Taking Communion Worthily

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to rise [Music] is well sounds like jesus has been busy running all over the place getting stuff done amen amen all right well we are going to get right into the word because we want to get to communion today but we also want to get into why we're doing communion right so we're going to go through some scriptures very quickly and the first one we're going to go to is going to be in numbers the book of numbers it's amazing to me how many you know here's something if people um well you know uh this is all trying to say it's nice um let me say it this way you never hear this from a big church okay you always hear it from a small church and usually it might even show a little bit of jealousy against the big churches because they always say well you know god got you know those big churches but god ain't into the numbers [Laughter] he wrote a whole book called numbers and and if we're going to save the world that's a pretty big number amen i mean it's not about how big a local church is obviously and that kind of stuff and you know and how big a church is doesn't mean that's how pure the word is that's being preached there i understand on the other hand don't negate what god is doing because just because like you see in ephesus you see in one place at one time over a hundred thousand people gathered together you see churches that local bodies that come together and form the church and so it could be a small group two or three gathered in his name or two or three hundred thousand who knows you know it's not about the actual number itself it's about people but the more people you get together or the more people you can influence through the message of the word of god that god appreciates that more because the point is to get to more people amen so here in the book of numbers go with me to chapter 21 because i want to again just prove to you and emphasize uh for a few minutes here about healing in jesus's physical atonement his redemption what he did and that there is physical healing in it not just spiritual healing not just getting saved in the sense of eternal salvation we're not you know we're not demeaning that by any stretch either but why why you know appropriate half of what he's got for you why not take the full benefit right and so in numbers chapter 21 start in verse 4 it says and they journeyed from mount hor by the way of the red sea to compass the land of edom and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way and the people spoke against god and against moses and notice against god and moses and here's what they said wherefore have you brought us up out of egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and our soul loatheth this light bread which was the manna that they were eating basically so now notice this and the lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of israel died now let me explain this because people go see god did this right you have to realize god okay the gut let's say for example the government the government the court system does not put anyone in jail the people put themselves there by committing a crime now i'm not saying our justice system is perfect and all that i'm not saying but i'm saying in a perfect system the way it was organized to work the government only validated doesn't care carefully they validate what the person did and then they match the punishment with the crime that's the way it's supposed to work all right so you can't blame a judge for putting a person in prison if the person committed a crime the person did it can we agree on that okay now god put laws into effect one of those laws is the law of sowing and reaping right now we know that we have been made free in christ and that the law of the spirit of life in christ has made us free from the law of sin and death but now notice it's being in christ that set you free from the law of sin and death or the law of death because of sin does that make sense now what what what it's saying is this god put into effect laws because of his righteousness and because he put those laws in if you violate those laws he's not doing that to you you do it to yourself does that make sense so when these people rebelled against god because that was not just and is not legal then these fiery snakes come out but it says the lord sent and it says the lord sent it so i'm not saying he didn't i'm saying he was upholding his justice because these people were all were all under the law of sin and death do you get that so people go well but i'm afraid god's going okay that shouldn't be you the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death right what that means is he delivered us from our sins so quit sinning right he said well that's not possible sure it is here it is what have you sinned already today i mean come on what have you done has somebody stole something can you let me ask this can you can you not help yourself you know can you not uh you go into a store you can't help yourself you got to steal something i mean we're just talking about the 10 commandments basic right uh do you have to you know covet your neighbor's goods no you don't have to it's a choice right and the the spirit of life in christ makes it actually easier for you to make the right choice amen so anyway i'm just i wanted you to understand when it says the lord sent fiery serpents i don't want people go oh that's what's happened to me my sickness is the lord sent this fiery serpent on me and it's that sickness that is not true right that god doesn't do that you violate the law things will come upon you god takes responsible responsibility because he put the laws in motion but he had no other choice he's just he had to put the laws in motion but you violate the laws so you get the benefit of it sowing and reaping amen are we good okay okay you didn't get into fear