Sheikh Moutasem Al-Hameedy | The Life of the Prophet- Part 3

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and he was so happy as Mahane what the hell so what was the cliffhanger that we stopped that prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam so just give some kind of background this moment muhammad sallallaahu seldom is around six years old around six years old on the way from medina because they want to visit he went with his mom on the way back just as they exit medina his mom falls extremely ill and then she passes away passes away in front of his eyes six years old seeing his mom passing away dying in front in front of his own eyes that's a profound experience so you can imagine what a child seeing his mother going through the pains of death what kind of state he would be in that definitely brought about compassion in the life of the prophet o salaam and empathy and empathy specifically that his mother was a very soft woman a very gentle and compassionate woman we mentioned the narrations right how the Prophet SAW salaam later on in medina as a prophet as a messenger that he said to the companions he was with them outside medina so he said to them you know wait for me here and he leaves them first for some time then he comes back and tears are rolling down his cheeks and one day I'm gonna Bob he says I saw the Prophet SAW suddenly leave us and he goes to that place and he sits and he moves his head and he nods as if he's having a conversation with someone then he was emotional and asked him o Messenger of Allah what happened he said this was the grave of o Muhammad this is the grave of the mother of Muhammad stevan table B and a surah Ibrahim me for a dinelli faster than two who Anastasio alaihe salam you then li whatever culturally gotta have a bouquet - that's what the president said he said I sought Allah's permission to visit the grave of of the mother of Muhammad and he allowed me to do so I asked him to allow me to seek forgiveness for her make us the father he did not give me permission to do this see the problem says then I remembered her compassion her mercy her soft character so I cried so that shows you is well the importance of a compassionate mother look at the life of the problem yes his father passed away prior to his birth to the birth of Muhammad SAW sallam he lived away from his mother obviously with his foster mother nursing mother Halima Sadia and she was very loving towards the prophet and she was she treated him as her own son and we mentioned as well that they really deemed the prophet Solomon so much respect and love this kind of environment is very important to healthy growth of the human being this emotionally prepared the Prophet SAW seldom as an adult to be very fit emotionally so he could deal with a lot of pressure a lot of demands from people a lot of expectations a lot of setbacks yet he remained resilient strong steadfast he was able to accommodate a huge number of people and accommodate their demands yet remaining emotionally resilient and strong how does a person do this when they have a rich emotional life at a young age the Prophet SAW Salam if you use if you can carefully study his life there is early life he was loved he was given unconditional love so he always felt that love from his mother from his nursing mother and now as his mother passes away he says that I remembered has soft character her beauty her compassion so I cried that shows that this left a huge impact on the Prophet SAW Salim that made him compassionate empathetic that he could sympathize and empathize with other people and accommodate their feelings and their and their expectations so you could imagine as well here you know when we are talking about a story we sometimes we're so stuck in the words of the narration but you have to remember that's a child that's a child losing his mother so I want you to imagine here the profits are on going back to going back to Mecca walking into his own house and not seeing his mother there what kind of of an experience you think that would have been with the Padova that was with the Prophet SAW salim these are elements we tend to forget and not of not provide for because we read the narration the relation tells us what happened but doesn't necessarily go into the inner state of that person but it helps us now to bring you back to life imagine a 6 years old going back home having lost his mother he's now a home sort of alone at some stage you must have been like inside one room and there's nobody else he must have remembered he must have seen the bed of his mother the tools the clothes of his mother what do you think his feelings were having lost his mother so that holds all shows you know what kind of experiences the Prophet SAW saw them had to go through now he moves into the custody of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and we talked about this right how I've done what our ability to special care of him he would allow him to stay with him sit with him and we mentioned as well that how when he sent the prophet sallallaahu said emotional hemant that child around 8 years old he sent him to bring some camels who were outside of Mecca and he was late we mentioned that right when he he was late and it was the hedge season and people saw that Abdul Muttalib the one who takes care of the pilgrims because he was certain had used to provide the water to the pilgrims he saw that he was troubled and he was he was worried and when he asked some of the people asked who's this they said this is Abdullah perhaps a dog wash the master of Quraysh he sent one of his sons meaning Muhammad to do some mission usually he comes back on time but this time he was late so he was like scared for him he was concerned about him so that shows this kind of treatment built so much that Roselyn Philippi was always accepted by the people closer teaming was given that love he was given that respect it's not spoiling it's genuine love because their life is far from being spoiled there's a lot of difficult circumstances there yet emotionally there was you can see a powerful flow of balance towards the profit of of love and balance towards the Prophet sallallaahu Selim and this made as we said one day when omo Amon mentions that she saw Muhammad the little child behind the bed she was he was crying his eyes out and the reason why was he came to know that this specific moment his grandfather had just passed away I didn't want but it just passed away so he lost the closest person to him now in his life the one who took care of him he would take him to the gatherings he would take him into his social life and we said the person learned so much from Abdul Muttalib being probably the most respected man in Hawaii at the time probably among the whole Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula so that left an impact on the Prophet SAW Saddam as a man he saw what it means to be a leader what it means to be an important person when it means to be an influential person and respected figure in the society so all of this was shaping the Prophet SAW Salim and getting him ready for his future mission so the problem here was crying because his grandfather had just passed away so who took over the custody of the Prophet SAW Sandler here it was a ball player Abu Talib Emoto Arab is