Polling of Isaac (Tainted Keeper) - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what's up youtube i'm going to start a keeper a tainted keeper run and then we are going to do polling with that soft jealous thank you so much for nine months butt baby welcome back let's do this this is the guy that starts with quad shot and enemies drop money he uses the money to buy all of the items the money quickly disappears so with the jump on it there's not a leap or pun and here's the first hole um that button go so you guys are choosing which item i'm i'm gonna get numbers are on the bottom all you have to do is type one two three or four into chat that will place your one single vote for that item if you want to revoke all you have to do is type a different number if you type the name the same number again nothing happens vasculitis enemies exploded tears upon death with which inherent the effects of isaac's tears [Music] still cranking through the 100 gifted subs from nerd thank you once again for that [Music] vasculitis is so badly cookie people voting for number two x-ray vision which is not bad especially early [Music] i kind of missed chair already i'm screaming the chair tag team all right you guys want number two let's do it we have x-ray can't see it though share the name chat his name is robert paulsen in chair form we have names speed up range down that's not the worst i wish i was a golden key never mind i'm fine with it [Music] crawl space maybe gold rock was there a gold rock somewhere all the money you want all the money [Music] lucky rock could be so good golden tickets cause i got the golden tickets oh my god that money without getting touched and not running over creep magic veteran place does each floor have a guaranteed crawl space uh i do not believe that's true card my least favorite 18 cents we could buy something in here if we really really wanted to shops are where most of the good stuff's gonna be at i'll pull you again and you guys get to pick one more from the shop as numbered on the bottom not left to right you guys on the screen it is left to right then top to bottom or top to bottom then left to right i don't know why we want to say it if a number is if a item is higher on the screen it's gonna mess up what you think the ordering system is so just follow the one down below [Music] number three you guys is euthanasia just so we're clear how are you dad i'm feeling okay so [Music] all right i'm gonna call it five four three two one boom [Music] euthanasia it is with the bob by the uh boss item worth it [Music] sacrifices must be made soul of kane is this a bad room for this man no top secret room a little extra chance here to get some cash the moves the moves all about the moves thank you so much for the four months what does that say more champion enemies higher chance for boss challenge rooms i did not know about the boss challenge room thing very interesting that's very interesting higher chance for boss challenge rooms because we could go into them just by hurting ourselves once right as this character [Music] that's new also worth still gotta pay for the item now [Music] but the sun cart refills coins help i i believe yes [Music] yolo 28 cents i'm feeling pretty good sold name thank you so much for two months welcome back two-thirds spun all right all right all right let's do it i just had a stroke reading that prediction [Music] if on youtube are like what what's a prediction we're getting pretty lucky here with the money drops and save one of them because i get low on health [Music] has anyone been counting sounds like two and a half dimes worth [Music] watch me do [Music] yo 91 cents bro is this the second floor this feels like it's like the fifth floor [Music] we're crushing it a golden cursed sky no never will not be doing that um i don't see a reason not to buy everything in the shop so how do we pull this how do we pull this when i want to buy them all you say you want me [Music] and of course by all what i really mean is most of them [Music] that says by the crooked teen [Music] make four golden chests make for the golden cheese's skull i'm sorry what here's where i will actually pull you guys and we'll just take one of them in the item rooms make for the golden cheese's skull [Music] teleport 2.0 be spicy be spicy right this guy is all right spiderbots not even the worst thing [Music] teleport 2.0 hierarchy a normal room the boss room a secret room a shop there's a top secret room up there item room sacrifice from dice room library curse room challenge room goodness that's a lot of stuff on there [Music] [Music] that wants it i want it i don't see a reason not to do this i'm around that money but flies are going to do that tears up um yeah [Music] 59 cents and somehow like we could try to cheese this as long as possible by letting them spawn flies i think the more that we kill the less likely they are to drop stuff and i'm bored and i'm at 73 cents so yes we went to angel last time i say we go devil it's all for money right [Music] [Music] double double double double hmm [Music] they remember damage every time you get hit if we try to cheese that like definitely rotten baby i don't think should we pull this we probably should pull this and only take one maybe two because normal devil deals do not have four items in there it's just because they have the pulling mod on they are expecting us to pull in here so we'll turn all the number