Live Ready

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise up to what he said [Music] it's time to rise if you have your bibles you can turn with me to we're going to go to a couple places uh the first one be jeremiah chapter 12. we'll get there in just a couple of minutes excuse me after that we will be in matthew 25. so to begin with though i want to talk to you about living ready we have talked about this a little bit to a little degree before but it's important that you live ready uh and the early christians uh had a motto actually i believe this was the moravians that made this uh more or less kind of a well-known thing but they their motto was simply this ready to preach ready to pray ready to die those three things that was their core belief that they were always ready to preach ready to pray and ready to die and so in the early days of the american revolutionary war there was a group of men that were farmers tradesmen shop owners doctors preachers as a matter of fact also who were called minute men and that meant that they were ready at a moment's notice at a minute's notice to drop their shovels to leave their livestock leave their farm grab their rifle and go to defend their home minute men now admitted i doubt if they were well their life was their training so they didn't have to train a lot with it but um you know if they were going to be decent shots and they had to practice regularly i guess if they weren't they were vegetarians so just let that sit for a second anyway you don't have to be a good shot to hit a head of lettuce so now okay how far away well if you're afraid to sneak up on a head of lettuce and you go you got problems anyways [Laughter] but they had to be ready to hug their kids and kiss their wives because they didn't know if they were coming back many times when they had to go face an invader at that point now they had to live ready and that's kind of what i want to talk about today as far as living ready now not necessarily the same circumstances but you will notice it's funny we come to church and everybody shifts gears it seems like when you come to church you know in regular life you have certain things you like certain things you do but then people you come to church and all of a sudden everything changes and you want everybody to think you're super spiritual and that this is all you do all week long and well again i'll leave that right there too for a minute but um there are people that we know about that are known for living ready these people are called u.s special forces green brays that's the us army special forces you've got navy seals everybody knows about navy seals you've got the marine corps raiders the marine raiders which is also called marsoc which is the marine corps special operations which is funny because they were the last ones to get special operations because all marines are special forces basically so they didn't need necessarily a special operation but they needed a group that they could coordinate with the other special operations command units so but the thing that when you hear these names it means something because they're known for living ready they don't have time to go get ready they have to be ready at a moment's notice they have to be ready to be anywhere in the world roughly in 24 hours and so that means that they cannot hear of something and go get ready for it they have to live ready so that they can leave immediately and when whenever they get they might fly around the world being you know going through many time zones have quote unquote jet lag or whatever else it is and as soon as their boots hit the ground they have to be ready to perform at their highest level and the reason they can do that is because they train without ceasing they're always training a matter of fact some of the things that i wrote down here is that they don't have the luxury that professional athletes have they don't know their game dates they don't know when the next game is going to come on because to them it's not a game it's life or death they don't even they don't even know when their next fight is going to be in the sense of like a ufc fighter or a boxer when they can schedule and you see these fighters and even professional sports teams that they have off season and then they have pre-season and they have their training camps and all these things and they go through this and especially even like with the bodybuilding things like that they will have when they're not in competition or getting ready for competition then they kind of many times let themselves go and then they know exactly how many days and months they have before the next big show or whatever it is and so they know okay this many days ahead of time they have to start cutting weight and have to start building up doing different things because they know a date well special forces and different well just in regular military also they don't know when the next date is that they're going to have to go and so they have to live ready they can't have there is a cycling that takes place but they always have to keep their readiness at a certain level no matter what so you know they can't uh well just be honest with you they can't go get ready they have to live ready and they have to live ready for every day that means that when times are somewhat peaceful when there's not a shooting war going on that they still have to train like there is one now imagine that now you know what probably one of the best examples we have in modern times of kind of living this way or living a certain way is israel israel is a small nation in the middle of a bunch of hostile nations and they go to school with their gas mask they go to school with helmets and different things because that's their life they live ready because they know any second rockets are going to come in something's going to be you know something's going to happen and so even the children have it down and they live a certain way and they know where to walk where not to walk they know what makes a good target it's a mindset and if you the thing is if you go into training for this in initially you can have a lot of stress related problems these kids live this and they grow up now you know we'd say they grow up normal i mean it just i guess it depends what normal is but mentally they are some of the most stable people in the world but it's because they live in a certain readiness of mind also in a certain readiness of body that most people don't have to ever think about well some of those things are changing where people are starting to have to think about it and so whenever [Music] one of the like i said even when times are peaceful or somewhat peaceful they're still training for war there's actually an old latin saying which is cv packham pachum actually parabellum sivi pachum parabellum which means if you want peace prepare for war now the way we would say that today is this peace through superior firepower you know uh you should in in this area what we're talking about and and i hope you understand i'm not just talking about physical national war that kind of stuff i'm this comes all the way down to individual spiritual living right that if you want peace the best way you can ensure peace in your life is to be prepared for war and to make yourself such a hard target that no enemy in their right mind would attack you see that's one of the things that you'll see most well many ministries that deal