Salon Coaching - Tips to make your salon successful

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we orange Fargo square in front of the trafalgar lion here at raw okay i'm going to be talking to david drew now he has won numerous awards for his salons and his business expertise he is a business coach and he will take you through and show us exactly what makes a great salon business stay right there hello you're watching Cesar boycott pledge to me with you as always my name is Adriana and I am joined by the very lovely we have a nice little chat we have David drew he'll I Audrina hey Dean oh hi how are you I'm very very good order better for meeting you on a cold winters snowy day now David and tell us a little about yourself and what you've been up to missing me okay well first and foremost I'm a hairdresser very proud to be a hairdresser and have been for I'm ashamed to say 35 years listen doesn't show oh let's say that you just got right up in my estimation as I was gonna the prize that one out of here I had my own businesses and management was always something I think I was destined to do I was a first made a manager at 1910 age of 19 and boy did I know nothing about management he was been impressive a zoo to be given that role at such a young age I think I was just fresh Oh seemed an offline hall it was a learning curve a real steep learning curve and I was managing people of my age now so when I look back on it I actually looked at very whimsically and cringe early actually because I think oh my god I didn't really act like that I didn't really say that did I yeah but obviously I learned some stuff out of it and the first thing that I learned is that people respond to recognition first and foremost and people respond to leadership they need to be led will all follow a leader yeah and I think in our history and in our nation's history is will it be aware of your from if you've got strong leadership you can pull through anything so when I have my own businesses I very much wanted team and together everyone achieves more that's the my analogy of a team and so I encompass everybody to this is your business is not my business I'm the custodian of the business and I was very successful and I had my son once for 24 years and I had a really good lifestyle and I was under no illusion what I was in business for which was to be the best but also earn a good profit and there are a lot of someone's out there who are just turning over money what comes in goes out comes in goes out and they're robbing Peter to pay Paul and they're just treading water and they're on what I call a ferris wheel sometimes they're at the top of the ferris wheel and life seems quite good and then other times at the bottom of the furrows are all going hey well what have I done to deserve this and it's tough yeah but their passion their enthusiasm is the same as the top 10 percent and 2 percent they love hair they love dealing with people so I kind of thought there's a need here to help these people understand that they're not running a hair salon they're running a business and the rules of engagement in business are very similar it doesn't matter what you're selling whether you're selling Mars bars or coca-cola or in our in our instance are passing traitor's hair you've got to have a plan you've got to have a strategy and I sort of talked to people like that and they are all saying to me oh I've got a plan I've got a strategy but actually what they've got just dreams yeah that's their goal rather then how they're going to get there the process so what would be the head of goal Andreu I'd be really happy for them because I say so what are your goals and they say oh well I want to be there so I want a better they've got they've got a wish list they're not to not focus but they haven't defined it and focused it for me a goal is something that when you put a timeline on it you say I'm gonna do that by then so when you go and book your holiday and you pay that deposit you know you're gonna go on holiday at that time if you save the money and pay the bill so all of a sudden guess what happens you start focusing on it you stop putting that bit of money aside and guess what you pay that monthly installment you pay your holiday off and you go on holiday that's the goal right when you go and book it it becomes a goal until you've booked it and pay that deposit it's not a goal as a dream so essentially that to use the same format what they want absolutely right I think there are some industry drawbacks that we all suffer from within the industry that we all get wound up and caught up in but their problems are all very individual very unique because we're all individual unique that's what makes us special but yes there are some similarities businesses experience the same issues which tend to be and I'm going to call them issues and challenges because I want to get away from the word I want to specifically not use that word problem okay when people tell me they've got a problem I say no you've got a challenge because actually guess what we've all got problems and if I want to focus on my problems and keep thinking about them and describing them to myself in detail I'm going to feel pretty down very quickly okay so I say to people know we've got challenged because if you didn't have any problems guess what you've been confident that's when your problems in sugar okay sure we don't want to be there no sir problems are a sign of life so I actually say no they're good and you asked me a very good question and Ronnie said are there some specific things that a lot of salons suffer from the same type of problems they usually spend too much on payroll right payroll is one of the biggest expenses if not the biggest expense some our businesses have we need to get it at the right level within the turnover of that business they usually spend too much on stock we need to get stock levels and the price they're paying for their stock at the right percentages in relation to the turnover of their business okay they usually spend a little bit too much money willy-nilly on things like an advert here and there they've been phoned up about and they think it's a good idea to advertise their business well if you haven't got a proper campaign you ever got a proper y'all advert here and they're totally where's the time okay so there's all these little things that they either spend too much on or don't know what they're spending on if I say to people what's your break-even point what's that so I can imagine a lot of them don't really have a clue of their accounts and what they need to you know and what sort of stuff exactly they they have accountants but they don't seem to talk with their accountants until the point when our counter rings them and says hey this is this is what you owe the authorities the tax and this is what you've got to find and then it's usually a big shot Oh panic well I can't oh that money I haven't seen that money of course they have earned the money it's gone through their business and they've spent it yeah because they haven't planned for the event of the fact that unfortunately is two things we can guarantee in life we're gonna