Vegan Challenge! 2 Chefs Make a Meal Out of Mushrooms | Mystery Menu | NYT Cooking

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this is one of the few times where I'm spilling over from my foreb burner into the back burner there's a lot of simultaneous cooking happening simultaneous cooking [Music] okay and we're back we're back another edition of mystery menu I'm Sola and I'm ham let's talk about this last one we did tahen wow what a treat that was that like turned into a party F all you need is taheen all you need is tahen make any mail party not sponsored by tah I'm no longer suspicious that's what they want that's what they want never let go of that distrust it'll take a lot more than taheen and bacon to win my trust back that's all it takes for [Music] me okay and there's a card wow well like every other one this season I am stumped I feel like we guessed so many right last season that they took it as a personal insult and like made sure to make it impossible to guess feel this is this like a lobster cloth feel like it's a little spongy to be a lobster cloth mushrooms oo maybe mushrooms oh there's so many mushrooms nailed it we got one nailed it okay this is a good one oh this is another great one this is a really good one all these different kinds of mushrooms you got portabellos you got in noi you got white Beach you got trumpet oyster have you guys been watching the The Last of Us this is going to be really fun yeah you um open the envelope now just a little note create an all vegan menu awesome creating these mushroom dis awesome we can do that that's you can definitely do that yeah yeah why not we don't eat a lot of meat in the day-to-day that's more of like a special occasion thing but we use a lot of dairy meat adjacent products well and we have a freezer full of animal fats and we have a freezer full of so we cook with a lot of like Schmaltz and lar and Tallow but the good thing is that mushroom brings so much meatiness that I think with the right cooking we can get there so this is more than any other Challenge 1 hour is really really tough because you need time to build a lot of flavor if you're going with a vegan menu it's a lot of slow cooking it's a lot of uh slow roasting a lot of stocks so it's it's going to be a little tough I have never used this kind of mushroom lion man I take this in powdered form for my brain they like soak they soak up sauce really well could we do I I think it could be cool if like wait what were you going to say I was going to say if we get a really big cluster and roasted yes that's what I was going to say that could be like our entree that's our entree like just get the biggest cluster of mushrooms that we can find slow roasted in the oven Bast it treat it and treat it like a roast and we can make like a nice mushroom puree as like the mashed potato so mushroom Jew roasted mushroom mushroom puree mushroom Yorkshire puds I feel like a mushroom puree I want something else with that but like well what if we lightened it with cauliflower cauliflower and mushroom puree yeah cauliflower mushroom puree and then we need like a salad thing these are really nice like uh pickled pickled we can do like a nice pickly really bright mushroom salad instead of the yeah maybe a little cheese no it's vegan it's got to be vegan cheese it's going to be nutritional ye never mind never mind uh yeah you know what this menu needs is lots and lots of butter yeah lot we're going to be using lots of vegan butter what so what we've got so far so pickley pickle mushroom lots of herbs salad or o what if it's like what if it's like a walnut pesto with like the with the mushrooms and the herbs on top yeah okay o it'll look like a little Forest I like that nice to get uh those um large white button mushrooms that we peel and hit on the mandolin and then we'll just cover that with that mhm so the for the centerpiece roasted mushroom just lots of garlic and then just base it good oil good olive oil with good olive oil that's and then new Yorkshire pudding we got Jew cauliflower puree that seems good yeah yeah can we get truffles oh that's a mushroom that's a mushroom can we get truffles where are we putting the truffles on the cauliflower mushroom puree yeah cauliflower mushroom shower it with truffles yeah okay uh preferably white buter but if I don't but if yeah but black black will be fine this feels a little bit like classic Sunday roast Vibes mm What would what do you normally have as a dessert with that like a sticky toffee pudding sticky toffee pudding or a trifle oh but how do you do that without eggs oh that's right the it's vegan it's vegan so the caramel is going to has to be vegan as well I think we need to use the vegan butter for the dessert okay I think