with healing and things like that they will do this they will do that and and you don't see a lot of ministries that have strong healing ministries or a strong aspect of healing in it where they how can i say this where they are uh constantly under doctor's care and what i mean by that is that they have a personal physician that's always checking on that kind of stuff most of the time they don't especially in the early days of pentecost the early days of the voice of healing and things like that i mean back in those days going to a doctor was a sin just even going to a doctor right that's the way they believe the early pentecostals that's what they believed and so you see a lot of these ministries and they didn't have uh you know doctors and things like that and and they lived lives of divine health and if they if the enemy attacked them they dealt with it through faith they didn't deal with it through medicine or anything else like that and so you would see this but you also notice that many of them as they got older they maintain the same type of attitude or mentality toward it but many times the very thing they had the most success in beating is the thing that killed him which again goes just to prove that it is a spiritual attack and the enemy was retaliating out of wanting revenge for that minister's success now there's a in saying that that means that if you're going to be in a position in any area of spirituality whatever you're going to be strong in you have to be strong in it the rest of your life there never comes a time when you can retire kick back and not do spiritual things right unless i guess you know christianity is a business you know to you then maybe that could be it but still most of the time what you're going to find is that these ministers they believed in healing they walked in healing they preached healing they practiced divine healing i mean it was a it was a lifestyle right now there's another thing that it is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war so what that means is this you have to live ready if you don't listen carefully if you don't live ready for any type of attack spirit soul or body i'm talking about all three today could have brought out the white board and drew them all up for you but i want you to realize you have to be ready spirit soul and body you can't just be ready in spirit and not in body you can't be ready in soul and not in spirit it has to be all three in the proper alignment spiritual has to be first and foremost then your soul then your body and that's why it works now the bible's very clear bodily exercise you know profits little but it does profit little why because the no it doesn't mean don't do it it means on the on this uh spectrum it's the lowest because it has to do with the body it's not it's not that you shouldn't do it you should do it because number one your body was made to move and so if most of your life now especially is spent not moving then you have to purposely go out of your way to find ways to move to keep your body work because just moving on a regular basis right causes even the intestines and that kind of stuff it causes i believe it's a peristalsis that it's like it makes your body move and makes your organs it's like massaging your organs and it makes them have strength and that they continue to function right and there's a lot more to it i mean there's obviously but this isn't a time to go into it well you have to do the same thing with the spirit you have to exercise your spirit that means you have to know what to do that means you have to learn you have to study you have to do these things so there are practices there are spiritual practices that will help you grow and be ready spiritually in case an attack comes there are mental exercises you can do and you see people doing them all the time the crossword puzzles or one of the things they say people that do crossword puzzles seldom have dementia or memory failure and that kind of thing even in older age a big one because they're constantly exercising their brain and so there are well exercised in their mind put it that way and so they are uh practicing certain things there are exercises that can help you and then of course there are exercises physically that can help the body you have to be ready in all three then the enemy is going to attack you he's going to try to attack you in the spirit realm meaning from the spirit realm because he is a spirit but he's also going to try to attack you in the mental realm and also in the physical realm and usually he attacks in the physical realm maybe not always first sometimes it's a middle realm first but it's because he knows that if well he knows that most humans including christians are physically oriented in the sense that they are flesh-minded and a lot of times well let's just say many people that have lifestyle diseases won't change their lifestyle until they go to a doctor and the doctor says if you don't change you're going to die then they go you know what i need to change but it comes to that point before they change now the enemy also knows that so he will try to attack you physically and many times whenever he attacks you physically he tries to pull you out of the spirit so that you're only doing the physical and not the spiritual at the same time and so you have to be able to coordinate all three at the same time now um in this remember we're talking about living ready because if the enemy attacks you physically you need to be ready to deal with it and if the first level of physical defense in that sense would just be a strong physical immune system the physical immune system uh is affected by the mental system or the mental immune system which means that if you have a a negative mindset or if you are i don't know how to say it nicely uh if you're weak-minded right what that means is if you're easily persuaded if you're easily swayed put it that way um then typically the enemy knows he can get the right people around you and you'll go that way right and so he will bring a couple of people or sometimes he can bring it through commercials on television or ads in books i mean he will he will coordinate an attack in that way to get you thinking more physical than you are spiritual or mental whatever it is because if you can get your mind headed that direction he can bring your body along with it and so all three of these things need to be on a regular basis so you should be as strong as a like i told my grandson a while back i said you need to be as strong physically you need to be as fast physically you need to be mentally sharp and mentally quick also i said and you should be all of these things as well as spiritually right with god and spiritually sharp to know what's going on you need to do all these things and you need to be at at your best peak at all the time so that means you are to try to be as fast as you can be you ought to be as strong as you can be you are to be as healthy as you can be you are to be in both you know spirit soul and body in all of these areas at the same time now again that's a lot of effort which doesn't leave a lot of time for other stuff but then at the same time what other stuff is more important than this you know it's like a person one time who was that i was talking to somebody and they they were 40 44 45 something like that and they were talking about going to school learning this thing and i said well what do you