Eden Run - Hutts Streams Antibirth

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let's start the recording and what do we want to do we haven't played like Bethany in a while but I kind of want to do like an Eden maybe a lost run this is not mod it's not polling it's just the normal stuff but like I said I got the the latest version so I don't know if anything's gonna be different I'm feeling Eden let's do it hundred bit some Chino Lenny notice me senpai meow sugar is here too by the way a nice sugar hello I got the shovel I got to shovel I'm gonna start shoveling stuff let's see here four point three one day which is really really good eight fire rates super super good so it seems like it's pretty balanced here because we got some crap items crap trinket and crap health but look at me now hell yeah okay good good damage us all we really needed was aa nine months in a row welcome back amperes to the dr 11 months 11 months being a buck already I got my butt baby shirt last Friday thank you so much hot slob huts love and qyx asks a question can i buy Lenny Oh sugar I missed that 15 months in a row hell yeah you guys are amazing thank you you too you too silly gooses silly goose ins and that actually really helps my ELF nice turn on the item thing what is that f7 it we actually was f7 that was a complete guess I don't know what I'm doing you guys I'm so lost alone and afraid let's move the cup over a little bit cup doesn't need to be in the middle of the screen nor do I but it's me you know if anyone's gonna be in the middle screen it better be my face go sundown prime sub hell yeah moonlight tears are Tier one 7-month hell yeah welcome back appreciate it you guys alright let's do this let's get back in the swing of things my eyes are burning today like allergy burning and I don't know what that's about because it's literally them like you know it's really really cold outside it's like winter I don't know what happens oh you know what you know what I actually I used a different lotion on my face my eyes they suck I have like chronic dry eye or something which means I've got like a basically a hole in the layer of my eye and the top layer of my eye which makes them my eyes dry out really really fast it sounds really really weird and kind of messed up doesn't it I mean I'm not getting like laser surgery so they're not like you know lasering holes in my eyes okay you got you you who got laser surgery also had holes lasered in your eyes this minor natural does it see what the game sounds are on can you guys not hear it it does seem like it's a little low but I don't know why that would be I'm just testing Dawkins I can see it working but it's so low it's low I don't know what that's about I have no idea let's get back to like saying things and stuff MP m12 prime sub acre 11 months qyx also says announced the second question will you stream guns in today probably not Sheila's watermelon ten dollars time to correct my mistake of course I wanted to write this so here I go practicing it some more thank you so much jealous watermelon appreciate that Chino Lenny is my dander burn burn now pet me yeah maybe it was Lenny I don't know he's just like sitting there like flaking up some dander towards my face 11 months enough for Daniken's super excited to see anti-birth again and hugs appreciate it you guys appreciate it I'm not sure why that poop popped it's really inconvenient for me we're fine we're fine we're good mr. yachts I miss you guys too yeah it's just you know that's I don't know you you know I don't know it's a really good phrase it kind of sums it up makes no sense nothing really makes sense right now just kind of floating pretending like everything is fine fake it till you make it right this well be 17 months in a row welcome back you just had to show up Chino and sugar dunya didn't you you're like all 15 ha ha lowrider you know okay I'm just gonna like let's just do the first floor here you guys before I'd really try to fix the audio I don't know how big of a deal it is for you guys and it's probably a big deal though because I'm playing the music through here I don't know it's like maybe I'd have to restart the whole thing right I can't I can't change what's what it's going through let me try one thing I do this know that seems right that seems right there's no reason for it to be low I figured it out I solved it oh my god that's the reason remember I'm like let's finish the floor no I thought I solved it is that better I can hear it yeah no it is important because the music is on here otherwise it's just me like lonely like in a room sitting here just talking to you guys no music and no sound effects and I'm just like hey guys I'm a little sad today let's try to like not do the whole pathetic thing I'm just trying not to be pathetic generally not sure it always works but we do what we can we do what we can has a staircase or a ladder whatever I can hear it you can't come the metal says Lenny is just waiting for you to try a boss fight to bother you all probably waiting for the most inconvenient time for me glad you're back hope everything gets better to the gamer don't don't worry about me so much you guys don't worry about me send your positive vibes to Chantal I mean don't actually do that right just just mentally mentally think it but yeah I'm okay I'll be okay can I hug you you look very bad it's mainly my eyes I think it's because I put a lotion on my face and I'm the sensitive eyes my brand you know thanks that kind of stuff and this I swear I haven't been crying long time didn't watch you so this is through I need to save a key so I can get into the next floor at least we look Supes cute so you know that's the best part about speedball is that we look Supes animos you got to find a positive light and everything in life you know and that's what I'm doing right when I'm doing Chino five thousand bits holy crap hold on wait don't be sad stop it be happy I give you blue shiny rock thingy with bids I love the blue the blue is my favorite did you know that Chino you knew that Bakura ten months internal buh fook two months in her all welcome back and she know the five thousand bits appreciate it tech to also I gave myself a shave and shaved off the beard mostly you know it's still what quarter inch and I trimmed up the sides of my hair and I feel good I feel good about that you know he's gotta find a little good things that make you feel good that's that's uh you know nice nice haircut thanks guys I appreciate it nice thanks yeah you warms my heart should I take it or not take it do it take it tech to run go for fun or die I like the scruff take it rip beard do it alright I'm seeing I didn't see anybody that said not to take it so I did but sugar suggested blue instead of light blue I like the blue I like the blue bits my favorite all right so I have a key let's do this let's go Tech 2 is not my favorite it's big damage down but it's really good with epic AK it's really good with homing finger guns it's all I gotta say about that if I give you $1000 can you put the beard back on well technically it still is in the it's it's in the bathroom if you give me $1000 result I'll scoop it up and then I'll show you 14 months in her life a kid icarus it's okay don't don't be cry welcome back but house looks like it's coming along nicely it's really slow very very slow but it's it's cool that I'm doing all this stuff myself it's like this magical stuff for your like even like a year ago right I was like I'd never know how to do that like that seems ridiculous like you look at the walls and you're like it's all square and like nice and not dented and I don't even know I can't even comprehend what goes behind building a house and then Here I am Here I am doing a bunch of stuff so something I never thought I could do something to be proud of myself I suppose so I'm not sure how he got that shot off it's a flip and wizard dude Joey Joey very human tier 1 sub appreciate it crawl spray space bruh didn't go into the crawl space look you guys I'm busy okay I'm dealing with stuff that's just going to be my excuse for everything right now you missed a tinted rock dealing with stuff dealing with things okay whatever hi daddy I miss you can I have a kiss is why draw six months in a row you can kiss my ass got her got him got got that person I think you know three amps of hearts I think I have three-and-a-half soul arts we can always come back hi find probably not gonna be taking it phd's it worth three soul hearts damage upgrade yeah it's good but three soul hearts good and stop watch probably is worth its weight in gold probably should go back and get stop watch stop it's it's a rebirth stopwatch so it's all the time it ruins the music but I don't know oh thank you maybe I should have taken beanie baby because you get it out of the demon pool which is nice nice pink stock a war hero a preacher the promise of bull pics and I've read it 23 months in a row we talk a war hero that's amazing 23 months it's almost our two year anniversary to the Lord I'd like to be wined and dined first okay I hope you like homemade wine that's also my poop when you're done build me a house Hut's lame if you enter like take out a wall or some Chino like uh yeah I'm your dude let's get let's get a Bob first get some more health before I open up that deal of the devil a 11 months for bearded Brit much love hot still up new contact content almost a year later keep on being awesome appreciate that breath and Sam five months enroll hangouts spent five months already I want you to know that we are all here for you with you here is a big hug for you and Lenny appreciated zan Carl booed six months in real happy or keep on killing stuff with tears love you man thanks guys I feel the need to say you guys I don't think I'm gonna be able to keep Lenny so I don't want to hear any hate for that it's technically not my cat so be ready for anything prepare prepare your buts so Libra what's up I do plan on getting a dog though at some point I like dogs I didn't find a bomb by the way [Music] am i shooting double tears here what are these two tears coming out of my face for no $3.00 bill probably gave me 20 20 houses confused it's it's still happening you know it doesn't three dollar bill reset after a while when what a three dollar bill gives me like homing I'd be great that'd be super neato Wow I'm not sure how I dodged both of those I know how I dodged that one watches this chat goes insane about Lennie news it's uh it's not really up to me like I said get rid of Bumbo instead [ __ ] boobs I mean boo boo blonde well uh oh I think I have three and a half hearts but what if I only have three what if I got actually hit by like a double tier did you get a new haircut did I get new glasses yeah such my glasses I can you tell Thank You Khan for the thousand bits I did get a new haircut I did it myself today actually when will you play hallow night I have no idea kill yourself if you get rid of money okay that's the kind of [ __ ] that makes me want to just stop the stream right there write that in there what would you name your new dog see I've