Our Aim - Louie Giglio

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you know God is so good that he doesn't want us to miss out on the big point in life and so these few weeks together what we've been talking about is how God doesn't to confuse you he doesn't want to limit your life he wants to ignite your passion and release you into the lane that you were uniquely gifted to run in but before he wants to do that he wants to frame a purpose for you that's bigger than your own life and your own experience so at the end of the day you don't miss the big point you know it's possible I think for someone to listen to this series up to this this point in time and say wow that's been encouraging I want to do my best I want to be excellent at what I do I want to lead my field and I want to leave a mark in the world but you could still do all of that and miss the ultimate point of life which is to know God and to make him known so bigger than a job bigger than a calling even bigger than Elaine or a stewardship or an assignment is the purpose and the purpose is to know Jesus and to make him known and I don't want any of us to miss that today and God doesn't want you to miss the point today there was a man in Scripture that Jesus described and one of his teachings and he said in Luke 12 in this parable he said the ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest so this man took the stairs this man crushed it in his area this man killed it in his particular endeavor in life and a lot of us know people like that I'm thinking about someone in my own life right now and if you want to just put anybody up here and say this person did amazing in life they crushed it in every single way but they still don't really know the purpose of what their life is all about this man this is what Jesus said about him the ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest he thought to himself what shall I do no place to store my crops don't you love this guy I am succeeding so much right now I don't know what to do with all the blessing that's coming into my life but then he had an idea he said this is what I'll do I'll tear down my barns I'll build bigger barns and then I will store my surplus grain and I'll say to myself you have plenty of grain laid up for years to come take life easy eat drink and be merry now that's a guy who found his deal it was farming he succeeded he did well he accomplished great things his business grew his abundance was obvious to everyone but then the story ends this way Jesus says but God said to him now that he's got these big barns and it's amazing success you fool this very night your life will be demanded from you and then who will get what you have prepared for yourself see what God wants to do is release you to be great at whatever it is you're called to do and whatever sphere you're living in but that's not enough God says I don't want you just to do great and then get to the end of life and go well I succeeded in what I did I want you to have a purpose that is bigger than all of that so you can stand at the end of this life on the brink of the next life and say wow I got clued in to the big idea which is all this is for the glory of God and then God was so kind to invite me into this great purpose to release me in the thing that I love the thing that I'm good at to do that and use that in such a way that it brings glory to him now and in eternity and God is kind like that and he doesn't want any of us today to miss the point but a lot of us are getting the point we're getting the purpose we're understanding sort of how our passion now folds into that purpose and we've been asking the question how do I do the what in my life in such a way that I'd do it in the name of the Lord Jesus and such a way that it gives glory to God and we've answered that a few ways we do it with excellence being our standards we do it with distinction being our calling card and last week we talked about doing it with costly consistency being our operating grid but there's one more thing that we need to add to that equation how do you do the whatever in your life in such a way that you do it to the glory of God and that last component is simply this that we make our aim to tell people about Jesus to say it a different way the win for you and me is people hearing about Jesus so yes we want excellence to be our standard amen yes we want distinction to be our calling card nobody like you've ever worked in this office before nobody like you has ever led this class before who are you where did you come from what what planet are you living on we want that distinction in our lives and we want to pay the price to be our best but there's one more thing in the story we have to have a passion inside of us and the passion is this our win is not the dollars it's not the accolades it's not the success and all that comes with that our win is people hearing about Jesus that is the win for us in our lives we want to make our aim people coming to know Jesus our actions build a platform and give us the opportunity to share a message but our actions cannot substitute for us actually articulating the story of Jesus to the world you're like well why not because the scripture says in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God do you realize that no one's ever put their faith in Jesus and gone from death to life spiritually without hearing words you're like oh no no one of the great fathers of our faith said pre - gospel always and if necessary you know this use words sounds awesome right you've probably quoted it I know I have sounds beautiful and it is beautiful it is a beautiful sentiment what our great father in the faith is saying is hey don't just broadcast a message to people actually show them the kindness of God show them the love of God show them the mercy of God show them the abundance of God through the way that you live but this is a great sentiment but it is not a complete