system on the bottom you guys don't make me explain this every time i like dude is a shadow but uh not being keeper kind of ruins the entire idea of the run going guppy would be pretty smart i think i think so rotten baby is good but once again you guys the flies are going to end up killing things that i don't want to die but it'll be trickier to collect the money [Music] all right what if we did top two does that make any sense if i could afford a top two now let's only pick one let's see how it goes [Music] we don't need to go to the that will deal anymore we already did that right so there's no battery for sale i'm thinking that we if we walk into the curse room there's a large chance that we just flat out die i could walk into the curse room and then use this and travel back into the boss trap room might also die maybe i'll bring my son card for that the trinket when damaged or down a half a heart or less teleport to a random room now that doesn't make any sense you guys i'm gonna walk into here soul of apoleon soul of napoleon it's so like it's like distorted it's so loud all right then we're going to pop the this to go into this room um [Music] and whatever yeah why not [Applause] crush them with our locusts [Music] i do feel like it's a smart decision to actually take the power question mark with us instead maybe something could just pop it it's not so hard to do anything for me didn't even get a tinted rock not a one not a one [Music] can you get crawl spaces in those why didn't you heal and save the teleporter for the i am air room i could have healed walked out then walked into the boss room i was using the sun card as a insurance policy so that i didn't just walk into the boss room with one health and then say yolo i was able to get in there and have a way to heal myself inside the boss room the gold rock i'm not super concerned about it the potential two to three pennies kind of call it [Music] next week i have both tuesday and thursday off vk says hell yeah not to assume that you'd spend that with me all right all right save one of these for potential health [Music] inflation price gives me fire rate 69 cents [Music] my fire upgrade was pretty good [Music] nice lucky penny do the same thing going into the curse room and teleport out soul of azazel is pretty good mega blasts but i really can use it let's try it [Music] most likely be there for streams but it's just the most convenient days i have to have due to other co-workers i got a coin if you use it to heal i don't believe no it doesn't go into your coins [Music] all right all right all right pinking shears is very very good but does it beat being able to get into the deal with the devil or angel well devil now almost guaranteed hit the fly orbital take the fire rate i guess i should have shot those spiders and get money walked into the room had a dude like inside of me behind my head that maggot was we took out all the rooms where you take damage immediately 69 cents polling never occurs in the shop ever besides the fact when i made it happen in the first floor because i could only afford one and i left it up to you so this is a wendy's you're up here right now you need to bring it down at least there [Music] okay your turn what do we got we got some jello we got some obsessed fan maybe two-thirds of uh beelzebub blood bombs plus one heart container kills five hearts bombs leave blood red creep if i have no bombs one can be used at the cost of half a heart which would be a penny for me and then sad bombs [Music] tell me something i don't know chat added five new votes to the poll thanks mubot i did not know that you guys want number four i'm down with it [Music] i'm so sneaky made it to base zero luck infested hog re-roll [Music] nobody has anything to say that i don't know it's nice to have all the secret rooms automatically unlock with x-ray glasses when we have the teleport 2.0 super nice decent fire rate with quad shot range upgrade i'm just uh yeah i'm gonna take it and then what else is going on we have to use this it'll take us to the double room we have a battery do we have the ability to do both the double room and the i am air we could grab the booster pack for 15 cents and have five cards we could get something useful out of it but zazel's rage every time my room is cleared after forums a build rage every time after four arms five's a brimstone laser that's number one number two is abaddon number three is gimpy and number four is betrayal i don't know what abaddon's gonna end up doing with my health probably nothing [Music] number two is abaddon follow the number system on the bottom of the screen [Music] what does abaddon do with keeper's health abiding dong i have no idea if it still kills us or not squat it removes one heart container coin container this chat death says chat i would probably take his hazel's rage [Music] you can gain it again with the health up yeah by the way from the sound of it says squat yabba dabba dawn all right you guys want number two that's them settled did take one i'm in danger all righty rooster zucchini five in a bit bye dad i'm gonna head out thanks to entertainment thank you for the support have a good one well no more curse rooms and we're probably gonna die [Music] just don't get hit thanks chat pretty good stuff though [Music] [Music] wish me luck when it comes to finding a health upgrade or some sort of respawn step into the abyss world has spawned a