May I Have Your Attention - Louie Giglio

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the message today is entitled may i have your attention you ever been at one of those events where all the chatter was going on around the room and finally somebody got a glass and a knife and they started clinking on the glass and sort of let everybody know the conversations finally all down died down and someone said may i have your attention well today is a moment like that heaven today is clinking on the glass and heaven today is asking may i have your attention now that's a challenge because the average human attention span isn't great microsoft did a study in 2000 and in 2000 the average humans attention span what do you what do you think was 12 seconds long okay now we're in a digital age so the same study was done in 2015 and the human attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to eight seconds imagine how encouraging that is to me right now standing up here giving a message to all of you i gotta do something every eight seconds to reboot the whole system but i want us to know today that when god sets his mind on something he doesn't suffer attention deficit but he has eternal focus and what we're talking about in this series is what god is eternally focused on and we saw it in acts 1 8 the text is going to come on the screen and you will receive power when the holy spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem in judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth so this is god's plan this is what he's focused on this is what he's thinking about and this is where we got the title of our series we didn't sit in a creative meeting and go oh i know a cool title how about to the ends of the earth no we just excised it right out of the text and right out of the plan and right out of what god is focused on you'll receive power when the holy spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses here in jerusalem in judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth that didn't start in acts 1 8 we see it all through the story psalm 46 10 one of the most well-known verses in church you can say it with me if i start it be still and know that isn't that amazing except there's a semicolon there i think the text is coming up and this is one of those classic moments for me this is a classic thing that i would do i would grab onto be still and know that i am god i would think that was the whole verse because that's what i needed i'm in a storm i got trouble i'm perplexed i need to be still right now and know that i am god this is for me right and i wouldn't know that there was a semicolon there and that the verse wasn't over yet and if you ask the average person who's been around church their whole life if they know be still and know that i am god they would say yeah and if you said in what comes after the semicolon they would go what semicolon but all the way back in psalm 46 he's saying be still which means basically cease striving chill out be confident be assured that i am god and here's why that's important i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth in other words this plan didn't start after resurrection this has been in god's mind since before time be still a no i'm god i'm in charge i got a plan and nobody's stopping me and you know what the plan is i'm going to be praised in every nation i'm going to be praised on the whole earth every people on earth are gonna know the goodness and the grace of the story that is coming through jesus christ and the power of resurrection and i'm gonna do it you can mark it down you can get in or get out you can be with me or not i am going to do this be still and know i am god and this is what i'm going to do and we see it fulfilled in revelation 5 and this text shows us the end of the story in heaven this is what heaven looks like by the way does not look exactly like the gathering we're in right now here's what heaven looks like and they sang a new song these are those who are gathered around the throne and gathered around the lamb you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals because you jesus were slain and with your blood you purchased men for god that's mankind for god from every tribe and language and people and nation so that's heaven we already saw what god was thinking about before now we're getting the epicenter of the movement in the resurrection of jesus christ and we're seeing how this plays out from day one and the reason i love it is everything in the world is in reset mode right now and in reboot right now and so when you're in reset and reboot what do you do you you go back to the instructions you go back to the starting point you go back to what what is this all about in the first place and we know in the first place that god is very focused on a plan he has a plan you're going to be my witnesses you are here there and everywhere he's got people in the plan and we'll see and meet some of them today and he's supplying all the power we need for the plan through the holy spirit so we're going to see the plan we're going to meet some of the people and we're going to see holy spirit all over the place today people are getting healed people are getting saved revival is breaking out people are speaking in other languages the dead are being raised i mean the holy spirit is just all over this this movement these people who are part of this plane we're going to see all that woven together today but we're starting in acts chapter 8 verse 1. this is where brad and brett both started last week then they both backtracked and did a flyover of quite a bit of the text and we're going to do that again today in fact i don't know about you but often times when i'm on a plane flying especially across country i notice everybody's watching a movie but i don't know why i'm just not good at watching movies on planes i go through the whole thing anybody like me i just go through the whole thing like three times and i'm like no no no no no no and then i default to what i love anyway i go to the to the my flight button and then i go to the in-flight thing and then i just watch me fly over the whole usa anybody else with me out there and it's like oh cool we're coming