How To Develop Your Spirit Man - 31 March 2019

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now welcome you online watching online from all kinds of different nations want to welcome you I know some of you personally and I know God is touching you and especially welcome and may the little the Lord is doing here touch you where you are amen open your Bible in Ephesians chapter 3 visions chapter 3 I want to do a message in a way closes off the seminar which I didn't get to do yesterday I want to talk about how to develop your spirit man how to develop your spirit man and we the Bible tells us very clearly Jesus taught this he said in John 7:38 he said out of your innermost being or your inner being will flow rivers of living water and he was speaking about the spirit that hadn't yet been given so he was talking or prophesying about a people you and me who would emerge in these days and from within us from the hidden man of the heart from our innermost being God's intention is the life the joy the creativity the fruit of the Spirit the power of God would flow God has designed you for this and so come on get with it get with what God has planned don't just sit back and say not for me that don't do that and so I want to talk then about how to strengthen your spirit yesterday we were focusing primarily on the heart which is the core of who you are the center of who you are your heart is connected to your spirit connected to your soul and then through these things as able to express itself in the world so your heart is the core of who you are but your heart under X with your spirit when you got born again God put his spirit in your spirit to energize and empower you so you'd have a hidden source of energy within you call the Holy Spirit but you must be intentional in the development of your spirit and so I wanted to show a few scriptures on that and then give you some practical first why and then how amen okay so notice here it's here some Paul's prayer I pray verse 16 he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be in other words God's very rich he's very resourceful he has everything you need he's not poor and he's not a holdout the riches of his glory that he might be strengthened with might through his spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your heart are you being rooted and grounded in love now notices prayer is that you might be strengthened and the word strengthen means it's a word meanings increase energy increased bigger increased life increased vitality now that's a good thing for you to have I see a lot of people they they're all before their time there's no energy no life and it's because their spirit has not been activated and resourced and kept alive with the power of the Holy Ghost he said you'll be strengthened with what strengthen not with a stake strengthened worth Dunamis supernatural energy which comes from the Holy Ghost so when God brought his Holy Spirit in you it's he has an assignment and one of those things he wants to do is make you stronger in your spirit say your spirit can be wounded your spirit can be broken if your spirit is wounded and broken and damaged and you don't do something about that then your body gets weak every part of you gets affected by that I'll show you that in just a moment so having a strong spirit is part of God's plan for you it says of Jesus and Luke chapter 2 verse 42 it says he grew and became strong in his spirit hey and favor was on him and the grace of God was on him and wisdom filled him so John the Baptist grew and became strong so it's something you become you're not born strong in spirit you become strong in spirit by doing the things that will develop your spirit amen and so his desire is that we become strong in spirit so the first thing is your spirit can be strengthened okay the second thing is you can develop sensitivity in your spirit Hebrews chapter 4 and Hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 I think it is Hebrews 4 and sorry 5 and verse 14 it says mature people those who are mature it says they're mature because by reason of use they have exercised their senses to discern good and evil so the language of it very simple it says maturity comes spiritually as you exercise the spiritual senses that God has given you have physical senses you can develop your hearing you can develop your seeing you can develop the capacity around you physically to pick up and discern things and pick up things from the physical world but you have spiritual senses which you must learn to develop you don't try to become more spiritual that's nonsense you're ready spiritual it's like saying I want to become more human lighten up you can't become more human that's who you are see and you can't become more spiritual because that's who you are your spirit being what you need to do is learn to develop the senses of your spirit so you now have an advantage in life people whose spirit senses are not developed get deceived all the time they have people pull the wool over their eyes all the time we develop our spiritual senses to discern now their word exercise is the word to practice or to develop by habit or to go into the games and get into bold in practicing for an Olympic race it has all of that kind of thing you must be intentional about developing your senses and the simple things you can do I can't give them all to you today but I'll give you enough to get you going on it there's certain things you can do to develop your senses spiritual senses and so people who are spiritually mature and what people have been around a long time but people who have grown and changed and been