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tell us one thing that tom does that makes you tear his clothes off go right for it as tom is big on his fitness what's your favorite workout to do with him or without do i actually have to answer that [Music] hello and welcome back to daily diaries today it's like a daily diy diaries because we're doing a little bit of painting around the house and of course robbie's helping and then can we switch again no i'm not sneezing okay so you're doing a very good job robbie a little bit more you need a little bit more yeah just a little bit just a little bit got it that's perfect robbie very careful but make sure you don't get it on here because that's a different color okay and daddy's got it on the wall how dare you and now robbie's washing out his little brush are you washing your hands or your brush shouldn't you wash the brush out as well yeah like this like wash it with your fingers like this you've got to make sure it comes all the way out because if you don't get all the paint out it dries really hard and horrible so that you can't really use it properly the next time look he's doing a really good job look at that so finally got around to doing this q a with lance he says he's coming up in a minute i just told him that we're doing something special and that he should just be ready because oh i think he's coming what on earth i thought you said we were doing something special i mean not to dress up like a blooming peacock what are you wearing why are you wearing i'm just doing something different in specialty yeah i'm in training clothes you're in peacock clothes what are they doing here what do you mean they they're people here there's no people you've been you've been secluded for far too long well i thought we would do something nice and i would get a little dressed up and i didn't think i was going to come up here and find you with your sort of workout gear especially in dominic bedgoods uh workout gear we traded shirts yeah i'd like to see that video oh i've got some questions that i asked by the way this is not clean just for your information this is something else i don't know what it is i have peacock do you want to go put peacock on no stop saying carcass that it's like i don't say i said peacock well okay you asked them to ask you questions and you did say the filthy the better the more filthier the better right when did i say i don't have no memory a couple of weeks ago you said it in a video no memory send a few questions for lansing and i'll see if i can get him to answer them next week i'm only answering if they're incredibly filthy why can't you you didn't talk about how cute you look and how i look like an extra from like a 1970s like sitcom like one of those background guys that they've handed a martini to look at that hair did you guys both take off your shirts at the same time no it was like the thing that happens when you go away to competitions you trade kit because it's like souvenirs like i've got america i've got australia i've got china i've got canada i don't doubt it i don't doubt you do no don't do that on movie stuff i'll tell you what we don't end up like trading clothes no but you bring back your like director's chair or your writer's share like or you bring back all those yeah you don't bring like other fit you bring props yeah we don't have those these are our props lance challenge accepted well as much as youtube turns allow tell us one thing that tom does romantically that makes you tear his clothes off going right for it who asked this question and okay i'll tell you a list of things that he does that makes me not want to tear his clothes off he says we're doing something special and i come up here and he's like you know and workout beer and smells a little sweaty though the last part of that does make me kind of want to tear his clothes off and then um you know sometimes on date night which is like really sweet you make something very delicious but then just like at lunch just before this tom daley is the loudest drinker on the planet i'm telling you like hey this is meant to be what you want to tear my drink if he drinks a glass of water like they hear it in scotland you've just got really sensitive ears it's a particular challenge in this household i'm going to tell you that because the truth about tom is there's rarely close on to rip off that's not true that is so true that's so true you you're sort of like a nudist and solar is your family by the way you know when he's at work there's not a lot to rip off when he comes home you know to get it together there's not much to rip off it doesn't take a whole lot also by the way like can we be honest look at him sometimes he's just he just walks into a room you just want to run off i mean there's there's not a lot of people on the planet who unquestionably look better without clothes uh and he's wondering can we just uh take the time to look at the fact that it this has been is for four and a half minutes and you've answered one question so if we keep going at this rate this video is going to be like an hour long or we just answer like two questions no question from daniel kobachi who says careful daniel what little things does tom do that reminds you of why you fell in love with him what little things you're gonna edit out all my pauses right because it's like it's not it's not that i'm having trouble coming up with any answers all right even in lockdown i'll say i'll say this we we have this like particular challenge because tom and i started our seventh year together right at lockdown right so that's supposed to be like seven year itch when you're kind of like and uh and and of course then we're locked down and we're locked down with a two-year-old wow so you'd think that we'd be scratching and itching ourselves to death but one of the things that i think it's not a what's that nothing one of the things that had i think is all you know reminds me of why i love thomas and we we still even in lockdown have always tried to figure out how to keep things new do new things try new things keep it fresh i mean it's it's not as easy it used to be like traveling all the time or we would one of us would come with an idea and we're just a little bit insane like what about knitting and all of a sudden everything in this house is knit or whatever what about plants yeah all of a sudden we live in a jungle what about this or that and so it's like you and i are cooking like we i don't know we tried so many recipes i have i don't know what it is in kg but like i went all the way up to 185 pounds during lots now now i'm back down to 160. you know we ate everything we try to do everything even when there's not a whole lot we can do okay next question two things we just always try new things well that's the that was that that's never about so that was the answer to the question we like to try new things instead of a three minute i need a haircut you're the one who said you had work to do and you're the one who's wasting time now listen when he talks to me like that i remember when i fell in love with him what is your favorite part of tom's body do i actually have to answer that your mind oh you're mine and second to his mind is ass it's like honest to god it's the bubbliest it's crazy like it looks really good in speedos i mean you might want to do some more of those dives where like your uh speedo like accidentally comes down apart from diving and