Tafseer of Surah Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious) - 2/2- Moutasem Al-Hameedy

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in alhamdulillah enamoured wanna stay I wanna stop furrow Manarola will let him in cerulean fussiness a yeti hi marina medially hopefully molding Leyla woman yodeling fella had the era or shadow Allah illallah wahdahu la sharika lah or she don't know Muhammad and how the Horus who looks la la la he well he he was in Allah all praises due to Allah we praise Him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions whomsoever Allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever Allah used to go astray none can guide I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone who has no partners and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is his servant and His Messenger again back to solitary man we said the general frame of the surah is who can remind us he is one the mercy the mercy okay and we said the whole surah is about this general theme about the mercy of Allah subhanAllah the soul has meant to take us into a deeper meaning of the mercy of Allah subhanAllah dad instead of relating to the concept of Allah's mercy on a superficial level the solar teaches us or takes us on a journey and it helps us appreciate the manifestations of Allah's mercy sometimes yes we are aware of a lot mercy and we are aware of the blessings but we haven't made that connection so the solar puts everything within that context and it brings everything together so we start to see that all the blessings that we enjoy are not taken for granted they were brought to us by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he created them for us it's not that he created them and then he they happened to come to us no they Allah created them specifically for us and he shows the depth and breadth of Allah's mercy the intensity of that messy the beauty of it that a las Panna wa'ta'ala takes special care of humans so all these things should be and it's it's put in in in man's nature to usually be thankful if someone smiles at you naturally naturally you tend to return back that smile if someone does you a favor if you have not been culturally conditioned not to respond in the same way naturally you would respond with another favor you would return that favor it's not as natural and by the way they use this in marketing a lot of the shops or sales points when you walk in they offer you some kind of sweets sometimes cup of tea some coffee and you might think this is complimentary what's so innocent but it's not it's psychology they give it to you and sometimes they start showing you you know so you walk into some shops especially cool clothes and this is very common in the Middle East they start showing you everything they have and they get it off the shelf and they untie it and the unpackage it and they open it in front of you and they give you special care and you might feel a bit flattered thinking of this but they take a special care of you but that psychology because you don't find yourself compelled you know this man has you know put themselves and himself in pain to show me all these things and he got out of his way and he unpackaged all this stuff it's a lot of work to put it back together in this place so you find yourself compelled to buy even if it's something little it's all psychology so doesn't think somebody might be so innocent yeah they like they'll they like to be nice to their customers but most of the time it is about manipulation but because they are taking advantage or exploiting this human nature but a large panel to add a nose he created us and that way to be thankful to him so he is putting everything in context for us so we find ourselves our human nature taking us towards thankfulness without having to put yourself into that pain or get out of your way and thank a lot but it should be nature should all should be natural if we understand if we understand the reality of this life and we understand where everything came from it should be natural it should flow naturally that we are thankful to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala but it's the conditioning that we go through no environment or upbringing our culture our education all of this puts us or creates the wrong context what we don't appreciate what a loss of Hannah what a loss patella gave us so we don't naturally tend to be thankful people tend to be ungrateful we reached the point where we were the were the swat talks about the two seas and we said this is one of the miracles of the Quran to talk about this 1400 years ago when humans just recently discovered that natural phenomenon and we said that the fact that there are seas or bodies of water where the salinity is very high and you have sweet fresh rivers and lakes and each one of them has its own functions has its own products distinct products and all of this it adds variety to human life all of this is is obviously flows from the mercy of allah subhana wa ta'ala then a lot again puts the same word to humans and jinn which of the favours of Allah which you deny and as I said sometimes Allah sends the same message from different angles or in different ways and this is something that is I would say somehow clear in the Sharia because people have different mental orientations different backgrounds different mental process so a lot peels to all of those for example Islam what does Islam mean what does religion mean you will find this in so many ways introduced so many ways in the Quran for example the famous hadith of debris and he said on when he came to the Prophet SAW solemn in the form of a stranger man and he came ask the Prophet SAW time about Islam a man s an and the signs of the hereafter the Prophet SAW solemn gave him the answer when Islam was and what a man was and what a sin was this is one example there's another another hadith where the prophet sallallaahu seldom says innama bu'ithtu leo tell me my Meharry Malik I was sent the summary of the mission of the Prophet SAW sunland was put in this hadith I was sent to perfect character and good manners so it's a way to introduce Islam a few words someone was to ask you about Islam you could tell them it's the perfection of manners that's all what Islam is another hadith reported by muslim hadith of timid daddy Abdullah one or the prophets also them said a Dean on nicely huh Dean or the religion of Islam is nicely huh now this word is comprehensive it's not it doesn't talk about one aspect of Islam no that's all what Islam is about muscle yeah that's all what Islam is about let me take a digression here how is the word nasi I usually translated advice yes and usually the hadith is translated the Deen the religion is advice and that's the problem with translations yesterday I talked about this point briefly that's what problem with translations let's read the hadith based on that common translation the religion is advice so the companion is asked to who the Prophet SAW saw them said to Allah and his book and His Messenger and the Muslims the leaders or the authorities and the laymen does it make sense give nos Lehi to a lock and you given us a hat Allah advice can you give advice to Allah can you give advice to the Quran The Book of Allah can you give advice to the prophets also so that's a problem with advice here it doesn't cover the the depth of Islam so what is the word and some translations they use sincerity but that's still a deficient one nicely here is a way of life very comprehensive word and extremely powerful and this is why the Prophet Allah said the Dean is nicely Han so it summarizes Islam the wordlessly hack of a system so you see the Prophet SAW said Allah and Allah spirit Allah in the Quran they're referring to Islam in many different ways so if one one explanation one definition doesn't hit you the other one will so as I said a la semana appeals to different understandings different dispositions because that's that's part of a las mercy and here a las pastillas repeating the same verse the same verse which of the signs all of the favours of Allah of your Lord do you deny so if in one context you can't relate to this probably in another context you will be able and a lot of repeats it so even it might sometimes maybe leave a small impact in your heart but you hit it the second time in a different context it takes that to a higher level and it builds on builds on until it reaches level where you all of a sudden you wake up sometimes you receive the same advice for years and it doesn't make that much difference and one day it hits you how often that we there is something that we know but when one day because we went through some experience we heard the same statement again and it is as if we heard it for the first time that was the case with the Companions of the Prophet SAW Solomon he saw was an imposter why not the famous story when I'm gonna hop Bob stood up and he said anyone who says Mohammed has died then I'm going to chop off his head Abubakar old alone was outside of medina and house kids of medina so he came to the Prophet SAW solemn he entered into the house and he looked at the prophet saw so many kissed him between his eyes and he said the Harnois mijita how good you are alive and dead and then he went out to the people and everyone was there and Ibaka said to him uh sit down over my mother Barbara alone was still speaking and threatening people Oh buck I told him