Dominion Restored Recorded June 9, 2013

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hello I'm Curie Blake the message you're about to hear if diligently applied will change your life and the lives of those around you if after this message you would like to have other information about the ministry or other of our teachings feel free to find us on the internet at WWE that's JGL m dot o-r-g or if you have prayer requests or questions or would like to order material feel free to write us at p o-- box seven four two nine four seven Dallas Texas seven five three seven four as I said feel free to write in prayer requests or request prayer clause or other information we'll be glad to help you in any way we can and after this message if you would like stay tuned and I'm going to come back on and pray for you specifically and we have seen miracles by pre-recorded prayers like this so stay tuned and we'll see you after the message so Genesis chapter 1 now most of this is kind of a bringing back what I taught that night and we gave testimony at that one church for the Genesis chapter 1 I want to show you and this ties in with what I've been talking about it ties in with Dominion ties in with Dominion life in verse 26 it says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion with the fish of the sea the fowl of the air over the cattle over all the earth over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea followed the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth and then notice what he kept saying have Dominion Dominion means literally to tread down it can mean to put under your foot or to hold in place under your foot right so it means to have an absolute authority right here that now does anybody have a problem with Adam having absolute authority should okay yeah some people could if you're religious at all and when I'm using that term in a negative sense but then you could because here so well it couldn't be absolute Dominion because you know God has absolute Dominion God has absolute Dominion but he gave Adam absolute dominion over the area over which he gave him Dominion right so that's what you have to realize now that if you understand that then you also understand what the Bible talks about and the truth of true sovereignty of God okay true sovereignty does not mean fickle it doesn't mean God gets to do whatever he wants to do anytime he wants to do it it means that God has relegated himself to operate within his own commands and within the laws that he himself has set okay that's the true sovereignty of God now notice he gave man Dominion he gave me an absolute authority over this earth and if you look at even in the songs and his home 150 nothing is sever 11 but it says some the earth does the Lord or I'm sorry says the heavens or the Lord's but the earth has he given to the children of men right the heavens belong to God but the earth he has given to the children of men are to the sons of men so God owns the heavens but he put the earth under man's dominion then we know according to Jesus whenever Satan tried to tempt in Jesus he said I will give you all of this the glory of all of these kingdoms if you would just bow your knee he said they were delivered to me and I can give them to whoever I want to all right now when were they given to him when Adam accepted the temptation in the garden and so that was handed over to him and notice the authority that Satan was working under was the Dominion that God had given man all right now notice that all of that was offered back to Jesus but Jesus didn't take it because he knew that was a shortcut and he knew he's gonna get it anyway right so now go with me to Matthew chapter 9 so Dominion is absolute authority you get that Matthew chapter 9 starting in verse 35 we're gonna go through a couple of verses here verse 35 says and Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people no notice it is amazing because every time you hear to term the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel they're gonna be impressed you always find healing every sickness and every disease why because healing demonstrates the gospel the kingdom is a physical proof that the kingdom is near right or is that hand it's a way they would say verse 36 but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted were scattered abroad as sheep having no Shepherd then saith he unto his disciples now look at this verse 35 it says Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching preaching and healing every sickness and every disease right who's doing the teaching preaching healing Jesus alright verse 37 then say at the end to his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few why do you say that because he saw them he had compassion on them he saw the multitude saw they were like sheep scattered right had compassion and so he called his disciples says listen guys the harvest is so ready but we have so few laborers now watch pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest chapter 10 verse 1 and when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them now if you look up the word gate you can it depends on how deep you go if you just looked up Strong's Concordance it's going to give you a basic understanding if you go into a little deeper things into Thayer's and you cordon some of the different lexicons you'll find and especially if you go into some of the language grammatical helps when it said he gave them it literally means loan them that's what that was curious but don't make a big doctrine out of it but I thought it was kind of curious because here it's loan but you're gonna find out later on it was given as a possession right loaned to them but later given as a possession think about that no he gave them loan to them power the greek word there for power is exuse him and it means literally authority