Take the Stairs - Louie Giglio

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such a beautiful time for us today coming into this series and I love that we're starting this part in this leg of our journey on Martin Luther King weekend because I love the sentiment of dr. King it is a great setup and a backdrop if you will for really everything we're talking about in this passion and purpose series but he said this everybody can't be famous but everybody can be great because being great is all about service isn't that an amazing way to turn our present-day world on its head so everyone maybe can't be famous so that might not be in the cards for you but every single one of us can be great why because greatness is about the attitude of our heart it's about serving people it's about serving the common good it's about leaving everything better than when you arrived and that mentality is at the heart of this series we're anchored in a text that I hope we could all say it for memory by now a few weeks in but if not I want us to look at it again found in Colossians 3:17 and this is what it says and whatever you do see this is the beauty of this series whatever you do whether you're a broker or a banker whether you're a mother or whether you're mowing lawns right now whatever you do whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him so what we're asking is can I find a purpose for my life that's big enough to hold me for all of my life so we've done that already we've answered the question what is God's will for my life and then we've started kicking around in this idea of passion that all of us have one we have something that keeps us up at night something that other people keep saying to us you should pursue that you should look into that maybe that's a lane that you should be in something that we're willing to sacrifice for but we're asking the question last week and this week how can I do my whatever in the name of the Lord Jesus so how can I make that work I got a text the very first week of this a series and this is kind of why we're doing the series from someone who had to go to work they were at church early and when they texted me they were at their office and before we all kind of judge them for working on Sunday they're in a position where you don't get days off their jobs like that I don't know if you knew that or not but their jobs in America like that where you don't get days off sometimes you have to be on call you don't get to set your schedule necessarily the way that you want it being president would be like that being the governor would be like that being the Chief of Police is a job like that you just can't say hey I'm not available today you're available to the responsibility of the stewardship of the position that you're in and this person was back at their desk back in their office while all the rest of us were going to brunch you're going to lunch or back home on the sofa and our sweatpants watching it an NFL game they were at their desk already doing an amazing thing that in some way affects almost everybody in this room and the text was just thank you so much for the affirmation today that my role matters in the great economy of God that what I'm doing the work that I'm doing the price that I'm paying the sacrifice that I'm making matters in the great work of God and how did they know that because they were framing what they were doing it with a bigger purpose so the purpose wasn't advancement or the paycheck or the position or the title the the purpose was I want to know God and I want to make him known that's my purpose in life now my passion and your passion they're different and so God wants to reframe your purpose so he can release you into your passion and just highlighting sort of the the things that stood out to me the last few weeks we landed on this amazing clarifying quote from aw Tozer he said it's not what a man does that determines whether his work or her work is sacred or secular it is why he does it the motive is everything so let a man this is power sanctified the Lord God in his heart or in her heart and then he can thereafter do no common Act in other words if you're driving a recycle collection truck and you started your day with a purpose of knowing Jesus and making him known and you committed your work your day your effort and your energy to Jesus then there is nothing about collecting recyclables for you today that is going to be ordinary or common in any way but it's gonna find meaning and it's gonna matter because you've got a purpose that's bigger than it all so how do we make sure that our whatever because your whatever could be crazy you might be in your small group going I do want to do designer jeans after all or I do want to do Chelsea boots when Louis mentioned that last week it was confirmation I was looking for from the Lord I'm starting a Chelsea boot business or the acai bowl that we got last week which I said SII and I've gotten grilled by my team every day all week for that which has been amazing and so I don't eat acai bowls and so I don't never ordered one and really don't know how you say it so that's one thing I learned isn't that awesome still be learning at 60 man still get the brain power moving you know even at 60 years old but maybe you do want to open an acai bowl store great how do you do the whatever in the name of the Lord Jesus last week two things excellence is our standard and distinction is our calling card this week taking one more step together and here's how we do whatever we do in the name of the Lord Jesus and we're gonna see it right in the text we understand that that costly consistency is our grid costly consistency becomes our operating grid and when this happens you are gonna be amazed at how far God is going to take you a towards success B towards achieving your dreams and C towards a platform from which you can make Jesus known in this world I think that a lot of times we have a dream and we have a passion but then we're looking at the long range of our lives and we're like how do I get from here to there and this