want to do well i need to do that but man i'll be i think they said i'll be 52 or something like that by the time i finish the the training for it and i'm like well how will you be in this many years if you don't go do that you're still going to be 52 no matter what at that at that point just where you're going to are you going to be doing the same thing then that you're doing now wishing you had taken another course so the real key see everybody knows what they should be doing most people just need somebody there to tell them what they should do because they already know it and they needed somebody to agree with it and then they need somebody to be accountable to to say do this so that's what has created the entire personal trainer industry because they're not doing the work for you but they're there to make sure you do the work right and then they have to figure out your mentality to figure out how far they can push you before you just walk away and go i'm not going to them anymore and so they have to walk this thin line of pushing you as far as they can but not push you away and so now it's the same thing kind of almost the same thing in preaching see i know what potential you have you have the potential of christ in you and so i'm constantly trying to push you to reach your ultimate potential in christ at the same time usually i'm talking to quite you know a number of people at the same time and i have to figure out how to say because this person needs a spanking to move them forward and this person needs you to coax them and you know urge them on and you're trying to do all of that in one preaching session right and and yet the person that needs the spanking you know the person who needs the coaxing they'll get mad if you spank so you have to make in a way where they don't feel like they're getting spanked there you go that's how hard my job is okay okay so now yeah so here's the thing if yeah if you don't live ready now there's a process to getting ready but then you can live ready but see most people think well that process ends when i die and go to be with jesus well there is aspect to that there is a certain degree that you will continue to grow and all these things up into that time but at the same time it shouldn't you shouldn't become spiritually mature and then drop over dead you know the same day oh i'm spiritually mature boom you drop over dead what because then you're no use to god on this earth so you should grow here then spend time spiritually mature here affecting this realm for the kingdom of god and so that whenever you do stand before him you will have had these many years of fruitfulness amen i mean that's like saying you know a child um you know you're waiting for him to grow up waiting for them to grow up wait for them to grow well i'm not going to spend time with them while they're a kid because i'm just wasting my time and then by the time they get old enough that you want to start dealing with them it's too late because they've already got somebody else putting into their life so they're you have to work with them where they are at that time now so if you don't live ready you may survive right and usually if you don't live ready and again i don't have time to go into spirit soul and body and all these things but let's just say uh if you're not spiritually ready to withstand a physical attack from the enemy then you then generally what we think of is well i will go to somebody i'll call curry i'll go to the healing line and i'll be in the healing line and i'll get healed right which is fine but that's a band-aid it's not meant to be the way it is you know the way it's you know your lifestyle your lifestyle should be that you're growing up to where you don't need me on this part and that the only part you need me would be this part does that make sense because you should get to a place where you can withstand the attacks of the enemy on your own but then you're still growing and learning and the thing is here's the other aspect of this that many times we don't think about if how many of you say this is my home church this is where i'm at this is where god has put me and i'm here okay then we see the people that raise their hand because i know we have visitors every week and from all over the world and people come in but the people that are here that live here and are here every week you can't just think i'm going to church you have to think you are the church and that you're part of a body that is impacting the kingdom in this area so to we have to think more together of what are we doing not what am i doing well i'm going to go to church i'm going to hear a message i'm gonna listen i'm gonna okay and i'm gonna try to put that in my life and then you live your own little life all by yourself living it out and you don't see anybody don't talk to anybody don't have any interaction with anybody you know from church or whatever it is and you're if we do that we're not functioning as a church and we're just functioning as individuals which is one of the problems today is that everybody thinks not everybody a lot of people think individually and individualistically and they think what's in it for me how can i get better how can i get it and then they go live their life by themselves without ever really helping somebody else get better does that make sense so we have to realize that we are part of a community here together and that we are to advance christianity in this area now in senate if you only think in terms of well i'm learning and yet you don't have expectations of walking in truth yourself on a regular basis meaning walking in divine health walking in divine knowledge and walking in the mind of christ in every area of your life all these different areas then you're going to be thinking okay well the result will be you may survive an attack but you won't thrive and there's a difference between surviving and thriving god wants you to thrive right he doesn't want you to be the plant sticking up out of the ground all the you know leaves are withered and dried and dead looking and well yeah but they survived it survived you know uh we'll water it and it'll come back and then would it survive no we we don't want that we want you to thrive we want you to be the plant that grows you know you're so persistent that you grow through the crack and the concrete on the sidewalk right i know those are generally called weeds but anyway they uh okay but they you know you ever seen it that it actually pushes up the concrete some some of these plants start growing up it's amazing when i went to uh spokane washington we went out and of course went by john lake's grave and his grave was at uh well when he was buried there in 1935 there was nothing there around him but when they buried him back then they you know strange kind of superstitions i guess we don't call it but they would bury people with acorns in their pockets they just put an acorn in their pocket and many times because that's good fertilizer these acorns would grow and grow out of the coffin well if you go to john lake's grave right next to the headstone the headstone is actually because there's just a stone there it's it's not like a big monument or anything it's just a flat stone on the ground and it is pushed up because a tree grew up out of that grave the thing is huge you can't put your arms around it and it grew up out of that and it came up and it pushed that headstone kind