okay he gave them authority what what authority his authority that's what he was walking in and he gave them authority against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease do you realize he was giving them loaning them the authority that he himself was operating in right not less Authority the same Authority no go down to verse five these twelve sin did these twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them notice he didn't suggest didn't ask them didn't ask for volunteers you know that did national volunteers he commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and as you go preach proclaim the Greek even goes on so far as to say proclaim with a Liberty a solemnity and a gravity with which it must be listened to and obeyed right proclaim saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand then eat up now notice the kingdom you notice the next verse every time you see kingdom the next thing you're gonna see is this heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received freely give now if you can get the picture of that right now and the closest picture we have the most time in our own minds even when you think about heaven I'm talking about the place okay you think if you if I could give you a visual of that if you could walk down the streets of gold as we hear and then you you have this idea of what it's going to be like would you see people on a crunch no you're gonna see a person in a wheelchair no no you're not gonna see people where they need parts missing right what because they're gonna be complete in their right one why is it like that is it because it's heaven no it's because think about this satan would love to take over heaven good now right anyway that's what we see i will ascend to the sides of the north debate he said i'm gonna take over him and i'm gonna attack heaven and i'm gonna take it over was his plan right problem was he started with the earth and that's where he got stopped okay yeah that's good for us and bad for him but now think about that it what give let me ask you this I know it's gonna be really abstract okay but sometimes a good slap in the face just kind of wait you so what would heaven look like if Satan took over earth people would be in wheelchairs people would be sick people have parts missing people have blindness in there right yeah why because his will would be done there there right in other words his will is being carried out on the earth and if you were if he took over heaven his will would be carried on there all right now let's change the other side why don't we see wheelchairs in heaven why don't we see missing body parts why don't we see crutches why don't we see people dying of HIV in heaven because God's will is being done there you get that now if you just get dad if you just take that the last three minutes okay if God's will is being done in heaven and you don't see any of those things there then if he tells us to pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven that we shouldn't be seeing them here wherever you see that you are not seeing God's will being done wherever you see God's will being done you see empty wheelchairs you see crutches laid on the ground you see blind eyes open or and you see people exalting Jesus Christ amen you with me now notice that's what Jesus was trying to tell him he said listen you have this gospel of the kingdom and I I'm just so I don't want to say amazed because I don't want to be amazed at this okay Jesus was astounded often at people's unbelievable okay but we the church as a whole the body of Christ is always so looking down the road waiting for the next revival waiting for the next thing and they don't realize that the thing you need has already been given and that it's not future it's past it's just a matter of what are you going to do with it it's at hand exactly like he said the kingdom of heaven is at hand the problem is most of us stand around with our hands in our pockets instead of reaching out and touching and blessing now in this next part here I want to read this to you it says he gave them authority against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease and you realize he was using Authority he gave them authority and he said notice he didn't give any specifics he said against unclean spirits why to cast him out no matter which ones no matter who's got him no matter how they got him yes unclean spirits got to go right against sickness under needs to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease in other words no matter how they got it no matter where it came from getting all that has to be listed is a sickness or a disease if there's a sickness or disease it should be healed it's simple that's what that pastor is out there I preached this is what I preached that night in his church when he kept saying it's so simple it's so simple but we'd made it into theology we've made it into another sermon rather than into the freedom of the gospel Matthew chapter 10 verse 5 as I just read he said and he goes down he says heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils notice all those are out there together and even cleanse the lepers today they'll say well you know there's not many purrs out today what it's not just about lepers it's about being the skin being cleansed the blood being cleansed it's about being cleansed HIV as leprosy of today right I mean I'm just saying it's a supposedly incurable disease that not only affects the blood not only affects the immune system but affects the skin affects the entire body so it's basically the same thing in Luke chapter 9 in verse 1 he says and then he called his twelve disciples together and notice the wording here and gave them power and authority power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases same thing right he gave them power and authority he gave them