Ghost of The Babe Part 5

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[Music] [Music] i can cope with real money now [Music] [Music] gaming [Music] [Music] good morning good morning why is your character beating what what do you think what are we talking about he's not he ain't [Music] he's not all right he's gaming i'm back i'm feeling good well i have a slight cough you know i am no longer sick but i have a slight cough and like a little bit of gift voice it's okay fortunately though i have just the thing okay [Music] it just works [Music] cheers [Music] copium it is gaming time it's very good right jesus today we're playing isaac and then jump king something like that i was considering doing the all of the achievements in neutral gun today i was like maybe i could do that maybe i can do it i don't know and then i looked at the things that i had to go through which is essentially just like you just play the game for many hours and get the you need to find every spell in the game it's kind of like doing dead god in isaac you just gotta play the game a bunch and get lucky with the the drops or whatever what do you think about the smash reveal yesterday it was cool yeah yeah it's pretty cool no no no big uh big takes on that really it was okay that was fine also i'm so happy i can catch the whole stream today i'm not at work pog thank you for the bits uh handsick also shitakotek for the prime nobody once again thank you for the bets and card thank you for the prime gilbert the fan xxx thank you for the prime game there we go ah ropium okay so we're gonna do yeah let's just do daily challenge i don't know the daily is some of you might know what it is but anyways we're gonna win daily why is the prediction like that can i fix that [Music] there we go that's better when daily question mark yes no i'll give you like two minutes i think there we go i am in egypt for next year so we are in the same time so now nice i didn't know egypt was in the same one but cool wednesday glass yeah uh i don't know if it was you or if it was wrong mayor but someone just left this behind in my house i didn't buy a beer i just found it in my fridge it was packed away in like a uh a bag in my fridge i was like oh i guess i'll just drink it then look it you know free beer literally free you're going to do the push-ups after the daily run no i'll do them during sure well i think no i just ate dinner i just ate dinner so i think i'll uh wait let me just fix that real quick also freaking gaming i see if i've just eaten i'm not i'm not you know it's not gonna happen did someone redeem it i didn't see you literally that is but i was like okay okay yeah i was i'll do i have 10 i owe you 10. i'll do it after the daily then it's also a twitch leak i mean i just changed my password so anyways this is good it's pretty it's okay [Music] how much time did you spend on my sec roughly 600 hours stuff like that i mean are you in a spreadsheet i don't know maybe if people know how much i earn i don't really care i don't even know what i make i don't even look at it myself so you know someone tells me cool [Music] my accountant knows i don't i just look that money and i spend it sometimes you make two dollars that's great [Music] four thousand eight eight eight on the prince that's great twenty i make five bucks a year uh it's gonna be you that's that's cool it's over and there you go what okay wow all right yeah sure maybe it's time to give me little kiss a little kissy no no pc xqcl what a nice oh cool yeah that's that's nice what a run you might even say free jesus why there's no there's no way there's the game just handing it to me oh my god oh my god what the [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] there's no [ __ ] oh okay okay you know what [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay it's a bit scary it's a bit scary it's a bit oh you're really just like that okay five more bumps it doesn't work on my tears it doesn't work on my fears tears but yeah i got five bumps from it not that i don't need them but you know actually my god it's just disgusting it's disgusting god damn i'm getting rich too this during this this one is gross i wonder because like obviously you start with scatter bombs and dr feeders that's probably intentional but the fact that the first item is mega blast is that just i i i don't even know dude that's insane to change your twitch passwords by the way yeah ah thank you but i'm one hit from that jesus christ this is insane the aoe is so big now i gotta get that mega head the the mega thing so i can like have a bigger blast and [ __ ] surely i need that right once again thank you for bits will they keep getting scammed from the sounds [ __ ] cat channel what do you mean you're getting scammed that's oh that's not on me that's on the you know the people who oh thank you thank you listen that's not me i did not do that i'm considering they're starting them off entirely because they don't really add much they're just like people who watch my channel they get to hear an annoying sound like once every [ __ ] two minutes it's not like you know is there is there that much enjoyment in it like i think i will just turn it off at some point soon because it just seems kind of pointless let's be real he's gonna then one shot oh okay not really but two shots close enough jesus christ and more damage two damage that's that's pretty good aren't you done with the game well clearly not i still think it's fun especially when you get a cool run like this why don't you leak everyone's twitch passwords you promised not to tell why did you i can't keep secrets man you should know this should i gamble no i don't think i should uh i should at least buy a soul heart just so i can keep the devil chance [ __ ] it oh we got oh now do i at least i'll blow them up [ __ ] it look at that we got three well i already have a drink it's [ __ ] off oh hello not that i need that but sure have my tempest well why not why not i have some keys keys for the rest of the run cool you're gonna keep playing please uh i'll do dailies i'll do some runs every now and then and actually when they update the game to the repentance update that was supposed to come out like [ __ ] half a year ago i'll play that too because there's gonna be new items there's i think and some new stuff uh content probably some mechanics too uh i hope so at least considering how much time they spent with us but yeah i'll give it a shot oh my god i see i'm not gonna pick that up because i might be able to reroll it i'll buy what i'll buy in the hot picks where nice dude time to die in a video game tremendous you know i'll wait to pick that up because i i have a superstition okay the superstition is the more money i have the higher chance for greed in this in the store and i i i hate reading stores okay can go [ __ ] himself and we got bookworm just like that that what do i want any of this satanic bible is cool but i don't wanna like you know what happened to the amorgis counter oh what oh i know i know i changed my twitch password and i think this thing doesn't have access to it anymore right i can log out and log in of those stream labels i think whoops it just got set to zero because it can't like track my account anymore connect with twitch there we go and do it again albin no vivo oral [ __ ] shot see token my token because i'm smart and i have 2fa fantastic authorized i clicked it go ahead gotta set up everything again come on man go that now it should it should unless i have to like refresh the folder or file it supposed to read from it should uh update in just a bit zero subs we got a long way to go boys i reset it give me more money i saw my subs i saw my stats i saw my stats clearly in the leaked file okay and uh i need more subs so i just reset that [ __ ] we're gonna get more i'm still gonna go into the negative so you better [ __ ] sub the [ __ ] up it's still no it's october september september is over but uh you know what that's fine anyways i'll just pick up some books i do want maybe i don't need this this is useless because i order their bombs and limited i order their bombs i don't want that this one may be useful look at that kind of cringe though thank you um bible well it's probably more useful than this just in case wait nobody once again thank you for the two subs and that boy brooke thanked for the 562 i should just you know what i should just be a completely shameless you know piece of [ __ ] scammer because this seems to be working out for me i appreciate it zero subs i guess we need more than the x can i please really roll this that'll be epic oh we can shorten is every bomb is every item gonna be a [ __ ] bomb thing hello what's going on what the [ __ ] i mean sure it's a funny run though it's a funny run you get like free synergies i like it i guess it's intentional though like at this point it can't be a coincidence that i got like all these synergies on the first and second stage this just can't it just can't be the case you know look at that oh my god sure you know what why not and there's gonna be some bullets oh uh where are you gonna go you're gonna go to the right okay see ya apart i mean if we forgot for maniac the game would actually just be over i don't think they would go that far i mean it's already rigged but like that would be that would just be too too far man either i was chat band or which hates me if i was banned here's my apology i'll be nevo you were handsome hand ink like for 1000 bits did appreciate it oh those scatter bombs are [ __ ] dangerous man [ __ ] hello oh [ __ ] rocks dude yikes you know what there's a chance there's actually a chance okay listen here hear me out this could be brimstone bombs and but this prim how does brimstone work with bombs this is