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oh they are gonna be microwaving frozen that was the question I had I was like do I have to freeze these and then reheat yeah actually by the paper really yeah so you can buy this basically created oh my god then you can have a little solo should I add three and make it a five cheese because they have five cheese I was really nervous for the microwaving part it worked out better than I expected and actually think the Christian paper made a difference it would be really fun if the taco shell was made with masa make it more of a taco it's not delivering it's not choco or taco I want both basically you're saying brought it I like Sol's idea of the masa sort of more fun than just recreating it exactly feel like this doesn't smell particularly corn yeah okay I like that idea so I like I like how we encourage some form of mania and the other yeah came over to ask if you had time to temper chocolate at some point you didn't side by side okay yeah but mostly I'm just gonna do what you do do my explaining whatever chocolate is when you melt chocolate there's like five or six different crystal structures uh-huh and you're aiming for this one particular one and the only way to nail it is by like doing this temperature thing you start by melting much chocolate you want to take it up to at least 95 it really easily gets to 95 so don't go crazy and then you add back some tempered chocolate and then that's got those seed crystals to help you get to the right structure you want now we're just stirring until our seed chocolate melts if we want to speed it up I like to do it in the walk-in when we're close it's gonna start like clinging to the bowl it's gonna feel really thick and like it's gonna sit on you okay second b4 oh boy you should go back over the water everybody outside yeah yeah that's so annoying in heart so now I'm doing a little test on parchment to see if it's tempered Claire listen to this now I think we should go on this guy while it's okay yeah yeah look at the texture of that versus this let's just cool like I said I didn't want to do my chocolate anyway yeah we're gonna use the dark chocolate I still think this is a good idea I just need something that's not a plastic bag that is such a good idea let's do that what's a good idea do we wait for the test I don't know if we have that do we go do we just go no look it's starting right now I don't know it might just need another couple minutes no it should set before your eyes I don't know solar what what do you think what concerns me you know why wouldn't it be no everything right alright we're going we're going okay we're going I don't know what do you what he's seen on that test strip souls that chocolate it sucks nothing's different we're so Jesus oh I think we're like I'm not cold enough yet you're not cold enough yet you need to get down to 89 come on come on but look I'm stumped spinning yeah that's not enough for Crystal agitation that makes sense that's looking pretty good oh yeah we're getting change Sola got the touch dress how we doing not so good what's a matter I put the extract in the chocolate I'm not sure the chocolate liked it we don't have a wheel you can't use it with white chocolate because it's just gonna get up the trial that the chocolate is impressively tempered poof we killed at that time so it better yeah and also the SOLAS idea to use the actually kind of i/o was gonna say something else about that to say go most efficient what is the fire maybe the yeah it's roll up alright a night I really using it from yesterday that's what it is okay thanks this all is help and encouraging words we actually portioned and formed the full potato mixture so uh do you have a minute I feel like I've tempered this really well but now I think it's not tempered did it go on past it no and I've just been keeping it warm it's just there I'm gonna go with poor I'm gonna go with it I think you should okay nope it isn't it still doesn't work you think it's me wait Sola I'll stand over here is it stealing it's working let's try even scale it's working it's you okay
Channel: Natalie
Views: 1,016,470
Rating: 4.9330344 out of 5
Keywords: Bon Appetit, Sohla, claire saffitz, gourmet makes, sohla el-waylly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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