The Best Yes - Louie Giglio

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so the series is called yes I know there's a yes and a no on the graphic but it's just yes and you'll understand that more today if you miss the set up last week we're just talking about the power of the little word yes it's your greatest commodity in fact it's more valuable than whatever you've got in your retirement account right now more valuable than that is your yes what you choose to say yes to when we choose to say yes to the right thing it opens a gateway a blessing in our lives when we choose to say yes to the wrong thing it opens a gateway to a gauntlet of regret in our lives and it's not all about that he said she said the circumstance the situation the thing that deal the other it's all down to your yes and you get to choose how and when and where you use that yes and as we do that the yes ascends the knows the owns and the offs we talked about we are building our life and last week we really just took a few minutes to talk about how our first yes our best yes our biggest yes if you will is just saying yes to God and this is what passion city church is built on Isaiah 26 8 we kicked our New Year's gathering off with this idea yes Lord this is the beginning of everything passion so if you want to understand passion if you're new coming in today I can shrink a lot of it down it to those two words Isaiah 26 8 yes Lord yes it folds on to walk in the way of your truth we wait eagerly for you for your your name and your renown our the desire of our hearts so that's where we get all the glory to God in all of the bigness of the story of God but it starts with a yes on the table and when we say yes to God we're saying no to a whole bunch of other gods when we're saying yes to him as the one true God we're saying no to a lot of lesser gods it's like the day you got married is anybody in the house currently married anybody any married people in the house very strong over here at Cumberland today not knocking the single people I know every time you ask a marry question somebody's like oh great once again no not married some of you single people are like thankfully not yet and others of you were like hopefully will happen and I believe that it will if God wants it to it's another great answer don't you love that answer but when you say when you come to a wedding moment it's so it's so amazing to me because you got showers and an address and a bridal party and you had a rehearsal dinner and a reception and a theme and now some of that just like it's kind of overtaking the power of two human beings standing it in the presence of God and in the sight of all these witnesses that have gathered together the dearly beloved moment and they say to each other really just two words I do and the vows are powerful for better for worse in other words I do to you Jennifer I'm just saying maybe that's your wife's name I do to use Shelley when we stood there Shelley says to you Louie for better or for worse whether this goes really great or whether this is really tough whether there's a big win or a big loss I say I do to you so we're not saying I do that day to a plan because no minister stands at the altar and says hey guys I'd like to just walk through the next 18 years really quickly with you guys just that the major bullet points of all the things that are gonna happen in life right before you say I do to each other because that's gonna include him losing his job two times and y'all are gonna end up living in Des Moines so is that cool are you up are you good for that all right awesome and now your wife over here let me tell you about four years from now are you good with that you gonna say I do to that no you don't say I do to the details you say this is my person and I'm going with this person and we're going through thick or thin through what does I say for richer anybody there today show hands okay just no just kidding somebody like really really yes we have property at Cumberland and we want to build a church on it so it's just taking a little shot right there to see if anybody would like go for it and if they did I was gonna like zero in on time real fast Brad look around at 5:15 I'm gonna do it one more time so we would say for for richer so maybe a lot richer now I'm just kidding or for poorer and even married people in the house do they been poor has anybody ever been poor that's married in this room right now but we can do a show hands on that show of hands if you've been poor I Shelly and I have been poor like pee oor legitimately poor like I went and I I don't even know if it was legal but it was in Texas so it probably was and cut down a little bitty scrawny tree off a dude's land on our first Christmas and we wrap bows on it with ribbon pour like we're not giving any gifts we're poor and I said I do too that I didn't say I do to being poor I really didn't say I do to being rich I just said I do to you whether we're rich or whether we're poor and I said Shelly I do to you whether we are in health hello or whether what or whether we are in sickness I say yes to you and we don't know the plan we don't know the help we don't know the sickness we don't know the consequences the circumstances the challenges the joys the winds the losses but I say yes to you so this is where we were last week of starting with I believe in God I believe enough about God to say I do to you in sickness or in health I say I do to you and that's people in our house today for richer or for poorer I say I do to the Almighty God for better or for worse I say I do to the all-mighty God I