i never find this item but how does it work with bombs though does that actually work this is replaced it doesn't doesn't work over right well that's stupid we don't want that so we're just going to leave then no brimstone we have a funny bomb around and i wouldn't have it any other way so good uh you know what no i'm gonna see i'm gonna go on the on the wiki for it's been a while since i did this jesus christ um [Music] uh dr fetus isaac and we're gonna go to the yeah brimstone overridden by dr fetus but if you pick up overrides people so they overwrite the chapter there's no point i'm not going to pick it up see ya i thought it would give like a chance for a bim bomb but i guess not that's sad i tried on my daily you'll get the stars but it doesn't works what stars anyways oh my god a little mumbo the shop though what do we have what's this little turret uh okay yeah secrets map i don't i don't believe i need that i mean i could have one more key though so let's do that let's do that did i i don't think i checked the super secret actually no you don't need a map if i have if i have literal in limited bombs there's no reason for me to pick the secret map like it's a waste of money literally a waste of money i did check it it was hard okay so [ __ ] that uh the coupon i will get i guess because it's better than this you know wait can't i just cube on a devil i mean the devil items were kind of trash though but still you can get sad bombs maggot man take brimstone no it will override the [ __ ] bombs dude this is better than having a brimstone it's more fun all right it's not better i think a brimstone obviously obviously a brimstone if i wanted to win this i will just pick the brimstone override that thing and just have a better run but it's boring so i'm not gonna do that fetus over ice brimstone brimstone overrides fetus it's it's just the order is just like yeah that yeah they will they override each other there's no point actually no point that's the use item right yeah okay all right well i was hoping for the other thing but whatever the big bomb i want a big bomb not that brimstone is over by the tiffitas doesn't matter which order to always address your fetus okay well i don't want the island i don't care there's no point in that like i wouldn't you know sacrifice my heart for dog [ __ ] so we're just not doing that all right trash is trash i don't want to blow this up though so please don't yeah thank you uh i i'm gonna say that for later i you know i don't really want hourglass because i think it's garbage that's flight thank you that's good that's nice i've played just as much isaac as you haven't can count the brimstone runs i've had on one hand yep thank you for 1000 bits and i agreed that's facts because you never ever find that item pills no and fortium i'll have that thank you what's this bombs oh let's go that's fantastic thank you edmund or whatever whoever made this daily it's actually fantastic i love it where are you at oh oh my god okay that's that's great anyways [Music] i'll have a devil thank you very much now super secret for you i mean i guess having the map would be convenient but that's about it that's about it it would be convenient but by no means do i need it because i can just shoot the walls for free like that i would rather have money hello great i want more chance [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy oh oh that's good that's that's nice that's nice i like that uh course could is pretty much free now i think it's pretty much free i'll take it okay uh i'm not gonna use it there because it's dumb i'll use it in the in the item room actually because this will yeah it will kind of check more i believe and we got it just that's what i'd like to see that's what i'd like to see what do you have here oh my [ __ ] lord this is an unbelievably rigged run all right well now i can shoot lasers too oh my god dude anyways i didn't realize okay oops i was uh yeah i continuous left in my judgement anyways no more gambler room i guess hello this is this is where we're going to destroy bosses like just outright i feel like devil boss time to die oh my god oh we got gimpy though i'll take that uh i could look for trapdoors i might have missed some mushrooms stuff like that good to keep an eye out for here i can do the challenge from the [ __ ] i don't want this anymore thank you okay well we do get a room clear anyway so it's not yeah whatever fantastic that was a beautiful scatter bomb okay [ __ ] off how did i not proc my curse with the tower okay i guess i will yeah oh bomb yeah it's probably a good idea i mean it sounds like i need bombs anyways give me something good will you wow okay tremendous give me a good boomba i don't know what that does but maybe it does something this is spawn spiders i'm not sure it's like one of the least it's like a it's like an item you just pick up because you want like five more bombs slow and sticks okay okay sure that's fine maybe it will do something every kill gives you spiders okay so it's like the mulligan or whatever kind of no uh interaction two it's like infection two for bombs let's check this out i have spare hearts [ __ ] it i'm getting the spiders though but whatever well i did actually all right cope bomb stick to enemies okay seems good very good got a lot of mushrooms here that's that's promising we go oh wait oh my god they're so fast now i don't think i want that that's a bit much what's this okay well oh wait what this work with this no unfortunately it seems not to it would be really cool if it did though if you lay bombs like if you just press the bomb button then it works probably but yeah it's golden too like it's the first the perfect [ __ ] thing but unfortunately it doesn't do anything right here oh the spider spawned with me okay like when it procs all right oh boys really oh my god it does stick i can tell all right okay dude wow i [ __ ] knew it well we got steam sale this book for free devlin i don't really want that i'm good i think oh thanks thanks dude that's great nice bombs i didn't really want that i want bomb bigger stuff christ manchelle like it's it's mostly useless unless it's like uh you know what's called again the [ __ ] um okay that's really not good i thought it was gonna be something good whatever all right if you got personal that would be sick do we do it now the only thing i want is bring some bumps other than that both items are fine we got a box though now that i like i very much like that i like that too thank you [Music] no this is real these things until we get something good should be completely doable i haven't found super secret yet let's see if i can do that there we go and distortions nice wait where did that stone actually go is it broken did the sound just stop working or something oh no the sound thing since i changed my password everything is not working i gotta log into this one as well ah let's see there we go okay it's fixed now it's fixed it's fixed it was all peaceful for a moment nice got a racer that's great thanks what the [ __ ] local streamer does a little trolling forgets to fix stream cope wait it just spawns a bunch of [ __ ] when i do that we got a chaos card goddamn mm-hmm i should have kept the racer actually but larissa is a full heart of damage which is kind of aids but still a sacrifice room is also a full damage i could use that sure no that's fine i have enough money for it this is just sponsor [ __ ] oh my god the new sword even oh my god hey this is broken oh my god i mean it's it loves hitting me though like holy [ __ ] dude jesus christ okay i mean that works too sure i think they're done well all right oh we got money i guess so there's that maybe it's the browser i don't know actually more money fantastic yes honey let's get the swords back holy [ __ ] oh my god dude they look i wake up nice bombay i can sacrifice with the thing i think wait doesn't sacrifice that okay sure i was mistaken whoops again all right the real static bible yeah i just don't care it's like not a great item it's okay but like yeah i was never a big fan of it to be honest um yes all right let me get that [ __ ] that i could have i could actually do i want that ah there i don't want that i'm just gonna pay a heart for it [ __ ] it this is why i don't use satanic bible because you like use it and you get dog [ __ ] from boss you get garbage oh sure uh-huh thank you more money sure that's kind of close let's go in here and then open that and i guess like tpf or something oh actually it did send me away that's cool that's fine yes good [ __ ] man we can reroll genesis that'll be cool or like a bastard box or something something stupid curse of the unknown oh i actually didn't want to blow this guy but i guess i would have had a wish i would have anyways nice 10 bombs fantastic thanks oh cool great cope all right do we do this again i was cursing the unknown i don't really feel like comfortable doing this to be honest i just really don't i think we're good i don't know my health man why would i do that that's stupid i could open that window i was like mike and fault thank you for the prime just remember i don't i don't trust myself for that to be honest yeah i'm surprised you can you can like use the uh you can roll the same item twice i don't think that was a thing but i guess it's just entirely random which is fine monstrous tooth sure i mean i have the money thanks thank you yeah i think i just disable the sounders for now because they seem to be just entirely broken i'll just do that they're like they're just not going through which is weird but whatever they are going to be disabled for now oh by now we could run our copy good i mean this is the day that was like kind of rigged from the start so as you can see it's going pretty