TABS - Insane MAMMOTH CATAPULT vs Destructible Brick Wall in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator!

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we humans have pretty humble origins actually rumor has it that the other kind of humanoid creatures I guess we ate them or so I learned from rewatching Westworld which is I've been doing to tolerate this quarantine I'm going a little crazy but we have eventually come up with different technologies usually revolving you know weapons of war whoa something's growling at me you know and so like say you needed to knock down all a stone wall back in the day yeah we're we're just now chiseling rocks into throwable things and it was some dude crafted a giant destructible wall yeah it's awesome but you know seized equipment has evolved over the year oh that wasn't very good see throwing rocks and stone walls isn't effective even if they're kind of weak little window Hey it's a butterfly leaf oh my god does your butterfly leave but then we're like hey man we got these things called wheels in gears why don't we chuck the rock via a catapult and look at how much more effective it is at destroying walls all right there Bobby hey you need to get yourself out of the catapult and in fire the stone at it that's that that's the point did you just materialize that out of your brain and they say you can't be whatever you want to be in life all you got to do is dream it he dreamed he was a rock wait a minute that's not a bad idea what if we put people in the catapult the files are in the computer have you ever thought to yourself you know be really cool is you can take a catapult and have it fire humans just like people at the walls well in totally accurate battle simulator we've decided to create a halfling catapult and I have a question for you if you're firing what is this one two three four five it's it's a catapult ball of hobbits how many walls can you destroy well let's go ahead and try five walls and see if five if the catapult all right you may fire when ready and I want to see just it how like the velocity that these guys come out is so impactful okay so it looks like they kind of dented the first ones when they're like this oh you know we could do we could space them out a little bit better so we should be able to see the hobbits if they do manage to make it fly through the walls and now things are properly centered so how many hobbits how effective is the hobbit catapult okay kind of fires low so it went through one it toppled two and then we just have the domino effect so whoever's designing these walls is an idiot I burn did you do that but the fun thing about these walls is like you can also Ram them with horses what do you what are you doing the horse is afraid of the wall that's very interesting cease your equipment fires and ranged knows where the enemy walls are I got bad news we can no longer use the Hobbit catapult because the hobbits didn't really like the ideas so they created a castle and they're guarding a bridge and they're saying that anybody who's gonna try to take hobbits and use them as ammunition and catapults it's illegal so wait a minute what does it smell it smells terrible oh my god it's pigs I don't know where these pigs came from but uh we're sending them in to try to get the hobbits not to have its port out but it doesn't look very effective we have all these pigs and they're really bad fighters and we have to take care of a castle because we need the hobbits to arm the catapults but we don't have habits but we have pigs are you thinking what I'm thinking I feel like it just stands to reason that if we've got a lot of pigs and a lot of catapults that we should make bigger poles oh my gosh Baron uses pig apples it's very effective look at this oh my god that's incredible okay now and I've gotta test it I've got a testing I gotta know if firing halflings at the wall is nearly as effective as the cows oh they're not okay so maybe it was a really good decision look at this little pig running around in there on its butt I tell you what the good thing like not only can you take out the castles of your enemies using the the pickup bolts but you can also have so much pork and bacon after a battle you can feed your army why didn't they use it as ammunition and food and if you think about it but Baron the meat is really tough how are we gonna tenderize it I've got an idea we will throw them against the walls this is literally three birds with one stone or many many pigs against walls of stone it just makes sense in totally a good battle simulator at least me that's just impressive that wall is just absolutely rot but this is kind of fun when we get to like look back and combine some of the old mods that we have and here's the question for you guys today which mod do you want to be updated and released because I think it's high time we circle back and fix some of the you know the issues with some of those mods get them fixed up so that they're in a releasable state because I think the only one that's released right now is the Clone Wars man or is it no mando and Yoda oh my gosh so but this has me thinking if we can fire rocks out of catapults and halflings out of catapults in pigs out of catapults is there any animal that's bigger that we could catapult well we saw that the hobbits only managed to get through one of the walls and they dead may hit the second wall and it caused a domino collapse but they didn't just fly through it and look at these these pigs went through they went through all five walls test