always had a dream of getting a dog and naming it Carl and any Carl's out there I apologize but here's the kink here's the kink take the stopwatch instead here's the kink - this whole thing is that my neighbor is named Carl so I can't just be outside like Carl Carl hey Carl Carl stop eating your own [ __ ] Carl and he's gonna be like inside like the [ __ ] it's like I don't think I can I don't think I can Tara Beast a hundred bits beep beep suicide don't understand it brah name it Dylan go for coral no corral you guys are the worst you know play super meatboy forever since it's coming out until is in eighteen oh I don't even know what it is couldn't tell you couldn't tell you either way oh there's another tinted rock - dude what the just give me a bomb give me a single bomb why can't you keep Lenny cuz shantel bought Lenny it's chantels cap it's not my cat like I said guys I don't want to hear about it I'm torn up enough about it you don't they like shoving in my face man just clone them right Carol you guys are nailing it guys are nailing it it's not the fact that it starts with a c and sounds like Carl I just like Carl name it Corral endless-runner based on the original Super Meat Boy is it by Ed or did somebody make it and it was like yeah that's fine you can do that just a heads up for those of you who are here I can hear this message pass that along to everybody else who is inevitably going to ask about such things I won't be talking about it and in the why that's that's not information that needs to be public that's information that uh it's just for me so don't ask please be respectful name it loraq Carl backwards gosh you guys are just helpful helpful okay I hate these guys I just can't dodge them can't dodge them I can't do it sad winky face from grandmaster 8 20 bits appreciate it Chino get a Pangolin and name it dark bug ulis mallet table 11 months in a row hey their butts appreciate it guys I'm surprised that a lot of guys are still like sub to me even though I took a week off that's awesome of you guys to do that but and uh I didn't expect that cuz I've taken some time off before I came back and it was much worse than it is now dub squat I don't know what a Pangolin is if it sounds like a Chinese instrument I'm not gonna lie do you play the flute no but I play the Pangolin dude what the [ __ ] dude if I walk into a room and get hit within 0.5 seconds no I don't like that I don't like the rooms like that I don't like that tech - why aren't you doing it for me I'm dying miserably let's brain worm what are you what do you do I don't know that does okay what does that do I get a laser and the tier huh mistakes were made well that looks cool though catcall man prime sup welcome two months in a row for dancing leo Chino enter bits o McGirt Hudson's a human I needed to deal with things unsub her codename countess has resupplied for nine months now it's happened I am born in only a few days before my nephew was due let's love appreciated codename countess and Ben J $10 sorry to hear about all the things you are going through right now mate hope this can help just a little appreciate it Chino hundred bits Pangolin it's like an armadillo with scales instead of a shell okay so armadillos are instruments as well is that am i hearing that correctly I didn't that's what I'm getting out of this conversation I also played the armadillo mr. epsilon apps alpha prime sub it's up mr. epsilon alpha you know app you're not rap salon it's when you're like super rep in your salon mr. rap salon get it funny jokes yes what's a laughs laughs damn it I'm gonna save this ah see okay look I got to shoot the laser or let's let this the tears sit on them what the hell am I supposed to do I'm saving the bombs is trying to say for the door to get into the next caves part did we're getting creamed on thank you for that black card jeez Chino I don't know but may isn't it mayonnaise an instrument flappy fruit 500 bits sorry to hear but you only come out stronger all here for you boil like I said you guys don't worry about me I'll be fine I'll be okay more of a private person in that matter anyway so appreciate the support though we made it I'm just really not looking forward to the fact that we picked up Ludo it's just it's really not working out with this combination is there something that we could get that couldn't make this all better I don't know homing may be regular tech our dogs an instrument I mean they make music I'm not sure you call it an instrument like an that guy I'm not like an that guy I'm not I'm really not like an that guy oh oh oh stop hey nuts that stop stop stop stop oh um yeah no that's there's nothing to it there's nothing to it we're just screwed my eyes are like really burning you guys I think I'm having an allergic reaction to whatever lotion I put on my face cuz it's like sizzling I feel like I could crack an egg on my eyeball and it would cook this is an unfortunate situation to be in that was just an unfortunate situation to be in I mean the combination of everything they had plus those rooms plus my eyes what's about new haircut I kinda don't dislike it's his referee you guys I've had this haircut for a long time this is my haircut this is like the way that I cut my hair every time I cut my hair it looks like this pop out your eyes and switch them for olives really helpful stuff once again okay we got we got good health this time that's probably it that's probably the solution that I'm looking for thank you did I just start with a shovel twice in a row or no did we pick up the shovel where did we get the shovel why do I have the shovel is that's the second time I start with a shovel this isn't it wash your face with soap and water get some eyedrops also get good yeah but that would like also feel like hey let's take a 30-minute break maybe worth it if my eyes are gonna fall to my skull but twisted eut what's up appreciate it welcome did I say Ben J Tier one sub appreciate it flappy fruit 1000 bits I liked it I read the message I'm not surprised anymore Jarvis $25 hey us to saw your boy late latest vlog you already know this but we are here for you with all them loves I know you guys I'm ok ok I'm ok ok what letter are you BuzzFeed [Music] brain told five months in a row spaceman glaze 15 months in a row welcome back welcome back you weirdos slap daddy $5 I put on a face mask the other day that my wife bought for me it was quite convenient that it was mineral oil based I'm allergic to mineral oil I had welts and burns all over my face hope you aren't allergic like slap daddy that's never good it's a it's a welt mask supposed to simulate the thing in a boxing match electro noodles 22 months in a row welcome backs baby space Jesus 11 months hey Hut's first message on on our hey Hut's just wanted to say thank you for all these months of entertainment it's really shitty what happened and have had the same situation recently you have always made me feel better and I hope I can do the same for you appreciate the 11 less my friend squad taught 16 months in real hard to love you I'm super glad to have your back hope you're feeling better you always have my love and support especially for like day don't skip squat technique hash tag Paramore freak tier 1 sub welcome pro ken 1234 love you stay strong our times right Paramore freak no they don't stop better that's fine [Music] I'll squad only 16 really see you drive the black car let's not take damage to spiders though doing so well and then I run into a spider wrong trouser 12 months hard hard hard hard it's updated flux flow asked a question started asked that seems like a sensitive topic but I just got here no-one's explaining Chantel Lenny or the new dog yeah I'll let somebody else take care of that Sparky yang hello hello Hutt's how are you I've been better but thank you for the three months in a row appreciate it also procane 1234 is kind of a big deal I mean it just like gloss over that I didn't she gets like more and more drunk every single time dude I don't I don't edit edit edit edit and I was like flight of the bumblebee say hello to my nipple free that's okay if you guys like talk about it I'd rather we we don't but if that's what you guys want to do in the chat that that that's fine just be respectful you know if you start being like where this is Blair dig this and this person's like that and Blair I hate or don't like or Blair this then it's like cut it out crap cut it out there's no need nothing but love right nothing but love and good vibes get away from me no stop you can keep doing that though that's fine I didn't mind it it was pretty there's a nice little like pirouette alright tears up 7 fire 84.2 7 damage good health you know what I think there's enough healthy going to the curse room I guess [Music] oh my god hahaha the red key the red keep oh I didn't know was gonna be another curse room door but that's pretty cool cuz we just got that wait a second why is it what was that for swords why did you take my soul hurts no I'm not gonna get a deal with the devil the nice floor oh is that what you got oh my soul hurts a bag I gotta go to cursed door as though I hate and don't like blur blur where is the Hutt's apple juice oh yeah you know I can use one really but I probably shouldn't it's pretty early and it's a what Tuesday what day is it I don't even know dude nice haircut thanks guys km 5 months in relics love and Gian for know last question what you can donate a living I'll live in your house and with you and give you love be strong it's a little creepy thousand bits by the way Chino thank you did I say thank you I'm just I'm like here but I'm not really here I mean that's what today is gonna be halfway sky storm prime sub thank you for that what is the red key the red key allows me to get into doors ok look at this I can obviously tell the top secret room is right there because the red door is not showing up but I don't have the necessary equipment to open up that door and get in there [Music] down we go hey hurts what's up going beyond a certain border crashes the game though we probably won't get there but should I follow vlog Channel is there something about it I saw ah what am I supposed to do just three two main wasn't even trapped I was raped it's like being draped worse vlog channels like life stuff I guess if you're interested if you're not interested then follow it tonight rusted done nine months in her know nine months Hut's while he was a bad joke for Chad why should you not write with a dull pencil because it's pointless [Music] we have a moment silence for that joke niall nine months in a row another nine month or you guys have got to stop getting nine months like give me a break okay I need to stop spending my money on ba-baby t-shirts and start saving it for my house okay my house is gonna fall apart just like my eyes are that's very interesting that's so interesting I almost forgot that wait a second I didn't even know it's hard to forget when you never knew in the first place that you started with the paperclip I was like oh we're came and I'm like I'm not I'm eating it we started eating run we died it's the