T-Shirt Design Tutorial Ep.1

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what is up guys charlie paying us here welcome to another t-shirt design tutorial on this channel this is a first one of 20 20 and I am so excited and I'm sure a lot of you are in 2018 and 2019 I did a series of t-shirt design tutorials but I kind of just stopped after like five or six episodes but my goal for 2020 is to keep this going for as long as we possibly can so the only thing that might change is the titles of these videos but just know they're gonna be in episodes okay so every t-shirt design tutorial I do from now on is going to be in an episode so this is episode one the next one's going to be episode two and so forth anyway before we get into today's tutorial I do want to give a huge shout out to my friends over at Bella canvas without them this video would not be possible they have been a huge supporter of this channel since day one something I would call magical happen with me and Bella chemists we developed this really good friendship and they gave me a plethora of knowledge in the whole cell industry that I wouldn't have had before without them if you guys would like to pick up some Bella chemists blanks you can now do so without a wholesale license because they introduced a retail section on their website where you could just buy their Styles now which is awesome but if you do want to sign up for a wholesale account you can also do so again that is all linked in the description below with all that being said let's go and start designing now I'm gonna meet you guys in Illustrator and we're gonna make some cool stuff together here's the design that we're gonna be making today and I really like this one it's got this really like Western feel to it and I even added some texture and color I'll show you guys exactly how I did that in a minute but it's a really really simple design it may look a little complicated but when you break it down into steps it's quite simple so we're gonna do that today I'm gonna break everything down at the steps and make it really easy for you guys to understand anyway I did something really cool for you guys I actually created a blog on my website Charlie pangas calm I will link that in the description below and on that blog I'm gonna list all of my tutorials that I've made in 2020 and you guys are gonna be able to find all the design resources on each episode so I have these designs are here but I made another artboard and this is just a 10 inch by 10 inch document since we're working with vector we can resize later so I'm not too concerned about size right now I have the color palette and the font right here as well the font is called Moret extra bold and you can find this on this hype kit with in Illustrator or Photoshop so if you guys don't know what that is just look up a quick tutorial on it it's really simple to use the first thing we want to do is drag out an ellipse because this design is within a circle so we want to hit L on our keyboard and we just want to drag out an ellipse holding and shift or you could do shift an option and that's going to keep it centered but I like to just hold and shift because I can always recenter it later so now I have a circle I'm gonna go and go to my selection tool hitting V on my keyboard so again hit V on your keyboard to go back to your selection tool once it's centered using these alignments on the top we can go ahead and switch the foreground color to the stroke color and we can make the stroke thicker just by changing the points on the top left hair so I'm just gonna quickly do that we're gonna find something that we like I think let's go ahead and try twelve I think twelve spine we can make it a little smaller now so it has a little bit more breathing room so now we have that stroke that's all we really need to do so I have the outside circle now I need an inside circle I can copy this a few different ways I can either drag and hold an option and let go that's a duplicate copy or I can do command C I think it's a ctrl C on a PC or I could just go to edit and copy and then edit paste in place you can do it any way you want it may not look like I created a copy if I pasted it in place but I did it's literally creating the same copy and pasting it in the same place simple as that and I'm going to hold and shift an option on my keyboard and I'm just going to resize it now what I want to do is make the outside circle slightly larger so I just want to hold and shift an option again and resize it just a little bit and now we need to cut the circle in half this is the tricky part but this is the easiest way to do it let me show you I'm gonna go and select both circles and group them together and then we want to cut them okay but before I do that I need to actually use a ruler and the reason why I'm using a ruler is so I know exactly where to cut so they're all even does that make sense because if I'm using the scissor tool to cut certain points and they're uneven it's gonna make my design look really off so instead of going through all that I'm just using a ruler so I know where to cut that's literally all I'm doing so now I want to go to my scissor tool which is C on your keyboard and I just want to cut red on that line so we can zoom in really close and cut right on that line so you guys can probably see what I'm doing now this makes it way more simple to cut so now it is cut and it's grouped together that's okay we just have to ungroup