Mei Coop! - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to thus miss number 29 i'm here with butts how you doing butts i'm feeling pretty spicy so those of you watching my channel uh you may be wondering you may be wondering uh what character this is this is currently uh may who is a modded character that i have literally never played before huts is playing as tainted may who i have literally never played before and uh yeah we just wanted to switch it up try a custom character out hut you're you're definitely the expert in terms of modded characters so uh what what's the what's the deal with both of these both of these these characters well first of all may has been a thing for like i don't even know five years now she was one of like the original super well made modded characters for well-made there's a new one okay i promise i'll stop uh and then i'm tainted mate she's relatively new and i think her mechanic sucks but i'm excited to see there's some sort of synergy with it so you have these balls that fly around you when you stop moving they end up expanding so as long as you're moving and firing they stay nice and tight and your fire rate will increase the amount of balls that you're juggling uh i'm not sure there's anything else that's really important for me i fire rain down and uh it kind of follows my cursor but it falls everywhere so a raindrop hitting anything causes damage but as you see my damage is 175. so it's it's piss poor that is uh wow that is that's actually wait it's it's not good and okay okay okay so we start off with a planetarium here which is the reason why we didn't want to actually like switch huts to just may well it leaves uh at least rain marks are like marks on the ground too oh yeah it does look at that okay yeah thank you for total let's do it yeah thank you very much yo i'm shallow for the gifted subs as well all right oh see i almost got hit already i've got no knockback and i think that's actually huge oh another important thing we don't have red health okay it does not exist tara one damage up replaces tears with rocks um i would really like to see that on both of ours but i think that my raindrops don't count as tears they're like a special thing so you should take it okay even though it's a damage up i call dibs in the next damage up okay i'm gonna see rocks flying around sweet oh baby all right we gotta run and we can get free access to the secret room super seat room we got a spicy run here's a good one we are uh ow we are currently playing on huts we're playing on hudson's computer i honestly don't know what's going on with my computer um but it just it will not work with uh with multiplayer anymore on on the steam service i don't know why i think i'm gonna have to probably end up um i'll probably end up having to reinstall steam or something there's there's some kind of setting that's screwed up with the controller so right now for the for the immediate future we're gonna be on huts computer quite possible that we just bummed this one up because these are very difficult characters i i've never played it before obviously but uh also i haven't i gotta remind myself that i'm on a controller it's a damage up no that's some health for you uh damage up if you take hit right of health i don't know why but every time that you get red health it's a damage up so every time i get red hell okay that's interesting i think either of us this is her passive or yeah it's just a special thing that's okay that she's got going on um the soul hearts what the heck yeah didn't you know i was going for the suit did you did you know i was going for the secret room there huh it's god on death isaac's ghost is chained to his dead body and he can continue to fight with a half a heart return to life after 10 seconds must be recharged by picking up a soul heart spirit shackles i think i've never taken this item it's uh people really like it i have always ignored it i'll give it a shot i'm gonna uh bomb this guy thank you minnie dragon for the gift of sub oh man we're really close to getting that uh phd i would like phd instead of just a single soul heart i also would like ph dizzle whoa she has her own uh choose her own notepad i have a mod for it where i have custom characters have their oh god oh no thank you for the knockback there nice so one thing with you is that it's difficult for you to hit things directly in front of you yeah i'm noticing that because they like loop around it seems like i'm gonna have to finagle the uh finagle the like just going back and forth like vertically in order for me to hit like a straight line mm-hmm any meaning you should take bhp ph dizzle if i get health up pills i don't know if that's gonna be the same thing for you though if i dropped it and you picked it up it could be the other one right oh no it is uh you want you should take it you should take it if i could only remember how to drop right trigger i think it is right trigger okay i'm getting there slowly getting there balls of balls that's the weirdest spot for a seeker or yeah a regular secret room like look at that that's that's odd well us pro players know that it was there yeah of course 110 deliberate oh i got may's broken heart too my active ability it causes lightning to shoot down so it does a little bit extra damage that's awesome blood clot um you called the damage up so i don't think it's gonna work on mine i'm not gonna lie or maybe it might just give me a flat damage up i'm not sure but it doesn't apply it to your stats right so i say you take it it might not even work on you i'll take the next one speed up nice that's you nice you should yeah because i'm fast i like speed up thank you might be a speed down though nope nope shots speed up that's also you i don't think that affects me at all speed up the pedals and look up okay wow let's go so because i have phd you also get good pills is that true i think if you oops i think if you touch them first that uh that identifies them oh man oh yeah i thought i accidentally hit something it's happened so many times or it's like i've never hit the wrong button huh it's also i totally see the the chemical peel uh interacting because two of the four boulders are actually bigger than the other perfect ones coming out of the left eye that's pretty cool perfect if you hit the drop item