well it's going okay let me just blow up this rocks no more rocks no more skulls either bye goodbye goodbye and the sword for free i asked for that kind of that too he's me you [ __ ] okay well i mean i'm getting i'm getting my horse back so that's that's fine that's fine no problem yikes hello i don't like this boss die wow i can't even pick that up jesus christ man i can't i'm hitting him like the same items every time did my sub count refreshed look at that you know what yeah oh my god all right uh another one i can really i guess you can't re-roll this you can okay do i just like drop [ __ ] when i get hit or something i don't think you have an item that does that but weird the trinket thing oh my god i almost touched it more luck missed more procs on my bombs which is kind of scary but whatever that's fine we got a lot of resources here apparently great no no secret items that's a good one but we want i want to keep the amp because you know one of these days is going to be something good okay for sure [Music] um let's just get some charges the other one works with the curse of the tower i know i mean i've kind of been abusing it but like yeah i think i'm good i think i'm good nice well there it is i got it twice tremendous cool he's done but that's key all right not that i really need that but sure i'm gonna kill myself apparently plan c i don't think i will actually don't believe i need to let's just move on i guess kill it and you run or no balls oh okay sure mm-hmm i guess i'll get that it's like what an item that's just a bone heartless that's great thank you sure yeah i think we're done uh okay thank you let me just fill it up again there we go and the runner balls facts got him we got a filled moving box now okay i wonder if there's gotta be the one from before then surely oh thank you great oh that's just great thank you okay well abyss cool that's kind of rare to find but i don't really want it i don't really need it i i can't believe it didn't take damage this is that's that's just insane dude crazy but it seems like i just get hearts handed to me anyways oh there's nothing to worry about they just kind of appear you know it's a bit weird shovel nice cool this is a delia where's the boss though why okay thanks there we go that ghost thank you for watch did you have a good wank this week just curious all right thanks thank you for the best man appreciate it thank you for the kind words shot really okay sure great thanks this is a big stage very big just did not get a bible in time cope well uh down they go i think plants see the lab for the kicks okay i'll do it for the cats but only for the kicks yes goodbye fantastic flight racer this is complete dog [ __ ] no that's thank you i'll take that i guess because it's just here we have items it's great nice i get i already have what all right sure why not we can't you how do you realize okay dude okay anyways goodbye lock up good oh my god glass cannon what the [ __ ] is okay i turn into a poop nice oh my gosh oh what the [ __ ] is this what the hell well this guy's got sticky shot 10 bombs scatter bombs uh doesn't have cross blasts right but he does have tear like [ __ ] that's really cool you can't reroll it apparently i think doesn't seem like you can anyways oh no um oh it went away cool scary thank you for tier one yeah i don't really know what happened there but whatever extra chill voice okay again all right is this charged no well this one's less charged i'll use that sticky bombshot that's gonna be really weird but sure why not that's really cool nice okay wait where's the boss actually i can't find him then yeah this is basically just today's daily that's it that's it there you are but i only have that's the second right i already have that okay sure thank you oh i'm slow as [ __ ] now though oh great thanks thank you oh okay again stop it i'm super slow i'm just very slow oh no okay thank you we're gonna use plan c on this guy i think but after he splits naturally there we go and i just died but i got this i got it i got it clap easy clap i think i think he's the clap 999 that's me cool let's put turn on some mods or do we just go straight to jump king i'm not sure let's do like one more run or something i'm gonna do that i'm jumping [Music] just give it a moment there's a lot of mods i also got some new ones the book is calling yeah surely just restart the game to be safe so we don't get like a random crash so was these a junior that made the item pool of duplicates that could be yeah if i didn't use that maybe i've already gotten like more uh new like bombs moms i haven't gotten before uh who do we play this is a fun character let's do random random tainted we're just gonna run them and you're gonna bet on it there we go while you're betting i'm gonna go to the toilets okay and take a mean [ __ ] so uh foreign we actually have believers not them you realize i can still get yeah watch me get tainted lazarus just just watch it's gonna happen all right oh it's it's a sad day it's a sad day for the believers it's a very sad day i'm sorry yep it's [ __ ] over okay oh you [ __ ] why not install more modded characters like maiden in the mist job daisy etc i don't wanna i don't want to man i'm not quite feeling this one chief hey i still believe in you gamer man thank you for the best sound sync watch me rig this oh tremendous oh yes seven trolls this is a risky one though okay okay i have no intention of killing that guy though [ __ ] that i'm just going to get the the either solar is please be coins please ah kill me all right fine did not really want that but whatever unfortunate didn't get anything good whatsoever got a bad shot too got the money all right okay i mean decent floor one i suppose next can i just like have some coins please i'll just kill him [ __ ] it i want the monitor uh [ __ ] uh i do kind of want speeds up speed up 15 coins per speed up i mean i'm kind of slow [ __ ] it experimental oh we got luck we got luck we got that's fine that's fine nothing here but let's do uh no let's not do this one speed on i mean we only got speed up to speed on the spine i got the lock so whatever look is nice what's this done no claw machine cringe [Music] [ __ ] flames i couldn't take it fantastic our negative luck that's that's a good start no neutral neutron neutral that's good decent beginning i think okay i don't really want either of those to be honest foreign thank you very good okay that was seasons yikes that was stupid it doesn't show what ruined this i have a backup money i could probably oh well i can bomb my way out [ __ ] it got that anyways no we're good we're good we're good we're good don't worry we had a backup better backup that's very good i have like a healings but there's there's no cursor though so i like sacrifice so i can't really abuse it but we have some cash and if i get another bomb we can actually do the um secrets i mean curse [Music] i thought i dodged that [ __ ] is definitely something i want because now we get angel chance right yeah we do angel chance now good um this spawns flies this one gives me homing i think i'll go with the homing here but let's check with the shoppers first [Music] you [ __ ] okay so the fighter is kind of nice though damage up i think i'll take that yeah for sure rocket modem is pretty sick yeah i want that too and a bomb to do the thing now i could use some more money honestly but we have something around i'm not gonna get that now i want to get an angel item instead at least check it out first [Music] okay we got cards emperor some money tower well i have a use for the tower actually [Music] now that i think about it this from here has some jars that i could probably open up yeah and there we have it i mean the item down here is not going to be free but you know let's check it out that's just nice that's just very very nice thank you yeah and get bob's we will load this guy under this machine i think and we get a very nice item for this guy i think a very very decent yeah that's pretty good now we can get the angel how about that oh no what okay we got nothing though it's fine what the [ __ ] right i almost picked it up holy [ __ ] yeah sure i'll take that i mean it's it's it's nice to have i guess this is nice uh bomb train i don't think i really want to spend money on that honestly i think we're good what's up gamer how are you doing today good good a little bit of a sore throat still but that's that's fine i've been sick for the past like only like two days but yeah it was a bit annoying because i like wanted to stream and you know be a bit productive but i wasn't allowed to because i was sick i almost killed myself pog [Music] jump man would have given you infinite wisps they aren't good though they're bad lifts that's very convenient thanks for this though getting a lot of keys today just it's gonna find like a somewhat decent use i don't know okay dude a decent u-turn it's all like out of all in there that's and two bombs very nice oh no there we go oh no oh my god dude really more than good though oh it's so weird what the [ __ ] another one uh soul heart is a certain transformer um it's not worth the money if it was free sure i won't hear solo i definitely want that okay very nice uh it gives yeah look at this i look at the shop i look at the shop i i only have 22 coins i'm not sure about that not too sure about that honestly wooden chest is nice i was not good at aiming all right oh that's really scary actually jesus i had no idea they could be that bad yeah i think i'll have that nice sure drop coins by getting hit yeah sure i think i have that along with swallowed penny probably probably pretty good it's better think we're done here i mean like there could be a secret room here i think no could not below yes right yes i'm