intentional about becoming stronger in spirit and also sensitive in spirit stronger sensitive God wants you to be sensitive in your spirit ok then so we do how do we do that why do we need to do that what let me just talk first of all about what the functions of your spirit out because when we talk about your spirit many people don't understand that and the secular counseling field they don't understand the spirit human spirit and the functions of your spirit but where where God people where spirit people we need to understand why have you got your spirit what is it core what is it supposed to do if you don't know what it's supposed to do you're unlikely to give yourself to developing it and then to strengthening it so let me just give me I won't develop the more but let me just give you and I'll quote the scriptures on it number one the first important person of a reason for you have a spirit is to keep alive keep alive your spirit keeps you alive a Bible says in James 2 verse 26 the boy without the Spirit is dead in other words the spirit your heart your soul depart and if you've seen a dead body you can look at it and say well that's true there's nobody home they just they're just nobody home someone has gone the person has gone your spirit keeps your body alive as soon as the spirit goes you die your spirit energizes your body number two your spirit keeps your body healthy now people don't get that they don't understand that your spirit is important to the healthy operation both of your soul in your body it is a core part God as a spirit so your spirit part of you is really important to everything else working well your spirit affects your heart your spirit affects your soul mimal emotions your spirit affects your body your spirit affects the atmosphere around you your spirit affects your relationships you need to understand the importance of it so in proverbs 7 20 17 22 it says a merry heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones so if your spirit is damaged or broken your health is affected seriously your bones are where marrow is formed where Bloods regenerated very important that you keep alive in your spirit I mean here's another scripture in proverbs 18 and verse 14 assists them the spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity but a broken spirit who can bear in other words that when your spirit is strong it will take you through weakness and hard times and difficulties because you have an inward strength inside you so your spirit is vital environment it needs to be alive and the Holy Ghost alive and the Holy Ghost hello anyone home in there you know spirits should be alive and energized that's God's plan here's a third thing your your yes your spirit is crucial for engaging intimately with God your spirit is essential for engaging with God John 4:24 God is a spirit if you want to worship Him you have to worship Him in spirit your spirit is the part of you that engages God when you become aware of your spirit and become you but you'll be have the ability to engage with God we worship God in spirit and in truth the word truth means not concealing anything in other words God wants you to just come with a pure open heart just to love on him and engage from inside from your spirit the deepest part of you so your spirit is vital in worship because it's through your spirit God connects with you so if your spirit is not strengthened or sensitive you'll be unaware of God number four your spirit is crucial to receive revelation and guidance your spirit is crucial to receive revelation from God and guidance from God you want to be led you be led by the spirit not by circumstances or feelings but led by the spirit the Bible says to be led by the spirit that's what Jesus was he was led by the spirit what does that mean it was nothing outside him it was inside him he felt the witness of the holy spirit he was sensitive to his spirit he picked up the holy spirit is leaving me this way a lot of people are led by circumstance by the media by the news by their feelings by what's going on around them by the elack's by their difficulties rather than being led internally by the Spirit of God that's how he wants us to be led so 1 John a 1 sorry 1 Corinthians chapter 2 it says verse 9 I has not seen away hear nor is it aimed of the heart of man the things God has prepared for those who love them in other words you have never figured out all the things God planned for you he got lots of good things planned for you he is when I think of you I know the plans I have plans for good but what are the plans say how can I know the plans he said well he says I hasn't seen them or heard them hasn't even entered into the heart of things God prepared but God reveals them through his spirit so in other words the Holy Ghost reveals to your spirit things God has some mind for you the Holy Spirit reveals things that he wants to do through you what he wants to bring into your life we read down a little bit further it says verse 11 no no man knows anything the things of the man except the spirit of man which is in him even so now knows the things of God except the Spirit of God in other words spirit knows everything the father has prepared for you and we've received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God that we might know the things freely given to us by God so notice it says God has many things he desires to just give you freely but what are those things he wants for you well only the Holy Spirit can show you see you need the Spirit of God to reveal to you what God has for you uniquely he has things for you he's things he's planned for you things