button you can change the direction that may tears spin by hitting right trigger i am oh oh thank you not for me that's good information because uh sometimes the knockback is on one direction you knock them forward on the other direction you knock them back at you hey look at that that's weird there's no way i'm gonna remember how to micromanage that i'm sorry it's all right that's going to have zero effect on on me i was like this may oh lord that's that's wacky uh i don't i don't think i like it i wouldn't like that i'll take it for the range i think it makes my uh crosshairs move further man look at this stop speed tears up but you should take it i guess the balls of steel is also here since i'm ahead of you in hell so now you have five rocks that's awesome i'm gonna blow this guy up too may is awesome we don't really have a good use for bombs now that you have tara first room there you go that's all you pimping all right you didn't get the damage up no it's red heart like if you would have gotten a red heart container oh you get a black container plus damage i got you it's not just every black cart you gain it is confusing it took me a while to understand that i'm myself there was some angry comments like hot you're dumb i mean there's always anger comments it's pretty obvious [Music] that's so mean to his chat do you see this little twitter thing that's going on uh i did not know i mean there's a lot of things which which twitter thing recent thing where uh there are some people that were speaking out about how mean i am and uh oh i'm just constantly bitching about my my viewers that's definitely the meanest guy i know we we definitely poke fun at trolls in the chat but that's about it this person was probably a troll yeah they're probably the the truth hurts you know that's they probably got yelled at and then took great offense to it because you're like wow i i can't believe that someone would call me out on something like that double key room what are you thinking uh yeah we could do the vault especially with us having phd nobody knows somebody somebody tweeted at you that you're being mean to them something to the fact that like i just i'm not a nice person well we all know that that's not true i can't help you i'm all the way over here high priestess nice we know that's not true other people other streamers have banned people for less than what hutz puts up with i say you buy it that's true oh you know what we might be able to potato peel and hack this because if you use converter it works do we really want to break the game though what do you mean how's that it's a converter well no actually no because converter takes a soul heart turns it into a red heart this one takes a red heart yeah that's what i was going to say i was like i don't think it's going to do anything yeah well converter is not supposed to work either but it does and it breaks the entire game but i i say that probably won't work you don't want to buy this oh you so you can take inverter and then that it's just a self-perpetuating it does massive damage gives you damage and it gives you health all three things so it's oh so it actually okay and activates the black cards as well that's insane yeah that sounds like a really boring run let's see you buy this i gotta i've got internal art coming up all right save our money for a premium item break is good regardless sorry bud i'm not sorry what you could have gotten the fluid all right dammit yeah you want them uh i'll take that devil or angel is the question nice amount of bums a healthy amount of bombs we got there we got an angela my angel yeah i think that taking a double deal would be unwise unless we bought health in the shop [Music] i think it would be unwise i don't trust myself with the uh with just pure soul hearts on a character that's still i'm getting acclimated to she seems really strong though we also had a really powerful start so yeah starting with tara i mean just gonna get better from here if we see holy light i call dibs it's one of the known synergies oh oh god yeah if you if you if it procs off the raindrops that's that's madness it just like happens it just like shoots holy light shots sometimes like a lightning got our key back too i tell you what we might even go in the curse room why not angel teleport please not bad [Music] let me leave i actually know the super secret might be there sorry there we go that's the way i wanted to do it all right good good speed run it's fun it's pretty fun too uh we're both tied so you should take it yeah get them pills thank you orman 185 yeah that's what i was about to say we had another two hour and 39 minute run today eaton run on youtube the two hour two hour 39 minute run for fun or because of struggles uh i was going for the for the full house all kill run and i failed it actually less than a week ago that was a three-hour run i didn't even see those shots um but uh we got the we got a chance to do it again and i was able to do it except this time i didn't give mega satan the chance to screw me over and uh not like the the last time what happened is uh is after after mega satan you have to get teleport obviously you have to get the delirium teleport and uh he ended up just ending the run so we were so close it's all right classic scent all right wait so was the seed that you'd previously played and lost no no no it was just another just another super broken run um i was able to get all the bosses on and uh and kill every boss including boss rush it just took forever it was a it's an arbitrary challenge that i made for myself i was like you know i think the ultimate i think one of the hardest challenges you could do is actually kill every boss in one run including like these dogma take that card magician i'm not sure if it'll work but you should try it took away my hair all right i mean to cut you off it's all right uh but yeah it was just it's a fun arbitrary challenge that i made for myself five months for mandy pandypandy thank you so much happy anniversary dad thank you very much for four months we could take dream catcher go all four or four or five volt and get risky i mean having a perpetual card spawn is pretty nice to start with would i wonder would dreamcatcher give us both half hearts or just you i don't know you do you want it it doesn't really matter