RIVAL EMPIRES are Here In Kingdoms and Castles (Massive Update!)

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oh my goodness it has been ages since we played kingdoms and castles it's been over seven months and i said the next time i would play it is when they added the ai factions artificially artificially intelligent other kingdoms with their own castles that we can lay siege to well it is available in alpha testing right now so there may be bugs and things like that but that's fine i've been waiting ages for this alright so earlier i was saying i'm gonna show you kind of how to do it but essentially what you need to do is go into properties then you pull up beta you come in here and for check code alpha tester one two three and check code and then that'll give you the alpha unstable alphabet so basically what we're going to do is we're going to start up a new map we're going to choose summer because you know what we're going to have to uh rivervale toast opia bruh we're going to need to find a good map with multiple island chains this kind of looks sort of like england if england was a weird motorcycle ramp with fish on it oh this one looks really really good so this would be kind of funny to use what i like about this is we could essentially just put a poor little kingdom in purgatory over here and they only have dominion over this now they could in theory take over and colonize other islands but they have a very small starting space and very few starting resources so that's kind of what i'm going for right here is a number of different island chains preferably one that's so overpowered that i can be on all right we're gonna go with this one oh my god the ai kingdom is google i can smell something busy something is going on easy once you know how google you get this island right here you're gonna be off on your lonesome you're kind of like a derpy looking florida then we're gonna add a peaceful kingdom which is mikey's world they always walk into the house with their shoes off i'm not sure what this is all about but you're gonna be relegated over here and the idea is i'm gonna put myself on this giant island chain of three islands and then try to colonize the other islands before the ai empires do so here we go check it out they've got iron and stone and i like this how it pops up right and so the one trade-off here i guess is that like you only have access to stone on your main island we probably could bridge over it here a lot of stone and some iron over there as well and you'll notice that we've got a new resource there's be fishes in that ocean and look in the upper right we've got a mini map can i move it oh my god i can move it anywhere i want build your keep near fertile land trees and stone well i think that would be right here as per usual we got a plant plant ourselves a castle so i'm thinking right here is pretty good i guess it could be better and it's been so long but essentially what we're going to do is we got to put some roads down and then put a house or two now we'll go ahead and press play here and then we got to chop up some trees now this is some nice ground that we can use and our castle is going to materialize and to come into existence but here's the caveat right now we cannot see anything going on on the other islands there's a fog of war we can't even build a giant tower and a telescope what we're going to need to do is use one of the other new features in exploration ship that's going to be the objective for this episode now kingdoms and castles is finally back a lot of people have been asking for this so if you want to see more you want to see another episode or you want to see a series do you know what to do and without further ado let the race for the empire commence here's our little blocky voxeloid people building roads building houses we got to give a house for everybody here and then shortly thereafter we need to start planting some food we've got some really nice farmland over here and i'm thinking right here is going to extend into a bridge so we're going to try to get over there there's a lot of really cool new things and can we build a bridge oh my god we can that's fantastic so i can just bridge all the way over here and then i can get access to iron the issue though we've got some wolves protecting it yeah so there's a lot more on the line not only are there gonna be vikings and random dragon attacks but the ai rival empires are finally in the game man it's this is just so crazy i've followed this game for years let's go job priority builders are first then stockpile then timberworkers that seems pretty good and if we want to speed it up we can just use the number keys that's fantastic so it's winter time we need to get our first bit of food going so i'm thinking an orchard right here oh god somebody was killed by wolves the migler who is named the migler four people visited but only one found a satisfactory home lord all right fine we'll get another satisfactory home for you wow it's already year five in the year of our toast it is the number five send a transport ship over to investigate well we already know there's an ad because we put them over there but we've got a the making of what could be a pretty cool harbor all right finally i can get ourselves a forester and put him right in here that way we'll produce some wood yeah a lot of people are getting killed by wolves that is uh you'd call that a problem dragon sighted oh my god this already happening wait a minute he's getting shot at he was getting shot at by the rival empire i forgot that the dragon might not just attack me he might actually attack some of the rival empires in the game now he's a little baby dragon hey and we're a small village uh but dragon could easily eat everybody in this town if you so wanted to okay our castle is a little bit defensive that's pretty good that's that's definitely a new change so the dragon's