr from my retail experiences i find that the extremely wealthy tend to be more kind to retail workers whereas the big spenders splashes treat you kind of poorly as if they have to prove they're better than you [Music] from my experiences actual wealthy people spend big on some things but not all they might have a really nice house but wear pretty standard clothes and have a reliable but not flashy car or they have a modest house and travel a lot they prioritize what's worth splurging on and what isn't i've even watched shark tank and these exorbitantly wealthy investors have said that they never fly first class or won't spend a ridiculous amount on a bottle of champagne flashy spenders will spend big on anything people can see they might wear all designer clothes and have fancy cars yet they're putting off seeing the dentist or paying the bare minimum on their monthly loan payments they want people to look at them but not to look too closely source i went to a very wealthy college on scholarship many of the middle to upper middle class students and even their families went to pretty crazy lengths to keep up with the really wealthy ones kind of sad actually because most of my wealthy friends really didn't care how much money i had redid loves the car story there are plenty of actual wealthy people who have a nice selection of cars clothes that always fit extremely well and are always well kept just your basic looking clothes but obviously someone who does not like wrinkles lumps etc how they maintain their car some drive mid-level cars and it's quite easy to discern bowlers on a budget and the low-key wealthy can't tell you how many audi bmws mercedes i come across with caked on brake dust and pockmarked rims the stupidly rich people i have met are rich because they don't go out and buy every little new shiny thing that comes out they dress comfortably and generally don't give a freak one guy i know had a very old and ragged wallet that was always thick with cash carried around a samsung s5 he would have kept his old nokia dumb phone but his wife kids and grandkids wanted him use skype and messenger drove a low end oven regularly buys food from street vendors the only indication he's loaded is because his kids have all sorts of degrees from all those prestigious schools abroad and reside in various developed countries like us singapore uk and etc his house is also just big enough to accommodate his immediate family when they visit during the holidays but is located in a really pricey neighborhood he and his wife maintain it themselves too so no house help servants wealthy people who live in a wider society do not want you to know that they are wealthy they have learned firsthand how envy can create social problems that is it is painful to lose a friendship because someone resents what you have at the same time they are going to enjoy the things they have vocations education a dress in a good building part of town clean straight teeth and well fitting clothes are giveaways but they are intentionally understated understand that a lot of wealthy people have adapted to blend in humans are social creatures and even if you have more no one wants to feel different from the group flashy wannabe types don't have an inherent understanding of how having more can isolate you or make you the target of envy or mutuals to the genuinely wealthy adopt humility generosity and modesty not only because they have ample to share but also because if they don't they'll be socially ostracized that is unless they live in a world where everyone has the same as them and then you tend to see more buttholes competing with each other again when it comes to housing location quality oversize every wealthy person i know has a relatively small apartment in the heart of the city but is super high quality every faker i know has a shoddy built mcmansion in the middle of where it's called indiana when i worked at a utility company under electrical distribution mainly dealing with electrical utility poles cables etc i remembered two specific cases back to back first case a rich couple with their gold chains gold iphones and chanel handbag was causing a fit telling me to move a utility pole in front of their house because it was messing with their feng shui i gave the professional answer of yes but the cost was equivalent 2 000 u.s dollars which of course was totally out of the question i know the manager and this will cost you your job i didn't really care for the job so i actually suggested them to see the manager right now as he is currently in they were surprised that my response mumbled something and left the room to my knowledge nothing came of it second case an old man in khaki shorts an old rockman shirt and workers jacket i'm not sure what the correct term it is it's the jacket vest with many pockets and holes to put tools wrench etc coming in i knew the guy was a technical guy his hands were cleanish but his nails and some of his finger were slightly smudged with grease and he smelled like wd-40 we were talking engineering terms such as bending radius voltage drop etc his concern how can we redirect the main supply from one of our utility pole to be connected to a beater near his yacht to power charged his navigational equipment didn't even book at the cost was just concerned if we could do it by the weekend i have an aunt who tells you the brand and price of whatever she's got on without anyone ever asking oh hey aunt heck air kiss hi sweetheart here put my coat in the closet it's gucci 54 267 there was a nice gucci purse i saw that matched my coat but i much preferred this prada purse for seven thousand four hundred and twenty dollars oh okay what a cute top it looks comfy my versace top is super comfy i got it for 753 euros almost as comfy as my 9653 euros versace games gtf08 with that balls we used to call those types label w but i am not calling you unto w to be clear all depends on their level of security my parents are millionaires but you'd never know it they still live in their starter home because they like the neighbors dad drives a chevy colorado mom drives a 12 year old minivan because she likes it they are very generous but almost never mention money the one exception took my mom on a biz trip to nyc was taking her out for a nice dinner and she realized halfway there she was wearing her car heart jacket she stopped and said wait is this okay then before i said anything she laughed and said whatever i'm a millionaire they can just think i'm eccentric i know a lot of millionaires who wear car hat it's a thing these days shorts and a nice polo shirt with sunglasses stereotypical golfer wear a lot of wealthy men dress like that not sure why exactly probably because they like to golf tldr look at their kids if they are misbehaving more than an average kid might for their age they probably care more about showing off brands than taking time away from their lamborghini collection to make sure their kids are being given the attention they need i went to elementary through high school with people way richer than i am egg we'd get my shoes mended three or four times before buying another pair because we could not afford it anyway the people i went to