if he takes it you can be your controller handicap for dreamcatcher yeah okay wait did we get a did we get a ball of steel pill for our last pill i think no it was the telepills was it tillables burp it says oh oh i see what you mean um i maybe use the telepills i don't know about you balls of steel also that's kind of sort of that this that's one thing that like that i called out chad for being wrong about things like it doesn't it doesn't show you the pills unless if you've touched them already it's like we haven't seen a vert pill this entire run and the mod has identified this pill before we even bought it so could because that's what i'm saying but like we haven't seen this pill yet so we wouldn't in the regular game without the mod we would not have known what pill this is until we'd actually bought it but the mod tells you which one it is see what i mean yep uh but i think we should buy it anyway because it may have been balls of steel brian is gay prime sub thank you for that bird ran thank you for the tier two reset eight months you want did you want to take it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what was the last chapter these years was uh balls of steel but it was it was balls of steel yeah so pop it it's like hard to notice that i'm actually doing anything because it's so much easier to see your rocks yeah wow that was a great shot but i'm not gonna lie there we go meanwhile i'm just pissing the night away pissing the night away it's the whiskey drink it's the something drink songs that remind us of the bad times [Music] oh that turned into an addicted bill wow that's a lot of bombs holy crap holy craps cracking a creep on a cracker plate and a waffle let's go um i think that i could use an orbital to protect myself from definitely you larger rocks is gonna give you larger rocks yeah it should that's the point of it right maybe not all right wait holy light oh good one yeah that's right i don't think that would work at all with me oh it does work oh lord oh i saw that one coming oh geez again oh that is wacky oh my god the ai on this angel right now i blocked it for you all up in me i'm gonna bomb these fires yeah buddy teamwork makes the dream work ready to go yep all right we do have dream catcher so let's watch and see what happens i will probably not pay attention [Music] it's anti-gravity i wonder what that would do on you though chad who are you more curious to see auntie grab on mayor tainted me probably would do nothing on both of us but you know you never know until you know you know oh my god what's going on ah it's so hard to see my raindrops may may may teammate tainted painted painted may made me i think i see more mei i could see it doing literally nothing on my character yeah oh sorry that was my fault i was trying to i was trying to actually avoid that from happening it just happened anyway that's didn't do anything at least it tears up i'm at four to eight tears i'm looking pretty good on tears so maybe sin should take it oh anti-grav yeah like what could it do with you right your tears like constantly move by default i don't think it's i think this is going to give me a flat beard that's what i would assume you can get a full true clear with one r key by leaving the run in the mother room and the door will spawn see that see that's a like i don't like when people suggest stuff like that because that's like more exploity to me than anything what was it like eating mother someone someone's suggesting you can get you can get it's not the first time this has been suggested either for the for the full house run people are like all you gotta do is just leave the run just go back to the main menu come back and you're instantly out of the mom portal or out of the mom room it's like okay but like that's not what you're supposed to do in the game like if you if i have to actually leave the run in order to accomplish something that to me feels exploity oh that just opened um blow them all up that's like saying like you know you have to even see that thing that's like saying like you have to uh reset the device and do a very specific like way of like restarting a run only for only for you to like break the game in a certain way just so you can get out of one room it's like or i'd rather just play legit and just like you know use the r key after mother or have a teleport and then go to a sack room ain't may is kind of trash not gonna lie well you know it would have been fun to have a double may run and then a double tainted may run i think that would be hectic to have both of us on team a but uh the planetarium but the tara so we ended up not fixing it because now i'm gonna be may next run and you're gonna be tainted mate you're gonna just hate it okay so maybe we could just not do it i don't know no i mean i'm down for whatever i got six and a half hours of sleep last night i feel good [Music] um you have seven rocks now oh my god that is crazy if you can line that up for them to go through the uh the prism hang on yeah use that r thing push them back and forth through it it's reversing the that is weird that is weird one pro tip thanks for 13 months appreciate you dk with 15. wait they're stopped they've stopped moving wait what they're not following me what did you do hit r does it come back don't hit r and they stop oh no that's what happens when i fire when you're holding fire they stop i'm just yeah i'm just holding fire right now that's weird imagine if you get king baby or i get king baby you could just set a trap you could just put that over like the mom or whatever boss and then walk away oh my god i like that especially it allows you to use your uh your prism more effectively that's a that's that's almost mesmerizing to even look at max thanks to the three months uh bathroom oh god [Music] i might just focus on my orbital at this point what the hell am i doing look how fun and colorful this is man this is great huh just like i've got raindrops over here raindrops keep falling on my head i know how i felt whenever i died so often in the tm trainer run you can't even notice that like there are raindrops oh my god hang on i got you how spicy you feeling about the uh earth from uh i'm sitting at five and a half you've got six and a half little horn void shots i highly doubt that would affect anything that i've