he's designed for you things he wants to give you gift things he wants to activate the only way you'll know is if you listen to the Holy Spirit who speaks into your spirit we must engage our heart and spirit here's a there's another reason we need it in number five to engage in prayer and intercession in 1 Corinthians 14 and verse 14 it says it says when a person is praying in tongues their spirit is praying so you can pray with your mind and your head or you can pray out of your spirit so God your spirit helps you to pray your spirit helps you to pray because otherwise how will you know what's in the heart of God and it says because we don't really know and we need the Spirit of God to help us and he works with our spirit revealing things that are on the heart of God so like this week I'm in prayer while I'm praying suddenly a name and a picture of her son comes to mind and I started to become aware of things I begin to pray for them then blowing a hole there in the seminar yesterday so when they came up I really didn't need to ask what was wrong or what was needed because already knew ahead of time there's stuff to be happen or that's normal it's what the whole work of the Holy gives they go says that's what he does he speaks to our spirit in prayer but you just need to be a person a prayer and you have to activate your spirit and prayer and learn how to listen to God in your spirit your spirits where you hear him and so on okay so here is another reason that you need to activate your spirit and that is your spirit will provide original ideas and inspiration problems 20 verse 27 says the spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord searching all the depths of the heart Jove 32:8 there's a spirit and man and the breath of the almighty gives some understanding or inspiration there has a great thing to understand about your spirit that when your spirit is activated when you energize your spirit with the life of God he will drop ideas unto you so when you when you are praying in the spirit and your spirit becomes energized your thinking starts to clarify and spontaneous ideas come we call it intuition intuition is a Faculty of your spirit intuition is the part of your spirit that just flows with ideas and inspirations it doesn't come by figuring it out it's just an idea what turns up in there you just have a sense or a feeling often women are very sensitive in this area the husband will say I've got this good business deal going what do you think ah don't like it we shouldn't go ahead he'll say now I gather all the reasons why it's such a good deal to you now I don't like the man and it's there for a male he's thinking now this just is no reason than any of this you don't like the man therefore we're not going to do the deal but the deal is a great deal they understand he's operating out of the head she's just listening to his spirit so actually something's wrong with the guy he's a crock and so this your intuition will reveal things that you don't know out of your head by observation so that's why we live with two dimensions we live with a natural dimension where we can see things but people put on a good front of good and parents but my spirit knows things that my natural sensors can't pick up so your natural sensors will look at the exterior and reason the God looks on the heart and can drop into your spirit ideas thoughts inspirations and also discernment about people Oh y'all got so quiet about that it's really good but that's where ideas can come from you get activated in the whole yet how many found this you went to bed thinking about something woke up in the morning bang I got the answer I got the idea where to come from come out of your spirit because while you're sleeping you only your body sleeping your spirit is wide awake so you can be in bed but your spirit still communing with God you guys well how many woken up in some morning and you got a song and you how to read like you wake up where should be why is that because your spirit has been engaging God the presence of God is in as you wake up you become conscious of it it was happening without you knowing it see so we need to understand this the realm of the Spirit and the way goddess designers to operate the whole whole of creation has a spiritual dimension to it which often indigenous people are more aware of and Westerners tend to pooh-pooh rather than understand actually there is a spiritual dimension and it affects everything so you can get ideas see so you need ideas I found all my preaching comes out of inspiration by the Holy Spirit I can do all the study but still got a message just got piles of notes then I go away and I have a shower a prayer just go to sleep wake up hold this there it is like that now many times I'll get a message I could have study for a couple of days and then suddenly I know exactly what to do one two three four five and just comes like that I think well God's a numbers person one two three four just like oh he does stuff so I give things it just comes like that intuition intuition of love that's where he's spiritually great great here's another thing your spirits useful for and your spirit enables you to connect with people and know them to have an empathy or feel what's going on in their life you can sense them so give me a couple of scriptures on that it says in Matthew and Mark 2 verse 8 it says Jesus perceived in his spirit what they were reasoning or thinking about in their heart and that interesting that Jesus in his spirit was able to pick up what people were thinking they're all just like this looking and he could tell what was going on he could