trap door into a crawl space [Music] oh baby 15 cent butter bean i'll take five butter bean soup please [Music] ron is saved [Music] oh we have extra i don't know why i'm looking i'm gonna get too greedy that's how this run ends [Music] all right thanks so much to 10 months double dige [Music] 95 cents at 99 we don't even worry about going for money you guys break the bridges to build the city [Music] break the bridges to build a city a lot of the martyr plus one damn job 50 chance of plus 50 percent if you have bookable sticky bombs little gish and speedball speedball would be spun [Music] speed ball would be an even bigger damage upgrade fools [Music] about by the polling rules to take whatever you want though you decide [Music] 49 for speedball you did it you bastards get bastards 162 damage up plus some speed plus some shot speed [Music] go look at how fast i am i'm going to keep collecting all the money [Music] more like i'm going to end up dying because i'm come too fast [Music] look at my fire rate though this is very good fire right as keeper [Music] no money for that zero you're you're good with that you're happy about giving me zero monies or an entire boss gonna stick with it huh what's the pill the pill pluck up range down go back time to turn it up super mode go [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] warning you're my nemesis warning you're my nemesis warning you're my nemesis warning stop him [Music] health upgrade let's go all right guys [Music] you want my nemesis warning number one guppy's tail number two headless baby number three a little abaddon and number four guppy's head have you guys seen little abaddon's latest release some dope flows you guys should have picked uh guppy in the first one [Music] everyone wants number one guppy's tail almost everybody [Music] denki thank you so much for the 16 months welcome back hell yeah what's up hud how are you doing i'm doing it well slap slow with 100 bits trying to finish mother and delirium with tainted loss and watching you stream while attempting it is the only thing keeping me sane thanks pops thank you so much to the sports labs and stationator 28 months i hope you have a great stream what's your favorite vegetable favorite vegetable um broccoli is probably like the most versatile it gives me the toots oh hey we can go into the uh curse room now so broccoli is good peppers are delicious just spicy things in general i love it touch the head though you can take them all i'm trying to make this somewhat fair you guys by not just taking everything cucumber i know i wouldn't say cucumbers one of my favorites broccoli pog spicy food lol any reason why the recent streams haven't been uploaded to the huts 2 channel yes nikita teddy because i reached i have about i'd say 150 000 people that are interested in watching my content you guys are 919 of them and if i were to upload my getting uh dead god to us two then it's gonna be spoilers or potentially doing that for my second channel there's gonna be half the people that know about half the people that don't know about it i'm trying to edit a video to announce that i got dead god from my main channel so that everybody knows and then i can start posting spoilery content especially now if they were to come on to this thing without having seen any of that then they're going to see my dead god save file and they're going to go what ah and they're gonna just and moan because they didn't know that's why gotta love when they spawn on top of you gotta be a huge fan of that you just you gotta love it when you see it it's just good yellow orange that's fair what about the vlogs what about their legs they don't need their legs um yeah no vlogs is just not uh at one point in time i wanted to do more vlog stuff i just don't know how i would manage that buy them all touch them all deal because you actually can get four books in one room i'm not gonna feel bad about that yeah not going to feel better since i'll deal with the devil if i use this though or the boss item hello [Music] box book the dead effects i am speed [Music] i am speed [Music] cuz i can't help it when you put your hands on me when you try to choke me let's get this out of the way now that's pretty nice to see grab that i'm gonna do that i'm gonna be here gonna be doing [Music] i'll say this is acceptable for a death question mark two bones you gave me two right [Music] [Music] there's something here he guy left it there charged key emote can't believe that you guys got your charged key emote instead of only taking one devil item put a limit for example 30 coins that you can spend in there gives possibility for two items or one premium something i will think about for future runs we made an executive decision to try to make things fair and i'm always up for suggestions as long as you're nice about it what do you guys want uh mushy mushroom bag polyphemus or a mega bean rip to my tears look at that number three going up look at that can i make a suggestion hus my god judy could you stop it this is a this is a wendy's sponsored stream could you like calm down you're such an aggressive person and you just flex all the time i want you to have fun wendy's we have the meat i think you're uh confused third squat okay i'm just gonna take it now then yeah minus two six fire rate honestly not that bad for plus 18 damage let's think about what we gained for a moment i think that like 1 8 is still faster than