of up and angled away from me you think man you know they really shouldn't have planted a tree here well so now um you'd be surprised we would go there and you know rub on the tree and that's crazy stuff but but the the whole point is that jesus died to give you a life where you thrive in every area spirit soul and body and you should be so strong spiritually mentally and physically that no attack from the enemy can touch you and now we know that that can come through faith because the shield of faith can quench every fiery dart of the enemy so we know where this can come from now so in sentence but now see there's a preparation time and then there's the time you live and so that's when you're living ready so there is a preparation time but the problem is most people because of church history most people look at their entire life on this earth as preparation for living over there you don't need preparation over there everything over there is taken care of right you don't have to be a certain thing all you gotta do is get there so the real key is living ready to make sure that no matter what happens here you're ready for it so that when you do end up there you're ready amen so you have to live ready all the time you can live ready for the second coming of christ amen you can live ready for whatever is coming next and the way you live ready is by your trust and faith in god that first and foremost that's how you live ready and what that means is no matter what happens you know that you are with god he's with you and you too will walk through this together amen and you'll walk out the other side now when you live like that that's living ready that's living in love because then you have no fear because perfect love cast out fear does this make sense so there again i want you to learn to live ready so there's a preparation time but how many of you know you don't always get to pick your battles many times your battles pick you and so me and let me tell you if you ever if you could say when i'm ready devil i'll let you know and then you can attack me you would never say that right but the bible says very clear that god will not allow you to be tested or tempted above what you are able to withstand right or to handle and so we know that many times when the battle shows up we cry to god and god i'm not ready and god says you don't think you're right you don't feel ready but you are right and so i know what's in you and i'm not gonna let the pressure be beyond what you can take now the key is by the time most people think quit as we said i think last week and in the past at the point where people quit they've still got 40 percent more to give in other words where most people quit physically they still have 40 percent of their energy left but the reason they think they have reached their end is because they have never pushed into that 40 reserves see that's the difference when you see people like special forces military units like that is they constantly push them into their reserves and meaning into the reserve energy that they have now what that means is this if you're going to be if you're going to function well in these military units you have to get used to being uncomfortable because when you push into the reserves that means you never go there normally so if you're going to push into that it's not going to be comfortable because that's not where you're used to living so you you can know that you're not pushing whenever you're comfortable see our purpose on this earth is not to be comfortable we have bought into the lie for the most part that the gospel is the american dream and most people think they've attained when they bought a house put their kids in college and are ready to retire and think they can retire and whatever they got left that's see that's the american dream gospel right the gospel is that we are useful and beneficial for the kingdom as long as we're on this earth amen there is nothing about comfort as a matter of fact everything in the bible everything especially in the gospels and even in the epistles everything there is about not being comfortable and about things that are going and always having this resistance against you well let me tell you things that don't have resistance die why because they get weak and then any resistance kills them and so you have to realize that's that's why when we look at these things even like with disease and things like that your body has and needs to encounter certain viruses bacterias thing it has to encounter it or your body was does see your body was designed to encounter it beat it and then be immune to it do you realize what that means both from the physical but also in the spiritual because in the physical see that means that you become immune to that thing because you beat it well take that to the spiritual imagine if you never had to fight a battle twice why because you met it you beat it and you become immune to it the next time now see that's the living where the enemy can't touch you that's what the bible talks about how we're supposed to live amen but that means at some point we have to encounter resistance that means we have to encounter that's why people that's one of the things if listen i understand if you're in the quote unquote risk well no i don't but anyway okay listen i know this probably i you know i don't know if i'm going to get letters on this or not i usually do but you know listen i i believe in divine healing i believe in divine health amen and and i want to live and be useful for the kingdom of god i want to keep moving forward you know i mean and and to be honest with you i mean i'm in you know it's like the old country song everybody wants to go to heaven just nobody wants to go today right okay i get that right but it's amazing how i hear chris christians so afraid of death you know the bible says that he delivered us who were in bondage to the fear of death all the days of our life and and yet we we try to do everything we can to avoid eating now listen all sickness and disease is not death now if you had no immune system yeah anything will kill you but if you have an immune system if you want to build the immune system it takes resistance it takes building it up to and you have to be able to beat certain things so you don't have to worry about them anymore and so it takes a bit so if you avoid all contact all you're doing is making your immune system weaker that's that these are just facts it's just waiting now i'm not talking political parties saying this or you know whoever's saying anything you know that's neither here nor there all i'm saying is that your body needs things to fight and whenever your body fights it when enough people in a community or you know demographic i guess fight that and beat it then we have what we call herd immunity and then you don't hear much about that thing and then it's the next thing that comes along but the thing is well and we could get into all kinds of statistics now is the perfect time to be talking to stuff because we hear in the news all the time but whenever you realize that you need that to reas to go against it now what amazes me is how christians i would i get this from natural people unborn again i totally understand i understand why they're afraid of death i understand why they want to avoid it i understand uh you know unfortunately it seems like it has that you know the whole mask thing has become a political party thing or