Chef Sohla El-Waylly's Fridge Must-Haves and Dirty Martini Recipe | Fridge Tours | Women's Health

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- Clementine, you ready? (dog breathes loudly) - You ready? Hey, Women's Health, I'm Sohla El-Waylly, and I'm gonna show you inside my fridge. (Sohla claps) - Let's go. (upbeat music) - So, our fridge opens from this side. Many of you have noticed this before, and I've got your DMs. No, we can't switch the hinges. So this is how we get into the fridge. You gotta come around. Oh, join me. We made it. Normally, I have a lot of weird things in there because I'm doing recipe development, but I actually just finished the photo shoot for my book. So this is the first time in two years that I'm not doing any recipe development, and this is all food we're gonna eat, by choice. First fridge must-have. It's simple but it's important. We really like to have cold water at all times. A whole shelf is dedicated to cold water. This is a fridge must-have. There's always some kind of wine or vermouth or sake. We don't really drink this; it's more for cooking. But even though you're not gonna drink your wine, you should always go for something delicious. If you don't wanna drink your wine, it's not good for cooking. When you cook with wine, you concentrate it. All those flavors get stronger. So pick a good wine for cooking. Vermouth is also a really good option, and sake has become one of our favorite things to cook with lately, 'cause it has a really nice dry, crisp flavor in it, adds a nice bit of acidity to different things. So Ham, my husband, is a chef, and he puts a lot of things in here that I don't know about. This is one of those things. I haven't had this yet, but I hear that it's supposed to be like fancy okonomiyaki sauce, right? What's the plan for this? Do you have a plan for this? - [Ham] Glazing some eel, popping that on top of some fresh fries. - Oh yeah, that's a good plan. Yeah, okay. Okay, let's try it. Yes, that's very good. That's a good sauce. Oh, must-have! Fridge must-have, good butter. I like to cook with a lot of butter, with clarified butter. I have clarified butter back here. I always have some on hand 'cause it's great for popping popcorn or any high-heat cooking. This is the bread butter. This is the cooking butter. I guess must-have is multiple kinds of butter. We got our clarified butter. We got brown butter. This is really good for baking. Any kind of like streusel, crumble, pie crust, use brown butter instead of regular butter and you're gonna get a lot more flavor. It was in our wedding vows. Ham promised to always have at least three kinds of cheese. So this is our cheese drawer. It has a lot of cheese. Two cheeses that we always always have are Parmesan and Pecorino, because they're just really good for cooking. Then we like to have some eating cheeses around. We really like everything by Jasper Hill Farms. This is their Willoughby. It's a washed-rind, a little bit funky. It looks a little smushed because we tempered it and then put it away. We'll be okay. It's a little bit stinky. So if you like that, that is great. This is another cheese that I got. I tried it for the first time on my History Channel show. It's cooked down, and it tastes a lot like dulce de leche. So it's kind of cool if you're going for like a sweet-savory vibe, but you still want cheese. These are a couple of different ones from Saxelby. It's a cheesemonger in Chelsea Market. It's really fun, if you're in town, go there and just talk to them, and they'll just nerd out about cheese with you. So I don't even know what these were. We were trying some new things but it's really fun to go there and try new cheeses. It's such a fun mystery going into the cheese drawer. Half of this is Ham putting things in here. Oh, muenster. Okay. We always have muenster because it's perfect for grilled cheese. Good to have a good melting cheese. Grilled cheese quesadillas, boom, dinner. Whoa. Okay. What do we got over here? Ham likes to always have some kind of meat dry-brining in the fridge. You know, for the future. Dry-brining your protein is really great because it seasons it all the way through, tenderizes the protein, breaks down the fat so it renders better. Here, this is his latest endeavor. This is a bone-in dry-aged ribeye that he dry-brined for three days and then slow roasted in the oven. We're gonna make French dip sandwiches with it later. There's a baguette in the freezer. Bone broth for jus. Wait! We already have gloss. Hold up. Let's go to here real quick. Welcome to the freezer. It's a beautiful place. Here, we always keep bone broth. This is totally a must-have, very important. There's always, always bone broth whether it's homemade or purchased, like high-quality, because then you got a base for soups and stews and sauces and all kinds of stuff. It makes dinner really easy. We also like to keep gloss around, which is just bone broth that's been reduced. So this probably started out as six cups. So it gets really sticky and rich, and this can be perfect for dunking the French dip sandwiches. Up here is the carb magical frozen bread world. It's always important to have frozen bread. So we've got a baguette for the French dip sandwiches. Other bread, whoa, top-split brioche buns. All of them are must-haves. All the bread. Should I hold all the bread? This is naturally-leavened milk bread from the farmer's market. It's so good. It's really good to have if you wanna just make a burger on the fly. Huh? Hold on. Since we're here, my favorite snack, an absolute must-have is popcorn. This is my favorite popcorn. It's from Anson Mills. It's like a heritage corn and what's great is it tastes really, really corny. It pops up really light and fluffy. I didn't know this until I started using this, but you're supposed to keep popcorn in the freezer to keep it really fresh. Each popcorn kernel has a little bit of water. That's what makes it