school with were the offspring of royalty high government officials like actually rich one thing i noticed between my classmates whose parents were new money and old money is how they talk to teachers and me btw for anyone wondering how i went here i'll just say my mom was a teacher there and my dad was a very likable person to the school administration people with new money or trying to be flashy would have drivers bring them expensive food they would never eat because their parents seemed to care that everyone saw what kind of food they could afford instead of what their child might actually eat and since these kids were hungry for food not delicacies they would demand lunch from the staff not understanding it cost money and they couldn't just demand and be handed whatever they wanted they would give it to them not gonna leave a 10 year old hungry because their parents preferred to pay 70 dollars for a fancy meal instead of just letting their kid eat canteen food from a school that has chefs because they made child-friendly lunches my friends that came from old money and who i'd argue more influential parents didn't seem different from me aside from our clothes and transportation back home at the end of the school day as a kid i didn't know they were rich rich i knew they had more money than me because i had a car and a driver and my family didn't have a car but it wasn't until i was invited to their house for a weekend that i realized just how different our lives were as an adult now i realize that a huge difference in people with actual wealth and people that spend a lot or a new money is the way they raise their kids they don't just know the value of investing financial assets but the value of time and how to properly raise and invest in their kids so they become well-rounded adults down the line i've found that the flashy big spenders closer to the middle class end of the spectrum trying to appear wealthy the wealthy people i've met are usually quite cheap and that's usually how they got wealthy they'll splurge on things they think better so look for someone that acts cheap but randomly has expensive things that seem out of place in the uk if someone has a koots banking card they are pretty okay financially sure someone can fill in the details but i think it's 500 pounds k in cash income over 250 pounds k then perhaps 1 million pounds in other readily available assets thank you everyone for your input and conversation this is exactly what i wanted in my personal experience from the few extremely wealthy i've worked with in my business there are no black and white distinctions one guy could have a rolls royce and the other guy could have a honda accord and they'd both be 10 m plus in net worth although the exact amount is never really discussed nor am i going to ask i've seen proof of funds of dollar signed 70 million from someone you'd never guess from my own observations properly wealthy couples have a certain kind of robust healthy look people who have never been hungry or put themselves on an extreme diet plan fat sweaty rich men with super skinny younger wives are rarely in the same financial league as the comfortable looking middle-aged couples i read a book about millionaires a while back that discusses the difference between lifestyle and wealth it pointed out that a lot of millionaires live modestly and that there's a clear difference between people who are struggling living comfortably the sweet spot and trying to keep up appearances so when i see a head of a household who has a modestly sized house 150 200k a few cars of modest value that are a mixture of old and newish toyota ford nissan wears casual but clean clothes target old navy and as extended family living with them my first thought if that person is loaded especially if that person or their family members mention going out to eat occasional case in case in case in case in case in case in case in case in case an occasional occasion occasionally occasionally occasionally occasionally occasionally occasionally they are clearly living comfortably with fewer worries than most wealth equals security the millionaire next door good book fixed typo i think most rich and well-to-do people dress like your average person while people who flaunt their money will let you know with what they wear according to my friends who work in job servicing them hygiene is the dead giveaway they are always well rested manicured fresh haircut that suits them well pleasant scent and so forth they're also typically laid back because they don't have the crushing financial burden the rest of us do assistants who also are well kept and professional are common i live in an area that has many wealthy people and a few people i know fall in that category i find they often spend more money on quality rather than looks or style for instance they buy custom clothing from high quality retailers but it's all fairly plain but they own a rolex but it's very subdued they drive a practical useful suv that happens to be a jag their houses are modest for how much money they have but they put a lot of research into the area and you find a lot of quality and character in the details have an uncle that won the lottery in the early 90s he still lives in the same house he and my aunt bought in the early 80s from the outside it still looks like a little country house with split log siding but inside is pure luxury he drives an 80s chevy pickup truck same story outside looks like a work truck with worn paint and some rust pop the hood and it's chromed out and super clean manners someone that old money can tell you where the head of the table is and why it's bad to be sitting past the salt and where that is i've known some to casually mention that they're going to visit family on another continent just over the weekend i knew a trust fund kid that had absolutely no social media footprint presence i don't focus on others enough to care my great grandfather taught me to never speak of politics or money when meeting new people he told everyone he met that he was a fisherman to gauge their perceptions of him while in reality he was a very accomplished commodity broker he said to me a week before passing we all come into this world alone and helpless we leave the same you are not your creator therefore you have no right to judge anyone money doesn't make one what they are their actions do be fair and kind but ruthless if need be my husband is a supervisor at cost plus world market and he gets wealthy people there every once in a while wealthy people are polite tip well and forget they bought 1 200 worth of furniture three weeks ago because it's like nothing for them that's actually happened multiple times at his store sometimes they never pick it up i've worked in fine dining catering and i've dealt with a lot of upper mid reckless people and wealthy people in my experience upper mid levels are stingy rude and treat you like they are doing you a favor by being in your presence wealthy people are once again polite tip well and invite you to join the festivities they don't mind sharing some food or drink because frickit they probably bought extra for the heck of it at my uni we have a fair amount of international