thought because people don't come to know Jesus by watching other people simply do good things people come to know Jesus by hearing the Word of God this is where faith is born and so our actions build a platform but our actions can't be substituted for people actually hearing about Jesus and so today we're taking this step together and we're just believing that everyone in the city will have an opportunity to have faith in Jesus because they've heard the Word of God now you may be sitting there going hey that's great I agree with that but that's your job I mean that's that's your job Louie to tell people about Jesus my job is to be a banker and you have a master's degree in divinity and I'm sure they taught you along the way how to tell people about Jesus so that's your job but that's just a narrow way of seeing what we're talking about today the bigger way the broader way the Jesus way of seeing what we're talking about today is that all of us every one of us has the opportunity to tell our story of Jesus on every corner in every place everywhere on every Street every single one of us telling the story of Jesus to the world and that's when revival is gonna break out in Atlanta Georgia and in the world it's not gonna be old school if we can get everybody to the church for three nights will have revival revival happens when all of understand that we if we choose to do the things that God's called us to do well are going to have a platform from which we can tell our story of Jesus to the world my friend said it this way back in the Occupy Wall Street movement he said yeah Occupy Wall Street well how about this we as believers want to occupy all streets we want to go into every single block every single office building every single classroom every spin class every neighborhood and we want to say this is my area and I want to claim this area for Jesus I want to bring light into this area for his glory this is what Jesus said in Matthew five 13 through 16 he said you are the salt of the earth you are we are but if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again it's no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men and then listen to what Jesus says to you and me you are the light of the world a city that cannot be hidden neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl instead they put it on a stand and it gives light to everyone in the house in the same way let your light so shine before men that they will see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven see we can't look at Colossians 3:17 our anchor verse and say man that's basically just God sort of rubber-stamping my success plane I just kind of run into my whatever and get it knighted over my passion and go kill it and be a great success in life God is inviting us into a bigger story and he's saying I want you to run in your lane but I want you to run in your lane so that you'll have a platform to stand on from which you can share your story of Jesus with the world the way to remember it easily is four words that start with W and it is this that your work and your ways will give you the opportunity to share your witness and your winnings for the glory of God your work and your ways will give you the opportunity to share your witness and your winnings with the world so let's talk about those two things your your witness and your winnings what is your witness it is simply you sharing the story of Jesus with your world and you're like Lois I'm not a theologian I'm a techie so I don't really know like I'm not good at telling like the whole story of Jesus to the people around me that's not what I'm really skilled at and it's not what I'm good at again that's why I invited my neighbor to church so that you can tell him the story of Jesus because I'm not really good at telling him the story of Jesus and that's great if you invited your neighbor a friend co-worker to church that's awesome because they've seen something that maybe they've never even imagined existed in the world but I want you to understand that you have a story to tell you have a story to tell that maybe and I say maybe tongue-in-cheek more powerful to your coworker than them coming and hearing me tell a story your story is the story that is sitting on the platform of your work in your ways and it gives you a unique ability to communicate to the people that know you best and that you know best about what Jesus is doing in your life in a total normal way not some strange weird hello everybody let me put on my church voice and get on my church gear and let me get in my church frame of mind and tell everybody about Jesus because Jesus has a plan for your life and I want you to read your Bibles and I want you to come to prayer meeting with me and people are like what happened to you know I'm talking about in a normal you Conaway you telling your story of Jesus to the people around you now if your your work and your ways are shoddy then your your plot form is gonna be a little wobbly God still may use it I mean because the word is powerful the gospel is powerful but if your your work and your ways are stellar then your platform is gonna hold up while you share your story of Jesus with the people around you you don't have to be able to debate your story or defend your story you just need to be able to tell your story you don't need to send an email to the whole team unless you're amazing it says hey everybody if you have any theological questions just come by my cubicle if you have any philosophical things you've been wrestling with just stop by my cubicle any scientific issues related to faith that you've been struggling with just drop by here if there's a passage of Scripture that you need exegete it from the Old Testament or the New Testament you need help in the Hebrew or Greek original languages just pop by my cubicle I'll be happy to help and solve all your dilemmas that you're thinking about no you don't have to take that weight on your