base starting fire rate is this guy oh you can't just make a freaking sticky nickel there straw man spawns keeper as a secondary character every item is straw man again i really like mike teleport 2.0 look at how lonely he looks though sitting in the middle of those spikes we gotta do it to squat all right i want you guys to type telly or teleport or straw for straw man t-e-l-e or s-t-r-a-w go straw ortela save the poor man [Music] teleporter 2.0 obviously giving me access to the devil room where we're getting tons of spicy stuff as well as access to the iamarum which is just bonus stuff straw man literally gonna be stupid horrible chad thinks they're funny if the funniness is gonna wear off after one floor no one will give a everyone will just vote for me to take the next active item to get rid of it straw man's a passive item oh is it i thought it was an active item it's not an active oh maybe i'm thinking of all the runes then oh well then it doesn't matter we'll just take it in that case you're so bad you're so dumb oh god i don't know if i can do this i tried to even back away from it and i took damage excuse me passive it's a passive item bruh david prison board thank you so much to eight months old the worst character player ever i don't even know why i subscribed to him i'm unsubscribing right now he's like opening up and stuff did you knock it off can i send him over top of the spike block to get that card does he pick up cards oh i just bombed it out oh it's not really like the best play to use it on this floor whatever a card against humanity well we got our trinket [Music] 99 cents let's go pulling mushrooms thanks for eight months [Music] oh yeah girl yo is he gonna buy items for me dude cool it mister [Music] number one guppy's caller number two berserk [Music] which is an active item apparently number three cabbie and conception are number four succubus [Music] we are one third guppy [Music] foreign [Music] hamming conception after taking damage 15 times a game a permanent demon familiar [Music] sockibis would be ripping the world apart you want potential guppy or do you want succubus one or one or four you guys four being succubus [Music] not how we're running it right now [Music] 43-44 stuck he was pulling ahead vinnie wolfgang thank you so much for 38 months i appreciate that house club and obligatory both is cool okay i'm gonna call it five four three two one push that button and this button i did not mean to buy that i thought i was keeper for a second well rip my money he's cheating [Music] ma'am this is the dairy queen interesting [Music] one two three four or re-roll that is ibs by the way when dealing damage a chance to trigger throwing poop creating a buffing creep farting or dropping five live bombs i think fire rate could be pretty hot here probably close to capped out though on probably fema's fire rate got plenty of money to reroll [Music] i have no worry about this stupid guy this friend of mine it's a chore [Music] [Music] shadows sacrificial altar we could sacrifice them but it might get rid of my succubus [Music] amazing dingo tier one sub thank you for that sacrifice straw man for brimstone so we get rid of uh let's hear we have a fly that we could get rid of we have succubus we have straw man and then we have rotten baby two of those would go see another reroll [Music] you can hold control to keep straw man in place i've been doing that [Music] i've been doing that mysterious liquid red key for picamide infestation 2. [Music] boom [Music] infestation two you just gotta take it [Music] you can 45 months no my streak welcome back friendo solas holo 10 gifted subs thank you so much for that [Music] very generous of you solace calling [Music] let's go [Music] staying on the stupid straw man in the back straw man was a mistake okay fire rate plus point three not bad not bad [Music] that's a healthy amount of money [Music] another poll what do we have we have bob's curse little monstrous tech and tech zero tears will be connected with beams of electricity pretty spicy for quad shot and actually it might connect to my tears with strawmans [Music] be pretty powerful lasers if we took tech as well i don't think i'd complain either way three months for a rowling thank you so much welcome back [Music] you guys have been very generous today solace holo 100 howdy hot spend too long i'm finally able to buy stuff so enjoy the subs i appreciate you buying me stuff solace thank you for supporting the channel we don't need tech zero voidian says we don't need zero [Music] lasers plus the piercing that laser offers would be pretty good once again i'm not really going to complain either way unless no maybe oh you're such a little dude straw man bought it with my money strawman as tech only okay that's kind of funny all right that's kind of funny all right i'm fine with that i can't see where i am to collect the money 200 bits solace no problem my guy i've been giving back to all the communities that have made me feel welcome hell yeah best of both worlds why am i still checking for secret rooms oh you're so dumb hello marbles marbles it got smooshed oh is that double the fire rate of uh my dude i can't tell i can't tell hi it's chat ace of clubs [Applause] wow um do we want to go with four or five volts let's see that being useful nah you're such a cheater that's really cool a bit cheat well i can't take it off of my my second guy so i don't know what you