students many of whom are well off it's pretty obvious whose new money and who's not based on the clothes they wear generally i've concluded that most new money students own a canada goose jacket or where streetwear brands for example vape off-white supreme anti-social social club etc with either a huge logo of the logo plastered all over the clothing most of the old money students don't need to be walking advertisements for these trendy fad brands and rarely sport visible logos on their clothing they tend to go for more timeless luxury brands like gucci versace valenciaga fendi ms etc lol gucci and versace as new money crap nowadays if they are returning jeopardy champions and their face doesn't move when their cumulative total is announced at the start of the show they are probably pretty well off the librarians and unemployed actors roll their eyes shake their heads shrug etc as though their 11 387 is a game changer which i'm sure it is in a small way the wealthiest players are probably losing money taking time off to play the game for mere thousands a cab driver in harvard square pointed out the kids sitting in front of the t station and said look at those little brats crappy clothes great teeth this is a generalization but mostly true poor people name their kids bentley porsche coco wealthy people name their kids james catherine charlotte if you have to try that hard to seem wealthy you're not some wealthy folks are really frugal i sat behind warren buffet and coach on a freaking united flight once you don't get rich by wasting money one time my dad introduced me to someone without giving me their last name in private i asked him about it and he said their last name was insert huge international company name worth billions of dollars those people have to buy kidnapping insurance for their children if they have kids you can usually see it in them i'm not talking about in a bad way but just the quality of the stuff their kids have i figure skate and one dad was in what looked like sweats every time i saw him at the rink turns out it was probably workout gear because he is a pro hockey player on test day his kid showed up in the most gorgeous dress like it probably cost close to one thousand dollars kids in my area who are competitive sometimes have dresses like this she wasn't for competitions but you rarely see them at a test day most of the stuff she wore wasn't flashy or excessive or covered in brand names but this was a hint that when ordering a dress for a test day it wasn't a big deal to spend a grand as opposed to a couple hundred bucks like they went to the same website as the rest of us to order address so same brand and stuff their budget was just a lot different also the rich kids always have stuff and good repair even if it's not flashy like new skates every season no tights with rips in them newer looking practice clothes etc the rest of us are skating around in scuffed-up skates we're hoping to get another season out of before they die faded workout tights and our skating tights probably have holes in the toes when you're rich there's no need to make do with stuff that's getting old if your skates are wearing out you just buy new ones tights with holes go in the garbage that sort of thing i've worked in the wealthiest and most exclusive suburb in my state where some people arrive in jaguars ferraris etc discoveries and rr sports are common but often their cars are more practical people love land cruisers and ass the most obvious signs to me are how a person takes care of themselves slim toned average or athletic but rarely bulky or obese men and women all take good care of their teeth especially moisturize rarely sunburned beards and long hair are uncommon in men but this may just be an age generational thing i'm people from this demographic tend to be very value oriented they're happy to spend money but only if there is justification for the cost what are some luxury items which you never knew existed which only the mega rich can afford that blows your mind and you wouldn't mind having or is just an example of how people have too much money and not enough sense went to a billionaire's home who didn't have a pool he had a man-made lake with an island in the middle and boats jet skis it's not really a luxury item but this guy i knew in the dorms never wore socks more than a day he just put on a new pair right out of the package every day and toss the old ones in the trash it's not like he even did his own laundry either he just collected his clothes in a big bag and someone would pick them up at the front desk and return them washed and deeply folded once a week he was shocked to discover that the rest of us not only did our own laundry but also laundered our socks oh my goodness my grandma knew some rich girls in college that stayed in the dorms that would only wear an outfit once and then throw it away so my grandma and other girls would go dumpster diving for the rich girls clothes wash them and keep them for themselves i know a couple who live in nyc who have a liven nanny for their two dogs they hire a different veterinary student every few years the student gets their own suite a town car a generous salary in the high five figures paid trips home twice yearly and nice bonuses their only job is to care for the pets including home cooking their meals walks training and any appointments by all accounts it's a pretty sweet gig i love it when people treat their hired workers like people and not like slaves back before cleveland clinic built their hospital in dubai the middle east enriched used to come here for organ transplants they needed to stay for six eight weeks till they could go home to recover my boss's husband worked in construction and got a job to modify a house for one of these guys they picked out a house offered the owners frick emil money to get out in 48 hours the crew came in and worked around the clock to modify the house they flew in materials from all over the world marble stonework stained glass windows money was no object also some rich oil dude can live in it for a couple of months and never come back the wealthy version of a public storage unit an exceptionally wealthy family i know refers to a wing of the local art museum as their public storage unit they funded the wing to store their huge collection of classic and modern art since it was more practical than private storage it included a climate controlled 24 stroke 7 secure location managed by professionals plus the curators would handle the swapping out of pieces to from the museum and the home when they needed a different style or era to fit the mood of the next dinner or event at the house which was funny because sometimes the swaps would introduce a dozen or so pieces not before displayed at the museum essentially creating a new exhibit that the museum would package and promote behind the fuss the family just wanted to create the right ambience for grandma's 80th birthday party i agree with the other comments that this one has a nice practical upside for the family and the public for whatever reason though the amount of wealth represented by this arrangement seems truly staggering some super riots have support vessels or shadow