over this verse right okay i just want to make sure okay then it says now watch the lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of israel died therefore the people came to moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the lord and against you now now look they've spoken against god and against moses so now they're going to the person they have sinned against one of them moses and they said pray unto the lord so now they sinned against him but now they're asking him to pray for them that god has a good way of vindicating people amen it's amazing we've had people actually do some of that kind of stuff to us say things that kind of stuff and then they end up having to come to us for prayer it's amazing how god you know it's like okay be careful what you say because you know it's like i told my daughter one time make your word sweet you may have to eat them you know so all right and we pray unto the lord that he take away the serpents from us and moses prayed for the people and the lord said unto moses make thee a fiery serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looks upon it shall live how many everyone so everybody that got bit when they looked at the at the serpent on the pole they got healed is that right okay now now go with me well actually it says here moses made a serpent of brass put it upon a pole and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived right so there's the result of it now now go with me over to john go into john chapter 3. john 3 we're going to start in verse 1. there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews then came the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that you do except god be with him that shows the hypocrisy of the pharisees he didn't say i know he said we know the pharisees knew he was from god jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god nicodemus saith unto him how can a man be born when he's old or can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born jesus answered verily barely says that twice now he's talking to a leader of the religious leaders in israel and every time he starts to talk to him he says verily verily it's like him said listen to me listen i'm serious right i say unto you except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit marvel not that i say unto thee you must be born again the wind blows where it listeth and you and you hear the sound thereof but can't tell where it comes from or where it goes so it is with everyone that's born of the spirit nicodemus answered and said unto him how can these things be and jesus answered and said unto him are you a master of israel and you don't know these things verily verily there is again i say unto you we speak that we do know and testify that we have seen and we res and you receive not our witness if i have told you earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if i tell you of heavenly things and no man has ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the son of man which is in heaven and as listen this and as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness this is numbers 21 he's referring to even so must the son of man be lifted up so now jesus is comparing himself to the serpent on the pole do you get that he said oh that's horrible he shouldn't be the serpent he's the son of god no no he had to become sin so that we could be made the righteousness of god in christ okay that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god and this is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil for everyone that does evil hates the light neither cometh to the light lest his deed should be reproved but he that does truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in god amen do you see the correlation between the serpent on the pole under moses and jesus lifted up on the cross right he is comparing himself to them now what that means is if he is comparing himself to that serpent on the pole when he was lifted up then we also have to see what happened and what the result was when the serpent was lifted up when the serpent was lifted up every man that was bitten that looked upon it was healed when jesus is lifted up i can tell you now every man has been bitten and is in sin and and that sin has brought about sickness romans chapter 5 tells us that death entered the world through sin and death comes normally through sickness or disease and that's the beginning of death in most cases and so that falls into that category now so if we look at excuse me if we look at the at what at the serpent on the poll and the results and jesus compared himself to that we have to look at jesus and see the results so every person that looks to jesus should be healed and or saved both do you get that okay now just to prove this now watch this one more one more point go with me to matthew chapter 8 matthew chapter 8 verse 1 when he was come down from the malt from the mountain great multitudes followed him and behold there came a leper and worshipped him saying lord if thou wilt thou can't make me clean and jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying i will be thou clean and immediately his leprosy was cleansed and jesus saith unto him see thou tell no man now watch what he tells him but go your way show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that moses commanded for a testimony unto them now you hear jesus told him go show yourself to the priest and offer make the offering that moses commanded now if you go back go with me to leviticus i know we're bouncing around go to leviticus chapter 14. in the first five books of the bible obviously sin is revealed and shows how it is but then god gives out the rules and says all right if it's this sin do this if it's that problem do this and he he tells them through the law how to uh solve problems right that's a very general statement but in leviticus