number two maybe we just got really lucky that first time all right this is test I don't know 576 Oh see that one was a lot better sometimes they get better and just to reconfirm the weakness of halflings showing that they are an inferior projectile to fire out of a can I wonder why wait a minute why did we use stone let's see all right here's a regular catapult stone now I guess part of it affects the velocity right or rather than Jek tree like if it's firing in a straight line and it has enough mm impact something-something physics terminology yeah it's firing kind of down I dare say though that a catapult rock looks like it can get through three walls pretty easily the problem is that the Vikings really kind of took this wall building to heart and they're like well if you can break through walls easy we're just gonna make more of them and they've got a ton of frost Archer so we're gonna try to see how effective halfling catapults are here some of these walls are gonna fall but like they took out the tower but I feel like the Vikings should I mean they got a front line infantry that we just deus ex mocking it in here so the land battle would be cooler you know what I feel like berserkers can jump right there could be really cool Berserker catapults here we go guys what would you like to see in a catapult a tabs mounted catapult what should put it because right now I think it's clear to see the hobbits they're not going to Isengard they're not gonna kick these Vikings but in their castle they're gonna have to go back to the drawing board because their sees you come it's not much let's see if the pigs are any stronger now we know that pig catapults are stronger but Pig infantry aren't very good I don't know there's something about pigs fighting that just doesn't seem to work too well so let's see all that that is considerably better in terms of doing siege damage to the walls but the pigs I feel like we're missing something because we've seen hobbits who are small people and we've seen pigs but I feel like there's a combination out there is also gonna harken back to one of our other mods the Lord the Rings mod and associate with pigs and small people but what is it as this man hacks up some morning bacon humour Dane from The Hobbit how he rode that armored pig out to battle he's a dwarf I feel like dwarves in hobbits have a lot in common including I can see inside your brain you see how mods need a lot of work so armoring a bigger pig with two mean old looking tusks just seems like oh and they've got charging animations so they're definitely gonna be better firing hobbit catapults oh that one was great because look at this let's just let's just appreciate physics in action this walls collapsing these guys don't even know what just yet and these hobbits are about to just smack that dude in the face and knock him over wait a minute how did you fire that far look at the pig taking that guy's bow with him and the whole wall collapses through sheer force of kinetic energy from pigs from hobbits and sand from ramming boars they're not just little cute little pink bacon pigs anymore guys and yeah right now I've got some ideas for like I don't know I think I think the five armies from The Hobbit the final battle would be pretty cool as factions for the Lord of the Rings mod there's so many Lord of the Rings factions it's like the Pirates of um bar the or the course there's a um bar the Harwich Rim you know the very eggs of kind the dole a Marathi Knights who are like really cool and then there's we got Rohan in uruk-hai but then we need like you know Moria Maurine goblins there's just so much so it's like which faction do we do but circling back to this here mod while you guys leave the suggestions in the comments below I'm kind of curious how good a mammoth is at knocking down walls slow and steady seems to win the race and when there's a domino effect look at that he did it perfectly but that's not cool are you taking a nap you know having a mammoth walk up and just nudge it over what we need is more ferocity out of your big boy so we're gonna do is load you in a catapult we're gonna make a mammoth catapult and fire five of them at a time it hit that okay they took them all out now let's just check is it still better than a pig catapult I don't know man look at the pig catapult is pretty dang good here's the mammoth again since a lot of them oh-ho hey that's three points right do we win the game okay yeah you you get up a little unlucky because a lot of them just hit the ground before that was kind of a Hobbit's problem - maybe pigs just have a better trajectory and I know you guys are thinking Baron let's see these dwarves help defend helms deep and we're gonna see that in a moment well I don't know how he did it but the Stone Age faction is in the stone brick age now and they're led by the chieftain and they've armed themselves on these walls so I think it's time to put the mammoth catapult in a halfling catapult and a pig catapult and bring out bring out Dain the dwarf Lord led by their war piggies in their armored boars I feel like that's a pretty strong battle line so let's see what we got here now how are they gonna do all right so we look at all three sections ooh the pigs and the mammoths are firing at the chieftain who looks like he's doing some kind of dance and I don't know maybe he's had too much of the fermented sugar cuz this man is about to get rekt he looked super weird look at that Oh totally I could siege battles baby tasbih totally I could see SH battles that's not a bad at s