just a regular noita run

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning gamers today we're just gonna get straight straight to the gaming we're just gonna get straight to the gaming i'm going to teach you something about traveling in neutral i want to teach you a little life hack check this out so if you if you're somewhere and let's say that there's a uh a wall of rocks between you and where you want to go the thing that you do so we're just gonna go over here first this is the run that we um and that i ended on last time i think but yeah here's the wall of rocks so [Music] i picked up a giganook not to be confused with nuke this is a giganook so if you just shoot that at the wall then you're fine and the ball goes away and then you just go through the thing there's nothing to worry about that way the wall won't battery anymore just shoot and look at it then you have a good travel it just works boom even cursed rock curse rock i don't care see you just make it go away you see oh that's too loud i gotta turn that down wait how long is this rock pronounces gaming thank you for the [ __ ] man oh there there comes the rocks see you you gotta be faster because if they come down they will hit you i can feel that sub baby kicking retreating i must what do you mean cheating what the hell hurry you don't know what you're talking about also hi harry all right we get uh we still have twist bones and i forgot about that anyways here's the parallel world east league [Music] oh yeah um what should the gamble be then why did i go to the parallel world i was going here for perks yeah uh what do i have left to do [Music] i don't know what would i even do [Music] i've already done blackstone i've killed uh i we can go to the leviathan but i guess [Music] [Music] there we go [ __ ] this song i hate it i hate this one too can i get the no you know what i'm gonna put on minecraft again i was gonna put in the minecraft album because i'm tired of this [ __ ] i'm gonna put on minecraft volume better classic i have nukes on me if there is a boss i don't really care let me have some more nukes there we go so if there is a boss then he's gonna get [ __ ] like that and that was that a boss no it was something else oh i almost got polymorphed the [ __ ] uh squidward is up there shooting polymers of me what the [ __ ] wait to have a black hole i don't know i can make black holes i mean uh soldiers i gotta make the thing shoot faster casterly resource time i gotta like stack a bunch of reduced recharge on this and then shoot this really fast i think uh the way i'm going to kill the leviathan right the leviathan is going to die the same way as the big worm does so basically basically guys we're going to turn all of his projectiles into uh saw blades and every time he hits himself he's going to retaliate with a shot and that shot is also going to be turning to sole blade so i need to i need to shoot this 100 mile drain every frame every okay you die now goodbye [ __ ] i think i will kill him like that just mix up later or i can uh see if i can find a giggle so like omega so later somewhere that also works something like that should do the trick in the meantime i'll just be deleting the world because i don't really need it can i be your sussy albisas oh you meditate to sheets nice can i be your what sausage what is that oh wait this is not where i'm supposed to be this is uh they are a different place yep but i'm just gonna go through it and sort of delete it okay so we gotta make it down here i think now this will convert it all into like this cursed rock or not curse rock like toxic rock and then i can just remove it with a nuke like that there we go now the we get through i mean if it works well i could you know i could uh maybe i can use this for digging let's stick with a black hole like a normal person would there we go this is this is a bit more uh normal i guess i'll get rid do we have here we are chainsaws that could uh i guess be useful is this [ __ ] black hole ever gonna stop is it infinite did i make an infinite no okay it's ended that was a long long black hole holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man i'm out of snooze whoops he's never going to reach that set yeah i'm reading chess girl what do you want midas oh should speed run i could do it yeah why not hmm well this black hole lasted way too long this was [ __ ] annoying oh this goes 70 mana what the hell there we go wait i don't have enough money for this it has three hole makes on it okay what's it still so expensive well i guess we just have to use the nuke strats from now on now for the time being i mean [Music] because it uh tends to work just gotta give the nukes a momentum and uh sling it into whatever i don't like like this boom and then you can just kind of remove it like that there we are and this is slime blood enemy rather i think i'm really wait what oh my anyways [Music] i still have a nuke on me oh my god dudes please please make it stop [Music] i'll uh homing no [Music] revenge explosion wait where did it go okay i got it i got it cause the music is way too [ __ ] loud you can't probably can't hear the game right now can you speaking of the game volume it's [ __ ] low now you can probably hear the game though there we go hello jake why is all the ground turning into toxic rock because the gigantic does that the giganot makes it turn into toxic radiation probably like that then you just walk down it's what the hell sulfur what is sulfur wait what what what is go oh my lord look at this so pretty well i don't know i don't know don't ask me anyways nuke well i guess i didn't need a duck i want that though yikes it's all turning into this toxic dog [ __ ] okay mad no toxic dog [ __ ] it was turning into the i don't know the mystery fungus yeah like what did happen wait man wait let's transform it let me eat it i have 100 seconds okay all right but we can eat this stuff down here wait there is something here now no hello how are you doing hello greenpunk how are you doing hope you're having a good day today okay we got it kale shift we engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery shift shift can't i get more shifts man what the hell is going on this is annoying i'm like a band from getting shifts okay i still might say that i deserve it but anyways and yeah you might have become a fish but uh i don't know if there's any way to like uh confirm that i can't really see what's going on on screen even whatever you spawn in it's probably going to die pretty quick because of the emotions of destruction oh my god yikes there we go [ __ ] perks again yikes can't take it i'll take your garbage oh my gosh it doesn't help it really doesn't help that i'm tripping as well i didn't need that would have uncle jeff that i don't know it it's supposed to happen but it just didn't it just didn't man didn't happen sad but they are dead oh wow gravity field neat yeah i want plague rats didn't they only do i have two stacks of pl no there's no way i have two stacks of playgrass right i do i have double plague rats okay that uh that's that's something that can happen well this is gonna grief me and this uh makes me fart when i get shot just like that how do you even kill leviathan let me let me just go quickly on on the wiki and look you can't have two funky shifts within five minutes of the other and the shift cap is 20 shifts per save hey i don't think i've reached the cap have i have you guys shifted that much just break re-rolling no that take that takes two years [ __ ] that noise highly damaging piercing orbs uh poison trail works on it it's basically a big crab and uh in the water wait what it tastes like 0.01 slice damage 0.01 slice how the [ __ ] do you kill it you didn't replace the loss of mana event with the longer one by the way it's a separate event unless you had did it on purpose no i haven't updated the mod i know you've made a bunch of updates but i haven't uploaded it because this is like a save from before um i got those updates so i don't want to install updates on an ongoing sale that would probably be a bad idea nuke it to death yeah but it's this on the wiki here i i can show you if you want it says right here um explosion it takes 0.01 milli damage like it takes what's that zero point zero it takes one percent of slice damage it takes one percent of explosion damage and it's immune to [ __ ] everything the weakening curses work making the projectile damage once viable and thus making the fight relatively easy i guess i could do that like if projectiles work i can just make something stupid with it yeah lucy's weakening curses but do i have that well [ __ ] the salt and [ __ ] this rock um [Music] spider shot is just a meme i wanted to run let me get a triad i don't think i have any i don't have any curses actually i gotta get a curse somehow panther oh thank you for the prime man can't watch for long again but i came to renew my sub have a great stream thanks man champ champ uh yeah i guess we just oh wait there's nothing down there is there where would i go to get spells if i need a spell i've already been to the work and the work has dog [ __ ] i'm gonna get weakening curses i guess i go to the fungal the mushroom caves the mushroom caves might have that actually it's not like i need more perks honestly noita is a cruel mistress mad let's see here what's that i guess i'll go fungal cave son yeah it's the only way i'm going to like reliably find the curse or some [ __ ] i guess you can i can do it in the surface of this particular world honestly there's no reason to like i've already explored the one in the main world so going to the to the one in the this magnet well this is probably better because i'm more likely to find [ __ ] also we can kill the worm oh my lord i say for the worm we use a nuke surely a nuke will work against the worm no there we go let's be true man let me through surely i can make it up yup here we are this rock is in the way there we go now can i go in here boom boom boom boom damn he's still alive almost dead almost dead there we go okay now we got the wand electricity though is that gonna i'll take it i'll take it but i have don't i don't have like big hopes for that [ __ ] because it's gonna be under water it's gonna be underwater so clearly you know i'm not electric immune right so i probably shouldn't go around shooting [ __ ] thunderbolts under the water it's probably not gonna work out well for me i think really cool books lately no i have not actually i don't really read much i play video games well we just evaporated the entire stage that makes traversing it a lot easier actually believe it or not uh now we gotta look for those i think a projectile curse and then some some like memes with a piercing uh [ __ ] bouncing bursts heavy shot [ __ ] accelerating it's probably going to be good but getting that spell chain requires a lot of dog [ __ ] so i don't know i'm going to find a quite uh you know amount of spells but i mean that's what the machine came is for right i can also find the summon tiger server spell and there's some infinite ones to get spells that uh it's possible so much effort to kill one big crap man okay i want that is there anything here well this is just crazy jesus christ so yeah oh oh i explode if i take damage if i take damage here there we go i'm just gonna make it like over uh to the right here that should be good this is probably the most [ __ ] [ __ ] place i've ever done this is so so [ __ ] unreal i might get polymorphs while doing this but honestly i don't really care i want to like just do the thing and then try the new version of the twitch once because we added some really cool stuff or every [ __ ] that uh yesterday so i wanna i wanna try that anyways cool down there we go thank you among us instant transmission true that is true here we are in the cave we should take care of most of them so we need the weakening cursor projectile if we if we don't have that then we're gonna do like minus one damage to the boss so probably probably not a bad idea the hell are these ones it's just it's just some stuff that i made hey miss thank you for the best man there's a wand can i get in there surely i can get in dude i'll do a [ __ ] black hole meme laggy laggy black hole no that ain't it oh i suck in the acid nice i can't teleport