second eating run it's a good one looking here on nipple liquor what's up I'm kidding about the Bob baby stuff I keep doing it I like it was a joke was a really funny joke two nickels double nickel back what's better than one nickel back all right so red key this allows me to keep opening up rooms that don't really exist you feel did you dig there's rooms that are there but they're not there basically I open up a door and it's like ah it picks a random room so apparently I can even get angel and devil rooms curse rooms self sacrifice rooms item rooms up here so it's a chance to get more stuff by essentially creating an whole new floor it's interesting but seen a lot of anti-birth recently what does the red key hat you have do I just good thing I just explained it nice David lief $10 a man tweaked my back last night working out so I'm chilling all day take my damn money and nice to see you're back don't forget to like ice that dude dude bro I don't know does it really matter I don't think there's there's not even a transformation bookworm is after birth so it didn't think everything matters I could have gotten a free pill I suppose just like how I feel about it you know that's really good they're both really good wait is the charged one it is sporky gang 10,000 bits oh my god well I feel like a jerk before asking how y'all been been me and myself recently love huts also a neighbor I am some but at that P thank you so much Sparky for 10,000 beds ABS tier 1 sub welcome $5.00 from kisame that sucks I know how it feels my girl of a year broke up with me on October 22nd stay strong thoughts you stay strong as well my friend how's your vacation says teak terrible what did I miss flux flow I'm back with positivity I know it's hard right now but don't forget your happiness well we must always find ways to keep moving forward I know it's hard but you you're a tough mother trucker I believe in you Thank You flux flow nine months for neo I think I don't know if I read that but yes thank you I appreciate it you guys holy [ __ ] Sparky all right fine fine you know is it cool if I wear these hats sideways like snapbacks is it look like I'm half eaten by a fish it's up but to drop this sickest rap album but 2017 that's for five months in a row damn that went quick got a new job so won't miss next sub I appreciate that welcome back yo I got a fish on my head the fish looks like it's dead but don't you Fred oh you know I should probably go with electric penny so I can charge the red key but it's just it's a really tough decision here eraser that removes a one enemy from the entirety of the whole run Who am I gonna hit up well these guys are only on this war so like I don't know let's just let's use it I bought it I want to go with the red key I'll need that back so I think what this charged penny does is a chance to get a charge when I pick up pennies I think I don't really know man guppies tale plus clip is good though it's just you know what let's roll with this open up all the chests leave all the pennies in the floor and come back and pick them up for charges genius let's hope that we get as many chests as we can get here that's also really good I like that yeah okay okay [ __ ] yeah sure cigarette must not be there why can't I why can't I open up that red door I obviously don't have you know the red door works then how it as well how was I supposed to watch it flappy just poked a huge hole in your joke thanks a thousand bits my friend you like when I poke holes in you I mean your jokes that's cringe guys I'm a pleb I bought call of duty get out all right let's wear the hat for real though should I go orange my next hair dye color it's a good match Magikarp you know you were talking about an arena modernizing these streams ago something similar could be done a new mod that gives you a red key with infinite charge in each room gets progressively harder and every ten rooms or so you get to choose one of three items you know you can implement something really simple like that where you know it's a challenge where you start in one room and have to use the red key with infinite charge like that and it gets difficult and then like every ten rooms you get a chance to like go to the next floor or keep going and test your strength or something I don't know I like what you said better it just sounds like more coding like the harder we make this thing the less likely it is that someone's gonna pick it up and try to mod it you know what I mean if people are ever gonna do that anyways no go red go blue purple or red I don't even see that looking up they'd the coin right the other blob [Music] more like Beals a blob it's super effective uh Sierra Oh purple red blue hair I don't know is you guys talking about can you make a hard-working Hut's emotes as David I could see it what are those red rooms they spell murder backwards Sparky gang 100 beds am I getting kicked out again totally kicks bark Chino a thousand bits oh my god a wild Magikarp code pulls out a gun at her . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I don't know super drunk thank you so much with another thousand Paramore freak 100 bits a house hope you having a great day as well as the viewers I just recently subscribed wasn't able to leave a message stay rad appreciate that Paramore freak kills I feel naughty saying that I'm calling you something bad yeah whatever freak thanks Punk you know what I mean right we're still still friends right go rainbow I think you call that about a unicorn gonna go back and get those pills again to see what the other ones are call your dog magic Carl joke up the bad taste in my mouth dyed pink and red go back for penny go black I am a unicorn I have thirteen hundred pennies Lowell I'll let you brag about how rich you are more good jerk I'm so rich look at me I'm Sparky game I know I didn't see a door open I don't think so and thanks for shooting me and thanks for another thousand bits Chino you're crazy man you can't just start just doing a thousand every time I can't do that it's illegal I'm not gonna allow it take him back anti-birth has been updated I don't know I played it a while back and one of the guys who works on it said like this is out of date and I was like oh that's why I redownload it wealth of power BRB I gotta take pop to poop all right I thought this charged penny was supposed to give me charges for money was I lied to I think I was lied to been lied to let's actually just look it up why not just look it up so we know we're doing and stop poking around in the dark you don't know you're gonna poke I am so abused here you know we love you that's why you make me do what I do I love you oh no that's terrible it's a bad joke don't say that joke abuse is not okay if you truly feel abused you should talk to somebody to drink it drink it drink it drink it drink it drink it drink it where are the trinkets I'm on the wrong page you guys anti-birth thank you scroll down to the trinkets and we have this one every time you pick up a coin you have a small chance to gain one bar of charge so it is it's just really small it's just really small watch me blooded wine eight months in a row thank you so much welcome back Kachina 1000 bits I don't even know I don't even know man thank you thank you you're feeling very generous today you can see sugar stop him stop him he's a madman I think I'm gonna roll out the thing here I think I have to I think I got a roll with the charged pennies so that I can use the red key to its fullest extent because I see us potentially breaking stuff with the red key you know I mean what do you guys think which trinket do you think is better because I do see an argument for Guppies tail plus paperclip law of uniform on snarl good to see you back hope you start feeling better soon a damned fool ten months in a row Kaka Carmen Electra show them what it me if what it show them what for it mean to be super sand legend I'm dead I get it M embers thank you so much the tier 1 sub and RJ fire prime sub welcome me guys penny penny penny penny clip paper tape clip I'll paper clip clip paper clip me I'm actually seeing a lot more clips here clip clip clip clip clip guppy sail clip is far better go with the penny I guess I mean like Chester chess right appreciated David Lee go I'll go with the paper clip if that's what you really want but rip using the red key that I thought the red key is a rare fun event that popped up you know if we get the sack head or something I could see the chests being way better but paper clips clip clip but but that but but but try the new penny for chests it's predicted percent giggity dick you guys are nuts right now 669 from M thank you so much being from Finland Hots been here for like three to four years Noah sub 2 twitch earlier but living alone and studying doesn't pay so well so had to cut that to take my lunch money for now I appreciate that I will eat noodles for a week oh my gosh em thank you so much keep the good work man thank you for being very very generous take care of yourself though to me Co is that how I say that or is it like letters and numbers and stuff I don't know how to say that I tried flappy fruit f is for friends yeah Chino I just think you were crazy but now I can see you're nuts there is no sack head because it's rebirth oh shoot do the penny you guys you need to like make your you need to make your minds up you saw use the book at some buckets taking a break you know okay okay yeah yeah penny do it lockpick paperclip penny penny clip paper I just you guys need to make up your damn minds penny is rare I'm gonna I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna trust my gut in this one you guys are very split first you want one thing then you want the other thing you know you want to go back on it Tim dog 11 months in a row welcome back balloon Berserker eleven months and I'll welcome back appreciate it and Chino you losing your damn mind pull it nah we're fine I'm gonna trust my gut dude my eyes are burning I might just have to be a short stream today [Music] David Lee 500 bits okay one more time you're gonna make me read it there's a there's a threshold to the voice-activated commands kids oh my I'm not sure how I dodged that I'm so good pun bunny hello kind of missed the streams last week but I hope you're doing a little better now also form one type come on Reggie hook me up breath punk-rock blaze I'm self welcome wash your face or no eyeballs I think I'll rinse my face off quick I couldn't probably should I like anti-birth they did a really good job with it and thank you so much for the 1,500 bits knock ewis you guys are nuts right now I got another shop I got a second shop what does Eden get if I pick up the the birthright I don't know what he gets item track a rib oh yeah the item tracker I don't think it works for anti birth I didn't work for regular afterbirth like I can't get it to work period so use the red key in the item room I don't think it matters where I use it but yeah can we do polling do it I'm gonna I'm gonna rinse my face quick you guys I'll be right back [Music] oh what'd I miss firedrake insert sarcastic comment here 