filmmaking what talent do you both think the other is best at uh i'll go first i think he's very very good at diy and fixing things literally if anything breaks robbie's like daddy fix it daddy fix it daddy fits it i know and i'm not allowed to even try to fix it well you could try but we'd be here all day and then we'd have to buy a new one i i'm a texas boy and though i'm not sure if i don't have it on display today i i can kind you know it can be a bit butch i have i have a toolbox and i know how to use it you're good at everything it's kind of annoying you're good at everything you put your mind to and if you're not good at it at first like knitting there was a few disasters there are a few disasters and now literally everything that comes off of your needles is a little masterpiece but yeah i'm going to say one thing that's probably and i have a photograph of it but you're probably not going to put it out there there's one thing tom's really good at that the world probably doesn't know this yet you're going to drag he's only done it like privately and like bingo do like private online zoom being i don't even do drag i put little oh yes you did it don't make me show the picture lipstick in a wig does not count as drag should i picture it lipstick and wig that's not canon's dress no it was really good if i didn't have any makeup on you did lipstick yeah uk drag race next season for last as tom is big on his fitness what's your favorite workout to do with him or without oh with and without with tom it's i call it the horizontal shuffle it's how heterosexuals make babies it doesn't make babies with gays but it's my favorite workout it's good cardio uh and it's it's horizontal yeah uh one of us is like this and the other one's like this and then there's a lot of friction [Music] i could have been way more explicit he doesn't like to work out with me because no he feels bad nobody wants to work out with you well they know like not in person if it's a video awesome because then when we slack off or we can't breathe anymore or we pass out you don't know it so then we don't feel judgment but when you're actually working out with you it's one of the more also it's it's demoralizing because you're so much better but it's also demoralizing because you're really nice about it which makes it even more painful because then it's we're like running together which is probably my favorite exercise with you beyond the horizontal shuffle is to take runs together but on those runs like you're clearly hanging back with me and i was like are you are you pitting me are you going slow and then at one point i'm full out running and you start walking and you're still faster then my favorite workout alone is uh it's a really good one and it actually has been working very well on lockdown which it's called the jam donut curls and you just put one on one hand we've seen you spend time with robbie when you bake and play with his toys are there any activities that lance and robert you have for the two of them alone actually you probably would have seen in the beginning of this video actually then two doing some stuff robbie loves helping with diy right first of all i thought we were having a special day i thought we were doing something special so i got dressed up you answered questions from me then yeah then it's a q a and you're just doing it for me so go on next next question i you didn't know that you wouldn't have known that in the beginning of this video we would have seen you two painting the wall upstairs no i didn't know that i like to fix things and create things and paint things and thankfully so does robbie and so we hang now it's amazing because now if i say can you give me the measuring tape he goes and gets it we'll go get the wrench or the wrench yeah screwdriver or the phillips head [Music] he's running his keep question for lance what has being a parent taught you about your mother have you noticed any similarities or differences in your or you and your mum's parenting styles i mean i do think when you have you probably have this about your dad and your mom you start to see the way you react to good things and bad things and you can hear i can hear my mom and my voice when i'm doing it particularly when i'm straining for patience and i can hear that i'm at in my own voice that i've got that sound my mom used to get where i could tell she was trying to be patient but really she just wanted to smack me upside the head with her crutches and and so i hear it in my voice i'm like oh i'm doing that horrible annoying like fake patient thing i hear that but get back into that puppy no no chocolate for breakfast no i know you're crying no chocolate for breakfast i wonder who taught him about chocolate christmas day terrible for chocolate in his stock and i we ever whenever we ask him what his favorite christmas present like the chocolate balls chocolate then we're on the final question wait that's it we've been here for 21 minutes we're gonna do it over again right yeah after a haircut what do you in lance miss the most to do that you can't do during the lockdown and what is the first thing you would like to do when we finally can go back to normal this is not a filthy question well dear youtube viewers i'm severely disappointed uh you know i mean it's really nice very nice but there wasn't a whole lot in the way of filth i don't know if you unders understand i understand the question i'm just sort of like not answering the question because i don't want this time with you to end oh that's nice i find it really good i i really love to travel i like being on the road i like um feeling like the world is expanding because i can sometimes get trapped in my own head so it's like getting out discovering new places and people and food and music and that's like kind of what i live for the second this is over i i want to get on a plane well cause also by the way you and i have my work has increased your work has got your work is still going on and gotten yeah challenging in different ways so like we've actually been working probably harder during lockdown than not i want to go to st lucia often you know what if there's if there's some museums and some art for me i know how much you love that i don't know if there are that many galleries some people doing things i don't understand and some food and some food that i've never had before and then a beach a beach and it's warm and you're getting tan and i'm getting burned you get in the water and it's warm you know you just the world starts to feel a little bigger again that's what i miss well there we go well i hope you enjoyed that little q a it's a little bit you know is that it it's over yes it was so easy i mean i did tell you it wasn't going to be difficult thank you for watching hope you enjoyed it make sure you subscribe leave a comment and then make sure you send in questions for next week when i'm just doing a q a on my own oh maybe we'll throw one implant but no but it's just gonna be for me okay but anyway speak to you later bye everyone bye bye bye did i do it stop it [Music] wow
Channel: Tom Daley
Views: 416,346
Rating: 4.9579964 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Daley, Tom, Daley, Tom Daley TV, Diver, Diving, World Champion Diver, Olympics, Food, Recipe, Recipes, Fitness, Health, Healthy food, travel
Id: I4M9ov04rf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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