am NOT gonna bail on you if it's poor Four Seasons I'm not gonna bail on you God if it's harder for season I'm not gonna bail on you if it's sickness for a season because I believe in you we start by saying yes to a person not to a detailed plan if you're a relationship with God is built around the idea of a detailed plan or if I put my faith in God I know all these things are gonna happen then your relationship with God is up and down up and down up and down up and down some of you may be back at church after a long absence of being in church because the plan went south but it wasn't God who made the plan go south God has been constant in the equation with you and me all along just like the commitment that we make when we stand in that moment we are making a commitment to him that says yes Lord how can we do that because he said yes to us gave his life for us but here's the other cool thing that happens when you're standing at that altar and I've never seen this happen before but it really be cool for dead ones when you say I do to her or ladies when you say I do to him you're also saying I don't to all the other on planet earth and to all the other hymns on planet Earth we could put that into vows would that not be great I do and to all the you Jokers I don't all the subsequent jokers I don't this I do is a big I don't this yes has a corresponding an anthemic no and we learn in this series that yes and no always work together and the two of them help us get where we're going in our lives your best yes today most likely is your no so we start with saying yes to God we start with saying yes to the big ideas of life but once we get our yes to God on the table and and we get our big yes to the planes of God moving forward in our lives it allows us then the power to say no and no is one of the toughest words to say in the world now if you're mad no is easy heck no if you're controlling and you're trying to manage the situation you relish your no I'm not doing it I am not doing it no but no way I'm doing it but outside of controlling and trying to manage something out of a spiteful heart or being angry or bitter and seeing no as your jabs that you've got to throw into the equation other than that no is a really tough customer in our world but I believe no can be your best yes I want you to look with me in Luke chapter 4 at three powerful knows three knows that we should applaud today we should celebrate and be grateful for these knows today it says in verse one of Luke 4 Jesus full of the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan had just been baptized and was led by the spirit into the desert where for forty days he was tempted the devil now what kind of theology is that got baptized that was a big moment filled with the Holy Spirit that's a big moment and now immediately the Holy Spirit says are you ready I'm ready I'm baptized I'm filled I'm on earth I've come from heaven I'm 30 years old I'm ready and the Holy Spirit says all right let's go into the Judean wilderness hey no no no I was like ready I'm ready now it's like okay great now that you're ready let's go get ready no I am ready but let's go get ready and Jesus before he does anything before he does one thing before he even pulls back the curtain reveals who he is in this synagogue in Nazareth he goes out into the Judean wilderness to prepare his heart for what God has called him to do this is the missing step in the present church we want to get baptized and filled and start our ministry all on the same day if possible but but Jesus knew that what he was called to was big and there was going to need to be a readiness moment a readiness window if you will and it was extreme you say well you know 40 days in the Judean wilderness is pretty extreme dwell the calling on his life was it was pretty extreme as well and so here he is now out in the desert and it says as you read along it that he ate nothing during those days and at the end of them he was hungry now this is a verse that doesn't need to be in the Bible of course he was hungry he's been 40 days with water and the Lord and then there's been somebody else in the equation verse three the devil said to him has that devil ever talked to anybody here today no just because you're baptized just because you're filled and just because you're getting ready you are not going to be able to shut out the conversation it's coming with the devil even if you're Jesus so none of us should be thinking that we're gonna get an easier path than he did and so now we understand what our day-to-day is like as he's coming at us from every angle the devil said to Jesus if you are the son of God this is the thing Jesus heard his whole life then tell this stone to become bread now after 40 days of no food you're broken down you're weak you're hanging on to the promise of God you're just leaning in like I know I'm getting ready but getting ready is not easy and then the devil shows up probably has just come in from San Tropez got a phenomenal tan going on just had a haircut looks good and it's probably holding a chick-fil-a lemonade in one hand and he comes down to the Son of God and says hey I thought you were the son of God well if you are turn the rock into bread and less have something to eat after all you've been out here for 40 days and Jesus says no the power of that little word nope oh he expanded a little bit for your sake in mind so that we can understand how we say no he said it is written man does not live on bread alone so the devil said okay well I thought that would have worked but it didn't so good luck and congratulations on your