either because this gets sucked by the black hole homing field is not that great i think improved oh thank you thank you uh crawl really oh really thank you i can't read these these these [ __ ] uh black holes just never end they are so [ __ ] long tastier oh fast no that's not it electricity nope don't need that oh hastim is [ __ ] sweet though dude what the [ __ ] i think i'll take off that just have one black oh i did i still have nukes on i did okay great uh i meant to have that on nope this is nicer i can kind of just like push myself around whatever i want nothing can really stop me at this point what will make it what if i make the timer be like times four let's have like an infinite black hole what the what oh there's a relic okay dude what is going on man what the [ __ ] dude oh we have swish once it's probably what's happening jesus yeah which one means i get it okay oh dude but i should i got immortality but i do you guys gave me freeze charged when i shoot my black hole i freeze myself and get stunned that that's what was happening i was so confused jesus christ man uh no curses yeah i'm so fast now holy [ __ ] can i yeah i got frozen again i got frozen again i get frozen again dude okay can i not have a freeze charge please there's the bloodlust all right i wanted to check that wait what wasn't there a move on there yeah what the [ __ ] was that all stupid uh no curse oh heavy shot pog that's a relatively rare i'll give him one though that's a rare ass [ __ ] yes that's uh i think we only need one of that i could get more of it but i honestly i just need one i just need a singular singular one of those also because funny i'm gonna add the this to this this one's gonna delete liquids now look at that it's more destructive now uh oh peep thank you for the prime man curry cake thank you for the ten dollars love the chaos and the content good luck on the run thank you this is again electric community like electric currents i don't know that i already have it and i'll always cast if if i can get a single like a curse that it does not do that that would be that would be tremendous that would actually be great the game had really optimized when it comes to the fish entities they can probably handle over a thousand plus they all just die instantly because of the big fish yeah no it's actually actually pretty tremendous true that is true oh that is a venomous curse not like that maybe i can just like venomous curse applies once every time something is hit so if i get piercing and venomous curse to just reply like a million venomous curses then maybe it will kill the boss maybe if that's how venomous curse works i don't i don't know but i gotta find piercing anyways the the car the the clue to kill uh big hp bosses is just get piercing just pierce it and uh you know apply your [ __ ] a million times and then they just die but you need piercing piercing is like the bread and butter for late game in what country do you currently live in the usa or norway i live in norway sweden 2.0 what's this homebringer brings your target is closer to you actually i want that for a reason i'll get into later where did my one go someone take my [ __ ] wand someone didn't take my wand right no one took my wand my one was right here surely no one will take my [ __ ] wand surely no one will take the one that i spent time building no more want happy smile [ __ ] where's my wand okay that was my teleport one did where the [ __ ] did it go it was up there to the right i don't see it i don't see it in the sand oh dude it's so hard to see man holy [ __ ] that's so hard to see holy sh dude how the [ __ ] would i see that how did you how did you see that what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did you see that you guys are sitting with sitting on your [ __ ] laptop with binoculars or something like a microscope on the computer screen yes it's actually in the pixel right there on the you know on the left of your monitor blind oh yes yes yes blind didn't notice the one slightly differently colored pixel on the screen blind blind [ __ ] hey okay can i find the [ __ ] uh okay piercing piercing x this is gonna crash the game eventually i swear to god the game is gonna crush there's no getting around the fact that this is gonna crash the game i think maybe not but i don't know whenever i do fast teleporting in the game just like nope can't do that again lightning can i can i find something good double trigger ground to sound again do a fungal shift i tried i genuinely tried but i couldn't do it no curse yeah they was here yeah i was think i've been here as well i think maybe i've been here perhaps there's there's sand here so clearly i've been here right um i think i have you yep video title hello albino how was your day also 10 where are my fellow doctors wait are there are the believers winning today i mean i'm probably going to beat the boss but it's going to take me years to get the [ __ ] spells i need that's a bit h uh can i put that there oh hello i'm just gonna go over here okay all right oh what is going on man go over there holy [ __ ] wait why is that guy there too he's dying to curse rock oh my god well i think i'll just let him do that he's i think he'll just let him do doubters ingest copium inhale see them and metabolize mordium wait i'm just gonna shoot a look at them okay cope is it still there yeah oh i got shot by something what did i get i got silenced i got silenced holy bomb i'm marcus guitar thank you for the bits man 5000 oh this guy is molding okay cry oh are you the legendary captain milk i am captain homeless how are you captain what yes so blade did he die he died tremendous okay [ __ ] nuke [ __ ] nuke [ __ ] electricity [ __ ] all this [ __ ] i could just use that i'm stupid anyways take a nick thank you for the 1000 miss man i just started watching your streams i have been watching your videos for a while why exactly did you start wearing fanboy outfits again money that's it money okay can this uh wait i have to actually use this gamma and uh black hole because this is the only way i can dig there we go uh doing a double trigger i guess i do oh did i take it off again [ __ ] i just teleported [ __ ] oh there they go go my children my morons oh it always casts what did i get what did i get always casts what i didn't get always cast what the hell wasn't that already there i think you redeemed it boiler was like switching once or something maybe i don't know man there's there's the squidward cry about it here he is again your [ __ ] you just make a little sawblades and make them kill each other look at that that's crazy oh my god delete hey come here i'm gonna start inside of you you're [ __ ] [ __ ] you see yeah what did he where did is he die too i guess and we're healed i mean if i'm already in this parallel world i guess i'll go get also wherever the music go it's just this is quiet i guess i'll get the uh the perks here as well why not oh like what the [ __ ] yeah like definitely like i think which one is bugged let's test it i can see if it's bugged mirror d8 no it's no it's not bugged i don't think it's poked it's rigging a bit a little bit of rigging what's this customer's mana what the [ __ ] what they add here i think i love the black hole to this there we go there we go all right i'm holding up i don't know i want to get the soul powders at this point all right it's still left kill me no curse i think i just oh there's electric community poke i'm i'm not going to get gas cannon man that would be stupid that would actually just be i'm not getting it i'm not getting it no using cheat codes on your run no why would i why would i do that stupid what if we just add regular homing here it's gonna do a little damage for sure still gonna get the piercing though somehow nah do i want that i guess i do i guess i do i guess i do how do you get 2.2k max itself i just picked the parts man hearts and perks i'm not going to meditate i think i think if i meditate and get that portal 8 and send it back to the main world and i don't really want that so i don't really want that can i get down let me in man sea of acid oh if i find a way to damage myself i can actually dig really well i see that i can just dig through everything school work is finished it is gaming time major mango thank you for the prime man it's gaming time yes true that is true nice dog [ __ ] i can't see the okay go away but we see the [ __ ] there we go thank you uh do i buy this i'll buy greed [ __ ] it item reader yeah let's go sure i'll take it so take that too then they'll check the mushroom forest on this uh parallel world i guess and hopefully there i will find the spell that i need there we go all right uh poison poi uh it's not a spell though it's uh it's always cast which is a bit cringe it's a little bit cringe um chaotic path can be used for some wants you already have regular homing now we do but it does start to have another this is not hard to have till it's um okay mr amigos have you ever been to a shooting mr amalgas just curious not assembling a fanboy army or anything have you ever been to shooting range or shot again no never never in my life i think i really want to either sounds like cringe no i will actually no i think i think shooting again would be funny probably it'll probably be fun there we go okay can you not home after the [ __ ] morons thank you okay anyways they do be looking the other way though uh the salt powders yes yes that's gonna make this a lot faster there we go look at that gamble let's go i don't know what the [ __ ] i got but got a wonkless beast i can just fall through the world easy easy digging we get another stainless armor that's good [ __ ] penis mournful spirits mean why not no curses here too yeah no curse i guess i'll get the ghost i don't want vegetables though that's guess we're done here we just go down down down down down and here we oh projectile oh my god we found [ __ ] projectile curse did he get it i did we can encourage projector holy [ __ ] let's go okay with that i could probably kill the boss right uh no i need piercing as well now all i need now is piercing if i guess accelerating bouncing let's just put these to be except to be bouncing bursts right and take these off forever so to be bouncing bursts and those bouncing bursts are gonna have accelerating homing and heavy shot you think they will do a lot of damage yeah okay they're better now and then we add projectile cursed thing into it it will do a lot more damage and then we add anything else no we need more bouncing bursts though we have that no i'm being frozen now it's like a thousand damage goddamn um for the underwater when i kill the boss underwater i probably just have to remove this that's actually way better oh [ __ ] this is going to do a lot of damage and now they need to have piercing which is going to make it a lot dangerous to me but who cares i think i remove that yeah definitely gonna remove that um this is fine might as well do they give them regular homing as well or like rotating i'll get them rotating as well because then they can like more accurately hit their [ __ ] targets i guess i'll do that okay now my wand is actually really [ __ ] strong this alone is just a lot of damage i i could use two more bouncing bursts because we have a quadruple cast and like that way you get more bullets out which is more damage out definitely good to have doesn't hurt um but what we have now if we just get piercing should be able to take care of the leviathan easy again we just need a just uh just a a little piercing we're just leaving just gotta get that [ __ ] honestly dude honestly i can't be yours too yeah i'm just gonna do that there we have a free tunnel i'll just go up this yeah they do be looking the other way we're gonna crash by the way we're definitely gonna crash i think yeah those things just kill [ __ ] now yeah okay yeah okay i don't know i know now because with this um with accelerated homing the thing is gonna like start slow and go faster and faster and faster and then it needs to stay a lot the projectile needs to stay alive so if you put piercing on it it's gonna it's gonna home into the boss get faster and faster and faster inside the boss and do more damage more and more more damage inside of the boss um and then we need to put a move here to make