and you know what might be cool instead of the dates could we do like some chewy candied mushroom throughout the cake if we like simmer them in syrup yeah cook the mushrooms down in there the cake isn't going to be as dense I think with like flax and vegan butter it's probably going to be like a little bit fluffier lighter but we can we can pour like a Pini toffee with vegan butter on top I what I want on there is ice cream now we can just buy a vegan ice cream there's tons of them yeah we need to spend a lot of time developing flavors here to the drawing board to the board to the board okay should we start with the center piece I can't draw mushrooms that's a mushroom so you're thinking a giant oyster or makaki what ever is larger and more more dramatic so the largest mushroom Crown let's do it in a cast iron skillet lots of garlic lots of thyme good olive oil we need the good stuff here yeah and then we'll just finish it with the dusting of parsley or uh Teragon let's do ter Teragon powder let's do yeah like dry Teragon blend it up that'll be really pretty really like foresty yeah look it'll look like Mossy uh-huh we'll have our Sage time sticking out and I think the garlic is going to taste really good okay so we're going to do cauliflower mushroom puree covered in shaved truffles kind of like a greton thing so we get more truffle coverage mhm it's truffle truffle truffle truffle um okay now our mushroom salad wow and we're going to have pickled an nois what do you want to pickle it in we'll make like a shallot vinegar cuz I think the shallots will be the shall will be nice in there yeah shallots and then some roasted chantells okay cool wa Okay so roasted this is my Chantel roasted Chantel and then are we covering the whole thing in shaved in shaved but mushrooms the the dollar size the they're called Silver Dollar button mushroom and then we have our pesto lemon CEST do you think this could use like a grain like a pharoh to kind of tie it all together I feel like it's just it's like a little messy then then should we just mix the farro in with the pesto now it's like really hearty and then you have like the mushroom stuff on top yeah je je and that's just like roasted mushrooms cooked down we'll get like a veg stock maybe the base should be a Dashi it'll be like a vegan Dashi it'll be comu with with dried chakis okay instead of the Bonito okay and then what's that starch that's not starchy kozu yeah let's use kozu sticky tofe w wow the proportions on everything here so off what is that this is a piece of cake oh that's their toffee and their Scream I'm torn on the salad I feel like the Faro the pesto the pesto it's getting really heavy I don't even know if I want a roasted chinol here honestly cuz this is all roasted okay what if it's a what if we went acid forward and did just celery the pickled mushrooms the raw favor ingredient uhhuh with leaves like I feel like that I I want that maybe some apples you know what I mean Apple celery pickled mushroom pickled mushrooms and we'll put walnuts in that like that works uhhuh and we'll still finish it with the raw buttons on top so it'll look really nice and then you'll uncover it and you'll have all this bright stuff underneath cuz I want crunchy and bright excuse me I'm glad I have all this room mhm okay good thing you kept it tight okay so it's we're still going to do pickle to nois mhm hi nois and we're going to have little shallots too right mhm they just look like little sperm mhm and then we'll have our shallots Rings Rings yeah Rings like shaved on a mandolin so the celery I think would be nice just dressed with lemon juice lemon sest double acid yeah that sounds great cut it at like a sharp angle extreme bias bias we should do like a really fine chop so it kind of coats everything that sounds great little parsley here too right little little parsley fine chopped too that like super micro like dress dresses I like that a lot olive oil as well here and what if we did you know how we're shaving the button what if we also shaved uh green apple and then punched them all out and then just kind of did you know what I mean yeah that's cute and then that'll also get a little bath and lemon it has to be on a plate guys my God should we just leave off the ice cream I'd rather have no ice cream than bad ice cream you you think back then the English without their freezers had it used to they don't even know how to cool their beer their Savages over there it's no no ice cream no ice cream and then you'll have no clue it's vegan all right this sounds good okay I'm excited this one's good and actually I don't think it's going to be that Cra Crazy no it's a lot of stuff there's like so much stuff I'm surrounded by mushrooms and they all need to be