Tag, You’re It! | Beast Mode Part 6 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up everybody thank you for logging on watching clicking this video maybe this is your first time i want to say welcome i'm darius daniels and i'm i'm excited about this opportunity to just connect with you through youtube or if you are a regular i want to thank you for regularly watching and sharing these videos you know the only thing i ask you to do is if this adds value to your life email it text it send it to somebody else because we want to help as many people as possible we can't do that without you now you're about to watch a message i taught at our church change church now we stream our services live i want to encourage you to watch them this is the message i taught there it's called tag you're it it's a series a sermon in our beastmode series and i believe it's going to add value to your life all right take care god bless all right so i want you to go to the gospel of mark remember all year long all i'm teaching about all i'm teaching from is jesus matthew mark luke john all year long so mark chapter number 9 verse number 1 14 excuse me says this when they came to the other disciples they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them as soon as all of the people saw jesus they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him what are you arguing with them about he said a man in the crowd answered teacher i brought you my son who's possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech whenever he seizes him it throws him to the ground he phones at the mouth gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid i asked your disciples to drive out the spirit but they could not you unbelieving generation jesus replied how long shall i stay with you how long shall i put up with you bring the boy to me so they brought him and when the spirit saw jesus it immediately began to throw the boy into a convulsion he fell to the ground and rolled around foaming at the mouth and jesus said to the boy's father how long has he been like this from childhood he answered it has often thrown him in the fire or the water to kill him but if you can do anything take pity on us and help us if you can jesus said everything is possible for the one who believes i want to end the reading of god's word right there and i want to talk from this subject in our time together i'm about to date myself with this topic but some of y'all are old like me so you're about to feel me here it is i want to talk from this subject tag you're it tagged you're it um i was raised in an era that was absent of many of the modern technological advances that we now enjoy there was no iphone no ipad no apple watches no youtube no instagram no facebook no tick tock no clubhouse as a matter of fact there weren't even cell phones so if you left home and needed to contact somebody you pulled off to the side of the road and you found what was called a pay phone now if you were calling somebody that was really a little some something you could call them on something called a pager you could beep them if you needed to get in contact with them as a result of the absence of this type of technology this absence affected our entertainment therefore we have to we had to entertain ourselves growing up in ways that are different and distinct than this current generation we actually had to go outside and play as a matter of fact when our parents got tired of tolerating our presence inside the house their go-to phrase was go outside and play and one of the activities we engaged in on the outside was a simplistic almost embarrassingly entertaining game called tag you're it and for those of you who are unfamiliar with this game it's really simple um in the game one person would touch another person tagging them and take off running and the person that had been tagged was responsible for catching the other person and if you caught them they were it and from time to time you will play this game with someone who was so elusive and so fast that they would sap and suck the enjoyment out of the game because they were quasi and pseudo uncatchable you would chase them for a period of time and quit based on the realization and the recognition that i can't catch them but as i reflected on this experience i feel like it's got some exegetical value because i realize and recognize that maybe the issue with that activity is that in many cases people actually weren't uncatchable maybe the issue is we were unwilling to chase long enough to catch them what do i mean i mean there were times where we would stop chasing someone because we assumed we needed to be faster to catch them and in all actuality we didn't need more speed we just needed more stamina we didn't need need more elusiveness we just needed more endurance what's the lesson that can be applied not just to the game of tag but to the game of life there are some things you will only catch if you are willing to chase long enough what have you not caught because you stopped chasing what have you not ran into because you stopped running what have you not obtained because you have not as uh pursued because you've assumed incorrectly that you needed more speed when all actuality you need more stamina somebody's frustrated because you feel like it hasn't happened fast enough when god's trying to get you to see the issues not speed the issue is stamina and if you'll chase it long enough you can catch it i was having a conversation with some of our team and i was talking to them just about you know progress and