just scouting it's going to be like mommy and daddy and now that we have access over here i'm thinking what we do i want to put a wood carver over here but look at this we've already got our little london bridge now there are some pretty cool things you can do you can make drawbridges and stone bridges and a seagate what i'm gonna wall off to sea that way enemy ships can't get in that would be freaking awesome the next dragon attack is in 14 years can you imagine the sort of like existential doom you would experience if you're like i know the future and it's a dragon coming he's gonna eat me cousin maybe he's gonna eat you i don't know man i'd be kind of scared to know that and before we start taxing the people we need a better level of happiness so trying to get some charcoal we'll put it over here because it gets really smelly and we'll put a giant granary right in the middle of our entire agricultural district it's not really that well planned out yet trying to plan for the future here because i want to make a little grid and put some windmills here our city is full we need more homes what i want to get is some cottages these are like tier 2 homes and once that's completed we'll wreck some of the old ones yields tax revenue and it's a little more efficient like it's a 1x2 grid and it houses 12 people whereas these two are just five each so it's not as efficient per space wow three years has gone by man i'm not ready for this next dragon attack okay what we're gonna need to do is go here we're gonna need to tax the people so we can build one archer tower or better yet a ballista castle stairs archer school siege workshop there is so much new stuff under the military oh my god everything is new it's all new alright so in order to levy taxes we need to build a treasure room huh and a lot of stone is needed for that life is good in toastopia just wait till i bring in this thing called taxes you guys i don't know how many people are gonna like that all right the treasure room is ready to go in put it right there we'll build that and then we can increase taxes be careful not to place too many fishing huts in one area and over fish oh my gosh we gotta worry about the environment well look at that all right i'm gonna build a tower here for a ballista we're gonna build it bigger than this what's cool is you can basically stack i guess we could use a wooden tower we'll use a wooden tower as a placeholder but they have a limit on how big they can get advanced town oh my god there's ousting arena and theater these are both new i remember when the bath house the great library and the cathedral came into the game but look how expensive these things are i mean the great library is 550 freaking gold mate all right time to get ourselves a fishing hut and we're gonna put it right there looks good all right the wall looks mostly done and a ballista tower does require so let's start taxing at a five percent tax rate but look at how happiness oh they want a tavern okay we can do that we can easily do that with more stone i think we're gonna want more houses yeah but i feel like once that comes in we'll get a tavern and we'll have some fish and pork and health will go up and then by giving them beer too i mean if you have fish bread and apples and beer what else do you really need in life okay this is on fire and somebody was killed by wolves probably one of these wood cutters every now and then the walls are like hey you look nice and tasty i'm gonna bite your leg and that's how it happens oh god dragons is coming and i've only got three gold and i need 25. is this taxed annually or per quarter how are we doing this guys okay we need a tavern and i'll put it right here that way we should actually be able to tax a little bit more so we got the fish so health is going up to get a fishmonger which processes this stuff yeah we're gonna have to wait till after this dragon attack we need at least one ballista when we even get like we got five gold tax rates gone up fifteen percent per annum year 20 we don't know what our neighbors are doing i hope they're not making my empire look pathetic don't worry we will get that exploration ship all right we got the time i could build the permanent stone tower oh my god it requires a chamber of war too oh no taxes might go up we got two years oh god this is what you call not very good yeah this dragon's gonna attack in one year and we do not have a chamber of war we can build an archer tower but i i think a ballista would be better 50 gold is 50 that'd be 50 75 total gold versus 20. you know what we'll go with the archer tower we'll put it on the temporary wooden one we'll keep the stone one for our ballista one dragons be coming all right yeah the dragon attack is basically gonna be here at any moment but we've manned the parapets let's actually archers we'll put them at the top and when we're not under war we'll just like close the buildings the dragon's inside is it a big one or a little one oh it's just a little one oh thank goodness okay maybe we were a little bit overly worried about that as long as it doesn't destroy my treasury room and i think we're gonna need a bigger stockpile we're gonna have the central stockpile all right where is this guy oh they have a what is this they have a freaking boat the ai has a boat and it's got a knight on it a foreign envoys in route these people have diplomacy okay uh how do we how do we do that i need this diplomacy thing where is it hall of diplomacy i need 65 stone guys we don't even have enough stones oh my goodness that's amazing they're getting attacked by a dragon they're like no no big deal we're gonna send our emissary over there so this island's uncharted this one's taken look at that look how regal they've got a little olive branch i think they're the peaceful faction they have the big island i think google over here is mean or rather they could be hostile i do like how