cooked in an hour it seems like a simple menu but it's actually like a lot like I can't keep it in my head I just immediately forgot there's a puree I'm responsible for the big roasted mushrooms have to go in immediately and the cake also has to go immediately so I'm taking cake taking mushrooms okay 3 2 1 again all right let's go I'm going to start by preparing porini tea this is porini powder since it's ground it'll Infuse a lot faster and this is going to be flavoring our sticky toffee pudding it's really really earthy but not specifically mushroomy I feel so it's going to go really well with the toffee Flavor now I'm going to turn this into My Vegan egg with some of this stuff I've never used it before what's in it it's got starch and psyllium husk and baking soda and then I guess it's supposed to be 2 tablespoons of this stuff with 1/4 cup of liquid is supposed to be equivalent to two eggs and you're just supposed to mix it and let it thicken this is a little simple syrup and I've got like the cutest tiniest mushrooms that we had and I'm going to just going to try and Candy them I've not tried to Candy a mushroom so the base of the mushroom Jew that we're doing is a comou te so I need to get that going first so that's just going to simmer then I'm going to use that liquid in the pressure cooker and I'm going to add a bunch of dried mushroom some nutritional yeast mushroom garam some coke for sweetness and and color and a little bit of uh vegan buan so we're going to [Music] see so we're going to give these a quick sear on the stove top careful a lot of people say you can't crowd mushrooms when you cook them that is a myth mushroom have a lot of water content so what you want to do first is you're going to cook all that water water out and then it's going to start sizzling and caramelizing and by that time the volume of this mushroom's going to go way down cuz you've extracted all of the moisture just going to get a little cover on the candying mushrooms 5 minutes have aapse Pam 5 minutes have a lapse vegan [Music] butter that's some nice color so now I'm going to flip them [Music] over so we're going to add some garlic whole cloves add some [Music] th that smells good [Music] already this is some smoked mushroom garam fully vegan it's a fermented mushroom product from the Nal Labs some vegan [Music] buan then our mushroom gets nestled back in there going to cover this up and in the oven it goes my comou te is ready so I'm going to strain into my pressure cooker and here's go in some more garlic I'm adding dried chakis dried pinis a little bit of Brandy a Coke vegan buan black [Music] pepper cake got in a little later than I wanted so we'll see how that does they're going to be the walnuts for the salad and I would normally do it in the oven but I'm afraid I'm going to forget them in there so we're doing them here this is going to be the cauliflower puree with the mushrooms so I'm just going to get them really nice and soft and seasoned and then I'm going to blend them up with the mushroom how much an noi are you pickling all of that all that [Music] okay I'm going to scrape up that delicious mushroom Fawn that's at the bottom of this [Music] pan these chantells are going to get blended into the puree so I'm just looking for some roasty toasty notes on them [Music] now we're also going to the glaze chants for [Music] blitzing roasted buttons for puree 3/4 of a cup of cherry an Apple Jack vinegar you can see that the vinegar is almost syrupy salt it's my favorite pastime peeling impossibly small shallots thought I was getting ahead of it by starting with peeled garlic this time forgot about the [Music] shallots the noi right in there and then this is going right in the freezer oh my God this is the fussiest thing in the world time 31 minutes 31 minutes I'm waiting for the mushroom to cook I'm waiting for the Jew to finish but besides that I'm in a good place what can I help you with you want to do the apples yeah here's a lemon and then the idea is we're being real fussy here I don't freaking know why but here we are ham did this at the restaurant this is why we went out of business you have to shave it to order cuz mushrooms oxidize quickly it was a it was a great pickup then you got to I guess it's like it's fine fine cuz we make it one time here and then but when you're doing it every night when you're doing it every night that's [Music] misery okay it's soft thank [Music] you going to use the weird vegan [Music] butter oh that's not [Music] terrible that's that's pretty delicious has really nice sweetness from the coke nice suami I'm going to hit it with a little bit more of this so I'm going to just reduce that down as long as I can thicken it with some kuzu and then that our you 