the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he loved him the most among calls his uncle's so he treated him as one of his own children about Allah had so many children had a big number of children there is something that happened previously prior to that point in time Abdul Muttalib had a dream he had a dream that one of his children would become the sort of the chief of the Arabs and Abdul Muttalib thoughts this dream was about Abu Talib was about on the planet but Allah turned out to be his grandson Muhammad sallallaahu sir so Abu Talib took Muhammad into his custody he treated him like one of his children yet it seems sorry I've been a Buddha Libya's wasn't that very well-off and he had a huge number of children so financial burden on him was huge and heavy yet the Prophet SAW Salim decided to help him out he decided to take care of his own finances we'll see how the Prophet SAW Selim worked as a shepherd he would tend the Sheep of people in Mecca this way he said a varietal a rawhide to Hannam the illimitable karate I tended the Sheep of some of the people in Mecca for some change some little money and then at an early age and Abdul Muttalib used to engage as most of the sort of upper class and middle class in Mecca in business and trade so they would go in on business caravans usually they would travel to two destinations it was mainly a sham in the north which is around Syria Jordan Palestine and Lebanon today and Yemen so in the Yemen there would be a lot of the goods that came from India and China in a sham you would get a lot of the goods that would come from Asia Minor from Europe through the Mediterranean and so on and so forth so these were their their business trips so one day abdul abou pylab sets out on a and a business mission or business caravan with some people from Mecca towards Syria towards a sham natural Syria and he decides to take Muhammad with him why to give him exposure give him exposure he needs to see what life really means he needs to learn skills so he needs to build himself from the ceiling age and obviously he loved him so much so he would take him with him again he kept the same kind of treatment as Abdul Muttalib he kept the same kind of treatment he would take muhammad saw salaam with him wherever he went so he took Mohamed Salah Salam on this expedition on this caravan business caravan to a ship so they traveled to a sham and it was people of Mecca were known for business and trade so they would do this regularly usually on the way they would meet a priest a Christian priest his name was behavior of Rajib behavior he was a monk someone who lived in seclusion lived by himself he had his own sort of church or place of seclusion or temple he lived in that by himself he never bothered about mixing and interacting with people he kept to himself just worship because that was very prevalent and widespread among the Christians allah salla talks about this in solitude Mela what a Hibernia Tanabe Todaro hammock adam gnarly him allah says this kind of you know having this kind of monk life or hermit life where you seclude yourself from everyone else and just only live on the minimum minimum minimum basics and worship that's all you do that was something that some of the followers of Messiah alehissalaam invented invented as well as mother says they invented maca thumbnailing we did not prescribe it for them so usually they would pass by this man and he would be indifferent he would show no interest in these people no interest this time as the caravan passes or approaches the the the Church of Allah had b'hala this man approaches them he comes to them he comes to them and he's he walks among them as if he's looking for someone then he grabs Mohammed the child who was around this time it was 11 12 years old 11 12 12 years old he grabs him by the hand then he says clearly he says had rasoolallah bill al-amin had Allah hidden enemy he says this man is gonna be the Messenger of Allah to humanity he's a loss mercy to the world people of Karachi are puzzled they said one man a lemak what do you how do you know what do you know about this he says when you guys were coming as you were approaching there was no tree that you passed by except that when this boy passed by this tree or a rock that it it bent down for him and bowed for him in respect and this only happens for a prophets this only happens for a messenger then he says to them he invites them for food and they could now they're puzzled like this man never showed interest now all of a sudden he's interested in them and he's saying some weird things so invited them for food they decided to go and approach and and answer his invitation so they goat for the food and they leave Muhammad to look after their Caravan like the camels and the goods that are there so they leave Muhammad to guard their stuff so in Baja looks at them he says what is that young boy because he's invited them for the boy not for for their own sake where's the boy they say we left him he said in home you have to bring him over you guys everyone is invited he has to come so they decide to bring mohammed salah lord he was in them he comes as he's approaching but harris says look at him look at him so when they looked at him what can see he of a mana it's like there is something above his head like a cloud that is protecting him from the heat of the Sun he says I'm telling you Allah protects this boy this boy there is something about him there is something special about him and he will be the future prophet anyway they eat his food then he he says a e não leu who who's in charge of this point who's in charge of this boy who's his father who's is you know who's responsible for him so in one narration okay this is a week on earth now I'm departing from the authentic narration in eternity it's another narration the other narration which is not as strong but it mentions further details Abu Talib he says he's my son the priest or the monk says no way Marion buddy any hakuna he had a the father of this boy should not be alive he must be dead because they know the signs they've been written in the scriptures his father should not be alive so Abu Talib says so ducts an atom is you're right I am his uncle because he asked you by Allah asked to by Allah send him back there are many people and this was the Byzantine Empire area these are the territory of the Byzantine Empire there was a lot of remains of Christians and Jews and people of the scripture who had still some knowledge about the Prophet and he said there are people if they see him they would recognize him they would know him so there is a huge danger there's a huge risk on his life so send him back send him back so he kept insisting until Abu Talib decided to send him back send him back to Makkah now there is something some of the Orientalists they said okay Muhammad went he met by Allah this monk and he learned from him this scripture he learned the stories he learnt everything and this is where he came with his message they used this but obviously if we take the narration take it as it is it was a very short meeting within one day nothing like this so but subhanAllah when you have an attitude against something he will start to see through things you start understanding things even when they are not the you start to see things that are not even there that are not even then as a very