yachts it is essentially a second ship that follows you and your yacht and carries smaller boats jet skis helicopters subs you name it just the most exorbitant toy hauler a guy in my town bought four plots of construction places for houses across the street and turned them into garden solely so his view wouldn't be deteriorated the plots were 500 cage rotating garage floor owner hated idea of backing out of a garage the floor would rotate 180 degrees when he's ready to drive out i heard tom cruise doesn't want to look uncool by backing up his motorcycle when he drives it so he pays someone to follow him and after he parks his cycle someone would stop and turn it around while he does his business and tom can just jump on and drive straight ahead like a cool guy when he leaves i used to work for an engineering firm and we did the engineering hvac plumbing electrical fire protection for high-end residential in nyc there was a client who owned a floor in an apartment building on central park west the people below him moved out so he bought that floor to host parties he had a six inches thick sound and vibration dampening system installed on that level so he wouldn't bother the people that lived below the building was old and the existing elevator would not stop the additional six inches higher on that floor only so he installed a new elevator in the building he also paid for french plosters to come and live in nyc while they do the ornate plaster crown molding in the apartment wow what a nice guy doing that for his neighbors my boss who's exorbitantly rich tasks his employees to buy things for him and recently asked the lab department to order a scale capable of measuring to the point zero zero one of a gram so i give him three options between 1 200. 400 us dollars and he elected to go with the most costly version as it has a windscreen and he wants its rushed and received asap this scale is built when ordered so we negotiate a fee of 800 to jump the line and have it delivered by our meeting in three days turns out his at home scale that he uses to meal prep has gone out and instead of buying batteries to replace he decided to rush order a 2 400 scale that doesn't operate on batteries so he can meal prep for next week crap for a small fee and expenses i would have replaced the batteries in less than three days i remember doing a job at a very rich family's country house in denmark they had around 20 horses there and staff hired to ride them because the family themselves had no time for that i had a friend who sort of did that the riding and we ended up at dinner and the owner was like well why buy a 5 000 horse a 500 000 horse costs the same to keep and they might earn you some money i understood it but dang this one is a bit dated you'll see why i know a lady that went to spend the night with a friend and was gifted an entire encyclopedia britannica set that sounds weird in 2021 but this was the late 70s and you couldn't just google or wikipedia things just owning an entire set of encyclopedia britannica was a sign of wealth they were a very expensive and non-essential item to fill up a bookshelf and look rich people bought these things on payment plans like a car turns out they had many sets stored somewhere in their house just to hand out as very large and heavy gift to visitors after all how rich must you be if you can afford to hand out a sign of wealth like that just for visiting it was a mega power move in around 05 my grandfather bought a set of encyclopedia britannicas for each of his 11 children very pretty on a shelf rarely used anymore thanks grandad i watched a documentary once on food rich people eat and there was a place that provided caval that came from get this sturgeons that get played live jazz music recorded jazz music wasn't good enough it had to be performed live by a pianist live jazz for fish imagine being the guy that plays the piano for a bunch of sturgeons in a tank and explaining this to your daily mayo my friend's boyfriend is very wealthy with a massive art collection someone comes to his house once a week and moves his art around bringing some out of storage and keeping the displays fresh thank you for the silver kind rediter that's actually pretty terrific the art stays in rotation and is appreciated bonus someone with curatorial and art handling experience is employed as i'm a plumber i recently installed a smart shower which i've known about but this one had two rainfall heads eight body sprays the unit also has a sauna steamer built in and can connect to your phone so when you're driving down your street you can pick the aroma you'd like and set the temp of your shower so when you walk in it's just ready for you i knew a family that had a lot of household staff including a person who had the responsibility of setting up troubleshoot and get this charge all their personal electronic devices yes their job included charging all the electronic devices seasonal furniture meaning their house is furnished multiple different ways furniture included and they pay someone to store it and swap it out a couple of times a year seems easier to just have a different house for every season a penthouse owner has a private elevator but also their garage is a lift so you can drive home and when you open your car door you're at the same level than your apartment a private garage elevator yeah look at porsche design tower in miami exactly what you describe i think the garages can fit two or three cars and are on the same level as the unit not an item per se but once i read that some rich people have to get kidnapping insurance for their kids or something like that i once worked at a 24 stroke 7 call center that was mostly for a bunch of area hospitals and large clinics but there were some private doctors as well there was this one account for a concierge doctor for the super rich my supervisor told me that they paid a membership fee every month i don't recall the exact figure but it was in the multiples of thousands of dollars and they got this doctor on call for them whenever wherever 24 stroke 7 someone once called with a hang nail and the doctor went and attended to it my friend's boyfriend works for a racing team as a mechanic for the series below formula one you know how you can buy a house on a golf course well according to her there are houses on race tracks same concept as the golf course that blew my mind i knew there were houses that were as good as on race tracks like with imola spa and naturally any street track but i didn't think they would be on them for some reason michael bay on the island commentary coma he knows about a wealthy prince who he won't name who has his own 747 jet complete with a surgery unit on the top floor inside there at all times is a 24 year old man with the same blood type whose family has been paid off so that when the prince's heart gives out surgeons can perform a transplant from the younger man i can credibly tell you that this is dead true but i'm not gonna tell you the country where it's from but i know people who've actually been on the plane and i know people who've actually met the kid let me introduce you to my walking talking organ donor who lives in this plane he