sit down and I'm not won't listen sit down he won't listen sit down he wants it he ignored him and he started speaking himself people ignored amar and they came to Abu Bakr because they were trying to make sense of what was happening and a mother hot dog was making it and that stage more complicated for them so they all turned to Abu Bakr all the LaRon and Abu Bakr told them simply whoever worships Mohammed Mohammed has died and whoever worships Allah then Allah never dies then he recited the verse huama in Leila's room at allotment public health Russell after a matter of OT non-callable America becomes war Italian lon and Muhammad is only a man from amongst yourselves and he's a messenger from one of the messengers of Allah spanner to Allah so if he gets killed or if he passes away are you going to turn back on your heels the companion see I'm not Bob specifically said well I it is as if I hear I've heard this for the first time but he's familiar with the first whose was revealed during the Battle of what about eight years ago eight years before that incident so they were familiar with it but I'm Aloha Bob says well la he it is as if I've heard this first for the first time why because the context took his comprehension to a different level now and now he relate to it the same happens with the repetition of this vest I said repetition is a secret when it comes to human behavior you can't reach a good level of skill without repetition you want to learn language you need repetition you want to learn physical sport you need repetition you need to get good at even any any any kind of skill with repetition repetition is de is the answer and it's the secret of knowledge the secret of knowledge I know a few people who have no clue don't have they don't have a specific date when they memorize the Quran if you ask them one at what age you memorize the Quran they tell you I don't know why because these are people who would recite the Quran every four or five days they would finish it every four or five days and they just found one day the founder Quran in their heads then okay molar isin this is a traditional way a lot of the scholars that's how they relate the way they memorize the Quran if you check with the great scholars you will find that the way they got this knowledge and the deep understanding and the memory phenomenal memory is through repetition they would read the same thing over and over again there was one of the great scholars I can't remember his name now but he before he gave a halakhah or a class he would repeat it to himself 50 times 50 times before he would go and deliver the LIA halacha his mother his old mother told him you know why do you do this to yourself after the fifth time the tenth time I've memorized your class a lot so why do you repeat it 50 times he said I'll give you the answer later so he would come to his mother like two months later and he would say remember that class that I gave should say yes I'll that he said can you tell me anything about it she would say I forgot he said that's what I repeated 50 times I can mention it or can deliver it back again exactly as I did two months ago you see that's a repetition repetition is the mother of skill okay then Allah Span Allah Ta'ala moves on to talk about another phenomenon one of the signs of the mercy of Allah and there is some point here beautiful point sometimes humans get proud about themselves because of something they discovered or something they have developed for example all the technology that we have all the technology that we have people would say ok you know we made that we invented that it wasn't there Allah spent a day reminds humans that even this is a las mercy so he says well a whole Jawad in one Shia to feel it the helican alum and these great massive ships that sail through the sea they belong to Allah and they are originally from Allah people have this arrogance that we made them we invented them we engineered them we put them together okay so that's our invention you don't realize that the argument are Subhan Allah I don't know I want to choose my words wisely sometimes you deal with someone very intelligent and they are two three steps ahead of you so you play a game and you find out they already they are already prepared for that and they have even set you up down the road so you can't play with them but with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala people Allah knows because Allah knows what's going to happen he knows what kind of arrogance people were going to have he knows how people were going to feel proud about themselves that we have invented that we made that but a lost panel to Allah he's the one who created the raw materials for us he's the one who made life possible he made everything easy for us and he created us and he created our intelligence so where are you going you're trying to attribute things to yourselves but it's from Allah everything you've used to put this thing together is Allah span is from Allah spanner to Adam and he even inspired you to come up with that invention he's the one who inspired you to come up with this invention there's a beautiful Heidi from the prophet sallallaahu send them the messenger so solemn says in Allah haha yuhu cool in l-'ihsani in was son natty such a profound hadith that clears the doubts the problem says in Allah indeed Allah Holly oh cool asana Allah is indeed is the creator of every craftsman of every manufacturer and whatever he makes so we make cars and we think it's our own intelligence where did this intelligence come from how did you make it raw material is wanted to get them from there from Allah everything the technology where did they come from Allah inspired you that Allah caused you to grow in terms of knowledge so that you reach that point and you put all of these things together and all of this is still insignificant compared to the creation of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so Allah Spanish I'll here is putting another another example after mentioning this that these great massive ships that sail through the sea for your own benefit they belong to Allah and they are from Allah and they are a gift from Allah so again which of the favours of Allah of your Lord do you deny so it's not your own favor it's not your home favor it's unless so are you going to be thankful then I lost panel to Allah okay which number this verse is or just before that before the ships something about the seas Allah mentioned that your aluminum lol margin that from the the sea emerge pearl and coral all these precious things unexpectedly you get them from the sea all these hidden treasures who would predict that something like that could come out from the depths of the sea of the ocean but alas patella put it that and he placed it there for you and there's a lesson behind that okay so this was number 22 and the verse number 24 talks about the ships then Allah Spanish Allah says if you fall into this arrogance just Jerusalem creating in context if you think oh all of these all the ships are your own product Allah so Allah ultimately says kun Lohmann la half an everyone on this earth everyone shall perish so if you insist on that in that state of arrogance and this doesn't convince you don't see the truth then death is the ultimate reality the death is what's going to shake your heart deep inside everyone shall die can you challenge this fact this is a fact you cannot challenge and that's bad by the way similar to the argument a blow him away he said I'm used against animal against the king his salat al baqarah a brahim challenge tandem road he gave him Dawa animal challenged him so Ibrahim said Carla Al Arabiya parla Ibrahima or being lady you he will meet Abraham said my lord brings because that man that King ascribed lordship to himself he was the Lord he was the robbed of the universe it was the allah the god of the people so the brahim challenged him and he said to him i'll be a letter you he will meet my lord is the one who gives life and brings about death takes it away what did the man say he said I give life and death he was playing a semantic game basically what he said this is a man who was destined to death sentenced to death I forgive him so I brought I gave him life and that's a man who did nothing I could just kill him so I brought death so was semantics game Abraham knew he had to take the argument to a different level so what did it blow him say he said okay I'll give you something you can't play with now Allah surrounds Allah causes the Sun to rise from the east you caused it to rise from the West's coma okay now he can't place a month semantic game there it's a clear argument by the way they teach this in this some of these scholars early scholars of Muslims they would teach this as one style of argument and this panel law they get so many benefits from this small argument that in Brahim and he salam had and this is there's something here similar that a las montañas saying that even these ships that you think that you created that you made and this makes you her again they belong to allah they came in the first place from a lost panel to allah but if in case someone still does not believe i believe a lot one that says to them everyone is going to die except for allah now this is something you can't argue with because you're going to die and you can't prove that people will not die or someone will not die because you can't get anyone now who is 150 