up on topeka kansas right now and i'm hoping it's going to be on my side of the plane and i'm hoping to get a little glimpse of topeka out the window now we're not going to go down and have barbecue okay but we're going to go over topeka and denver and maybe salt lake and then we're going to land in la so get ready for that that's what we're about to do okay but we're starting with the death of stephen so this great upsurge of resurrection faith now has smashed right into the opposition of the jewish authorities that want to squash this story of jesus being alive and stephen is the first martyr that we see in the story and he's dragged outside the city of jerusalem and stoned to death and one of the leaders of this whole organized effort to stop the spread of resurrection is saul and so it says in verse 1 and saul was there giving approval to his death on that day a great persecution broke out against the church at jerusalem and all except the apostles were scattered throughout judea and samaria so if you're paying attention the plan was witnesses in jerusalem judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth and right here early in the story we've already got jerusalem check oh people now going to judea and now people are going to samaria why are they going because they felt motivated no because persecution sent them out so the little footnote for us there is some of the hardship that we're facing in life could be useful in putting us in places we wouldn't likely go to be a part of the plan by the power of god to be god's chosen person in that moment to take the story of resurrection power somewhere we weren't already planning on going so persecution scattered the church and as the church went the plan starts to unfold and then it says that some godly men mourn deeply for stephen and they buried him but then look at verse three but saul began to destroy the church going from house to house he dragged off men and women and put them in prison so right away we see the opposition that's coming to the plan of god but we already know because of psalm 46 10 and many other texts like it that this plan is going to prevail we can be still and know that the plan is going to prevail but we can also know that the plan is constantly going to face opposition and so paul now has made it his mission i feel like we've got the upper hand we just took stephen out people are scared for their lives people are on the run i have authority from the high priest and from the religious leaders and i'm going to go start knocking on doors i'm going to go house to house and i'm going to go person by person and people who are saying they're following this resurrection story they're going to jail and so it seems like somehow the story gets turned upside down but in fact it doesn't get turned upside down at all we see in the very next verse those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went and then we see our flyover here we go to topeka kansas are you ready philip it says went down to a city in samaria and proclaimed the christ there when the crowds heard philip and saw the miraculous signs he did they all paid close attention to what he said may i have your attention here's one thing we're learning in the text when you have a message of resurrection a transformed life and the power of the holy spirit you don't have to ask for people's attention you're going to get people's attention so the samaritans are like whoa we're paying attention philip preaches the gospel and the samaritans receive christ and the spirit of god ultimately now why does this matter because the jews hated the samaritans the samaritans back in history had married they were jews who had married into foreigners who'd come into their land so there's racial and ethnic tension at its peak between the jews and the samaritans and though resurrection power had come to jerusalem had come to to the true jews the true jewish mindset would never think that this favor of god this spirit of god this move of god this power of god is going to go to them surely not even so much so that when jesus went out of his way to go through samaria to have that encounter with the woman at the well everyone was perplexed why would he do that but god had a plan and his plan included all the nations and all the languages and all the tribes and all the ethnicities including the samaritans who he gave his life for and so philip gets a word he moves out to samaria and lo and behold god wants to have grace and favor and mercy among the samaritans and they have a revival in samaria and it makes so much news that they send word back to jerusalem and they have to send peter and john to the apostles down there to check out can this really be happening and they get there the spirit comes the spirit breaks out and they're like this is unbelievable god is on the move and right away check the box the gospel jumps over a barrier that people think is impossible and kingdom resurrection power is now breaking out in revival in samaria it says when the apostles returned to jerusalem they preached in every town in samaria they went to and then it says about philip that he was transported in the spirit i don't know what that means he got transported from samaria which would be north of jerusalem all the way south of jerusalem to the desert road headed toward gaza and he just realizes i just woke up and i'm on the desert road headed toward gaza and he looks over and there's an ethiopian sitting in his chariot under a tree reading out of the prophet isaiah the text about he's going to be pierced for our transgression speaking hundreds of years before jesus about jesus life this was a god-fearing jewish ethiopian who would come to jerusalem for one of the festivals and now was on his way back to ethiopia philip gets invited into the story by being transported through the spirit the spirit nudges his heart to go stand near the chariot he stands near the chariot notices the guys reading isaiah says hey what are you reading about he goes i don't know i don't know if this guy's talking about himself or talking about somebody else to come do you know what it's about that's a softball people that's when god just puts you in a situation and somebody walks up to