pop. So if it's out and it dries out, you're gonna end up with more duds. So keep your popcorn in the freezer. I've got another freezer favorite. Should we do it? Are we staying in the freezer? The freezer's a fun place. Okay. So these, these are barberries. These are from Iran, 'cause my mother-in-law's from Iran. So whenever she goes, she brings back barberries and saffron. It's really, really incredible to add to rice. It adds just little pops of tart, kind of cranberry vibes. It's really nice because they are so small. It's just like a really nice speckle of chewy texture and tart flavor. We always love to have these around. Also, dried fruit needs to be in the freezer, too. So many things actually need to be in your freezer. Freezers. If you don't know where to put something, put it in the freezer. Oh, and then Ham mentioned he wanted to use this to make some eel. So this is some smoked eel that we got from Maine. We haven't gotten into it yet, but I'm really excited because I think I haven't had American eel. I'm excited to try it because it's sustainable. A lot of eel isn't. Hopefully, it's delicious. We're gonna glaze it in that sauce, have it with rice. Oh! Let's just make a meal. This is a must-have. So this is Togarashi, which is a Japanese spice blend. It's really great on top of rice and bowls. So we're gonna do, this is the plan. Dinner. I'm excited. Get the hell outta here so we can make dinner. (Sohla laughs) Before we finish the tour, I wanna make sure you stay tuned, 'cause I'm gonna be making something special. Here's a hint. So I guess our food philosophy is we're constantly trying to try new things because food is our job. You know, it's important to always see what's new, see what's out there, but it's also something we like to do. It's how we kind of developed our relationship, actually. When we started going out, we would go to the grocery store all the time; that was our date. Just buy different cheese or fish or whatever ingredient that we haven't used before and then cook. So we kind of just do that now. We're always just trying new things, trying out new recipes. I think there are core staple cuisines we go back to all the time, but we're always all over the globe. Must-have, we're big dairy people. Cow milk, the original milk. We like to try out different local milks. I mostly use this in coffee, but then, sometimes, it's just really nice to have with, I don't know, a slice of cake. Is that lame? Okay. So, very important, total fridge must-have, fresh citrus. Lemon, lime. I don't know, if there's something cool at the market, go for it. It's just really great to have for cooking. We always have vinegar, but there's a freshness you get from fresh lemon juice. If you don't know what your dish is missing, it's usually salt or acid. Another total must-have is fresh herbs. Here we got some dill, cilantro. What's this? Parsley. We're a big fan of the fresh herbs. We got some tarragon. We got some chives. I know it can seem intimidating to buy this many herbs because they don't last very long. But as soon as they start to get wilty, we blend it all up into a sauce, put that on some noodles. Amazing, right? You can make a little salsa verde. Herbs. Now one last must-have, olives. We always keep green olives around. Great as a snack, great to cook with, and I'm gonna use them in the dirty martini I'm gonna show you. Let's do it. Okay. So I'm gonna make a dirty martini with gin. It's a great drink because it's also a snack, huh? Right. Let me grab the gin. It's really nice to freeze your glass so your drink stays cold longer. I like to start with frozen gin. A martini has to be really cold. I know that, who's that guy? James Bond? Kind of ruined this drink 'cause everybody thinks you gotta shake a martini and you do not. You definitely do not shake a martini. You use a mixing glass, but a lot of ice. I know some people like to have ice chips in the martini. So you could crack some of the cubes, but I like it just like this. Okay. So we're gonna start with half an ounce of vermouth, two ounces of gin. I have a jigger, but I always fail when I use a jigger. So I actually prefer to use this tablespoon measuring cup. It's a little easier. Okay. Two ounces of gin. I like my martinis really, really dirty. I want it salty. I wanna taste the olive brine. So I'm gonna use a whole ounce of olive brine. Boom. We're gonna have a couple of olives. I really like my olives to be with pits. I feel like they taste a lot better, and I think it's kind of fun to gnaw on. So I don't use a pick to put them in the drink. I just put 'em in the bottom of glass, and then you just get in there and have an olive. Get crazy. Now we're gonna stir this up. So the key, when you're chilling a drink, is you just stir it until the outside of the glass is cold. That's how you know the drink is cold. If you don't have a mixing glass, that's totally fine, but it's nice. Makes it feel fancy. Just keep stirring. See how frosty the glass is? Wow. Okay. We know it's cold. Look at that. Whoa. So we're gonna strain into our glass. Everybody's cold, guys. It's gonna be cold and crisp and just perfect for our bowl of eel and rice. All right. Thanks, Women's Health, for checking out my fridge. Cheers. (upbeat music)
Channel: Women's Health
Views: 88,819
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Keywords: women's health, womens health, women's health fridge tours, fridge tours, sohla el-waylly, sohla, sohla babish, sohla el waylly interview, sohla recipe, sohla el waylly cookbook, everything eats in a day, WIEIAD, sohla food52, sohla food, chef sohla, sohla binging with babish, stump sohla, sohla NYT, sohla bon appetit, sohla bon appetit supercut, sohla best moments, sohla el waylly recipes, dirty martini recipe, fridge must haves, sohla womens health, sohla fridge tour
Id: mVg1EPF8C4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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