mission and I hope they go really well awesome see you later no the devil said Oh can we try something else comes another way around and he led him up to a high place he showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world and the devil said to Jesus I'll give you all their authority and splendor for it has been given to me that's the devil saying I have dominion over this broken planet right now I'm the Prince of the power of the air it said a different place in scripture and I can give it to anyone I want to so if you worship Me it will all be yours so we've got a 40 day weary guy looking out over the horizon going man that's a lot of territory now we've got a promise saying if you just worship me I'll give it all to you and what does Jesus say can you say with me he says no nope not happening and then he expands a little bit for our saves it is written worship the Lord your God and serve him only so we're not very far in but can I just be pastoral for a minute is the enemy coming into anybody's world right now and saying look I know God has a big plan for you but there's an instantaneous surface payoff available now you should take it is anybody got the enemy coming through your door ways right now go and look you see all this you could run that you could own that you could be in charge of that you could have that I will give you all of that if you will just bow down and worship me me meaning money or fame or position or power or whatever it is he's package the me as yes see this stuff is still going on in our lives every single day but we got to knows going so far but the devil didn't give up the devil led it Jesus verse 9 to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple and then he said again if you are the son of God kind of digging down at what digs down at you and me are you a man are you in charge can you do it can you make a decision I mean like come on kind of digging down at his ability to make these kinds of yes and no choices he says if you are the son of God then throw yourself down from here for it is written and then the devil quotes scripture to the Word made flesh a the devil is stupid be the devil is smart hey you do not quote the Word of God to the Word made flesh but be you can't take some people out by twisting the Word of God to them and I'm telling you the devil knows the Bible better than most all Christians and he's pulling out Old Testament on Jesus it is it is written I got the first two times you said it is written man shall not live by bread alone it is written you should worship and serve the Lord your God only so then the devil said I'm going to try that this time it is written man this is so amazing to me that we're getting like a a laboratory experiment on our own lives right here he said oh yeah I know you're gonna come with that it is written things so let me start with it is written he God will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone and then Jesus said it says let me clarify the whole counsel of God now not just your little proof text verse that trying to get me to build my entire response on a verse which is never a good idea by the way you you can't people build whole theologies on six verses in the Bible but the Bible is a whole council it speaks about itself of God from beginning to end is the whole conversation so if you're six don't hold up from beginning to end then don't build your life on your six versus if you're one verse that you're using to this is my spiritual axiom doesn't hold up through all of Scripture then you've got the wrong axiom and the enemy was on the wrong track and Jesus says it says let me clarify here do not put the Lord your God to the test so what was his answer no no no no his best YES on these days was no no no and that can be your best yes every day because every day you're gonna need to say no to something and we're gonna unpack that in just a moment but look how it ends it's pretty crazy when the devil had finished all this tempting he left him until an opportune time just putting that in there somebody needs to underscore that today could you're like I made it and the devil said hmm we're gonna come back later we got past that one the devil's like hmm let's mark down February the 19th 2040 - let's come back not gonna give up on the on the Son of God he's not going to give up on you so you've got to understand the power and your yes and in your no but look at the payoff verse 14 you can't stop reading too soon Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit so are you ready I'm ready okay let's go get ready then let's go out here where we're going to understand the battle out here understanding the battle we realize they're going to be a lot of opportunities to get the immediate and the surface satisfaction and that's going to happen over and over and over and over again and we're going to need to be ready for that kind of a challenge and if there's going to be occasions everywhere left and right to grab up short-sided power to think if I can get this world I've got everything and there's gonna be always the opportunity for the sensational to happen in my life that is to say okay Lord I'm gonna roll the dice right here but I'm just believing if I roll the dice you're gonna come through at the right time and you're gonna do a B and C cuz I'm gonna take a big leap here and when we do that a lot of times I'm not talking about steps of faith I'm talking about crazy talk like I'm gonna buy this company or I'm gonna get the lottery ticket or I'm gonna put myself in a very precarious situation but I'm gonna believe because of a