but you know look at these guys they absolutely destroy but you can see that these dwarves they're kind of like alpha versions of the dwarves right now but they work but I just was singing on like pigs boars Oh remember the Hobbit and I know the movies weren't nearly as good as the trilogy was the holy trilogy but my god man these guys know how to win a siege battle speaking of siege battles now they gotta learn to defend one now the unfortunate thing about helms deep if you're a seizure tacker is i don't care who you are or how strong you are like these walls are just too good oh my god these mammoth flew over the mountains in the back that is awesome but these walls are so ancient and strong it's like were they built by magic they were actually weren't they built by the dwarves but like you can't just blow them up this way you need something stronger I don't care how good pigs halflings and mammoths are you gotta use black powder and this is still my favorite moment of any mod and that goes to say even more than the clone troopers in the Warhammer 40k Space Marines which we showed off most recently if you missed that video gotta check it out it's awesome but this thing right here the Deeping wall was it was the only weakness in Wormtongue told sour man the angry that the only way this was the only way in only one weakness in this giant wall there's only one weakness hey the first one detonated and didn't blow up look at this and voila the wall collapses and the hobbits start going to know this is an Asgard this is just home Steve the hobbits are here though so how can the dwarves help oh my god I just created soccer look at this stunt init antenna 10 to 10 10 attend the dunt dunt tetris song samba de janeiro that's what we should have planned so this is the situation the men of Rohan are very very low on men they've only got a few archers one dude who's just invented rave music and a couple archers on the Deeping wall and this is normally where the elves come in and really help out right and Legolas is like hey you want to stand on a box and give these like a chop your nuts off what that's not how I remember it so how they defend against this because they've even brought in a NOLA font in crossbowmen and pikemen Oh got a came troll I love this so this is just a random giant guy we don't we don't have any trolls yet so the dwarves here got to come in and help the day right so they're gonna have their little counter charge ready obviously they're bringing pigs cuz it's totally egged battle simulator and they brought in the hobbits I wonder how good I feel like if we made Legolas he'd be he'd be like artemus but like even better and then Gimli would just be like Dain but even better and honestly these these dwarves they're fun alpha concepts right okay so wow these guys just replicated their bombs working as intended guys alright hopefully that one's close enough because a week the dwarves are on the other side oh god this could be bad this could be bad all of the dwarves are clogging this hole I actually haven't watched the explosion from the rear here so hey there we go two of them went off and look at that we have detonation the wall has collapsed where's the cave troll it's kind of hard to see what's going on because there's just so much carnage the smoke is clearing the Olaf ons is here the uruk-hai pikemen are charging through the breach and by that I mean actually the dwarfs of counter-charge haha the archers are now able to fire from greater distances so they're actually worth something and this dwarfs like hey man these are really cool steps I really like how you took the time so this is this is the totally Agri Battle of Helm's Deep going on right here we got crossbow man who is that how you properly hold a crossbow guys oh this Rohan Ian guys like him you know I'm doing the battle and please go away the greatest defense to the front gate oh but the the uruk-hai swordsmen are doing a flanking maneuver here they're coming out of the keep and it looks like if they can actually navigate this bridge which I'll be impressed if they do you guys are doing really good well watch out you got Rohan Ian's over there yeah that's right spliff the forces dude none of you guys fell off I am so proud of you you don't know how much of an accomplishment that is let's see how good these guys are doing because what I'd love is their shields to be able to deflect crossbow bolt in Armour what if Armour was actually a thing instead of just like increasing the hit points guys like yeah oh man that's awesome you guys did good it looks like they work I are gonna take this one I feel like the forces of good need some new units maybe a new faction and I need your help to come up with which one that is gonna be cuz Zurich I are storming through and they're killing everybody anyway guys thank you for watching another episode of totally a battle simulator we've got a lot of stuff that we want to have done we want to make done we want to get done so let me know where the modding should go next start a new one address an old one update release what do we got thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 592,656
Rating: 4.9281855 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, tabs, tabs mods, tabs mammoth, tabs catapult, tabs brick wall, tabs wall, tabs destructible wall, tabs wall battle, tabs bricks, tabs brick destruction, brick destruction, brick fall, wall collapse, may20
Id: LY3MOP0n-ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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