critical approach and this is why the Arabs say where I know Reba and clearly in cali latin well alkenyl muckety to Dilma salvia when you are pleased with someone who knew admire someone you don't see their mistakes you become blind to their mistakes you just can't see them that's it when you admire someone you'll fall in love with someone you respect someone so much you can't see their mistakes you can't actually quite the opposite you'll start to see their mistakes as something good but if you have hatred towards someone you have a grudge against someone you'll start to see only mistakes in them you will start searching for everything even if there's no mistake you start imagining mistakes you start imagining mistakes that's how we humans function that's how we work why inaudible including the Eibon kelly latin well a kid named Marty took drill Masseria there was one writer famous writer Edward side he wrote one of the best books that talk about Orientalism is called Orientalism how orientalists approached the east in general specifically Islam and how that they their motives and their background and the reason why they studied Islam ok the motives that they have behind this why it has distorted even reality for them because they approached it from a point of enmity thus when you come from a platform of enmity you're gonna see everything in dark light so many of these things in the life of the Prophet Salam they interpreted them in a very negative way and they blew them out of proportion they made a big fuss about small events and they ignored huge things that are clear that are good they ignored them completely and this is what is actually known as motivated reasoning motivated reasoning when you have desire for something you think you are you are objective humans are never objective by the way humans are never purely objective we're never like this your desires your motivations whatever you want is going to influence how what you see in how you see it and how you understand it so we humans subjective so anyway I mentioned this just because they use sometimes this narration to say okay you see Mohammad learned from people of the scripture that's why he brought his message from but anyway there's no truth to what they say so the prophet saww salam goes back to to makkah and during this time the Prophet saws and take responsibility for himself from a young age he works so he covers his own expenses he covers his own expenses so he works as a shepherd and he earns his own living and he supports his uncle and that's a profound position to be in a profound stance to be an from a young age to be responsible for yourself I want you to see how this adds to the character of the prophet sallallaahu them from a young age he learned some kind of financial independence he is not a burden on anyone from a young age he provides for himself he takes care of himself and obviously you know when you the you know one of the major problems that we have with a lot of VO youth is sometimes some youth are very rebellious and they don't appreciate they take things for granted so they make a lot of trouble and I'm not saying they're bad this is why it's a problem when we automatically arrive at someone at a conclusion that this person is bad because they've done bad things sometimes there's misunderstanding a person's coming from a different place than doing something you don't like or you don't make sense of it doesn't mean these people are bad they just see things in a different way so we have to accommodate this is what it means to give the benefit of the doubt younger brothers and sisters teenagers sometimes they act disrespectfully sometimes as I said in a defiant way sometimes in an ungrateful way and automatically we think oh my child is not behaving well my child has a problem my child is this much how does that the problem of our times is that children are not given responsibility until later in their life until later in their life because once you are given responsibility you match that challenge and you grow so if you look back in history just looking at the Islamic history in all different Muslim countries there is no mention of teenage years not even a problem like this there's no even far kind of indication as far as I know and I've heard this from experts in education and in parenting Muslim Arabs as well who have tried to see any traces of the problems of teenagers teenagers adolescence any provision they said there's not race we can't find any trace about this what's the point because when when a child gets to know from a younger age what life really means and what it demands and how hard the father works and maybe the mother works and how much sacrifice they put to cultivate the children and provide for them and make it easy for them if they do not see where this money is coming from where all this these blessings are coming from they take it for granted they think is just automatic they think the father takes his money from the bank so if they want money ok just you know just get it from the bank [Laughter] so that's the problem when do usually teenagers start to change behavior when they are allowed to face life when they are allowed to face some challenges well they are allowed to do something like this so this is why I've seen a few examples some parents when they really realize that their kids even at unit in the university used earlier universities when not with going into bad things that were not appreciating the effort and the time and the sacrifice that parents have done they decided to say ok since you're not giving any respect you're not cooperating and you're completely doing wrong things and wasting the money I'm not gonna help you fine actually I'm gonna I'm gonna let you take care of it for this year did with it this year you fund your own studies now the boy has to go through work he has to find a job he has to do this he has to do that he has to finance his own accommodation he has to finance his own food and expenses and was an extremely difficult year so in some of the examples they took one semester and they dropped out from the second semester or they postponed their studies why in order for them to work and save some money to be able to carry on that year was a very good learning experience for this child or this young man started to change not only one actually a few had to change their behavior and their attitude they realized my dad is working hard to get this money it's not easy to get that money it's not easy to provide it's not easy to pay for my studies not easy to pay for my clothes on my food so the problem is yes out of care and compassion and tension we want to shelter our kids from life but we need to give some kind of response I'm not saying go and get your kids to work what I'm saying give them some responsibility let them sometimes take the heat of some of their mistakes let them deal with the consequences let them don't shelter them completely from life give them some kind of measured gradual exposure to life and the consequences of whatever they do these are very important things so the prophet saww salaam as a young boy from a young age he took care of himself and that obviously contributed greatly to his maturity at a very young age so this is why when he was faced with a lot of opposition with a lot of critique with a lot