13 months thank you for that welcome back alright birthright I got a luck upgrade of two I guess I don't know if the evil charm does anything other than that but thank you Amber's in Chino 42 but 43 if he's feeling sassy yeah math checks out you guys are nuts I don't have any keys lefty guys rip paper clip of course I open up a door so I would have lost that key regardless but okay I'm gonna go for that I want the chair back you know what no all the penny it's paying off it's paying off I got double charges from that oh don't actually I I wouldn't have bought in it but I don't want to you know I wanna mess around too hard here be careful what is it though oh it's the one thing where you pick up the raw no I wasted my money let me know if you guys see pots or tinted rock I could could use it to pick those up and throw them around I suppose don't tickle Chris prime sub welcome master machete 11 months in a row welcome back the hundred beds I only spam bits because I love your love yous I appreciate it dude all the time can I tell you that I appreciate it okay I'll reset it and rift money spam tastes good if you know how to cook it Pass you know I probably would if someone made me a spam sandwich I'd probably try just to say that I tried it let's just say that I tried it as a few buckets around sue me mess with it maybe later maybe late ah it's a book rub that's a good book room ed of Book of Revelations in there so I like it Spanish do you appreciate it are you [ __ ] sorry if you don't get the reference I apologize for the profanity but that's some funny stuff just look that up alright [ __ ] sorry assuming that you find the right thing something to do with a guy like ends up kicking a soccer goalie in the face football mm-hmm whatever you want to call it kicked him in the face and he tried to say I'm so [ __ ] sorry and are you okay and he says are you [ __ ] sorry perfect goalkeeper starts to tear up a little bit there's a bucket I know let's maybe like go back in with the bracelet after the fact and break all the rest of the buckets otherwise it's gonna be a lot of backtrack back and forth back and forth back and forth for every bucket it's my favorite story you mr. Potts mr. mom's pot use the key in the item room for science I did it off the item room we were literally literally just came from the out of room but that's me using the key it gave me a shot you're saying go off the other side of it do you think special rooms beget special rooms well is this a special room kinda but then again that can't be the case because you know I went off of the shop that we opened up poison tiers on top of my poison tears all could i I went off a red key off the shot that we made and I didn't get a special room so what is the blue testicle with an I do plus two luck does your testicle have a keychain on it that with your testicles look like to you know that's odd she could open that rip that's because it's a Red Room you guys even know what you're talking about are you just making [ __ ] up I think you're just making [ __ ] up isn't that really nice sell the first floor we get sort of almost all the time poison tears and then we get an upgrade to get all the time poison tears kind of wasteful but looks like a bomb I have no idea what I'm talking about I was right says Robin Smith testicle bomb red moon 11 months in a row welcome back alright let's go the other way out that item room and see if it's yeah not special see I just totally debunked your [ __ ] tella pills attempted should have gone into the cursed room and then tell pills would have been a better use of it Chris prime sub welcome with a face wash help uh I can't tell yet eyes are still burning knees weak palms are sweaty it's a piercing and its aesthetic choice thank you very much you do you man you do you just don't talk about it be easy with the pot throwing could you do they I don't think they grabs into drugs and then they do it that's fine I'll bust it up I'm fully capable I need two bombs in this floor is that correct another Rainmaker [Music] [Music] no devil room fine no-good fine we need to get like nine volts or something that alters my ability to use the red key we're we just over here we were over here give me an angel run please nice angel room I can use my two bombs in that door though isn't that weird shouldn't be a red door no we were just in that room we were in that room we were in that room already [ __ ] that was a waste of a bomb dig there good good gotta go get a scream you know you got to take care of stuff like that you can't let that go unchecked because potentially hazardous to your health go to the doctor did I do everything up on the top did we have an item room don't member we had an item um you can only use a red key on red outlines yeah throw the pots we can go to the shop but I don't have any money oh yeah that's right we were branching off for item room of course we were in the out of room let's just open up that golden chest then where was that golden chest I thought it was right over right over here No am I crazy there it is good stuff good stuff rip boss rush please another shop with the key thing I don't want the key thing I don't think I should probably buy the key though maybe you know what maybe even like like this let's go let's go ham on it nice I'm really glad that we got those charges good using my bomb good you still fifty dollars from sugar kitten it's funny that you think I can stop him I'm usually the one saying do it Gino run butter along thank you so much sugar holy crap fifty dollars you guys you guys stop scary and Marcum on thank you so much for the prime subs welcome and KN ask the question if the iPhone eight next were just released will we be getting the iPhone 911 next year okay Oh hurts I was looking for that I just totally lost my way though like I thought there was a boss room down here eh I found it well table 169 have a dollar and some change I found on my couch odds Lobby but you can put your change through the screen into twitch that's amazing now it's getting like Batman newspaper spin screen transition dinner no no no no no no no no no Nona Bremen 11 once in a row sorry you're going through tough times huh hope things get better don't worry about me you guys I'm okay I appreciate the kind words Chino another thousand bets deed you're both nuts holy poop holy poop scoop poop right on my scoop no I mean I don't even know sated why isn't this a red door can I bomb it if it's not a red door no right I have a full red key I don't have a door to open up help it's not what I wanted hunter it's done and none on a chino and sugar in it but I just walk into something the spider since when since when though you guys okay red door no red door no 10 - Drock yep golden key oh but seriously though give me a flippin red door would you oh yeah nice dude go to the vorc channel for all your Varga needs all right there should be one of the other end of this there we go there we go there oh oh I regret it though ouch help dude golden key for the win brat sorry bro I saw the red door and I had to paint it black what's the seats as Chris eight penises of 94th Street 8180 we need 81 tension ship to taiga nothing get the tears up mushroom I don't know if I want it no I'm at seven fire rate the tears up mushroom would give me a big damage down for a little bit of tears up so I don't think I will get it I think I'll get the charm of the vampire even though it's but ten months in role exhale hey Hudson back been missing your streams we finally had the time to catch this one else loved nice breath welcome back you have regen already now I have read Jenna pon kills though think about it think about it baggie of pills well if we would have taken PhD way back when hey where's my hat I forgot it took my hat off I need a what Hutt's is evolving gif can someone make that thank you so much $100 from scone thank you holy crap I appreciate that good lord ease I heard you liked regen so I had to regen to your regen so you can regen well your regen Scone Scoones oh my goodness oh my jeepers creepers where'd you get them peepers make some scones so baked right now use that money for your house squeezy thousand bits you guys are crazy I am serious squeezy I do apologize and do apologize I just I had to say it please be nice to me red door in the challenge form question mark I just think the red doors they just open up a random room I don't think it matters where you use it I really don't sell giant pointy bloody Kiwi meet a game oh man I should get baked it's bets more health than being deep-fried it's okay okay you can you can shame me for my Baker related jokes I would shame me too so we branch so we keep going down the same path or should we branch it multiple branches like a tree snake or tree snake or Treat you guys book you guys yelling about book for I made oven baked sweet potato fries today those are delicious tree of snakes snakes are cool snack snack snack snack snack snack snack tree tree tree tree snakes Technic see more snake so let's just make it up no no no I'm not messing it up I'm gonna snake it up doing the snake got me guppy so Oh a guppy and some balls of steel balls range up hematemesis gave me all the help back let's just use all the pills just to get him out of the way because I don't want to lock buy this from me like a new pills he's candy sweet dude are there red rooms that offed off of this room I'm stuck I'm stuck though Emperor guard saved I really don't like horn fell though I'm really not a fan of his work oh that's that was standing there sir you probably don't care but it is what it is I'm not very nice and you do that though now hey Oni leaves it's so infuriating I mean it's like I'm just gonna dip out I'm not gonna get the I'm not gonna let you kill me when you get to the end of the red doors path to get an IM arrow room with no exit says Chino is that true you put it in quotes is it true though turtle ooh 11 months in real welcome back horn fell is bombs bombs spamming jerk he is though he really is what can pennies be used for us as lizard king whilst asking a question questions yeah okay let's see let's just like I'm gonna check the wiki - that's probably where you were but let's let's double check you know measure twice and cut once so applicable clickable sayings that probably mean nothing to most people where is it red key no limit to any regular room from that floor treasure room curse rooms or devil room I don't see anything on the wiki and as in the end to that path because sometimes you can still go another way sometimes cause other items equals game crash hmm thanks to the bits by the way make sure the flies lawyer kidding one can take flight it's expensive but it's expensive you stop doing that though I'd very much like to keep my health item robbed we got into the writer moment which is exciting but also screw this item room it is possible to do that it's cool it's neat pretty swell lady youtubes again yes absolutely probably starting tomorrow balloon boy watch out the hell did I walk into excuse me look over to read chat for three seconds so what I get for loving you