it apply all of these twice that's going to do a [ __ ] enough it's it's going to be good i think also we apply a regular homing as well to make it just never never loses target if we apply every homing twice it's gonna do it it's just not gonna it's not gonna miss but again they that's that was 600 damage by the way uh they disappear after the first hit meaning that they won't get the damage bonus from the increasing you know velocity so it's not going to be as good as it could be without without piercing it it needs that piercing to be good without the piercing it's just a little uh it only does the initial damage whereas literally literally all the damage comes after the initial hit was totally [ __ ] a mogustry did i miss something homunculus is summoned based wait what there we go okay it's to the right here right we got strength we do a lot of damage with strength i guess now since we have strength since we have strength we have to try using a nuke we have to try it i couldn't i would never forgive myself if i had strength and then there's a gigan most disappointing does not get affected that was small as [ __ ] wait i have strength right four times as powerful don't know i thought it would be bigger what a weak weak weak strength uh i think i'll put that there another more more uh speed i don't want duplicate to have a shot thank you oh accelerating potential for for good good damage here i'll put that there let's get back put this after the move i think [ __ ] there oh it's too slow it's too slow i can't use it if a projector gets too slow it just won't fire anymore which is a bit weird but that's just how it be and yeah oh my god what the [ __ ] happened sound isn't working properly so laser cutter i usually you know piercing is a good spell but i usually don't struggle this hard getting it it's not like super uncommon i think i think that much plus big bloodlusts may i land no i actually made sure that i can't super holes staying for 100 bits 100 1000. okay you know what this album is just so [ __ ] quiet i actually haven't heard i barely noticed that i was listening to music when listening to the minecraft soundtrack holy [ __ ] jesus christ okay so listen to more terraria now venomous curse again wait what the [ __ ] that book look what the book doing i don't even know man i'm not even gonna ask just do your thing you know explosion i can't take it i might i might need it at some point maybe we could nuke the crab if we can nuke it who knows no damage plus i guess i'll take it recoil damper i'll put that on this yeah and i won't get shot to the [ __ ] other edge of the world when i fire it venomous curse uh no piercing sad dude why is it so hard to find the [ __ ] hello i like money running because like a little nervous man i like mona too hello how we doing what's this oh okay i think uh this this is this is i don't know man i could try i you know i could try just testing my dps i'll do like oh these are those aren't even enemies i gotta find a strong enemy to test it on who could that be no you need piercing i don't there's there's no [ __ ] way there's just no way i can do this without piercing it's just not gonna happen i need piercing it's it's basically required there's no way what's that big one piercing no no kill me [Music] okay how did anyways this is just gaming [Music] anyways [Music] there we are there we are i'll just go through it again through the world i'll get a little bit more perks and then i this i'll just check the temples if the temples don't have a piercing i'll just go back to the main world and let's fight the [ __ ] thing uh we do a little questionable financial decision making xd thank you for the stable usher thank you for 200 bits random kids champions where's the where's the good music at though where's the good music at no no no we've got some minecraft in here oh [ __ ] the huh the metal gear soundtrack that i listen to on stream a lot is just deleted i've had a retiring day of finishing end of the year tests i'm headed out and good luck all right aqua take care man come shampoo and the forbidden shampoo shall come we have a little come trailer a lot of a lot of come we just make a lot of camera oh [ __ ] i keep falling down dude well it comes really slowing down on projectile too much hello chainsaws i yes yes yes oh we got the fungal funk fung mugus we got the fungal cap look at this guy yeah that's gaming put the cap on hmm we got projector slower again i don't think i don't think salvia and tundia can then hit me now like i'm gonna slow projectiles and push them away so hard because i have two repulsion shields and two projectile slowers like it's gonna be so [ __ ] hard to hit me by this point like it's gonna be impossible basically even that polo morphing [ __ ] cannot what is this [ __ ] i it doesn't even say nice game i got a fever and the only prescription is there's more gods to offend run up cut thank you for watching man will i speak so quick okay thank you very much random cuts thank you for the 100 bits man i made it um maximum altitude listen i've oh my lord i i'm just tired i've spent all day at the gym literally only at jim i'm not doing like a tremendous amount of damage here but i'm i'm doing something trust me when i get piercing it's the whole it's a whole nother story gimmick what english english got a better teleport finally after like two years of playing [Music] stronger yeah based 3600 hp holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's insane how does he do it i don't know that's crazy i think the only way i guess the way i could die now is uh i could die to the polymorphing liquid the liquid will still get me that's entirely possible what the [ __ ] happened there remove liquids will you remove the walls of the temple for some reason too we've got an extra life here we got unlimited spells we got iron stomach we got a lot of good [ __ ] here man i can take extra life first because extra life is good to have uh next i'll take [ __ ] unlimited spells yeah okay now we have unlimited of this gravity field which is funny because if you put the gravity field on someone and then turn all the projectiles into saw blades then it's it's funny i was thinking about killing the one conjurer like that i put up i put a a uh gravity field on him and then he's going to shoot a bunch of [ __ ] and get mauled and they turn all that [ __ ] into into someplace and he just dies i wanna at least try it was that water to poison oh that's perfect let's use that to kill the [ __ ] crab based i'm gonna be covered in the poison two but does it matter oh [ __ ] spells to black holes wait what is this [ __ ] this is oh my god uh i don't need this i don't need this dog [ __ ] into this dog [ __ ] can this ghost shut up seriously dude they're annoying please shut up shut up dude spells the black holes okay what's this oh it's just add mono yeah i'll take that this should be the last four okay yeah there we go what could that possibly be grab a hun grab a hand wire who the hell is it's a seriously seized don't mock him wait is that actually a thing no boom what piercing kill me dude i swear to god if i get piercing on one of these little mega balls then it will just kill everything but alas you just can't get it they feel a bit slow though do we have a oh i should add uh if i find i gotta find a sine wave path we're talking uh oh my lord did you just give me laura you gave me a larpa well this is gonna shoot a lot of [ __ ] black holes down this is gonna shoot a lot of people tremendous thank you thank you for destroying my world in its entirety oh my god dude okay the gods are looking somewhere but i don't know where uh can i reel this i can't i'll have invisibility no no finish that exploding goals looks funny yeah i'll just take it except for telepresence that's cringe [Music] what is the only 93 damage how it needs piercing without piecing this spell is [ __ ] nothing but with piercing it's gonna be so [ __ ] good sad sweet piercing is gonna be actually tremendous what are the poison water the poison is gonna make the boss into like five percent health and then i just gotta finish him from there but and i probably could to be honest i probably could just do that because if he's at white person health and that's like not too much and then i apply the curse to him so he takes more damage and then i just kill him from there which shouldn't be too hard i'm sure stains can be played to the boss well it says here on the wiki [Music] poison trail works well like if you make the boy's boss poison what so is is this poison trail work differently than just regular portion so i guess i'm assuming that like if you just turn the water into poison clearly the boss will just you know surely well let's do school say hi to him anyways [Music] okay but i can't see [ __ ] i can't see [ __ ] man [Music] dust it not according to the description [Music] not according to the description it doesn't say anything about like speed on that i'm just gonna fight the boss without homing or without piercing i don't have a choice at this point i have some options so i can just turn all the water into poison and then go from there honestly where did this level go i probably deleted it what the [ __ ] what where did that go did i get homing no the [ __ ] happened he's right normal holding makes brittle into holding too fast that doesn't have time to accelerate i guess yeah it makes this 282 accurate i guess if i had uh if the thing is that if i had a piercing it wouldn't matter because it would just accelerate inside of the enemy but yes since did i go back to the main world i don't know i don't know if i did where am i now i'll just go back there i know that i'm in in the main world definitely the most [ __ ] up world but that's fine uh so for killing boss what the [ __ ] is happening [ __ ] off what the [ __ ] man go so hard i gotta remove this there's the crash there's for no re i've been doing all the most like crazy [ __ ] this run the most wild [ __ ] and when i'm just like strolling across the [ __ ] you know nothing then they then then the game crashes yes then it crashes god no rollback no no no no surely it wouldn't roll me back right it wouldn't make me lose my poison my poison right okay now we still have that that's fine where the [ __ ] am i though okay that happened i don't know why the [ __ ] black hole sometimes just like you know just just he heated up in the sky it doesn't make any sense to me but whatever like that what the [ __ ] happened there i don't know i don't know ground to sand water to poison and then uh we add a little bit uh a little bit of uh nothing else to it yeah sounds like you idea sounds like an idea um yeah we just go to the okay yeah yep yep ground the snooze one should make that should make that into a intel mode if you ask me that's news to the game we're like a [ __ ] amugus with a mushroom cap a crown an amulet and a ratty tail it's great oh homunculus is seven so if you shoot is there oh it's just a bunch of poison now all right so we just go straight down from here right like down there okay but they're just gonna stand there and like produce a bunch of poison jesus straight down deep and there's big fish okay maybe i shouldn't make it like [ __ ] last forever uh what the hell would i yeah let's do that i guess sure oh yeah we take that off hold up so we're gonna make poison with that and shoot him with this no decent damage it's gonna do it's gonna be fine it's such a good song true true i'm scared of the water though this [ __ ] makes me uncomfortable as [ __ ] i don't want to do this [Music] ah [Music] do it okay i'll take off my headsets because i'm scared [Music] yeah i don't want to go down i don't want to go down i'll run the game in window mode 1080p window mod i have to oh man i can't [ __ ] do this [ __ ] oh yes [Music] okay i'll start the song over again so you guys can listen to that [Music] oh my god there's fishes from the mud here there's shark there's [ __ ] shark i'm sweating dude i'm [ __ ] sweating [Music] ah oh what [ __ ] dope [Music] nice [ __ ] tentacles oh here he is what the [ __ ] what does homing not work on him wait holding doesn't work what what what what what did i do how did he die i didn't do i shot the most [ __ ] ill advice like dog [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] want