Tajín Challenge: 2 Chefs Make Dinner and Dessert With Tajín | Mystery Menu | NYT Cooking

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I don't think I'm ready for this jelly do the youngins know that era of Beyonce probably are they familiar with that era do they even know Destiny's Child existed [Music] I'm Sola and I'm ham and this is the show where we have one hour one mystery ingredient and we have to make one meal dinner and dessert last time was a fun one durian was so much fun it was delicious like are we gonna keep the streak or are we heading down a sad road now we're ready okay wait they're two bags is this a double mystery menu no double bag mystery or is this the same thing you get to feel both bags but you can only choose one this is I like this oh that's fun that's cool I like this little twist this feels like little bottles little bottles yeah I got a powder in there is it like uh those little yogurts yeah cool yeah cool maybe yeah Colts that's a good one all right rock paper scissors rock paper scissors do you do Rock Paper Scissors Shoot yep or so on shoot on shoot okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot [Laughter] okay what is it is a good ingredient this is great you know I I needed some so I'm gonna take some leftovers oh very happy with this yes very very happy we gotta make a margarita and rim it I don't want this to be fancy I want like a family style Tacos yeah family style Mexican meal like California Mexican California Mexican yeah not like real Mexican not real fried fish tacos yeah we should make our own tortillas remember that time we didn't make our own tortillas yeah we can put a little uh tahini in there as well tortillas tahin in the batter or and even like a tahin pickled onion creamy avocado cabbage slaw fried fish tortilla and like just tahin as well yeah this sounds that sounds great that's good that's there fish taco what about some freshly fried tortilla chips dusted in some tahin with like with guac yeah what else can we do churros dusted in Sugar yeah and then chocolate and some chocolate yeah I feel like that'll be nice that's like a meal these ingredients are awesome this this season that's exciting this is gonna be good we'll make enough for everybody and a few extras if you want to have friends this will be a fun party this will be it'll be a fish taco party yeah I'm excited all right let's get started we got different colored markers wow we're gonna have let's start with the spicy Margaritas a little tahin Rim what if it was a cucumber mud with a Mezcal of course those are the chips can you tell basket so we can really get that restaurant Vibe okay so we're gonna we changed our mind it's not gonna be pomegranate walk it's going to be it's going to be guac with a little Chipotle there's our uni floating of that Bobby Flay could enjoy this one as well Bobby Flay would enjoy yes now the tacos the tacos so we're gonna do our own tortillas that's a stack of tortillas avocado based creamy sauce I mean avocado Crema oh yeah yeah that makes sense we got our sauce then we got our crunchy fried fish in a Masa tempura Masa tempura and then do our pickled red onion tahin thing and then slaw and that's on a tortilla dessert the churros oh this is such a good one this is such a good menu yeah wow people would pay money for this they actually would are we gonna start doing mystery menu pop-ups fundraise too I think people would go to that yeah I would go to that and then that's chocolate I feel like I'm on up that subway stop that lady is on the churross the lady with the churros churros okay I'm ready for this party this is gonna be delicious and easy and easy wow we've really struck a balance yeah we love Taco parties and we throw Taco parties pretty often so we're kind of setting it up a little differently this time we want to set it up exactly the way we would if we were serving Folks at home the signature part of a ham and solo taco party is that we always make the tortillas to order [Laughter] that's my pot full of lard I'm gonna start melting it down and I'm gonna start with my pickling liquid so I'm just going to do a basic basic pickle I like to do equal parts vinegar and water onions can get pretty harsh and they could use the extra vinegar then we're gonna go in with our tahin a little extra chili flake just for a little Heat salt and some sugar while that goes I'm going to get my fish dry brining I'm going to begin by juicing our cucumbers for our Margaritas they're going to cucumber Margaritas I usually just do regular Mark but we thought it'd be nice with the tahin because we're going to stick a cucumber spear in there thank you [Music] we're using halibut today which is a really nice meaty white fish so this halibut still has the skin so I'm going to need to take it off so to take off the skin off a fish you cut a little flap just so you have something to pull on so you want to keep the skin pretty taut as you cut underneath and then you're just going back and forth pulling just wait until I fry this in some lard [Music] I'm gonna season it with some tahini some salt and a little more chili flake give it a toss so that's going to chill until we're ready to cook it off I'm gonna just make a little quick simple syrup in the microwave we got really good tortillas from Cobra Masa um so I'm just going to fry them up and sprinkle them with tahin these are great tortillas they're going to make really good chips um next I'm gonna get my churro batter ready it's just gonna be a kind of like a soup except I'm gonna add a little bit of Masa and lard so hopefully that makes it extra crispy pickling liquids up I'm gonna give it a taste don't be scared to taste your pickling liquid it should taste good intense but good next I'm making my Masa batter in here's that fresh sobre Masa Masa we're gonna blend the Masa with some beer I'm gonna pop in a little bit of Mezcal as well High proof alcohol works really well in batters for frying because alcohol evaporates faster than water so you end up with a crisper crust I pre-chill this bowl and I'm just gonna hold it in the fridge until I need it gotta get it up to a very active boil before we add our flour and that's like the best way to make sure that it doesn't get any lumps it's going to come together really fast [Music] maybe I should have made a double batch I'm gonna be that many churros is it [Music] one egg just one just one thank you