things of that nature and i told them i said it took wherever i am it took me 15 years to get here whatever you think wherever i am it took me 15 years to get here because some things you don't catch unless you chase long enough as i said in that church the liberal trinity church of god in christ in jackson mississippi in those bible studies during my sophomore and junior year of college listening to elder keith quinn teach a bible study to maybe 12 people in a room like it was 1200 something happened on the inside of me and i said to myself what he does to me with his words is what i want to spend the rest of my life doing for other people with my words i want to rock the world with my words so from that moment i started chasing something jesus and wherever i am in my communication it took me 15 years to get here and i'm still chasing see there are some things in life we won't catch unless we're willing to chase long enough because there are some things that are for you that have to be fought for this is what all of the battles in the old testament are actually about god is not glamorizing violence but he's using the battles in the old testament as a powerful picture and a metaphor of what you have to go through metaphorically as a believer to possess what has been promised some things that are for you you gotta fight for jericho was israel's but they had to fight for it did you hear what i just said canal land was israel's but they had to fight for it and the fighting is not works righteousness the fighting is an expression of your faith it's saying because i believe this is mine i'ma fight for it if you go home right now and somebody's taking something out of your home that belongs to you or if you go into a store and somebody tries to grab your child if you see somebody walking with a their child in their hand you don't bot holding their hand you don't bother it but if somebody grabs your child by the hand you might start laying some hands on them why because that doesn't belong to you that belongs to me and my willingness to fight for it is an indication that i got a revelation that that's mine did you hear what i said and your willingness to chase it is an indication that you got a revelation that what i'm chasing belongs to me has been promised to me so developing this this mentality family isn't an issue of developing speed it's an issue of developing stamina so here's my question lions because sears on beast mode lions not lions aren't faster than hyenas but they are relentless in the chase so here's my question are you in shape no no no i know i know you've got a glimpse of the greatness that god wants to generously give you but are you in shape i know you got a picture uh a preview of a coming attraction in terms of what god wants to bring in your life but the question is are you in shape i know you got a vision for something that you want to build and do and accomplish is going to impact culture and impact the lives of others but the question is are you in shape do you have the stamina to chase it long enough do you have the stamina to chase it through a no do you have the stamina to chase it through a closed door do you have a stamina to chase it through your own mistakes missteps and failure do you have the stamina to chase it through your own self-sabotaging activity developing the lion in us is not just about acquiring speed it's about acquiring stamina you cannot be a beast just trying to go fast you must be willing to chase alone [Laughter] stamina physically is about physical or cardiovascular endurance but there's a different word that the bible uses to describe spiritual stamina and that word is hope [Music] hope is untamed optimism expectation and anticipation that god will do what he said hope is untamed optimism expectation and anticipation that god will do what he said hope is untamed optimism expectation and anticipation that god will do what he said hope is untamed optimism expectation and anticipation that god will do what he said hope is untamed optimism expectation and anticipation that god will do what he said hope is untamed it's untameable no matter what comes up against it it cannot be domesticated you can't house train my hope my hope is wild my hope will run crazy my hope will go anywhere everywhere i hope she'll survive anything it's a untamed optimism expectation and anticipation that god will do what he said you don't chase something without hope when you run out of hope you run out of gas when you run out of hope you run out of energy when you run out of hope you run out of stamina when you run out of hope you run out of the chase how untamed optimism an attitude that always sees the silver lining a mentality that muses on romans 8 28 and he will work all things together for my good it's an untamed optimism it's it's a it's an attitude that looks at the rubble in your life when you're on the other side of destruction and say god's gonna bring something good out of this i don't know who this is for and who's listening to this today but i want to tell you god is going to bring something good out of this a car stops moving because it runs out of gas people stop moving because they run out of hope and all throughout scripture we see instruction for believers to live with hope we see it david testifies about it in psalms 42 verse 11. he says now i want y'all to see this this is david's it's almost the equivalent of his journal it's one of the reasons we advocate for journaling for journaling david was a journalist and i don't know if you can have a pure heart without some