in the game that was like not even functional and the boss just you see i did like one damage to him i actually did like one damage to him and then suddenly [Music] the crab just [ __ ] dies you killed i i am fully aware that i killed the boss but you know [Music] i don't know how i don't know what i did [Music] i genuinely have no idea but uh you know he's dead so believe this one yeah i don't even know man i think someone rolled some boom thing and they just imploded wait did actually you guys kill him for me i think if i swear to god if chad killed him for me holy [ __ ] oh hello oh he goes on here wait wait this is different isn't it there's a was always a triangle there i don't think there was maybe i just haven't been paying attention [Music] but never killed the boss i don't think it was my damage all right this is where i this is like my nuclear testing testing grounds basically what do i do now there isn't a single boss in the game that i haven't killed throws each portal i don't know where it is again i generally don't know where the [ __ ] thing is well uh what to do now there is i've killed the wizard king here is there anything i haven't killed i've killed the triangles i think i've killed uh i haven't killed the ghost i haven't killed the ghost blow at the moon that's boring though were you afraid of water i don't know i don't know i just don't like it how would i know i wish i wasn't how would i know binding why do you like fish it just tastes good are you afraid of water yeah i don't like water i mean i would straight i'm not afraid of the water in my sink or like the you know i'm not scared of cucumbers because they have water in them but you know oh yeah when you kill that boss all the water becomes steam so now you can see like this well you can't see it anymore but all the water in the world is now steam when you kill that crab have you killed the french the little green guys i did yeah i did uh transport one of them to the thing and got the giga giggle nuke that i have here big big big hook i want to get the big one in there as well to get the gig a holy grenade but he just dies in the curse rocks i like i can't kill squid will try to feel the sauce we can do that how do i kill myself how do i how do i die chad i have to die now i have to die how do i die luke franz d100 lava death by jarvis uh can jervis even kill me i know how to die wait i know i know i know oh okay yep that that's normal didn't we place a black hole up here no it's reverted but we can make a sun there that's fine we can also just make us on there if we take my balls add it to the mix there's my balls there's also the sovereign nude you then how did you handle the abyss in calamity mod with your fear it's terraria it's it's it's it's just terraria it was scary honestly being in the indian terrier is a bit spooky but it's it's terraria you know it's still you can't change that oh the water cloud is just steam cloud now it doesn't actually rain have you finished the last 100 did you never play it i played the game and i beat it i think i beat the b sides last i played it most of them anyways it was this is fun i just didn't feel like meeting it again you know oh it's going to be so nice playing the new version of the the when this is over i'm going to re install the new version of the twitch spons and in that version aveishi has done me the favor of lowering the duration of ghosts and some other things one new d100 event that i'll be activating when i install it i think it'll be the one yeah it's going to be d100 it's [ __ ] massive and it's really bad but it was also it's it's massive and it's very bad it's also very beautiful i think wait no we've already killed the final boss no i was going to kill him with the sun but we've already killed him he's dead sad if only i'm just gonna bring this up here with me what could possibly go wrong we're just gonna stand here and just place this with us what could what surely this could not cause any negative effects right surely hello [ __ ] more hey make it what wait wait wait dude why why isn't it working wait that's supposed to work that's actually supposed to work this is a erectile dysfunction please i beg you just [ __ ] this game is actually griefing me dude nick dude [ __ ] make it into the thing okay what about now do it that's right yeah [ __ ] you deserved dessert okay wow wait what oh they don't have the [ __ ] boomerang anymore anyways how do i die then how the [ __ ] would i die how does one do that toxic lava lake the 100 oh i know i could maybe what what dice would be most effective for killing me i know i know no it could probably just crash my game but that's fine that's mine okay i'm gonna go to the channel points and i'm gonna set a certain diet to one one coin one channel point temporarily last time we did d3 now that's how we did d3 uh i think this time we'll do uh d4 d4 is now one coin and uh but where's the [ __ ] yoshi yoshi yoshi where's it obstacle course is it up here i will just use a speedrun music then let's make a bet can you kill me in one minute all right try service if you can yeah and any die is obviously allowed but you know that these four is gonna be one coin one coin i'll try to survive [Music] all right ready i'm gonna wait for this to well this is actually ticking down i'm gonna go take a piss [Music] yeah baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right it's time it's time now that it's gonna be one the d4 is gonna be one channel point three two one go do your worst do your oh my yeah [ __ ] my gear is gonna cry yeah that that's it's over it's over that's it oh it's still going it's still i'm shooting the nuke i'm firing my gun [Music] this is not gonna the game is just gonna crash i swear the game is just gonna crash 100 look look at those [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah there he goes there there it is you're happy [Music] there it is okay [Music] there we go you did it uh d4 where is it what was that like three thousand i gotta sneeze never mind i didn't now well this is going on you you kill you that counts as a kill that counts as a kill i don't care kill him with a crash do you kill me i'm just gonna install the new version of the model quick [Music] and then mods twitch extras there we go okay with what wait are you feel mad now are you upset [Music] i mean what do you think would happen genuinely what do you think would happen [Music] you really gotta start setting ground rules for your bets son matt [ __ ] your scammer wait so uh pink pink is losing pink looses what's pink no [Music] yeah so pink loses there we go yeah there we go i just saw i saw that one pink mold message they were gonna lose i just decided they lose nigh bet 10 on doubt kek what people get mauled every time la mao remember the hush run oh what happened to the hush actually i forgot about that how do you survive a crash though i want to see a a doubter i want to see a wait the outer believer i don't [ __ ] know a chat member chats playing themselves out of that one mega maggot this is going to be in trade twitch extra mega maggots uh and then there was a different one oh we gotta find them in like here it's like shielding ghost right someone's yeah the second one is going to be uh six uh wait where's it there six [Music] and then [Music] i don't see shielding ghoster so i'm just gonna leave it as this from now on i crashed the death okay mad no i decided i will i will uh daily i'll be dealing with these cases on a case-by-case basis so you didn't get the portal to hush in time or whatever and gave won't kill hushed out as the win and everyone mauled it out really hard oh okay yeah that um you know that's fine but that happened shot i don't remember if it was believed so that or she was mulled but i believe that there was a a lot of cope and seed at the time at the time of the bet okay okay dude uh-huh more gold epic [Music] this is a good one holy [ __ ] oh my strawberry boy thank you mommy oh we got that uh yeah foggy modifier in this level that's why everything's so slow you're gonna shoot like over there right yeah like this nice wait you scattered it when i had more gold you basically duplicated my money nice okay that's actually molding okay hello why can't i leave i blew it up two times let me out dude how how am i stuck still dude i can't move holy [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] stupid sometimes working more on game [Music] as an experienced gambler i knew that such a bet would have shenanigans therefore i only bet one coil take this as a lesson under major lll true what the [ __ ] was what what what happened on my screen just oh dead inside okay it was like five million damage over there coop nice dude there we go there we go instead of new gamble dude wait do we just go for final boss again i guess i could do that why not we can do a great bet soon about whether or not i will um be able to buy snooze in five minutes because i gotta go buy snooze again again i started my stream without checking if i had snooze so i have to go buy it uh space bunny and uh who be thinking what here once man is addiction yeah you smoke you actually smoke so shut up oh we got black holes though no no homing shots big you're so funny this is bjorn from the norwegian gaming and foundation authority i'm calling to let you know that you're being audited under suspicion of making doubters more have i tried the help we're sending an agent mad do you expect polish man not smoke are you on crack you know he still smokes he still smokes use whatever mental gymnastics you want polish [ __ ] but he still smokes and the [ __ ] sky is blue hmm can you can you come here [Music] can you come here hello i'm trying to go fast here get the [ __ ] out of my perk room you [ __ ] [ __ ] dog [ __ ] hello [ __ ] get out get out get out of my perk room thank you [ __ ] off [ __ ] i swear to god dude no stop stop stop stop stop stop i'm trying to [ __ ] black hole morons i should depict homing that was a bad idea so why don't take you so much damage i have like a million [ __ ] health okay dude [ __ ] coming okay black hole black hole black hole i don't have any left okay okay i genuinely was just gonna leave but okay i was just gonna leave there it is thanks no i didn't beat the boss i don't know why anyone believes i for some reason i'm literally i'm literally going straight from the top to the bottom will you ever play cruelty squad on stream no i i literally just go from the top to the bottom and i didn't pick up the spell refresh for some reason also thank you for the bits uh funky fresh cruelty i've never heard of that game well this news making britain go hissy no okay listen i'm gonna go buy this news right now and then you're gonna see i'm gonna play way better when i get it when i get the snooze it's gonna be like [ __ ] super anyways and the continuous roll yeah dude i'm actually so i think what snooze will you be getting you'll see when i get it quick mindset regards smoker regard smoker by the way regards [ __ ] washed up more on artist smoker i'm smoking you literally are smoking though you shouldn't he literally smoke what are you talking about smoker smoker [ __ ] thank you imagine being in smoker denial wait isn't the best on oh yeah let me let me let me just uh i'll put another timer oh my god okay that's i'll put on the timer and then you can uh you can bet whether i'll take more than five minutes or not okay going to a different store this time not going to the gas station so it's going to be a oh [ __ ] dude uh i can if i if i get into there in five minutes i can buy a beer because the beer sale stops in five minutes so if literally i speed on it i can actually buy a beer i wanna go buy a beer berry wait where's my obs show in my chat i can see my chat in the in the preview but i can't see my chat on the chat yeah i'll go i'll go just just kill me or something in the meantime it's gonna take like two minutes i just gotta get my my my my cop i forgot to make the bet uh okay there we go [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so okay dude i easily easily made it in time for the bear but when i when i when i ran out of my house i ran so fast that i forgot my keys and my all the outer door is automatically locked so i couldn't i couldn't get back in i was