guys we're losing all of our health like all of it soiled it a red tier 128 ohms is the max for any floors his codename countess still more lies then walked into a pile of regret why are people going on about snakes why aren't they why aren't you wish I'd turn red hearts into charges I can send y'all some pictures of my snacks dick pics confirmed kids run I have a Python in my pants yeah yeah saw that one coming from a mile away stop stop stop I mean like literal snacks you bunch of pervs oh so it's that long huh show off its a problem why isn't anyone helping it's an effing snake branching off jokes huh the old joke branch the old wait no it's not a joke I'm serious huh funny stuff those red tears last a long time that's what I'm running into I'm really I'm really not excited about how my health is just gone it's a good thing that we got that respawn I think that's gonna probably do it for this floor we got an extra shop and an extra item room which you know if you really think about is kind of a big deal it's kind of a big deal nine months in row four curse palate and welcome back appreciate that very much so anything for me though sir a battery for sale there's something I can go fly and grab is there a red door open here that I didn't go oh that's right that's what this was that's okay we were done I was like why is that door open but not on the map why though now we know that's pretty good we're gum copy bow before me wiener boop Tier one sub how the hell did you get that name by wiener move I'm surprised I didn't get more charges from doing that anybody else surprised by that what's up pots what's up gin James [Music] scheana said rib hey that's good I guess oh my gosh that regen No thank goodness use that machine all day with that regen I can literally just sit here in the corner and hide out for a while oh I can't hide out for a while oh those poor Mali booms trapped in a mine cart ride of doom I did if I did find a room though that I could just wait out in just wait on my placenta to give them a health back bedroom good one okay heck and bamboozled Plus Center elite guard Tier one sub but what is up yo welcome back I mean welcome for the first time French dude you know I could take the backpack and the backpack would allow me to have multiple items hmm so I could take the PAS with me there's need multiple trinket rooms in my my trinket back i miss it dearly arooga not like regnant who's this Greg and why is he Greg nating you be spot is broken I'm at fourteen hundred plus fourteen thousand plus damnit spark dude spark just ruins everything doesn't he / Gant schoolbag I'll pick it up fine fine fine fine fine fine I just what if I what if I run into a shop what if I run into a shop via Redrum and then I don't have the money now because I picked up the flippin school bag like we're almost done with item rooms gene Mauch six months in a row yeah I thought I lost my time to resub glad to be back I'm back to Yuma [Music] I should have gotten a ladder instead would have been way better ladders are helpful useful useful things cry button prime sub thank you so much harmony nine months and Earl huts baby it's finally here nice welcome to the halls of but Halle appreciate that kind of support friend I'm not getting any more charges for the money whydo why can I get some 14 and Gregg meant so okay what was this room over here why is this room over here and like it's a normal room right it's a normal room oh wait a second it was telling me that this other room over here was a Red Room that was just incorrect information I think the map just got confused as like normal room coming out of a Red Room not really getting it hanged man there's a charge there's a charge Redrum Redrum yep yeah special devarim I sell to pay for it but yeah I did it I got a second deal with the devil babies n Heinz are eight months in I was sitting at my grandma's house to resub because my internet isn't working at home rip also still waiting for that zip hoodie I ordered five weeks ago that's weird zip hoodie you ordered five weeks ago you ordered it from the website because that's not through me if you disordered on the web sites Anheuser I would email the company and say hey check that tracking status maybe ask them if they sent it it's possibly got lost cut a cot in customs or something I don't know don't flip it no that's sucks breath sorry appreciate your support though been amazing lucky Rock I think that's gonna be a big yes for me I think that's gonna be a big old yes siree no see it painted that room red again above me that's not it's not supposed to happen let's find some rocks blow them up get some pennies and then grab the penny back good news provides stompy be like super dick Evon the epic thank you so much the prime sub welcome you shouldn't take the penny you should take the paperclip instead it's what you sound like maybe we should do the the boss room first and just in case we get an I on a or realm let's clear everything out of the way get the boss room find our item realm confirmed huts blows rocks been watching forever well nice to be a sub then reap creep I thought that said paperclip I was like Jesus haunting me where we are we good boss design I like that one I like that one ah +10 luck plus one of the lowest at plus 10 lakh is the perfection it looks like a piece of paper range is apparently my lowest at unfortunately alright mausoleum door is open you know if we get an IM air room we're not gonna be alexei jump into the mausoleum but we'd be able to get into their next floor assuming we get some more soul hearts three months ago for FG photo nice nice welcome back forget about that oh why don't I uh why don't I go back for the thing with the stuff squeezy Tier one sub thank you $10 from wiener Boop been lurking far too long but can't think of a better time to give my favorite content creature the fat support thank you so much my friend appreciate it ten big ones there I mean small ones there big ones so extra special I can feel the love can you feel the love tonight Seagram is in line with the boss room above the arcade okay I mean maybe I'll check maybe I don't know anyone for me take it eternal heart all rights not I turned a lot it's a holy heart it's like a holy mantle okay good charges nice I liked it you're staying right here is that what you're saying wolves are awesome as [ __ ] the cow remained alive steak ran away I don't even know what you guys are talking about where's my item room can we just find that first can we get that out of the way I'm back hot dog buns two months in a row welcome back appreciate that I want steak now sis Chino you know I cook a pretty mean steak want to come down hook one up what up brain the grill I need to get a little tripod Grill stand for my fireplace because that's and yeah my dad taught man I make a mean open fire steak [Music] it's good it's good stuff quick mistakes also I'm a tripod giggity what was that button supposed to do I push the button what happened wanna play this guy I'm gonna play this stuck up make it rare it's a no I don't like it rare I don't like the rareness Zen hyzer holy [ __ ] where is it papa papa holy crap 120 69 I will do that thanks mate also this is for the good stuff and things you do I'll take that D spot I appreciate it Sennheiser oh you guys are making up for lost time holy crap what the [ __ ] says Matty P button kills all the enemies in a room medium-rare please medium-rare is out that's that would be like where I'm where I'm at Sennheiser holy crap dude hi hots I'm shat and I'm so smart especially that's of being a butt baby almost three times now I deaf no best secure naka welcome back rip rip scone [Music] some crazy DS today you guys are flopping around you're crazy DS deez nutz best jokes here in HUDs gaming that was a curse room that was a curse room did I get hurt by going into it no I did not because I've flight right as I am smart SMRT oh my god he spelled smart wrong all right now we just got to play play around with the lucky rock and see what we can do with it this is a lot of rocks in this room so maybe you like remind me of that later you so stupid I'm a genus oh don't pick out the pace don't just don't pick them up stop picking them up you gotta have this first silly oh I like it works for me third item room on this floor no SATs are second nevermind I lied I embellished the stories a little bit jet copter are 12 months in a row we made a boys what's up BOTS can't believe it's been a year already hut-one hut-two hut-three looking forward to many more good times thank you so much jet [ __ ] appreciate it in Smitty Smith's 15 months in a row hell yeah appreciate that 15 Robot Chicken $5.00 thanks for putting my bad Trump mod in your first worst mods video kappa oh absolutely absolutely you have any more dumpster mods you throw them my way cuz I'm gonna have a good time I have a good time with like a good time making sure essentially the equivalent of a [ __ ] post video on stuff and then people will take away too seriously and get really mad and I'm like oops oops I did it again Hey ha got lost in the game oh baby baby whoops we're really sad track I think sometime 2019 so should be excited for that probably I think I mean so have a first-world problem I bought this new Xbox and I don't have any games oh my god I don't know how you survived day to day Caden prime sub welcome we're okay curse to the maze is switch me like switching swip swapping switching and swapping all of my stuff at the same time it's slipping them swept it real good and so I'm trying to track down my my trinket it's over here now cows go Inc to five months ago welcome back oh my god you read it wrong I kinda hate you good that is what I wanted let the hate flow through you that's probably enough no way way pick this up quick Oh close call you gotta have the right trinket glass big ol waste yourtime charges though charges could be nice could be fun it could be fun though if you give me charges for those got damnit huts what do you do about it fight me right here right now okay okay I don't know why but I want to blame Chien over this he warned me that this happen what happened but still upset about it see now I want that too I want that trinket that could be extremely useful could be extremely useful dude looks like a Gyarados yeah yeah dude looks like a Gyarados it's that Aerosmith that that dude looks like a lady is that v20 two months in a row how was your vacation nuts real shitty welcome back my friends special library shows me where the top singer room is that's cool it's pretty cool I guess oh my god I'm like really excited about this I'm so happy about this okay okay okay okay whoa mr. mega would give me five more bombs in a bigger explosion radius so that with the lucky Rock I can go ahead and clear out more rocks with it but crickets body is cricket's body what do you guys think yes dude looks like a Gyarados a lady Gyarados it is pink I suppose that's sexist big booms mr. mega body how Hut's how your face crickets booty I see a lot more booty I think then good bomb I mean they both makes sense here maybe I should have gone