Tacos Dorados are now one of my favorite tacos EVER!

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I love watching America's Test Kitchen on TV y'all and the other day they made this tacos Dorados that made me say ohg y'all it looked so fantastic that well here we are today we're going to make tacos Dorados and we're going to get started okay so tacos Dorados is pretty much a taco that's what you came here for right old Taco uh but the shell the tortilla is fried okay and that's awesome get a little crust on it get a little crunch it's just fantastic so we're going to get started I got how much beef do I have here I got 1.44 lb of beef okay and we're going to add a little bit of baking soda going to add just a little squirt of water and I know you're saying husty why in the world are you squirting water in your beef well America's Test Kitchen told me to apparently well it's a technique you've seen me do Chinese food and that's something that they do all the time they put they put a baking soda in it and it helps kind of lock in moisture if you will so I'm not going to go at this out of Blazing Fury by no means I want to get the baking soda mixed in well with the beef okay so all good here so I think that's good now we're going to let this set for I don't know maybe 10 minutes at the most we got a few other things that we have to prep as well and I got an onion okay jeez Louise I was cute and then I wasn't cute all right uh just got a just a little small I would call this small I don't know just use as much onions if as you want I'm going to use I think I'm going to use this whole onion and we're going to put a nice little dice on this as soon as I get this skin off just dicing 101 here guys just make some vertical slits just like that okay now you come in make you a horizontal slit and then just come down you don't want a Big Dice you want a nice fine dice on this I'll be honest with y'all this half onion might just be enough I think I might make it enough we're going to come over to our griddle now we're going to come in with a little bit of oil this is just olive oil want to bring our onions want to lay right there all right while that onion is just hanging out over there getting happy part of the tacos Dorados that really interests me a lot is they put cheddar cheese and made a mixture of it a filling if you will okay so I got 8 oz of cheddar cheese that we're going to shred up real nice and of course I don't always use you know a fresh block like this it's it's preferred okay sometimes we just don't have time nice beautiful tillamuk cheddar cheese our old onions they're just hanging out they're looking real good again use as little or as much as you like okay slit our onions kind of over into the middle now it's time for the meat and I'm just going to put our meat right there into the middle going to mix our meat up really well try to get it kind of unpacked if you will bring our onions into the old mix as well we're going to season this up okay and we're going to use part little bit of our own this is just heer dust and then we're going to come in with some Fiesta dust all right that's going to be your Mexican flavors it's got your cumin it's got your coriander M Chili Peppers woo boy it smells good let's even this out right here and I'll bring you right back but hey stick around to the end cuz you know old hussy makes some bloopers all right so it's been about a minute or so we're just going to hey you see how that's caramelizing up that's kind of a good thing now I did give this a little bit of a nibble while we were away while you were getting a drink you know I want to add just a little bit more of our seasoning because I felt like it needed just a little bit more a little bit more all right now remember that cheese cheese we grated over there we're going to put our cheese into our mixture this is that cheddar cheese you know if you wanted to do a montere jack you know you know old kobby oh colby jack might work too you be good col's a good old boy and Jack is a good boy too uh somebody told me the other day that you left Jack out kby Jack so I made sure I want to do a shout out to Jack with kobby all right right so there we have it and you're not looking to really make a I don't want to make too much of a mess but I want to get this cheese because it is cold outside get it onto the griddle so it starts melting in with the beef okay that's perfect it's not completely melted it's going to get melted as it goes all right y'all we got our meat done got our griddle cleaned off best as possible now put you a little bit of oil down this happens to be peanut oil uh more of a frying oil corn tortillas got to do corn on this I want to bring those down and this is just we're just warming these up to make them plyable because right now if you tried to fill these up and roll them or fold them they would break on you so you got to you got to make them pliable and the best way to make them pliable is little bit of oil little bit of heat okay so I don't need long want to flip it over on this other side each one now one thing you want to do you want to