is the most beautiful part because I think all of us will learn something today I know I've been challenged enormous ly just preparing this message but if you're especially on the front curve front into the curve of your life you are man I just I'm so thrilled you're here today because this could be and can be and I believe will be a game-changer for you how do you get to that dream because I'm sure you've got one how do you get to that place that you've been thinking about getting to and the answer isn't a mystery the answer is really simple because your father isn't trying to confuse you he's trying to help you and lead you and guide you and the way that you get where you want to go in life is by costly consistency that is being willing to pay the price over time you look at all these other people that are succeeding and you're like how did they do it how do they do it is there in fact a golden elevator to the top and don't you wish there was you press the button ding the door is open you step in it's mirrored and amazing so you can take as selphie on the way up the doors close behind you you hit top floor all of a sudden a sensation happens a whoosh happens gravity is defied if the doors open and you step out into wow I made it to the top is that how you get there is that how they got there is that how that other guy did his business is that out that other lady did her business is that how that entertainer made it all of a sudden they splash on our radar were like where'd this person come from or that athlete I saw this girl playing in the Australian Open last night Australian Open by the way is terrible any tennis people in the house you know what I'm talking about you're kind of like okay gotta gets fired up for church today but I wanted to see the Federer match last night it started at 3 o'clock in the morning but there was an incredible match earlier in the night I didn't make it to the federal match and then Federer lost so I was like thank you Lord that I didn't stay up for that but there was this amazing match 25 year-old young American girl takes down one of the best players in the world and I've never even seen this girl heard of her before and I'm thinking wow she just hit the grand stage of the Australian Open took down Angelique Kerber big moment 25 years old golden elevator up to the top doors open I stepped out in Melbourne I walked out onto the court and voila I had huge success man I I wonder what was behind this girl's dream and I have a feeling it's the same thing that's behind your dream and the same thing that's behind my dream which is there's no elevator to the top everybody gets there the same way everybody takes the stairs the way we get to our moment so that our whatever can shine a light on Jesus is we all get there the same way we all take the stairs that's how you get to the top everybody who's gotten to the top takes the stairs got a name in at Cumberland 515 won Amen at Cumberland it's own fire over here people are losing their minds people are taking notes so fast paper is igniting underneath their pens and pencils it's outrageous over here everybody takes the stairs and the stairs simply are it's not a mystery so you could have done this message just as well as I could the stairs are humility so that's not the way everybody in the world gets to the top but if the person that you've seen in the world that got to the top didn't start with the stair of humility they're not gonna be at the top very long because pride comes before a fall so for us as Jesus followers who are distinct we're getting to the top a different way so we're taking the stair of humility in other words we're humbling ourselves before God and we're saying I want you to be the one who gets all the attention and all the glory at the end of the day and I want to trust you in my life so we start by taking the stairs and sometimes it's just a step and you're like how'd your day go oh man it wasn't amazing how did yours Europe in now hadn't been amazing how's your time at your new job in well look I've gone nine inches I'm not getting anywhere I'm not making any progress here we're gonna talk about this in just a second I'm not getting to the top well take another step take a step called training what is training training is you absorbing every opportunity that comes your way to get better at what you want to ultimately do in your life and not just training your skill but training you as an individual in training you as a person because a lot of training isn't all about I took a new class or I went to a seminar or I got a certificate or I learned a new skill in fact if you're raising a family you understand it but most of the training you're doing with your kids right now is about their character it's about their outlook it's about their view point you're not saying you're taking the trash out because I want you to learn how to you know pull the bag tight and tie the little things just right and get it in the big can out in the driveway and put the lid down right so that when you're a garbage collector later in your life you will have mastered this skill no you're like you're gonna take the trash out because you are training your attitude your training your character your training your mindset when you do that and every day is an opportunity for you and I to get better at what we do if you walk out the door tomorrow saying I want to get better today then you're gonna be moving in a direction to where you can get on board with passion and purpose and maybe qualify to be somebody who actually does become great at something and has a platform by which to shine a light on Jesus adaptability it's kind of a weird word but I put it in here because I think a lot of us think that once we get on the path the paths gonna be like a straight arrow to our destination hello is anybody ever experienced that you got on a path and it just was the same path the whole way and nothing ever changed no you've got to take on this attitude that says I want to be great I want to grow I want to make a difference and I do have a dream but part