a political mindset conservative liberal uh you know republican democrat that kind of stuff and people started thinking you can tell who's who by who wears a mask and who doesn't that's not always true but it's it kind of shows at times you know um but again it's not always true but if there was going to be a way to tell who's christian and who isn't by mask then it ought to be pretty easy amen does that am i making sense i mean because listen i don't wear a mask and it's funny because i i had this thing where they call them gators i guess it goes around your neck and it's like i'll start to go in a place and they're you know they're looking at you and i'm kind of like i'll start messing with it and i go on in you know or i'll i'll do this thing and then as soon as i get through the door it's kind of like okay there we go and then i and then i walk around without one right and then people say well don't you care about those other people yes stay away from me stay away all right but when people come up to me and stand in my face and go don't you care about other people you came to me i didn't walk six foot across to you i don't mind listen i don't mind the six foot distance i don't mind it there are some people i want to be six foot apart right i'll be honest with you but but listen i am not afraid of catching anything right i'm not afraid people say well aren't you afraid of dying not one i know in my heart i am not afraid of dying i've been in situations i've had guns knives crazy stuff i put my hand on people that were contagious on every type of disease i've had people with hiv you know kiss me and i mean you name it and i do not fear catching it and why because the worst that could happen is i end up where i'm trying to get that's the worst that can happen right and i'll be honest with you listen i'm not oblivious to what goes on in the world and i hear as we say in the military the scuttle but you know i hear the rumors i hear the different things i don't pay a lot of attention to it because i'm just going to live if i don't live normal then they have already won that's right that's just that simple and so i'm not going to let them who is they i will you know who they are okay but you know could could bad things happen of course every century every decade bad things happen somewhere in the world now america has been extremely blessed in that we have not seen a lot of the things that happen in other countries part of that is because of the systems we have in place but at the same time it's not which is probably one of the reasons why fear is so rampant right now and it's because we have lived so long without fear you know i've been in other countries where there's fear of all kinds of things fear of a military takeover fear of this thing happening fear of other religious groups you know killing you fear of robbery fear of all that kind of stuff's going on and yet in america yeah we have problems crime differently like that but generally in the minds of the masses we've not lived with any kind of fear but then we didn't have it preached to us 24 7. and which is funny it's like the other day i saw this thing it said they asked and i don't know if it's true or if it i think it's true actually happened uh they said they the amish family came into the grocery store to a big store and they said uh they didn't wear a mask or anything and they said aren't you afraid of covid and they said no we don't have television so i mean if you think about it you know if you think about it i mean come on if you didn't have if you didn't have math media talking to you how would you live because you i mean honestly you'd probably be well first off there wouldn't be as many people doing the things they're doing but the people that you saw doing it probably go what's going on you know but but it's amazing because we got christians who their whole goal is to get to heaven and but yet they want to fight for the every breath and i get i'm in no hurry to get there you know and that's sometimes more than others you know sometimes it's kind of like oh lord just go ahead let's go you know and then i quote jesus how long do i have to suffer this lord how long does but you you have to if you if you're afraid of well if you if you're just afraid put it that way then it'll take all kinds of forms and there's never been a time in america like this uh where there's been this much fear amongst the the mass population you know the closest that i can remember and i really don't remember this much um was in the 60s when everybody you know we used to do the the nuclear raids you know the drills where you got under your desk you're like that's going to stop in a nuclear bomb yeah okay anyway um i'm protected now i got my desk over me it's like then we need to sell everybody's desk but it's it's the idea of living ready because i don't want to get off this i want you to because you can live ready which means you have to prepare and then you live that way but even while you're living that way you're still preparing and it's a constant training it's it's in the the um navy and during the navy seals they call them evolutions and actually i think green bray also does that but they call them evolutions meaning they go from one phase to the next phase to the next phase and it's never just a completion they're always working in these evolutions meaning they're getting better and better and better and better and so it's they're either and like we used to say you're either fighting you're either training to fight fighting or analyzing the fight that's how you live and so you get in that mindset now to do that i want to give you some some scriptures i remember i already told you where we're going so we're getting there believe it or not okay but now yeah if you don't live ready like i said you may survive but you won't thrive you want to experience the life that jesus died to give you you will only thrive if you prepare ahead of time you won't have time to get ready when your child drops dead in front of you when you stand at a graveside funeral you'll wonder what you wasted your time on that seemed so important at the time so really what i'm getting to is this you have to analyze your life and prioritize your life and say what is important and decide from that now you know and even right now i know there's a whole bunch of uh preparation different people prepared different ways different things you know one of the things that i said recently i was talking to some friends and i said here's here's what you're going to see i said after what's been going on you're going to see a an exponential rise in security companies individual security companies why because of situations where police are told to stand down or what it is and they can't get there what it is i said you're going to see a bunch of security companies rising up and so the security industry is going to explode and that means private security that means uh gates and lights and all that kind of stuff you know and barbed wire and all the stuff that people can do to harden their house as a target or whatever it is but you're also going to see a rise in uh security-trained personnel which also means the whole range of security in it now and one of the things because of the legalities i said you're going to start seeing security companies that are going to form corporations in conjunction with regular companies so that those security officers can