probably about to check this one nope oh there was a red coin i didn't see it though [ __ ] i didn't see it not for real was a golden coin by the way well that doesn't work does it yeah it doesn't oops all right i think we're done here not gonna buy the sprinkler not like a great item i think let's just move on the the red coin is like really good on this guy well like just golden coins they're insane nice that's that's really good thank you appreciate it only got a coin two keys for a coin ah i really wanted that [ __ ] animal that was 10 coins in the trash thank you uh d8 not really though [Music] no it was a sticky one i'm [ __ ] done dude [Music] piercing don't really need that more damage sure range damage yeah not like that on this guys now that it's pretty oh my god a good one too got that okay sure nice that's a good news item seven damage not too bad not too bad why do i take this why do i take them i don't get it oh nice that's weird okay that's strange i thought that would work but okay okay let's take damage there now we can go in here and see what it is it might be something worthwhile might [Music] it's attack speed is it worth the risk flat 0.5 ah let's just yeah it's pretty good i almost just immediately died twice three times basically holy [ __ ] can you chill okay we got coins because it's my good that's pretty good two coins if i get hit wow now we're now we're good now everything's under control boys don't worry about it don't worry about it does it mean i can use this no very much not if i have spare coins i'll try it out [ __ ] it thank you okay is that a reroll this could be very good i have the keys for it oh that's nice okay now the claw machine might actually be worth actually we can claw machine and then just reroll it i think i'm gonna try i think you must try at least trick the water let's see what we get tremendous my belief was well placed even if i lose all my coins i'll be leave again next time wow that was really funny uh yeah well we got this this is very good i can really all the thing that was all my money but i can get more like at this point in the game only getting one is not too hard so it's it's fine let's reroll it because why not oh check out this actually i have some money to spare he dropped that [ __ ] coin oh oh oh oh the goddamn bean all right i missed five coins there but whatever now we're gonna be super we're gonna just optimize this to [ __ ] and back like don't worry about it listen check this out we're gonna bomb this actually for some money i'll keep one i can't afford it oh that's nice though that's actually pretty nice that's pretty nice oh i got coupon though wait oh my lord i can just keep on this [ __ ] [Music] okay oh my god no i'm gonna die i'm absolutely gonna die but that's fine don't worry about it oh my god well it's it's fine it's fine don't worry about it it's fine i have i have a swallow penny in the piggy bank it's fine surely this cannot go wrong holy crap burn nick noel thank you for the prime what is that i guess oh my coupon isn't ready though [ __ ] okay unfortunately they weren't that good so oh my god what the [ __ ] was that [Music] all right all right all right well i mean money the damage isn't too important right now you're really in the pyramidic or host hat i need pyromanic or host hat because if not i'm just like completely [ __ ] but don't worry about it it's fine it's fine let's see what's in here actually that's scary i need something like that something among those lines i almost died from shooting once just saying i thought i was dead there now luckily i was not but i i think i was somewhat close maybe okay dude yeah oh this is fine and we're getting money though okay and the coupon is ready so like even if you don't have too much money the coupon will be able to you know oh my lord to to get me things either way what's this no no that little [ __ ] what hit me there what the [ __ ] hit me oh there was a little fly i see all right this is very unfortunate what a terrible room oh this is great thank you you wanna die mean it looks pretty cool when you have the rainbow tears in it even though it's completely suicidal you know sure that was kind of a waste actually but anyways uh there's kind of a waste just kind of oh my god this one is horrifying we got the red coin secured right okay now tears up short speed i think i'll buy that thank you thank you i think we're good all right now the power i think the parasite just made this like a lot worse than it needed to be anyways now we're good we're good fantastic uh flight dash i think i want to have the coupon instead thank you there we go horse is good but coupon is better for what i'm doing i think oh okay all right [Music] i got mom's key though oh [ __ ] i got no keys actually god bless these [ __ ] flies man oh we got a red coin though now there are more coins we got we got we got mad [ __ ] coins today my key would be nice maybe all right there we go this is kind of trash sure camouflage might be nice actually but don't think i'd get anything else they're just like not very good for me these things like they don't really do much for this character nice i'm stupid really though all right there's my key [Music] flight good fantastic get cow pants to relocate on this room this year yeah i got flight now that's very good uh camo pants i think also like if i combine those two i should be able to like just be a bit more careful with my um ipad actually never had to use for this item ever but now it's like maybe it will maybe it'll be like actually good there's a chance oh i can't actually go i can't go in there though [ __ ] no not today thanks that's actually very useful this escapes with my damage no i think it does i think this actually scales with my damage uh if anything gets close they're gonna take a lot of damage it's gonna hurt a lot right yeah it definitely does hurt a lot oh whoops yeah it's pretty good i can just go like this now if i get like something like the the the leaf thing the nod leaf then i think we're in a pretty good spot like if we really just want to super try our less than yeah tremendous help against these little spiders at least good oh no yeah this item is just so nice against these things jesus let's just leave i think i mean there could be something i don't think the crossroads here there's the boss thing which might be worthwhile i guess but again a pretty good big risk no not worth it not on this guy i love this new mod this new mod is pretty nice we're doing uh let's just do this one [ __ ] it thank you that could help you keep the camera in with 120 wattless damage yeah because only if you shoot tears will it like go away it doesn't go away unless you actively like do something like use a card or use an item or something so if it's like a passive item that just kind of works in the background then it's whatever what the [ __ ] wait my water bottle is gone i don't know i don't know where i put it one sec my water how little bunny get up affected by the twitch leak his payout is on the spreadsheet yep uh i haven't i haven't looked at it but it's like you know who cares i don't really i mean it i guess i would prefer if it wasn't public knowledge but it's not again like a big deal or anything like whatever it's fine i'm more worried about like potential password stuff that's a bit more worrying to me because obviously i don't want people to know that but it was like the encrypted version or something so it's not a huge deal maybe i don't really you know now this metal gear metal slug explosion thing is kind of annoying now because it takes up half the screen when i do anything which is yeah i i prefer if that wasn't the case so i could like see what i'm doing or what everyone else is doing you know i guess i'll bomb this i'm not taking out oh [ __ ] that oh we got the shield though you wanna drop some money no no money yes money based on this goddamn carpet bombs it's just sometimes when i shoot something and it probably tricks takes the like uh funny uh parasite that bullet small bullets will sometimes just fly and [ __ ] me over but that usually doesn't happen too much not sure i'm hoping i don't even know what i'm hoping to get here focus whatever it's like yeah blood bag but what's that's gonna do you know i would really like that lockup but whatever i'm just too slow man simple is too slow got him she's too good at the game i got some keys which is nice and it's this dude not a big fan there you go another month till next month smile uh yes solely take thank you for the time thank you possessor of the tears uh spoke of sin not really too big a fan of that no i don't really need it i don't really need it that's fine i guess we're done here this is tainted keeper yeah he's a bit i'm not like a huge fan of him but he's just difficult you know it's two shots and you're dead i was hoping he can get like a um mantle that's like insane on this dude but i have swallowed penny coupon uh [ __ ] you know we do have some nice things though we do have some nice things as you can probably tell we're pretty strong it's just that i'm very good at killing myself also which is a little bit worrying but you know that's fine um thank you i would really appreciate some more speed at this point like the one thing i want i know a good thing to do let's go here i can take a damage that's fine and then we'll check the boss room out if it's worth it you know speed i think it is where did that money go what the [ __ ] no money yikes all right anyways i got speed which is exactly what i wanted i'm happy oops see they see and i'm dead [ __ ] dude the pirates the pirates that got me the pride i'm sorry the powers like yeah there's the run the [ __ ] parasite cope i i i i [ __ ] knew it was gonna happen i i just that's