chapter 14 and we're going to start in verse 1. and the lord said unto moses saying this shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing he shall be brought unto the priest and the priest shall go forth out of the camp and the priest shall look and behold if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean and cedar wood and scarlet and hyssop and the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel the bird one of the birds two birds one bird is going to be killed in an earthen vessel okay over running water as for the living bird he shall take it and the cedar wood and the scarlet and the hyssop and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water so do you get the picture two birds you take one and that you put in this earthen vessel you kill it the blood comes out then you take these other things hits up cedar and all this and you take that and you take the living bird and you dip the living bird in the blood of the bird that died now watch and he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times so nate's gonna sprinkle this blood of this bird seven times what does that do and that's connecting the person with the dead bird with the living bird do you see that and shall pronounce him clean and shall let the living bird loose into the open field right and then he tells what he's to go and do after that now notice this jesus tells his leper you're cleansed now go to the priest show the priest take the offering what does he do he takes the two birds they go in there the priest looks at him goes yep you're clean so we're going to kill the bird and we're going to take the living bird dip it in there and we're going to sprinkle you with it and then we're going to take the living bird and you throw it up in air and it flies off now that is a type and shadow of jesus because he was killed so that we can live we have to be under his blood it was his blood so he is killed and we are set free do you get that specifically dealing with physical healing leprosy do you see that so the the type and and shadow in the old testament was for the healing of the physical body to be connected to the atonement of one dying for another [Music] do you see that all right now all right now go with me to first corinthians now you should take this and state this out it's only five different references there because you need to see this for yourself study it out and i i would dare say if you go through every other healing that jesus did and then find out what he did what he said how he did certain things and then go back and find that same type of ailment in the old testament under the law you will find that what jesus did was a perfect representation of healing in the atonement of what he was going to accomplish right now first corinthians chapter 11. we're going to start in verse 23. this is the apostle paul writing to the corinthian church and he says for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup and when he accepts saying this cup is the new testament new covenant in my blood this do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come where wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body now notice the first time he says this he said the lord's the the body and you'll be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but here he says if you do this unworthily it's because you do not discern the lord's body he doesn't say the lord's blood so he's emphasizing right when he said take this bread he said take eat this is my body my body broken for you now throughout history i've heard people preach this and teach these things and i understand why and then when they get to the part about discerning the body they always say no see that's that means you have to discern the body of christ and that's the church okay well the body of christ is the church but jesus wasn't referring to that on the night of his betrayal he was referring to his physical body which was broken for us because the church has never been broken for us his physical body was broken for us and jesus said this is my body and he was referring to that bread which is broken for you and he said take and eat then he took the cup and he said take it this is my blood right and he said this is my blood of the new covenant and every time you drink it you're remembering me so the key to the lord's communion is to be able to eat that bread and drink that cup remembering him and what he did and that this was his body broken for you his blood was poured out for your salvation from sin and his body was ripped and torn and beaten so that you could receive physical healing because by his stripes you were healed do you see this so healing physical healing of the body is in the lord's table right this is one of the ways now this was written to the carnal corinthian church so it is a way even even for carnal christians to be healed now you don't have to be carnal if you get healed this way you can be spiritual which is good but either way if you need healing you can get it through the lord's table amen now let's read a little bit further on proving this he says uh verse 30 for this cause what cause not discerning the lord's body you got that not not not discerning the lord's blood he said for this cause not discerning the lord's body in other words if you don't discern the lord's body he said if you eat and drink unworthily what does that mean that means if you do it without knowing why you're doing or the effect of it or why you're you know the purpose of it that is drinking it unworthy because you're not you're not discerning his body and you're not saying this is why i'm doing this so when you don't know why you're doing it you're doing it unworthily but when you know why now you're doing it worthily you got that but if you drink it unworthy or if you partake of it unworthily now you are not discerning the lord's body if that's