got going on but i gotta know [Music] voidrain would be amazing hard that's not gonna come in handy i guess we could just teleport out with emperor we could but i'd rather okay you know what yep i mean i'm generating cards here i gotta i gotta start ripping them that health is you and damage mind this also took my hair my horn hair's or maybe the stapler did we're crushing it though i think i'm honestly doing a little bit more damage than we know it's just hard to tell yeah so much visual diarrhea everywhere what do we got question mark we don't know i'm gonna pick it up oh god that would be insane on uh on this may does jared do wait a second let's imagine if we get mom's box of friends in double prism do it let's go surely that works right use it that's gotta work right it's a three room recharge i don't see why you're why you wouldn't just yeah okay oh baby extreme fire rail okay you want to use the chariot then uh sure ooh that's right like a library or something for the uh for the uh super secret room yeah there you go should be two black cards right two black cards for what for the levers card i don't think this is the blackheart room uh okay yeah you're right bombies though yep maybe they do that before the deal the devil or angel oh somebody wanted to use the emperor card i'm not going to say who but who was that the rock snow probably chat does that break open this door it sure does interesting hey we could have gone down for the extra item i think i'm back up yeah you didn't look at that we're gonna go anyways it doesn't matter we got it for the health don't kid yourself stop kidding yourself take care of yourself get you a better life tim use the card i don't think timmy is playing tim's always playing backseating oh look out voltage with the bomb it's so difficult to see my freaking raindrop submits to like a rainbow you're telling me i've also i've also figured out that pulse firing is the best way to do this although rain and rainbows name a better combination oh wait you have a better band name i'll wait rain and rainbows it's pretty trash like the best band name ever they do nothing but heavy ass metal that's not heavy metal it's all mamas and the papa's covers that's all they do it's all it's heavy metal about asses yeah okay we could up our chance before we go in if we really we we should yeah sold 10 to breast thanks for the six months appreciate you i don't know i'm never in that mess yeah i'm never not gonna get hit in this room with this combo anyway moving speed would definitely be nice you're faster than i am as i'm saying movements would be nice oh wow i don't know how i dodged that range do you want more range no i wouldn't mind to have a longer reach of my cursor i think that's what it does at least strength card not bad dark angel nine months thank you for that but baby oh god i like i like me she's pretty cool yeah i do like mei tainted made though on the other hand yeah tayden made like if there was more tear interaction i could see so only is it only holy light that interacts with the rain i think there's a couple other ones but like things like dr fetus epic fetus i don't think that those did anything thank you man bear pig thank you very much like certain things like uh brimstone has to work right there has to be some sort of brimstone raining lasers um amazing and then i was directly tagged in that thank you chrome fist appreciate it humors greatly welcomed here uh increased chance for angel over devil if we bomb the devil guy doesn't increase the odds of getting a room but it will slightly tip it in the angel's favor i'm gonna bomb this guy yes just like doing the keeper will we palm the uh this guy a six percent seven percent yeah so we're sitting at a 73 percent chance it's just weighted higher towards angel the probability of getting the annual deal suck on that people who think i don't know anything about the game that's that's so easy that's why you being so mean don't you know we're just trying to help i have a high priestess card here good one shot the boss i think we're gonna one-shot the boss anyway look at these cards entrance everyone else yeah there you go i got i got this don't worry got you covered look at the look at the speed that this is moving at is insane you need more tears this is this is in maine eternal d6 i'm going to grab it i'm going to use it you want a book touch uh it doesn't only work for one of us book of shadows with an orbital could be pretty okay what do you think eternal d6 or book of shadows well considering your huts and you have huts luck i think that we should stick with the eternal d6 because lord knows we're probably gonna get a lot of re-rolls every time that we use it together though it just eats the items yep that is true that's cause it's invicta luck is here so choose your poison choose wisely my son i don't think we need the damage okay let's go for something crazy speaking of crazy whoa movie box holy crap you guys playing so boring never take any chances i'm gonna maybe use this in this room i gotta know i gotta know i i don't know if i wanna know with you you might just blow your nice energy i think it's going to kill my synergy or or maybe it just gives me like a tech x laser around me that would be different when i fire that would be dope i'm pretty sure that's that's kind of synonymous with e right as a synergy with you with tainted may chat saying yeah that's what i would assume oh constant shocks okay so it's like my active item is always active that's that's very good yeah there you go i like it now i can actually tell that i'm doing something sucking that mom yeah just just suck right on that mom and it's weird [Music] you said it dummy whoa okay all right now we're talking i don't have my uh thing charged up so i say we just take the all-stats up and be happy about it huh well we can take both do you want both i mean i'd like to get a hp upgrade all right the fight started you probably hit it with a rock okay i'm pushing up go ah i used my active did we notice even more lightning potentially potentially yes oh we split the key pieces no it doesn't matter you still got the whole key noise all right good stuff now we don't want to earn a deal with the angel but oh well we can't this oh yeah this one destroyed blue fire it's darn that'd been cool you would have