stuck outside and i had to call on the door for like five people i had to ring on like five people and then one guy was like oh yeah i can open the door for you and then i made it in anyways here's the here's the there's the beer it would have taken like less than half the time but i literally got locked out because i'm stupid anyways i got a beer though so believers uh mulderscope dr scoberman i'll crack it open ah ginger ginger beer is just too good man we've heard this song like five times today let's be real it's unshuffled but it just keeps playing the same [ __ ] beer tastes like dog [ __ ] horse [ __ ] same sticks literally same six songs i have like a hundred in the playlist or something what person did you get i got the the second mask news okay it's too loud hold up there we go my balls alone bloors thank you for tier one [Music] i'm glad to see the beer on was successful happy times thank you for the 100 sec snack appreciate it man yeah the beer was uh somewhat successful i got stuck out in the cold it's it's like may but uh up here in the north of norway it's still cold as [ __ ] let's do a prediction there we go damage plus let's go teleport him i got oil trail as well that's why it's burning okay no actually i don't wait what oh what a [ __ ] damn what's this summer to hold on it's like i don't know spring for you guys maybe i mean i think it's nice i think summer is good but oh a wand flamethrower yeah i like it i like it it's a nice summer is there it's really okay so the summer is like really pretty up here we get midnight sun and the sun like just keeps staying up and never going down which is really nice um but it's not like it it it doesn't get like super hot i think on the highest it will be like 25 degrees like 30 maybe celsius but it doesn't get very hot and uh you you can't you you can go bathe in the ocean but you're basically uh asking for a cramp that's rattling if you do that but yeah it's not it's okay it's and actually it's really [ __ ] good it's a lot it's i like summer a lot it's just again it doesn't get super hot and it takes it forever to get there right the summer is like very good but very short is there void liquid here what the [ __ ] okay oh worm blood fungus and so void liquid is is toxic sludge worm blood right and then mushroom alchemy editorial one i don't even know what kelly works i genuinely don't know let's see i'm going to bouncing worse that's nice more healing i actually haven't found healing i was like two runs ago [ __ ] one healing well not healing myself anyways okay yeah just [ __ ] not all over the place thank you look at the streamer just living his best life in the moment forever actually thank you for one thousand bit firing wrist man i thought that was gonna be bad because when i hear the sound effects it's always something bad but today it was actually something nice that i didn't kind of need but anyways only ultimate precursor and living caution that comes to precursor by random recipes oh one cooler went one cool event would be revealing those recipes but that would be really strange i don't know how that would be implemented but that could be a cool thing information you know reveal recipe if you like ginger beer bundaberg has a good one bundaberg maybe they do i just like ginger in general my favorite drink like alcoholic drink alcoholic beverage is uh moscow mule it's really good like ginger beer is good but um a proper moscow mule is like tremendous really really good whenever i go out and uh like get drinks i just get most commute i just like to do i just like i'm just like conditioned to like ginger because when i live with um when i look at my mom's place she would always like have these like ginger shots because she's like oh ginger is super healthy you gotta like eat two kilos of ginger a day to be healthy i'm like all right i'll i'll drink it and i will get this ginger shots all the time and i started liking it after a while and i was just like i just love ginger when i go to sushi's restaurant i just like order a bowl of ginger and just eat it it's nice are you a ginger ale enjoyer what's what is ginger ale i think i've heard that isn't that like soda let's try this you know i i'm gonna rear a lot for you because i think armed creature just doesn't work i'm gonna turn it off that was a tear [Music] was that one two two that was a tier three i'm gonna reroll that and actually what just happened okay diggy hole that was a long [ __ ] hole ah tier three it's like a nola games event it just doesn't work where's n n no not n armed creature that's a where did the n come from uh give one to enemy i think oh i think it has to be an enemy on the screen and it gets a wand it should like be in that case i'll put it on here too so it doesn't [ __ ] matter give one to enemy i'll build on two and i'll draw a new one for you there you go okay lucky placement what was the new 800 thing uh i guess you just have to find out i wonder how could you find out i could think of one way i can think of one maybe one way to figure out i haven't been using my dynamics at all let's run what the [ __ ] that's crazy okay are just a little bit nice wand oh okay downwards bolts cool i'll take it of that i guess oh axel thank for one of those myths though holy [ __ ] can we find some chill music okay there's something something relaxing that the thunderstorm event is like either it doesn't do much or it's just it just kills me out right because if i am in a water water when if i'm like in there when that happens i'm just dead i shouldn't i should actually have taken that with me i'm stupid oh my god okay dude chill i didn't get that enough money i think okay tinker everywhere let's go [Music] how does this work it doesn't work oh [ __ ] that's probably gonna set me on fire isn't it i can't play anymore once what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the hell what did it take so long to kick in okay i shouldn't use it on the bounces battles for sure at least on that yeah that's pretty good more gold placed okay [ __ ] this lodgeman oh we got waterfront oh my god i want to get water instead of blood there we go merry christmas thank you okay i like how we just instantly exploded cheese do you two enjoy some milk in your snooze cereal snooze cereal yeah that's actually pretty nice it's great my god this is scary that rock time see i'm gonna go down there oh [ __ ] gravity field a pretty good projector too nice we're getting somewhere wait what joy boy thank you for the five subs man appreciate it i did actually [Music] what's going to do with that i'm not strong enough to get the worst i'm not going to try doing that or whisk okay last one what will i roll up i wonder hmm always cast that okay i think i lose this one just mix this oh my god delay cast thank you cool this is a pretty good one oh my god look at that crazy absolutely tremendous having got extra life to make matters better this is a good one like overall though okay i do want a spell that i can trigger downward spot bundle with but i'm sure i'll find it later i'm not gonna pay for it [Music] with this 31 degree spread though holy [ __ ] damage plus [Music] i instantly just get roasted by these morons nice i really shouldn't waste my money like this the one doesn't miss circle i gotta always cast uh useless on my spawn thank you great can i please just oh the damage plus made me shoot slower that's what happens have you ever tried crown royal it tastes great and has different flavors bowser give it a try next alcohol run please what's this uh linear arc cast delay minus seven damage plus oh one by two don't take that i guess have you ever tried crown royal i don't know about that this is a snooze sultan guinness this is okay i'm not like a huge fan of it but it's okay no complaints this field this projectile feels so good dude holy [ __ ] this always casts just carried my run it's so sick never tried raiders rattlers no never heard of we're going to go now since i have the the wand always cast or like tinker everywhere i'm going to use this to go to the mushroom cave and get a good one instantly become strong if i had a sawblade spell i could kill the connoisseur right now but i don't have it so which dice did you put zuckerman uh six i could put it in two tiers honestly i can put it in five as well five and six there we go sis done seat backward these nut okay ever tried your mother no no i think i will you gotta roll it man i haven't seen it i don't know what it looks like it's my mother albino she keeps obsessing over this candice person who is that candace can these nuts let's reverse the lake and be very careful here there we go wait wait it was candice it was candace and then this [ __ ] can fit this stick and you're like you're not even using them that's not even what it was but okay go off sure can i like not drown in this [ __ ] thanks also why do they make water protectants why when they crash they make water i don't get it wet cheese perhaps i guess it is soggy perks to enemies hmm [Music] what's this he's got a shield oh okay 160 now based let me go eat some cheese have you never had a buffalo cheese so i guess [ __ ] no i've never had buffalo cheese oh oh only really biased towards being skeptically based thank you for watching the problem thank you thank you for the potion that the game just likes throwing in in the air next to me making it instantly just go away thank you thank you you know i think a good uh way of dealing with the mushroom biome void liquid because if you pour one wood licket in the mushroom biome it just disappears and then you can just fly around and pick up the wands right that's actually like a valid [ __ ] strat so if i just get warm blood and bring it over there and then that should be fine how do i get out of here is it to the right how are we gonna get void liquid though with worm blood if you if you bring worm blood to the mushroom biome it will just make avoid liquid that's really fine you also need toxic sludge for the void liquid yeah but there's you can find toxic sludge there right i keep finding toxic sludge i don't know what produces it but like literally every time but i could just i could just pick it up let's pick up some sludge actually let's just put it in the in the levitation portion no i could use this for traversing the the biome yeah i'll use this one then put some slugs in this there's some slurs they put sludge and worm blood in this and then uh it only requires like one [ __ ] pixels of this [ __ ] so it should be fine like that can i stop [ __ ] dying hello i'm not even i've changed my mind this [ __ ] [ __ ] needs to die though how do i kill him the friendly fire stop healing stop healing there we go voice is not doing it suck it up there we go it's gonna circuit the loop then i'm gonna fungal shift it i'm gonna fungal shift it i'm gonna empty out everything else it's a pure copying potion i can fit some more into it though put the surface that's pure copium here it's going to be a 100 coping portion pure copium pure copium oh my lord okay that means i won't need slovenium i'm gonna go to level two and just shift it i think i could go actually i mean i'm already going to the other place i i guess i could just do it there there goes slovenium now we put some toxic sludge in it [Music] i think that's all it takes now i get some worm blood i think this is the rotating portion i'm going to use later i don't need it right now i'm gonna use this later so i'm gonna put it over here just like put it somewhere it's safe it doesn't break there we go because i need one open slot for the for the egg we're meg and we're gonna get some warm blood with a bro oh okay oh with the burn blood we're gonna uh what does this button do copium oh you already did the fungal [ __ ] for you turned you turned fungus into copium well i think right now going to the fungal cavern should be a walk in the park the royalty has shifted horribly you know that's a pretty good shift that's a pretty good shift i can't complain about that because it's a pretty good shift what it just said fungus right so all fungus is now [ __ ] you know copenhagen see it cope seethe cup see copenhagen doubters who wait what was that how much bit was that eight uncomfy thank you for the 8 000 bits and making my run impossible to lose i appreciate it