of having success if you ask anybody who succeeded in their field is there was a day or a season or a week or a month where they said hey I didn't really sign up for this but this is what they need me to do right now so I'm going to adapt and not crack I'm going to bend it and not break in this moment and that is a character trait of every single person that we look at in the world and this this message isn't about being successful or being famous or or making it up to the top of the totem pole it's about being great and people who are great most likely at some point learn how to go whoa we're going we're going well up note we're going hey now we're going we're going we're going Oh we're going where oh this thing doesn't work anymore I got to reinvent I got to recalibrate I got to reorganize I got a rethink now not oh my goodness well I don't I don't know you know I only know how to do this and I don't like it if they ask me to do that and the market changed and the the dynamics changed and my client base changed and and everything's moving and adaptability is gonna be one of the keys for you trial and error hello is a step every single person nobody goes oh I'm just gonna skip over that one nobody does that every how many of you are doing something in life and you're plugging away at it and at some point you've had some failures some setbacks and some potholes anybody some failures some setbacks and some potholes I'll just hold them up I know you didn't want to it's kinda like I don't like to admit failure some sale some failures some setbacks and some potholes how many of you even though you had failure setbacks and potholes are still moving forward you still seen some good things happen you still still seeing some advanced happen in your life can I see show hands see this is how life works so don't let the enemy go man you're not on the right track because there was a error or a setback or a failure so you must not be in God's will for your life oh really well show me somebody on earth who hasn't had a failure or a setback or experience an error in decision wrong choice wrong thing made a mistake whatever whatever listen this is not the way that you decide whether or not you're on the right track or not this is part of the way you get to where you want to go hunger simply put if you don't want it you're not gonna get it and as a believer it's okay to have a desire we're gonna look at that in one second and you got to have that you got to be showing up at your place going hey I want to get better I want to move forward I want to be the best mom I want to be the best husband I want to be the best whatever it is that God's called me to do faithfulness we all understand what that's about and it is one of the best traits any of us can develop in our lives perseverance is a little bit like everything we've talked about it just means I'm going to press through when it's hard and and I hate categorizing generations but the greatest generation is almost gone and we all look to them there are a few of them still in my life I've got a greatest generation step I mean father-in-law that's gonna say step dad father-in-law in my life he is cut out of a different cloth he is made out of different material he's going through cancer treatment right now and he complains less than I complain and I'm not going through cancer treatment he he shows up always has always will that there's a mentality that says you don't quit you don't give up you don't stop you don't have nine jobs in two years just because it was difficult and if you ask anybody who's gotten to the top of their dream goal desire they will tell you about the times that they persevered when everybody else fainted they said I'm showing up again today I'm going for it again today I'm not letting anything stop me from the desire the passion the calling in my life and then the top of that is just simply the cost I know it'd be nice if it was just a pot of gold up here at the top and you're like yeah I'll go up there and do that but every single person who gets to the top there is no ding get in the door they're taking it a step at a time sometimes they go back down sometimes they come back up sometimes it is two steps forward and then a couple of steps back sometimes you do get a quantum leap and you get fired up and you go yeah but at the end of the day when you get here here's your story it's two things Merilee number one it took a great cost it took a great cost interview one person in your field who's accomplished your wildest dream and there's going to be a footnote of the cost that it took to get to that place and if we're gonna be a people who are distinct in the world and have excellence as our standard we've got to embrace the stairs we got to say this is how you get up the second thing will be true about us if we really do take the stairs is well the time you get wherever you're going someone's gonna ask you at some point how did you get to here and you know what your answers gonna be does anybody has anybody gotten to there and had someone ask you that question before what's your answer I'm not a hundred percent sure no no I need to plan I need the blueprint man I need like the diagram on the I want to get where you are so can you just like draw it out on a whiteboard for me or sketch it out real quick and you're like you know I don't know I I don't honestly I just kept taking one step every day and that's how I got here a long time ago when I was mentoring a lot of young leaders especially being on a college campus for a decade and so many young twenty-year-old 19 year old 18 year old aspiring ministers if you will would all I'd meet with him all the time and they would be like how do how did you get to be you where you're speaking at the regional youth retreat because that's what I want to do and I'd be like I don't know maybe like no seriously please I'm not trying to take you're not trying to take over the regional youth retreat I just like to do it one time in my life I'd be like I don't know I don't know and not knowing is probably a good sign that you