all it takes i should have stood still after i took damage i probably shouldn't have taken the ipecac but it was funny okay it was funny i think it was i think it was a fun item to to have on me i think it is scam uh i think it's time to grind some jump king isn't it's not i think it's time to run some jump king to be bog stock uh open game jump king where are you there you are back to the bog step streamer you're stuck in bug i well not sometimes sometimes i am lucino [Music] continue back to the dog where are we now oh we fell to the boy that's why i quit as usual that's why we uh yeah that's that's why i i yeah that's why i quit the stream because i good start good start fantastic we are bogged and bogged again time to cope i'm determined to beat this it's just it's just probably going to take a little while probably going to take a little bit you know that's enough there we go all right can i get a good position here nope no that's not that's not allowed actually we're just warming up i just i need a little bit of warm up i just need a little bit of warm up okay getting my muscle memory intact all of that good stuff just take a little bit of time to get that in order you know that's probably not gonna work tremendous there we go all right seems to be going okay yep that's fine when i get out of the bog we'll do a butt okay when he gets out of paper left oh that's not what i wanted i stole but okay ah that was i knew i should have held it a little a little bit longer just a little bit longer whatever dude we're going we're going to deal down again we're just now intentional we're just going to get the muscle member in place i figured we should do another round you know just one more one more before we set off into the world gotta be prepared it's fine did you hear about the twitch like no what's that what guys your diet be it's not like i've been thinking about it the entire day that's just sad what you have heard people know how much people make now this is fine i guess okay i just you just just give me a little bit of time here okay what do you think about this smash character good i like him i'm gonna play him when it comes out i'm gonna stream it i'm playing a bit well i have maybe not i'm probably gonna play game wars maybe i'll try him out i'll try him out get a feel for it you know i think i definitely enjoy playing him more than i enjoy playing calcium because cassio was like he was a street fighter i don't like playing those so and it was way too technical for me you know i like the simple things in smash you know playing a brain dead character like game watching just pressing the right buttons at the right time and also doing like a [ __ ] complicated frame perfect insane combo you know i land the funny hammer that's my job i don't and the funny epi there we go all right on the middle perfect jump holy [ __ ] and we're out fantastic that wasn't too bad didn't take too long bath time are you ready [Music] that's not good not very good man well that's not good that's nice whatever cheese particle thank you for the sad man do this jump is just like i don't want to miss it because it wastes so much time there we go this jump too is just risky as [ __ ] there we go all right we're good [Music] that was a pretty quick manner honestly like first manner of the stream was pretty pretty pretty pretty fast speed run holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] yes that's fine oh if i that's that's the job there it looks like such a simple jump and it really is but if you go a little bit too fast and you over jump that you are back in the middle of the matter and that's that's not you don't want that you really don't want that that's it it's kind of like that or back here but that's fine i guess [Music] see i would just much rather undershoot that no [ __ ] because that's like that's a bug that's a funny jump if you fail it you go back to the box so i just like really don't want that to happen really like i'm good i can do without that i was very close like stupid claws again really dude there we go all right like i can make it but sometimes i miss the bog jump and it's just [ __ ] over you know [Music] oh i was too close i don't like that jump it's just stupid [Music] oh no that could be yeah that's bad all right okay now i see i see i get it i get it that's fine not bog but not good all right back here again nice [Music] that's one bug that's one bug all right two more to go that's why i'm a bit like scared of that jump because i think i've been sent down there like at least six times because of that it's so easy to overshoot it's like unreal next really again okay yes that's bad yeah [Music] so [Music] please just let me get the jump man i just don't like this one oh my god i was so [ __ ] close [Music] all right back again i was close to being a scuff [Music] oh the first that's a that's a first holy [ __ ] okay how far is the bottom of the bog uh about like two entire maps two entire stages [Music] next that's fine [Music] okay can i hello [Music] oh my god it's not bog but goddammit it's another opportunity because this is the map where i always fall down to the bog [Music] [ __ ] off can i just get it please okay okay dude okay sure sure that's really annoying that's really annoying we're still at one bug i've only fallen to the bug once that's like getting out [ __ ] off [Music] okay okay we're good guys like let's not [ __ ] it up [Music] [Music] unreal just just i i i talked about how you should be careful about that jump i talked about it look where i ended up look where i ended up that's just great [Music] nice i i knew i should correct that oh i thought i missed that nice well let us anyways okay dude [Music] okay there we go this is the last dlc uh there there's like a a mod made by some guy let's go like babe of ascension and it's really hard but i don't think i'll do that i don't think i will two that's two bugs two bugs two i love that jump dude i [ __ ] just i just love that jump it's great oh slows one more to go and there's a thousand months all right i even repositioned you [ __ ] okay i didn't mean to click that dude thanks [Music] do [Music] do so you topping the payouts in the twitch league keep climbing king i'll be strong hoping thanks thank you robert i appreciate it but i haven't seen it myself so i can't confirm or deny that but i kind of doubt it come on come on just do the jump it's just what it's just one [ __ ] jump can i pass it probably gonna have [ __ ] two bucks in a row no we're not we're [ __ ] not nope that's what i thought oh my well that's fine that's fine [Music] okay the bet is essentially beat like incredibly difficult area or make minor mistake three times like pretty rigged honestly just just just get up [Music] well that's today's record today's record is this [Music] oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off man dude okay i i that's just [ __ ] annoying that's just really annoying that's really annoying i don't like that at all that's stupid but it's actually dumb bird dude this is what happens every time you skip the bird no no [ __ ] the bird [ __ ] flying rat with big feet for some reason rats with wings oh my god i thought i missed that you know what's on the top of the tower there's a shotgun and you take the shotgun and you go down and shoot the bird no i didn't mean [ __ ] the whip or that way i'm just clarifying here i didn't actually mean [ __ ] the bird i bet like take the you know okay okay precise jump let's go oh there we go that jump is pretty hard [Music] oh i thought i missed it again [ __ ] now yeah epic thanks are you doing the modern maps for this game when if you finish this one i think so i think this is going to probably be the last one i want to do stuff made by the developers of this game and not just from like the stream okay even i want to make a fish i want to do official stuff make official just complete official stuff well as long as you don't fall all the way down it's not like a huge setback it's just a little bit scary those three jumps a little bit but ever since someone told me in chat like how to kind of circumvent them by repositioning by jumping into the wall it's not like a huge deal i think well i didn't know about that they were way scarier to say that oh that's great thank you how many jumps in a row am i gonna just [ __ ] up completely huh clearly a lot um i just lost 50k thanks to you but you can but you can eat [ __ ] dog [ __ ] okay copy him ropium ropium for the believers can you just jump up on the [ __ ] staircase man come on god oh why would you bet 50k on a thing that i've lost like i've lost that that bet the exact same by the way has been lost like five times already like not not even joking literally like five times that exact but to be fair it's you know i respect the the you know the balls go big or go home sometimes though it's just a little bit stupid do fursuit next sub goal xd it's gonna be like a 2.5 k sub goal though like yeah you know what to well if i reach them all this one i'll do a first open afterwards if it was like 2.5 k [ __ ] it i'll do it 2.5 k subs yeah i'll do it for that if you really want to set it that high just for something stupid like that sure i can man [Music] clipped yeah they're [ __ ] no if i if i have 2.5 k subs i can i can i can actually afford the thing [ __ ] it i'll i'll i'll do it guys it's just ironic it's just a joke it's it's not i'm not actually a furry you know it's just i was funny streamer you know oh i felt all the way down yes so actually no it's just a joke it was just a prank just for laughs oh no okay great [Music] by the way guys have you seen my bad dragon t-shirt it's so pretty let's do a long bet let's do a long bit [Music] uh we're gonna do beat bug snacks or fall to bottom of the