of you know enmity persecution torture defiance he remains strong he remains strong because once you engage in life you learn that there is cause and effect and that you have to work hard towards what you want it doesn't come easily and when you put in effort it pays off inshallah so these are things you cannot teach theoretically you can say the child okay I learn my lessons in life they're not going to learn they have to get some exposure they have to get some exposure and oftentimes as the as also the Arabs say Lariat animal model in lemon kisi he a man only knows only learns from their own experience they have to go through the experience now that's not with everything but at least we need some kind of basic experience with life and exposure to life so that we understand the language of life then afterwards you can learn from other people's mistakes because you've got the alphabet for it you've got the basics the foundations then you can learn then you can learn so the prophet sallallaahu we seldom was tending the Sheep of the people of Mecca and this is when he started to gain the name and I mean this is when people started to know him as it I mean because you could trust Muhammad SAW seldom and he and you would you worry about nothing he takes care of every whatever trust you give him he takes care of it so that built so much trust so much trust and that was a very important element for his future Dawa trust you build trust first you build bridges with people you build bridges with people so the problem build bridges and that this was the guidance from Allah spanner to Allah that he allowed him to go through this path so the Prophet SAW sudden became to be known as an I mean from a young age from a young age so the prophets all of law and even synonym was tending the Sheep and people would trust him and people actually seek after him they would seek after his services because he was a stressed worthy person and it's easy you know when you treat someone when there are people when you deal with them they are honest they're easygoing when you see these people or lie you say and handle you know there are people like this in this life they make things easy for you I mean and things aren't easy naturally things are supposed to be easy but there are people who just liked like to make things hard they're not hard but they just want to make them hard and the world lost one ever says wicked a decaf attend or geodetic about becoming a violent fit nuttin just be worn and thus a loss whatever says that we have made you a fitna or a trial for one another can you be patient with that or not that's the test that's why the profits of Lawson M says L not mean leather you ha little NASA Westborough allow high your men and women in ladira hallo domme that's what I asked Miller I lay down they believer that mixes with people socially engages with people and is patient with their harm because if you do with people are gonna get so much harm people from different mentalities different backgrounds different understandings different emotional mindsets people are gonna come with you with so much stuff it takes a lot of patience so the person who does this or mixes with people and he puts up with their harm in the sight of Allah he's better than a believer who's still good in the sight of Allah Simona Tejada but the first person is better than him a person who does not mix avoids people and avoids there huh so the Prophet SAW Salam from a young age he was trustworthy easygoing people love to do business with him they love to treat him and this is why towards the end of his teenage years he started actually doing some business he's starting his life with business but we're gonna come to this - in his teenage years talking about 14 15 16 17 18 Randy's these eight this age a lot of the young people in Mecca they used to do this similar business is to work as shepherds but the problem they had some of those were bad boys so they would try to make relations with women they tried to go to parties so when there was a wedding there would be mixed weddings or there would be women probably dancing in certain areas they would sneak in and they tried to maybe you know engage with some haram things inappropriate things so the Prophet SAW Larsen Lam talks about this he actually says that some of the people used some of these Shepherds you know in Shepherds by the way probably here you don't see Shepherds but back home I'm sure there's a lot of shepherds Shep is usually just like any profession they have places where they gather together like they love to meet each other so these sheep this manage a flock you know grunt grazes here and this one grazes here these guys get and they their adventures and their stories they love these things so there are certain times during the day where they meet together and they actually start exchanging you know stories and dreams and gossip so as soon as the Prophet Solomon would meet some of them and they would say to him like you don't have any relations with women you don't know what this world means the world of the women what it means and there are so many good things that you can actually see but the problem had no interest in this for him it was inappropriate it was inappropriate and among the herbs at the time yes there were a lot of you know bad habits and bad traditions but still like people of good status and within this society they did not engage in these things they did not engage in these things so they had what we call elmora which is natural good character it not its natural good judgment you can call it prudence social prudence okay like you have a good judgment about this is wrong this is inappropriate and this is why you had people who didn't worship idols among the Arabs who refused to do this they said it was inappropriate there were people who never engaged in drinking alcohol people never engaged in having new relationships outside marriage so there were there were people of good judgment so the Prophet SAW sodomy said seems he said that they had some you know this so they were sharing some of their accounts so after a while the prophet saw some himself so he says I wanted to know what these guys like what a wedding has like what what does a wedding have to offer because these people were mentioning a lot of weddings so the Prophet SAW Salaam he says and this hadith is Hassan so he says Muharram to be she in McConnell jahiliyyah t a human a bohemian and Nisa in Laila tini can you tell Homer are so many louder al-amin Homer will too late and Nabokov attorney McGowan inferior idea Idina cool - Lisa hey be absolutely of enemy had to add holy Mecca first Marathi hakama is more efficient for Carla Bala Fidel to have the energy to away later in min do Lima Casimir to husband Bill Harrah beanie Wilma's a mere Furcal to Mahadeva pilot azza wajal foolin Falana for jealous - anvil were lovable llahu allahu dhu knee for Allah Hema a colony in sushi MC for Raja to heal Asahi for calm I felt for cool - muffled - shaken too much more - who be lady right from a culturally let an aura absolutely renomii had marabi Mecca photographer the hell - vellum magic - meketa semi to mislead Larissa marital Kalina vessel to Vittal fool Anunnaki volonoff a jealous - and Rob Allahu Allah Unni for Allah Hema a colony in Lamas - emcee for Raja - inna llaha be