life you just need to say hey I gotta tell you what God is doing in my life oh well okay so great yeah I don't believe in God okay awesome I just want you to know can we go eat some lunch you don't have to be able to defend it and you don't have to be able to fully explain it even you just need to be willing to share your message the message of Jesus based on what he's doing in your life there was that story about the woman that Jesus came to at Jacobs well she'd been divorced five times and was living with a guy so her life was a little bit out of kilter at the moment Jesus in this conversation unfolds to her that he gets it all understands it all and that he wants to help her can you imagine how that rocked her world you're not judging me or condemning me but you want to help me and lead me to God's best plan for my life you're not like applauding the fact that I've been married five times but you're not pushing me away either because I'm defective at relationships you're actually offering me what I'm dying for on the inside which is living water that will satisfy this thirst that no relationship has been able to solve in my life though woman leaves the well and goes back into the village and listened to her testimony you talk about an ordinary person just sharing their story of Jesus with their world she goes back into the village John 428 and she says after she leaves her word water-jar the woman went back into the town and said to the people get ready for this outstanding testimony are you ready for this mind-boggling witness are you ready for this here it comes quote come see a man who told me everything I did could this be the Messiah in quote that was her story she didn't say wow I'm gonna start with Genesis and work all the way through the Old Testament and show you how this man that I met at Jacob's Well today is in fact the savior of the world get ready sit down people get a notepad out this is gonna take a while she just said man I met this guy something happened I knew everything about my life but that wasn't terrible because he didn't like condemn me and squash me in the dirt he actually spoke hope to me and led me toward a promise of something that I didn't even know existed you gotta come see this guy told me everything I've ever done I mean who's walking around the office doing that oh you should meet Jesus he'll tell you everything you've ever done come on Bible study in the break room eleven thirty people are like I think I'm good but see it was her countenance it was the fact that something was changing this guy might be the guy this guy might just be the guy and somebody could have said ho oh well how do I know you actually talked to a guy at the well I actually don't see any proof right here or real harm hard evidence that you actually did meet a man at the will I don't believe you I just don't believe you actually even did that I mean you probably smoking the whole thing I bet you're a little bit you know like that anyway so no not buying it there's somebody could have said so what did he say and then what did you say living water like the spring water coming out of you and you would never be thirsty again and that sounds like a double negative and some kind of a hypothesis bending idea that I can't really get on board with of Einstein's third law of physics and she's not gonna go well let me prove that to you okay I just happen to have Einstein here with me so let me let me get that out no she just said okay great I was just inviting you to come see a man who told me everything I've ever done in my life who knew all about me this guy might be the guy so you don't have to start out with hosting a Bible study at your office or in your classroom or in your neighborhood among the moms you could start by just being a servant to people caring about people because really honestly nobody wants us to tell them anything unless they know that we care about them you could start encouraging people maybe share scripture verse with somebody that's struggling like I don't know if I could do that I'll just tell hey man I'm thinking about you let's one up for you well why don't you just say you know when I was going through a hard time this scripture from Psalm 88 really encouraged me and I just wanted to share it with you most people going through real hard times on they're gonna know I don't want any encouragement thank you they'll be like thank you or you could just start by praying for them god I really want you to touch her life I really want you to show her how much you love her I really want you to break in and let her see the big idea so that she won't miss it in life and maybe you pray for a week or a month or a year and you don't see a lot happen but a year later on a platform of your ways and your work a moment comes and you get you articulate to that person the story of Jesus and when you do what power is coming through your life when you have prayed for that person for a year that their eyes would be open to see Jesus so you don't have to roll in and be John the Baptist coming down the hallway tomorrow you just can start it a little step to say I want people to hear about Jesus that is the win for me and when you do that yes you're going to get shot at eventually every buddy who goes on record with their faith in Jesus at some point is going to get shot at jesus said they persecuted me and they will persecute you they the world hated me and the world will hate you and this is what he said he said if you were of the world the world would applaud you but you're not of the world and you are from another family tree so don't be shocked if the world kind of pushes back on the way and the truth and the life in the person of Jesus don't be surprised by that but if your work and your ways are amazing the world is gonna have a hard time shutting down the message take for example Tim Tebow national championship game University of Florida everybody knows this guy's a winner 