want me to do about it steven with tech zero [Music] that's what i'd say to that [Music] well would you stop running and [Music] when they drop sticky nickels like really did you have to [Music] that's a guppy piece [Music] if i use the teleport 2.0 i'm going to teleport from the cursed room to the boss room if i don't do that and i go into the boss room it will fell apart me out of the boss room potentially out of the deal the devil into the curse room hello hello is there a battery for sale [Music] there's a battery for sale so we can do that please heal your friends give give him the coins so you said gibbs i'm not going to refusing [Music] [Applause] [Music] imagine [Music] number three vengeful spirit and number four contract from below and number five hello saula says we went in with 100 bits thank you for that [Music] watch your music gives me a headache good ride that headache out damocles doesn't do on chests on the chest damocles will activate when you leave the curse room i don't think it does activate on curse from damocles doesn't work with the keeper although because everything's a soul pedestal all right so uh vote for something else chat or potentially just screw me over because you think it's funny your choice i'm gonna give you another couple minutes to figure that one out heck funny [Music] redo the poll you can literally type in a different number and change your vote i think let straw man take damocles there now you're thinking you can't use an active item though [Music] no he can't do it [Music] yeah take actives apparently spike rocks can kill tainted esau but uh straw man is fully worked out just reset the pole you can't change well okay apparently you can't change anymore [Music] so let's add patches so straw man can use active please [Music] i'm gonna laugh when damocles still wins it was up to me i'd take contract from below or vengeful spirit [Music] [Music] believers [Music] you filthy cheat huts you guys just have so many problems with all the stuff that i do it doesn't matter what i do or say [Music] what if i gave vengeful spirits to to my keeper buddy he gets hit more there [Music] oh it's your cheater [Music] you're such a cheats i don't like you [Music] can the keeper leave the room for me no that was a big phony i could have gave him some of those pennies yes blue key strange key [Music] unlocks the passageway to the hush fight [Music] there now everyone can shut up [Music] all right i'm going to buy a key as well i'm going to use this one more time getting the i am error room pulling of straw man la mao [Music] very interesting i want that money but [Music] what [Music] buttons don't push them sin i think i can't handle the power of the button great button comes great button responsibility [Music] at a vengeful spirit oh jesus you almost bombed me there straw man [Music] little straw [Music] he took my school bag and my lunch money wavy cap don't worry i can't get it [Music] i think we get that money [Music] i i can't see where i am compared to where that giant boy is this is so confusing [Music] so much easier to see straw man [Music] check this out where'd it go i thought the golden penny stayed after you activated it no all right la mao [Music] straw man you're killing me dude [Music] you gotta give this true man the money curse of the maze it moved it i can be doubt everything i've ever known [Music] [Music] you know what i don't even care about getting up to six wisps [Music] crown man is a menace to life itself says the same chat that bottom [Music] force me to buy him [Music] look at that just shoot him if you get a whatchamacallit shot off to kill him [Music] at 99 cents still taking gold penny [Music] we got a full clear let's not forget if i'm gonna use the teleport 2.0 no reason not to euthanasia shot yeah what about the adults in asia well now i'm gonna die [Music] [Music] but i know that time makes ways [Music] look at that [Music] once again i think the play is [Music] to go to the boss room and then teleport to the [Music] curse room if we have to [Music] leave that charged key for i am error um or deal with the devil if we don't earn the deal with the devil the moon card yeah i could go into the curse room and then moon card out i guess [Music] we don't want to chance it i suppose [Music] [Music] low key health upgrade that we don't need some damage though and then we're going to teleport into the deal of the devil uh what is a straw man [Music] from an argument instead of cram poop why don't you take it there mr school bag [Music] boring for you huts may think something else understand annoying to see the same boring challenge ideas spammed [Music] all right we believe in oh you know what we could charge key i am air room let's not forget that we i just don't want to backtrack [Music] [Music] oh good thing we came here i'm gonna pay out i could probably do that does drama sleep in the bed nope oh that's for you straw man don't ever tell me i didn't do nothing for ya it unstraws your man all right now we go [Music] [Applause] probably should just leave some of the money in the ground in case i need it [Music] i hit twice there straw man speed upgrade for straw man thank you wait did it actually work it looks like he's going the same speed i'm just that fast [Music] if you run across a banger i'm gonna play it [Music] so clowder it feels so good cause it feels so good [Music] [Music] number one twisted pair number two