little one verse proof tags that you're gonna come through and help me out I'm looking to do something kind of sensational believing that that you're gonna come through and put a safety net under it at the end of the day I'm gonna go out with this guy I know it's a bad idea but I'm trusting you're gonna kind of hang hang in there with me and make sure everything goes okay I'm gonna get in business with these people already knowing that's a really bad idea but I know you got me and these are the kinds of temptations that are in our life and in our choices every single day so there are three questions I want you to write down today these are the three questions that are going to guide us and to really carefully crafted and kind knows okay that's what we're looking for today we're not looking for no devil no devil no dev unless it's a devil and then by all means just say no devil but if it's your coworker be kinder about your note you can think no devil not that your coworker is the devil but maybe the temptation is coming from the devil but it's probably tomorrow not going to be one of these big guys because we just talked about it and the devil smarter than that that the knows we probably going to need to use tomorrow or the harder nose and those are the knows to the good things just not God's thing and that's the toughest know of all so three questions I want us to think about I want you to write these down number one what is your yes say it different way what is your mission in life if you fast-forward to luke 9:51 you can look at it later it says Jesus had set his face towards Jerusalem in other words Jesus had a big yes but before he ever said to you and me will you put your yes on the table he'd already said yes he did not leave heaven flimsy in his conviction he did not say I'm gonna leave what throne of heaven enter into humanity be born in Bethlehem and then I'll see how it goes after that no he came with a full conviction I'm going to live a perfect life and die the perfect death for the sins of the world I'm going to Jerusalem that's where I'm headed I'm not going to be sidetracked anywhere on the way so we see luke 9:51 he set his face I remember hearing a message when I was just a kid and a pastor said his face was set like a flint the hardest of stone towards Jerusalem and I thought what does that look like that kind of mission in that kind of purpose and that's where all the nose came from no I'm not going to turn these stones into bread I'm in a testing point for a mission bigger than the world why would I wreck on that for a loaf of bread no I'm not going to bow down and worship you I am on a mission to save humanity I've already said yes to that No well why don't you do something spectacular and let's just test the power of God and see how it works no I am God I've already been in the presence of God I came from God I'm I'm one of God I don't need to see God do something spectacular I am spectacular and I have a mission over my life if you read the stories about people in faith and out of faith successful people aren't always the most alloted they are not always the wealthiest they are not always from the best family or the best school but they all have a sense of clarity about what they want to accomplish they are driven by the dream by the purpose by the goal they start by saying yes to that outcome and everything else has to adjust these are the successful people they're not cruising into Tuesday go and we'll see how it goes no they're going into Tuesday going I know where I'm going and so I don't know what all Tuesday's gonna have but it's all gonna have to adjust accordingly because I have a big mission over my life Jesus says just I mean if you just read two more verses down don't ever stop reading too soon he says in verse 18 the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me to preach the good news to the poor sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to release the oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor is there anybody at passion City Church today that is grateful that Jesus did what the Spirit of the Lord was on him to do so no no no and then you and I got free the mission was over writing the whole story so our best yes oftentimes is a no but we don't have good knows unless we have a yes so I'm not asking you what is your 40-year plan I'm just asking is your yes to the Lord on the table and then do you have some smaller yeses that God has put before you that you're really committed to and if you start with those yeses then you're going to be on the right track second question I want us to think about today is this your god big enough for you to say no and like what do you mean by that well know is a tough one because I mean we're living in the ultimate fomo era if you don't know what that is it's fear of missing out in FOMO and know are always at odds with each other in a lot of different levels I was talking to a very successful person in their field and sphere outside the church but as a believer recently and there they have seen God come through in some circumstances in situations where they said I'm gonna this is where I will probably leave the company this is probably where I'll leave our leadership team this is probably where I'm not going to be a majority partner i that that day was the day that I knew I'm probably never ever going to be in the c-suite in our organization why because they kept saying yes to God and they kept saying no to the places and the spaces were the other people in their field were going who were all going up to the top and they said I kept having