that looks good smells good I smell Masa I just wish I made more and this is going to be pretty simple wow these avocados are perfect shout out to Amelia pretty simple just some avocado herbs a little lime juice Tajin and sour cream just gonna blend it all together for a creamy sauce for the tacos I want a little bit more heat here so I'm going to throw in some Thai chilies and finally some cilantro 40 minutes foreign creamy and Rich but the acidity from the tahin and lime juice really comes through so it keeps it bright at the same time kind of annoying as this needs a little attention and this leads a bit of attention so we're kind of double duty here okay my chips are really poofy thoughts they're is it just because it's so fresh yeah I just put it on here to make sure it fully melts without like having to babysit it too much since these this tahini's reduced sodium we need a little salt and Tahini going hard we are going hard I worked at empayon for a very long time and they make a fantastic fish taco and when I worked there I had a fish taco every single day they used to use a shark called Dogfish that when you fry it up it had an incredible texture it was it's probably one of my favorite frying fish it makes great fish and chips as well it's affordable sustainable now we're gonna dress our slaw in our slaw we're going to do cilantro some flowering chives and some mint keep it nice and bright some lime use I'm tossing and like kind of sprinkling like this because I don't want to massage it too much because I want to maintain as much of that crunch as possible so I'm just like gently tossing this tips on tips on tips I think I'm gonna get crazy and put tahin in it wow tahin on tahin ham tahinan tahin can you handle this I don't think I'm ready for this jelly this is gonna be for tossing the churros as they come out of the fryer probably made too much tahini sugar that's more sugar than we're gonna need that's more sugar than there's churros okay [Music] the churros are a lot lighter than I thought the Masa made them like super fluffy the Masa and the lard I'm just going for sound just the way they hit sound when they hit each other yeah and then with stuff like this you've got to let it drain for just a second before you toss it in the cinnamon sugar or it just gets like really really clumpy and greasy I can really smell the Masa which is cool I think this is going to be like a real thing we're gonna do since [Music] we're back to where it all started Natasha pressing avocados through a wire rack it's it's great it makes uh makes life so easy [Music] I'm gonna give the onions just a little rinse in cold water it just rinses off some of like that those harsh raw onion notes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] seven minutes [Music] thank you three minutes there's enough churros for everyone that's what matters [Music] cool we kind of did it this is pretty accurate to how it would be if you're coming over to dinner we really procrastinate and don't start cooking until an hour before guests arrive and this is how we would serve it we do the drinks in a Cambro the fish on a sheet tray they're taking in everything on the chips in the crema in the coleslaw pickled in the onions in the guac is it in the chocolate sauce and the chocolate sauce and the churros the fish were dry brined in some tahin and there's some tahin dusted on top it's like tahin town okay first the drink situation okay okay I personally like going to a party and having something to do so it's like a fun thing for folks to like Rim their own glass it's like the water cooler of a party a lot of the times like parties people awkwardly find like their Clique and go into their corner and just wait until the food appears you're gonna have to interact you got you're forced to interact with the people around you if you want a margarita Mezcal Marx the superior Mark oh that's so good normally about to drink you need to add a little water because you're not shaking it so the cucumber juice kind of acts like that diluter yeah you got tahin in your mustache I'm really excited for this this is like the fanciest guac it's got some cilantro Chipotle for a little smoke it's topped with trout row and Main uni and then okay it just chips yeah lots of tahin a nice perfect bite hmm that is so so good these chips are really crisp and light the creaminess of the uni really plays off the creaminess of these perfectly ripe avocados there's a lot of acidity on the chips which is perfect with the the uni and the trout room Taco Time Tilla Tilla Tilla oh the tortillas came out really nice and tacos are like hand rolls you want to eat them right when they're made because you want the tortilla to be hot you don't want the salsas to soak through and make everything soggy so it's like this is the way you want to eat it I like to go grandma some slaw a little nice piece of fish okay I'm pleased you really taste the heat in like every layer it's like it gives you that puckery satisfying puckery effect the batter on the fish is really light and crisp and the fish is like really nice and Flaky and moist and I really like all of it together yeah this is really good I started with a regular shoe swapped out the AP for Bread Flour because then I added Masa and used lard instead the acidity with the sugar it's like sour candy Vibes they put a little bit of tahini in the chocolate too I wasn't going to initially but when I tasted it it was good with it yeah they're so light so good really fancy chocolate has acidity so by adding a little bit of acidity to like regular chocolate it makes it extra fancy a lot fancier and it's like really crispy on the outside and really light on the inside and I feel like that's the Masa and the lard wow that's so good I'm happy with this wall up now that you've completed this menu oh yeah I totally forgot so happy with this ingredient yeah is there sugar on my face oh also also an amazing ingredient I'm happier routine happier with tahin but this is also a cooling ingredient I'm I'm glad we went with tequila I don't know how we do dessert with ranch thanks for watching us make a bunch of things with tahin [Music]
Channel: NYT Cooking
Views: 314,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, new york times, new york times cooking, nyt cooking, nyt, nytimes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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