be placed in those businesses and it be a part of they'd be a part of that business in other words they're not just hired guns but they will be placed there and that will be their business so they have the right to defend their property and so you're going to see a merging taking place which also means that there's going to be a need for increased training for security personnel things like that and we're going to see a bunch of new laws going into place about security personnel some are going to be cutting back on the security personnel and their legal rights you might say and then you're going to see some that are going even beyond that and saying this is now legal that's now legal i mean just recently they passed laws here in texas where now you can legally carry what we used to call brass knuckles right because used to you couldn't carry those now you could you could walk down the street with a sword on your side but you couldn't wear a pair of brass knuckles okay so uh it's amazing so but they've now passed laws for that so all i'm saying is that you can see that the whole world right now is especially they're starting to learn to live ready and they're and especially amongst the prepper community they're telling people you have this many you know days or months of food ready have this much water ready have these things ready and then they're also telling you have things that you can carry quickly right because it doesn't do you good if you're gonna stock up with a bunch of stuff if you're gonna have to leave it right right all you're doing is setting the table for whoever gets your house so you know so so i and now again i'm saying in all these things remember all this is spirit soul and body and so there's a bunch of things that you can do you have to remember even like with joseph as we talked about before joseph was a spiritual man very stable spiritually and yet god told him to stock up for a time of famine a physical thing to do amen and a lot of people said if we do that aren't we doing this out of fear are you doing this sort of thing no there is wisdom now you can really only you know if you're doing something out of fear or if you're doing out of wisdom to prepare because if you get down to it and you've stocked up all this stuff and then your neighbors come knocking and saying we you know we we need help we don't have any food what are you going to do if you're if you're a christian you're going to say that's you know well i guess you could quote the scripture and say no you're those five versions that didn't prepare so you go get your own oil we got our own oil right here so i mean that's you know so your preparation may have to be defended at some point if you had to i guess but the thing is because see when when my first daughter died we were learning and training you might say but we weren't ready we weren't ready and the bad part is i couldn't find anybody that was and so we buried her now when my second daughter fell out of a second story window and fell headfirst on a concrete patio and was dead for 45 minutes that time we were ready why because now that was you know what nine years eight years later i guess it was yeah and so we spent those eight years we didn't spend those eight years doing nothing and just living in the past of oh we lost our daughter our daughter died no we kept training we kept learning we kept practicing we kept studying we kept doing all this stuff so that whenever rebecca fell out the window we were ready now if you'd have told me 30 minutes ahead of time hey curry you know do you think you could raise the dead today i would have laughed in your face no but guess what when things happen you rise to the occasion see we would never know about a patent if there had not been a world war ii why because there are certain circumstances that allow people to rise to their potential and some people shine in those moments and those are the people we read the books about john lake smith wigglesworth those are people that rose to the occasion and then lived there so that they were ready and they lived ready and so for us we have to learn to get ready and live ready and really that's what i've spent my entire ministry doing is trying to get people ready and teach them how to live ready because you don't have time and it's like the joke i tell in every dht is that when you're walking through walmart and somebody drops dead in front of you you can't tell them put them in the freezer i'm going to go fast and pray for three days you can't do it you got to be ready right then to either do it or don't and so and now the bad part is you know just like in you know most of you know my background in martial arts and that kind of stuff and there are some martial arts that they they work i mean they're just good they work they work quick there are some martial arts that's a joke you would spend you would be better off spending your time dance class because that's pretty much all you're doing anyway it's just dancing and it looks like a martial art and so you can try to be getting ready but if you're not training the right way then when it does happen and you think you're trained but you're not it won't work and so it you know in the analogy uh you know if you're training in a system that functions that works then when the situation arises you will deal with it quickly and almost uh without thinking it'll be a natural function a natural reaction of how you do things and you won't think it through but if you get into a situation and you've been training in a system that does not work then you can do that system perfectly and after the fight if you're still alive you'll wonder why it didn't work so the first thing is you have to decide to train the second thing is you have to make sure you're training in the right system because you know it's uh was it miles monroe said the worst thing you can do is be successful at the wrong thing boy isn't that true right and so now so if you only prepare a okay if you only prepare ahead of time okay well let me put this away let me back up you will only prepare ahead of time if you count the cost and you're aware of the situation ahead of time in other words if you see wisdom is being able to look in the future and see what's coming see wisdom is a parent that tells a child don't run with those scissors why the child has never fallen and cut themselves well don't run with that stick why because the child has not hurt themselves with a stick it's wisdom because a parent sees the potential of what could happen now it may not ever happen they may ruin the stick all their life and never fall and never hurt themselves right but the potential is there and wisdom is saying prepare for the possible not only well i'm going to wait until they're knocking on my door before i get ready because then it's too late it's too late once the doctor comes back with a terminal report in the sense of that you're going to prepare and get ready at that point you've got to find somebody else that has spent the time to get ready and live ready and hopefully you'll be able to get to them because if you don't you'll be like everybody else you will succumb to whatever the problem was does this make sense so you have to count the cost and then live accordingly you have to live ready that means listen carefully i have a sign i have this sign on my wall and my study at home i say a study it's a bedroom that i put a bunch of books