you at work and says hey my marriage is falling apart and i don't know what to do and i'm like living you know at a friend's house right now you got any ideas and you're like well i'll probably sounds rough man i'll you i'll pray for you no that's a softball that's like t-ball that's like little kids who can't hardly even swing a bat even though they've got black stuff under their eyes and they're batting gloves on and all their other gear and and the ball is like set up on a little thing and all you have to walk up and do is whack it this is a softball and god's going to give you some softballs he's going to give you some opposition but he's also going to give you a softball every now and then and when he gives you a softball just knock that thing over the fence okay when the guy says i don't know what isaiah is talking about is he talking about something bad's going to happen to him or something bad is going to happen to somebody else is he going to suffer or is somebody else going to suffer and philip said thank you very much for the softball um because uh the revival in samaria that was a load and i'm a little bit worn out and he says okay let me explain and it says philip picked up with isaiah and told the ethiopian the story all the way to jesus and the ethiopian said i want to put my faith in jesus and write it in there the ethiopian became a christian and you know why that was pretty important because this ethiopian was the treasury director for the country of ethiopia under candace the queen just got saved they're walking along together talking about how cool it is that he just got saved and the ethiopian says there's water right there you can i get baptized right here and right now so samaria had a revival and now africa has got a saved baptized jesus follower who just happens to run the treasury of a nation and have the ear of a queen on his way home and his chariot figuring out the story that has been promised for hundreds of years before has now been fulfilled in a man named jesus and been proved by an act called resurrection and now i am baptized into that same resurrection power and i'm on my way to ethiopia saved and touched by the spirit of god a follower of jesus so we're going to go jerusalem we're going to go judea we're going to go samaria and we're going to the ends of the earth and we haven't even read one chapter and check check check check the gospel is moving out to the ends of the earth isn't that amazing but then look at verse one of chapter nine so all that's happening but then verse one of chapter nine opens with the word meanwhile so there's always a couple things going on is what we're saying here god's doing a revival over here but somebody over here is clueless to the revival namely saul so while god's breaking out a revival in samaria got an ethiopian finance director for a whole nation on his way home saved and a follower of jesus paul saul doesn't really know what's going on so it says in verse 1 meanwhile while god's breaking out revival and fulfilling the plan meanwhile saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the lord's disciples he went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in damascus so that if he found any there who belonged to the way whether men or women he might take them as prisoners to jerusalem this guy still thinks he's going to destroy the church and so he's heading out of jerusalem to the next town up the road in damascus going i heard there's some followers of the way up there and i'm going to go put an end to that and on the way he has a vision he gets knocked to the ground he sees jesus who says to him saul why are you persecuting me and he's like wow he's blinded and saved in an encounter with jesus on the way to a city to put an end to the followers of the way he becomes a follower of the way on the way the story there is that not only can god jump over barriers that look insurmountable not only can he span a continent in a moment but he also can change the heart of anybody in your story so if there's anybody in your equation that you crossed off the list and said everybody else maybe but not them you might want to uncross them off of your list today because it is possible for resurrection gospel truth to change anybody's heart anywhere at any time and i don't know maybe you're saying yeah my boss is not going to happen the guy that board member with me my neighbor my father-in-law my sister not going to happen don't cross anybody off your list until god tells you he's crossed them off his list he sees chooses who he wants to awaken to the glory and the gospel power of resurrection and saul is right in the middle of our story today reminding us that everybody has a shot at the good news of the gospel of jesus christ everybody has got a chance there was a believer in damascus named ananias and he got a vision from god there's this guy uh named saul of tarsus and uh he can't see right now and he's waiting for someone to come and pray for him to find his site you'll find him in on straight street he gives him specific directions as to where he is he says well you go pray for him and ananias says no thank you i've heard of saul of tarsus said he was on his way here to kill me so i don't think i want to go pray for him if he can't see that's just better for me and god says no i'm sorry i probably should have started with this he said go because this man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the gentiles and their kings and before the people of israel and i'll show him how much he must suffer for my name so when he was standing by giving approval to stephen's death god already knew no there's another there's a bigger plan for you so you may be standing somewhere today completely anti-god you may be standing in complete foolishness right this moment and god may be looking at you in your foolishness and in your anti-godness going i have a plan that's gonna surprise you don't cross yourself off the list because everybody can taste resurrection power ananias goes prays for paul saul it says that when he prayed something like scales fell off of his eyes and he immediately started preaching the gospel of jesus these people were scared to death they're like it's a ploy it's a