with a bomb because like I said bigger explosion radius means more coins and more bombs means smart coins simply put but you guys have been trying to steer me wrong all day though oh you know what I've got the yeah you have the chain yeah yeah this is gonna work out pretty good I gotta - II forgot though even went into that I am err room the only thing I remembered is always mad at Chino the only thought was worth before them remembering about that so don't put words in my mouth maybe the shiny Gyarados defines itself as a jeep I don't know I don't think that's something you're backpedaling now Chino well why am i picking them up I don't at my charge Oh one at a time one at a time you guys I can't focus today focus space size of a goldfish ah goldfish don't get the coins yes there's his hell [ __ ] mad in the chat that's what are you doing I hate you go take another break I'm chatting I like to get mad and yell I like to make stinks about everything that that's dude looks like a loser clears throat stinks poop yeah pretty much summed it up no weird way dddd dddd if I could take both of these trinkets with me we could have like done really naughty things on subsequent floors today's word of the day is subsequent when you're sequent but you're also a sub sandwich subsequent makes you're [ __ ] out that paint I'm Tim taking both I have a respawn it doesn't really I don't doesn't matter nobody cares he's got it one underneath him too then I popped his butt I want some apple juice is Sparky good night AG onyx Chino baby I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray oh the more I get of you the stranger it feels yeah you make song to pop in my head and I'm cool with it yeah I'd like a lot of those old songs I just liked I don't remember most of it all I remember like my name and them and them a kiss Bhairo something something ooh that's that's all I got for you did you like it from the first episode of huts inks I thought I went really well let me get this bomb rock yeah oh god oh I've got pyro it doesn't matter so this has been fun this has been super fun and stuff but like maybe at some point in time we could not have to hunt down rocks I don't know just an idea plots your hat hurts my eyes good now you're feeling my pain it's good to empathize with people you care about still hunting down rocks though don't go up too far I don't remember I don't remember the I am Aramis it was up up from here was I am error am I do believe I do recall this doesn't matter balls of steel does matter it's very good mana mana and on a kiss from a man o best version ever all I have untouched throws panties give us episode 2 of huts sings please phrase and I'm gonna end up being episode 2 Hut's cringe oh geez it's hard not to walk into them and I don't really remember where I have been and where I haven't been let's just grab our trinket and be done with this I mean to go into this room oh let's down here item room in the shop item room in the shop was a rocks in there you're saying ripped my donation bits as Mad Dogs hunter bits basically the rooms generating something like an 8x8 area leaving that area results in error room an 8x8 area rooms generated something like an 8x8 area I'm still not understanding what that really means because this map is larger than an 8x8 once you say so I don't know which area I can leave I don't understand switch to saying help Ronald Reagan five months in Earl welcome back don't get it let's not crash the game does this game does it save the same way can I quit and add the game save mad dogs do you know about this map is large so don't go too far in any one direction try going in circles something like a rectangle what about your rectum that's disgusting dude it's gross seriously as some respect in circles we shall go although I would assume that if I was able to see an item room if there was an item room I'd see it another deal with the devil haha I don't want that though don't want that I [Laughter] have the right trinket it's not working well Wow [Music] well we guys seen about this item room you're yelling at me I remember the shop oops don't waste your keys dude yeah that item amount was already in is that what you were yelling at me about GG good job last time I listened to chat I thought that was another deal with the devil it was just the deal with the devil door out I got goofed wait a second do I have it back no I've got three dollar bill fire mines Oh murdered that I don't know um doe yeah so special to me in my heart so glad that we did that together as a team this is really not willing to give me any charge at all thank you nice good rooms you know what what happens if I use this there used to be a break there used to be a break in rebirth and it might be the case on this one as well this is what we do we go to a room that has enemies that used to have enemies in it right like this one and I use this until I get a fly a bad fly a fly that wants to hurt me and then I leave the room before killing it I just wish I could get rid of my flies that I currently have my flies and spiders maybe we should go for that first before we try to do a break with our with our thing with the stuff and the thing and the guy in the place shot stop shooting enemies though and just should have dumped off my flies and spiders okay let's get a run another deal with the devil for a quarter now we can come back for that though if we're gonna do that whole money break thing with the Machine this could take all day you guys we might be here forever literally will never end four months in trial quad bud hype didn't expect to catch a stream but here I am welcome lucky butta appreciate that my eyes are getting worse you guys did we uh find where our coins are sir cursor the maze literally is making this take twice as long as it should [Laughter] alright don't see a red door on that side that mean there's a potential secret room there I don't know this item room has got a lot of rocks not this one the other one got a lot of rocks we should go back with lucky Rock this is literally never gonna end though literally never gonna stop can't stop won't stop take a break and wash your eyes with soap wish we had the grundle oh I'm shooting enemies again no how did I get these flies don't shoot was i shooting I think maybe even the shooting the fires ah geez oh what the [ __ ] man don't you do that I wasted like seventeen potential charges right there seventeen I countered him through the portal slot no it's not worth it then my flies that spawned then I need to get the eyes no you don't understand you don't get it no no no no no dude this is a good room though pretty soon our libraries are just gonna have nothing but items in it that's gonna be a special day [Music] we wear of your flies I'm trying I can dump them off on this right no I can't I thought they ran into the turrets I guess I don't know what I'm talking about then I do not please explain it in more detail I refuse I won't do it well why can't I just get rid of my flies why can I just dump them off I don't want them right now go to school flies seriously [Music] come on is that it there's a couple more you're getting pinkeye no I'm having a hard time reading this map now all the red rooms are just in the wrong spot first of the maze is doing some work to the map what can I do here not much really [Music] getting red-eye from those rooms break the pots thanks for that helpful tip just gonna use up bombs in this machine worth it probably not you swallowed penny as well maybe don't shoot don't shoot man let him come back let him come back good let him come back spiders spider fly go a command-z we're doing it how do I kill him now like this old school alright let's try using this now where that spider come from all my juicy sac oh it's so juicy get a fly to spawn and then leave the room that's nice that's also nice swallowed penny and blood donation yeah I don't have health oh alright so I gotta fly to spawn he died immediately though and I want my Samson's chain to kill the fly either how do I stop that from happening oh that's nice so get a fly to spawn then lay the rope this is the most roundabout way to try to get another charge on my red key is it worth it I must ask myself is it worth it come on I'll show you guys when I get a fly my work might not depends on the Kilburn patched it can I get a fly no that's a pretty fly wrong kind of fly dude and now my pretty fly is gonna kill the other fly dude hard times it's gonna laugh at you even when you cry hard times times their help doesn't work it's been patched I got an evil fly so what used to happen is you can spawn a fly right it's a black fly enemy and then you leave the room and the room would say there's still an enemy in this room and it would reset whatever I tried you know I did what I could do still feel good about it you know can you say the same are you trying I had to know dude it's an evil fly black flies don't hurt you thanks guys with the black flies and black color ones got two wings there we go it's a perfect time to use this one at least we got all these Colleen's out of it getting we're getting good charges actually I'm gonna keep that telling pills in case we find another I am air room don't destroy the rocks not trying to nothing goes over my head my reflexes are too fast get out what of his arms are too short did he think about that no he didn't what is the point of all that lava its mother nature man it's a point of anything point a bit so you can fall in and lose your diamonds well my crotch jokes get it laughs damn it but my arms aren't too short they are proportional proportional for tional or proportionate I don't know don't give your money the machine another item rum oh it's the intruder noise quad shot quad shot on top of my already shot shot nice bra this is deadly guys I you know I think we did some good damage to this floor I think we can just leave we could keep going probably for another hour maybe get another item out of it do we need to do we need to really though I say no never prop Chanel 80 on yup I'm sticking with this are you pregnant are you Greg nating you passing Greg DZ oh my Guinness [Music] let's just completed maybe Kanta contract six days ago start new job tomorrow here's to celebrate and show support for an awesome gamer who made distressing after work so much easier but starts thank you so much DZ for a hundred and fifty dollars rip Xen Heiser oh my goodness you guys are nuts today we aren't telling anyone yet I'm going to have a litter of donuts sounds pretty good gonna have one wait doesn't come out of here but whatever you do wash your hands one hundred and fifty dollars we're stacking up like Power Rangers [Music] Pink Ranger it's a Blue Ranger I almost forgot to go to the mausoleum you guys that would have been a huge mistake prog organ art rip lucky Rock I can't take one you guys and lucky Rock isn't worth it without this penny that I have here but this penny still works without lucky Rock soo gotta make your mind up it makes my day when I get you and sugar to grow and laugh let's get some songs in there and my life is complete some