been cool adam my mom says i'm cool what happened to your hair look at the the mom's locket uh trinket sometimes gives me mom items so mom's wigs yeah mom's wig that's right the potential candidate prison you're not firing the right way oh i would like to see this boss buffed sister this is so underwhelming range i guess me we did get an angel row by the way yeah that sucks range plus black card you got butt knife it doesn't look like my range is actually increasing my my uh length of my cursor so maybe i'm maybe i'm wrong about that shot speed oh i could have d6 to you right you can d6 the angel item nice good awesome there you go that was pretty good predictable things that could have happened pretty good uh it's like you should take the d6 boy tim victor [Music] he didn't look at the dream catcher again did you know the dream catcher shows you the next item in the current floor it was chocolate milk somebody owes me something if it's chocolate milk okay i will give you ten gifted subs of his chocolate milk why oh you tan if it's not this man knows me too well judgment they can play a judgment or even blow up a judgment for a chance yeah yeah yeah it could be a secret room with a reroll machine in it too you know what screw it i'm gonna pop the strength card and see if i keep that black card i do i kept the black card now i can just keep the judgment guilt free wait on that one there i'll give you a high five says so you'll buy a plane ticket fly to me that's okay wow you could you could just give them the money that you're gonna spend on the plane ticket that'd be cool ouch way to get hit there hit me hit face nice you got me that was an epic burn it's gonna get five likes retweet if you like that favorite if you really like that block me if you wanna drop it what is tiered you should probably figure it out [Music] it works pretty well but double uh double thing what do you think has teared in here always charge this slow yeah i gotta see what this does with the when it goes through the prism it just drops hey let me see if i can let me see if i can keep going but i think it might actually be better the knives knives were dropping knives were dropping what do you mean knives are dropping when knife ring when did i have knife oh they had knife frame because i got mom's knife from the uh to lock it yeah remember i remember when i said you had yet but knife yeah no they're saying that i must have gotten mom's knife mom's knife and there was a pair it was apparently raining knives i didn't see it now that's a bad name right there mandy panty panty with 145 bits knives i missed it i'm thinking i'm sticking with this i think the potential damage is there [Music] rose thanks for the six months welcome back beautiful it's just beautiful i could reroll that item by the way iro i think we re-rolled for something spicier well you should play the judgment first oh yeah remember that that whole thing oh good neat awesome game that's for you uh steam's okay nice good stuff i'm glad that we got rock bottom i'm just happy about it really really super mainly feeling joy let's go to the shop and reroll that item up there [Music] so you don't you want to stick with this correct you don't want the mom's box i think your detonator is better i think it's worse with two cents on dank dabs too hallelujah sign me buddy yeah buddy that was definitely worth it what if you get the silver dollar you could get the quarter one time when my dad was playing he got two quarters did you know you could get two steam sales ah i think tiny tomah saved us there plus five lucky baby maybe it means more lightning so i'm i'm down with the luck what do you got that uses luck that's right nothing oh dirty mind i don't mind that at all did you reroll that dirty mind that i did you take it you're a little bit behind on on items didn't even see you re-roll that i was going to take the bob's curse [Music] it's lame bob's curse more like call it nurse yep yep like how you said yep before i even got done with that insult yep yeah i guess my back is gonna be gonna be a banger you got me back so hard that uh i just knew yeah why don't we switch since this car is better for you sun card doink the sun here comes the sun have we even seen the item room yet nope you know where it is now though that should have been mine it was my rock that made that oh you just steal things from sin i really don't like you guys play together don't just play single player if you're just going to play by yourself i got stuck like hey you're just inching along trying to pick stuff up and i'm just like oh my god there's too many things oh the d wizzle the collision uh we can make a second joker card stand yeah sure actually wait no you need to drop it hang on i thought i was holding on to it it's like the natural reaction isaac player to look at the bottom right and think that that's you zen are you okay you look tired um i guess i could save my charge for after we use the joker unless you want to take the joker as well and we'll just save it for me don't get it and i'll reroll now yeah cause the cherry card doesn't really matter i don't know if it matters he takes that i'm just running he takes everything another detonator he takes everything he breaks everything now he takes everything jen thanks for two months i don't i don't think it's worth playing any of these with blowing them up [Music] cash money because that's all i care about yep especially when we have restock if we reroll restock or is it still up there let's go up there there's some potential peggy's face blizzard does you want to play that more no i was just touching him once to see how our book was going to do i was not disappointed i was going to look up what that person said on twitter i forgot so i have it right so the person you were being mean to uh responding to i don't know if i i don't know if responding to someone being mean is considered being mean he's narcissistic and flexes on some stuff also when people uh ask stuff he's just aggressive i actually don't know why people throw money on someone who has an attitude towards people you've given a lot of money to streamers and not got anything back from them that's why i wear this tank top you guys oh he flexes on some stuff so hard he's got tattoos so obviously he thinks i very highly of himself nice