years old people are dead and you know that no one has survived since thousand years ago until anelia still listed it so this is a fact people cannot argue with so you see a lot of others appealing to different mindsets kulu manali - why a barrage horebeek avulsion annually calm everyone is going to die the scholars say it's not only the creation or creatures on the earth all creatures will die just prior to the day of judgment or the early stages of they've just met every every creature will die and but there will remain a last panatela long even the angels will die the Angels themselves will die and they will only remain Allah Spadina he would say annal Melek I am the king of kings and no one but Allah there everything is dead everyone is dead but a lost planet an now what is the beauty that we find in this verse a beautiful thing that has to do a lot with Islam and I know many people have a problem with sometimes people come to you they say if Allah is merciful why does he punish people why does he put people in the Hellfire if Allah is merciful why does he allow suffering and people might come in as well and say if is a lies capable of everything can he do this something which is not befitting of a Lost Planet are not suitable for the majesty of Allah where do though all of those people go wrong they take a single attribute of Allah a single name in isolation it doesn't work like that you need and that's the beauty of the names and attributes of Allah Spano taught anyone who said the rules that pertain to the names and attributes of Allah they know this you need to understand them individually but to understand them fully you need to bring them together you need to bring them together so for someone to sin and say Allah is merciful no you got it wrong yes Allah is merciful but you can't take that in isolation it can't take it out of its context Allah is merciful and the last severe in punishment LMO and Elijah did live God and Allah Allah follow him know that Allah is very severe and powerful in his punishment and Allah is merciful and forgiving that's how we relate to a lost penalty and if you relate to Allah only one of his name's and you take it in a state of isolation you would misinterpret and you would have the wrong notions about Allah so pan over to Adam now I will share with you a profound principle Garrity I won't be able to explain it in full in full but it's going to act it will instigate you thought processes like a chain reaction it will help you think and I think people don't need to learn a lot of information more than they need to jumpstart their brains just initiate the process of thinking about things right if you get that it's just like the the the Chinese proverb I mean if someone comes to you poor and you're a fisherman you can give him a fish every day but better teach him how to fish that's the same thing if you can if you can they start this approach with the Quran you always thinking about the Quran you're thinking about what that's what does that mean how does it relate to my life how can i benefit from this I will be very happy because even if you spend hundreds of hours every month learning and learning and learning with the lifestyle that we have you tend to forget more important than acquiring new knowledge we need to synthesize this knowledge we need to digest it and find this personal connection with it it becomes more beneficial and then it becomes easier for you to learn more information becomes much easier for you because you will be doing it for the right reason with in tension everything we do wrong everything a human being does and it's wrong the reason for that if you dig deep they have the wrong notion about a lot that moment anything you do and you do it wrong or you do something evil something unacceptable something Haram if you dig deep you'll find the source of this is that you have a wrong notion about Allah there's nothing in this world such as positive thinking negative thinking we Muslims use it I sometimes use it but that's because we are influenced by this secular approach to life life is about Allah Allah is the center of our lives anything goes wrong you can trace it back to the center when you see when someone is very being very pessimistic we say oh you know you you're being negative you need to think positively that's all semantics by the way it's all semantics or what it is when someone or when we say or you know you're thinking negatively do you know what it is you're having a wrong thought about Allah that's it that's a principle concept I'll give examples and it will be clear inshallah okay when a Muslim let me start with a Muslim when a Muslim commits zina the moment moment he falls into that sin or he commits theft he steals something the moment he is perpetrating that sin what do you think his notion about Elias that Allah sees him or not is he aware that Allah is watching him at that moment he's doing it when someone is falling into zina he's doing it now do you think he is aware that Allah is watching him huh if you think about a lot at the moment of sin you can't if you truly think about it's not just on a passing thought no if you truly aware of Allah what is his notion about Allah Allah doesn't see me Allah doesn't see me that's why he has the guts to do it and that's exactly what the process on him said that a person does not a Muslim cannot or believer cannot commit Zeno does not commit zina except that his Eman is lifted his awareness of Allah is believe in Allah is lifted and it says as a cloud it becomes as a cloud I'm putting to nourishes together just to get the meaning across a cloud above his head until he's done and he's back he comes back to reality then his email goes back into his heart so that person committed zina because at that very moment he had the wrong notion about Allah Allah doesn't see me when someone commits suicide what do you think the notion about a lies at that time they might not you know say exactly about Allah well they might they were just thinking all life is stuff and I can't put up with it anymore basically what he's saying the deeper meaning is Allah hasn't been good with me Allah has been harsh with me and life is not worth living Alun escape from that basically saying Allah is not merciful what is the notion let me take it a step further no one enters the Hellfire there's no one who enters the Hellfire accepts because they had the wrong notion about Allah and that's exactly what Allah says to the people of the fire and so lots for silat a la semana reprimands the people in the health and he says well Aaron Valentin and Allah Allah Allah mocha theorem in mathematics the hands will speak the eyes will speak until on them the sins they committed and they were trying to deny it loud say and you thought that's because you thought Allah does not know much of what you do whether Lacan Wanaka melody Valentin will become our dark o fast vitamin-a hassan ii it is these wrong thoughts and notions about allah that has brought you to destruction anyone enters paradise it enters the hellfire it's because they had the wrong notions about allah so you can't do anything wrong without having the wrong notion about allah what we claim to be negative thinking is not negative thinking is having the wrong suspicions about allah so or von nebula and what we call positive thought is ultimately having good thoughts about allah that's all what it is is it clear or needs more clarification if you can walk away with this benefit from solar ramen it's enough but I sense a chain reaction you just had this the first reaction yeah hopefully it will explode in your head something some somewhere there's no positives there's nothing it's only know sometimes language is again we give things name but it's not it's not the right way to describe it but that's the influence of culture that's the influence of wrong philosophies and outlooks in life we think by means of our language our language describes on a thought process so now when we say positive thinking negative thinking there's no such thing there's no such thing that's some sort of euphemism you know your form as we say something which sounds good yeah Oh sounds neutral but there's a more serious reality behind it that's what it is when what we describe as positive thinking is actually having the right and the good thoughts about Allah and when you have negative thinking you're basically having the wrong notions about Allah that's it because life life does not stand by itself life does not stand by itself things don't happen randomly Allah causes them to happen do you say oh you know I think you know if that's a common thing everything I do it just falls apart if there's a successful project if I get involved it will be it will fail that's it you know everything I do just happens to fail it happens to fall apart we say that innocently and if someone was to give you advice they would usually say are you thinking that you're being negative having negative thoughts no no but basically look at what you see what you are saying you're just saying Allah is working against me that's exactly what you saying but you don't have the courage to say it so we you know we seek means around it we say you say it indirectly it's as if a lost part that doesn't want you to succeed so wherever you go Allah puts hurdles on your way so we say being negative no you're having the wrong thoughts about a lot as simple as that so that's why a