feel and sense it and how many felt that yourself you've been with people and they're talking nicely but you can sense there's something else going on there usually you try and dismiss it but actually you're discerning or picking up things in the spirit so the Bible says we know people 2 Corinthians 5:16 henceforth we know no one after the flesh which know them after the spirit just like we know Jesus so what does that mean it means when I relate to people I should not make the external appearances the primary thing I should go on the witness of my spirit and in going on the witness of your spirit God will connect you to people which will have a high value in your life he will warn you of people that will erode and steal your life and energy and when you meet people you'll find that you'll have a connectedness when you start to tune into your spirit you can literally feel what's going on in their life sometimes I'll talk with people I'll just sense what's going on you say how do you know well I don't know I'm not figuring it out up here it's coming in the spirit it says of in Acts chapter 14 it says Paul was preaching and in the middle of it he perceived that a man had faith for healing now what did he see didn't see anything he got it any spirit so it's in your spirit you pick up things you sense things you discern things you feel things and you know people so I've had some people like with Maldonado when I met Mel Denard I'd watched him on TV and I go when I met him I gave him a big hug and the moment I gave him a hug he discerned my spirit straight away and we had an immediate connection just like that no long talks introductions get to know one other it was immediate connection like that the same with apostle Tamra these are spirit men who develop their spirit so they know straightaway that can feel it straightaway you're gosh so quiet this is all basic stuff for spirit people didn't know they so your spirit helps you discern the spirit realm I'll show you how you get a bit of time and a few minutes it shows you how to send the spirit room so your spirit man has senses that enables you to discern an atmosphere so how many of you see most of us have have experienced it but never really thought about it and then developed it see you walk into a room sometimes and you can suddenly feel the tension till what are you feeling did the room get colder or something no you felt in your spirit the impact of the words and the spiritual presence in the room people come into the church here and and they suddenly start to cry it hits is why am i crying the Hat says I know why I'm crying I've encountered God and the heads still saying what's going on here stop it that's a no I'm feeling loved I'm not gonna stop it at all and so people sitting sometimes just crying crying crying there know why they cry I've asked me to wait what's happening she said I don't know the hit doesn't work it out but their heart is saying I'm home I feel the presence of God and I feel loved and I'm at home now no one spoke to them they got it in this spirit that's why you have to develop your spirit that's where we engage God that's where we feel and sense spiritual atmospheres that's where we learn to discern things you walk into some rooms you certainly feel it's creepy you can feel the presence of demonic spirits you meet some people you can feel it so we can develop all of that part our spirits really important that we learn to develop our spirit strengthening our spirit and developing the senses of our spirit very very important and the last couple of things is that your spirit is a key part of ministering the Holy Ghost see to Minister the Holy Ghost where is the whole ego we all think waiting for him to come down from heaven but he's inside us the kingdom of God is inside you so God's where it flows from within you flows from your inner man out of your innermost being will flow the life of God the joy of the Lord all of these kind of things they flow out of your spirit see and here's that like one of the last vital purposes of your spirit is this it is to bless and refresh your spouse in sexual intimacy people don't get that and I can't develop that too deeply today but in proverbs 5 verse 15 to 19 it talks about drinking from your own well no we try to well as a place of refreshing and it's talking about marriage and the picture languages use their is to describe that when a couple are involved sexually it's not just physical and it's not just emotional when the heart is open and the Spirit is able to flow there is a flowing of the life of the Spirit too embrace and touch the other person so they feel welcomed and loved and refreshed if there are walls and barriers in the heart then the spirit doesn't flow and even though the sexual intimacy there's something missing in it which is the life of the Spirit which was meant to flow we won't go any further there that's enough that'll get you going here gonna read up the scriptures and have a look and some of you be digging one another now as they are I know something's not right here well I'll tell you what if the heart is hardened with bitterness and shut up there will be a problem in intimacy you'll only be at a certain level it won't come to the level God intended for you but when the heart is free and the spirit flows to welcome and embrace the spouse then there is a tremendous refreshing takes place anyway let's go I'll move on I also give you two last things as well I want to talk about number one how do I strengthen the spirit number two how do I develop spiritual sensitivity so let me give you three simple keys for strengthening four