bug time to throw there we go okay [Music] um this one's probably going to be on for some time maybe even the rest of the stream and it's going to be canceled you know because it's like i don't know will i beat it who knows just make it up to the [ __ ] thing man dude that was like literally a pixelated come on in goodland i should just do it [Music] [Music] so it's fine might be on for a long time by the way now we're gonna it's fine rope man why could they do that why can't i do that why is that so hard for me now it's like the easiest [ __ ] area in the game hello jesus [Music] you're [ __ ] kidding okay i'm taking a snooze i need a power up i need a power up [ __ ] this [ __ ] okay [Music] i need something else i can't listen to this anymore should i listen to uh i'll have my uh stream soundtrack or streaming playlist [Music] classic playlist i just listened to this when i played the old craft i think dude um oh wow where is my merch coke king i actually don't know it's on the way but legendary answer i just don't know we use that body man use that matter yeah true though oh that was so close though [ __ ] okay yes yep okay okay okay okay okay okay okay [ __ ] man that was actually so [ __ ] close though dude that was so [ __ ] close man i think i made like one jump of progress there something like that really oh that's actually a bog okay all right boogie not today though right i forgot about that this music is too intense honestly let's put on something more calm good content thanks terrible thank you for uh for the primer by the way i posted a video on youtube today so there's also that to check out if you want on the second channel [Music] nice i made it yeah dude technically my main i mean my main has more subs so clearly that's my that's my you know main channel right the soundtrack is pretty fitting for this area i guess kind of [Music] [Music] why do i insist on [ __ ] doing that every [ __ ] time man wow that's the first that's the first holy [ __ ] so [Music] nice okay what happened last time it was too far but you can barely adjust it you can barely adjust it if you do a full hop from the very right side of that i found out just now okay [Music] can i jump here from there i very much can [Music] new record this is progress but i've actually never met i've actually never met never been with this map this is a new one for me that's nice [Music] [Music] okay two new maps that's cool i wanted the one above that [ __ ] me man that's really far down right all the way down the x well kind of uh we had a sip of opium but then [ __ ] god damn still we're getting further so close so close so close there we go [Music] this might not be ah we're good [Music] okay again no i'm not gonna listen to this [ __ ] this no no no no what well at least i saved me from falling to the [ __ ] manor i had some [ __ ] dream look there what the [ __ ] [ __ ] off cope bulk time man give it a jump there we go it's more like it uh can i just have it please man i hate that jump so much do god gamer that's the goblin game removed god damn my oh oh my god my heart okay you can do it just just just kiss [ __ ] this oh dude we're consistently getting higher though that's the important part [Music] [Music] okay never mind [Music] okay come on dude i had that it's not a russian hospital let's finish hello harry good morning xqcl to user thank god okay that never happens by the way [Music] kill me in a video game of course uh-huh we're just nailing jumps today man except for when i [ __ ] don't but you know you know man so okay i was gifts again thank you i feel like i'm i'm like in in the [ __ ] stone today i'm doing like i'm obviously i'm [ __ ] [ __ ] up everything like left and right but [Music] we we've made good like two maps of progress in like not too long honestly to be honest man but but i see i keep doing stupid [ __ ] like that wow why man why because the stupid little funny like some i thought okay dude that's great that's all the way to the bottom all right watch me speed on this level though never mind no that's that's uh watch me speed on this level though this is the one this is the one yeah we got that that's pretty precise by the way oh he's going so fast he's oh dude every jump [ __ ] perfect god [ __ ] damn look at him look at him go oh my lord [ __ ] gamer god here world record pace how does it okay how does he do it oh my lord now we're good we're good we're good back to the back to the basics back to the basics we're not gonna go to the bog though very good we're good we're good oh look at the pace of this [ __ ] ad can i have one like clean run through this place please just one clean run one like super clean [ __ ] tight run nope i may not my wife i wonder what happens if i touch her if anything at all well the dlc is called ghost of the babe and that's literally the ghost of the babe so maybe something happens if i like molest it that was a perfect jump i don't know what this game is [ __ ] all about [Music] [ __ ] off dude okay do [Music] okay it's way too loud [Music] oh my god every time dude like i've never [ __ ] it um i've never [ __ ] that jump up like until today today i [ __ ] it up like five times and this has happened like five times i don't know why i've suddenly got brain damage maybe it's because i just had a cold not sure but i just keep [ __ ] it up i just keep [ __ ] it up there seems to be nothing i can do about it except go to the store and buy rope and that's too that jump as well i don't know i don't know what's going on god that's bad well i cannot not really this is a nice one though okay oh my god elf 875 thank you for the prime it's funny i was watching a smash stream the other day and uh they used the street fighter 2 sound effects which i use my sub alert uh during like one of their transitions between like scenes and i i just like instinctively looked at the like they hear on my screen because that's where like my sub feed is streamer brain okay it's over how am i [ __ ] this easy as goddamn jump shot i don't get it last no okay i guess not okay i had to try mm-hmm oh okay [Music] all right unbelievable unreal unfucking real ah this is such a good game dude this is such a good game okay oh that was so close to [ __ ] it up jesus what the snail do i think of the prime thank you for pausing the stream for me i'm sorry okay one joke one joke one joke one joke one joke thank you for the bits though nice fan okay how okay do you plan on going back to diablo or nah do you hello yeah i'm in a place still i found a shocker today horlick windcrest [Music] from a festival me and ron are basically ready to do uber's now in a bit so like soon i'll when i do uber's with run i'm gonna stream it i think at the very least but he's uh like diablo today has maintenance so there's no point in playing and like tactically you should be able to play weather's maintenance but uh blizzard you know blizzard servers hyperlapse every [ __ ] time dude what about single player that's pretty fun in my opinion i don't see any point to it really i don't know i like i like multiplayer more i mean yes convenience it can be it's actually convenient to like uh be able to set players to eight so you can like farm more efficiently but i like the trading aspect trading with people and like doing stuff together stuff like that i think it's more fun that guy at the bottom has more dialogue a family guy cutaway gang thank you for the best boy no [ __ ] way what wait how am i it just had to happen it just had to [ __ ] happen dude how did i [ __ ] up the easiest jump i've never failed before like three times how [Music] okay okay dude oh my god are you going to get rid of motion tainted albino if it's impossible yet it's possible it's just i just i think tainted was kind of boring of a character like it's a cool concept but like in practice it's just like it runs that lasts for like two hours every time but it's just like gets old after a while like when every run is broken then no runs are broken you know of course of course what did i think you could move that x um streamer is not a gambling addict i i mean i played the oppo too so that kind of proves i am but hey whatever you say buddy twice in a row that jump i jump i typically never overshoot i just oh [ __ ] twice in a row that's fine that's fine don't worry about it wow now we really like this tree what a nice looking tree i should visit it again i think hi oh great ah my tree hello nice to see it for the millionth time wow how do i keep doing this just christ man here we go okay good that's the hard part done thank god i wasn't in the mood to go to the manor again boy toy 2003 thank you for the prime what more money how the [ __ ] oh come on come on oh that's actually all the way down kill me any video again kill me in the video game come on hello t bonjour matt [ __ ] off [ __ ] off let me get the jump give it give it thank you thank you [Music] [Music] come on all right [Music] everything's going smooth got the recovery it's all good [ __ ] me it's okay though we got the backup you know what [ __ ] it are you happy chat you [ __ ] [Music] that could have been the run by the way [ __ ] off [Music] matt [Music] really oh no oh no okay okay i believe we're back [Music] come on all right okay okay okay i didn't [ __ ] it up this time oh kill me where's this oh my okay [Music] dude okay dude this is hell eight hour stream without getting past bug ah mean i i i've been close no i've been at the map where i see like a transition right there's like some starry night sky and like i [ __ ] up the first the first jump there is actually hard but after that it gets pretty easy but the first jump is like somewhat precise and i like overshot it twice but like god i'm closer to getting it but yeah really dude what the [ __ ] is