the ability and the right to cast out any devil to heal any sickness all right you with me so far again notice the broad categories here because he we focused and this is what's happened and the church is focused on the person really how did you get that way what did you do what sin did you commit what problem how did how did you get this Jesus is saying don't worry about how they got it don't focus on the person focus on the kingdom if you focus on the kingdom what would this person look like what image do you realize God when God looks at you he'd treat you like he had faith in you right God God it's a faith God I mean he he treats us he looks at us in faith he believes we're actually gonna be who he designed us to be he and he treats us like that even before we look like that even before anybody else would treat us that way he looks at us and says I know what's in you just like Paul told you I know what's in you I know what you can do what because I put it there myself that's what God would say is I know what's in you I know who you can be when the rest the world is looking at you going I see how you are God says all I could see what you could be why and so what he's trying to say is inside quick look and why or how a person got something and look at the kingdom and say alright how if you want to look at that person look at them and picture them in heaven what would this person look like in heaven would they be in that wheelchair you're not gonna see him in that wheelchair I know whatever I was in Portland that time and that guy was on that stretcher and he was covered over with the sheet and then two years later he walked into my meeting completely healed and had been healed within a week after the meeting and I did not recognize him what because his body had changed so much he'd put on weight he'd put on strength his there's a total different look let me tell you a person in a wheelchair after they're out of that wheelchair for a short period of time it'd be hard for you to recognize them because their body changes their muscles are no longer atrophied their body changes and they take on a different demeanor even just their countenance changes one because they're not helpless anymore and and all of a sudden now their life means more to them they can do more they have a more of a quality of life people would say so their entire countenance could change that's the way God looks at people he looks at that person that works here and says as soon as I can get one of my kids to pray for you to lay hands on you to to put my life into you because God is looking for people that he can embody that he can impart himself into them so that he can use them to impart himself to other people that's what he's looking for then he says here first do any symptom to preach the kingdom of God and to guess what kill the thing Kingdom heal kingdom preach kingdom cast over and over again Kingdom Kingdom equals deliverance Kingdom equals freedom and think about that we have been delivered the scriptures say we have he has translated us from the power of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son you get that he think about that you don't even say from the kingdom of darkness instance from the power darkness right he delivered us from the power of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son you hear that what does that what does that equal deliverance he took you out of the power of darkness when did he do that when he put you in his kingdom when did you get in his kingdom when you got born again the minute you got born again the kingdom the power of Darkness had no power over you you were removed from its power and put into the kingdom the reign the rule the supremacy of God's dear son you get that yeah you've been removed from the power of darkness if darkness is reigning in your life it is there illegally no I personally I don't care how it got there I could care less now if you're doing something that keeps you engaged in it then yeah you probably need to not do that but we can figure that out and really the best way you don't even have to know how you do it the thing what you need to do is first get delivered and then get discipled and if you get discipled and you're truly a disciple of Christ guess what you're not gonna be doing anything that would allow the devil to have power and authority in your life in that simple you get removed from his power his authority and when I talk about that when I talk about his authority say well I thought he didn't have any authority he only has the authority in this world right now the Bible says if the whole world lies under the power of the wicked okay are lies in the end the wickedness so that's the only thing he's got is his deception and which is to keep you in bondage and make you think well yeah you know I'm a bad person I did this so I deserve cancer I deserve no no you don't deserve that listen you may be a bad person all right I mean come on still you got to be pretty bad to deserve cancer I mean I mean you know there's there's very the list would be very short of people bad enough to deserve cancer right all right now I'm taking Hitler okay I mean come on you want to be in that list that's not you okay you know I understand Hitler could have got saved I don't know I wouldn't there okay I don't know I'm saying the odds are probably against it but anyway I'm not sure he'd want to beware about going in my favor okay we're almost make heaven hail to him wouldn't it I'm saying okay okay okay let's move on the next part notice he says he he sent him to preach the kingdom of God to heal the sick Luke chapter 10 verse 17 let's look at that quick verse 17 and the seventy returned again that he had sent them out they came back now if you realize that think about this have you ever seen a person operate by a gift and then you see a person operate