2009 the Lord stirs in his heart he's been wearing Philippians 4:13 under his eyes in every game but he feels like God's changing that I want you to put John 3:16 under there I would have said there's gonna be a guy in a multicolored wig in the endzone holding up a John 3:16 poster I don't need to do that one but he feels this is the Lord so he changes his Philippians 4:13 2 John 3:16 of course they win the game of course I'm sure he's the most valuable player wins the national championship has the spotlight on his life here's a guy who will tell you that he's gotten pushed back for his faith but it's hard to not listen to Tim Tebow and he found out later that during that game 94 million people googled John 3:16 during the game 94 million his quote when he heard that was how did 94 million people not know John 3:16 but his work in his ways built a platform and on that platform he gave a witness in 94 million people read John 3:16 for God so loved the world he gave His only Son that whoever believed in him would not perish but would have everlasting life a football player preached to 94 million people that day so don't ever look down on your story of Jesus even with pushback if your work in your ways are good God is going to honor his message listen to what happened at the end of this woman's story at the end of John 4 verse 39 many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Jesus because of a woman's testimony that was enough they went okay I believe he's the Messiah - awesome let's go see it let's go listen to it where is he I want to go the testimony quote he told me everything I ever did in quote so when Samaritans came to him they urged him to stay with him he stayed today so this woman ended up being responsible for a two-day Jesus stay in this town they got Jesus for two days in the flesh out of his three years of ministry because of this woman that's pretty awesome and because of his words many more became believers that can we just underline that for a second not all of them but many more so when you going out there with your story and somebody says I still don't believe it I still don't want to come I'm still not showing up I still don't my don'ts don't buy it no I don't want to go no I don't no no no no no don't go I'm a failure because Jesus came to their town for two days and some people said no but many of them said you're the one they said to the woman we no longer believe just because of what you said now we have heard for ourselves and we know that this man really is the savior of the world come on isn't this what every one of us wants we want to be bold Bob Reiner called these kind of people roaring lions people who are crushing it in their field but who are willing to rise up and speak out about the Savior who has changed their life so that at the end of the day don't you want to be in heaven with at least one person in heaven that says it's because of you it is because you told me about Jesus that's why I'm here and that is not God's hope for the preachers and the pastors and the writers and the evangelists and the bloggers or whoever they all are that's God's hope for you that you would be in heaven go on man my platforms didn't look great in the assembly line my platform didn't look huge when I was managing the restaurant but hello that platform built an opportunity for me and on that opportunity I told my story of Jesus to to Melanie and and Melanie her eyes were opened and she's in heaven now and she's telling me when you told me about what God was doing in your life that's where it started but then when I met Jesus that's where it ended you started it but he finished it I'm not here because of your story I'm here because of his story in my life and that powerful the second word is our winnings we all want to win whatever that means for you more followers more fans more Fame more franchises more kids more money more promotion more responsibility more stewardship we all want to win in some way at life but here's the kicker God wants us to share our winnings into our purpose which is to know him and make him known he wants us to be ready to say I killed it and I never even dreamed that I was gonna make thirty million dollars but I did I got winnings from my work in my ways and the blessing of God and you know what I'm gonna do with these winnings I'm gonna invest them in my purpose to know Jesus and to make him known and how does this happen I believe it happens best when you and I stay rooted in the sending soil of the local church because success is funny and one of the first things you see it do to people is detach them from their local community and it's natural it's good actually all of a sudden someone's in Shanghai and the next day they're in Singapore and the next day they're in Seattle and they gotta be in this time zone in that time zone or they got dis responsibility and that responsibility and before you know it it's like man I love the church I was brought up there I was empowered there I was taught there I was strengthened there I was encouraged there I was sent out there but now that I've quote made it it's tough to get back to there and I just want to encourage you if you're on the front end of getting to where you want to be in life start planning to succeed right now and to succeed well we all plan to fail you're like I've never plan to fail no most all business men plan to fail that's called your contingency plan that you have in that folder and hopefully you have a contingency plan if you're in business because business climate changes but that's really a what happens if it fails plan and we're good at planning for what happens when it fails but we're not so great at planning at what happens if it succeeds so let's just pick some field entertainment so all of a sudden you have 7 million followers did you plan for that or did you just work for it and hope for it did you plan what am I gonna do when I've got 7 million people who want to