took the stairs and so what you point people back to is not your ABC plan it's are you willing to pay the price are you willing to pursue free let me teach you about perseverance I can teach you that let me help you with faithfulness let me help you with whether or not you have a fire burning in your heart let me help you about not giving up every time there's a setback let me help you become adaptable let me help you learn how to keep learning let me help you learn how to walk with Jesus and stay low and stay humble I can help you with the steps but I can't give you a blueprint to get where you want to go that's the answer isn't it that if we ever get somewhere in life and someone does ever ask us anything about anything which is sort of the goal ultimately and we'll talk about that next week that we would just say hey there's not a formula man it's the stairs that's how I got here I just kept taking the steps and I never a decided when I got to this stuff that it was like hey I think I've gone four steps you know and I'm Amy I'm not maxing out my potential my capacity and maybe not being everything God created me to be but I'm not down there with Jojo either so I'm I don't really like to sound a perserverence honestly it's not one of my spiritual gifts Louie so I'm good I'm getting 80 grand I got a good package I'm fine I'm just gonna park here and people who max out their potential and who who see that passion come to fruition they don't stall out they just keep stepping and keep believing and that doesn't mean that we're never satisfied that nothing's good enough that we work ourselves to death at the end of the day it just means that we understand there's something great in us and we don't let anything in life dampen that opportunity in that moment so there's a big elephant in the room I want to talk about it just for a minute and the elephant in the room is where I want to be Louie my passion doing my thing over here creating you know a world that really fits in with my gifts that's not what I'm doing right now right now I'm over here in a and my passion and my dream is over here in B and I'm getting fired up about the possibility but I don't know should I quit my job today and go and tell my boss tomorrow hey I got a passion burn in my heart man and people have said you should do it so I'm out some of your wrestling with that question aren't you how do I get from here over there because I get it and there's a lot of people in the room right now they're like this is helping me because I'm in the middle of my journey right now and I just need to be encouraged in that process but some of you are like I'm pretty sure I'm not in my passion zone right now I'm stuck on message one I'm not sure what my passion zone is or I'm starting to identify it and it's definitely not what I'm doing right now so what what should I take away from this talk today about costly consistency being my grid a couple of practical things number one no matter where you are today you can practice one two and three of what we're talking about excellence is my standard distinction is my calling card costly consistency is my grid you can begin to practice that where you are but I'm not in my passion lane right now great there is no rule that says you don't have to be excellent because you're not in your passion lane the scripture says and whatever you do in word or deed even if it's not in your passion lane do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus so that would be number one take what you are doing and own it as if it were the thing you wanted to be ultimately doing why would I do that Louis because that's all the training you are teaching yourself how to be great so that if you are over here in your passion lane you will have learned how to be great and you learn how to be great typically not in your passion lane so if someone did come to me and say I want to be a preacher or a communicator or do conferences or whatever what would your advice be to me I do have advice for them and it's not a blueprint or a plan and no one really ever has loved it and typically people don't come back and say man just give me some more of that but I say if you want to be a communicator and I would say it to you if you want to be a banker or a broker a mother or on your own loan mowing business the same principle applies no god this is what I tell a young communicator know God number one know God okay okay I already got that thank you blueprint please you need a blueprint know God number one make your ambition knowing God because your path if that's where God calls you will be to communicate about God hello bill character number two how you do that I don't know what are you doing right now well I got a part-time job at the blah blah blah great you should own that third develop a message that takes time and life and experience and being a servant it takes preaching wherever you can for me that was the juvenile detention center in Fort Worth Texas Tuesday nights 90 kids not one of them wanted to be there there was an a kid on the eighth row going I got you bro nobody wanted to be at the chapel service there was no Instagram I wish there was Here I am tonight with my people serving the left-behind almost locked up criminal element not old enough to be in jail but they'd be in jail if they were old enough to be in jail pray for me just shining a light on me there was no Twitter there was no in there was no nothing it was just showing up and trying to tell 90 people about Jesus every Tuesday and that's where you like hone your craft serve people care about the people sitting right there get your heart broken when somebody takes three steps spiritually and the next thing you find out a week later is that they've broken out of the place ran away committed another crime and are now back in the courts it's it's no God bill character develop a message why because people you can figure out how to get on a stage but man I've seen a lot of people who got on a stage and didn't have anything to say and you can figure out how to run a business but getting to