there's diplomacy in there right like you don't have to fight necessarily well hey you wanna you could dock at my fishing fishmonger village that's about all we got okay the next dragon attack is 14 years now we should be in a much better position we're gonna build a windmill we're gonna surround that windmill with farms in a nice little three by three minus one grid you're like hey you don't even have pigs you're the swine well you better not run over my bridge dude or i will i will bury you in dead pigs i'm going to build a giant trebuchet should kingdoms and castles have like super weapons like a giant trebuchet trebuchets would actually be really cool all right he's like oh how petty is your apple orchards hello sir we have a message from our ruler yes go on oh not interested leave me i'm so oh it's queen portal ah you're from a neighboring kingdom a peaceful kingdom we hope indeed we should have much to talk about yes oh look oh my god we're we're having dialogue here we thank your highness for her time yes oh my god that's really cool now they're probably gonna go meet the other one and they're probably like oh yeah the blue people they sting and they're really really ripe for invasion so go kill them all right now that we've got the that coming in we're gonna get some big old houses and are we ready to put down a chamber or did i just spend all of my gold yeah i think we could drop this to like maybe 15 to get our happiness up oh wow happiness up to like yeah we're gonna drop it at 10 during non-military times we have a huge stockpile here and a little baby one over here probably want a well keep things from burning down yeah 15 20 20 sounds good who allows foreign merchant ships we need a a discovery ship first so that's 75 gold i do want a bakery i think that'll greatly increase our food where would another good fishing hut be probably over here a foreign envoy is in route again what are you mikey what are you doing man they have fishing ships i guess so do we we had them before them you know it's gotta stand for something what's the foreign envoy gonna say i'm thinking what we do is we have our little access port right here we'll create a giant dock right here and then we'll put a tower here in a tower here and then i'm thinking we create a sea gate over on this side with some big towers obviously to defend i love how on the minimap you can see the envoy he's taking his dime a small market ah a small market could go over here oh so here's a big thing do we build the diplomatic relations building or do we do a chamber of war and where do we put our barracks in our military how about right over here all right that foreign envoy is almost here again oh god i i didn't know they had something else okay we have a message from our ruler yes i was just looking up at the sky so blue so beautiful i wish sometimes i could fly oh my god we're gonna conquer you aren't we i heard of a man who made wings out of vulture feathers wait are they talking about i think he was missing a key insight what could it have been he had bird wings but no bird tail okay yeah you you're that's gotta be it yeah let's find that guy making bird wings but by me listening my relations with them are going up so that's good i don't think they're gonna declare war on me but you know listening to them talk about birds fine whatever all right so we have this can i build hazard pay that's cool now i need a barracks so oh my god that's 45 gold geez guys how am i ever supposed to get ahead in this game happiness is low because our people want a church or a library dang that's expensive 85 stones oh we actually have an envoy coming in from the other kingdom we can see a flagpole uh i don't know if that's a bug or remember we are playing alpha so it's very possible it is a bug i really need this church all right where do we put it probably centrally probably is gonna take a while to build that thing how close are we to our exploration ship we've had to use gold on keeping our people happy okay here's the blue ship we got a little alpha graphics thing don't worry about it okay but it's still interactable kingdom genus that rhymes with we have a new message oh wow you look like a grumpy dude indeed we have much to talk about we're going to be very good friends until i invade you but not yet i do want a library but i need a barracks maybe right now like they're sending another for an envoy like i what are they going to talk about oh here they are again what is queen poirot going to talk about today oh we're in need of some resources we'd like to build a library could you help us uh what are you going to ask for deliver a gift of 15 wood 30 stone and 75 gold in 10 years time wow things moved real slowly back then okay well as long as we do that you'll have good relations maybe if we don't it won't matter because you're peaceful now the blue people are coming what if they're like hey oh god vikings okay okay there's a viking ship going to each of us i'm assuming i'm assuming they'll eventually come over here i really want this barracks oh my god i can just now afford it these will be the mustard grounds and you know i love me some mustard and i think while this is happening archers to your posts they're getting shot at their castle must be right here otherwise they have a tower oh they have a they have a decent amount of defenses now what's going on over here nothing yet and this one i think this one might be the one no this one one of them might be meant for me i'm not sure it would be cool okay these guys are actually gonna come they're getting close i don't know who it is i'm assuming one of them is coming maybe the vikings are just scouting oh they've landed we might get lucky wolves attack them bite them dang it oh no the wolves aren't gonna do anything oh we we gotta hello kingdom genius yes go on i was just touring our blacksmiths okay agreed yeah i definitely believe everything