man empowers you when you understand the names and attributes Allah well it names an attribute of Allah and send them well comprehend them live by their meanings you will always be almost of the time you will be in what people call positive thinking when you have the wrong notions about allah subhana wa ta'ala or people call negative thinking you're just basically having something wrong wrong knowledge about allah shaitaan pumps into that that's what she found us that's what she thought does look at the story of adam alayhis-salam allah told him and his wife if you know being paradise enjoy yourself everything you want is there the best of what you can think of or even better than that except for the street don't come near it he doesn't need anything more than that it's even beyond his needs Shaitaan what did she don't say to him he didn't say Allah is bad Allah doesn't work good for you he brought it tacitly he said shall I not show you the tree that will make you live forever and will give you ultimate authority and power and resources that's all what he said to him what was he alluding to he was basically saying to him Allah did not give you everything he gave her this stuff but he deprived you or prevented you from the best thing so negative thoughts and that's why Adam fell into that and this is why he needed to ask the most methodical forgive him so every time you sinned or you fall into sin don't think so much just about that sin or I should avoid it yes you should avoid it but work deeper it becomes easier for you to leave it you have sinned because you had the wrong notion about Allah so fixed that the sin will be fixed getting there getting there who still has a problem I'll explain it more III just want if you get this point I'll be happy hmm huh clear clear okay if it's clear give me examples you stop you stop with me who can give me an example a story you heard something from this era something go from your personal life as now you can just invent now and by the way where they call positive thinking works positive thinking works do you know why because it's not positive thinking it's applying a hadith a divine hadith where Allah sponsored a says say divine hadith where the messengers allah' narrates from Allah that he says Anna in Devon eid be fairly alone Labadie be masha you know life is yours a lost one that are seeing this hadith the statement he says I am to my servant as he thinks of me so let my servant have whatever thoughts he want about me he wants about me you choose how Allah deals with you you develop the right thoughts about Allah okay then Allah will make this thing Allah will make it a reality you have the negative thoughts about Allah okay it's gonna fall apart things won't work it won't work and it will fall apart because that's your choice you just you just said it but indirectly that Allah puts hurdles my way so let's fix our language it's important because you've changed your language you change your thinking you change your heart there's no positive negative thinking it's all how you think about Allah that's all because Allah is the source of all these things Alejandra says all : many end Allah Surat Annisa family - Ali Ali kamila yeah of course if Kahuna had either say to them you know everything's from Allah because they used to say that the prophets emblem when something good comes to them they say that's from Allah because we worship in clay supposedly and when something bad comes to them they say oh that's a curse because of your Muhammad I lost one that says to him not tell them or all is from Allah everything happens it's all this creation Allah causes it to happen so whatever you think about Allah that's how you're gonna behave how this lot how this is how life will turn out to be that's why Allah Allah gave you imagine Allah gave you a choice how do you want a lot to do with you you choose it you choose it spooky isn't it it shows you how much choice you have so Hanlin this must did one choice keeps coming up it just shows you and that a man is not just a matter of something you leave in the closet at home just between you and Allah now on life all of life is about Allah everything in life is about Allah okay I'll move on verse okay that was 26 kulu manali - way above our drop beaker original Unicom so everyone will perish and there will remain the face of your Lord the owner of majesty and honor the owner of majesty and honor now here face what does it mean refers to Allah so panel tan everyone will perish except for Allah but when a lost planet Allah refers to himself by saying and they will remain the face of your Lord the owner of majesty that means a lost power to Allah has a face that befits his majesty we don't know anything about it that's what it is so we keep it as it is in the Quran we believe in it when Allah spans our dimensions in the Quran for example you had a lie Foca ad that the hand of Allah span Tala is overall above their hands that means Allah is supporting them and allow us support them and it also means Allah has a hand that befits his majesty we are not supposed to cross the red line and say how does it look like what kind of hand it is because we have no source of knowledge that's what Allah told us we keep it there we're content our foot Allah is content with that but if someone starts saying now if you say hand you are resembling a lot is creation this person has crossed the red line because they have crossed the red line they tried to figure out what hand this is and then they fell in trouble well it must be because you mind can't comprehend it it must be like the hands of humans or that's pray they get into that kind of confusion so they turn back against you and they say no no you should negate the whole meaning of hand altogether it's all a figurative meaning there's nothing about hand nothing about face it's just a figurative meaning now anyone who says that they have crossed a red line and this is why they got this wrong an option stay where the Prophet SAW sliminess companions were stood where they stood and you'll be content when Allah describes himself in a way in the Quran or the authentic sooner the Prophet Allah describes him that's it simple as that because that's a perfect and intact system if you try start too play with it which do some changes you will destroy that equilibrium and you will get confused so don't play with it leave it as it is accept it as it is that's how the companions did and that's why they were the best we're powered from beaker bill generally when they come for BAE Lal bakumaru Kenda ban again so if you deny all what came before what about that the fact that all of you will die and Allah will not the everliving what do you think about all of this so it could reach the heart of somebody who could not find any kind of or could not relate to the points before yes el Ojo memphis Emirati well ugly cool a a woman no efficient Allah takes it to another level now okay I lost everliving all of you die not only that everything every creature in the heavens and the earth is dependent on Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they ask him for their efforts they either ask him directly or they ask him by showing their own need either by their own conditions when they are in a lead that's asking by their own state of their own conditions or it could be verbal they could ask a loss penalty and that means everything is dependent on Allah subhana wa tada so you see the whole universe is put together and it's in a state of harmony don't think it does that on its own it doesn't do that on its own and by the way the Muslims here the majority we have been influenced by that secular approach or view of the world all the laws of physics they don't exist by themselves they're not self the pepper to you or help me um huh yeah the not sell they don't carry themselves they're not they're just yeah they're not self derived they're not they're just like that even the law of gravity do you know what causes things to fall down what causes things to fall down you might say gravity well that's true but that's surface deeper they're angels that pull it down read the in the Quran so so little Mosul at a very at and NASA had all of these talk about different types of angels if you think it's the wind that pushes the clouds or that's on the surface who pushes the winds and who causes the clouds to move there are angels that's their job you think vegetation grows by itself by natural law and other angels that push it to grow that way one day when there are certain conditions that's in the Quran some the Quran but you know we read it and we all know certain as the earth and also that's easy Soros yeah that yet we know them but when we come to practical reality it doesn't even occur to us but that's the reality that's the reality it's the angels that Allah placed to do different or certain jobs that caused the universe to keep running as it is now things don't move by themselves the laws of physics the laws of chemistry yeah if you dig deep behind them you'll find angels behind that that's a that's why we we really need to get back to the Quran and see our lives through it there's no contradiction to science science are not telling you why there is rain why there's vegetation they're telling you how how and only as far as they could see and detect to set a limit but beyond that they don't have the means find out so everything in the heavens of the earth is