know where I ate lunch today and what I'm wearing right now and when my next thing happens and all of a sudden now you've got money and opportunity and Fame and maybe a house here in a house there in a house over there in a house over there and this and that and the other and it's all coming now full speed but did we plan to succeed by deciding what we were gonna do when we succeeded to make sure that the purpose of our lives didn't get diminished in any way by the success in the blessing that came to our lives you got a plan to succeed and I believe and this isn't about you sharing your winnings and your tithes and you're giving to passion city church although go win big real big it's really more about you staying tethered to the purpose for which you were awakened by God today you see the vision of every tribe every language every people every tongue hearing about Jesus you know where that vision is stoked it is stoked in the fireplace of the community of faith in the Church of Jesus Christ that's not going to be stoked out it's a thing you have to go to with all the investors in Tokyo that fire stoked right here when the church gathers in worship and the Word of God is opened in the mists that we're called to is proclaimed and your heart catches fire again it's not about me it's about the billions of people who haven't had a chance to hear about Jesus and that's the win for me I want to be a part of people hearing about Jesus that is the ultimate win for me and that happens when we're rooted in the local church and we have people here there are beautiful examples of it I can tell you story after story of people in our house with big a stewardship in life with a big calling on their life they're like man we did X Y & Z and move this and that so that we could be here at church too to hold a door or to be a part of something significant or to just be in the house and be in worship today and those are people who are planning well and I believe the better you plan to succeed the more willing God is to help you succeed because otherwise he knows that success is gonna wash you out of your purpose and yeah you're gonna kill it and be on the front page or whatever whatever whatever but you're gonna be sad in the end that your your barns aren't with you in the eternity beyond and that all happens here I mentioned this in one of the galleries a few weeks ago but watching the end of the national championship game and we got a lot of sports metaphors and analogies going today if you're not really into sports that's okay but at the end of it Trevor Lawrence the quarterback for Clemson you remember me saying this he's he's being interviewed he's too MVP of the game they won he's the new Tim Tebow and he's just standing there he's a teenager he says later in an interview he's more excited or as excited that they had chick-fil-a after the game on the bus ride back to the hotel as he was that they won the national championship he's a teenager chick-fil-a yeah oh my MVP trophy yeah so their interview all the cameras are on millions of people are watching this teenager from Atlanta Georgia and in passing the question is it's been tumultuous year the whole one quarter backs out and you're in and that was a big trauma and now you're here and you made it all the way to this point you're undefeated you won the game you're the MVP you came through how did you manage a year like that and just in his answer you could tell this was not calculated or super scripted in his answer he just says well I'll tell you one thing if it wasn't for my small group I wouldn't have made it I was like rewind I thought he said if it wasn't for my small group I wouldn't I made it rewind turn the volume up if it wasn't for my small group I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for my small group I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for my small group I wouldn't have made it I was like come on Trevor Lawrence and so last Sunday he sat right over there he didn't even know I talked about him the week before when I said I talked about you last week he's I forget about this big he's like you did so no it was good you remember when you said the thing about your small group and then one of his friends was standing with him said yeah I'm in that small group like all right you were in it you got part of it I said stay in a small group bro when you go to the Super Bowl stay in the small group when you get your first endorsement deal stay in the small group stay in the local church stay in the house of faith because when you get your business where you want it or get your art displayed in the right gallery or you get the money that you've always dreamed about having in the bank newsflash nobody that works for you is going to hold you accountable to God's purposes for your life because they're all on the ticket of your success you know who's going to keep you accountable to God's calling on your life your brothers and sisters in the family of faith in the house of God who are not gonna see you come through the door and go oh my gosh it's Trevor Lawrence um where's my phone can I get your autograph oh I'm sorry excuse me we were worshiping but we can do that later because this is important right now I welcome Trevor you can sit right over here welcome to worship welcome to Jesus welcome to a day that's not all about you welcome to something bigger welcome to a grand story welcome to a great purpose and by the way keep walking with Jesus so Trevor I say it again today I love you I'm so glad I got to meet you stay in a small group because in that sending soil you have the best chance to handle your success well whether you are in a shoe store in Linux mall or whether you own it all same principle applies and we want to be sending soil here we don't want to grab you out of your calling and bring you in on a Tuesday afternoon and have you knit pillows for the old folks home unless you're passionate about knitting