doesn't say much because his family donated his organs for monetary gain while he was still alive i'm from ireland so i'm gonna say horses rich people here love their high standard thoroughbred horses if you can afford race winning stallion seamen you're doing well in life rich people are seriously obsessed with horse semen into their mayor's frick in ireland if you own multiple horses you are either very wealthy or very poor you can buy clothing that is made to order and then multiple copies are made and put into the closets of all your residences that way you don't have to pack when you travel because a complete wardrobe is in every home while not having to pack any time you travel would be the dream canned hair it was a trend in china for a while rich people would get canisters of their from bamford somewhere in canada and just take a few breaths of it at like parties or whatever one of the investors of the previous company i used to work at was a billionaire i didn't spend too much time with him but he was always around during company parties and such as were most of our early investors the most woe moment was when he talked about his house in telluride colorado nope he's not a skier nope he's not someone who likes the mountains nope it's not some real estate that he's hoping earns money he bought it because he liked the idea of having a mountain ski retreat available to him at any time he's owned it 10 years and aside from visiting it when he first bought it he's never stepped foot in it this guy was too much of a big shot to rent a vacation house he only wanted to stay in ones he owned even if he never visits it his kids use it though for winter sports so it's not completely empty all year a drawer installed in the kitchen to specifically keep donuts warm i never knew this was a thing but now i have goals i helped in a kitchen of a native american restaurant and they let me have access to the bannock drawer and salmon pate hola my parents-in-law built a new house and got a tap in their kitchen which dispenses hot cold boiling and sparkling water dupont registry people buy items never taking possession of them just to have their name listed as the owner in the various registries the actual item just sits in a vault someplace with owners changing every so often and likely never actually seeing it in person dupont is just one of the more widely known ones are so kinda like my steam library not an item but one of my close friends went to la for an internship in college and met a girl there whose whole job it was to feed the beater outside this ridiculously rich film producer's apartment he had a white lamborghini and rather than have it stored in the building's garage like a normal person he liked it to be parked on the street where it was more easily accessible should he leave his apartment so she could basically do whatever she wanted with her time seven days a week as long as she fed the meter before time ran out whenever i think people are not that stupid to just burn away money i remember that one pet shop in this city had dog crap holding bags sold for ten dollars for three bags deal almost the 10 price of the normal thing because it had seasonal christmas decor and people bought it like mad coma i love money i love everything about it i bought some pretty good stuff got me a 300 pair of socks got a fur sink an electric dog polisher a gasoline-powered turtleneck sweater and of course i bought some dumb stuff too steve martin not an item but the ability to make anything a reality i saw a documentary on candy spelling covering the sale of her and her late husband's 150 million dollar home and down sizing to a multiple-floor penthouse she wanted granite stone counters a rose garden and a pool up there so the developers had to change the building plans to accommodate her wishes they acted like it was nothing to re-engineer an entire building worked with a guy who grew up with tons of money their extremely large house caught fire while family was eating brunch it was heavily involved so fire department used a ton of water which the mother worried would ruin the family artwork valuable furniture etc after it was over the chief walks parents through the house and shows how they moved all the contents of home to center of rooms and covered with tarps saving a good deal of their items as a thank you she bought them another fire truck believe she's made smaller donations over the years when she hears they need something last i heard it was the new scott thermal imaging cameras built into the individual firefighters fancy pieces that's actually cool as crap my uncle is a doctor he has been the late board member for the biggest hospital and a world famous one in my area for the last four stroke five years dude is loaded so much so that i learned he has a personal tram thinks he lift to his house wtf never knew those were a thing buying books by the foot have a new house with lots of bookshelves that you want filled pick what types of books you want balum full library when done this way books are sold by the foot i have one thousand feet of bookshelf space and one 500 feet of classics 250 feet of fashion based coffee table books and 100 feet of science fiction fill in the rest with contemporary fiction there was a designer talking about how he'd buy books like this just not by the genre but by the color doesn't matter what the subject is it has to look expensive and good with the rest of the furniture match the carpets or the pillows or something client of mine had a custom upholstered leather cushion built into the wall above the man cave urinal this way when he is blind drunk he can rest his head against it to pee obscene wealth is an understatement that's not something i have need for and your client probably spent a ridiculous amount of money on it but if i did want one i could probably get the materials for less than 50 and build it on a saturday it's the routine drunkenness to the point of struggling to pee that i think is worrisome here not the money country club memberships i always knew what they were but didn't realize how much they were and how it works my in-laws belong to one they pay 40k dollar sign plus per year to golf and b members along with this membership you are required to spend a minimum amount per month either playing golf dining or whatever else you spend money on at these places i believe the minimum of my in-laws place is 800 per month nothing like 50k dollar sign to find friends i think our towns is 500 a month my former co-worker and her husband are members but her family were members when she was a kid my cousin's mansion has heated floors in the garage he said it sounds really stupid but when the weather is freezing he just turns on the floor heat a few minutes before he's ready to leave and it warms up his car so he doesn't have to like i don't personally need that in my life but if i had it i would use it i used to work on yachts when i was young free and single some of the extravagant displays of wealth were simply appalling and frankly repugnant but there was one that caught my eye and i still think about yours okay decades later there's a middle eastern oil shake that visits a savile road tailor