dependent on Allah and turns to Allah for their needs Kaleo woman who efficient it scholars here say I'm see the translation he is in or bringing about a matter every day he is in a matter every day he is bringing about a matter the real meaning here is that continuously Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is looking after that thirds of the universe as mumble PM says in Middle Ages silicon he says Allah subhana wa to add at the same moment he is punishing a servant and rewarding another the deeds of the of his servants are being elevated to him and his decision is sent down to the earth and he sees everyone each and every one of his creatures in what state they are and what they're doing with their say saying what they are thinking about Allah knows every leaf when it falls and when it disintegrates and what happens to it and where it ends up even the smaller atoms of it as they disperse and get separated where each one of them ends all of this has at the same time people ask asking him all over his universe different languages different needs different requests and he is replying to all of this at the same time no one distracts his attention that's a lot of animal Tyla that means Allah is taking care of his universe of his creatures at all times Kaleo min Hui Shaffer be a ela or bakoma together even so which of the favours of Allah do you deny so you think the universe runs by itself you think you have everything you take it for granted but that's all from allah subhanho wa taala do you still in denial sena frolic on a us : the translation reads we will attend to you or prominent beings it's because jinn and humans were given that special ability to choose and decide Allah spanner to Allah is addressing them I would translate the diversability lightly different we shall allocate a time to bring you to account the time will come okay when we will deal with everything you did you think you can get away with what you do the time will come sometimes people try to play smart with you but you can play what a friend of mine calls Muhammad Ali tactic or style is that in some competitions he had he would just keep blocking blocking blocking and until the his opponent is drained yeah out of energy then he takes him out yeah so you could do that sometimes people play smart they think they're smart but you are observing you let them bring everything forth and then once they run out of whatever they have you can come in very powerfully and you can set things right okay so I lost panels Ali somehow is giving something similar okay you might think you get away with what you do and you're making all of these things you manufacturing you're doing what you're following your your desires and no one is saying stop no one's putting a limit to you you think you get away with that okay do it get you what you want to do you are the loser because you're not causing a loss front on any damage you are just causing damage to yourself so the time will come no rush the time will come and there will reality will show again which of the favours of Allah do you deny BAE la or be Coomer to Caliban I would say here a lost matter has the dressing or Fatah deep inside humans know that they are they are responsible for the actions and people even non-muslims people sometimes we don't believe in a God they still believe deep inside there's that notion that feeling inside them that if they do something it will have to pay for it it's a photo-op natural disposition we know it so Allah is addressing that and it's also a gift from Allah so this is one of the favours of Allah subhanAllah tell fabiella Arabic Ummah to get divan verse number 33 yeah Michelle genie will in sinister bottom and turn for Dominica tourists annuity will outlive them food or Latin food owner in lab is all time all company of jinn and mankind if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth then pass you will not pass except by authority sometimes people say some people challenged this verse they said well people have reached the moon and some people said no that was all you know Hollywood production etc regardless we don't have means to to verify yeah but the ones who made the accusation and the ones who defended they missed the point because the most corrector fear about this verse is that Allah spoke that is talking about the day of judgment because just before that he says Senna for o alikum a us a call and we shall allocate a time for you o jinn and mankind so allah now the context is started about the day of judgment and reckoning so it's not about these days but even in books of tafseer it's an authentic so it's a it's a set of Seir on an explanation that is there in the box of tips here that you cannot break from the limits of the heavens and the earth but we can't know exactly what the verse is talking about so this is why it's better to use the tips here where we can relate to and make sense of things because we don't want to make broad statements and say oh you cannot get a break from the spheres or around the earth what if it happens then it's your understanding wrong but people would see it as if Kalon is wrong so be careful when something is general the Quran don't make it specific leave it as it is so basically OspA hunters are saying on that on that day if you want to run away and you think you can escape then you can't you can't do that only Allah can do it only with the help of Allah you can do it and Allah is not going to let you do it and if you try to do it you will face yo solo alaykum assalam in portions of fire and molten copper liquid copper has been melted will be thrown on you so you can't escape on that day we got hold of you on that day fabbi a year allah arabic ummah to get the van again now we move to verse number 37 and when the heaven is split open and becomes rose-colored like oil what since the make of this basically this the skies will be split and they will become like molten copper and lead like molten iron and metals why because everything will crack and the Sun will melt I will be like this molten let this molten lead this is how it will be so will change its own nature will change everything will not remain as you know it I will take a different shape and different state so that means because that's going to shake you because you don't have any grounds to stand on everything will be different it's a completely new world different world so there's nothing you can stand on nothing stable you can stand on there's nothing that you know so you're completely taken out of your comfort zone and everything inside you in your chest will be exposed further than Shikata center of Canada Bob didn't get the hand Xavier de L become a to caddy ban you are fully mujrimun ABC now if they all make the life and then be he in soon wale Jan they all made in life sir and then be in soon well again on that day none will be asked about his sin among men or jinn there are different FSC about this and all of them are correct because they look at it from different angle but what it means basically there is no need to ask people about their sins all along will question them but the verse means Allah is not in need to ask people of their sins so they confess because Allah has everything written and recorded so there's no need for that so Allah is taking now the odd or the the conversation to a different level now it's getting more serious we're moving from this world when we move into the next now we should wake up mentioning all these details Fabiana arabic o matic and even again which of the favors of your Lord would you deny your honor full mujrimun ABC Emma home Pharaoh had all been Nawaz they will have done that's a threats now which is the point of threats now the criminals the ones who did wrong the ones who worshipped others besides Allah the ones who denied the existence of Allah the ones who wronged or sinned against Allah subhanAllah to Allah there will be known by their marks they'll have certain signs their faces will be darkened there will be shame and humiliation on their faces and they will be seized by their forelocks and the feet they will be seized from their foreheads seize to the fire and their feet that what does that signify signifies humiliation and no concern whatsoever so there will be seized from their feet dragged from the feet out of their foreheads now there's no consideration because they had no consideration in the dunya so which of the signs all the favors of your Lord would you deny they will be brought to the Hellfire now you could take this verse which has been repeated to that level now that it will be said to them in reprimand as they others they are dragged to the Hellfire which of the favors of your Lord would you deny on that day see now that's a different context which of the favors of your Lord would you deny and on that day they can't they can't deny it but it no answer is expected from them because that said and reprimand that is said to humiliate them that this word was said to you before but you never does never listened to it so they will be taken to the Hellfire Hardy he Gehenna miletti you can they will be held in what you want this is Jahannam you remember you were told about it you were warned against it okay and you thought it was all fairytale and you thought you could get away and escape now that's what you were promised here you see it with your own eyes such a profound moment for those people who will go to the Hellfire