faqad arafa alte bull to LA she from Hobart rule Hobart for Allah Hema Hammond - whether to birth the hellish a in had a common in la who be Nobu what he a different assalamu whole may have a would no Habana abouna in familia so the hadith the problem says I've never tried to approach the swimming things like having these gatherings where women get together and try to sneak in and look at them except for two nights so I said to one of my fellow Shepherds look after my sheep I'm gonna go tonight and see one of those parties so I go and as soon as I enter Mecca the first house in Mecca I can I can hear some music playing so asked what is this they say this is a wedding this man you know the wedding between this man and this woman so he says I wanted to approach and listen but I just fell asleep and I woke up in the morning the following day from the heat of the Sun then I went back to my friend he told me what happened I told him you know I just fell asleep so I decided to go the following night so he goes the following night the same thing happens so he goes back to his friend tells him I'm not gonna do this again so the problem says I've never done anything apart from these two nights I had two attempts but I've never done I never pursued this anymore until Allah subhanAllah to Allah sent the revelation upon me so that shows the prophets or Salam had some kind of exposure to you know those boys teenagers and young men who would who are doing bad things so he would hear that but he didn't seem to have a genuine interest really to engage in this and it shows that allah subhanallah deprotected the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam allah protected him from having these kind of desires from engaging in these kind of actions or even from allowing even one slip to happen yet the Prophet SAW Salam was would engage in some business who he would do some business for people so people would invest money and he would do the work maybe travel here or there and do some kind of business and he would take a share of that and a lot of the people in Mecca the young men in Mecca this would be their future career until they became well established businessmen where they could earn a lot of money but at this stage they would earn some little money because obviously the percentage didn't seem to have be really big during this time the prophet Oh Mohamed Salah said 'no as he was doing business for some people one of the people he dealt with was Khadija Khadija a woman from Mac a noble woman from Macau a widow who was very rich and she wanted people some people to invest and do business for her invest and some of her money so in one of the her business endeavors Hamas or Salam was part of that deal she admires him his honesty his beautiful character his lineage everything about the prophet sallahu sanam appealed to her idea of the Elana so and there's a point here so Hadiya she admires the Prophet SAW time so much so she it seems that she really wanted to check the prospect of marriage maybe he would be a good husband for her although she was older than him she was older than him so she approaches one of her friends one of her friends one of the narrations mentioned that her name was nafisa she tells her have you seen this guy Mohammed yes noble family beautiful characters yes like his business is perfect his honest she mentions all his good traits now hit her friend is very shrewd and shop she realized that Khadija had some kind of admiration to Mohammed so she says to her why don't you why don't you consider him for marriage he's actually a good candidate so Hadiya says well I won't say no I won't say no so that's a beautiful approach so the Khadija was mentioned to the prophet sallallaahu and he was in them is it directly through this woman or indirectly I'm not sure but the process gets to hear about this so someone talks to the problem says and it seems it was this woman that why don't you ask for Hadiya and marriage the prophet saw some of that time has haven't had not made so much money like enough to establish himself and be able to propose for someone like Hadees all comes from a rich family she's a rich woman so the province of southern they said India he says the race handyman when he was a widow with a 70 map so this woman says well if you approach approach her it will should work out should work out so now Hadiya was happy to receive that answer yet when the the prophet sawas enemy seems that he tried to see the response of her father but her father was not in favor of that marriage he was not in favor of that when actually he spoke his province Allah Muhammad SAW some at that time he spoke to the father of Khadijah but the father of Hadiya was not really interested so generation goes and this is mostly Muhammad in novice Ulala he sallallahu alayhi wa sentimental khadija vikarna Abu Hajer Abu and Musa whija-- who the process Allah mentioned Hadiya mentioned Khadijah means he proposed in an indirect way to her father but or maybe he sent someone to her father the father showed resistance but now there was a habit there was a tradition among the Arabs if a man gives his daughter in marriage to someone what they do they they used to make some kind of a necklace made usually of roses or some to some some some beautification and they would put it around his neck still some cultures do this maybe for the bride and the groom so so Hadiya very intelligent woman she realizes she wants Mohammed as a husband and he's approaching but her father is not gonna make this happen she thought of a wing her father was rejecting Mohammed for no good reason he just he said probably he says that he's not rich enough he's not up to the same social standard as we are so he was rejecting him so she figures out a way she puts together a plan so he Mays make some food she tells his father to invite his friends they come over and she prepares his well drink for them wine that's before Islam that's before Islam so everyone was drinking wine at the time and alcohol okay she prepares wine so they eat they fill up their stomachs then she offers the wine to them they drink a lot her father becomes what he's drunk now he's drunk he doesn't he's not completely there so she goes to her father and she says to him in front of his friends Mohammed has come and he's asking for my hand in marriage what do you say he says I will give you to him because it obviously he's not there right I'll give you to him she says perfect so she had the necklace ready for him she puts it around his neck and obviously he's is enjoying his time with his friends then at some point at night he wakes up like he he gets back to his wits okay he looks around himself and he sees this like these roses and and this necklace around him he says what's this she says you just gave me in marriage to Mohammed and your friends have witnessed this and I said yes you just did obviously he couldn't eat back his words for him it was big shame to go back on his words so he had no way but to accept but to accept as I said this is related by Imam Ahmed so mohammed salah salem marries Khadijah he was 25 how old was Hadees 40 that's the narration in co-terminus half which is obviously narrated in - in teddy be syllabi Benicia this is the most famous narration okay but in the books of serie there are other narrations and the books