DON'T EAT ME | Little Nightmares - Part 3

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Top of the morning to ya , laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome back to itsy-bitsy Teeny-weeny tiny little nightmares! We escaped from Mr. Tickles, and we're moving our way along even though those pipes kinda look like his arms... I have a feeling he's going to show up again. I don't think we're actually away from him just yet, but I mean, a boy can dream, right? Can you actually like- Okay, you just fuckin' stop. Can I not push you and jump on? I need you to get across the steam. *grunting* wait wait wait wait wait wait jump up, don't fucking grab on again! Whoa you really-- Why are you holding your head for? We're fine. I need that to get up here don't I? Okay. Okay, that's fine. I understand it. Sometimes the character gets stuck in teeny Little ledges and stuff and that gets really annoying after a while Especially when you're trying to puzzle and platform and get out of stuff in a a timely fashion We'll be fine, we'll do I-- My controller is shakin' like MADNESS! like this , like JUMP and grab, please [jumping grunt] YES! and awaaaay we go! I almost fell off that Thanks game. Controller, will you stop vibratin'? What's going on? You're making me paranoid People also said that I have to hug every Single little tiny dude that I find and also break every statue that I get That it'll pay dividends in the end. Yeah, I kind of knew that anyway because that's usually how these games work but I've-- I've missed a bunch I think. I've definitely missed some of the little runny dudes anyway And probably some statues, but you know what I haven't missed? M' L'IL LAMPS! M' l'il lamps are solid, m' l'il lamps are good. Can I through the wall? No? okay. It looked like there was a gap there-- Dhauaguhua! OH Jesus No fuckin' thanks! UGH He's the worst!! Just go. just go FUCK! Nonononono!! OH that's-- oh. I don't like it. I hate it. I hate him. He's so gross and weird and creepy Don't make me do a big giant section again This game has a tendency of doing that, and I don't like it. I also messed u-- the first episode of this I uploaded it and said "Mr.Tickles Wants to Play" or something like that and I use the thumbnail of the guy at the TV Forgot that that was the SECOND episode Because I recorded them all at once ok, go go go go. Go. Okay. He grabs you anyway. So I recorded like the two episodes at once where I forgot where the ending of the first episode was so... mistake! Plus there was just a cool thumbnail anyway And I wanted to use it Um So do I have to wait for him to do something special? Because I doubt I can just sprint past OKAY SHHHHH, SHHHH Easy does it. There you go, feel the pipe Feel the pipe dream There you go, keep feeling the gratings Don't feel me He just keeps feeling the same shit over and over again. UGH his arms are SO long! Okay, I wonder if I can sneak past when the arm is up YES! YES, YES Your don't fuckin' know ANYTHING, Mr.Tickles. You can just get lost Even though-- it's creepy that you can't even see him and he can still reach in and try and grab you Oh, oh, oh WHY NO! NO! NO! Fuck you!!! WHY?!? Oh, go little one! Go!!! HueEGH EUGGGHHH I HATE HIM! He's still reaching through! What a fuckin' freak! GO AWAY FROM ME! I hate you. I hate you SO MUCH Are his arms gonna get crushed? oh oH OH! I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE! NO! I wasn't even looking!!! Oh, I think I have to pull the cage out, okay. God almighty Okay, here we go. This is fine, this is fine. You feel over there-- Yep, yep--NOPE, NOPE, nope nope nope, nope *laughs* *accent thickens* Oi'm bad a' this *laughs again* It's okay, it's fine, we'll do it Maybe that's not what I have to do. Ooh, oOH Ooh i don't like it. Oh i don't like it. I hate it. I hate it so much! AHHH it's fuckin' weird! oh where are you going? Where are those fucking gribby grabbies going? You're the worst! Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay? okay! okay! Move this way, please!! That's what I'm telling you to do! No, no, no fuck! I was telling her to move left and she was moving back and forward! Why? Oh, oh yes, yes, oh, maybe do it again. Oh yes, okay mind the fucking hands He li-- He likes to feel around. He likes to gribby-grab and I don't like it Yes, grab the other one grab something else and PULL! OHHH I CHOPPED HIS ARMS OFF! EW! EWW! OH, OH, AND HE'S STILL MOVIN', HE'S STILL MOVIN', OH, THEY'RE FUCKIN' FREAKY Oh, no, that was the WORST!! GGEEEEEEEUGH Oh, I like it, but I hate it Is he dead now? Am I done with him? I hope so unless he can grow those things back 'Cause he seems to be able to extend them and contract them as much as he wants Ew, ew, fuck that guy Erghhh Mr. Tickles, no Okay, movin' on *sigh* Right, we should, we should have a little break From all that bullshit for a little while Hopefully anyway. Yes, yes don't drown yourself in your own raincoat Why? Why hooks? There's a tiny little shoe there Aw, no. Okay. I think I have to get on this, shit. I can grab it here anyway And uhh HUEP Yes Oh, there's stuff hanging from everything. These are the ones that he was-- Who are you? Is he smokin'? Okay, these are the hooks that the-- He was putting the kids on, I think Taking them out of the cages and putting them on the hooks *Six's stomach growling* Oh, I'm getting' hungo again *stomach growls loudly* I'm dreaming of--of a big mac. Oh that one was squishy Do we have to eat fucking eat rat meat again? Ew huh euh I don't want to. What, what does little nightmares have served up for Jack today? Can I just get like- Like a salad, or something? Maybe a nice chicken burger? Oh, it is a fucking rat that I have to eat. Oh, it's still alive as well I'm sorry little rat friend! I guess it's ratatouille on the menu for me. Ew, ew, ew, ew Well, you are what you eat A rat bastard Hmm, ha, YUM I'm full of protein now *laughing* Well don't just leave it lying around, don't let good food go to waste HUP, HUP Look at this fucking hardcore parkour My controller's vibrating like crazy, like all the time Haven't seen any little runny dudes in a while. Oh, there's a big trail of blood in here Are they sausages? You couldn't have gone two rooms further and just gotten a nice sausage to eat but no, you had to eat a RAT I mean I'm not going to judge you because this is a harsh landscape and everything wants to kill you, but There were better things to eat. This is weird cause it just turns Okay, I think we're in a kitchen No, no, no, where are you going? Run, Six! Push that fucking thing back Push, push, push, there you go. Keep on pushin' just like so Now climb up and go Oh, I hear someone sharpening knives Look at all this food I could've eaten but no! Rats are delicious. Eat their blood, gain their courage Can I have a radish or turnip or something-- Whaaat, I just teleported Ooooooooooooh Just when I thought things couldn't get any fucking worse. Oh, God. What is that? Hey there big fucking snotball face Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit Why are they so weird? He's got like a ring under or like where his neck is Your breathing is about as good as you look Fuckin' terrible Okay, just go, just go. Bye. OH, little runny dude! What?! What?! How'd you fuck--no! No, oh shit I'm hidden, you don't see me Yeah, just walk away Doughboy Fuck Okay, go, go, go, go Oh, fuck What're you- What're you making? Nice little meal? Oh God, which direction are you going? nO FUCK Oh God, he's fast, oh God he's fast! No no no no no no nope nope nope I'm hidden, i'm hidden, gone from sight. *laughing* Out of sight, out of mind, That's how this guy works, and I like it Oh, little runny dude Yes, yes, yes, I see Oh shit, oh shit. He's gonna catch me, he's gonna catch me He's gonna catch me and I don't like it Oh fuck, I need a key He looks like he's made out of leather There's a lamp up here. I'ma go light this shit Oh, wait I have to go up top HUEP Yessss Okay, ohhhhhh You couldn't give me ten minutes?! Ya had to put me into the freaking frying pan again There's swordfish up there! Swordfish are awesome! They got swords in their heads! Okay, come here, Doughboy Yeah, go fetch [Low ominous music] That's not good music. That's the kind of music you don't want to hear. Am I really going to find the fucking key over here? Nice selection of fish Okay, up we go What was that? Wow! Double bathroom! For those who share an ass. Aaaa-HUEP! Here we go. I'ma light this. Those who sit