the case here's what you will see for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep which means they have died prematurely now let me ask you this if what the church has taught that the church is the body of christ now again the church is the body of christ but in reference to this it was the physical body of christ that we're talking about and this represents his physical body that was broken for you do you get that okay now this this hadn't been magically changed into flesh up here okay as some denominations teach that this miraculously becomes the actual flesh of jesus okay if that were true we could not partake because it would be cannibalism right and there are laws against that and so this is representative of his body the juice does not become you know o positive or whatever it is of the blood of jesus it's not that it is representative and so you can partake of it why do why did he send this to the carnal corinthians because carnal people need a physical thing to touch or happen that they can go this happened at this time because i did this or this happened amen so this was established so that you could do something with a physical thing and you could say by his stripes i am healed eat it done in jesus name with his blood i am free in jesus name amen i receive remission of sin everything that you see that so that was specifically written to the corinthians because they were carnally minded now again just because you do it this way doesn't mean you're currently minded because we are told to remember his death until he comes so it's good that we do that all i'm saying is that that's why he did the physical representation so that you can have a time and a place and everything set that you received your healing you can you can do that when you eat that bread drink that juice you can say at this point i know for a fact i was healed because he said that if i do this like this i can receive my healing and you can receive it at that moment now here's the thing if the church has been the body crust over centuries has been teaching it wrong because according to this if you do it right you're supposed to get healed when you take it and it says if you don't do it right that's why many are weak sickly and die prematurely is that what we see in the church is the church still weak sick and dying prematurely then that means that the church go ahead and recognize why they're doing it as and you're not recognizing why you do it if somebody tells you well you got to discern the body of christ and if you have ought against your brother you need to go to them right now and go apologize for you taking this cup you don't need don't participate if you got anything against anybody well that says real convenient except for the fact that the entire body of christ and who you may have ought against may not be here right which is another reason why it proves that this is not referring to that being the body of christ and you going to them this has to do between you and god this is his body broken for you and you can receive healing physical healing and you can receive spiritual freedom from sin and as a matter of fact i will throw this in we have seen tremendous miracles literal miracles tumors disappearing a goiter completely disappeared in the process of taking communion right and people screaming out and all kinds of things because they got healed and disappeared like that and so we've seen these things now in ministering the the lord's table to people we need to recognize why we're doing it amen because when you recognize why you're doing it you're not doing it unworthily but if you don't know why you're doing it you are doing it unworthily so we need to make sure while we're doing this now here he says yeah for this cause many are weak and sickly among you in many sleep so if we see that in the church we know we're not doing it right because this by itself there should be nobody uh sick after you partake of the lord's table okay if you now here's the thing if you don't believe that physical healing is in this in the lord's table and in jesus's physical atonement or physical redemption why do you eat the bread everybody knows why we drink the the juice that's the blood by his sins but if there's no physical healing why do we need the bread see jesus did two things at his crucifixion or at his passion as they would call it during that time he went to the whipping post and he went to the cross the whipping post and the cross these two things do you get that and so now here's the other thing if you when you eat the bread you can receive your healing right then say this is done you can drink the juice and say i know right now all of my sins at this moment they are forgiven and i am clean before god and i am right with him now here's a little added bonus if you're in that position the minute you drink the juice immediately ask for that thing you've been praying about that you hadn't received yet because you know there's nothing between you and god that would stop it from coming and receive and believe and receive right then amen just throwing that in there you don't have to but you can amen because you're free and you know you're free and you know there's nothing there because too often one of the reasons prayer is not answered is because you'll ask but then you'll think but what if he remembers this thing i did what if i did this i'm not like i should be i'm not as perfect as i should be and you got that thing and now you're wavering because you're thinking god won't give you what you've asked for but if you partake of the juice you should know right then you are a cleansed and there is nothing there so you can ask quick but before you mess it up again okay amen all right so is there any question that physical healing was included in the redemption of jesus because i've showed you both from scripture yesterday but also even this morning