songs in there can we sing again L is fall the way you look at my peen this isn't even Hut's his final form scary monsters you watch the video sent it over Twitter about stitches when was that when who what when why where how who serenade me huts keeps eyes above Hudson's waist respectfully three months in a row for whom and hope you get better dad vlog have a good day I appreciate the three months in a row thank you so much my friends nothing's really gonna make me feel better but I appreciate you guys for supporting the hell out of me it's really nice each head today it's part of that loose hair in my head still from giving myself a haircut I showered afterwards I showered okay let's just be clear on one thing I took a shower I regularly wash myself all right double golden key that's special [Music] RunAs fun moving stuff eight months in a row thank you so much welcome back I'll make you feel better flexes forcefully with violence oh is for the way your ovaries smell V is very very extraordinary 'it time to start spamming that thank you have it that could be pretty good that could be pretty good in maker strummed or uncle ham on it so much ham you're like half a pig you know cows go goo ink to mark Alex nine months nineteen months in a row hell yeah welcome back singing about ovaries Hut's just reached a new low never been higher I was scared at V after all hands but donut he is even more than every but that you adore let's break the game I don't think we're gonna break the game what's that little buddy you want to come up and say hi this time you wanna try this again come here I know I know you're lonely come on get up here [Music] all right let me break time let it break down thank you for the hug buddy here dad had this hug I made it myself out of hair and dander [Music] thank you buddy he makes the best hugs this side of the world he's like daddy it doesn't look like you're suffering enough here have more allergies allergens there allergens Lenny you got to get it right dude [Music] CAJ [ __ ] more burning seriously dude [Music] this doesn't even care I love the smell of ovaries in the morning gross 500 bits hell yeah your sub count of broke I think it did Pegasus I think you're right don't bite that that's my hat hey he's like okay geez all right back to it it's been a long episode you guys over two hours every time I play anti-birth it just takes me forever full let's actually see if we can't get out of this room by supplying some that gives me a charge well you know what either way we go out of the door it's gonna hurt me now that I think about it and you know what I did ask for a curse room door so we can actually just hurt ourselves get a charge and keep going on we have a respawn so we could just go until we perish from that all arranged for days though none so beat though I don't necessarily want to use up my nun's habit right now but it is an option cat hair somehow gets inside of my mouth look at Lenny in the back that's not Lenny those are hats oh goodness he's over here he's licking himself no Lenny no band on Twitch that's disgusting you disgust me [Music] [Music] cover-up a sicko [Music] what a weirdo he's been censored I lost the top half of my hat though there we go better better I think you liked it he's going he's walking over the to the hats again he's like go could you please cover me again he's so chill I know he just like doesn't care whatever you want dad cover my face up with that hat sure this is fine once again I feel the needs alike find our item before we really step too far forward far forward but at the same time I don't know the same time maybe it's not that big of a deal nope that door is open and I don't see it on the map I'm therefore concluding that that is an I am error room I am therefore concluding note where she no it could be the top secret room it was the top secret room I'm a genius am a genius it's okay to be impressed another item room boom chicka POW or do I want piercing a piercing is so good but it ain't no boom chicka pow you have a tell appeal I know I don't want to use it right now in case I want to use it later yeah knockout drops tell a Bill Pierce boom Pierce boom I gotta go with the knockout drops they're fun they're just a fun time I think take the easy way out zombie heart I can't even take it the punch sound effect oh yeah worth I agree you make a solid point although I'll probably get rid of all the enemies before I even get to hear that sound but froggy girl eight months in a row nothing's better than hot streams in a pot of tuna mac after a stressful day one more month ago tuna mac shudders oh that's interesting oh that's very interesting less interesting no nope is this what teleports me back to the the main hall yeah it does I heard it it happened oh my goodness we could have teeth and fists but the bouncy I have to bounce bounce baby bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce to new Mac is tasty though while you got to be like that tuna okay you you like if you take a tuna fish and then like in front of me you cut it off even if you handed it to me raw I'd be like awesome you take that tuna and you and you do whatever you do to make it a big steamy pile of poop you know you peel the bag open and it's like stinky in the bag it's like fermented or something choke me I gotta I gotta balance it up especially with our long range you guys this will go forever and like by forever I mean not forever but bouncy fists too I made a fresh pot though I don't care what you're smoking leage needn't it oh I'm so funny you guys so funny I heard a stinky pile of steaming fermented poop in a bag GG yeah that's pretty much what it is fine to sum it up get your stinky tuna out of my face you you're cooking that in the other room mausoleum 1 we can fight the Heritage oh my god it's over is that the soap tears up right shots we did get it tears up actually yeah because crickets body is a tiered to lay down so 4 is our max fire right that's really good Guppies poo aye fine in case we kill ourselves and we have one respawn for sure but if we start getting Guppies paw or our Guppies collar procs before that even Kent oh ok bumblebee tuna bumblebee tuna your balls are showing bumblebee tuna I don't get the reference am I missing something shirt hilarious though and thanks for the bits I should just side the message say like thank you probably Chino in parentheses for your bit donation that way I don't have to thank every time right no I will that's what makes it special I love meat spheres with noodles oh God Oh SpaghettiOs with meatballs no I'm sorry nope no I must lost it sub goal is at zero everybody unsubbed this is my life I deserve that just the worst see Parker gets it I don't want I don't want to branch off the curse from that's just dumb she's a little better life and make better decisions X oh it's a spin sure I'll also just be like Chino raids masters no need to think e you each time bro I know you're grateful even when you are being a bud face what's a very cold the alphabet says me meter me meter bubble bee tuna bumpy too and your balls are showing bumble bee tuna you know it kind of sounds familiar what's my favorite color of the alphabet I'd have to say if you hear footsteps think horses not zebras would be my solution to what you just said I love spaghetti but I hate SpaghettiOs I love spaghetti it's delicious have you guys ever tried not ha make meatballs at home I'd suggest it pretty okay pretty pretty simple to do really really good of course you have to cook the meat all the way through otherwise you might die so if you die don't blame me please [Music] hey that's nice I said I didn't want to branch off of a curse room and then Here I am cuz here I go again on my own going down the only Road up at home like a drifter I was Bo Tammy's head would be Oh deadly but I'm not gonna take it you dolittle doolittle doodly now what um no extra shop that we just got why don't I buy the battery I don't know you have to space by tubes oh right I'm shattered I know everything there is to know in the world that's all I hear so like flipping here chat do they both charge let's test this do they both charge if I have one in the back of my backpack it does in afterbirth plus I don't I have why don't I walk into this room again no it doesn't maybe it does if I complete the room it doesn't if I get hit hurt with nun's habit [Music] interesting that's your head we're reminds me of Team Fortress 2 for months and many more to come for months in a row for plexi appreciate it everything even that thing you didn't want me to know I know I'm just being cool about it for shame that llama will never be the same again mama once again I'm missing something you're going right over my head today Chino nothing goes over my head reflexes are too fast [Music] neener neener neener neener neener knee let's play hat sim well you know how to make me put on more hats there's only one way to do it to clubs is pretty nice oh man imagine if we had lucky rock for that room would have been fun be spot finally caught up you're going nuts Gino I appreciate it that's crazy talk I can see your mom's underwear another deal with the devil do I take it the respawns are good but losing all of my soul hearts I don't lose all my soul hearts right I just gained one red heart yeah we're good now we're cool then that's fine did I need it you know I'm really but told you to make you feel better take it I appreciate it did Bucky rock plus blood but penny plus stompy equals fun you know it would have been I don't want hangman please all right that's all the rooms it's our fire I can walk into his awful into a flippin Ring of Fire went down down down we're good pretty decently high well the guy who just take the pencil add poop with a shield poop to the floor no yes that punch sound kills me says Chino oh no it sounds bad [Music] Hots you can get infinite our jizz with the white heart I think you might have I might I think you might be on to something how many libraries can we get seriously though can we be done with the libraries like God I think you're onto something with the eternal hearts with the holy heart with the whatever heart it is only problem is if we get infinite charges oh my god that that you know what I don't know if I want that it's just gonna make the whole hurting myself thing take longer we'll wait on it we'll wait on it well wait on it or we'll forget about it either way I don't really care we have so many respawns you guys get the booze what is this the library from Doctor Who 92 d6 because 20 libraries of items we will break yeah d6 dude bill I took a d6 of our Tammy's head any day ooh Uranus [Music] grow the [ __ ] up you guys seriously you guys are despicable ice tears oh my god Greenleaf like ice tears of doom that's crazy mom that is so cool but donut can I hear why is not have a G and not a K maybe you actually sort of pronounce the G know like like ing but backwards I don't shut up rip punch I don't see any fists coming I wonder if the sound effect still happens though with those extra large ones those extra large ones are probably the punchy icicles