kind of journaling because you got to have an outlet to expose the toxicity in your heart that comes from living in a toxic culture in a toxic world and dealing with toxic people david says my soul my soul why are you downcast you see some people say you're crazy for talking to yourself i think sometimes you need to talk to yourself to stop from going crazy he asked himself reflective questions i feel bad but why you understand he didn't just acknowledge his feelings he assessed them why am i feeling like this why so disturbed within you watch what he says put your hope in god don't mess with me for i will yet praise him my savior and my god praise is the language of hope [Applause] [Music] praise is what hope sounds like ah did you hear what i said yes he says i will put my hope in god missus i will yet praise him right because there's a connection between my hope and my praise david testifies about this watch what the wise man solomon david's son says about hope he says in proverbs 13 12 hope deferred makes the heart sick he says when hope is deferred it makes your heart sick the apostle paul told believers in rome in romans chapter 12 verse 12 be joyful in hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer here's my question if hope comes automatically why would the bible tell us to have it yes why would it tell you to get something if you already got it it means that being a person of hope requires intentionality because the human species normally leans cynical are you hearing what i'm saying see why why would god place such an emphasis on this area of hope is because you cannot carry out your calling if you're captured by cynicism and the human species leans cynical we see the negative before the positive we ruminate on the negative and not the positive are you hearing what i'm saying and watch this and cynicism is an indication that your heart is held hostage by hopelessness and jurgen mukman says hopelessness is the premature anticipation of the non-fulfillment of the promises of god it is when you prematurely anticipate that god's not gonna do what he said see some people ran out of hope because you made a decision prematurely you prematurely anticipated god wasn't gonna do it because it hasn't happened yet you said it can't happen that's premature as long as you got breath that's premature as long as god gives you another day that's premature see and when hopelessness is present the chase will be absent and this is why i believe it's essential to understand the importance of embracing this virtue i came to tell you today i just shifted for these next 11 minutes and six seconds i got i am no longer a preacher i'm a paramedic did you hear what i just said for these next few minutes i am no longer a preacher i'm a paramedic and i'm coming with a spiritual defibrillator and i want to bring your hope back to life god wants to renew the chase on the inside of you he wants to resurrect the hope on the inside of you so that you can carry out your calling and my foundational text in mark is going to assist us in that endeavor in this text here in mark we're exposed to an individual that's having a frustrating experience with religion i'ma say that one more time it's an individual who's frustrated with his religious experience he's moral but he's frustrated holy but he frustrated serving god but he frustrated he's frustrated because his son has an issue that religion is not fixing he has a son who has been impacted by the activity of the evil spirit and the text says the spirit has robbed the son of his speech now charles spurgeon says that the physical miracles of christ are symbols of the spiritual works so physical problems in the bible are metaphors for all types of problems that you and i face so when we see physical blindness in the bible spurgeon would say it's a metaphor for spiritual blindness the the it's the inability to see for yourself what god sees for you see are you hearing what i'm saying so so when you see jesus healing people from physical blindness in the bible it's a metaphor for how he wants to heal people from spiritual blindness and i'm telling somebody today maybe jesus wants to give you your vision back pastor i still can see can you really i'm not talking about can you see literally i'm talking about can you see spiritually can you see for yourself what god sees for you so what this young boy goes through in this text is a metaphor for what we all go through and what this evil spirit did to this young boy can represent what a spirit of hopelessness can do to you and i what did it say the text says first of all it robbed him of his speech another translation says he couldn't hear or speak because that his inability to that his inability to speak was a result of his inability to hear and sometimes we're not talking right because you're not hearing right did you hear what i just said yes sometimes we are not talking right because we aren't hearing right because we're dealing with spiritual deafness something has happened what evil has happened that's taken your ear did betrayal take your ear did did heartache take your ear did heartbreak take your ear he couldn't hear couldn't hear god couldn't hear god's word uh unintentional rejection of the answer to your issue a lack of a desire to hear the word that's the answer to the issue so your issue is the issue but your issues causing another issue and that's deafness and so the spiritual deafness makes the issue worse because the only thing that can fix the issue is the thing that your issues causing you to reject right so