simple key for strengthening your spirit there are many but these are the most important ones here's the first one you know what it is you just got to do it in 1 Corinthians 14 verse 4 it says he the praise in an unknown time builds is in a man praying in tongues is God's gift to strengthen and empower your spirit that's why when you get filled with the Holy Ghost you begin to speak in tongues speaking in tongues the Bible says if it you're speaking tongues your spirit is praying you are praying from your inner man as the Holy Ghost gives you language and what happens is your spiritual inner man starts to energize with the life of God as you give yourself to praying in tongues your spirit becomes charged with the life of God the energy of the Holy Spirit you open up a flow of communication with God what an amazing gift to be given but we need to learn to pray strongly and consistently and to build that we have extended time spring in tongues and we need to know that God gives you different languages that brings a new refreshing around your life it is the most important gift but you're the one responsible to build your house number two meditate meditate on the Word of God in someone and verse 1 and 2 it says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor sits in the seat of the scornful walk it walks on the path of sinners sits and see the scorners but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his Lord as he meditates day and night he will be like a tree planted by water in other words there will be a light source a flow of God into your spirit as you meditate in the Word of God we saw yesterday meditating gets the word into your heart but as it gets into your heart then your spirit opens up your spirit and your heart start to believe what God has to say says she'd be planted by the rivers water it says his leaf shall not wither he will bring forth fruit and whatever he does will prosper meditation will help strengthen your inward man worship will strengthen your inward man here's another thing that strengthens your inner man found in Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 10 it says the joy of the Lord is your strength learn to rejoice in the Lord and your spirit will get stronger in other words laughs in the Lord a lot more and celebrate what the Lord has done Paul said rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice in other words practice rejoicing in God rather than getting depressed by the news see anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression but the Bible says cast you care and rejoice that's it's an act of decision to celebrate how good god is to enjoy him and rejoice in him and laugh more in him laughter is good for you merry heart does good like a medicine most people rather take the medicine thing I like to laugh a lot more you know I know do some preaching here and there but I'm also now and I seen memes and funnies all over the world of people just to get them laughing because in laughter their spirit recovers laughter is a great thing we need to laugh much more to enjoy God to enjoy him it people turn Church into something heavy and serious rather laughter we should be a place for with laughter it win the good when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like that my dream then was our tears turn to laugh see you just forget all the good things God has done and get caught up and the problems of today rather help us so good and just allow the joy to get in you nothing I join em me up six religious people they really get upset by it because I think you're not being godly or to Siri or too flippant well Jesus was filled with joy joy is an overflow of the Spirit but joy strengthens your spirit as well so when you laugh you actually your body gets better I've heard that people were told you need to watch some more funny movies and laugh a lot more and you'll get a lot more healthy that's true you need to rejoice a lot more need to that tell someone who's you need to learn much more come on I need to laugh much more I'm not saying I'm not saying be flippant or I'm not taking your responsibilities but we need to practice rejoicing rejoicing and when you rejoice you smile my red ocean of the Lord I don't I'm afraid your face hasn't caught up with the rejoicing bit yet the joy is too deep down your face can't get a hold of it yet see so you'll find laughter now after so attractive laughter alters the atmosphere laughter frees up your spirit laughter does it releases things into your body that helps your body is it good thing to laugh in the Lord so I find I laugh with the Lord over many things he has an amazing sense of humor he is he really is amazing sometimes I see things and I start to laugh and I I talk to law said law that is so funny people are so funny and God enjoys people when I look at the funny thing you have you know some funny people and you laughed at people because it well laugh with them because your thoughts happening is just funny the others get all wound up about it but I laugh with it see otherwise you'll get worried and intense and you can you reject them and you want to change them and listen everyone's unique and some people are quite funny they just have funny things they do and say and whatever and that what makes them hurt them why would you want to change their this will even be enjoy him I've got a I've got a grandson he was at home they're learning and he struggling with maths and he was sitting there struggling struggling he doesn't like mass you're not so good at figuring it all out that's ok lots of people are like that so then then he just jumped on the