together, shit together Light up your life. I got an achieve-oh. Okay this section looks like a house. Little runny dude! Where you go? Why do you all run away from me? All I want to do is love and hug-- --oh Jesus. Oh, God. There's another one There's two of them! Oh, shite Oh, no No! Oh oh oh Morning, Sleepyhead! Is he leaving? Okay, I think he left Okay, I can't I can't Six. I can't Why did you grab that? Ahhh I broke all my shit. Okay God those guys are weird Oh, that would explain the double toilets. Do you guys really sit and shit together? I was-- I was only joking There's a handle on this can I do anything with this? Hey! Oh, God. Oh, God where am I going? Was that like the dumbwaiter? Oh, I'm back down here. Oh no, now I have to go all the way up again. Oh no! I just fucked myself Okay, I'm back I'm back in room. Okay, how do I get the key? Don't trust that door. That door is a piece of shit It doesn't want to bring you anywhere It just wants to fuck up your life and make you miserable I'ma just sneak in because I don't know how receptive you are to tiny little pitter-patters of feet Okay, okay, okay, okay Fuck, fuck, up back up, up back up I'll just let you leave Yeah, And I am-- I'm gonna go over...there? Somewhere, maybe...? HUEP *whispering* No, nO, NO! I'm not in here! No? No, you don't see anything. Nope. I'm invisible! Look I blend right into the wall! Right with the patterning So, are they twin things? 'Cause there's a picture with them like half-and-half [crash] What the fuck just happened?! That just fucking teleported! God, oh god. Could you like go around corners or something instead of just trying to jump up all the time? Oh, I'm so dead Can you get me from there? Please tell me no. Pl-- please tell me that's a big negatory. Okay, he just left Hey, that's fucking works. No, why why?! Oh, fuck you. Oh fuck you Why did you fall? Can I just jump and get the fucking key? That works. That works I'll just hide. Oh God this is nerve-racking Oh shit, what do I do now? I didn't even know where they went Oh you didn't go very far. Did you? That's not a place I can hide oh fuck oh fuck, oh fuck Oh, no, come on, please must go faster now. [Jack squeals] YES! Ooooh! Christ Little runny dude! Why won't you guys let me love you?! Oooh. You was a hide. Let me love you. Come here. Yeah I love you little friend! Okay bye Oh, he's not gonna come in here, is he? oh shit. I left my key out there OH! Hi! He looks like he's made out of pig skin It's like a Leather Face Eeeuu! Worst Name a more iconic Duo. I'll wait Fucking tweedledum and tweedledee over here Okay, are we back to square one with this shit? No okay, that's good. That's good to know Ok, from hole to hole. that's how you do this. That's how you accomplish stuff in your life No no, no fuck fuck just go, just go, just go, just go, just go [Jack exhales relieved] Euww You look like your face had a run-in with a fucking Boiling pot of water I mean, maybe it did. You are a chef after all? Okay, okay, okay, please don't catch me, please don't catch me, please don't catch me I've come so far and I've tried so hard In you go, in ya go, in you go, in you go in you go and out you go. In and out, in and out Keep running because it's probably not over God, please tell me that that's not children meat Because that would be gross Okay [Gasp] Do I get to make some sausages?! Ew ew! I was joking about that as well HA HA HA I'm actually making sausage Okay, need more meat. Oh, I'm making a little rope chain for myself Okay, no That wasn't enough meat? Sausage no? Okay? Hop on in there. Uh-oh Okay Ha level One: Meat I got to get more meat... and put down more meat Ah, nice big piece of ham Nice, okay God, I probably missed so many of those little runny guys, right? Because they were everywhere, and I didn't get a chance to like, hug them and love them as much as I wanted to Can I like... heup Yes, and pull it off That's not how that works, but whatever. I'm just happy that we're making an escape and an effort It's cold up here Okay, is there further places to go in here? Maybe? Curious? Then, curiosity killed the cat and it's probably gonna kill me now at the end of the day as well Ooh, a little light and a statue! and, hup I did it. What