to say there's one last taxi ride I can't take tonight there's one last hang gonna happen when we're in New York and I'm not going to be on that last one I'm gonna be at the meeting I'm gonna be at the dinner I'm gonna be at the thing when we go after to meet with our clients but I'm not gonna be at that last part and this person said to me every single time I would get there I would end up getting in the taxi and going back to my hotel going that's probably going to be the weather the way parts and this is why I'm not gonna be on the 17th floor although all those people that just went ahead of me are on the 17th floor and I got invited to go with them tonight and this person said to me that every time I had to remember that my god is bigger than our company then our CEO then our board of directors then the field that our business is in then planet Earth that my god is bigger and I'm going home every time with a God who's bigger and if we have a puny God it's gonna be really hard for us to say a powerful no but if we have a powerful God it's gonna make it possible for us to say a gracious but solid no I'll tell you why it's difficult to say no a few reasons one because our self-worth is tied up in our yeses thank you we got one Wow at Cumberland 515 our yeses are so tied up in our self-worth and vice versa hey do you want to do so-and-so and we're like no not really but I kind of feel like I need to because I need to feel good about myself and I don't want to face the consequences of saying no and having you possibly not like me or think I don't like you so we end up saying yes to a bunch of stuff to make us look better in other people's eyes or because we're just afraid to be who we are in other people's eyes but if our God is big and our God is powerful and our yes is clear then that helps us say kindly no we don't want to say no I said before because we're afraid of missing out I was talking about big consequences and career consequences but we're getting this down to the macro level like will the the so-and-so's and the so-and-so's are going to dinner and we could have gone to dinner but now we're not going to dinner so we're not in the so-and-so's on the so-and-so's anymore and wow I don't know maybe we're gonna miss out on something versus saying hey we had a yes we had a vision it didn't fit in with us this time to say yes to that so we're good because we don't feel like we're gonna miss out on anything cuz we've got a big God in a big YES on the table how do you miss out with a big God and then the third reason is because we afraid of being misunderstood I remember when I was younger and if you're if you're halfway decent at what you do like if you're the best orthodontist at passion city church is that anybody here you're the very best one in Atlanta happen to be a passion city then that's awesome but you probably also can take me about a month to get in to see you right now if you're Genki orthodontists like you sort of yeah you know like got pliers in the room and you know don't see great you know you I probably can get in tomorrow but if you're the best orthodontist or the best whatever in Atlanta I'm gonna call your office and I go yes we can see you on August the 3rd why because the demand is great so as we do what we hope to do which is see God raised us up to be good at whatever he's called us to do in life our passion in life then we're gonna have to learn how to say no when I was a younger communicator people would call and say hey would you be willing to come and speak at a B and C and I would just say yes because a I need to learn how to communicate and and if it's nine kids at a lock-in in somebody's backyard yes I will be there the sessions are at 10:00 p.m. 2:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. right before the pancake breakfast I'm like I'm in I'm gonna do a three-part series it's gonna be incredible but as time went on every invitation came with the same general packaging we believe the Lord wants you to be a part of this every time no one ever invited me said we're not really sure if you're supposed to come or not we just thought we'd throw it out there every time it was people who I knew and trusted saying we really believe the Lord wants you to be a part of this we've prayed about it can you come and I'll be like absolutely yes absolutely I can come I can come until I realized one day that it couldn't possibly be and I'm saying this in that and I think you all know that I think you know me well enough that I can say this I came to realize what it can't possibly be God's will for me to be at all those events I certainly wouldn't be a part of passion city be speaking somewhere else today because I got invited to speak somewhere else today so so all of us have to have this lens that says I'm comfortable saying no here because I've already said yes here and if somebody says oh I see you're too good for us now oh I see you're too big to be a part of our little thing that we were doing or if some of your friends say oh I see we were all hanging out in them blah blah blah and now you don't hang out anymore and all of us live in that tension somewhere we have to be willing to be misunderstood not because we're trying to be misunderstood but because we're trying to be faithful with the yes that God has put in our hands and I'll tell you what that sounds like it sounds like I would love to this is if that's not the devil if it's the devil it's just no devil and then you better have word to back it up if it's your friend you just have to be able to kindly say I'd love to but I've not I can't I'd love to