plot don't fall for it he's acting like he loves jesus but he doesn't he's acting like he's preaching resurrection but he's here to kill us all it was very tense for a moment he eventually comes under threat there goes back to jerusalem and they won't have it either they're like no you're not coming here bro here thank you very much stephen remember that thing it's not happening and he had to tell a story again and ananias had to tell the story again people had to tell the story everywhere again no this is how it happened this guy really got saved it's legit don't you want some people coming into church that we're like oh wow and then we have to hear the story a couple times like no it's real man they really actually are transformed by the power of the gospel and then you turn the page we're just flying over denver now chapter 10 you get the uh the stories by reading the first verse of each chapter by the way if you're not noticing that already at caesarea so this is a town north of jerusalem on the sea on the mediterranean it's an outpost for rome who's running this whole area of the world at this time at caesarea there was a man named cornelius a centurion in what was known as the italian regiment okay flying over okay so we don't have time to drop down in and and have coffee at one of the local coffee shops cornelius is a god-fearing man he's trying to live a godly life he would be in a category somebody i would say that's a really good person trying to live a really good life and doing a pretty good job of living a pretty good life but cornelius didn't have all the dots connected and one day he had a vision and the vision was uh you need to send some people to joppa it's another town and look for a guy named simon they also call him peter and that's confusing because he's staying with a guy named simon but i'll give you the address of the house send two guys down there and tell peter to come so he says got it sends two people to joppa peter's down in joppa peter is a good jew and as a jew he knows it's not lawful to even associate with a foreigner who's a non-jew he gets two guys come to the door at simon's house the other simon and they're like uh cornelius has asked for you to come to caesarea and he's like hmm sounds like a italian dude sounds like that's not a son of abraham and i don't really know how that's going to go down but he had had a vision the night before of a sheet coming down from heaven with all these different four-footed animals and reptiles in it and the lord said have a feast on whatever you see and he goes no some of these animals are unclean you told us before in the old testament we can't eat some of these animals and then god said to him what i say is clean you can't say is unclean he's like that was weird until the two guys showed up at the door and then he went hmm the gentiles the foreigners the the people you know they were they were sons of abraham you remember it right father abraham had many sons and many sons said father abraham and i'm one of them and so are you and you're not but he went and when he got there cornelius had gathered a whole crowd why because you don't have to ask for people's attention when god is speaking to people so when god's speaking to somebody in your neighborhood and they're like man i've been having these dreams or i've been having these thoughts or i've been having these weird feelings or i don't know what's going on in life that's another softball and you just roll in and say well let me tell you what all that's about that's god of almighty in heaven trying to get your attention and let me explain maybe what he's trying to say and so peter rolls in and eventually the people freak out because they think he's god and he's like no no i'm just like you and then he says something interesting he he really underscores the point and you can see this in chapter 10 verse 27 talking with him peter went inside and found a large gathering of people and he said to them you are all well aware that is against our law for a jew to associate with a gentile or visit him but god has shown me that i should not call any man impure or unclean so that when he was sent for when i was sent for i came without raising any objection may i ask why you sent for me and cornelius says i had a vision that i was supposed to sin for you and you had something to tell us and so peter preaches a message in the verses that follow tells them the story of jesus and as he's preaching the holy spirit falls on them just exactly like what happened in acts 2 while he's preaching the holy spirit fell on this gathering at cornelius house and they started speaking another language languages just like the people did in acts chapter 2 and the spirit fell on them and and peter's mind blown he was like this is unbelievable i'm preaching to gentiles god sent me to gentiles the spirit's falling on gentiles and they had a revival in cornelius's house and the gospel had jumped over to samaria it was already on its way to ethiopia and now all people on planet earth every nation on earth is now in the story this gospel story is for everybody it's so mind-boggling that peter has to go back to jerusalem to the apostles and to the leaders of the church and say you're not going to believe what happened in caesarea i know i know i know but i saw it with my own eyes and they had to make a decision they all had a meeting and they decided now tell us again what happened and what was the vision and i mean why did you go and what happened when you got there and finally after they have this whole meeting about it it says in chapter 11 verse 18 when they heard this they had no further objections and praised god saying so then god has granted even the gentiles repentance unto life check [Applause] there's a plan there's people and there's power i just want to park it at the end of chapter 11. so look at verse 19 now those who had been scattered by the persecution in connection with stephen traveled as far as phoenicia cyprus and antioch telling the message only to jews in other words their mindset was still god has done something amazing but surely that's just for the jewish people right we're the sons of abraham but they didn't know that a revival had broken out at