for all his clothing needs shirts suits formal informal smoking dinner you name it even down to his underwear that's not extravagant what comes next is he buys four sets of every single item he then has each wardrobe sent to one of his usual homes his primary home his villa in the south of france his house in london and his rather large gin palace motor yacht all so that he doesn't have to worry about his luggage he knows exactly what clothes he has when he arrives at the other end no packing no lost luggage worries no crumpled shirts no worries i sometimes can't stop thinking how clever and liberating this must be and yet how decadent this is both at the same time maybe it's just all of these i don't know but i'm impressed and horrified in equal measure the more wealthy a family is the harder it is to find the kitchen trash can this is almost always true from what i've seen office staff a friend of mine worked as office staff for a woman who came from old money she had various houses all over the place and had office staff at each location who spent their days doing for her the things you need done when you have tons of cash and nothing to do all day she of course had all the standard household stuff as well this woman would beckon my friend with requests like last month when i was in rome a saw jacket in a window i really liked get me the jacket so my friend would spend days talking to the concierge at the hotel the woman stayed at the limo driver and various people trying to figure out what jacket she was talking about she was usually successful in getting this woman whatever she wanted this same woman called her into her office one day and said i just heard that people pay 99 cents to download a song from the internet that's a lot of money who can afford to do that this is the same day the same woman spent thirty thousand dollars on a bracelet my friend had to do all this woman's christmas shopping and would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars buying various relatives and acquaintances big ticket items like big screen tvs she gave my friend who busted her butt working for this woman a christmas present too a set of cheap placemats i thought you were just taking the p out of the devil where's prada and then i read the second paragraph again lol i work in procurement and bought a big wig at 20k toll eat from italy that would analyze your waste and text you a biometric red out makes sense if it actually works rich people are obsessed with health usually my dad had a friend he used to drive an old toyota pickup rusted to heck he wore flip-flops all day surf shorts and shirts covered in holes in the constant surfer tan he also owned two blocks of high-end beachfront flats and an upper-class beachfront hotel or two i forget i envy that he doesn't have to prove anything to anyone yeah a financial advisor friend told me his wealthiest client dresses like he's homeless where i live dressing down is smart to deter mugging etc what's the most ridiculous fed up thing you've done for money nsw when i was 18 the owner of the restaurant i worked at and the bartender were talking about the bartender amateur paintball player s new paintball gun and how fast it could shoot 18 year old me and my arrogance interjected that getting hit with a paintball gun doesn't hurt that bad owner offers 300 for me to take a 10 second blast from bartenders new gun challenge accepted this was a whole spectacle the entire restaurant staff and my mom and brother owner called them stood and watched me attempt to take paintballs to the back from about 15 yards away i made it less than five seconds and we counted something like 28 welts on my back and arms boss gave me 150 dollars best part next day was my high school graduation you know how many times i got patted on the back nice of bossman to give you something i submitted an online surveyor one thousand times for a one thousand dollar even though it stated one per person for a dollar there was a glitch and i took advantage of it i responded to a craigslist ad asking for someone to beat him up while he masturbated he was willing to pay upwards of 200 was as weird as you would expect 10 stroke 10 would do again i'd honestly be scared of getting killed let my friend hit me on my bare butt with a one-inch and deometer wooden curtain rod it hurt to sit a certain way for a few days but money cool didn't think this dumb crap would blow up that's hilarious but money not me but a friend of mine during an excursion was dared to jump in the sydney harbour at circular quay for 20 dollars it was apparently polluted and there were signs around with warnings of fines he stripped down jumped in and got straight out a seemingly invisible cop appeared and find him 50 on the spot jumped off the ferry at circular key once and got glandular fever was right after a storm and the water was a sickly brown donated plasma to make rent and got super super sick because i was battling an infection i didn't know i had at the time only got 150 dollars from the clinic for the plasma but i'm still paying a 700 medical bill for blood work and fluids or mayo you basically paid a hospital 550 to take your blood out and then put it back in i draw p for some side money so i'm no stranger to weird commissions but this wasn't like that i had someone who had made a throwaway account contact me about a specific arrangement they wanted me to email them on a fairly regular basis three plus times a day the most i sent in one day was 23 in an ongoing role play where i would demean them call them names and occasionally demand money from them it only lasted a month but they paid me around 500 over that time can't say i wouldn't do it again if they ever came knocking i have this going on with my student loans right now we paid a kid 10 bucks to lick a petri dish that had some sort of food-borne illness on it in biology class he spent a week in the hospital this is the best dumbest sophomore awesome i sold someone photos of my feet when i was 13. i was at a car wash with my sister and wearing some modest heels it was after church i was wandering around while she cleaned the car and a 40-something man offered me 200 to take pictures of my feet in my shoes i never took them off so consider that i'm 13 and i'd never even seen 200 so of course i said yes somehow i knew what i was doing wasn't 100 okay though so i kept it to myself until it came up at a party when i was 17. i had a row crap moment and everyone had a good laugh about one of the most innocent people they knew probably being on a feet website somewhere it was unintentional but still i fed up in my high school chemistry class i drank about half a bottle of imitation vanilla extract for 20 dollars it was awful going down but my breath smelled like heaven and greatness afterwards in rehab people will pay you 20 dollars to let them do this i'm a commission artist when i first started out i drew a lot of furry and my little pony nsw for people they paid a lot but it wasn't worth the mental strain anymore after i got asked by this one person to draw a big titty goth pony girl with a soiled diaper freaking a nazi pony girl in latex needless to say i decided to throw in the towel there