pillows for the old folks home and then come on on Tuesday afternoon and knit away use the loop stitch if you can we don't want to grab you out of your field and cloister you inside a building we want to release you out of this church to occupy all streets in Jesus name but your best chance of doing that is when you stay rooted that's your choice in the soil of the family of God the local community of faith in God this is how our lives work and this is the life that leads to why it's the life that eventually somebody says I got asked you a question what's going on with you you're like oh I must have built a platform thank you Lord you asking me what's going on with me like would you want me to tell you yes well I think God gave me this gift and I want to use it for him cuz he's amazing and he's changed my life okay cool tell me more it's the life that leads to why so you don't have to go beating down doors I'm gonna tell you about Jesus no people are knocking on your door how'd you do it what's going on with you what's your secret what what is going on that I don't know about oh man thank you lord I just got an opportunity to add to my work in my ways my witness of what Jesus is doing in my life you know it was interesting when we started this series I said you don't have to put a scripture verse on your letterhead or a fish on your van to do everything you do in the name of the Lord Jesus unless of course your name is Maya Moore her working her ways well don't have time I'll just hit the highlights Collins Hill high school anybody hello go Eagles yeah multiple state champions she was a national Gatorade Player of the Year the Gatorade female athlete of the year and the McDonald's all-american her record at Collins Hill High School was 125 and three and she's really hacked about the three she went on to the University of Connecticut they have a fairly decent women's basketball program there where she went back-to-back national championships 2009-2010 and so many other accolades in her college career can't mentioned here first overall pick 2011 WNBA Draft since then she has won four WNBA championships in 2011 13 15 and 17 so bet on her in the odd years WNBA Most Valuable Player Award WNBA Finals MVP award three WNBA all-star game MVP s and on and on and on in the offseason she's also won a championship in the Spanish league in the Euroleague playing for a team in Valencia Spain and from 2013 fifteen in the offseason she won the Chinese League Championship every single year playing for the shanteek flames I follow her in the offseason Sports Illustrated said in 2017 about her Maya Moore is the greatest winner in the history of women's basketball and she was the first female ever signed to the Jordan Brand and publicly and I know through stories personally she stands on that platform and tells people the story of Jesus a lot of some Sunday's some Sunday she's in the choir you can see her when she lifts her hands up in worship in Maya Maya morte doesn't have to put a scripture on her letterhead or a fish on her van unless she wants to and apparently she wants to you so I present to you brand new just arrived Maya Moore collab Jordan 10-quart Lux ladies and gentlemen can I read you the description from the Nike website where it says that this pair cost a hundred and ninety dollars go Mya representing greatness in each of their fields super star basketball player Maya Moore an international model in stylists alele may join forces for this collab credited as one of Moore's favorite sneakers this Air Jordan 10 features premium suede and her favorite colors finishing details include an icy outsole and details on the leather heel tab as a tribute to her favorite bible verse [Applause] hmm oh look at my I go first female collab on a Jordan men's or women's well come on ladies [Applause] you got something new on that you got at the Grove swap and now women are taking over Shu game see look on the back tab there it is 3 : 23 it's the verse [Applause] it's a few verses down from 3 : 17 and whatever you do in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him when you work your way down to verse 23 it says and whatever you do do it with all your heart as if you were doing it for the Lord and not for guys I wanted to be swayed and I wanted to have my purple purple in my royal blue and this flaming red and I want to put on the back something it really matters to me because guys everything I've done is all about me wanting to do my best for God's glory so I want to put this little marker on the back that leads people to this verse that encapsulate severy thing I've done and the people at Nike said no we're not gonna do that no the people at Nike said you're Maya Moore I'm gonna put 323 onto the pull-tab cool we'll write about it on the website description it's likely that you're not gonna get it Jordans shoe [Music] you could take this one put it on over the shoes that you're wearing now I'm taking this one in wakeboarding this summer it's gonna be amazing and you may never play in a national championship game but God has you somewhere God has assigned you to your street so that you can through your work and weights build a platform on which you have the privilege of giving the witness and sharing your winnings to the glory of God
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 26,935
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: passion city church, louie giglio, passion city, passion, passion church, louie giglio passion and purpose, city church, passion 2019, passion city church worship, louie giglio passion 2019, louie giglio sermons, giglio louie, giglio, passion city church sermons, Atlanta, louis giglio, cumberland, temptations, live church, live worship, live worship songs, live worship music, live worship songs 2020, passion city online sunday gathering
Id: F36BSKkYkds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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