profound statement and so how long we have similar experiences but obviously on a very basic level a lot of us you know growing being young we would dream of the time I would be 20 well the time I'd become 30 or yeah well that seems far-fetched you know seems you know it's gonna take ages to get there and how would I feel how would I be or when I graduate how does it feel when I get married and we have all these strange ideas and then as soon as you get in that stage you say Here I am I can see it now I used to talk about it but now here I have arrived subhanAllah that gives you some kind of and this is why people generally when they grow they develop more wisdom because they've seen enough of these experiences yes what a lot of promises is going to come because there are things that I thought were so far-fetched and now I left them behind I arrived there and I saw that and it happens so that's the nature of life so they get to know more the nature of this life so they are brought to the health and say remember what you were told about what you were warned against here here it is you see it now it's a reality but now there's no going back that's the difference no going back and we know the description of the Hellfire and authentic hadith where the prophets and lots of them said that the Hellfire UTB Jahannam al-malki ana let her said una alpha z man the fire will be brought on the day of judgment and the people of the people of sin they look at it with fear and pain it's brought before them it has 70,000 handles Allah cool easy ma'am in Cibona alpha malik each handle is carried by 70,000 angels and how big is an angel and another hadith the Prophet SAW Salem says that the distance between his eye lobes and the end of his shoulder is is another narration is five hundred years five hundred years for someone to walk from an Angels earlobe to his shoulder 70,000 would be holding each handle and Jahannam has 70,000 handles hello coma and loss presence on MOOC tech adieu term a year zoom in alive when Jahannam sees the disbelievers it's the straw ring it's you know it wants to devour those ones who sinned against a lost panettone that's the danger that's when there will be brought to it in this in this when they were brought face to face with this reality we say to them how the hey Jahannam and Lettie you can't they were behind much anymore that's the one for you was some kind of imaginary think some kind of a fairy tale now here you see it and you shall taste it then it will be said to them look in NACA and tell aziz will carry him those you know had the arrogance the arrogance when it was said to them come to the religion of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they feel arrogant that's religion is this religion is not for me it's for those backward people back in the Middle East back in indian pakistan back in indonesia where as silver we don't need village where humanists we have science we have facts yeah all this arrogance or people who didn't or didn't have the humility to put their forehead on the ground for allah subhanho wa taala those people that will be said to them look in naka and tell aziz we'll get him taste it as their a sub so they suffering they alpha taste it yes you are the dignified the man of honor that you claim to be taste it now that's said in humiliation so there will be brought face to face with health I had a gentleman let you cut the boobie homogeny more yellow for nabina huh while being a Hemi min and subhanAllah Hellfire there will be going between the Hellfire and a spring of boiling water because out of the heat of the fire don't be extremely thirsty they would ask the people of paradise they would ask the people after a conversation they would ask them and available Elaine I mean LM at home in Mama's oh please please just give us some water just let the water that we quench our thirst in this heat then the people of paradise will sit in Allah Allah Muhammad I made that hella haram/forbidden for the people of the fire then out of thirst I would go to this boiling water that is mixed with the paths and excretion of the people of Xena fornication and they would drink it out of thirst and the skin of their face would fall off and they would drink it and it would burn all their internals that's how me mean and boiling water and some people think the Hellfire is about heat no people of the Hellfire to get two types of torture extreme heat and extreme cold is a merrier extreme cold now something you can do get two pipes one is warm and one is a little bit cold put your hand on it do you know this it's not in that in the science class they should have the Muslims toward that get two pipes close close to each other one is I'm not saying cold just a little bit cold and one warm I'm not saying hot put your hand on both at the same time and if you can keep your hand for two seconds I'll give you whatever you want so imagine the people of the Hellfire will be given extreme cold and extreme heat and there will be swapping taking turns and sometimes they would get both at the same time so the Hellfire is not only about fire and heat it's about extreme colds and hairier them heavier in the Arabs say the same hairier breaks the bones you know that that kind of cold that hits deep and the bone imagine how it is in the Hellfire it will Fona been how I been how me mean and I will just stop here maybe a year allah arabic o matic a demon could be said to the people here in this life as they contemplate these meanings and it will be said to the people in the Hellfire remember is to deny the favours of Allah he said it was on our own intelligence our own merit our own skills etc taste it now you were given chance you were given guidance and your foot law was created to recognize the truth everything around you was directing you to Allah but you refused people don't go to the Hellfire without being guilty in order for people to disbelieve in Allah they have to go out of their way against their own nature and force they work their way through this belief by the way people who come in contact with the real message of Islam then I lost one daughter starts talking about giving the comparison the other side people will make it to paradise and this will be inshallah after the break just like a lot hamdulillahi rabbil alameen o salat wa salam ala nabina muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in wa bad now the surah moves on to talk about the opposite of the people of the fire the people were demon half a McCallum Arab bahijon a tan and for those who have feared all for he who has feared the position of his Lord are two gardens this talks about the highest level in Jinnah the best of people are sabi horn these are Serbian which were referred to in salat Luarca was Serbian acerbic own Ola he kalamoon these are sappy horn the ones who have secured the highest positions they are the ones who hasten to the worship of Allah they are also Arab on the closest to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they are described in surah 2 ayah as full a 2 min allah well in its like a big group from the early generations vocally luminal a 13 and a limited number from among the later generations limited number these are operable in the highest levels of paradise the second level will be the general Muslims who will enter paradise now in the height on the highest level no collarbone they get the best and they have two gardens for them how do we know that they are local trouble because of the description of these two Gardens and because a lot of monitor says Wedeman half an armada be for the for that person who has feared the high standing stand of the high position of a lost panel at Tejada or the greatness of on lost planet Anna that means they were aware of Allah they were mindful of Allah that's the description of SN so these are the people I've reached SN there's another region that we will come to towards the end of that description so for those people there will be two Gardens the scholars say why two Gardens one they will be given because they have fulfilled their obligations the second one they will be given because they have refrained from sin two Gardens wali man half a macaw not be Ginetta Febby ie Allah Arabic Homa to get the ban can you give me the Arabic um I'm gonna give my big massage humbly I'm reading from the English and translating into Arabic in again different design I well Eamonn half a microRNA Robbie he Jenna tan fab EI e Allah Arabic Omar took at the ban the word ass nan having spreading branches okay they have branches these two Gardens here described them as spread or spreading branches but these are the best of branches full of fruits full of greenery and full of shade they give about shade they form a canopy they create a certain atmosphere for these people okay so it's a whole thing about branches have the best of any description that could relate to bright these branches spreading branches applies to these two these two Gardens Fabio yeah Allah Arabic Omar to get the ban FEMA in a neat a julienne so which of the favors of your lord do you deny fatima in an etude rhiannon both of them are two Springs flowing two Springs flowing this is the best of water the water of paradise the water of paradise the springs of paradise the sweetest of water something no eye has seen no no here has ever heard of and no one can even think about something phenomenal that is given to these people then Allah