comes out of them? and what are them? Wait, why can't I move further? What's going on? Am I stuck? Whats happening? I think I might've got stuck in here. Oh, little runny dude! How do I get up there? It's a weird perspective. I wana-I wana hug the little runny dude. These is my friends okay, I've no idea oh I wasn't stuck in here. Why did you do that? Shit, was there actually a way up to that guy because I didn't see one Hmmm curious about that now 'cause I hate missing stuff that's right there I can't like run and jump anywhere Is he dead? He might be dead Damn it Okay, well we got our two pieces of ham anyway. We're going to sausage town, and it's going to be a great time Aha, Hup! This is a weird game lot of crazy shit going on Here we go Yes! There's the little poopy sausages that we need Is that it? Hup! Nice Oh, they look so tasty. Well- Not if they're actually made out of children. If that is what's going on then... No, thanks! I'll stick to pork Thanks Little Ham, Little pork, a little pig meat Okay I have a feeling we'll be seeing Tweedledum and Tweedledee again most likely in here It's- it's so nerve-wracking Do I have to get the same key again? Oh fuck. Oh fuck! Hi! Hi! No, no no no, no. I disappeared. Look, I'm gone! I am SO lucky that you're not able to bend over They really freak me out, their emotionless faces Wooo! And like, what's in their hats? Oh it's just cheese You like cheese? He's just a struggling aspiring chef. He really wants me for my cooking tips I'm outtie. I'm outtie Bye! Oh, God. He's coming back. Oh God. He's coming back Nope. Nope. Nope nope I'm going to hide in here, and you're never going to find me You got your cheese? You're good now? They have like a little waddle to them The clothes physics on their... Robe,/pron/garments is really good though. I like that I'm having me some of that Damn he thick though Fuck. Oh fuck What are you chopping up? Is that child? child à la mode? get under the fucking table? Eww! Ew! Ew! Ha ha ha ha Oh, the game does a really good job of making you feel like you're about to die any second They're just chefs making sausage Ain't nothing wrong with that Well again, depends on what the fucking sausage is made out of Oh, please don't come in here [Grinding] Why? Why did I do that? Wha- What was the point of all... what I just did? Oh, yes, please fall in. Please fall in Hey, hey, buddy boy Hey, how's it going? We need to get out of here? Hehehehe sneaky I don't know what the point of that was Did it grind up something in that? Was there a key in that or something? [Grinding] Maybe if they runaway when he comes in, when he's like, looking underneath run out the back of it Like where he is now Okay, it's getting annoying can you turn it off! [grinding stops] Shit, oh shit. Oh shit! Why How! how and why! Ahh! Go, go, go! Oh, I get fucking stuck! Why are you running towards the camera? Fuck you Oh my God! sometimes when you change screens if you're holding the same direction, they come towards you for some reason? I don't know why Oh God, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing Ohh, This is fuckin' tense! I'm looking for a key. That's all I know Where the fuck said key is is a different story Ooohhh! [grinding] I didn't mean to push it that fast Uh-oh, uh oh, uh oh! Run! Oh god! Fuck's sake! She got caught on the... She got caught on the pot Ehrrrrr! Oooh, I'm blind. The key is on the table Oooh, I should've spotted that Hello, nice to see you Did you make your face out of play-doh? Hmm, You shouldn't have done that Okay, okay, get the key. Get the key Get the key and let's peace the fuck out of here Peace. Peace y'all! Oh! Man, that was tense, jeez BYE! I don't want ANYTHING to do with you? I don't care what fucking thing you're preparing for Even if that's...Even if that's a meal for my birthday I don't give a shit dude. I don't give a shit I don't give a shit. I don't give shit, go go go please! Oh no, why? Okay, okay, okay, okay? Oh, God why, why? why? OoOooh! hohoho Fuckin' hell Plunger, I want the plunger This whole place is TORTURE! Okay, out we go, out we go forever. He's washing dishes, right? That's all? Oh, they're both there now ...hey fellers How's it goin'?! Is there 2 of them or is there like, 