the point where you're running your own business but you you're not distinct in the world what difference does it make succeeding in getting to the top and having a light shine on you but you didn't know how to reflect that light back to the greater purpose then what difference did it make I'll tell you it didn't make any difference at the end of the day it only makes a difference when it makes a difference and so for you and me this sounds like a grandfather talking to his grandson doesn't it or a grandmother talking to her grandson or a grandfather talking to his grand daughter if you want to be great in life take what's in your hands and make excellence your standard make distinction your calling card and make costly consistency your grid if you want to be great dude that right now with the thing that's in your hands cuz there isn't a man who gets on the golden elevator halfway up and says you're going to the top you better read this real quick before you get there no there-there is no getting in the elevator because all of what we need in life is learned on the stairs so we're gonna say man I'm going up stairs again today I'm taking the stairs today the second thing if you're not there yet that I would encourage you to do is to patiently focus and it's the same idea set a different way on self improvement versus self advancement the scripture says it this way install 37 this is the new American Standard Version trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you hello say it with me can't be true no delight yourself in the Lord and he's gonna send you on some assignment that you're gonna hate surrender to God next thing you know you're gonna be in Cleveland in the winter cuz this is our God how great is our God sending you out to places you hate and don't want to go to how great is our God he'll make your life miserable if you just will surrender it to him fully enemy get out truce get in delight yourself in the Lord what is my purpose to know him and to make him known delight yourself on the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord Trust also in him and he will do it so if you just circle the verbs which are in bold in my notes trust do good dwell cultivate delight commit trust that's my part and then there's verbs on his side he does some verbs also he will give he will do it he will give he will do it my job trusts do good dwell cultivate delight commit trust his part he will give he will do it he will give he will do it he will give me the desires of my heart he will do it trust well do good cultivate delight commit trust so all this is about me becoming everything God wants me to be working on self-improvement if you will versus me scheming about self advancement and how can I do that how can I not be in charge of my own self advancement because of the third thing that is this big huge idea of letting the Lord find you at the right time it's God's job to find you it's your job to follow him you're like I'm stuck Louis in the less cubicle on our floor if I move my cubicle six feet I am in the fire exit stairway well I guess God can't find you then so this is for everyone but you because the sovereign God he can't come down that far I mean he can do great things he can part the Red Sea but no he's not coming down on the you know third floor where the real real people are working I've told you this story before in this message isn't about me I just have a history but you know for me one of my first jobs I was working at the Centers for Disease Control which now is this fantastic beautiful redesigned complex of amazement it looked more like an institution when I worked there back in the day before the internet that's important for you to know for what I'm gonna say next because I worked at the library too Centers for Disease Control my mom worked there as an administrative assistant and she got me a job there in the library because she heard there was a job open in a library isn't that what he was dying to be get a job in the library - Centers for Disease Control's 20 year-old okay sorry I can't go today for disease control I work around infectious diseases all day their petri dishes with microbe growing in them in the building I work in but I had a great job I photocopied articles out of medical journals for the doctors and researchers now I look at it and go I might be in on a game-changing revolutionary medical breakthrough so I got a new viewpoint now twenty years old didn't have that viewpoint so before digital before the internet there was just real life it's called a copy machine typical medical journal in our library weighed about 30 pounds because it was all the periodicals from a given year or two bound into one journal so the Journal of hematology 2017 this big on a shelf up there which I had reorganized all the shelves in the entire library about three times a year because we had this cramped space they wouldn't give us more space but they kept sin in periodicals every month so I got to keep the thing organized I come in there would be four or five rolling carts book carts stacked as high as you could stack them with these journals every top middle and bottom with these white slips of paper sticking out the end that's the article they wanted to be photocopied stapled together their little request note stapled onto it organized and left for them to come and pick up tomorrow every article in a medical journal I'm just going to give you a heads-up in case you want to get into this field 38 pages minimum every one of them copy machine was in the stairwell I could go back to the Centers for Disease Control right now and probably take them to court because I worked in a non ventilated room under the stairwell with the sloping stair ceiling in it and the machine was under that and if you didn't know what you were doing in there you were gonna hit that stairwell a couple of times but I learned you could even get the book carts into the little copy room and you know what I loved about it a couple things I got to work alone and I like that I like small spaces some of you like I