specially describes these two and the best book on the description of paradise is the description given by Abel ie no I am has a book on describing a complete book on describing paradise what was the name of the book he'll inshallah come back but he has a full book on describing paradise everything in paradise he describes the air the trees the mud the dirt the rivers the wives of the people of paradise everything describes them in extreme detail now the majority of the hadith in that book are authentic but there is a number of weak hadith still there but it's been verified the book has been verified so this is what I would recommend are I think it must have been translated into English and there's a couple of poems as well some brothers put in English beautiful description somebody told me about them and I just heard some bits of them they're really they're quite good mashallah if you hema a nanny tragedy on Febby a ela Arabic uma tu que deben Fatima min Khalifa had in zhongshan in them there are in both of them that are of every fruit two kinds so every type of fruit you will find it there but there will be two kinds of each fruit and each one is different each one is different this surah it was revealed in Mecca was revealed in Makkah before Hitler was revealed in Makkah before Hitler and this is basically to put in the main context here for this is the comparison between the people of the Hellfire and the people of paradise now you will notice that this is a cryptic description of paradise or what awaits the people of paradise is detailed Allah is describing the branches describing the water the springs and describes even their state how they sit and how they recline and scribes a description of their wives their etc but the description of the Hellfire all the people of the fire was short just two or three versus what is the point behind this what is the reason you have a short description of the people of the fire but the people of paradise a lot even describes both levels and describes each level in fur detail why is this total deep - yeah motivate people towards the paradise okay what else excellent soul I saw that a lot man it's mercy so if is Allah is going to talk about punishment okay he's gonna just allude to it mention it briefly but because the context is mercy he will elaborate on masih more is that clear you see how the general frame of the surah impacts everything in it female qualifications Oh Jennifer be Arabic uma - Katie bon mot Akina I defer ocean but ah you know hamon is double octane what an alginate a need and Allah describes the state and paradise they are reclining on beds whose linings out of silk brocade and the fruits of the two Gardens is hanging low that's it's not an accurate translation because muttaqeen Elif illusion but ah I knew her minister block they are reclining on beds whose but are in is the lower part of it which you is the lining which you place on the on the floor which is usually hard usually how does the hardest part of a recliner or a chair or a bed is the bottom of it because the softness you need on top but Allah spittle is saying even the bottom of it is made of the finest of silk so what do you think of the top something beyond that that's just to honor them for BAE Ella Arabic America the band which of the favors of your Lord would you deny again try to work out that for yourself what general generality need an and the fruits of this garden are very close to them so they don't have to stand up and grab them it is the extent their hand a little bit and they get whatever they want so extreme comfort extreme comfort and some hadith the Prophet SAW solemn mentions that even one of them for example wishes for some kind of chicken grilled chicken okay it would straightaway come to him grilled that's it you just wish and it becomes true that's what happens to the people especially this level acerbic one and at labahn the highest level in paradise so even the fruit they don't have to stand up and go and get it they don't have to exert that effort to go and fetch it it's close to them as long as there is this grab it and heat it that's how much comfort Allah spittle gives him even the description they're not lying on their backs or their sides they're not standing they're just basically reclining like kings in luxury extreme luxury well generally generate a need on Fabio yi allah arabic o matic and even fear in naka seurat autofill Amiata methionine in son oklahoma Raja okay in them are women limiting their glances that means these women don't look at men this woman is only for her husband that's it he's her world she's exclusively for him she doesn't look at anything else and anyone else she doesn't develop any feelings towards anyone she's purely for him he is her world and her passion her emotions and her love before them untouched before them by men origin so no one has seen these women no one has come near them they just created for you there and subhanAllah this is something men love men in a possessive when it comes to their family to their wife protective they this thing is in line with the nature of humans the foot a lot of men they love to have this kind of protective attitude there that's my wife that's my wife so Allah Spinetta gives it to them because these people have sound football in the first place it's not corrupt because when someone's fellows grow up they don't mind who's with their wife so it's an a sign of a sound fatah on the man is protective of their spouse their wife that's a sign of a sound foot long the more protective they are the more sound their suppliers and this is why the people in paradise by the way am talks about people who enter paradise he says no one will enter paradise except after having been purified from every impurity so they enter paradise in the best futur the best state of human being and if someone is not purified there will be either purified by the pain they get in the grave all the pain they get on the day of judgement and the heat and the and the and the long wait or they get that with when they stand before Allah for questioning so they get purified of this if they reach all these levels then they have not been purified out of mercy for them they would be sent to the Hellfire so they get purified so they qualify to enter paradise so it's not just ok you go to paradise you go to Delphi or no you have to meet the conditions you have to meet these conditions you have to be purified to enter paradise you are pure ok fabiella your bakoma to get the ban again the same question then Allah describes the Megane can own a yahoo - well margin as if they were rubies and coral like diamonds these women these wives are just like diamonds precious pure attractive maybe this description sometimes may not apply to all cultures but in the arab culture when you talk when you want to describe something that it's the finest of its kind you say it's your point it's it's it's a diamond that's what it is the finest of its kind it's got the best attributes the best traits of its kind and all of this is to reassure the believers as to what awaits them fabbi a year allah arabic homer to get the ban hell Jezza only has an illness an is the you see how he translate is the reward for good anything but good is the reward for SN anything but SN allah so allah says san is the we said the apex of worship to worship allah purely as if you see him so you will get reward of the same kind you'll get you out of the same kind and surprisingly all the beautiful thing here is that the asan of humans is human so it has the shortcomings of the human so this is allah saying is the reward of s on which these people did ok perfection in terms of worship the best of worship that they did ok is it anything but a lesson but the second lesson is from allah so our asan has i wish our qualities shortcomings weaknesses but that SN is from allah so there's no shortcomings there are no gaps in it or no faults the best SSN from Allah so panel to Hannah and desert with s Danny in ela yes and this is why we said the people who will get there these are the people who have reach the level of Edessa then a las Quintela describes the lower level of heaven that's for the general muslims who enter paradise women duniya imagine nathan and below them both in excellence are two other Gardens again the general Muslims will get to Gardens as well one for fulfilling the obligations and the second one is for abstaining from sin that's it women do not imagine that an mother harmattan dark green in color that means they they are nurtured these Gardens they get enough watering and enough nutrition that the the greenery there is very intense it's very intense and very attractive so they are well taken care of with the helmet on subhanAllah the green color is soothing to the eye on the soul Febby Hey Ya Allah Arabic Allah took a divan fee hema ie nanny na ba catan and both of them are two Springs spouting that means a gushing forth water is coming out with force and power out of these two Springs say the similar thing but obviously now the first two Gardens are for the people of a Saba : everything is better there now you get this it's obviously excellent quality but still doesn't reach that level doesn't reach that level but it's so great woman I feel him an advocate anti BAE Ella Arabic uma - Kennedy ban fee him a he had to run a flew one man in both of them are fruit and palm trees and pomegranates you see the difference