that's the that's actually the the most like [ __ ] detrimental or like run winning yeah it's gonna be a they make copium oh my god look at this the mushrooms may co bro oh my god um yes was hoping for cool maggot but this is also good yeah oh i need to heal wait let me just i'll get some healing here oh just like that the other is homeless true yes yes [Music] get that fungus oh dude if i get cordyceps or like any fungus perk if i get any fungal perk dude i'm just going to be a [ __ ] copy machine he has copium evils like i should i should do that yeah no no homunculus [Music] [Music] boop [Music] got him so this is the power of snooze that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying man you just popped snooze on them you get good at gaming [Music] i'm i am currently questioning my sanity because scale shifts shouldn't even looking at your inventory potions it it it was probably just random it was probably just random that's that's what i think it like yeah it was just a dream moment it was actually let's just wait to [ __ ] lock it to burn no no it's not no it was it was it was completely random didn't have anything to do with the fact that i had copied my mentor okay anyways good luck shooting me now morons i'm just going to cover the screen in bullets that will probably go towards you stupid nice one protect creatures well i can't kill them now can i are they all immortal now even the boss oh he's immortal too they're all immortal i guess i'll just leave them thanks yeah they're just immortal it's not just immortal well uh you know the [ __ ] was that [Music] i mean it looks like they can hit me anyways because they're you know how long is this last [Music] well this is over look how how unfair this is look how unfair that is he's just immortal more healing [Music] when this guy stops being mortal they're all going to stop being immortal i'm just have to keep keep tabs on this and more on how long does [ __ ] last man i'll just take i'll just keep taking sips oh boy my ghosts get it too still immortal after 10 years still not dead still still you know incapable of being killed today there oh my god holy [ __ ] that was like two years what the [ __ ] to yield you have to yield do this in the can't hit me i'm invisible stupid you can't see me how can you hit what you cannot see yeah we're fine yeah that's what i thought now he goes into a [ __ ] wall hello [ __ ] get out you're not supposed to be in a wall stupid [ __ ] dog maybe put on some fire stop griefing by okay how am i supposed to hit him now when he's being [ __ ] stupid this spell is not broken by the way i'll get away from it [ __ ] okay dog can you stop being so [ __ ] okay make a dog [ __ ] great die thank you freezing field always cast pollen well freezing is good for some bosses i guess [Music] okay thanks there we go i'll [ __ ] on my chair if it drowns in dog [ __ ] okay i'll go do it and you have to provide proof of this i'll be funny though imagine poo poo in the chair uh these are these actually kind of suck deck i don't like them they did like no damage oh shoots like 10 of these dude i'm not gonna take i do want more health but i'm not desperate enough to take a [ __ ] orb not that desperate this thing also is garbage i guess there is tnt to get through now i could actually just stick with the chainsaw right what's wrong with taking the orb the orb will make the final was stronger and the goal is to kill the final boss so naturally i don't want it to be stronger cope okay we were supposed to go down here i'm venting okay i'm being drowned they all have long research times a number mana for this come on england hello approaching the fungal wastes now hello hmm it's just oh my god oh tremendous oh nice i like this place yeah i think i do actually healing dude can you imagine a fungal perk with this [ __ ] they explode into copium tremendous big wand that one looks cool looks like some 5g antenna it has homing and they're really good that's actually it's shuffle but you know i don't want these these suck but it can probably change so better than the other thing yeah it's much better change though and there's obego so late that's gonna be a funny one no shuffle triple cast and a bunch of good stuff the flock of ducks and that's cringe let's kill uh if i find a trigger spell i can i can uh like completely [ __ ] up uh the one connoisseur if i want we should kill him with this with omega sublet actually he's probably gonna kill me okay see ya dude oh my god even this one's oh my god oh mega copium there's so much i can actually feel a bottle while being inside of it okay well you saw one guy post that and get banned so you're just gonna get banned i time that the first guy but the repeat offender gets spent i can cope him everywhere i'm not afraid oh [ __ ] that's a lot of gunpowder oh my god i got copium on my side it's fine i can't put the fire out but i can just scope through it i can just go through it oh it's gonna explode isn't it yeah uh that's a really bad monocharge speed one thousand recharged that that you know one thousand fifty-five i'll take off this it's a pretty good projector that's pretty good oh well it's it that almost one shot me but i got the heel back so it's uh yeah ah we got no money problems anymore money and healing what more could i need that's right explosive crazy is this a rigged run be honest be honest indeed improve once i'm done even this one shoots instantly now anyways oh [ __ ] we can accelerate the can we double cast those yeah this one gonna improve too holy [ __ ] show button [Music] so oh yes damage tremendous tremendous anyways yeah this is a good one there we go damage plus and black holes hmm nice yes [Music] yeah i think i'll take those [Music] is that glass okay i shouldn't that okay what the [ __ ] right okay this is where you go to this area of the game what's that oil yeah i think i love that homing is actually not very productive here oh okay hello hmm i could look for more spells but do i need it no my goal is just to kill a final boss [ __ ] it why am i even here bridget steele thank you for trying man [Music] not just gonna get out oh [Applause] can i move dude ice is so big in this game holy [ __ ] let's live and kill the final boss what the [ __ ] uh cringe oh [ __ ] anyways once again so leggy i don't get it is looking like a [ __ ] right now just pause buffering a bit shotgun no i think i want that um i like how we've she like recently pruned like normally we get like uh fungus blood or fungus soil or like one of the fungus types but since they've actually pulled everything so that everything is in the same pool which means like old fungus gets to do something or all of this type gets turned into something basically all of the fungus is now comfortable instead of just like fungus blood or fungus against oil or stuff like that so everything everything that has [ __ ] fungus in the name you should free copy him now i'm very uh i do appreciate that a lot that's very nice remember to immediately drink your copy if you spell to black holes happens you have died so many times because you panicked and tried to spray it on yourself true but i think i'm gonna die instantly like it's the thing about the black holes is that the black holes themselves don't do that much damage but they will pull in debris and debris hits for like several hundred damage on everyone including me um so if there's like a little if there's like a big pile of rock like a rock like this size hits me like at all i think i will instantly take like 300 damage but i do have extra life so i should maybe be okay i like your content mages here thank you for 20 dollars dude thanks appreciate it so i'm gonna come out of the vent again and uh anyways [Music] we got good money can i get out please yeah just go into that biome with tinker with once everywhere you will just have like a instantly broken belt basically oh oh wait we can kill uh oh this is gonna be this is gonna be super suicidal but do we care if we go to the one consider well how much the model is up 510 this costs 70. so it's twitter than that i don't think a uh omega saw blade can uh get out of a [ __ ] projectile field right surely anyways yeah let's do that i'll do it i'll do it did you beat the final boss no but we're gonna kill the side boss first because i'm not a [ __ ] wanna take the orb because the orb will make the final boss stronger it will also give him immunities immunities to freezing for example which i have here if i freeze the final boss i can simply to that kick or i can lick him i can lick him and he will instantly take 500 damage which is pretty good this is going to be expensive i wish i had something cheaper i i do like these [Music] oh no thanks for asking answering no problem dude if you have any questions about the game in general i can probably answer most of it i play this game way too much and i know too much about the game so x i know exactly what angle you need to go to jump into those you'll get five more dollars if you say i swallow come out loud i swallow come i swallow come i'll say it twice ten [Music] dollars i don't care dude it's it's free money you just say some worse how long did it take you to beat the final boss the first time i think uh the first time i did it with twitch spawns on so i don't think it counts after that i think it took me like maybe 20 30 hours of playing the game something like that what did you expect from fanboy cosplayer true true true it took me a while to uh to beat the game at the first time though aft without which one i beat it i think a bit like on the second or third day with which ones because like with the uh with the initial twitch like the original which one chad can just choose what you get right too bad these are my last five dollars you nerd okay brother thank you for the for the money for ten dollars total wasn't it i think it was anyways thanks carl the cacti thank you for the sub man uh what was it saying oh yeah yeah with the original they can just choose because they get like a voting little screen down here and they can be like oh we want to help the streamer and give him maximum plus so he improved i think they improved my wants like three times and if you get improved once three times like your ones are gonna be broken in one way or another uh i missed a sub standard lock thank you for the sub man you missed the nuke what what nuke i didn't see the nuke a nuke spell spawned anyways you see here on the left you see the the like completely apparent absent of explosive immunity right that should be your answer to that that should be your answer to that i'll take that off now until i'm actually gonna use it which is relatively soon but yeah okay this is gonna be risky as [ __ ] though i gotta be careful wait didn't we just i have not touched my playlist by the way didn't we just listen to this [Music] i think we did but wait we need uh i actually don't need this anymore i gotta get blood man zax thank you for the prime dude thank you bud water good water it's like half a half full bottle should be enough it should be enough i'll just listen to the music i like this song as well so it's fine so i'm gonna shoot the bus once with this and then i put the uh gigas already on here and shoot it with a trigger and this is 15 mana and then 70 mana and this one has 510 so it should be totally fine it should be totally fine so it's gonna be two and three two three two boom and then three here we go i'm not gonna pick up the orb though i just want the loot oh it's silly after me stop oh okay that was easy um anyways we got the wand here with uh rotating shots rotating shots is pretty good nuke does this one have maggot launcher and then a bunch of black holes cool they're both multicasts which is a bit cringe but honestly i can just nab the black holes and leave and then we take this i can put it on there rotating doesn't rotating i don't think that will uh decrease their speed this will just rotate them and maintain the speed so that's good i don't need this crap though it's a shuffle wand also see this is no shuffle but it's double cast yeah i i already have good ones well it's probably better than that i can put some spells on it just like store some black holes in there replace the used one with the fresh ones and then we're good yep down we go i'm