and then drank canola oil for six dollars said i'd do it for five dollars as a joke someone put six dollars on the table and i couldn't back out throw up but spent the money on two mountain dews and a slim gym to wash away my shame a two-stroke 10 wouldn't do again playing 21 dares and i drank four shots of olive oil one after the other i threw up twice and had to sit down for two hours trying to force the puke down sold my lunch to a fat hungry kid for five dollars in grade five he even raised the bid many times starting from one dollar never seen the money for 20 years hey to break it to you man but seeing as you haven't seen the money you didn't sell your lunch it was strategically stolen in high school i worked at an automatic car wash it was a touch-free system but the sensors failed a lot and would misjudge the length of the cars the padded arm would hit the vehicles all the time it was cheaper to pay an idiot to stand with his hand on the emergency shut off all day getting sprayed in the face with hot mist than to fix the sensors it was a long hot summer for this idiot i'm assuming your username is the nickname you earned there more ridiculous but i took a shot of vinegar for 20 dollars had it halfway down my throat when the guy said he was kidding and didn't think anyone would do it in the end he gave me what he had in his wallet a single dollar i have it in my nightstand and refer to it as the vinegar dollar my roommate just drinks the leftover vinegar when he's done using it for his fries 10 years ago i being male and obese 270 lbs think man boobs participated in a wet shirt contest at a bar and 175 the other contestants were actually women that's freaking awesome when i was eight years young i pee in the sink at school for a dollar he did not pay me the dollar and then he told on me i really needed that dollar too that man grew up to be six nine i sent nudes to a guy with some unusual fetishes eventually he offered me 60 dollars for a video of a close-up of me pooping and i actually considered for a good while instead i just quit i forgot to mention but he also offered me the same payment but for a close-up of me farting the guy was actually b so to all the guys wishing they could do this don't let your dreams be dreams frisky people on whisper are an equal opportunity employer if someone's willing to pay sixty dollars for crap vids they are gonna spend 100 150 dollars maybe 200 you should have bargained a bit my older brother used to keep his porno mags at the very top shelf of my closet perfect place where nobody could reach and my mother would never look one day i had discovered them while my little boyfriends were overplaying n64 tomboy little sister here for your information so of course they all started fighting over it and asked if they could take certain pages so i requested a dollar per page and that quickly moved on up to five dollar sign page word got around recess that i was hustling porno pages for cash racked up some good dollar sign that year for a 10 year old brother had no idea and obviously couldn't ask his little sister where his mags were it was the perfect hustle update dude thanks for all the love and awards i've never really told anyone and i figured that it would be the perfect places for all the questions yes this occurred in the late 90s i'm pretty sure we were all addicted to wave race and golden eye at the time definitely not my father's mags since he hadn't been around in years and no i'm not a diabetic but i did drink the crap out some kiwa berry ruckus frutopia not me but my friend wanted cod black ops 2 to play with me so she had frick this guy who was borderline obsessed with her in exchange for the money to buy the game i still give her flack over this i personally didn't offer this deal for two reasons one i was in a committed relationship at the time and two i had like no dang money to even buy her at l not me specifically but i accompanied a friend who was paid 250 to attend one of those free house flipping seminars and sabotage it at the conclusion i was just asked to film it on my phone as proof we both signed up with fake names my friend advised everyone it was a huge scam to get everyone to pay two thousand dollars for the next class and then advised everyone at the conclusion of that class they would want ten thousand 000 for the next class i guess the guy who paid him was ripped off by this program everyone was mortified but i think it served its purpose and i don't think anyone was scammed that day and my friend paid my bar tab that night dang good times at first i assumed it was a rival scam setting up the sabotage but it's even better that it was a disgruntled former scammy you know there's a deep grudge when they're spending 250 just to frick with them in any way possible i wrote term papers and research papers for 20 per page for rich idiots when i was in college i could have been expelled if i was caught and i realized later that i probably should have been charging way more since i was earning degrees for other people who now probably make way more money than i do should have charged 60 dollars per page at the very least it's high risk so of course it's gonna be high cost when i was a waiter we had a bucket of mayo on the line that basically never got used it would build a thick yellow crust throughout the morning shift that we would skim off before the night shift my buddy owed me forty dollars so i told him if he ate an entire spoonful of the mayo crust before the night shift i'd call it even he did it and looked like heckle night totally worth it we stayed lifelong friends and were groomsmen at each other's weddings nearly a decade later not me but my friend i helped him with it so i think i can tell it long story short he was catfishing some dudes into thinking he was an attractive woman and managed to get a guy who offered a good amount of money for feet picks very specific feet picks he was spending the rest of a saturday afternoon getting baked shaving my friend's legs below the knee painting his toes raiding our roommate's shoe rack with her consent of c and taking these very specific feet picks for this dude the money was sent later that evening pretty much paid for weed for our apartment for the semester teach 16 weeks of a college class for 1600 no benefits as an adjunct the f kedup thing is i care about doing a good job for these students same here okay i was a bad child but this guy was kind of dong and deserved this and that will be explained farther down i poured sewage waste from my dogs on his porch i got sixty dollars for it guy used to shoot us in the leg with fake bullets that hurt like heck and would also shoot me and my friend's dogs and if he is somehow on reddit and sees this frick you for using your height against 12 year olds and their dogs whoever paid you that money has reasonable morals i approve i had an entire brown onion in hospitality class junior high about halfway through i felt like i was about to throw up and no one wanted to speak to me my breath was that bad however i did go and spend that five dollars on a meat pie totally worth it that's not so bad the prime minister of australia at a raw onion live on tv for reasons that