in okay and a desk that's what it is so what that means that this sign says this i will do today what others want so that i can do tomorrow what others can't and that's a sign that i see every day in my office right now that's a way to live that means you've counted the cost and you've decided to live accordingly right so you have to live ready spirit soul and body that means you have to be you have to be dedicated to training and preparing each aspect of your total being so now jeremiah 12. i know you've done given up on it you've already lost your place i know that okay that's okay i'll read it to you anyway jeremiah 12 5 if you have run with a footman and they have wearied thee then how can you contend with horses and if in the land of peace wherein thou trusted they worried you then how will you do in the swelling of the jordan what does that mean well what that means is very simple if you can't trust god in the everyday things don't think you're going to trust him when emergencies hit isn't that simple yeah see everybody it's amazing it's like i said before people well you know the especially the end time stuff chips coming this is coming this microchip are going to and and i'm not going to take the chip and these people come and they tell me and i don't know why they tell me because i don't i don't understand why i'm not going to take the chip i don't care what happens i don't care i'll just trust god and he'll bring me food and like he did elijah really are you doing elijah's life now that's right because that didn't start at the beginning that was looking at his life that was later on right and you have to realize and then everybody wants to be you know patent but nobody wants to go through training and everybody thinks they're going to be a certain thing and i hear these people say well and it's like oh well you know i'm just not going to take the chip i'm not going to take this so i'm not going to do that because you know i'm just going to trust god to keep me healthy okay how's that working out for you right now are you are you studying are you reading are you practicing or do you run and get help every little thing because the very people that have said these very words too i'm not i'm not talking hypothetical i'm talking about specific people that have come to me and said these things and yet every time one of their grandkids has a sniffle they're the first one at the 24 7 er trying to find i'm just trying to find out what's wrong so i can pray so i guess you're not going to give them the prescription they gave you see all this we got to get past the idea of christianity and actually decide where we live with it now i'm not saying it's wrong to go to a doctor i'm saying what what you have to understand is that there are things doctors can't help you with and then somebody might say well yeah but some people believe in divine healing they still die yeah that's true there are some that have died quote unquote believing in divine healing and if they're christian they're with god so there you go it sounds like a win-win to me right now but at the same time it's like wigglesworth said i'd rather die trusting than live doubting because you god will take you through that he's i've seen him take us through all kinds of things and things that i would have never said i was ready for but he knew so at some point you have to trust your trainer you have to trust the teacher that you have called the holy spirit and you have to know that he he knows ahead of time and some of things you think man i don't even know why i bought that book i don't even know why i'm reading this passage it's like because i'm trying to get you ready for it's coming i'm not even interested in that i'm trying to get you ready for what's coming when it shows up at your door you'll be interested in it so and it's amazing how these things work together so if you can't trust god in the everyday things what are you going to do when real trouble shows up well i'll call curry i'll just call curry uh-huh yeah you and 50 000 other lazy people that wouldn't prepare when you had opportunity it was a different now say i will help anybody that comes to me i will help them now i admit there are people that try to get to me and can't get to me i you know for whatever reason uh it's harder now because we do have a lot of people are trying to get a hold of us and it's much harder now but it's why i spent my life teaching and training instead of trying to be the guy you know i could have claimed lake's anointing and said all kinds of hoopla and you know make it where you got to get to me to get it but it wouldn't have been true it had been good for job security it had been good for income but it wouldn't have been true and so instead of that i've spent my time training and equipping and it's amazing people try to get a hold of me and then they'll go well i couldn't get a hold of her and i'd give up i'm like man we got a national director right there in canada you can reach we've got people in australia who you can reach we got state directors we've got office staff here see the problem is not that you can't get help the problem is you're putting all your hope in me that's your problem instead of putting your hope and trust in god and letting him work to whoever you can get to amen so people say that in matthew 25 verse 1 then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom five of them were wise and five were foolish they that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wives took oil in their vessels with their lamps while the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept and at midnight there was a cry made behold the bridegroom cometh go you out to meet him then all those virgins arose and trim their lamps and the foolish said unto the wise give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut now jesus never wasted words he gave this parable as an example to always be ready amen to live ready now that means obviously he was talking about predominantly spiritually ready but notice he used a physical example of readiness and you got people that make all kinds of things out of this you know the lamp was the holy spirit so people that are baptized in spirit speak in tongues they're the wise and they're going to go and the others aren't no that's not what he was getting across right he was saying listen count the cost be ready live a certain way so that you are ready and don't be foolish be wise and recognize the times and be ready amen the sons of issachar were wise because they could perceive the times so you must count the cost in luke chapter 14 in verse 26 it says if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea in his own life also he cannot be my disciple and whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple for which of you now notice a parable is given intending to build a tower sits not down first and counts the cost whether he has sufficient to finish it lest happily after he's laid the foundation is not able to finish it all that behold it began to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish or white king going to make war against another king sits not down first and consults whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that comes against him with twenty thousand notice the king had ten thousand but he had to determine that he could beat twenty thousand and think about that see this this would directly apply to today