other books of ceará there are other narrations all of the narrations are weak about the age of her of Khadijah all of the narrations including the one that says 40 all the magma in the Sierra as the scholars have said the Sierra we are more lenient with the authenticity were more lenient with the authenticity so actually there are some narrations that indicate that the age of Khadija was 28 was 28 all of them are weak narrations all of them are weaknesses some of the scholars who support the 28 age they say Khadija w la lonja she married the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at age she was 40 this say supposedly 40 she marries she was 14 how many children did she have with the prophets Allah Allah count with me who boys the boys al-qasim and and Abdullah Al Qasim and Abdullah both of them died as infants as young boys the daughters Zeinab and okay fine let's put them in a bit zina okay yeah on mo confirm Fatima okay six so if a woman gets married at age 40 what are the chances of her having six kids after age 40 okay still as I said all of the narrations are weak but the this is what we call historical narrations these are what we call historical narrations so it's not a big deal how old she was but she was older than the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam she was older than the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam so the Prophet SAW summary and that's a very important thing by the way very important thing because Khadija was rich the problem was still building himself financially yet the Prophet SAW son was spending on his house he was financially responsible for the house is what it is how the Arabs worked as well it's where their norms because a lot of their norms came from the times of ibraheem and ismaeel alehissalaam so a man would provide for the house it was his responsibility so the prophets also although Khadija lovely lana was rich he had the prophet solomon provide for the house he would work he would engage in business and he would work for her and but now the finance is out with his wife so that makes things anyway easier for him the prophet saw sometimes a reputation it grows and by the way some people mentioned some beautiful points here about the Prophet saws in them marrying a mature woman a mature woman usually when a young woman gets married she has so many demands it's a time for her to take and she's young it's time for her to take but usually when a woman matures towards the second half of her life middle age and above middle age that's the time when the woman give and contributes without question so the prophets Allah said I'm having Khadija marrying Khadija at that time that was helpful specifically when the problem became a messenger that she was full fully supporting the prophets of us and wasn't about demands and probably needed to meet a lot of demands it was actually a Khadija having his back always supporting him with everything she could emotionally financially she was there for him all the time so that's a great advantage that was a great advantage so the and obviously a woman who was older than the Prophet SAW said I mean she was as we said rich woman from a good social status good experience in life she had good knowledge she had good experience about life this life of maturity and by the way you can't learn maturity in a book you can't learn it in a training session there's no these are things you can only learn through experience in life and through mixing with the right people because it's contagious its contagious you're having a mentor having a mentor to guide you through your maturity process so hadiza being older than the problem and a woman a prolific woman in the sense that she was businesswomen she was well known her life was rich in so many senses so that actually added a bonus to the growth process of the prophet sallallaahu and he was in himself and if if we say the person was 25 she was 40 the purpose of him being able to deal at the age twenty-five being able to handle a woman at age forty that shows that the problem was actually far ahead of his age far ahead of his age this added so much maturity so much knowledge so much experience to the life of the prophet sallallaahu newest in them so again during this time the Prophet SAW was recognized as a very trustworthy person in the society everyone looked up to him in terms of respects but the person wasn't leading an active life politically or even socially he was still within the normal range of people but he stood out in terms of his authenticity in terms of his honesty in terms of his character the beauty of his character people admired him respected him they looked up to him in terms of his his character and this is why one day when the Prophet SAW saw them reached the age 35 so now we move on fast forward to age 35 the people of Kailash decide to rebuild that Kappa rebuilder Kappa and I said previously when people think of alka at that time they always have images from some films and documentaries and movies about a GABA that is similar to what we have today at that time the Cabal was not in that specific shape was not very well built in that shape rather it was built with what we call what the Arabs called a Reuben a Reuben are rocks of slate of rocks that you put on top of each other you know the old walls that they used to make short walls and barriers that's what the Kemper was made of was well done even without cement without mud to hold these stones and slates together so just stones put on top of each other nicely and there were four walls the height of them was the height of this table the height they were in the narration it says just like a goat the height of a goat small goats that was the height of Aqaba and then they had a big piece of cloth they would put it on top as a ceiling that's an cabin that's a cabin so it was very simple construction very simple construction where was ahead of us what in the same corner where it is now that was put on top it was separate and a jealous one was put on that corner separate it was an exposed piece of stone black stone that was a harmless wood so people could see it touch it it was visible so the people of Kauai decided to build al-qaeda one of the reasons they decided to do it at that time was because there was a ship coming from Byzantine Empire to Abyssinia and it sunk near the port of Jeddah that that was still called Jeddah at the time there was its own small town so it broke near the shores of gender so the people of Croatia heard about it they decided to go take the wood whatever they could save of the wood of the ship and use it to help them build their cabin because they'd lacked a lot of resources the only resources they had were rocks they would take from the mountains around so they go they get the as much as they could from the wood of the ship and they find a carpenter who was on the ship and he survived he survived he was from the Byzantines his name was barroom so they they struck a deal with him to help them he was a very handy person so they struck a deal with him he comes with them and he helps them build a camp he agreed so they take him so anyway this narration is in muslin F Abdul Razak with it's nuts a higher chain of narration narration that is authentic so as they come near al kaba they wanna start taking off some of the stones