Diving into Gymnastics with Nile Wilson I Tom Daley

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my guys have come here and I am with Olympic bronze medalist gymnast Niall Wilson and today he is going to be putting me through my paces at East London gymnastics by learning some of the basic skills of how to be gymnastics don't I've been interested quite similar right Barry so I'm saying today is that can be we kind of have swapped to DC's that all upper body and I'm like leg with like no other boxes you know we'll see how we get on so other young gymnasts we spend lots of time on the floor working on our basic understand forward rolls back the drills yep so I'm going to take you through some simple lines okay see how we go yes what this hands-on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right we need competition novice combat type I talk for type from the worst of the most wins [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right time to take Tom on the apparatus for you ready for this I'm ready to live with it right we have got vol pommel horse rings parallel bars high bar the key skills that I think I believe you to do and I want to teach you yeah up start on high bar yep circle on pommel horse we'll get on a little mushroom must look on rings swings Hanson on TV bars and handspring on vault okay I'm gonna need you like I'm ready let's do it let's start hi buck so we'll swing be called hit to get rid of us to a dog our first event or farm buzzer expecting work [Music] I've seen go through that socket again right move next swing to understand Tom yeah it been parking lots of marketing is keeping the car fight and Holly factory don't work you unless hit it angles as possible so just start by life they're listening so I just go in a post above the bars on each side myself maybe counter free then we'll go more he'll try to get really good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Derek that's okay alright okay rings yeah because almost rings muscle-up okay it's a very technical skills and what weather is obviously chin up and the important thing is keeping the ring tightly as possible if you can soon as we go out but precise resilient visit a PA to keeping it as caution as possible then obviously from the chin the momentum then goes from the leaf it's a dictation check the shroud sir you know is that so I'd interesting the person or he's gonna get go a baby like that I let go yeah I got it I'll see what I get happy day is just getting loose without that movement oh oh really like I can get it by getting good and then you cannot you near measure run up the we'll just wing it for then handspring I was very often else many modern eyelid the Gaggia team says no there's not a uniform hospital I see it critically hi I'm going to it so we are now in the diving pool my haunting ground so we're going to see what Niles got I have a little player one meter and see if we can get em off of that elusive handily before and Couture high yeah right sure high $3 back of buses and a car part on top of each other and we're going to go from 0 to 35 miles an hour and 1.5 seconds oh you like just that easy disputed so when I'm here in the water I am like come on yeah further we start with the basically just the normal forward sighs hospital closed then we went on to the backward entries because Jim not hateful and on their head then I thought I'd spice it up a little bit and add in a fact I've cut glad you can speed dial Hayley's in a full somersault and then it folks hips thighs forward first of all we wanted to teach not hard to dive in and then we need to teach in some form you start off with a forward dive pipe [Music] the one thing that springboard does it pushes you forward so you really have to focus on trying to jump at all as you can of course we have the Triton thing close by [Music] and then the real diving started the big thing it was a challenge denial all the way through this was trying to stay close to their body for it's natural to want to get off the diving board quickly because you think that was going to give you the most rotations and then we went on to the back of entry the backward entries are difficult because it seems blind you just have to trust the process and hope that they're lying on your back so another five not 1 meter let's get up onto the high wall okay so we're now on the 5 meter board which is only halfway up to the 10-meter so we're going to start out we're just going to jump off everything first and then we'll see if we can throw in anything a little bit more exciting ok whatever cause we'll just better [Music] Hey big decision I think [Music] so now on the 10-meter board the highest order you can dive offers in the Olympic game so about pick nile off with these we look a lil bit scared we're going to do a thing tonight jump this is Phyllis how you feeling knows you still in it I saw I I'll I'll take you with us over to the end of the diving board so you can actually see what it looks like over there hard to get any perspectives that you think of that down there as a human being and that over there is a 50-meter called is it a little bit of perspective [Music] so time the more limited like look at each other like it [Music] Oh so now that he's gone off 10-meter one we now think that he's a pro and he could be my next synchro partner so he's Annapolis apart he's finally in the body [Music] - I like the petition I'm so so happy that they're not but the most challenge of it the impact of the war though realise how much force obviously formative like Charlie 35 mile-an-hour must speak stings so much hitting the water where life is picked up next time - or myself backwards but not this time no thank you so now you're managed to get off of the ten meter board I managed to learn quite a few interesting things in the gymnastics you know Paul Farina move just jens's the gym I could know that I'm going to be sore tomorrow I can already feel that my neck back shoulders my harm so it was so interesting to see the differences and the similarities to diving as an athlete there are some things I could manage something that is killing and you know fun seasonal in Philadelphia for one and a half every others then the big thing for me was like if he comes off the high board the pain in the impact of the wall advantage I should be must be a stinging a butter in the now really enjoyed it very well picked off the likely had me aboard good good and if you want to see more video for denial and have learned how to do a handstand they go check his tower fear and subscribe for him you liked the video give a thumbs up and comment below what your favorite part was until next time we'll see you later
Channel: Tom Daley
Views: 8,426,388
Rating: 4.9518118 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Daley, Tom, Daley, Tom Daley TV, World Champion Diver, Olympics, Fitness, Health, gymnast, gymnastics, diving, diver, topless, shirtless, abs, high bar, p bar, parallel bars, rings, muscle up, vault, handspring, tumble, tumbling, nile, nile wilson, olympians, challenge, dive, 10m, platform, nile wilson jumps 10m, nile jumps 10m, nile wilson diving, speedos, tom daley gymnastics, lean
Id: kmOaDf7Nk-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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