going on [Music] okay this might just yeah i thought so it's good it's good it's good okay oh what okay i didn't win i guess give me the jump man okay i'm [ __ ] done there we go okay i thought i got it i seriously thought i should have it [ __ ] me dude cube sphere thank you for the tier one man nice smooth all right no book so far at least at least i haven't been bugged in a while so that's that's like that's okay i guess like properly bugged i've been like in the water i've dipped my toe into it but i haven't actually been sent all the way down to the bottom so i mean one misstep and you are at the bottom so you know considering all things considered is going pretty good and i'm consistently getting here at least so you know it could it could be worse it could be worse okay i i'm so mad at myself right now okay well it wasn't a big setback but i'm very mad i i i'm very sad i panicked what okay what okay you were actually kidding me well now we know now we know now we know okay i believe i can make it like i definitely can it's just ah the grind man the grind okay never mind i shouldn't have said it i should have just think quiet should've said anything at all oh no it ha it actually this is bottom it's actually bottom it's actually bottom it's actually bottom it's actually [ __ ] okay okay all right that me dude it's [ __ ] over he shot me it's not good enough that's better good it's going pretty slow it's a pretty smooth blog it's a pretty smooth box so far like so far you know it's fine no complaints yeah going well [ __ ] hopi i'm dude i ablated first try get [ __ ] oh my god first try bog easy not a single [ __ ] fall by the way opium bog speedrunning the world record by the way [Music] what i just feel hopped okay i guess the two seconds of bog [ __ ] my muscle memory or something i have no idea oh whoops uh thanks do try something else no i think i will i'm gonna beat this game it's only a matter of time boys before the hoping kicks in only a matter of time by the way only matter of time only a matter of time any time nodded i thought i could make that [ __ ] [Music] nice not so nice that's so close though that was actually so [ __ ] close [Music] that jump is so dumb why is that why i understand why it's a thing dude why man does it have to be there jesus christ okay all right one bogie with five subs from like from me no no no no we're doing we're doing gambles i'd rather do a gambling time i'm not gonna have like the [ __ ] uh you know mental weight of me or falling into the bug and losing progress as well as losing money that's just that's just too much man that's just too mean that's just too [ __ ] mean oh dude i forgot about the the push-ups yeah i'll do that let me do that can you even see that's 20. was 19 i counted 20 so [Music] oh my god oh hello wife [Music] [ __ ] i hit that jump if i push ups every time you bog and i will become one punch man and i will become i will do okay i go for it there's collectibles where she appears oh okay so she's just like showing you where there are things cool they're like invisible pennies i guess okay okay [ __ ] off oh okay oh no [Music] nice whoops oh why did i do that why did i do that why did i okay what did i [ __ ] do that [Music] i got debated come on okay wow [Music] okay [Music] i could have saved that that's the worst part [Music] i could have [ __ ] saved it it wasn't a huge setback though but [ __ ] that's annoying wow [ __ ] off [Music] oh sh that's bad [ __ ] i okay well that's kind of bad too i shouldn't have walked off the ledge like out of [ __ ] nowhere that was gonna dumb that wasn't very smart [Music] [Music] okay never mind okay never mind [Music] never cup hope wow we're gonna work here real okay okay now now [Music] uh [Music] okay all right [Music] you've been doing this for three hours no i've been doing this for like one hour or so i played isec for like almost two hours so i've opened it for three hours it's not it's not it's bad but it's not it's not that bad it's it's not there you know but it's kai is kind of [ __ ] bad at this point because they keep [ __ ] up easy stuff like that that was stupid [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there we go all right got it got it [Music] i'm probably my least favorite jump in entire dlc [Music] [Music] [Music] that was okay that was like a [ __ ] pixel that was a pixel that was actually a [ __ ] pixel by the way that was actually a [ __ ] pixel holy [ __ ] nice [Music] [Music] okay you're kidding me oh okay oh my god opium opium hopium hopium what is this what is this what the [ __ ] was that what i had like that's never happened before rope oh my god what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] rope man it wins from cop oh dude wow my gets money masculine thank you for the tier one it was like the perfect soundtrack for for opium but then god damn it ah [ __ ] okay that works we'll make it again we'll make it again it's fine okay okay no we won't we won't actually we actually won't we won't make it again because we're going back to the bog we're going back to the bog okay yeah yeah we are we're just we're just going completely all the way back we're going back to the bottom of the mug all the way down no problem you know what it's fine we'll make it again we'll make it again buggers okay this is fantastic i was so [ __ ] close though i was so [ __ ] close it's actually unreal how close i was to actually doing that actually [ __ ] unreal god damn dude i'm i'm so close to it it's actually insane yeah am i making week into the blog pretty quickly right now like i've kind of nailed this area so it's not like a big deal honestly okay can you pause for a moment i'd like to see how much this time you spent already eight hours session four okay it wasn't a straight one never mind uh for reference the first base game took me nine hours it's we're in the bug and we spent as much time here as i spent bearing the base game the whiskey was pretty easy though let's be real but like you know it's telling [Music] so oh better oh man why did i do that [Music] but this dlc is going to be short as [ __ ] but there are tricky jumps and i won and i one-way highway into the bog yeah it's just to be a cancer deal too yeah like yeah i bet this probably isn't even that long it's just like the jumps are eight and the punishment is insane did i just [ __ ] full hop i'm done again what the [ __ ] that's actually a good position [ __ ] no it's not it was like so close though to be in good positioning why am i full hopping what's going on it took force in total 56 hours to beat it but he is decrepit so you should beat it in less than half the time i'm not sure about that one chief i don't think i'll be at like 56 hours no but the second dlc took me 15 or 16. the first game took me nine hours how much did forzan spend on the first base game and the second the first dlc that's what i'm curious about so we can like can make a rough mess rough estimate from that you'll get a gamble when i get out of the bog when it gets out xd [Music] finally i was wondering what the next massive game would be like about 80 percent of your channel i'm not sure not sure can i do another multi-full gamba so it lasts longer can you do one i mean honestly a a fall to the bottom of the bog should technically last long it's just that i kind of [ __ ] it up last this time like i don't do okay i don't usually fall all the way down when i make it i'm gonna fall from like the the manor but it happens like once in a while like it's it's the exception and not the rule at this point so like first i have to fall to the bog and then i gotta fall into the box from there it's like it's it's it's somewhat rare um i would say there just don't understood it oh it's possible to overshoot okay i'm done wow this is kind of [ __ ] positioning i might have to redo this yeah that's terrible there we go his walls of the first two levels are gone but if you remember he beat the game main game in 18 hours and the first dlc in 28th okay let's so far i'm like 10 hours faster i guess decent oh you're kidding me you're kidding me that i i that's i've done that like one time before you're actually kidding okay well back to the vlog xd you're [ __ ] kidding me all right off to four now i think i will this should work yeah good barely good position nice okay yeah i was i rushed it i rushed it i didn't reposition because i'm stupid all right now that's that's we'll just do it again don't we we'll just make it again we can clearly it's funny how like the last time i fell on here i got it first try like no problem it's like oh this is no problem we've fallen again you know what we'll just clamp up again no worries and i'm here now i'm actually a bug stuck like what the [ __ ] what's going on yeah that was kind of bad nice okay forza was pretty unlucky as usual and the safe wall corrupted when he was close to the top and lost the safe while again when he went on a holiday and came back to restart the dlc two times this one or the last one this one or the previous one i mean [Music] oh insert joke about pausing the stream can we get some hopium in check out this hopeless map thanks for the bits mesher fan [Music] there we go okay that's a good position now i can make it up it took me a while to get to this place the burst jump is here though and i i did the mistakes that i said i was never going to do again i don't know why i went for it i don't know why i went for that greedy jump that's what i'm gonna call let the greedy jump because that was greedy it's like you can do a full hop but if you like undershoot it a little bit then you'll get a better position for the next jump but it's like i [ __ ] it up like six times total now i think and every time it's like i could have just i could have just