people don't get tattoos tattoo you mean criminal yeah tattoo you mean thug went for you one for me thanks there's a black cart in the last room at the last room uh whatever room this is uh-huh this one where is that there you go uh i think we're tied dude why is my who's blowing up my phone sounds expensive yes i know i have a doctor's appointment on monday thank you very much you don't have to call me four times and also with the automated text to let me know that i'm trying to be more central with my botfly and teratoma i'm the tier blocker thank you take them both i can't stand the ring yeah one two let's just do this way it's easier okay think about uh yeah yeah need a movement speed okay what nothing uh joker what did i do exactly what you wanted that's like how we i like how we both took like the longest way possible to walk around it when we we could have just moved to the right and the left ah isaac players am i right uh joe sucker me right now joker whenever you pick up a solar it's a permanent step bonus i i think i'd say that's that's good enough unless you want to go like real ham but the chance of uh removing wow this is this is going really well stop all right so you take the locket [Music] just pinning me over here some damage very nice less damage than if you got a health upgrade which you were complaining about this guy hey i got you something did you get your tears out of here i tried my best [Music] but i guess your best wasn't good enough pill is pretty good you look tired oh that's a big lag spike there send it oh i don't think that takes away health when you when you grab it uh it does because because we both have only only soul hearts for hp i'm saying i don't think it does to this character see okay well it's a modded character that i've never seen or played before so that's not how it works in demand i'm just saying that's not how it works i really should have rerolled it is what i should have done because it's like we're gonna get guffy but hello i had to flex on people because i'm so aggressive yeah i'm being so aggressive god my range is almost is almost short enough to where i can just walk with a prism here there we go nice good really worth it we come back with that let's spawn this guy yep let's bomb this guy yep let's bomb this guy yep i got ocd man i gotta do it three times okay whoa what is going on what is that what where those tears come from the tiny ones yeah i don't know what the tiny ones are looks dope though so the night brain knife rain knife rain oh yeah look at that also i'm still thinking that i'm you that's no stop stop looking at you i'm the one who has all the health and nine lives if you're confused more knife rain that's dope yeah and you said tainted may sucks it's not that bad if you can get one of these seven thousand items if you just get lots of damage and lots of good synergies the character doesn't suck i love when people make arguments like that like they set up a situation in which they've already won that's not what's actually happening in reality and they're like well in that case i'm right yeah it's called a straw man the guy on twitter the same guy who said you were stealing cancer money i don't think so i got a lot of haters haters are bound like homeward bound but less cute animals yeah and more teslas more pestilence that was good that was a nice one yeah i like that one feels pretty cleared out all the little stupid spiders yeah stupid spiders that's just so aggressive these fighters literally gonna unsub i i'm lagging so bad right now really i just teleported across the screen yeah is it my internets uh i'm not dropping any frames i haven't seen it i think i honestly think i think it's just remote play yeah it's gotta be because my internet looks like it's been solid green line yeah i went from i went from being over here to all of a sudden being over here weird i was wondering what's going on yellow guppy yep um yeah that's that's probably best on you gears up you get more uh balls well once you hit a certain level oh oh god wait can i control which way they go when uh kind of like uh the eye of the occult oh look out for the bottom rock no i can't okay i tried as i go for the golden key below the rock hey uh okay nice good good there's a great acquisition internal d6 never lets me down yep okay i guess i just uh yep good just keep getting red poops here we'll send yep sell my joker if we need it because we're getting wrecked in the corner probably will wow those red poops yo there get that seventh fall seventh ball inc and then i'm gonna wait on this one after the angel room eden's soul uh feel like we should uh ignore it re-roll it [Music] i i mean i could take it and potentially get two items from a future joker card you know usage but we're getting up the ability to reroll stuff uh you mean the ability to lose stuff i i'm fine with taking eating soul all right yeah i'm out there 21 appreciate you let's uh let's bomb this wait terrier for that uh for that i'm gonna just uh just go ahead and wait on the yeah go ahead nice bomb whenever you're ready i like how i rain and you make like an absolute like a freaking tornado of rocks just trying to follow on the waters yeah okay good nice nice bomb you place you could have gotten all three with one bomb right did you i should have just taken that health [Laughter] did you know that you could have taken all three of those you bet we didn't real pageant boy you guys should have had three stock you don't really have to go backwards and charge this thing up i don't really care yeah we'll get more let's wait until after we uh know we didn't earn an angel room first before i pop my joker i can't decide which way i want the tiers to go [Music] i just don't know if i want my rock tornado to flow this way or that way yeah meanwhile like yep still drizzling water which is going to look cooler on the thumbnail clockwise or counterclockwise when are we going to get animated thumbnails yeah yeah seriously it's about time everybody's tough questions here i had that brief moment where you could have animated profile pictures yes and that was horrible because everyone's just posting porn i think you could put porn on it yeah no one tells me there's custom gifs what's that imagine let me get down i i'll take how to jump and then i'll jump to the