as soon as they approach it a huge snake appears from a camera Tuesday back from a black from the top why from the bottom and anyone would approach the Kaaba it will pose itself in a defensive position so what did they say they turn to Allah subhanAllah they said o Allah we only want to rebuild your house we want to honor it so veneration goes were carbon atom l'm not all om namah rod Nitesh fifa beta coatl TB income turtle Dhabi Dalek were in laughs Emma but NASA fraud oh Allah we only want to honor your house if you want we're gonna do it if not you do whatever you want as soon as they did this they heard some [Music] frightening sound a roar coming from above was a huge bird that came and snatched that snake and took it away that's it then they approached the cabin and they managed to take off the particular part and start building on the foundations then they constructed it in a good shape they constructed it in a good shape now the Prophet SAW Celyn takes part in this he takes part in this process what did he do the young men of Mecca would go to the mountains there were people cutting through the mountain bringing out pieces of huge pieces of stone or massive rocks they would cut them into a weight that could be carried by people where they could bring it to al kaba they could put it in the right shape and then start building the walls of a cabin so that's what the problem was doing he was carrying stones from a jihad and mount a jihad and yet is still there in in Mecca right as yet he would carry the mountains on his shoulder with his uncle and Abbas his uncle a bass was a little bit older than the promised land very close in age so there were close friends by the way so they would he would carry it on his shoulders so the problem would carry these stones on his shoulder so a bat says to him he had one piece of cloth that he covered himself with and i-best said he said there's no people around why did you take off this piece you know fold it up put it on your shoulder so acts like a cushion when you put the stones you don't hurt your shoulder the Prasanth didn't feel comfortable with this exposing his body big basically taking off his clothes but like I said there's no one here so you just do it so the problem actually does that he takes off his clothes he puts the store in his the inputs the cloth on his or the his garment on his shoulder then he puts the piece of cloth then he falls on his face then he uses sound so I'm gonna mention the narration fabrina rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam myung-hoon even Kesha FETs nemi a lot to who so he took the enemy a lot is coming the huge to where so it showed his Allah Ferno the ya Muhammed erotic Fedele Kaahumanu d wa llahu and I'm tomorrow yet returned by the Dalek oh I will be happy ahah who'd there be okay so the problem is our showed so so then he was cold he had a sound saying to him your Aurora cover your hawala so that was the first time he heard something first time so after that he never showed his holla now a bass and a bass himself the uncle of the Prophet SAW syndrome kept the story to himself he only talked about it after the death of the Prophet SAW Allah Allah bass so he says come to an Arab nor he Muhammad SAW Allah I am nonpolar Giavotella revoir bina what usual una de la jolla I was with my nephew Muhammad carrying the stones on our next one our shoulders basically and our dissolve the lower garments we would hold it on our shoulders to protect our shoulders for either Russian Russian invader machine and NASA thomna so when we come to the area where there are people or if people come around us we would cover ourselves because as I said people had this kind of moral it's kind of respect this kind of character they would not show themselves fabrina Who I am a me huh la ilahe he moon but even so when Mohammed wasn't full of me he falls on his face so uh veggie - si la here so I rushed towards him when I see what happened well I'll pay - hey Jerry I threw my stone well Who I am born in a sermon he's looking upwards for who - Masha Allah I said to him what's wrong with you fatima radiyaallahu so he takes his lower garment which he had on his shoulder and it fell off he took it and he put it around his waist he covered his Allah well uh that is allah who wa carla no he - and M Shia a Dianna or Dianna and he's so he puts it around his waist and he says I was prohibited I was told not to walk naked not to walk naked so a basis for coming to act Omaha and a half a turn here oh you mad no one so I used to I I was hiding the story never told never disclosed the story to anyone out of fear that people might say about Muhammad that he was mad that his hearing sounds what does that mean this is narrated by Fabian his seal and assassin hadith it hasn't already so this was the first experience with the prophets I'm hearing something first experience but it shows a loss but I protect the process and I'm even not showing his our decency good character and good judgment and now was the stage when they built the construction it was time to put a hedge on s word where it belongs and has ls1 where it belongs now the Quraysh are four factions four main factions each one of them says we don't really we will do it the other faction says no we will do it we have no right to do it the other one say no we will do it we will do it we will do it we'll do it they pull out their swords they're about to fight each other to put the black stone where it belongs so them said you guys are gonna fight about this we're building the house of Allah and don't forget these people of Quraysh they had some of the remains of the religion of ibraheem and ismaeel alehissalaam but unfortunately idolatry paganism was introduced into it but some remains were still there so they knew Allah was there so they said you're building the house of Allah and you want to fight now you want to shed each other's blood so they said okay let's find a solution and since they are in his spirit they said there must be annex an outsider so they were run they said okay the first person who approaches or comes here we will make him a judge he will make a decision so they wait the first one who comes was muhammad sallahu syllabus soon as they see him what do they what what was what was their gut reaction the gut reaction yes and I mean and I mean jail I mean so everyone was happy they know Mohammad you're not gonna go along with Muhammad he's not gonna create trouble he will actually get everyone satisfied he will come up with a wise decision so the Prophet SAW Salam comes he takes off his own cloak outer garment he lays it he puts of hazardous one in the middle and he says each of the factions of Makkah nominate one representative hold this corner hold this corner all this corner whole this corner all of you carry it because they put it aside they brought it in here the new construction oval clappa they brought it to the corner where it's supposed to be put in then the processor lamb takes it with his own hands he puts it there problem solved everyone is happy so Allah made him a source of reconciliation a source of peace among his people even before prophethood so he was recognized for this he was known for this he has an experience in this he has an experience in this during around these times probably earlier the Prophet SAW Salam