can't do it I like small spaces I like progress like mowing along and I like results and I like order it's a good job for me I'd get in there roll all my cards down I'd start working those things that machine and be flying I'd be stapling those things I'd be stacking and putting those things on him I'd get done I gotta go Rhee put every one of those journals back in its place before I leave but a hundred journals back where they're going to my eyes closed you could blindfold me I could put all those journals back where they were going I would roll my book carts empty up to the front of the library I mean an open listen that nobody cared trust me it wasn't like there oh good job today it was like to get it all done good I mean I'd roll my carts back up there empty I'd stack all my copies up where they can be picked up I would look around and see that every single volume in that library was exactly where it needed to go no March is sticking out further than April in May in my library and I did that for a couple years loved being it but it gave me time alone with God gave me time think time to pray time to work on my messages for the 12-person youth group I was speaking to you at that time and it gave me time to be but more than anything else I think it was developing in me a lot of the things that are still a part of the fiber of me being me and I don't despise not one second I spent in that job because God found me in that copy room I mean God found me an apartment C building 29 at some apartments you can still go to on Windy Hill Road and he found me in the front bedroom of apartment 29 C and he called me in that room he found me in that room so apparently he can find Smyrna Georgia and he can find you and we're so busy trying to be found when God's saying just be busy trying to be great and I'll do the finding cuz when I find you you want to be ready Wow he found Noah when he needed a boatbuilder you know what he said about him he said Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord who knew that Noah even was in the eyes of the Lord he found Abraham in the ear of the Chaldeans and he called him to a land that I'll show you later he found Joseph even though he'd been forsaken in a prison cell in Egypt he found Moses when he was 80 years old on the backside of the desert tending his father-in-law's flock he found Ruth it was a Moabite woman picking leftover grain in the fields of Bethlehem he found Samuel when he was sleeping in the night in the house of the Lord in Shiloh where his mom had left him as a little boy he found David out tending the Sheep even after he wasn't even called in for the lineup of the sons he found Jeremiah in his mother's womb he found Daniel praying in his window as was his custom he found Peter and Andrew when they were just tending their Nets one day by the Sea of Galilee he found Zacchaeus in a tree he found a 5-time divorcee at Jacob's Well and he found Paul as Paul was on his way to tear apart the church in Damascus and he can find you wherever you are when God needs you he will find you and when he finds you all he's asking you to do is follow him [Music] see how the pressure just went off but what if I miss my passion what if I miss my lane what if I miss my calling what if I miss my opportunity but if I miss my moment stuck over here in some other place where I'm not even sure if this is the place I'm supposed to be in if you miss your moment and you miss your Lane and you miss your calling it is on God cuz what's on me trust do good dwell cultivate delight commit trust and he will give and he will do it and he will give and he will do it and he will give and he will do it and he will give and he will do so next week's last one of these is maybe the most important of all so don't miss that but none of us are going anywhere until we take the stairs so if you were gonna add one last thing about the a and the B and I'm not there yet and I'm over here but I kind of think I might want to be over there I would just say have healthy conversations with people in your inner circle and talk to God about it while working as hard as you can to be great at the very thing that's in your hands that's how simple this is it is not complicated because your father's got the plan for you and he will come and find you wherever you are and it all starts with a great purpose doesn't it I want to know Jesus and I want to make him known because the only way a life of meaning is possible is because Jesus man what a thought he looked down at us and he loved us and he had plans for us and a purpose for us and he said oh man what it cost this is gonna be whoa what kind of perseverance is this gonna take I'm gonna have to say yes to the very very end and be faithful to the plan I've got dreams for them I gotta be willing to every day say not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord I'm staying true to the purpose and the plan I'm hungry to see people come to life I want it [Music] trial and error he was tried convicted out of air but God had a plan all along adaptability probably being God in becoming human flesh fairly adaptable said he grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man no gold elevator for Jesus not coming down and not going back up he took the stairs and he humbled himself even to the point of death even death on a cross the great one the great I am gave it all so that you could come to life spiritually and awaken to a life of purpose to be released into your passion to know Jesus and to make him known
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 42,993
Rating: 4.871212 out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio, passion city church, passion church, giglio louie, take the stairs, louie giglio sermons, passion, passion city church sermons, louis giglio, passion and purpose louie giglio, passion city, loui giglio, louie giglio passion 2019, louie giglio passion and purpose, passion 2019, Worship Matters, W2O2R2S2H2I2P
Id: PVfPwdY3Ehg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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