there of every fruit there are two kinds but here what is highlighted is three types that shows obviously there are others but there's a difference in level there's a difference in level but that's still great if we just make it to paradise fabbi a year Allah Arabic Ummah to cut the ban fear in Hyeon Hassan in them are good and beautiful women in these gardens these are the wives of the people of paradise good and beautiful women that means women in the best shape and of the utmost Beauty but obviously not the beauty of the women on the higher garden fabiella Arabic Amato Kathy Van Horn actual art on felicium fair ones reserved in pavilions in these pavilions great tents the described is tense about their palaces these women are preserved there so the longer go out and mix with others so they are exclusive again exclusive to their husband all of this reassures as I said again they believe reassures him fabiella Arabic umma to get the ban let me add masala in some herbal halogen untouched before them by man or jinn they're not touched before they are created for you specifically no one has ever touched them and no one will touch them apart from you so Dae Allah Arabic umma to get the ban muteki aina a lot of love in hobbling web Korean Hasan reclining on green cushions and beautiful fine carpets you see the difference in the description those ones are on luxurious beds made of the finest type of silk and this is still luxurious but not to the same level required reclining on green cushions a Padian in the Arabic language is the best type of texture it's more like silk so these people get the finest of everything and they are again reclining to signify that they are living in luxury is an tranquility just as a lot of analysis and sort of integrity for fee would you hear him not the Latin name when you look at the faces of the people of paradise you can recognize the brightness of luxury and a life of ease you can see it it reflects on their faces the BAE Ella Arabic uma to get the Manta bar like a small beaker the gelati will you come blessed is the name of your Lord owner of majesty and honor that's lost fess so it started with a lost panna cotta and it ends with a lot to tell you the story of life is all about a la story of life is all about allah and you need to put together a las mercy because sometimes people might take it wrong just as with some religions they only say allah merciful but they don't look at the other side so this is why they've they have no problem sinning against allah but there's a balance another religion looks at the anger of allah pays attention to the more to the anger of allah forgets about the massive with the slanders we said there's that balance you need to know the names of allah spanner to allah and put them together because they function together tebah like a small glorified be the name of your Lord the owner of majesty and honor so along with that mercy there's don't think there is weakness no there is majesty and honor okay so always you need to put the names and attributes of Allah spanner data together so he is merciful with about and his message shows in everything he mentioned in the surah everything he gave you and how events will go this dunya ll fella next life and how people end up in the Hellfire some people in the end up in paradise with all the blessings Allah's given all of this is the mercy of Allah and some people might have the notion that he's merciful but how is he going to get all of this thing Allah is the one who owns majesty and power so he can make this these things happen so mercy does not signify weakness it is there with the power of Allah spanner dad okay so this is generally the meaning something about paradise there was a program here in the UK the big questions something like that and they were talking about paradise and there was a brother on that show that was a big mistake very big mistake because you can't talk about paradise without putting it in the right context you need to agree I just as we said a lost panel to Allah always has a starting point when he builds an argument once you agree on this he takes you to the next level but you can't jump to the tenth level without having established anything before so you go to you sit among non-muslims of all religions or denominations and atheist people don't believe even in God or heaven and earth and you talk to them about the wine that will be served to the people in Persian paradise and the women that's out of context so you give the wrong message you give the wrong message so this is why if you are going to talk about these things or if you're going to appear on these shows it has you make sure that you might say something true but and this is something very beneficial as well the scholars say in order to say the right thing you need to have two qualities or two things two conditions you have to say something true and you have to have what we call Aladdin which is the balance you have it has the conditions have to be ready for that for example I can tell you for example what did you do it yesterday you might tell me how it's raining outside what you said is true but it's not appropriate there's no Idol there's no balance there so you might say that you think but you don't see it in the right context and you don't see it appropriately so you get the wrong results so it's not enough to say the truth but you have to put it in the right context in the right way at the right time because if you say something true at the wrong time you'll get pain you have to say the right thing at the right time this is why I lost hunter do not reveal the hold on all together he sent it down in segments in order to cultivate people and get them ready for that level so you walk into that studio and you appear on TV and suddenly you're talking to people and they just laugh laugh at you and they don't laugh at you as a person they laugh at Islam I don't doubt the the definitely the intention good intention of the brothers who try to help in that but we need to be careful you might say something true and get the wrong message across because you had half true truth but you didn't have Adil the balance appropriateness you didn't have it so in order to say something you need to say the truth and it has to be appropriate the conditions have to be right it has to be the right time for it this is why sometimes you might see people who try to sometimes defend the religion of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they say something true but it's in the wrong place at the wrong time so they bring about a lot of damage one example that very famous example was imitate me I was with some of his students and I mentioned this to some brothers they a couple of days ago there were the Moghuls when they came to damascus they claim to be muslims and they were making a van and salah and everything they were just like a make muslim state but they used to kill Muslims even sometimes for fun so they were in Damascus when Tamiya was with a group of his students one of them saw these soldiers drinking alcohol so he rushed to go and give them advice your Muslims that's how long he shouldn't be he thought it was true it is true Timmy I saw him he grabbed him he said where he going he said I'm going to give them advice enjoying the good forbid the evil I'm gonna be model of an item uncle yeah he said no don't do that because these people when they're drunk they keep to themselves they're busy but if they wake up they start killing Muslims so it is dearer to Allah that's what he said in if I know a boy in the shoulder by mohammed abu illa llah mccarthy will not see me or how should one humble alumni with him the fact that they are drunk is zero to a Laden they than they are conscious you see where truth and appropriateness this is why you see a lot of some obviously well-known names they appear on TV we will establish Islam will establish area that's not the way of the Prophet saws and none of it wallow island this is all you know a game being played and put together so say the truth but that's not enough be sure that that's the right time for it it is said in the right manner in the right context to the right person it means an here just dis penance you need to get that otherwise you'll be causing damage so don't enough oh what a lot of people argue well isn't it true am I saying something wrong no it's true but it's not the right place for it so it brings about damage so say Huck and Ed Lee and that's what a lot of my data says he described in the Quran what a met Kelly met in surah al-anam what I met Kelly met Rebecca so the gun waha dealer and the word of your Lord has been completed and perfected in truth and injustice has to have these two conditions okay so these are just reflections don't forget that everything there has to do with the mercy of allah subhana wa tada and needs to be put in its white context that allows the omnipotent the all-powerful or so laughs or a man Medallia wasabi he was a
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 27,512
Rating: 4.6902051 out of 5
Keywords: Muhammad, Quran, Prophet, Great, Koran, Sheikh, Ahmed, Nasheed, Anasheed (Composition), Muhammad (book), Ramadan, Convert, Imam, tafseer, Holy, Arabic, Mecca, Saudi, Qu.ran, Allah
Id: aMcoO6G1x08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 33sec (5913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2013
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