by faith and a gift man it's just like oh I mean it's so easy you ever notice that like william branham or some of the operating the gift is just feminine and in faith it's like okay faith we're gonna and you and and faith is arrest and all that but but there's still this part we okay I'm believing God you ever see the difference a gift BAM and it's just easy right now this will answer why there was such a question in Matthew 13 whenever they said the man came to Jesus said Lord I brought my son dear disciples and they couldn't cast him out now think about this what was the answer Jesus gave him because of your unbelief right and in other words they could have done it by faith but it said here no notice says here he had sent already sent them out and in Luke 10 which is before Matthew 13 if you look in the you know in the chronology of this thing he had sent them out and they came back and said Lord even the Devils are subject to us through your name now why is that because he gave them power and authority yeah that that would be we would say that's authority and ability now that Dunamis ability was an explosion it was like a gift when they were out doing this they're like men they were you can tell that the atmosphere was like a party here they're like man you mean even the Devils are I mean they're happy they're excited to come back they're all pumped up they had all these results but then you go back to that word I told you about before we said and he gave them power and what I said he loaned them power why for a specific mission right he loaned it to him and he said you go do this and then when you come back now whenever they came back and when that man brought his son so that mission was over so did the power why could it was on loan it didn't come to stay until acts right so they were so used to it you never come out boom hey that's easy now this guy comes up and says cast the devil out what but that power is not there right right think about that summers that power is not there so now they're trying to operate in a gift when the gift in there but Jesus said we could have done it by faith not a gift but by faith did you see the difference yeah if you think about this you watch it it opens up so much more can you start to realize because there are times when you'll operate by a gift near that time when you just have to faked it you understand and once you realize that all of a sudden you see how that opens up in Matthew 13 it's like yeah he didn't give him just because there wasn't power doesn't mean they didn't they weren't responsible for getting it done they still had get it done but they had to operate by faith instead of by power okay that's by the way I wouldn't pay no one there today anyway all right he says no notice the 70 returned again verse 17 would joy saying Lord even the Devils are subject unto us through your name and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven behold look take notice right I give unto you what the power authority exuse him right to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power Dunamis the ability of the enemy notice he didn't say I give you power he didn't say I'm giving you an ability he said I'm giving you authority he didn't say I'm giving you ability because the ability ability didn't come till later but they could still get it done through Authority you got it but Authority relies on faith but ability relies on gift or Dunamis or holy spirit are you with me so far okay and nothing shall by any means hurt you notwithstanding and this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven yeah let's tie this together what were they doing okay we started in Genesis chapter 1 thought about man heaven Dominion Jesus comes he's not under the authority of Satan so he's operating in the Dominion the Bible calls Jesus the last Adam in the right who was the first Adam Adam right there we go okay so you had the first Adam and you had the last step okay notice it Jesus was not the second Adam okay he was the last Adam you have to realize that no so you have dominion God gave Adam Dominion didn't Adam gave it to Satan then Jesus shows up as the last Adam now he's operating not under Satan's authority and he gives his disciples of authority to operate right now John 1:12 says this but as many as received him how many of you all received him give you receive him right to as many as have received him to them that be you everybody just raise your hand gave he power authority to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name so he gave you authority right No acts 1:8 but you shall receive power Dunamis of the miraculous ability the ability as I said after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you'll be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and out of the other most part of the world but now in the earth and notice you were getting they were given authority in John 1:12 was where it talks about it to as many as received him but then ability came later right but Jesus loaned it to him for a while but we know in Acts chapter 1 or actually for two actually it came and stayed okay so they could get born again and when the spirit came it came in state so they had power that came in wind just like the Old Testament prophets did but under the New Testament now we have power that comes in stays and he said I'm gonna go he said if I don't go I can't send the comforter back this he spoke of the sphere which had not yet been given because he had not yet been glorified but when he was glorified he went to the Father and he said if I don't go it cease it's better for you if I go cuz if I don't go I can't send him back he wins why do you do he sent the spirit back why he said it because if I go then I will send him back and me and my father and the Holy Spirit will abide in you about right and it is by the spirit that