cornelius house they didn't know that god was already jumping over all the barriers and that every ethnicity and every nation every language and every tribe was going to be invited into this grand story but look at the next verse it says some of them however men from cyprus and cyrene went to antioch and began to speak to greeks also telling the good news about the lord jesus now antioch at the time was an extraordinarily influential city if you went now up a map above lebanon into the very southern part of turkey you would you would have the city where antioch was but at the time it was an epicenter of greek culture and an episode or crossroad really for the known world and here these these brothers go and they're like we're not just looking to tell this story to jews we're looking to tell the story to anybody greeks great do you know jesus is lord do you know the story of the gospel and all these greeks started putting their faith in jesus and a church was born in antioch so strong that jerusalem ultimately sent barnabas one of their best to lead it barnabas went and got saul of tarsus to come and the two of them stayed a year building this church and this church became such a force it became the sending church for the missionary journeys that we're going to read about in the book of acts and then it says something amazing about you in this story look at it down uh at the end in verse 23 when he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of god he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the lord with all their hearts and then down in verse 26 the disciples were called christians first at antioch before this they were called people of the way and for the very first time now this church has got so much momentum and people have said about these resurrection people they're christians so anybody in this room who considers yourself a christian your dna goes all the way back to antioch the very first time someone looked at any follower of jesus and said man you're a christ one christian didn't start in the west it started in town that's currently in southern turkey christian first one oh you're a christian because you were born in america first one antioch greek city multicultural city gospel roseanne christian that's your heritage that's our family that's our dna that's where we came from from antioch that's where we got our namesake we got it from jesus first given in antioch because the gospel could not and would not be stopped do you know why because this plan has heaven's attention and what god is saying today is may i have your attention there is a plan the gospel is the message the spirit is the power and there is still a lot to be done namely that half the people on planet earth currently have little or no access to the gospel you say well i'm just going to be still and know that i am god he seems like he's doing good i mean look what he did he seems like he's doing fine i don't know why god needs me to get involved i don't know why he needs me to be praying i don't know why he needs me to be giving i don't know why he needs me to be going he looks like he's doing fine and he is doing fine and he's going to do fine but don't you want to spend your one shot on earth doing the thing that god is doing while you're on earth so that you don't get to the end and go whoa you were micro focused on the plan and i don't know what i did but i think i just threw my life away that's why this is a game changer today so we say we're for god i think honestly i'm extraordinarily happy with the way this church puts jesus at the center and lifts up a sovereign god above all things and makes everything we do not about us but about him we say that we are for people and i'm i love the way this church is growing with a heart to serve people to care for people to value people we say that we are for the city and we're doing what we can to do our part to bring light to our city to bring healing to our city to bring whatever is needed to our city but we also say fourthly that we are for the world and i know for our team 2021 is a year for us to say we want to we want to put the pilot light under that fourth phrase and see that thing roar life like it maybe hasn't in the last little season and so many things have happened to tie into that one of them was that a family in our church um their daughter sitting right over here gave me a copy of this book at christmas and um it was an extraordinary way that they even gave me the book as a story unto itself and the book is a book by a phenomenally well-known photographer artist who wanted to capture some of the most beautiful cultures and people on earth cultures that may not last much longer in the globalization that we're a part of right now and he said i want these people to never be forgotten and i want them to be remembered and so he made this book and it was given as a gift to me and it sits on the table in my office which is essentially a meeting room and on the table in that room is this book and for the last 10 days it's been open to this page and it's just been another thread of the story of god saying we're for god yes we are we are for people yes we are we will see people come from death to life we are for the city yes we are but we are also for the world and we know there's a plan we've known it from the beginning of our movement from the beginning of passion city we want to be also for the world so this book lands on my desk and every day when i come in to the office i'm staring at this guy right here check that guy out i mean on another day it could have been these people [Music] and on this particular day i'm like what in the world who are these people and apparently i'm the last people person to find out but these guys if you want to see a few of them they are the eagle hunters of mongolia it's where they live here's the info about them and they're kazaks meaning they're obviously from kazakhstan but over time they migrated into mongolia they i won't tell you the whole story you probably know more about it than me but they get these female eagles out of the nest when they're young they train them and raise them up and they go out in the winter they're herders and have livestock in the summer but in the winter