this is why people get in crisis and they run from church and church is the only answer for the crisis am i making sense here yeah he couldn't hear so he couldn't speak because hopelessness affects your words it affects the words that come out of my mouth it affects our language i love this the the text says the text says this when jesus ha are y'all ready for this if you're ready put i'm ready in the chat if you're ready in the studio say i'm ready here it is the text says jesus walks up to the boy and the spirit recognized jesus and the boy started going through convulsions you know what jesus is y'all jesus is a walking rebuke he didn't even have to rebuke the evil spirit all he did was show up and the spirit recognized him and started acting up and some of you are wondering why why is it that when i show up in certain environments things start acting up you're like i hadn't even done anything but maybe it's the spirit that recognizes the spirit in you and that spirit in you recognizes that jesus in you and you become a walking rebuke did you hear what i said yeah because this because the spirit knew if jesus stays here i can't i'm speaking to somebody because you're dealing with a degree of warfare and the warfare is not intended to destroy you at work or destroy you in the home it's attended to is intended to run you out of somewhere because the spirit knows that you and it can't stay he starts he starts convulsing and stuff starts coming out of his mouth that shouldn't [Music] just reflect on that please a woman he says he starts foaming out of my phone should come out of the mouth but when jesus shows up stuff starts coming out of his mouth that when jesus shows up things start coming out of their mouth that when jesus shows up things start coming out of their mind that sh that when jesus shows up things start coming out of their mouth that and some of you are wondering why is this coming out of their mouth that's not what i said i'm just here to help them i don't see why they interpreted it that way but sometimes there is an issue behind the issue that's driving and causing the response you're getting from them he starts foaming out of the mouth the bible says he's thrown to the ground in convulsions it's logical and likely that at some point he injured himself and injured others because that's what hopelessness does it causes you to inflict injury on yourself or on end or injury on others don't miss this now don't miss this now it's dangerous to be connected to somebody who's hopeless did you hear what i just said yes is that i bet there were times where the father was trying to help the son and got hurt while the son was engaging in these convulsions because right and watch this and that's what happens to us when we try to help the hopeless we get hurt text says it throws him in the fire and in the water to kill him now wait wait a minute what's this is that making me you really put him in the fire he's in the fireplace like what do you mean by that no no no no him being thrown into the fire and into the water is a metaphor for being on fire one day and being cold the next hot one day call the next it is a metaphor for inconsistency and unpredictability and that's what a spirit of hopelessness does it makes you hot one day and cold the next one day i'm taking the city for the kingdom and next woe is me one day i'm a prophet and the next day i'm sitting under the tree telling god there's nobody like me and jesus asked the question how long has he been like this and the man says from childhood this represents a very significant period in his life this is important because time is often the enemy of hope people run out of hope because because of how long they feel like they've been wrestling with an issue but when you go beast mode you realize that time can't even stop you from stepping into what god has pre-ordained and pre-arranged for you when you go beast mode you realize that god is sovereign not time that sarah's in the bible to remind me that time cannot limit what god has intended to bring to pass in my life that god can allow me to give birth to it in a season where others feel like it they are incapable and that it's impossible this may be one of the reasons that the bible frequently mentions all the different times people dealt with specific issues jesus didn't allow what hadn't happened previously to cause him not to believe what could happen now hope doesn't allow failure in the past to be fatal to your future so the father says to jesus if you can do anything take pity on us and jesus said if now wait a minute we taught you in the second message in this series that jesus is the ultimate embodiment and expression of humility so this isn't being arrogant this isn't arrogance this is an awareness this isn't arrogance this is awareness this isn't arrogance this is awareness jesus said if do you know who you're talking to he say it's not if i can do anything he says if you can believe all things are possible i got to go y'all just miss what i said jesus said no it's not if i can do it it's if you can believe all things are possible i got to go y'all miss what i just said jesus did jesus said no it's not if i can do it it's if you can believe and then he says all things are possible now watch this he hadn't healed the boy yet but when he says all things are possible what is he doing he's restoring hope back in the father y'all missed this did you hear what i said because the father had tried religion previously to fix it because he took the boy to jesus disciples y'all missed this i went