we become a habitation of God God lives in us by the spirit okay so now we have the Father Son the Holy Ghost in Jesus was all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you have received of his fulness and now we are complete in him the Father Son Holy Ghost lives in us right and because of that now Holy Ghost lives in us is there ever a time that you don't have the ability no because he said you will receive ability after that totally goes come on you so ability is resident but before it was only loaned and then it was taken away but now it's given and it abides amen okay let me finish up here Jesus the last Adam restored notice what he was doing look at all the miracles Jesus did he turned water to wine right he walked on stormy water right he spoke to a fig tree right I mean every you look at everything he did he did so many miracles not just healing he was basically fixing everything but understand he was operating in the Dominion that God gave at him good Adam have walked on water yeah if there had been a storm right I mean for all we know there was no storm before the fall right maybe some wind who knows but no storm right but now think about that Adam could have walked on the water so everything Jesus was doing he was doing basically as the last Adam and he was walking in the dominion that God wanted man to walk in right but men made it up so when Jesus comes he gives that same depth same notice and here's where I get to okay he gave them authority to become sons and because your son he sent the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father he sent that spirit right the Holy Spirit comes upon you you become a son then he sends his spirit what happens when you get to spirit you get ability so now you got Authority and ability the authority of a son to walk in faith and you have the ability of the Holy Spirit miraculous ability to back it up right so now you got Authority and ability what does authority and ability equal Dominion is you getting that simple an authority and ability equal Dominion now we could also now notice the way you walk in ability is you have to accept responsibility yeah that you have to accept responsibility you can have authority and never use it right you can have ability technically and never use it you can have the authority to use the ability but at some point if you're gonna have and walking ability you're gonna have to accept responsibility so ability and authority equal Dominion that means that Jesus has put us back into the position that God originally intended which is to basically look at this world the way God looks at it and to see it the way he sees it and then just to fix it until it looks like the way he wants it that kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven you hear that in that simple finally we years ago I'd actually heard this story you know and it's not a long story but I'm just going to you the punchline I guess you would say they asked well we were in Italy we got to see the different statues and things and there's a statue of David that Michelangelo did amazing statue he did a lot of amazing statues but when they when he did the Statue of David they asked him how do you do this and when you take a piece of marble and when you finish with it pieces are laying on the ground but you've got this amazing statue that's perfect and smooth and all this I mean he's standing working with the chisel and hammer and this thing is smooth then admitted he rubbed it smooth and all that but they said how do you do that how do you take a block of marble and end up with this and he said it's very simple look at what I want to see and then I just chip boy everything that doesn't look like that think about that that's what God does he looks at us and as long as we're alive as long as we're I have to say this way and as long as we're breathing it's one of those little points that came out during the teaching on the raise the dead and they never called anybody dead I always said they're sleeping every time and they never raised anybody from the dead they all woke people they woke their bodies because we know that their spirit wasn't dead because the Bible says that that he is not the god of the dead but of the living for all living to him right so if you see a dead body there it's just the body that's dead right it's just the body that is sleeping and all you have to do is wake it up and the spirit comes back into it and it gets up now again not trying getting that teaching but don't you get this when you when you look at a person if you look at them and all you see is what you see then you are not seeing them through God's eyes if you look at that person and you see them through God's eyes you're gonna see at least on two different levels okay if you see a sick person you see a crippled person you see whatever it is then you are only looking with the eyes if you see them the way God sees them you would see them the way you would see them in heaven which means without the wheelchair without the problem whatever it is and then your job is just to fix it see you see them the way God sees them and then you just chip away everything that doesn't look like Kingdom you give that now chipping away didn't have to take years chipping away consider to be be healed be free whatever it is but you're removing you're taking this thing off of him and all you're leaving is what God sees and then yeah okay we talk about physical healing a lot man let's take it even further than that just for a second if you look at a person and all you see is even their actions which is a result of their thoughts basically what you think about you becoming if you think about something long enough you'll do it generally speaking or if you talk about it and if you hear a person saying things that don't line up with Scripture don't align maybe they line up