he talks about something he called he'll fulfill bullets like a treaty or a pact an agreement because there was one I think stranger who came and did some business for one of the people in Mecca and he refused to give him his money after he's done the business that all the work he did the work for him he didn't give him the money so he started he went to the middle of my case and the crying he said new people of Makkah you claim to worship Allah but you guys take people's money so some people in Mecca had this kind of practice unfortunately there were tyrants they were arrogant and they would they don't have an issue you know dealing with people unjustly but there were people of respect people of character so they gathered together gathered together and among them was in what I'm Ben Hadi and they actually set or they make a pact that any person in Mecca who doesn't have a family to support him and his stranger who has a right no one to support him we will support him rules that we become his crowd to help him until he gets his right then they can leave or they can do whatever they want so the Prophet Solomon he attended something like this he said I was invited to something like this and if I'm invited to something like this after Islam after I seen the revelation I would answer that I would answer that shows that Azzam as a Muslim whenever anything that is good anything that is good and that doesn't have anything harm anything against Islam but it brings about justice Muslims can take part in it Muslims can take can take part in it just as the process I made he said when I would do a to atomically he fan is La Mina Japan's of course called in full football the fact the pact of al football the pact of goodness so any agreement that is in line with Islam and that's about bringing about justice and giving people their rights Muslims are allowed are actually encouraged to take part in this so the prophet sallallaahu seldom during this time still he was doing business and he was known to for his as we said honesty his respect his reputation became very firm in Mecca everyone respects him trust him when they do when they do business with him but there were certain things happening towards his late 30s late thirties of the Prophet SAW lies to them he would be walking and he would walk past like a stone and he would hear something says Salam alaikum said I'm ready so stones would be sometimes greeting the profits or losses this is a Muslim the Prophet SAW says in nila ad for Hajj Allenby Mecca can you send a mahalia cobbler no Beth I know a stone in Mecca random stone that it used to greet me before revelation before Lanka and only this the problem sometimes used to hear sounds and see lights and he would be sometimes worried about this so he would go to Khadija new tiles and like I'm afraid I'm possessed I'm afraid this because they believed in possession and jinnah things like this yeah I'm freedom possession I'm afraid some Jin is trying to harm me I'm seeing lights and am hearing sounds and again you're gonna find some Orientalists some people with ill intentions they would say okay you see these are signs that okay the prophet sala sallam has issues but anyway we're not gonna you know I spend a lot of time talking about these because there's a lot of like nonsense that is subhanAllah you can see the the vile intentions sometimes behind some interpretations by some people but anyway we're gonna focus and show a lot more on the the life of the problem itself so he sees so these things used to get him worried and his main solace and that's a beautiful thing is to go to Khadija Khadija and that shows the importance of having a good wife and for the wife having good husband and it shows that if there's not communication thus this marriages is gonna create a lot of problems so the basis of marriages have communication Khadija was the best friend of the Prophet Sodom if he needed to share something some concern with anybody would be Hadiya and that's very important for a man really especially if they if they're going through some hardships and difficult circumstances they need and a woman that is supportive and understanding another woman that's gonna add burden on top of them but a woman who would really be accommodating and helpful and she would take a lot of the burden off their shoulders but it's not it should be done in a balanced way in a bus way which she's mature enough to handle these problems to handle this shouldn't be like a subjugation or an abuse abusive relationship so something started to happen with the prophet sallallaahu idea he was send them and you know I want that time as the person did business he had his own started to have his own wealth so he bought a sleeve and that was a common thing so he bought a slave and Roseate is aimed he bought him and he freed him and he took him as his own son he adopted him as his own son he called him xate Amina Muhammad say the Mohammed very interesting incident happens very interesting incident happens between Zeta and Mohammed they were making power from the Kaaba and they'd picks the brain of the Prophet SAW so he does something that annoys the Prophet SAW Salam so inshallah next time when we meet we'll see we'll see what they did and what was the response of the professore salaam and what the lessons that we can take from this ah by the way inshallah next week we're gonna have a guest we're gonna have a guest for the halacha so this Holika specifically won't be on next week okay the Syrah won't be on but there will be a guest speaker inshallah but all of you are invited and I hope you guys will be another thing cha will be having the camp the youth camp so really like I want to see the the the junior camp it was really beautiful really this year is done really beautifully much a lot many activities and I really recommend so this time is a two ages 14 and above 14 above if the place is beautiful amazing really the organized the brothers marshal often have really good job I don't want to say that in their face but really them they did a good job and the activities were really amazing I really wished I spent more time there but I had my own engagements so so anyone the clinic how does the office open would it be open the main office so approach the brothers there anyone who's 14 and above I definitely would recommend it's a beautiful experience and it gives the youth exposure by the way some exposure because they have to take care of themselves for these three days be away from the comfort of their homes by the way that's a chance you might think it's it's challenging and it helps them grow by the way helps them grow it's a challenging experience gets them out of their comfort zone so that's a recommendation in sha allah so parents try to get you know your your children they're your boys there and the boys speak with your dad about that speak with your dad about it inshallah should be a good experience jazakallah heroes lost no nabina muhammad wali wasabi listen
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 9,166
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Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: zvq2W2LeH0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 19sec (4099 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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