even in you using just one example of leprosy to prove how every healing even in the old testament was representative of jesus's coming redemption every one of them amen see this is why i'm so solid in this i've studied these things and i've gone back in i've spent years not just hours but years going back in and proven it and i'm telling you every reason that people give for failure for healing or for anything else like that we have disproved and we have proven the truth that god wants you well amen why does he want you well because well workers work harder than sick ones and he wants you to be a laborer in his field amen amen so we are going to participate in communion yes ma'am [Music] um you can or you can actually receive healing and deliverance not just healing but deliverance listen all oppression all oppression is contained in these two elements you understand the freedom from it i should say and so anything now and that's that's a good point because just as courtney said well i go whenever you are freed the enemy comes immediately it says he doesn't wait why because he knows the longer he waits the more you get used to being free and the harder it is is for him to come back in but the sooner he comes the more likely you are to go well i guess that doesn't get it and then you'll receive it so the key is that to know that you once you're free once that command has been given then you can set because he's going to come immediately to steal that word that was put into your heart which the word the healing the the life of jesus it's all the same thing yes oh yeah absolutely yeah no any anything you feel listen don't we hear people all the time um you know i've been having this go on for two weeks i'm gonna go to the doctor and find out what it is so i'll know what to pray against no no don't wait if you don't feel right hit it you don't have to know what it is you don't have to know the name you don't have to do any of that stuff if you don't feel right let it go tell it to go don't let it back in go after it don't let it get a foothold hit it as soon as you notice it as soon as you notice something isn't right go after that get listen the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent press into it you have to attack this thing get aggressive go after it and and just get after it just go after get get go off by yourself you have to get loud get aggressive get mean talk to the devil and tell them you are not coming back in this house this remember we're talking about the two doves and they had to be killed one had to be killed in the earth and vessel this is that earth and vessel we know that from corinthians it was showing that this bird was being killed in an earth and vessel it's showing the physical freedom that jesus wants you to have he cares about your body he said lift up holy hands your hands are holy well this body doesn't matter much it's the spirit that counts uh without the body you're not here right so the body's kind of important right i mean unless you just want to go quick that's fine but it's not god's will amen and so he wants you to go after that thing so you have a responsibility to cause your body to be responsive to the word of god which means you have a responsibility to guard and keep your body into how can we say well just regard it's the best word i guess that's really not another one but to make sure that you are the one you are responsible for your body technically nobody else is responding now we're here to help we're here to get you where you need to be but your body is your responsibility to god and he says that we are to prince present our bodies a living sacrifice now just so you know every sacrifice in the old testament had to be perfect and without spot or blemish you couldn't bring a sick lamb and use it as an offering couldn't do it it would be rejected you get that god wants you well if you're going to present your body a living sacrifice it's got to be a good sacrifice amen it should be well amen yes ma'am that's okay okay i can just this is when i talk like jesus according to your faith be it unto you because that's exactly what it comes down to and so and because we don't comment on people's medicine and things like that um it's okay let me put it this way if i took your medicine it would affect me adversely if i put on somebody's glasses it would affect me adversely amen or why because a well body reacts adversely to the medicine that's put in because your body does everything the medicine's supposed to be doing so when they do that they're actually giving you stuff that you're you know it should be what your body is already producing but a lot of the methane they give you your body wouldn't produce it it's smarter than that so so whenever your body is well your body will reject whatever medicine or it will cause an adverse side effect so that's a good way to tell sometimes yeah the healing is actually taking place because the medicine actually caused a reaction at that point generally people go to the doctor and go why is this making me feel this way because oh well in a rare case he might actually say you don't need it anymore something's happened so that's the way now because you know i'm not gonna everybody you know there have been too many people that have heard a testimony so so did this they quit doing this and then and they got healed and then somebody hear that and go oh okay i'm gonna do that too and then they die so the key is you have to know i'm this is done i'm saying see if i can talk you out of your healing if i could convince you that you're still sick then you're not solid in your healing and that's what the devil does he comes and tries to talk you out of your head and he tries to death well you've still got that pain you got this going on how do you know healed well believe it or not pain doesn't prove you're sick right not just from the spiritual