i could have just like man it's so unnecessary you know like you don't need it you can totally do the jump without it it just makes it a little bit easier that's fine nope good that should work yeah a bit more consistent now at least i just full i'll just flop just fill up it's fine there we go overshoot that and you get death that's why i think it's the worst jump because it's like the one jump that's actually difficult and if you fail it you just go all the way down and it's pretty precise too not like super precise but it's pretty precise are you ever gonna play isaac again or are we done with the game now that the cfl is complete i played the isaac today actually before the before this so not done also again when admin releases the final like update for the game which is you know should have been a while ago honestly when that's out i'm gonna play it more as well but it just seems like it's never gonna [ __ ] happen it's taking so long but i was [ __ ] too close got a new save file i don't feel like it no there we go okay fine final three jumps again that was a full hop okay now that's that's we're just blog stuck what does box like this it's fine that's fine don't worry about it no that's no problem all right you're playing the calamity upside yeah when it's out i'll play [Music] fitting music for a water level [Music] if you're going to make it out of the box if you make it out of the box i'll donate eight bits all right dude you better keep your word all right i need those eight cents are you going to try modding isaac or is there like no chance that's going to happen besides albion entertainment television mode i mean the game is modded to [ __ ] i have like 60 mods but i usually community made content is like horribly imbalanced so i don't really feel like it he might need to release it because he wants the new update to release with the console version of repentance so what do you mean he might not release this if it's going to receive the console version of repentance is that not going to come out uh that should work maybe very close i [ __ ] knew it that's also a death i think yeah yep if a mod is so bad that i need a debug console to balance that i'm not gonna play it simple as voice ah house close still in the bog just just gaming at this point there we go that's good all right all right can i just not overshoot this this time thank you oh my god we made it out holy [ __ ] okay that took [ __ ] forever but we're back holy [ __ ] longest bug stuck today my muscle number is all kinds of [ __ ] up yeah it's israelius maybe not oh [Music] kill me in the video game that's new that's new that's new entirely new that's that's i've never done that i've never done that wow this didn't fall down though this is getting really funny this is getting really funny this is just getting [ __ ] hilarious at this point okay okay this is [ __ ] game honestly though the fact that foursome was at this for like 50 like was like 56 hours that's that's pretty good like he does not give up you're gonna give him that like that's that's [ __ ] willpower he had to beat this thing why am i [ __ ] up that now overall bonus seems like you're taking this taking his path uh you know we'll see we'll see we'll see maybe i think i'm doing it i'm doing fine i think okay yeah we're doing fine yeah we're just doing just fine today just fine there's [Music] no problem [Music] come on okay i can do a gamble sure the same one cup you're [ __ ] me you're [ __ ] me you're actually okay that's fine okay all right okay oh that was so close to us it's always it's all way down that's actually so [ __ ] stupid i'm always so close to that one man every time man [Music] oh the backups just wasn't strong enough dude it was so close to being sick okay [Music] okay stupid jump done i click space though i clicked space man [ __ ] hell dumb [Music] [ __ ] [Music] yeah i don't know why i go for that but oh nice that's like i don't know where else i could go from there that's the thing very glad didn't it matter this time though no okay okay what okay oh [ __ ] [Music] help him okay help him copy him all right try again i thought it was slippery why no okay that's just aids i thought i was slippery and i'd chat i don't even know i don't even know i don't know i just walked off i just walked off [Music] really oh really now okay that's that's genuinely stupid but okay wow not plugged quite yet but you know we're getting there okay no bulk okay like make that jump please holy three times brain rot what the [ __ ] what is happening i've never [Music] okay hmm now we're good pretty good that was dumb dude [Music] oh any stream posters okay i'm getting back up relatively fast so it's not it's not it's not that it's just it's just a bit annoying still can i just make it this time jesus christ thank you wow wow dude what the [ __ ] is going on dude holy [ __ ] a speedrunning bug dude at this point actual bulk speed rendered actual bug speedrun it's insane this is this is actually insane this is working wild there better be a fat [ __ ] checkpoint after the bug stalk because i've been stuck here for so goddamn long i don't want to go back i really don't want to go back really you can't make it from there i'm like nine percent sure maybe no you can't actually it's not gonna happen i love some water yeah [Music] oh that was like a real close though there we go jesus christ what did that take me so long it's like the easiest jumps in the game i had that there we go okay [Music] saved it saved it's so [ __ ] good save it so [ __ ] well by the way save it like a [ __ ] god gamer jesus christ i'm so good at the game what the [ __ ] slip cancel big stride okay [Music] okay oh okay rope what a rope what a rope what a rope what a rope rope in my [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay the music goes on i'm taking rectal rope today okay okay cop close there's nothing more uncomfortable than those two jumps those jumps [ __ ] suck man we're back though no we're not we're not though oh my god okay [ __ ] off yikes okay this is just straight up annoying now because i know i can beat this area easy so i'm like doing it fast to try to save time so i can just go back and do the part that's actually fun i was weak why are you still here just suffer every bit i can feel my comb the money i've lost the hope i've lost it won't stop hurting it's like it's all still there you feel it too don't you ah i'm just having fun playing video games i don't know what you're talking about i'm enjoying my video game okay it's not that deep we're all having fun you think dlc jumping dlc is fun yeah i think it is hey landing jumps is satisfying getting better is satisfying okay oh well it's not all the way back it's not matter it's not matter it ain't that's rare i could i could have stopped that [ __ ] i had like two [ __ ] frames to stop that but yeah i [ __ ] it up eox oh yes i said all the way yeah that's that's unfortunate very unfortunate that's all the way to the bottom all right sure oh it's close yes all right these jumps are just so [ __ ] uncomfortable man i actually hate them what really do it again oh my god sure oh my god [Applause] this is just getting tiring now whoops i had it though what the [ __ ] i was almost bogged hmm there we go all right didn't [ __ ] it up this time so okay oh nice so close to the checkpoint the checkpoint is a troll the jackman is a throw light i know that there's no [ __ ] way this dlc is giving my checkpoints yeah why did i this is the third time by the way i've been like oh surely i can recover this bird is increasing rabbit to pick it up to remove the buff no there's no [ __ ] way [Music] there's no way fully serious actually is a checkpoint once you go one screen up from your personal best you'll see it i mean [ __ ] why not i i'm all for it but i just like i'm not believing it for the time being what happened wait what it says i'm live oh my anderson live are we you're good okay the [ __ ] twitch it's tweet okay that's great it's gonna have my [ __ ] jump please okay oh this jumpman but that was a [ __ ] lie apparently yeah i don't know man imagine that happening when i actually beat the [ __ ] thing and i'm just like celebrating to zero viewers oh we great why am i [ __ ] at this job now there we go okay oh is this the second map this is the second dlc oh oh yes cope very good save that was like a one [ __ ] three frame today or some [ __ ] that's bad that's weird about this verbal oh okay all right sure oh my god that's annoying hole in one hole in [ __ ] one boys okay thank you for watching boys it's been a fun stream um i'll cut it shortly because i my throat is still like i'm not sick anymore but my throat is still a bit sore and like yeah i've noticed now that i'm like it's getting a bit more hoarse from talking so i'm gonna i'm gonna cut it call it a day here and then uh tomorrow and friday we'll we'll stream a bit more but for now i'm gonna take a little break okay and have a have a decent have a nice little evening for myself where i just cope have a have some coughing pills stuff like that maybe watch some some squid game or some [ __ ] anyways we're getting closer we set a new personal best on the map today i'm happy about that um slowly but surely getting well i you saw me in the end i i went through them up pretty [ __ ] fast so we're we're again there we're getting there but yeah see you um tomorrow good night thanks for watching love you all take care have a good one bye
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 494
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: u_Yh69CQKWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 272min 55sec (16375 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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