just gonna fly too fast because chat might spawn a c of something on me if it's like a sea of acid and i just fly down i'm just dead that's why i'm always kind of scared of this pit when i play twist once look at that beautiful okay dude okay dude [ __ ] this game it's not rigged anyone who says this game is rigorous stupid going more on game there's my teleport i can just buy everything in here but uh invisibility okay nice dude [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] bouncing or invisibility bouncing will make him bounce more i will also make my spells last longer like my black holes so [ __ ] that forget let's just make that let's just get that yeah they will keep their [ __ ] momentum that's great oh my god they're just gonna be everywhere now and they never end because they are bouncing and they will just last forever dude [Music] there it is this is a pretty good one man i gotta say it does the trick this is the trick you need someone that just shoot this a couple of times and they they die and all my money goes scattered thank you thank you thank you thank you i have lit less money now uh 16k 26k we're back at 29 now that's good here's the shop and we get more damage yes we do we take a little piss portion brain well not on my [ __ ] thing outer visions no blood magic it keeps the i keep think it's anyways okay this was all garbage blog magic cringe i was going to tell you if you got homing bouncing chainsaws this run i would donate but when i got back from the store you already had it so take my money wait suffering cuffle a pod thank you for ten dollars i always struggle with saying that name it's it's it's really difficult i don't know what language this even oh yeah this also has chainsaws you're right you're right you're right hello albino i was wondering if you can answer what norwegian candy is your favorite mine is dime bar dime i don't like candy candy is cringe i like uh chips though if you can't chips as candy i like uh sterling's chips it's my favorite another damage oh my god we're gonna need free hitting pretty hard you know it's gonna kill him in seconds at least i'm re-rolling this can i get like one good perk oh i'll get i'll get this it's a follow part safalo part okay i got it i got it does this this is safer because there's less bullets it's safer because there's less bullets yes because twitch spawns and bullets is a bad combo let's use this nice mm-hmm this looks kind of crazy [ __ ] golden spells how many black holes dude how many black ops am i gonna find so yeah uh i have uh electricity no do i want that it's kind of chaotic there you go peace with gods not that it's gonna it doesn't actually matter this round because i can just kill any gods whenever do they're homing on their own the wrong [ __ ] yep it's going smoothly so far going smoothly smoothly smoothly i can't afford this once what do they have nothing i need that is for sure and i can't read it also i guess they'll get that all right boys final stage [ __ ] this thing then we should be dead now right probably good evening lb now good evening uh weeb pants thanks what's up please die no i think i will hmm copying blood squids blood bleed them too that's crazy [ __ ] ticks caesar yikes yikes sweden that's a big [ __ ] sweden more damage i don't really need it okay oh lava get away from me oh copium they please copy him what the [ __ ] what are they trying to hit okay here we go here we go dude my eyes oh yikes i can't afford this can i actually can what i never i can never afford this what the hell dude that's crazy oh cordyceps let's go mushroom spell spaced time to turn the music a bit check this out keep this one like really keep this one i wake up they bleed copium i guess doesn't care about that and he is about to do that is that bye bye man that's a fungal show oh my god okay i already beaten them so cry about it oh yes it was like what 5k coins like 17 percent [Music] doubters dusters ceiling seedling crop diet coppers coopers yes [ __ ] lava oh then look at all the copium oh my god oh yes i guess we'll just finish the game then yeah ah easy game cope ending what's the plan now uh it's nine i could do i don't know cause like i think we're getting a little bit tired of sap because we played it so much so i don't think like sap is gonna be like i don't know it's a fun game but we played it so much that like people are getting a bit tired and like we don't get enough players i'm gonna find with the one last round you know after three day break yeah i would i the thing is i don't know what else i would play on stream because now i'm like we've played noise for like three hours we could so definitely we can definitely switch game but to what ah we got isaac we got [Music] um you know hearing this song hearing the song got me [Music] finished [Music] maybe multiply on my switch [Music] [Music] where's my capture card there you are [Music] okay i think i should be able to just [Music] like that's mine [Music] i was in someone's place uh like half a year ago when i got this controller and i figured i needed a way to like recognize it so i took the kitchen knife in his kitchen and just like carved them like some some [ __ ] symbol on the controller so i would know it as mine [Music] anyways [Music] wait uh no no there we are gaming [Music] i haven't played this game for like weeks so don't be like multiple suck at the game okay please please uh you know no molding can we fight you yeah i'll do some warm-up in the elite smash and then i'll fight you if the game would hello did it oh it my controller is out okay my controller is dead i mean it's been laying on the on the table for like a month three weeks uh update sure okay well let's upload this i'm gonna go take a piss oh it's complete okay yeah but i'm out i need to piss i say remove the ice yeah i can do that i just got a piece though one sec okay did it shut off again i swear to god this thing turns something like in like a split [ __ ] if you leave the switch alone for like a half a second it will be like sleep and now i gotta turn it on again holy let me fix the rewards though fix rewards turn off turn off turn off hit disable there we go and now i can turn on the thing albino gaming oh this feels weird so this it feels weird to hold this controller i've been playing isaac so much that i have i'm used to like the ps5 this is really strange anyways let's do like i'm just gonna do a quick play to warm up i just gotta get into the game get a get a feel for it i think i'm gonna yeah captain falcon is good for warm-ups i think oh why not tips from go from burning hot garbage to just hot garbage in smash play the game just display the game you'll get better the more you play the better you get okay that don't listen to me don't come to me for advice maybe not the best idea my control okay this cable is too short there we go yeah you know we it's it's it's coming back to me it's coming back there's no one to play is there's no one in my counter play this game i don't think anyone has christmas it's it's dead do you guys want to play against me there's no one actually who plays this i i'll have to just fight viewers at this point that [ __ ] game then okay yeah this game is dead tremendous please zoom with lower gsp i could do a cop but no i'll do a battle arena i usually would do a warm-up but i guess i'll just have to do the battle arena then i'll make one and then you can fight me create but uh since it's gonna be uh it's not like a submarine or anything it's just like a viewer arena and uh you know first come first serve i guess [Music] that's gonna be the other rules where's the mario series the new super mario bros where is it [Music] there you are now the password is one two two one like that i will just sit here and date for my chat to uh you know come here and beat me up if i beat any of you then you have to retire because i haven't played this game in like 10 years like in 2 weeks so get in get in get in get in get in ok why do you mirror mush me you [ __ ] okay whatever why do we have a mirror match ah this is the last thing i want i want to play kill me all right well if i beat you with if i beat you with your mane this isn't even my name so if i beat you now then you retire i say that almost worked trust me it works more than you think what [ __ ] you no how did you okay the one time i tried to go offensive off ledge did i just get that in my face tremendous as if it was ever gonna [ __ ] work as if it was ever gonna work [ __ ] you [ __ ] you no don't do it man no we both have the same idea [ __ ] that's the hit got him got him that was supposed to be a solid b you [ __ ] kill me understood by [ __ ] you [ __ ] i was gonna do the attacks okay nice no surely i got this in the bag right surely i got this right surely i'm dead no not quite no oh oh is this clutch box oh no give me this one thing man [ __ ] you that was so close though that was so close bastard it's over it's over i don't like mirror matches man that's why i lost i don't like mirror matches if it wasn't a mirror get in the get to the respected receipt boys now i have to are you really [ __ ] this guy [Music] i'm gonna play something else we need game watch yeah i think i'll play again he comes more naturally to me just get in let's get in as long as no as long as it's just one person it's fine but if you go like five person in i'm going to kick someone [Music] oh my god get out the [ __ ] cue you morons i said one person i said one one go in one get out of the [ __ ] line morons one get can one person get in one there there you go thank you holy [ __ ] that's a bear not to kill me lose kick yeah you think you get more than one game who do you think you are all right the zebra got mad and kicked me because he lost no dude but you just get one game it doesn't matter if you win the loose he's gonna yeah just gonna do that [Music] oh i'll just press b i mean i can go all day fish oh she lived kick [Music] the stall the bucket store i call it [Music] okay feel free to spend five years of stage i have nothing you know i have no plans today anyways you see i just got you out of it go on the side be in side bend so i've been i'll just hold shield here i can never you gotta like reverse sideway there it's really stupid sometimes no no no all the time was just off [ __ ] off okay okay is this water gonna kill no surely not [Music] okay i guess one airdodge and i did [Music] damage so that's the w no like you got you just gotta play patience again play another you have no other choice and play like a [ __ ] like that's a really all you can do it's a boring masher like she's gonna do that and just get caught by an fb and that's basically an entire match then i can maybe get some follow-ups if she makes bad mistakes that's about it a bit too far away there [Music] nice taunts [Music] oh my god goodbye like you're just gonna throw out hitboxes that's really all you can do the slide just do the slide slide slide in feel free to do anything there it is okay i barely missed that [ __ ] off there we go okay one more stock [Music] just give her a little gas treatment okay i guess done for two years from my job that's great nope and there we go can i really contest that i don't think he can almost no my mp is too fast it doesn't matter if i'm slow down my hope is just too fast man it's just too quick it's just too quick clap i hate playing that character torture is done can i play a real character now can i play against the real character now i gotta kick this guy no i gotta kick him still give us a moment oh he left cool little mech that's fine little mic is fine but it's annoying but let's make it whatever oh we got a small stage that's that's tremendous you sure want to jump this little mac okay right into the fire this is death oh is that that's a 02 does i took damages over okay i'm done i thought it was gonna just say the bestie he grabbed oh that was close but no cigar there it is there got him doubters molding do i nine you got it oh clap i took a couple of attempts but i figured he was going to dash that because he uh a lot of people like to spam that attack with lulumek because it's really fast same with snake snake is pretty basically invalidated by me with my bucket if he throws a nade i can just yeah let's see what it does notice almost let's just tank