let's say you have 10 000 of whatever let's say 10 000 units of courage are you going to be able to beat 20 000 units of fear or are you going to give way to it are you going to be able to stand where you are do you know okay because what you have is what you have so whatever you have right now can you withstand against a doctor's report that says terminal and and then gives you a date six weeks six months whatever it is or if you get that are you going to start cramming for the test and start trying to figure out what do i need to do what uh i need and then all of a sudden you're in panic mode and fear never produces faith so he says or else while the other is yet a great way off he sends an embassage and desires conditions of peace so likewise whosoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has he cannot be my disciple you notice he put that whole passage in between statements about being his disciple he says salt is good but if the salt has lost its savior wherewith shall it be seasoned it is neither fit for the land nor yet for the dunghill but men cast it out he that has ears to hear let him hear luke 9 62 says and jesus said unto him no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom in luke 17 32 jesus said remember lot's wife see it's not something we hear a lot about lot's wife's problem but she looked back and it seems that all she did was look back we also have to remember that many came out of egypt but everybody that came out of egypt didn't go into the promised land why because many died in the wilderness matter of fact an entire generation died in the wilderness in matthew chapter 7 we'll finish with this matthew 7 verse 13. jesus said remember notice all i've done is give you jesus's words well that in jeremiah one passage these are jesus the the head of the church if anybody has the right to speak and make a you know an ordinance you might say he does he said enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in there at because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it so what am i saying i'm saying you need to live like you're the third monkey trying to get on the ark just something to think about okay you need to live ready that means you need to live ready to preach ready to pray ready to die as a statement says from time to time both the tree of liberty and the tree of christianity must be watered with the blood of martyrs and saints yeah and that can be going all the way from spiritual all the way to the natural now recently i was as most of you know we've got a gym set up it's set up it's it's basically functional we haven't uh launched it yet and we probably won't do that for some time yet but i was uh talked with people the other day and the point is if you train in anything i'm using this as an analogy but if you're gonna train to be ready for for anything then you need a motivator you need some kind of motivation in there in other words what is your motivation what's your reason what is your one thing that you're focusing on and one illustration um that i that i used at this point was this let's say you're a husband a father you've got children let's say even when they were small you know if they're small maybe but you've got a wife and children and you're getting out somewhere and two or three or four thugs come up and they're telling you what they're going to do to your wife to your children and all this now this is your only response you do not have the opportunity to back down you've got to do something let's just say you have to for whatever reason you have to now remember i'm not talking about the physical situation i'm trying to get in your head the mental motivation so think of that so let's say you give it your all i mean you go all out against these three or four thugs and yet you end up on the ground while they do with you watching what they said they were going to do to your wife to your children now think about how you would feel possibly later standing at a graveside of your wife and your children now the last thing you want at that point is to think what if i had trained a little harder what if i had done a little more what if i hadn't got lazy what if i hadn't got complacent and what if i had actually given it 110 because the last thing you want to do is look back and go what if now that's just one example of the thing but it's the same thing too because people i hear people claim all the time oh if somebody says do this or we're going to kill you i'll just say kill me how do you know how do you know how you're going to respond because i will tell you you will fight the way you train and if you ain't training you won't fight and you will not stand up and you will not stand against and you will accept and you'll go along and any dead fish can float downstream it takes a strong live fish to swim upstream against the current amen so the bottom line is get ready live ready now this is not a new message if you go into the dht you'll see it right there at the beginning the uh secrets of divine healing the 15 secrets of divine healing get clean stay clean get ready live ready amen so did you get anything out of this this morning amen amen well so now my team will help put it together if you need ministry we'll be glad to minister to you and listen if somebody else especially one of our team members offers to pray for you they're not offering to pray for you instead of me they're offering to pray for you also right never turn down prayer i i will tell you if somebody says no i don't i'm waiting for brother curry if i hear that i won't pray for you why because i ain't your god amen and it's the same spirit of god in our staff that's in me and so there is no reason why anybody should ever turn down prayer from somebody that knows what they're doing amen don't be disrespectful to them don't be disrespectful to me don't be disrespectful to the holy spirit in us don't grieve him amen hey guys hey i just wanted to welcome you i'm curry blake general obviously of john you lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taken the responsibility to enter into the life that jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're going to go and check your email box and you're going to get instructions on how to become certified dht how to start a life team uh but you know and maybe some of you are already within jglm and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do i have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within j gilliam we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one database and we are going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've we've had over the past but there's a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen i really appreciate this jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so i look forward to working with you we're gonna have a great time advancing the kingdom god bless you we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoy today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at [Music] rise up and fight the fight [Music] if 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Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 10,082
Rating: 4.9640718 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: GKK4xYcgj44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 37sec (4237 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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