Could THIS be the BEST WAY to make TACOS?!

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raw ground beef on a Fresh Tortilla I'm not so sure about that let's make the viral cheeseburger tacos [Music] so the preparation for these Burger tacos is kind of why we're a little skeptical about this recipe so what I'm seeing people do is just get a nice little ball of hamburger meat and then press it down on a tortilla and realistically that just seems a little I don't even know if the word is gross to Me Maybe I'm thinking unsanitary I'm not too sure but it just doesn't seem like something that we would typically do and when I'm watching people make these on Tick Tock when I'm looking through the comments I'm actually seeing a lot of people saying the same exact thing but everybody that's making them makes them look so delicious in the end that we knew we had to try this now I've also seen people do this a few different ways but I actually like the way that I saw somebody do this when they just evenly spreaded it out throughout the whole tortilla and the reason is because I saw some people do like a Smash Burger style and then the Patty ended up being really small in comparison with the whole tortilla and of course I want meat in every single bite that I've got here so if you look really closely again you'll see that there's a nice thin layer of that hamburger meat I already know that this doesn't look right but I think in the end it is going to look it so let's move on with the recipe and now because we want this to taste like a hamburger we're going to season it up like a hamburger we're going to start with killer Hog's AP seasoning I just want a nice good coat over this hamburger meat and now on top of that AP we're gonna add a nice layer of killer hog steak rub these two seasonings are going to add a nice salty flavor here and of course there's going to be that texture I'll put a link in the description below today we're cooking on our Weber grills 28 inch griddle and I have all of my burners on medium heat I'm just going to throw these right in the middle you guys can hear a nice little Sizzle there and I'm going to set a timer for four minutes I just want to make sure to get these nice and fully cooked before we flip them out [Music] and I know I told you guys four minutes but since we have not done this recipe before it's been two and a half minutes and I'm just gonna go ahead and flip one of these to see where we're at and I'll tell you what that looks really good that looks really good actually I would say that four minutes is probably a little bit too long because that right there is looking like it's gonna be fully cooked in just a minute let's go ahead and flip the other one over [Music] foreign oh yeah those are looking incredible you see a nice little crush here on this burger don't forget we didn't smash it down so we don't have that full my art reaction but it still looks absolutely incredible and while we're at it we're gonna go ahead and add some cheese right here to the top of this hamburger meat and I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys I think just a few things let me stop my timer I think just a few things are going wrong with this cook so far so one thing that I will say is it looks like there's too much oil on the surface itself I don't think that this necessarily needs that much oil because as you're cooking this burger it is releasing those juices and kind of creating it itself you can see right here on the outside of these tortillas it's really not looking that good it's looking a little bit too soggy if you ask me let's go ahead and let this cheese melt we'll start this process again and we will nail these tacos okay our cheese is nice and melted around a minute and a half later so so we're just gonna start building our tacos I'm gonna put a little bit of lettuce here then we're gonna go some pickles I like extra then we're gonna go over top with some nice yellow mustard I like extra mustard too and here is phase one of our Taco Burger again off the bat what I'm seeing right here is it looks like there's a little bit too much oil going on the tortilla may be a little bit soggy but let's take a quick bite and see how everything turned out I wanted to show you guys really quickly what the bottom of this tortilla looks like and I will say that it actually looks pretty good barring all the grease that's on there it does look pretty good you guys can see it right here in the camera but now let's take a quick bite got my plate here I'm going to try and fold this in half why does everything I make look so big all the time that's probably why I'm big this is humongous this looks humongous okay let's take a quick bite I think it's gonna be hot I'm hanging up front I actually don't think we need to change anything on that at all originally I did but the tortilla is actually nice and crunchy so I thought there was going to be too much oil but I think it actually kind of added that crunch to it it almost fried the tortilla made it into a little bit of a shell-like texture and it just turned out really really good so some of the tortilla came off right here and you guys can see that the meat is actually cooked completely perfectly it's completely juicy still and if you guys take a look at that taco it is completely filled just looks absolutely incredible so we're actually gonna remake these but I don't think we need to we did two minutes on the meat side flipped them over let the cheese melt and they'll build our Burgers exactly the way we wanted to we will make a little bit more of these just so we could eat for dinner but I've got an idea to make something even better than these hamburger tacos so come on inside let's look in the fridge the other day we got some stuff to make an epic breakfast I've got some Whataburger sausage here I of course have some Simply Potatoes the shredded hash rounds I think that we can make a breakfast taco exactly the same way we just made that burger it's gonna be super duper delicious so like I just talked a second ago we want to make this a little bit more epic so we're going to start off with some grilled vegetables we're putting these on first because they will take just a minute don't drop your platter right on your griddle