they go out on the snowy seasons and the eagles go and hunt the foxes and that's how they live and so i just i've had it open to this guy because i his close-up is um is pretty powerful and every day at some point in the day i ask the question what am i doing and what are we doing to help the story of the gospel reach him he's kazak so there's a lot moving in his favor a apparently the world knows about him i was doing research on him and his people and i stumbled right on to this um article this is the new york times travel page in the article you're like when was that written a february 21st something along there and it was updated on last wednesday so apparently i was like okay so i'm the only person who doesn't know about the eagle hunters of mongolia so they're there you read about them here but then i just shifted over to the joshua project which gives me instant information on every people group on planet earth and i read about the kazakhs easy to find 18 and a half million of them good news they have a bible in their language good news they have the jesus film in their language bad news out of the 18 and a half million of them only 39 000 of them are jesus followers so they're still considered unreached it's on percentage how that is measured [Music] and i want to ask the question every day what am i doing and what are we doing that's impacting him this is not a history book these people didn't dress up in costumes they didn't say hey can you get your kazakh eagle hunting costume on because i'm going to take photographs for you for my book this is their life this is their day this is who they are this is what they're about they're beautiful people and here's the thing that really blew me away when i saw the new york times thing i found out in between gatherings that there was a whole thing on 60 minutes about them a few years ago so apparently this is a deal and you can go there and maybe hold one of the eagles if you want to in the kazakh mountains of mongolia but i i i think everybody that's heard about them has been they've been blown away it's fascinating it is fascinating but i wonder how many times we've traveled around the world we've seen the stories of the world we've met the peoples of the world and it's been fascinating but it didn't turn from fascinating to heartbreaking because this guy unless he knows jesus and he might it's possible he's most likely following islam mixed together with spiritism it's likely that when he needs a cure he goes to the witch doctor or the shaman who tells him what his future is going to be but he doesn't know that there's a man named jesus who canceled all debt rose from the dead defeated death hell and the grave and whose name is above every single name who has the power to save and to raise people from the dead he doesn't know that there is an anthem in heaven and that he can join it on earth he doesn't know that he has a god who knows his name and his god speaks kazakh so when god speaks to him he will not need a translator he'll just talk directly to him and hear him talk directly to god a god who'll ride with him on the hunt and be with him when they return a god who promised him a future and a hope who said i have plans for you plans for good plans to prosper you plans not to harm you to bring you a future and a hope he doesn't know that there is a god who's prepared a table before him and a feast before him he only knows that the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the glory of god on the face of christ and god is just saying again today may i have your attention you want to hear something really crazy i know we're rolling we're rapping we are i just was sharing this message in the earlier gathering and i was at our location at cumberland in cumberland i don't know if we have a photo or not we tried to grab it in between with eb on the right he's mongolian his wife they're part of our house let grant know in between the gathering i've been out to the kazakh mountains and actually had one of the eagles on my fists before i was like now i know who was doing all the ameniting and the clapping during my talk hadn't been any of that in this gathering so far but a lot of amenity coming from over there i'm thinking it was eb and he said at the end i was just stunned and amazed sitting here today hearing our house pray for my people [Music] you want to take it up a notch brad sent me a text in between from someone also in our house who said my wife and i spent several months in mongolia among the kazakhs and i actually shared jesus with some of the people we're talking about today and they came to put their faith in the lord so we have brothers and sisters among the kazakhs of mongolia those people were in the same gathering this morning the book just happens to be turned this week to the kazakh eagle hunters so god is speaking and he's inviting and if you're like you know what louie i just got here today honestly and i'm the person you were talking about before my marriage is falling apart my life is falling apart i have no idea what to do right now i don't know enough about the bible or enough about jesus to even know if this is the right step for me i just ended up in the gathering ended up at church today and maybe you're thinking i'm about as far away from god as you think that guy geographically might be and i'm sitting in the building but i feel like i'm at the ends of the earth i just want you to know today if you're sitting in this building feeling like god wouldn't know your name could not speak your language would not understand a thing about your world i'm telling you he knows everything about the eagle hunters and he knows everything about you and there is nobody in this moment who is too far or who has been crossed off the list and in this moment you can receive grace forgiveness repent from your way of life turn to jesus be born again into brand new life be touched and filled by the holy spirit and begin to live a brand new story you
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 116,723
Rating: 4.8498464 out of 5
Keywords: Worship Matters, W2O2R2S2H2I2P
Id: G8sV01uyr1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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