side but there there are times you can have pains and things going on and doctors can't even tell you why there's a lot of things doctors can't tell you why you know i can't even diagnose what you got but they don't that doesn't stop them from charging you for the non-diagnosis but but they tell you i can't even i can't even tell you what you've got and usually whenever they can't diagnose something it's usually because it is spiritual because if it is physical they ought to be able to find it maybe fix it i don't know but they ought to be able to find it anyway but if they can't find anything wrong but there's still a problem it's spiritual right and that is usually demonic it's usually along those lines and that's whenever you go after these things so um yeah i think that's pretty much it all right we're good all right so we are going to participate in communion so if we have our team that can come and help they're going to help serve you as you come forward and i'm sure they have this all worked out of how we're going to do it because if they ask me i change it every time we turn around so but so now we're going to pray and then you're going to come up i assume they're going to start you i guess back to the back and then come around is that right okay so as that happens we're going to come forward and if you will go ahead and take the elements but hold on to them we're all going to participate at the same time so just hang on to them go back to your seat and then just wait till we've all been served and then we will uh receive it together amen all right and you begin to worship set yourself be ready when i take this i'm healed uh when i drink this sins i know they're gone amen to set yourself now in jesus name father we bless you we thank you for the privilege of even speaking of your son father we know that that must have been a horrible time for you to see your son on that cross just as it would be for any of us father we know that everything jesus did the scourging the beatings everything everything he took he did not deserve any of it but he took it for us and everything he took he did for us so that we don't have to take it [Music] we know that by his stripes we were healed we know that by those nails and by his blood being poured out that we can be free father you said in your word that at the very end just [Music] at the end of jesus's physical life on this earth while he was on that cross it said that to fulfill the scripture he said i thirst because he knew that he had to thirst so that we would never have to thirst again that if we drink of the water he gave we can know the reality that he satisfies to the fullest and that after he knew that everything was accomplished that it was a done deal then he uttered those three words it is finished father today as we participate in what is known as the lord's table my prayer is that your people will know the reality of it is finished they're suffering physical ailments and suffering the mental anguish the suffering from sin and the addictions and the all the oppression of the enemy that it is finished and that we are free the father we remember your son we remember what he did for us and just as on that night when he took the bread he said this is my body broken for you and he said take it eat it that we participate and we recognize right now that with this bread that it's by his stripes that our healing was purchased and now in remembrance and discerning that body that was broken for us we receive our healing because by his stripes we were healed and we agree and we say our sickness our disease it is finished and after he had suffered he took the cup he said this is my blood of the new covenant poured out for the remission of sins of many and that with this blood we recognize that this juice recognizes and and represents his blood and that with it we celebrate our freedom just as the israelites celebrated coming out of egypt and out of bondage we come out of the wilderness and into the kingdom of his dear son and we receive forgiveness of sin remission of sin and total freedom from all the works of the enemy because he has no place in our life and we no longer need to obey him we have a new master the lord jesus christ partake father we thank you for the privilege to participate in your table and father right now we just say let it be so according to us according to your word so father we thank you right now and my earnest desire is that every believer every one of your children will truly know and understand your love for them and that that is what this table is all about and by this table we recognize not just the price that was paid but the result of the price that result being our freedom physically spiritually but even more so our perfect constant union with jesus christ our union together with him won the father we thank you we praise you and we we receive all that you have for us we want to leave nothing undone in jesus name amen amen now if there was something you could not do physically do it now because this this was a new testament early church healing service because they didn't feel they had to go to a man they had the mediator jesus christ and that's the essence of christianity that you don't have to go through somebody else to get the blessings of god but you are dynamically connected and in union with god himself that is a privilege that only christians know that's when it's our responsibility to bring that message to the rest of the world so that they too can be free truly free not through psychology or philosophies but whom the sun sets free is free indeed in jesus name
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 14,777
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Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 0OgOhm80qas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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