to the altar and you put oil on me and i got up the same way i fasted and after the fast was over i went back to the same things y'all are talking to me i prayed and i cried and i cried and i prayed and it ended up being the same way the average person would have gave up on getting their son free but because this man had some lying in him he did not allow the failures of the past to make a final determination about his future so let's pause for a minute in the midst of your testimony i want you to testify about the times it didn't work no no no no i know you tell the story about the one time you went to the altar and you got up free is this is this too real yellow this is too real that one time right but what about the other times i came to your disciples jesus and they couldn't fix it what does jesus do he restores hope he speaks a word that restores hope he speaks a word he lets the man see no all things are possible he brings the impossible in this man's mind back into the realm of a possibility a possibility what does he do he wants to reignite this man's untamed optimism expectation and anticipation that god will do what he said he sends a word to restore hope so here's my question lion what have you been bringing to the disciples that ain't fixed and are you willing to keep chasing and bring it to jesus this this willingness of this young of this man's father to receive hope i'm done y'all is a key and critical aspect to life as god intended and what did jesus have to do he healed he restored hope before he healed the young man watch this because hope comes before healing we're like jesus heal me he's like let's deal with the hope first because you can't bring it to the disciples and it not work and that not take some hope because nothing steals hope like failure back to testimony service i know you testify about the few times it did work let's talk about the damage that was done to your hope because of the times it didn't and how that has impacted your willingness and your ability to chase oh my jesus performed an exorcism and the bible says that when this man was demonized that that's the actual literal translation of what we would call demon possession that's a completely different conversation that people kind of misunderstand so the influence of being on the demonic activities just like the holy just like the holy spirit right the way the holy spirit impact influences the will evil spirits influence the will and whatever you yield more control to has more control over you to the degree that right does that make sense because in other words if if you keep doing what you shouldn't you'll get to a point where you can't stop doing what you shouldn't got me because you gave your will over to the influence of that which is evil and not that which is godly how am i making sense and jesus said and i think and i'm trying to bring our church into this in this season i really am because it's so biblical it's so new testament we talked about the legacy of william seymour earlier this is new testament ministry i think post there's an area in our history called the enlightenment the the enlightenment period i think led to son idolatry of reason and knowledge and so i think now all we think we need are sermon notes like i'm just obsessed with knowledge when jesus was a teacher but he was more than that because people need more than teaching they need touches from god [Applause] and i think this part of charismatic ministry has has deviated into expressions that aren't necessarily tied to sound biblical theology it has become weird and has become mystical and not spiritual so to avoid that there's a segment of the church that's kind of went all the way to the other side and said we're just going to have cute services and i'm just going to do some cute teaching and go on about my business not realizing that there is some muteness and deafness and convulsions and self-inflicted industry issues and injured injuries that have origins that are spiritual in nature and we need god's touch to free us from that you know the the bible talks about some in the old testament called the spirit of heaviness doesn't it the spirit of heaviness and i'm not saying all emotional heaviness is spiritual some of it is circumstantial some of it is psychological but sometimes it is spiritual are you hearing me that's why you see when jesus performed some of his miracles sometimes he would say all right your sins are forgiven and sometimes he wouldn't sometimes he would just heal somebody and sometimes he would perform an exorcism because every issue doesn't have the same origin but i think we're dismissing the work of the spirit and saying i'm about to dig in your heart and pull this heaviness off of you come on and talk to me he promises i'll give you the garment of praise for for the spirit of heaviness this unusual heaviness that just comes up on you jesus dealt with that and maybe the origin of your hopelessness isn't your failure but how forces of evil have influenced the way you have interpreted your failure [Music] and your interpretation of what that failure means has created hopelessness in you it don't it doesn't mean what you think it did you hear me yeah it the the mistake doesn't mean what you think it means oh you hear me the closed door doesn't mean what you think it means the rejection doesn't mean what you think it means i tell you my story all the time how there's this one school i wanted to go to i deserved to get in that school i did the work i was more than qualified to get in that school and that school rejected