but no I love to but not this time I'd love to but I've already said yes to this so if you don't have any yeses you're stuck you're making stuff up you're lying to people oh I'd love to but I just got in with my orthodontist and it's uh took us a month to get in and I've got to head straight over there right now to have a pre root canal investigation to see if anything might happen eventually you're lying to people all day long you're making stuff up you feel conflicted they know you're lying or you're saying yes to stuff you don't need to be saying yes to and you're diluting the power and the influence of your mission in life because you're just free-floating out there on the sea and the best know is the best yes but the best know is yes I'd love to I'd love to come and hang but I've already said yes to Tuesday afternoons creating a little window of margin so that I can think about X let's do it again on another time that's the best no because it's really all wrapped up in a yes I'd love to come join you guys but I'm actually training to run the Boston Marathon so I've been trying to go to bed by 9:30 every night and when you say that to people they don't go oh they don't and they also don't go oh come on come on we're just gonna have a couple beers come on you can do it it's 20-something miles bro so I gotta kill you no they go I ain't running no Boston Marathon I hate running the Peachtree Road Race I don't run and that yes to the Boston Marathon which is why you said no to almost practically everything else in your life for three months hey it was worth it when you finished that race you didn't sit at the end of the race and go I've really missed those chocolate iced Krispy Kreme doughnuts I don't know no at the end of the Boston Marathon you're like this was a good yes to the 5,000 knows I'm not sad about any of them because I just did something great so I'll close with this question and then we're out last question is your yes whatever it's gonna be we're kind of going back and forth yeses and noes but is your yes to whatever you're gonna say yes to this afternoon tomorrow Tuesday Wednesday is it worth the no and here's the way I like to say it whenever we say yes to something there is less of us for something else so make sure your yes is worth the less so put it back around for me I am gonna say yes to going and preaching around the world hands down at least until the Lord says don't do that anymore I'm going to say yes to going to whether it's Sicily or Mexico City or whether it's Missouri I'm gonna say yes to going on the assignments God gives me but they're all going to be filtered through the yes I've already said to our community at passion city church and I'm gonna say yes to some of them I'm gonna move on into some of them but when I say yes I already know if I say yes to Sicily there's going to be less because there is no magic multiplication of time so I have to get with the Lord and determine whether or not the yes is gonna be worth the less and then I can make a decision and say there is gonna be less gonna be less of me at our team gonna be less of me at home there's gonna be less of me able to say yes to something else later this year there's gonna be less of a lot of different things but the less is definitely worth the yes of being in that moment at that time so I'm gonna say yes understanding the less knowing that just because I go to Sicily I don't get for more extra days this month and so every time we say yes we have to realize that's gonna leave less and we've got to be happy that that less whatever it was so some of you men and women are going to travel this week and you're gonna miss your kids but God's put a calling on your life he's open an opportunity for your life he's made a way for you and you have to sort that out yes I'm gonna miss my kids on Thursday I'm gonna miss Thursday I can't get everybody to redo Thursday I'm just gonna miss Thursday but the yes God called me to me and my family belief is worth the less of not being there on Thursday and I believe my god is bigger that if I have my big yes to him on the table everything in the end is going to work out it's Jesus saying why turn in that rock into a loaf of bread when I'm going to turn a little boy's lunch into enough food to feed 5,000 people it's saying let me see let me think about it for a minute I can either jump off the top of the temple and have angels come and catch me before I hit the ground Wow that'll be special or I can go down into the ground there and have my father call me up on Easter Sunday morning and have a stone rolled away and I come out alive from the dead it said let me see let me see let me see I can bow down and worship you devil and I can get Galilee and Judea and the Middle East maybe all the way to the Mediterranean or I can stay on my yes and sit down on my throne and have the authority to banish you into eternity and have every tribe and every nation and every language and every people bow down to something worth bowing down before and singing the anthem of heaven I say yes to that
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 16,653
Rating: 4.8727274 out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio sermons, sermons louie giglio, louie giglio The Best Yes, louie giglio Yes, Yes louie giglio, The Best Yes louie giglio, yes and no louie giglio, louie giglio Luke 4:1-14, Luke 4:1-14, louie giglio Luke 9:51, Luke 9:51, passioncitychurch louie giglio, passioncitychurch yes, yes and no
Id: QGD-d0R_SW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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