15 [Music] minutes going to add the morels all the Garlic's nice and soft everything's melted we got some nice roasted mushroom that's cooked we've got some morels that have been flambeed and Brandy around this is a nice vegan treat the the butter just melted into like a slick oil situation kuzu comes from a root vegetable it's a starch that's used to thicken a lot of things in a vegan Japanese Cuisine monk [Music] cuisine [Music] I think it's cake yeah yeah it's cake we got cake we have cake 5 [Music] minutes super fine shop do you think you'll be able to shingle if I'll be able to shingle yeah just where's all the shingle I'll do this and then I got to move on to cake cool [Music] H come on [Music] holy crap that's very stressful when you actually countown everything happens wow it's very Brown it's a very Brown meal shrooms baby shrooms we made it so really stressed going into it but like I got really Zen in the process everything I've tasted so far as good it looks pretty good it's like it's basically what we set out to do we got it done bread really good bread we didn't make it's a cobra loaf for mopping up uh-huh all that delicious juice I'm really happy with how this came out cuz that the whole time I was like channeling The Last of Us uhhuh it's the perfect mix of creepy and beautiful doesn't this kind of look like the top of one of the uh uh-huh one of the infected I'm GNA slice right into it wow you can cut into it you'll get a nice hunk little Morel action I'm really excited about the Morales this is my favorite mushroom some of this guy some of that guy nice little dollop little je little jeo look at that pretty nice consistency yeah it looks really dark and Meaty like very jeo like where would you like it on the mushrooms on the mushroom that's a nice looking meal yeah even though it's the ingredient is mushroom the whole plate looks very like diverse yeah you and a little finish of flaky salt okay let's get in there going start with salad all the different textures in there so much fun to eat you get crunch from the celery crunch from the walnuts crunch from the apples I really thought that I was going to miss cheese but there's so much richness from the nuts and the oil but I also like the mushroom to texture mhm um cuz the pickle is a little bit more like spongy mhm and then you get like this softness from the shaved I I actually really like that it's delicious I don't even think you need to change it no I don't yeah no longer needs cheese I really thought it would need cheese but it's actually really good just like the way it is we just invented vegan salads I like this mhm I'm going to start with M morl it's really really Savory yeah really meaty I love how mushroom just soaks up whatever Rich liquid they're cooking in as well this I do wish it was cooked in chicken Jew and finished with butter that's what I want here but it's fine it's good it's good because it's really good mushrooms and they're cooked properly but what I want here is chicken chew I want the mushroom infused with chicken MH mhm puree is really silky really smooth cashews gave it a great texture and a little vegan butter h of dessert cake was a little bit of a struggle after baking it it was weird cuz it was definitely cooked but it was soft the kuzu starch really brought it together and then the candied mushrooms they're just like sweet mushrooms it's not bad it's the texture of a sticky toffee pudding liquid in the cake is like a porini tea the texture like I think you would be happy with this vegan or not the mushroom it I'm not getting like a strong note of porchi but I feel like it balances out all the sweet yes and I'm also enjoying the slight chew from the mushrooms on top with the with the cake it gives it a little a little bit of an interesting texture so it's not all just soft it was fun it's it's always fun cooking with mushrooms they're they're you can do a lot with them you can have them raw you can pickle them you can roast them you can puree them you can candy them and pop them on top of the cake and I feel like people don't do raw or pickled mushrooms very much yeah and I and I think it's like something you're sleeping on because this is really delicious it's delicious and we need to eat as much mushroom as possible before they evolve and come after us yes so we need the moral of the story is we need to eat them before they take over us oh my God it's Pedro it's Pedro everybody [Music] wow
Channel: NYT Cooking
Views: 351,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, new york times, new york times cooking, nyt cooking, nyt, nytimes, sohla el-waylly, ham el-waylly
Id: df2tUBvqDpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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