with the world perfectly they're their actions maybe they're you know drunkenness and reveling xand all the things that the Bible says that the you know if you do these things you will not inherit the kingdom of God and if that's all you look at that person you can old look at them yet they're drunkards they're drug addicts or discs or doing this and well you know I don't have anything to do them okay I understand not fellowshipping when fellowshipping means when they raise their glass of alcohol I raise my glass of alcohol dude that's what the fellowship would mean right now I can be around them and not fellowship with him I can be ministering to them which means when they raise their glass I don't have a glass to raise he said I'm saying I'm still ministering towards it in other words I'm not fellowshipping with him but I can minister to them I can be around him they don't defile me you know why because I am holy yeah that matter of fact if anything I can sanctify them rather than them defiling me because it's not what goes in what comes out that defiles for you with me so we should be salt in this earth we should be bringing holiness we should be getting around people and being able to minister to them and be able to talk with them and not always focusing on what they're saying not focusing on what they're doing but all the time I mean listen it takes faith to watch a person getting drunk or let's take even further away it takes faith we have to watch a person shooting up and yet you still see what God sees in them and says I know who you can be without just pushing them aside see if you're just gonna push them aside all you're seeing is what any human could see but if you're gonna see them through faith if you're gonna see them with the eyes of God and I'm not saying ignore what they're doing I'm saying you are mining for precious pearl and you understand to penology they're you're mining in that person you're you're digging for it's deeper than that that outward thing I'm not saying they won't kill them I'm not saying it won't take them to hell yeah it could easily what I'm saying is that you're going beyond that you're not you're not overlooking it you're looking through it and saying it's like they teach kings and princes how to be kings you're better than this you don't know what Jesus died to provide you and instead of just looking at what they're doing looking at what they're saying looking to have their acting listen if that was true every from two years up to about 16 17 you would just toss them out what because they say all kinds of stuff you know I hate you I don't like you know if you really believe that you just toss them out on the street but you're not gonna toss it two year old out watch cuz you look beyond that and you go you don't know what you're saying I give you I'll give you some grace here because you just don't know what you're saying right well we need to be able to do that same thing with people with a lot bigger problems and they're able to love them into the kingdom and love the kingdom into them amen it's all stand up father I thank you that beyond any words that have come forth today that your spirit has come forth and that your spirit is at work in your people to help them know your will and to live your will through their lives in this world and that your will be done it's father we thank you we thank you for healed bodies we thank you for healed souls for delivered souls we thank you for salvations we thank you Father for people who find out who you created them to be and father right now in the name of Jesus we do set the captives free we right now we we actually command by the name of Jesus freedom for inium the sound of my voice whether now live by internet by CD or DVD even in the future the power your spirit is not bound by time or by the disc but it is released and in Jesus name right now I say be healed be free even in your soul even in addictions even in thought patterns be free right now right now if you are born again you have the mind of Christ we man the mind of Christ to come forth and for the church to grow up into him in all things so father we thank you we praise you we glorify you in the name of Jesus right now salvations freedom's deliverances healings every bit sickness and disease go in Jesus name right now bodies be healed right now minds be free right now in Jesus name demonic influence nope in Jesus name I set them free so be it in the name of Jesus amen I hope this message has encouraged you and has allowed your faith to grow and I would say right now in the name of Jesus that I pray for you right now and in Jesus name that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened that you receive revelation and understanding and wisdom through the Word of God that was imparted to this message right now if you are physically sick or diseased in body right now in the name of Jesus we say by that powerful name the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth be healed now in Jesus name by those stripes your healing was purchased and right now by the authority of that name we set you free right now in Jesus name if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior I would urge you right now to make him your Lord accept him right now as your Lord he died for you and he wants to be your Lord and Savior right now so just tell him out of your heart no pre-arranged prayer just tell him that you want to make him your Lord and then do what he says to do if you need help in any other way and we're glad to help you as we said in the beginning you can reach us on the internet at
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 8,514
Rating: 4.8389263 out of 5
Keywords: intro-outro, 2013 Sunday services
Id: 9c4s_WmgltY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2013
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