me and i remember how i felt dejected when i got rejected but i've learned now that was over 20 years ago this is what i learned rejection's direction it didn't mean what i thought it meant i don't know i don't know i don't know who i'm talking to see people look i went to prison but i went to princeton because i got rejected from where i wanted to go first because it don't mean it doesn't mean what you think it means [Music] and so maybe maybe everything isn't just three points i got points but maybe everything isn't just three points maybe maybe some teaching is intended to lead us to a touch to say god i've i've been to the disciples i've tried the things that i should try the man was right to bring him to the disciples that makes sense that's protocol the disciples were trained they've been mentored by jesus and obviously he could not get to jesus so yes you were right to go to the altar yes you were right to go to small groups yes you were right to pray yes you're right to get in the word yes you're right to be a part of accountability groups you did all of that but if you did all of that and there is no remedy maybe it's time to come to jesus and say lord now i need a miracle i need a touch i need a touch i need a touch and when you get this touch he's not just gonna watch this he's not he's not just going to touch what's broken he's going to touch your mind and help your mind understand the inevitability of crisis that's what that crisis is inevitable crisis is inevitable it's it's not avoidable honest it's it's it it is something that we will all deal with as a result of the human experience so he says i don't want you to feel uniquely assaulted because i want you to know that this is inevitable but although there there is the inevitability of crisis you also need to understand the reliability of god's word and that god cannot lie he can't lie and his unwillingness to lie it watch this allows hope to be an anchor for your soul you gotta understand the unchangeable nature of his character he's the same yesterday today and forever so how about in this moment we don't just push and press for god to touch a body how about we push and press for him to touch a mind and to set some people free from hopelessness they've tried to get free from by every other method y'all have been pastoring this church 15 years i'm still chasing i still see it i've been doing 15 years and i don't see what i saw when i started but i'm i'm chasing i'm a chase until i can't chase anymore because you're calling requires a chase and today god wants to restore it oh i feel the presence of god coming in your house whenever you're watching this god's getting ready to restore your hope i gotta go but you know what it takes for a lion aurora it takes stamina you can't roar if you don't have breath god's getting ready to restore your roar by his spirit that still happens so father i pray right now glory i pray right now for i just pray for touches that you touch our minds in the name of jesus and that you would remove the spirit of heaviness and give us the garment of praise i pray right now that you would heal hearts that have been infected by the impact of disappointment and despair i pray that you set them free to step into the fullness of all that you have for them i pray for a resurrection of hope i pray for spiritual stamina in jesus name to chase that which we've been called to to chase that which we've been created for to fight for what is for us give us discernment on what is chase worthy give us the discipline not to be distracted and chase the wrong things but god give us the stamina to run after what's been running after us so i thank you right now that yolks yokes and chains and fetters they are being broken that your spirit is at work the empowering presence of your holy spirit is at work doing what cannot be done any other way that you are demonstrating even by your spirit your sovereignty over issues and areas that keep us in hostage held by the chains of hopelessness we pray that the chains be broken and your people be free in jesus name amen now free people worship right in your house i want you to start a house fire well listen thank you so much for watching that message i mean i pray your heart is stirred i pray your hope is restored and i'm going to ask you one more time if this blessed you if it adds value to you my only request is that you share it with someone else thank you for being up just just for being a part of our family we consider this this youtube platform spiritual family i want to thank you for being a part of it and i want to thank so many of you unsolicited who give we use the biblical word sowing because we see giving is like planting seed i want to thank you for sowing into the work that we're doing many of you you have churches and you say pastor darris i have a church and i give to my church but i believe in the teaching ministry god's given you and i want to see that expanded all over the world so i give to darius daniel's ministry so some of you say i'm a part of change church and i give that whatever you do i just want to say thank you for it and if your heart stirred to do it ways to do it are coming up on this lower third now i can't wait to see all that god's going to do through our partnership together we love you take care god bless
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 48,963
Rating: 4.9439421 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: zhIqzkvMmvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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