20 of them?? Okay, I have to get up and run aughh! This is just anxiety! non-stop Nope nope nope nope NOPE! I know you see me, but- you don't. look! OOh! Lickety-split! Before your eyes like a Magic trick, i'm gone Yeah, keep searching dum-dums bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye BYE [Characters shrieking] Oh! The sounds of them are fucking GROSS [imitates shrieking] EEE! Waah! It's so tense! I kind of wanna make a break for it into this room, but I don't know... what's in there? Like, I don't know where the next place to hide is when I go in there Okay, you can hide under these at least what do you do? Okay, okay, okay just hide, just hide. They don't know They don't know anything. They think they know but they don't know [imitates character's heavy breathing] It does a really good job of grossing you out by them. Like, it looks like their heads are actually just sat on top. It doesn't look like their actual face I can't get up this?? uh-oh what do i do?? What do I do?! Oh, I think I know what I do. I climb the plate stack, don't I? Oh Shit because the hooks run up top. I think have to climb the plate stack and jump onto a hook He dropped the plate I'm trying it, I'm trying it. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck! Grab the hook! , grab the hook! Oh they're too small! Oh thank God! GO! GO LITTLE ONE! oh where is he going?? oh motherfuckers. Oh, I HATE them Is he at the other side? OH NO! okay, peace, peace go go-- AH! FUCK! Oh, no, Jesus Christ! NO! NOO! OoOoHHH! fuckin' hell! Oh Shit, oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit! Oh FUCK! God you didn't-- I couldn't grab the hook in time. I was gonna get caught by them Okay, I have another chance Oh God The timing on everything is just so perfect as well Okay, Go go go go go fUCK you guys! OH, Y E S! djdjdjjhhhj! [Tense noise] OH Peace forever! GONE! never again, never touching these guys again (oh fuck) Oh God, you dropped on your own, why? that scared me. The kitchen, the Kitchen is done. Finito! never again Oh my God My heart is pounding OKAY! Well, I'm going to leave this episode of "Little Nightmares" here. SO TENSE! There's littl-- There's some sections that get very annoying because the controls are a bit wonky When you try and run away from something it kind of runs into an invisible wall that's not really there, and then you have to run around it, and then it messes up your timing and everything I mean, tiny little things that could've been tightened up and polished and then everything would have been like, perfect but still the experience kind of overrides all that because the tension is so high And it kind of gets your heart racing in all the best ways and then when you JUST get away from them right in the nick of time, Really makes you feel good. Oh, I love it I love the style of the game. The character designs are so weird But I REALLY like it Because it really unsettles you and running away 'cause you're tiny and they're massive and not only are they massive But they're really disfigured lookin' and they make you feel really uneasy just looking at them so when they're chasing you and they're so much faster than you And you're running your fastest it It REALLY is nightmare fuel Anyway, THANK you guys so much watching this episode. If you LIKED it, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE L I K E A B O S S!!!! AND! high fives all around Wa-poosh! Wa-poosh! BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES, IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOOO!!! [Electronic outro music] Oh, God the sounds..... I don't like it
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,679,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, little nightmares, little nightmares game, little nightmares gameplay, little nightmares walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, let's play, jacksepticeye little nightmares, PC, PC version, Steam, PS4, XB1, gameplay full game, full game, full playthrough, horror, scary, scary game, inside, limbo, monsters, scares, reaction, jumpscares, end, ending, theory, explanation, chef
Id: isLFp-UNMuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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