rest of them okay [Music] well imagine it could be fun [Music] i don't know why i touched the last two called let me get down let me get in let me get in some of that mac and cheese i really think that i need to take the uh i don't know we could pop joker star of bethlehem now or even eating seoul [Music] we can start bethlehem now and uh just get rid of that and then i can come back for lamenting i think that we should clear to the boss just to see if we spawn one and then have an extra angel deal on the next four possibly is that me taking damage there yeah it is kind of difficult to see taking dirty mind by the way was a horrible idea this is gonna add more to the visual diarrhea all right let's uh let's get to one charge on okay good uh eating soul that's still choppy i don't know why hey all right there's creep there it's gonna be good luck caught me in luck burp up [ __ ] count me in hello pills something's wrong shot speed that's it's you in the middle nothing uh too crazy there sure would like to see a bunch of uh a bunch of uh balls of steel balls of steels yeah speed up ripe dropkick and spartan thanks to three months welcome back thank you living zero for gifting a tier one sub to alex the two two you're gonna drowsy mom that could be a good play drowsy your mom got her uh one uh one more thing that's you huds why don't you take some hp why are you letting cyn get everything so he always takes everything or he lets sentence everything there's no in between so aggressive god why didn't you drowsy dude do you even care nope i'm going because technically that wasn't mom that was mom's heart see see i think that was a monster that was it lives check mate wow i'm just trying to help you out streamer you don't have to like attack me this is nuts all right i'm popping it go uh hey yeah that could be a book of virtues with my uh what converges what would that even do i have no idea it could be good with yours you should take it no detonator sky for the win i've already got cool stuff let's see what lemon getting does i don't need any more cool stuff it's so good dude stronger the magenta wisps i will crash this game do you want to take um both of these guys uh that's a guardian sorry that's hilarious it's the active item so no one knows no one wants to deliver it i'm not going to be delirious now we should bomb these you like okay otherwise i say can you like hold off on your i got it i got it god all right again yeah landing zone here for this okay you're good claire i'm gonna get the book so i'm gonna hurt myself i'm gonna take it yep ready yep yep let me get somebody out book i've got to pee [Music] how to jump is pretty cool too but you could have used the book of virtues before grabbing it i didn't know i got it i didn't know i got it empty did you know you just wasted a charge uh mini boss i'm sure it could have been cool but i guess we'll never know tim could have been cool his mom named him tim hey my name is tim stop attacking me did you know my name was tim that is a mess yep i'm just gonna go ahead and just keep on going oh no keep on keeping up oh geez zoink scoob it's an arsenal [Music] that's a thundercat get out of here with your it was thundercats thundercats reference yeah yeah saying get out of here with it you know what good thing they go away in about 10 seconds yeah after they deal damage and kill everything and saving you mm-hmm stopping you from hurting it's not gonna happen like always infinite red dips now they go away he's so offensive and aggressive and rude you forgot to say that i flex this is constantly flexing his muscles and he has a tattoo that i'm pretty sure he's involved in some kind of crime i've seen those tv shows every one of them has a some kind of tattoo marking on them probably part of the yakuza he probably takes the pot tough love is it raining teeth it's raining teeth shards that is pretty cool with mulligan mind you they're actually animated like tooth shards too that's awesome okay we really really don't need money oh we need it no no i'm not sure i'm spawning flies with my mulligan though i don't think anything's happening i don't think i've seen a single fly yet thank you matt likes people's what are you talking about mulligan-wise i have mulligan fly around me my lamageddon let me get on that again oh yeah i haven't seen a single fly spawn i forgot that you spawn it with the let me get down dude i'm all over the place right now let me talk to that spaghett let me show you how to place a bomb huts how did you not knock away your own bomb you just have to be as good as me good as may oh we already how do neither of us have flight yet i felt like i don't know an afterbirth plus uh i hate portal where is it though and he's there stupid little portal yeah a little portal is gonna although a little portal has seen me a couple of times where i may have gotten soft blocked at one point or another anyways what was i saying uh you have tattoos you're too aggressive on twitter uh repentance is bad and uh we're playing tribal midgard are you sure that's not skatol did it say skatole i could be wrong is it the skatole sign or is that that um it's a poop isn't it no it doesn't it doesn't make the poop on um on let me get in if with skatolet that that might be some tall what it said mulligan the same one's red one's blue yeah it's really hard to do i thought it said mulligan but oh by the way a little portal automatically fires wherever my cursor is so i don't really have control over him so when you inevitably hoover up something we're not trying to hoover up it's just not your fault yep nothing ever is are you guys ever going to use the arm krazy pill you know what just for that i'm going to say no no we're not let's go you missed it well that's only the third time we saw hunt patrick yep you mean haunted trick haha what about top secret room now clearly right here clearly right i mean i didn't even try to it's not there are we here yep i think it's probably off this room over here feeling it yep this one no can't be there it said mulligan i think that uh it doesn't count the raindrops is normal tears so it probably never considers me having any tear collision because of that maybe it's up here without it could be try without killing haunt i swear to god if you harm one hair okay hey he killed my dip all right