you believe we shall make powerful allies until one of us decides to to realize your island is really really small and you should probably do something about that okay can i build a swordman squad oh my god we need so much in order to do that i think it might be just easier to oh wow one archer tower wiped out that viking squad thank goodness that could have really messed things up i'm thinking maybe the best thing to deal with these guys is actually to build just an archer tower a simple archer tower in range and to shoot them that way that'll be what i'm gonna try fish from we we get like almost no fish even though five people are working that thing has no tools oh my god we need tools okay the only way we're gonna get tools is if we conquer this island over here so a little bit of archer tower oh 20 gold yeah that's how we're gonna do it towers to kill wolves all right the archer tower is done oh here's a freaking envoy dragon's coming in four years look at this killing all the wolves this way oh that's fantastic i hope they don't come back all right what do you want whoa it looks like it's carrying stuff on his horse treasure chest oh my god they're giving me a gift gold stone wood tools thank you so much it's like hey could you send us these resources so we can build a library i'm like yeah i'll do that in 10 years and like great stuff we asked for where's he going he's going to tour our facilities i guess i don't leave without me we are burgeoning town all due to my amazing leadership and talking my neighbors into giving me something vikings causing damage during the last raid could you lend us some troops i'm afraid we can't help man yeah dude like i don't have any soldiers at all much less soldiers for you for the likes of use oh wow i like how the castle gets bigger as we go too now it's got three towers i think but now i'm getting access over here to the iron we're gonna move most of our industry to this island that way we can open up this area to chop down these trees and expand houses and infrastructure but it is finally time to build a transport ship in our harbor wait wait no no no not a transport ship an exploration ship we'll build it right here oh that is so cool we're gonna get to see what the other people got hopefully it doesn't embarrass us all right now with this one we'll kill these two wolf burrows yes kill all of the bad wolves since we can't tame them to be our war dogs unfortunately and the next dragon attack is coming so maybe a ballista 25 gold for that we should be able to do that in three years all right it's time the exploration ship is ready so first we need to move our mini-map and go explore this island oh we got the uh diplomat guy i had the most delicious fish dinner our people love fish too you got me do you got any the favorite fruit of our kingdom is bread and that's it i guess this is how you communicate we don't have cellular phones or things like email and myspaces you know what i mean we don't got none of that can i build an iron mine i can oh the dragons cited luckily we did plan for this now we just got to make sure the jobs are prioritized appropriately ballista operators at the top manual stations and dragons here is it a big one oh it's still a baby one but don't worry if it decides to try to light us on fire we're gonna shoot him and i moved a lot of woodworking over here we're gonna have three woodcutter places and maybe another one or two over here this is gonna be the industrial sector of our entire kingdom it is just a little bit far oh my god that lightning bolt got really close okay the dragon's actually over here he's getting shot i'm seeing no ballistas whoa what's this present oh that's probably where i have to deliver to oh man that poor baby dragon i wish i could train dragons or like when you killed them you could like learn some ancient technology he's like nope you got a ballista i'm out okay let's get all 10 of those people back to work so here's our oh god oh look it says the people are hungry we can sort of see what's going on here let's do a little three speed oh man they got a jammed up over here they got some stone roads this is really cool so it's very interesting to see how the ai is creating their kingdom all right i think we're getting close their castles probably like right in there oh there's they have a lot of ships they have quite the navy oh this is so cool now i guess i would have to get a diplomat oh man they have quite the this is a drawbridge i don't know wow oh there's is what is this is that a university they got edumacation over there we ain't got no education over here stupid this is absolutely incredible the fact that they have ai empires and kingdoms and castles now before it was just like the threats of vikings and dragons and it did get kind of not as exciting after a while but now oh my god look at that let's get in here they're dang they've they have a huge kingdom how many people do they got so if you guys do want to see more we've got another kingdom to explore and so much to expand to but kingdoms and castles could be back if you wanted to be so thank you for watching another episode make sure to pull the trigger if you do want to see more thanks for watching i'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 166,800
Rating: 4.9731493 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, kingdoms and castles, kingdoms and castles gameplay, kingdoms and castles game, kingdom, castle, fort, forts, fortress, defend, defense, knc, kingdoms and castles new update, kingdoms and castles new, kingdoms and castles update, indie games, indie games 2018, biggest invasion, invasion, navy, viking, vikings, viking ship, rival kingdoms, ai kingdoms, defend the fort, defend the castle, defend the kingdom, ai empires, ai, empire, empires
Id: 0bMeymjgH3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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