wait a lolly we go end up in a coffin oh I gotta pay tax and so we better we better plan for you not both of you in the coffee hope so yeah so at the moment we are in times of austerity we are in times of great worry for a lot of people and it's an interesting it's an interesting situation because if you talk to a lot of my peers in the hairdressing industry they would always say I've earned more money when the when the country was in recession than when it's in boom that's a very interesting spin on that as well and statistics tell us that the average person on the street market researchers have found out that they'll they'll cut back on everything before they have to actually give up their hair only 1% of people surveyed said they were going to cut my hair out everyone said no no here's one of the last things so I call it affordable feel good so we're not in a hair service if we were just selling haircuts hair colors we'd have gone out of business years ago what we're selling is a very invaluable service where beautiful ladies like yourself come in and we make you look good and feel good so I call it experience and I actually say to a lot of my my clients do you want your clients to have an encounter with you or an experienced and it's experience it's all about experience it's just such a lovely experience is absolutely right and you know we're being bombarded with newspaper and news all the time and we mustn't feel guilty about spending on ourselves I actually have a little saying I say to people my mantra is never underestimate how important your clients are to themselves so I'm very important to me and when I want something for me I'll go buy it okay and never assume what your clients can and can't afford week that's one of the traits as humans we like to make assumptions when I test some of those assumptions they're based on what feeling past experience and what our beliefs are so in a lot of salons one of the biggest problems a lot of salon managers and owners are having and L identify that's when I say is my staff don't like to charge for a full service when it provided it and you can question yourself what why didn't you charge that client for that lovely conditioning treatments you had at the backwash why didn't you charge that client for a whole header color why do you any charge upper half head of color you restart that clients hair why do you do any can't charge or a trim oh they can't afford it oh I knew she wouldn't pay that hey hold on a minute how did you know that did she tell you that no did she come here expecting them to have a hair done for free no did she booked the appointment yes did you give her a proper consultation and explain and agree what you were doing to her hair before you did it yes did she sit there and allow you to do it yes I think she was expecting to pay oh yeah but and it's old but it's a big one you see and it's based on their beliefs and their past experiences or what somebody may or may not have told them in the past and they're holding on to those beliefs and making assumptions that actually are not relevant not conclusive yeah and that's what holds our businesses back so the average service bills in a lot of the salons is too low and it's unfortunately a spiral because that puts pressure on the business and then one day when the salon employee says to the owner or the manager of their salon I want to go on a training course I want to do a photo shoot we should do a hair show we need to redecorate we need to buy a new whatever's broken the owner or the manager that business is going to you is I really like to do all those things but you know what we just don't quite have the money to do it and that's because they're not charging right service bills so we need to get our average service bills right and we need to have a plan and we need to have our staff on board and that our staff or what I call our internal customers and the internal customers of a business or the people working within that business and they need to believe in what you're doing yeah and what and why you're doing what you're doing and the products you're using because I quite often say and this would be another one at every salon owner or manager is watching this will say yet my team do that they don't talk about that what I call the home hair care regime I hate the word retailing I don't believe in selling to clients and I'm not advocating it in fact when I go and do my business seminars when I write my articles I say the first thing I say to people is don't sell to your customers I don't like being sold to I'm sure you don't like your soul to a drama I'm quite happy to listen to good advice yes I'm a quiet ladies make up my own mind yet I'm quite happy to have someone make a recommendation if I believe they're looking after my best interests and they're identifying things about me that I know are true right you know my hair is very dry very gray very porous and I know when someone identifies I go yeah you're right my hair is that you've got a product that yeah I've got a fantastic product that I'm quite busy listen about that why does it work so well what makes it so good that's not selling that's giving benefits and let the customer make up their mind but if it's done in the right way nine times out of ten clients will say I'll take one of those yeah and it's about belief yes 100% hundred percent now to recap us all be brilliant recapping what you said just finally as we as we finish up unfortunately exhausting here top few four hours four businesses most important factors to be successful know what you want know why you want it know when you're going to do it why are you going to do it there's poor things and that's life actually just business okay and then have a plan and enlist the right professional help if you don't know how to do a business plan which is a cash flow forecast profit and loss projection you don't know what your break-even figure is and every salon owner manager watching this this program now should be able to say to themselves I know what my breakeven figure is and when I say breakeven figure I'm not just talking about a year I'm talking about a year a quarter a month a week a day even to a minute what do we need to do to cover our X's and that's your responsibility you're the owner or the manager running that business you cannot give away that responsibility got to be self responsible you then set the appropriate levels and targets and pricing for your service to make sure that your whatever we do we're making a profit and profit shouldn't be a dirty word David thank you so much it's been an absolute pleasure talking to you really has thank you my pleasure don't do that country in it boy calm you know where it's at my name's Andrea I'll see you very soon are you ready I'm ready this is smoothest air you
Channel: ScissorBoy
Views: 42,775
Rating: 4.8903108 out of 5
Keywords: salon coaching tips, David Drew, hair salon coaching, Scissorboy videos, salon business tips, coaching for salon owner, boosting salon business, salon teamwork
Id: sh8ZCt7vZOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2011
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