floor and started swimming swim away swim away he cried out I thought I just laughed and laughed and laughed I thought what a great idea I should have learned to do that years ago this ball on the blow and swim away so I seemed him a little funny meme of someone on the ground and a pile of water swimming away and after a lot about it and there was great joy this is a great freedom and strength comes into you when you laugh you just learn to enjoy the funny things and I found when the Spirit of God is moving more there's a lot more funny things happen I mean there are weird things as well but I to me weird is funny I just think isn't it wonderful that some strange things happen he will try to make it all controlled and smooth and fix everything why don't you spare people be people and let them be themselves and and love them and enjoy them and rejoice in the Lord a bit more you could do that come here tell someone you need to lighten up and your joy something a little bit more and most people the only way they can lighten up and rejoice is if they have a wine or two actually a whole bottle usually so they go down the pub and they drink wine until they either laugh will get angry and fight someone what's going on there see if you have to have wine to get for it to get to laugh you're bound up so you really you need to learn how to enjoy God and then love it with him enjoy the funny things that he the funny things you see in life they just and and bring God into them because when you joy and rejoice in him and what he's done and who he is it's wonderful you're strengthened really to that for love some of you watching online II - laughs I've told you already you need to laugh are you serious anyway so there so we better finish we gotta run out of time so we can develop sensitivity as well and in our life but if you want to develop sensitivity then you need to actually just keep your heart soft because when your heart hardens you become insensitive so keeping our heart soft and in love with the law keeping the love first a lot alive fasting will help sensitize you fasting will help sensitize you listening to the voice of God and responding all sensitize you and also practicing discerning just practicing when you meet people what do you feel what's your first impression come into a room what do you sense no need to just sense things as you're in prayer since what you feel in the spirit see that all helps and then stir yourself up and start to pray for people because doing all of those things you develop and you become sensitive to the Holy Ghost things begin to happen things begin to happen thankfully going to happen I believe today God wants to fill a whole lot of people with the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost if you give him room he will fill you with joy fill you in life and then you just got to sustain that life how we need to become spirit people alive in our spirit energized in our spirit you know just even preaching and speaking the Word of God I get alive in my spirit I just get excited since other people say you should to hold you should be sitting down and going to sleep no I won't be sitting down I sit down I'm probably done say I want to stay alive in spirit and you must be intentional when you're alive in spirit every part of you is affected by that it really is we I want to pray for one to be able m1 chairman older quite enough to pray for people just get filled with he goes speaking tongues because God wants you to speak in tongues it'll get your spirit alive some of you just need a dose of joy on your life again let go your depression someone prays for you don't hold on to your depression like you're a dying man let it go let God touch your life it'll minister to you but it's this God touch your lives this lift the Spirit of God come around us I watching the worshiper it's supposed to be a happy timer and something I'd love to get going I didn't want to be sitting him yes I did get alive express the life of God as I seen some of you in football matches I watched it on TV well I think what is that about I saw you on Sunday yeah you got your priorities all wrong need to get a fresh touch of God come alive and the Holy Ghost let the Spirit of God come around your life here's a wonderful spirit a loving spirit a powerful spirit be filled with the Spirit of God speaking times rejoicing making melody in your heart to the Lord come on is stand with Stan come on there be some people need to be filled with the Holy Ghost once you come to the front you need to be filled with the Holy Ghost come to the front today I want to pray for you to get filled with the holy guys speaking times some of you here today need a fresh touch of God why did you come just come come come come [Music] yes louder oh yes oh I love you guys wheeze Heidi Heidi come over let me pray for you we're hiding from Australia okay come on come on one there's more people need to get filled with the spirit come come come good hop back wish your hunger this is what the Holy Ghost can do with a 73 year old you need it oh holy ghost crab come on Beast you're gonna sing lift your hands we're gonna lay hands on you we're seeing the touch of God hallelujah who are you watching online it's a sweet ego tential I receive that impartation to joy in the Holy Ghost touch you wherever you are to give the speaking tongues in a moment they've got come upon you revive you strengthen you
Channel: Mike Connell
Views: 5,239
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Id: C__Hauw6tWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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