purgatory number three demon baby and number four duality [Music] yeah [Music] with all the money that i gave to my money machine still at 99 cents without even fully clearing this floor what's the name of this song it's a banger that's the command for that good job in the twisted pair challenge vid by the way solace says thank you for that oh straw solace also says underbits because i'm a strocket man 100 bits by the way you always have banger songs sorry i'm missing your stuff i just can't hear it should i give twisted pear to straw man should we give all items to straw man at this point [Music] no oh you guys are lame that'd be hilarious challenge idea i get one straw man and i have to give every single thing to that i can't pick up items that'd be hilarious i think that'd be a funny challenge [Music] you take the top one straw man takes the rest thousand bits and solace it's all cool and god no all right but i'm gonna give straw man a buddy all right cool with that i'm gonna i'm not gonna go into the freaking uh [Music] i'm not gonna go into the gas station buy myself a bunch of stuff and then leave strawman hanging walk to the car with like a candy bar and a pop and he's like uh hello you know i don't know this is there's some potential in that getting hit in a room and then teleporting out immediately give you a safe play right i don't know [Music] got to do boss trap rum i don't think there's gonna be a way for us to really get to the i am air room like that oh you know what yeah the pole i forget it on this screen too the mods can take it off [Music] thanks straw man for opening up that chest for me [Music] sorry bud fun fact don't take straw man after picking up money equals power go to the curse room then teleport out [Music] no [Music] [Music] all right here's what i'm going to do i'm going to hurt myself and we're going to do boss trap room [Music] djs [Music] uraburos can you pick that up straw man or wouldn't that be cool a straw man could hold infinite trinkets maybe dope [Music] don't go to the error on this floor it only has a trapdoor don't they sometimes have the light beams look i've seen light beams in there eel not your dog only one way to find out [Music] you'll rip the run coupon coupon not a bad item is this character money my money brown [Music] add a strawboy [Music] saying to kill him to kill stop saying to him killed the straw man that's so good with tainted keeper always procs [Music] the coupon all right chad doesn't want me to risk it by doing the thing so let's just go up lucky penny luck [Music] [Music] okay what if i gave brimstone to the keeper buddy i think he's earned it [Music] number one is multi-dimensional number two is eyeball isle number three is brimstone and number four is sacked egg apparently i flicked off my right button rip keyboard all of them are worth [Music] electric brim [Music] gonna hop onto electric bremen and then we take it higher brim for straw man you get sacked he gets brim [Music] i actually want to give him brimstone [Music] oh he has to actually charge it cool oops i took i belile shoot what happened i blocked out [Music] first the tower i should also give that to this boy [Music] look at that look at you all growed up what a glow up man what a glow up [Music] let's pick your straw man in his underwear oh no he's hot look at that boy he still even looks like straw man we have an amazing stream also straws carrying hard thanks kavoda so there's no i am a room on this floor right or is there is it the next floor that's not there there's no iomerum [Music] [Music] there is a nightmare in this floor got crushed [Music] it should be on this floor lap lord thank you so much the five total months and though my first dose of vaccine so here's my last four bits that's exciting news i believe in science here infested telephone [Music] [Music] little nickel 19 what is up [Music] do it [Applause] straw man you mean guinea pig [Music] [Applause] sam gibbs says boring somewhat this run [Music] is y'all nuts [Music] [Applause] [Music] how are you i am feeling pretty good [Music] this is the light uh light beams that i was talking about i didn't mean to give up my keys there let's go v8 bug shot tell me i'm not crazy for a loading up my brimstone boy with bug shot now just do it just do the whole thing the whole kitten caboodle all of it i'm not rerolling 28 damage send it green laser holy water all yours bud [Applause] [Music] okay could i get some money though surprised i took damage there [Music] kidney bean man [Music] maria's bra [Music] harlequin [Music] like poly brim could have been fun but doesn't your fire rate drop to like negative numbers [Music] nothing but boogers for days [Music] soy brim bugs [Music] the end of old time more milk for you bud [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is peak straw man gaming [Music] oh i walked over creep i'm looking at straw man now [Music] gulp infested look at that [Music] crushing it let me get into the mega satan fight i don't think so [Music] oh that's a deal with the devil i forgot right right right [Music] well been fun give yourself dad's key nah we did well good job you guys good run that was fun thank you guys on youtube for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 27,811
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: yzVGojmDp3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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