those or like take them [ __ ] what almost he shouldn't be allowed to be didn't die okay he's too heavy die i'm done he hit me there i didn't turn around now we should die though there we go that's a lot of damage oh there was a poop i didn't see it i never noticed this stage is actually good for schneider because like there's so much blinking lights that it can be hard to see like we're in my nation [ __ ] so yeah okay okay okay sure that all right good game i think it's doria's turn now let's go oh this is lagging what the hell this is very laggy it's extremely laggy oh my lord got him at the edge there it is yeah got him oh i can never land this that like grab after that scuffed yeah i think the lag got him he likes the dash deck but it's like extremely punishable [Music] oh my goodness i'm done it's really hard the the kinky rules like a hitbox is huge so so getting him like through that it's difficult we gotta be like far away and like [ __ ] should get around him and then hit him so so it's it's a bit hard but it's doable there he goes gamble gamble slave you keep getting this map this is not laggy that's why no i was too late [ __ ] no my fish bastard no i should've i should've died there well i was shielding though okay bruh it took forever easy easy easy by the way use the damage well he got stuck for like two seconds i charge that really hard bruh i almost died my wife okay i was i was on the ledge but i guess i wasn't bruh there's that yeah on stage let's go damage it takes [ __ ] long dad my fish [Music] can they [ __ ] oh there we go perfect timing yeah but good game man i can never like figure out how long it takes for that uh blue black bald purple ball to the proc anyways who is next cloud let's go that was a grab come on was it fortunate we had to jump [ __ ] oh no there it is yeah i can't really punish that so well i was close oh he actually died didn't have a jump i could have sworn here jump this is gonna go into it all right oh no that's really unfortunate oh no no no there it is good game man good game tatters now i think it's bread yeah probably birds [Music] then hyperion anthraxis fractions mario i like fighting mario because it's a good matchup for me three two right he has that nair and that ner can just go through my [ __ ] my [ __ ] inputs miss inputs [Music] is that oh you could use wardrobe okay he did have a wall jump no okay i kind of just walked into that he wants a spike really bad based solder thank you for subs man appreciate it man like is that five joe biden oh i got him with you a bear i got him holy [ __ ] that's so rare that never happens only on josh's man there it is oh how so close no i want to go for a side b i keep getting hit by a smashing them so yeah good game easy and there's a game watching their kill ner you mean up here nair actually kills uh off stage it's a lot faster than up here that is up here yeah meister knows some setups to kill with the pair but it's like it it's really it you need to upbeat them and then i upper them like in like stupid chain but it's possible it is possible it's possible to do i mean it's possible it's possible to do consistently it's like yeah of course obviously it's possible but like consistently you you can set it up depending on like the maybe the di or something but it does happen sometimes oh go i think it's just pressing buttons at this point [Music] i thought i could roll back [ __ ] there it is there it is okay that was kind of sloppy but it works no no [Music] how about this zombie i think my i think my don't be a stronger i got the like kabum has two faces first is the suck-in projectile and then there's the actual damage normally in game wash you just get the second but i got actual damage and that's like on the game watch you just you just destroy them if you hit them with the bucket after that [Music] yep there it is gg man gg that recovery that if you don't if you use that recovery like at that when you use it there i was like okay is that he could like if i was him i would just like wait and go lower and then get the ledge but he like didn't even go for the ledge so it was free because like you know exactly where it's gonna go with that unless it does if you're gonna use it there i would use like the second or first level of it [Music] no there it is bye-bye those [ __ ] with me how long like how little they have to like recover after using that like long wind-up attack hmm okay just go into it just go into it okay that was a very quick game a good game good game good game this cool link not working no it works it works you're just cap that's actually capped it's working i swear to god it's working well i can't check it now because it's not there but if i night it works it works i don't believe you yeah it's working it's working really he's too big i can dash attack on the platform i'm done no oh guppy on there it is oh it can actually release it holy [ __ ] i don't know that it's pretty good there it is bye bye streamlink on discord what did i [ __ ] that up no i think i saved them i may have done paulie but your how to hear a video was a big reason why i picked him up ggs and thanks for the content man geez man good game no oh i can always fix this up it's going inside me and attack because perimeters works most of the time i can't like add spaces either it's like scuffed there it is that oh very close though the thing is so long man [ __ ] that oh never was killed 109 yeah that should do it i guess the other the the [ __ ] snake is like heavier than this guy all right there we go there i go there i go oh i landed a platform by accident oh there pick him up oh [ __ ] there we go there we go he was going to go for the suit i [ __ ] knew it i [ __ ] knew i was going to try that really tried to use proper ground yeah he was very like flying up in the air and landing with a forwarder but i mean it worked on me so i shouldn't complain hello there this is the matchup i usually lose but maybe a friend of us is that a mock mack ginger beer it's a local local brand in my town good song that's bad sometimes you just get a scuffed uh like positioning after that fair after they're i mean like that they're just gonna get nerd stop it man no never got him goodbye thank you for the winner baseball solo i like i don't try minus news that's the thing i only do like this news that i like and then nothing else [ __ ] i messed up i even got the platform right but i messed it up oh he wasted it out nice nice i'm expecting a ping it in discord for another clickbait really really really soon what am i quick what did i do a clickbait what [ __ ] are you talking about man i don't do any clickbaits all my videos are real no my nails better now let's wait machine up what the [ __ ] was that it just works it just works just just don't be down there don't smash oh he holds too far no no the million damage combo that was a grab my man the game worship is so bad it's so bad holy got him xd and the xds in chat i'm just gonna go over here again no xd xd stuff smash just walk up to their shield and just up smash up smash up switch as the more you bonk their head on their [ __ ] shield the more nervous they get and it just works it just works i think i'll do the rest of the pivotal in the arena then i'll switch to uh something else because i again i can only play so much smash at the time [Music] didn't put like throw me off you see yeah well we both have the same input like i think it's stupid when people play online they're like oh well i lost because of like it's like well dude we have the same like wait for us okay yeah just i'm just gonna hold the torch and see what happens hold the torch and absorb observe now no boy the manhole is just too strong sometimes no no oh dude i might [ __ ] i want to get a hammer just gonna find i gotta find the the point where i can get the hammer i don't think too hard about it now damn that was close we're gonna get it there there it is there it is you just gotta wait for the get up and you're good like the game watch man i like playing him i don't really i don't really have a main though i just play but i think it's one i genuinely really have the pistol i really have to piss so you know egg egg give me a moment noble you're not playing i think i think i said no i would do eternity i saw eternity here before i said i would do only the people in the arena i'll do no i'll do eternity through tube knob and egg those are the last ones no more purple up shhh [Music] up the pistoning is complete wait what there we go two women let's go let's [ __ ] him up blessing edge placing edge placing edge just watched your isaac video have you tried eating yet in yeah brought all my balls the [ __ ] here blessing edge she dodged with the [ __ ] okay then oh it just okay even these nuts even it's literally a character in the game though bruh you're gonna get my shield back that never kills it bruh oh my balls oh my lord my dad oh my god a dash that killed me pain oh my god sick punish by the way what i like to go so fast that they can like actually cook my uppy that's insane and i'm dead yeah a 20. good game boomer bands did we still have bats holy [ __ ] you made a [ __ ] command for it what the [ __ ] made that command did ilse make that because it's only gonna be up for like two more seconds wait it's not even up anymore i also wanna play something else i wanna play don't i wanna play monkey monkey no john no no no no you don't get to play it's closed these are the last two games the last two high energy will i get the dash attack yeah of course i will oh yeah because that was intentional by the way no oh no no got a blue there it is there it is there it is we got him no not this time monkey monk [Music] [ __ ] that kill me no no way there it is boom out of here not that oh i'm live what the [ __ ] oh damn that yeah no get me out i [ __ ] my hitbox extended over there tremendous well they keep doing that that's stupid bruh gotta blow there it is i got it get me out [ __ ] you i'll do it again okay that didn't work out [ __ ] what no no [ __ ] you okay all right easy game easy game by the way [Music] ah easy game easy monkey clap that was easy by the way okay i've already said like a million times that tube noble is the only last person to play man you don't get to play it's just me and him monkey and the doctor they got blocked [Music] no i don't know why downstroke it's just a bad habit from other characters stop it i'm dead yeah that was about i could you can't do this with dk super mario i mean the game watch maybe the dk now there we go that was immortal no [Music] no no no no no no that was close to spiking what okay well i hit him i hit him that was a worse trade what does that [ __ ] take me out of super armor no i'm almost killed no i'm not done that actually landed gg man gg gg that's gonna be the last game though that's gonna be less the smash game oh your super armor is so thin now i don't know how it works because sometimes you have like mad super armor on dk like you can i've seen a dk like side b through a [ __ ] smash attack like but a pill just takes him out of it although i don't know how i don't know but oh [ __ ] yeah i think i'm gonna just end the stream here and um it's been like four and a half hours i could do more but i think we'll i'll save myself for tomorrow and then before i go i want to show you something i want to show you guys something to those who are left here we're still here there's something you should see something that came in the something came in the mail something i i don't know it's some kind of you know kind of some outfit anyways um i'll see you tomorrow when i'm gonna wear it and uh play video games and probably drink so uh have a have a good rest of your thursday and stop by tomorrow for some uh for some gaming i'm not gonna get as drunk as i did you know what the the store for stream we don't talk about but yeah it's gonna be fun look forward to seeing you there and take care and uh you know thank you for the subs thank you for watching and have a good one bye
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 9,514
Rating: 4.9347825 out of 5
Id: idGCziFxZ8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 276min 37sec (16597 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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