no one will ever understand drank a bowl of ghost pepper diablo sauce for fifteen dollars at the mexican restaurant i work at spent an hour in the bathroom with years streaming down my face and my tongue out i don't doubt you lost yours there i ate a strip of raw bacon off the floor without using my hands for 100 then i gave the money back to the kid who paid me because i got him to drink a mug of bacon grease mixed with my spit i know that raw bacon is actually pre-cooked thank you friends so you both did disgusting crap for free not me but my dad when he was a kid his friend's mom called him and told him their dog had been hit by a car and she wanted him to come put it out of its misery he was 14 and it was a boring summer so he grabbed his shotgun which he just had i guess 80s were different times and went over to help out his friend he then took his friend to the arcade in the movies with the money he got it's not just the 80s in a lot of rural areas or place where hunting is still an avid past time in the us most teens get their own gun to use around that early teenage i wrote a fishing bot for an online mmo and realistic to the public for free using my in-game character name 2003-2005 people loved it had over 250 000 downloads i got about two thousand dollars in paypal donations and people would give me money in game sometimes millions of gil at once became such a problem in the game the company rewrote how fishing works to make it harder to bot breaking every fishing bot i rewrote a new bot in another language and kept it private but i bought it again so hard i made a aaa game company rewrite part of their game in college i worked a warehouse job my manager always skied me out a little but it wasn't until later he got real creepy he was in some weird gambling sort of group and needed someone to record him performing various tasks i recorded him sticking his dong in a hole raw chicken he went and bought from the grocery store after work one time he paid me like 150 dollars for 30 seconds of video he would pay me and another girl i worked with to go and buy women's undergarments that he would send into pics of him wearing to the group once he paid 200 us dollars if we could discreetly slip limp our bra by the end of the work day flashing the camera at work during busy work times without anyone seeing random stuff like that easy money but dude was a weirdo there was no group i freaked someone's wife he was a cuck and wanted to treat her for her birthday direct messaged me saying she had picked me out after some negotiating he agreed to pay me 300 pound squids if he could watch i took a friend who waited outside the hotel room in case anything shady went down he actually offered me an extra 200 if i would pull out right before and unload on his face i declined that offer 200 pounds is 200 pounds spent 9 hours a day 5 days a week doing activities i don't enjoy to make a company i don't care about more money than i could ever dream of having you dirty beast oh god i'm going to be doing that aircraft mechanic spend the first stint of my career with my arm shoved down a lavatory hole for 15 an hour scooping out handfuls of crap and other excrement is a memory burned into me being hunched over you have to scoop it out at mouth level and sometimes the flapper would close real hard and spray chunks onto you 10 stroke 10 will never ever do that again don't care if it costs me every job i get from now on years ago i was working at an archaeological site near gaza excavating a city wall built to defend against the european crusaders we had been using a bulldozer for the heavy lifting which unfortunately gauged out parts of the wall with its teeth told the end of the field season we had an inspector coming from the israeli antiquities department so my supervisor had me put on some rock climbing equipment and rappel down the thousand-year old fortification wall with a bucket of mud to slap over the bulldozer damage and hide the bulldozer scrapes gauged across its surface holy crap my life is boring enough this wasn't me but we used to take an empty 20 ounces soda bottle and fill it with the lunch contents of the day as well as other liquid and then we would get people to pool money so another kid would drink it some teachers would throw in money as well wild times the fact that some teachers were in on this is just amazing when streaking in minus five degree weather for twenty dollars and a dime bag are my early twenties when my stupidity outweighed my decency that crap worth abused an ad on reddit they offered me a five dollar amazon gift card to do a survey clearly this is limited to one time per person i stopped around 150 or so times wash dishes for two years at dollars and 25 cents an hour did it for about a year before the owner up and decided we didn't need two dishwashers on the weekends we did i then did the work of two people for the same money after that restaurants really know how to exploit the labor of naive teenagers sometimes i once gave my brother 20 to run down the block in just his underwear in the middle of a blizzard we both had a good laugh afterwards i used to act as a homework broker i'd find kids who wanted me to do their hw for money set them up with smart friends of mine at college and essentially give my college friends contracts and once they completed the work i'd get paid by the clients i'd take a 10 20 cut depending on how friendly i was with whoever i gave the assignment to and give the rest to whoever did the actual homework now i want to be a talent agent i hopped in my friend's pool for forty dollars all my buddies pitched in a pool it was right before the pool was cleaned for the summer too it was the nastiest pool i've ever seen i stripped to my boxes hopped in hopped out grabbed my clothes and headed home which was only a couple blocks away as i was leaving the premises i walked right past my friend's dad who was working on his car he gave me the weirdest look to be fair i was walking in boxes and sneakers and had my clothes over my shoulder all i said was i just made forty dollars hopping in your pool and kept walking he started cracking up and i went home showered and went back over it was easy money to cause i was walking home from school and was headed home anyways let some dude i worked with take speedo underwear pictures of me didn't realize he was a pervert until it was too late don't ask i was an actual idiot drank a whole bottle of malt vinegar at first it was for just paying for a five guys burger but the guy gave me 40 bucks instead my buddy patted my back as i was leaving and i fell on my knees puking my friend licked a manhole cover for two dollars manhole became his nickname which took on a dual meaning later when he came out of the closet if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 559,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all about the money, rich vs poor, rich vs poor students, rich people problems, rich people habits, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: e8h4cSQBYC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 12sec (12492 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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