that can definitely cause some melting I just want to get these nice and sauteed this will take a few minutes move everything around and I wish you guys could smell this because it just smells incredible and it's only one component of what we're making here now I'm going to put a little bit of bacon up over here in one corner I don't want this oil all over but I definitely want some here and then we're gonna throw down some of these mashed potatoes I'm sorry we're gonna throw down some of these hash browns I don't know why I said mashed potatoes just gonna go ahead and spread these out nice and even we don't need too much we definitely want this to still look like a taco I still want it to be foldable so while I do want there to be hash browns in my bite I don't want it to be too thick so I'm going with a light layer here I'm also going to go ahead and hit the top of this with a little bit of AP as well and we'll let both of these hang out for just a little bit I'm not going to start the other components of the cook just for a few minutes because I know these are going to take the longest to cook our grilled veggies are almost where we want them so now I just kind of want to take a look at our hash browns so just to make sure I'm going to go ahead and cut them in half and I'm going to flip one side we're going to take a look at how done it is if it's completely done we know the other part is good and we can flip it but if it's not of course we can just kind of Judge and base our flip off of that so real quick okay that's looking good to me I mean I could say that I probably want a little bit more texture than that so we'll let this go for another three to five minutes and then we'll flip it over and we'll get them all cooked together [Music] now for our breakfast version of this cheeseburger Taco instead of using the ground beef we're going to be using that Whataburger sausage I'm gonna do the same thing I'm just going to start with this ground sausage here I'm gonna flatten it out nice layer and just make sure to get a nice even coat on both of these tortillas now I'm just going to go over top very very lightly with some AP and now it's time to go straight onto the griddle just like before I just want to smash this down just a little just a few minutes later we're going to go ahead and flip oh my gosh that looks so flipping good holy smokes that for sure looks way better than the burger did I think we got a little bit better surface contact there and it just looks outrageous so because we're going great so because we're going back to because oh my gosh there's no way I just did that holy crap all right we're gonna keep going [Music] okay because we're going breakfast themed on this one oh my gosh I can't believe that just happened now I'm afraid to crack the egg okay we're gonna start with one over easy egg here how did I do that that literally cracks perfectly and went straight down the side is it down here it actually didn't even go through all good all gravy I'm gonna add a tiny bit of AP over top that looks good we're gonna go ahead and put some cheese right over top of our breakfast sausage we're gonna let that get nice and melty I'm gonna flip this over easy egg and we're gonna let that cook for just a few seconds okay one over easy egg is done and we're gonna go ahead and start on one more little AP gonna go ahead and take off our sauteed veggies now we want to flip our over easy egg whoo got it baby I can cook a lot of things but an over easy egg is definitely not always one of them give that just a few seconds cheeses that looks incredible I don't even know what to say what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna get some of our sauteed onions and peppers put it on both of these here I'm gonna put a nice little sliver of our potatoes right on top we're gonna go ahead and top with one of our over easy eggs [Music] and right here is our breakfast Burger Taco I personally think this is going to be much better than the original but of course now it's time to try now one of the things that I will say is a lot of people are arguing that these are tostadas and I think if you leave it like this then it definitely is but the way people are eating them is they're actually folding them up and that turns it into that taco so this one's gonna be a little oh it's so crunchy and crispy under that it's almost about to bust and just fall apart but let's please not let that happen another huge bite that right there is the winner winner chicken dinner one million percent this one tastes better than the original the original was delicious this right here just brings out that deliciousness the pork flavor the hash browns is a texture from there the grilled and sauteed well I'm sorry the grilled or sauteed or the grilled jalapenos and the onions just taste so good of course the over easy egg on top R.I.P to that one little egg but this one turned out so incredible the tortilla is perfect just absolutely perfect if you guys want to keep it flat and eat it like a tostada that's completely fine we decided to turn it into tacos and I'll tell you what the viral Trend hey it works it tastes really good you guys try it for yourself if you have already tried it let me know in the comments down below how do you make it does it taste good and what would you do to make this a little bit better also do you think it's gross to put the raw meat right on the tortilla I definitely did but after eating this I have no complaints as always we really appreciate you guys tuning in to this video once again all right Pizza that little egg thanks and we'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Gulf Coast Smoke
Views: 1,386,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheeseburger tacos, burger tacos, cheeseburger tacos recipe, cheeseburger taco, smash burger, how to, burger recipe, taco recipe, easy recipes, smash burger tacos, griddle cooking, smash burgers on griddle, griddle recipes, breakfast, whataburger, whataburger sausage, tiktok recipes, tiktok recipes easy, gulf coast smoke, killer hogs, howtobbqright, how to bbq right, weber grills, weber, weber griddle 28, weber griddle
Id: gXjz3XytELk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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