fine take him out just freaking he's so aggressive i gotta be so alpha the jerk yeah what are you doing i got nine lives i ain't sweating he's let me them again i don't have nine lives my reflection oh good guys it doesn't do anything okay power card did you always thought it was like a bent boot or did you always know it was a card it always looked like a boot to me even though there's a tower card in the game all right i get the left two you get the right two okay yeah [Music] thank you for the 83 months of pog look at all my spider flies that does look pretty cool yeah you have an actual swarm with you i have three sets four if you count the meat cube five if you count the serotonin six if you count where the uh butterflies orbiting look at all my different uh orbitals you got your meat cube right here the cube it's a cube throwing it up yep um may not be able to bottom out a pringles can but i can sure blow out the sides you ever heard i heard the turtle starting to fit a square peg into a round hole good one dib made me laugh before i even thought about it i'm just knocking them around at this point you guys are so perverted and aggressive relaxing i gotta know i gotta know it's green it's just poisonous okay good no no explosions yours would have been bad probably you would have probably killed amazing you mean a may thing what's this yep random room okay yeah this is poison rain this is actually really good i wonder if it's but did you get a big damage increase because it doesn't look like you did no i probably just gave me poison frickin penis i'm gonna say no on that one what huh [ __ ] up what we've all we've all heard don't you know but you know cardi b likes the one with the with the the hook in it like it's shaped like a hook you know that's what she means right like a lion barbed look at my green lightning this is kind of badass not gonna lie wait is your is your hang on is your rain making my rocks poisoned uh no you have a serpent's kiss oh yeah that's right you like literally just got that did you go to the doctor on monday to get that checked give me some reminders we should send him ten reminders and three phone calls portal get that eat that heart you missed it you didn't let him spawn a portal yeah it's right there you should have been doing the last floor why more room you don't want to actually walk through it yeah like that got him that wasn't me otherwise that would have spawned bombs big chub hello cheese chubby portal stays yeah wow i'm really glad i can see all this creep that's gotta be you it's gotta be may oh that's good you got quad balls flying around yeah look at that so the prism apparently doesn't rotate in a circle perfect circle and ellipses end of the bread thank you for the eight months oh it takes you the same room yeah oh it takes you the same room oh it takes you the same room you guys are really funny you guys should have a show together you're trying to stand still to prove that you're the one doing that i don't even know what's hitting me anymore they're giving you health because they feel bad all right we're even on items now okay now i have to go fight megan satan let's try to go into the portal again it's hot that's hot i got it too bad we already opened up the portal my dad's key on the chest luck is through the rope curse the freaking tower or the route can't see your room it's like through ralph go banana b-bomb uh-oh not my favorite hot tub stream when it's too bad you don't get uh items for bombing these guys anymore yeah remember when that was fun guess you okay now you can play the demon beggar with that health perfect yeah here i go here i go again on my own going down the only road i've been along so how did i still get hit by that and they're still giving you health point three damage increase though i'm faster now oh same room blue baby i'm going to full clear man i'm having fun no we gotta we start to fight mega satan i have eight luck so i guess that makes sense one more luck upgrade we have uh nothing but teeth rain yep i really wish hudson's collab they're so funny what's invicta i only know tim victor nancy that's probably considered giants with my like you're if the cag yeah no my uh i was taking my curse the tower oh yeah that'd be good so now i can get blown up and also get out of him for it this is gonna be nothing but cluster bombs yeah it's literally just all bomber boy oops all bomber boy i almost walked into it an accident that time that's pretty good my turn for health moms is my turn what the hell definitely you does it work i i can't tell if it's working but i'm rock hard anyways yeah oh it's working it's working there's stuff going on here you have a whole another set of four times four coming out with your butt you ready for this i can't even move game that's intentional the guy's lagging so hard right now black card up there you get a black card for killing his hand uh oh i think it was because of the i think he's doing the contact damage don't go into that portal and that's you really here unless you're really funny you're so funny looking comedy right at the the end of the last wave what would happen if we beat him then go in the portal wait did the portal go away i think it did where'd it go that's some place to be at a doctor's appointment on monday we got a reminder it's like oh [ __ ] but then they sent these reminders oh it's back it was under the blood hey that makes sense a portal floating in the air is covered up by something on the ground it's gone again comes and goes as it looks like me with your mom there it goes oh you're done good kid you're done good butterfly you want to stay alive sin come to me i'm trying how is he not like at least halfway how is it not like ultra dead i dude i can't even see where i am literal wall of fire and butterflies just like getting sweaty seriously how is he not dead i'm alive i lived through a run done that was pretty spicy i liked that one yeah that was fun dope gg i'll see you guys in the next one youtube bye see ya
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 19,602
Rating: 4.9556961 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Kmdsrnb62G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 23sec (4763 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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