probably one can hope okay what do we do can I save the game by buy it by pressing exit and coming back in I think so it's pronounced Uranus and not Uranus I'll bring the strippers use purple fire in the item rubs and so the curse the fire in the item room doesn't matter it'll crash when you come back in if you're in a red room no don't do it okay I just I know if I go too far in one direction the game is gonna crash anyways and we're gonna lose everything I know that for a fact you know I think we actually should use the curse room door because then it solves the problem of having to worry about the holy heart and losing it it's just a guaranteed like this is gonna work kind of thing so yeah this is gonna work out for me Red Hill pills exciting timed out for excessive caps love this mod man says somebody with ice in their name coincidence dude they freeze and then they shoot out even more I see deaf doom I like that that's pretty cool pretty neato bruh new donation goal new donation goal 55 more not fits 55 more dollars and I'm gonna go get some apple juice that's not gonna roll with this hey my holy heart didn't come back I'll have to fight a Roman ah it's not infinite it's not infinite it doesn't come back until I fight a room and complete a room now I'm gonna lose it now I'm gonna starve better than euthanasia in my opinion utter bits we want the wheel of Isaac 55 trillion dollars in huts goes bald you know I would shave my head for one trillion dollars I'd shave my head probably for a million dollars what's the least amount of money that you would shave your head for go slot machine yeah the slot machine didn't work look at the hallway mantle and call it quits but the holy mantle doesn't help with that five hundred dollars five hundred euro five hundred whatever that symbolist pounds $100 $200 a hundred thousand dollars mr. bones you must have fantastic hair five hundred thousand dollars and at the pet log at chena I've seen your hair steak dinner with sugar that's the expensive expensive bills and that wire or an expensive steak three-fitty for $1 is that cause you're already bald don't lie to me all right I mean like I can I can see if I can spot a fly and see if that I'm not of money with my mom either Brian Albert is done what is like done weird is dead just give up give up hope all he's winter Mad Dogs I stayed I stayed within the 8x8 whatever thing that you were talking about I'd already been in that room I had already been inside of that room but I had been in that room before why did this happen to me I made my mistakes all right good though don't look at my desktop as private stuff on there ah my prawns Oh click I'm gonna open it up back yeah it's just epic games launcher more like epic prawns folder god this sucks dude rip find the prawns bad dogs you lied to me we had I see doom death of the thud I don't even know dude I don't even know I'm hurt I'm so hurt right now I'm so hurt help No Mad Dogs no I can't play can't do it best item in the world I've never seen a better I haven't that gosh fun flinch Mad Dogs oh you mean lunch turn him into the lunch like a mad dog sandwich okay you know I'm having a good time it's not my mod this time yeah he I has a point there I just still want to blame you cuz it makes me feel better well has a new bit bad rip green rip run rip cool ice tears what is it now show me show me is it the yellow one nice yellow badge no more red rooms [Music] okay good times good times y'all can't use that anymore I can't afford to let's just finish the run Tsubaki inferno welcome where's my bouncy tears what is that I forgot what that is blame Mad Dogs as Mad Dogs I mean you you were even on board magnetized enemies attract other enemies tears I have a chance to be yeah magnetism in fact now I'm going teeth my my my bouncy went away I just I don't I'm hurt it made it houses the enemies it's awesome sis Chino you're not gonna survive they're not gonna survive past the teeth anyway so it doesn't matter look at this this this doom doom I've made epic dooms though bro I should take this to being a meanie don't forget the knife piece then I forget the knife piece no oh it's on the second one oh my heart jumps it honestly can't believe that we're still on mausoleum - it's almost amazing let's just let's see what happens okay it's a new floor new floor wants to give me another shot you're not mr. chance to blow this opportunity blows I hate both those got this guy's fine it's just not clear enough no boop boop boop boop boop boop bop Boop bop bop bop boop bop boop boop boop boop a buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh all right we'll come back to this guy we get this guy to pay out actually where'd your anus go energy machine hey them energy machine instead now let's hope they get like more red help I got both so got nun's habit too so like two birds one stone kind of thing going on maybe that's nice [Music] wait do I have nun's habit still that was in the last shop I don't know my god I don't have nuns have it give up give up for this life has forsaken us want to load a ball six-room a red six room what do you guys think Yolo [Music] do it does it reroll my my my red key if it reroll is my red key then and then that that's that nice hat it's actually two hats right amber get it right welcome back you're told what sir huh do it no don't do it no Emperor Palpatine you eat [ __ ] it it does not reroll key can you repeat the question but don't actually hat ception it won't reroll key if it does it removes the potential crashing you lost your anus oh that's right rubber cement so why not do it for science Alec he's gone my red key is gone everything I hold sacred is just has left me I got punchy sides oh yeah voy a punchy sides of doom I've brought two doom Lord no dark bomb give me the red hearts I need them Farallones the boys pheromone levels suggest he wants to mate with the female anyone Smee another book oh you shouldn't have what happens if I use the book on them on the thing that's the thing guy what's this old capacitor voltage starving yeah I can carry two trinkets now I got my ice tears back suck on that Chino guess who's got Uranus now transformations certain transformations oh my god did you see that did anybody see that I don't know what hap I don't know what's happening I don't know what's happening but it's amazing split shot it's a spectral split shot that's hella cool dude Wow they look like little Mario coins oh hey I got that back I think it's coming back to me it's like wait dad no it's freezer buddy but I encourage this change oh is it oh I see him I didn't see him she'll take thank you all all right nice piece let's focus nice piece speedy little scoop deep bit little boop boop did we get that kind of payout we did didn't win yeah it's just the key bomb left air game balance not found before is lava floor is lava clipping I'm flying still got me too so like who really cares huh right [Music] knife piece the third well Isaac do I want Polaroid doesn't matter no it doesn't good stuff I mean I had fun I have a lot of fun you know I sent you a question HUD see what's your favorite name-brand cookie - Oreos Oreos are delicious but I find myself if I have a pack of Oreos it's like let's say you go to a thing right lies a late-night meeting at your local church or something mosque whatever you do and you go and there's a tray ah whoa there's a tray of Oreos out right and people like ooh Oreos I'm like there's no [ __ ] milk look at these flip and Oreos out of my face I'm sorry I'm like I'm just hitting you hard today you know it's like no the tuna sometimes is a conditional no for Oreos I do like Oreos if there's a glass of milk it's up there on my top favorite cookies of all time it does not milk it's like I would rather just not eat it so grammar much but I'm speaking Oreos are so addicting that DC makes a comic about it it's something to lard what other cookies are there though let's let's talk about cookies name-brand cookies oh whoa okay what's the multicolored out there Chips Ahoy there the the multicolored like candy blast stuff those are I think candy blast maybe warm Matt's cookies are the best I think it's a name-brand not hoop I don't even know those are honestly never heard of them what's a Matt's cookie Fig Newtons are Fig Newtons and instrument famous a mistake the cake I don't know if I've ever had Famous Amos is that like vending machine cookies Laura dunes are a thing yell fudge what is candy blast Chips Ahoy and Nutter butters let me see here let me see if I'm right on the candy blasts yeah that's it I found it you wanna see it candy blast Chips Ahoy candy blast I told you they were a thing you guys didn't believe me I don't believe you heart say thank you for the lies those are delicious even without milk miss Scott cook ease our awesome butter cookies goldfish vanilla wafers like since I had to send my grandma's cookies but those are named brand so felt here 15 months has to Scott here good to see you welcome back friends appreciate it that's nice sinn up there's no item rooms on the corpse right windmill cookies what's your favorite flavor of Oreos I love the cinnamon bun ones never heard of him you guys get your hands out a pack of cinnamon bun Oreos and you can mail them to me without them turning into dust I'd suggest you do so and they sell them here unless I just do and I've never looked for Oreos in like years I don't go down the candy aisle ever that's that's the best part you know it's like Hut's how do you like stop drinking pop and eating candy I don't even go down the candy aisle right it's not about not buying candy it's about not even looking at candy Matt's cookies chocolate chips soft cookies are about three inches in diameter they come in a huge pack of like five bucks growing up we could put them on the radiator and get them chocolate melty mm-hmm sounds pretty good we've heard of great harvest a chain up here could be everywhere I don't know but great harvest sells these giant Norma's cookies and those are really good jelly doughnut flavored Oreos stop where can I send them you know what IRC I cancelled my P o box you guys I'm moving my P o box somewhere else so I haven't done that yet I need to update all that information so don't send anything I take it back cookies are not in the cookie aisle here [Music] are not in the candy aisle you mean cookie should be in the cookie aisle where else would they be Wow I'm gonna go in without anything pot cookies UK exclusive Millie's cookie cake there's sweet Martha's here at the Minnesota State Fair those are delicious only fresh though if you like take the buck at home and try to reheat them they're gross it's a sugary mess dude did I beat you can you stop it with the laser what does this thing there we're done oh we're done you guys oh my goodness
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 38,185
Rating: 4.879518 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Q9xc5LbmvLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 44sec (9764 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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