keep these kind of warm you want to keep them moist take a little towel just a just a regular old towel one that uh you know it's not your wife's favorite decorative towel y'all know what I'm talking about boys don't use those and we're just going to bring those put them right onto this all right guys our tortillas we have them here they are nice they are warm now is the time we finish these tacos Dorados so I'm want to start off with maybe four man these things are hot and I got a nice little spoon here and what you do is you just make a nice little taco just like that right there it's kind of like a quesadilla but not a quesadilla okay it's cold out here our beef is kind of seized up on me but that's okay we'll make the best out of it so we're going to do however much we have here I have this much meat and I'm going to make however many tacos I can with what I got and I'll bring you just right back and again I'm going to stress y'all don't want to miss those bloopers at the end so you just wait okay all right we got all of our tacos made they're sitting over here our griddle is on a nice low heat now we're going to fry these tacos we're going to kind of shallow fry these this is peanut oil I'm using peanut oil normally I do avocado olive oil you can still do that um but for like a frying or a shallow frying I like using peanut oil so now we're going to take one of our tacos I'm just going to start laying these onto our oil or onto our griddle really and we're going to fry these dudes we take some of this pulled up oil bring it up to the front my griddle is pitching a little bit towards me a little bit that's okay we're just going to help this oil to the tacos come on baby come to the tacos make sure they're nice and nice and flat make sure they get all that kind of griddle love okay we're going to give these about a minute two minutes on each side we're going to check them and we'll come right back all right guys it is time to start flipping I can smell these tortillas is that tells me we're probably about ready ooo look at that nice golden brown tacos oh man that cheddar cheese it's melting nicely inside of there we're going to cook these for another couple minutes on this other side make sure it gets nice and golden brown and we're done so y'all come back remember bloopers these things are done on this other side look at that nice golden brown I want want to put these over onto some paper towels blot up some of that grease some of that oil Oho man alive these things are going to be crispy let going to take another paper towel here and just kind of come over to the top you don't want the Andersons coming over and have a lot of you know greasy mess you know well you might send them to the bathroom all right there we go all right so we have our tacos they're resting here you probably do not want to bite any these suckers right now because uh well it probably burn the hide off your tongue but uh we have a lot of toppings here feel free to use however many toppings you want uh you do go simple you can go extravagant whatever you like to do oh look at that look at that right there I'm going to put just a little bit this is w Waka cheese love Waka cheese you can put the Waka cheese into the mixture if you like uh it's totally up to you going to do a little bit of shredded lettuce I like some old pickled jalapenos okay pickle jalapenos little sour cream boy I love sour cream too yeah buddy and then uh little bit of Chala little bit of chalula one of my favorite hot sauces just a little Dash right there yes sir and then well y'all let's try this Taco I know y'all been waiting cheers did y'all hear that crunch dang it boys and girls that crispy exterior of that taco shell tortilla oh my gosh that filling is so awesome it's cheesy and the the the fiesta dust really works well I love that lettuce Chala I just love I love tacos y'all know what else I love more than tacos bloopers y'all I love watching America's Test Kitchen and the other day I saw them make some to Toros doc [Music] what are these things called tacos Dorados Dorados Dorados y'all one of my most favorite what did I say that I didn't say that I love Mar yeah yeah yeah what do you mean did you see that he I think the I think this thing's weighted so well it just no matter how you put it I think it does it so it makes anybody look good do that tonight night okay I love that tomato I put tomato in no I love that [Music] lettuce
Channel: The Hungry Hussey
Views: 176,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: griddle tacos, blackstone griddle, griddle cooking, blackstone griddle recipes, blackstone, outdoor cooking, griddle recipes, tacos, street tacos, blackstone griddle cooking, carne asada, blackstone recipes, carne asada tacos, how to, mexican food, how to cook on blackstone griddle, how to use blackstone griddle, flat top recipes, flat top cooking, flat top griddle, black stone, mexican tacos, flat top king, barbecue, taco tuesday, tacos de asada, mexican street food
Id: me-NZhQ1A5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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