it all I'm doing is right clicking and I'm grouping it and then I'm going to group the bottom half together so now if I move it away you could see that it is together now and we can go to our pen tool and just combine these points together just like this we'll do both of them now I can take this and move it up a little bit and make sure that is in the front which it is pretty good but we're gonna go ahead and resize it just a little bit make it a little smaller just like that and we can move it down just a little tad bit just like that so I think this looks pretty accurate it might be a little different than the original but I'm okay with it now what I need to do is make the back part of the banner and I'm just going to use the pen tool for that so watch how I do this I'm gonna make one point right here and one point right there and I'm just going to move it with my arrow keys on my keyboard just like that so it looks like it actually belongs there so I just want to select that line that I created with the pen tool I want to go to my reflect tool you can also hit o on your keyboard and we're just gonna find a center point wait for word to snap so this says it is centered and now what I'm doing is using these smart guides to find a center point for one and then I'm going to hold an option and click once it's gonna bring up this reflect dialog box we want to reflect this vertically we can preview that real quick that looks good to me so now let's see what it looks like much much better sometimes you will need to make micro adjustments it's just the nature of designing I know that first part was a lot to take and trust me it's a lot for me to try to explain I know that was a lot to take in that's only the first part right so you're probably a little overwhelmed right now just understand guys it takes practice please please please understand that okay you're not going to get this overnight just imagine how hard it is to try to explain this if you're having a hard time learning it you see what I'm trying to say it takes time so don't worry don't stress that guys you are gonna be fine you will get it down I promise you if I can do it you can do it to create those sharp lines that you see right there we're just going to use the pen tool really really simple and we want to make sure it is a solid fill not a stroke because that will mess it up and we just want to create these triangles real fast and they don't have to be anything special reason why it looks like this is because it has a white stroke so I'm just gonna go to my strokes and turn it off make it transparent and from here we can just address the triangle to make it look a little better and from here I'm gonna use a binding box or the transform box I like to call it to resize it so we're just going to squish it almost and then we have something that looks like this and then we can just duplicate it a few times so let's see how many we have on that final design one two three four five six seven you want to space them out enough to where they barely touch and then you just want to keep doing that until you have seven now I have seven of them and I just want to drag them in place real quick to see how wide they are that actually looks perfect so we can also make them a little bit longer that's fine and then what I want to do is create a duplicate copy so I'm just gonna select them and hold an option and just let go once I drag it over now we need to add an arc to this so we can do that in effects up here so we just click on effects go down to warp and then hit arc this will take some time to get used to it's always hitting this for me sometimes I get the arc right sometimes I don't so just keep playing with it until you get it right and we do want to transform this and reflect it so I'm gonna go to transform reflect and we do want to reflect this vertically so I just did that pretty simple and then we're just gonna drag that into place and kind of look at it and make sure it looks right I actually don't think the arc looks terrible it could be better but for the sake of this video in time I actually think this is fine now what I want to do is take my selection tool here just hitting V on my keyboard I'm gonna take my selection tool and I'm going to reflect it using you guessed it the reflection tool and then I want to find a center point hold an option and click once and what that's going to do is pop up my reflect menu I'm just gonna copy this over vertically you want to make sure you hit copy so it actually creates a copy instead of just reflecting it because that's not what we want right we want two copies so again hit copy you're good to go so the next thing I want to do is probably grab my revolvers so I can put them in place so I'm just gonna select them we're just gonna copy those over so I'm pasting that and I'm going to resize them now to create the smoke I just used a pen tool I can quickly do that it doesn't take much time at all we're just gonna go to our pen tool we want to make sure it's on stroke and you just kind of make some smoke you know it there's really nothing to it so I think all I did was something like this under uniform I use the first one called with profile one and it made it look like smoke so I actually really like the way it looked and I went with that I can make it eight points thick I'm going to expand the appearance and then rotate it and then I just drag that in place and made a duplicate copy and made one a little bit shorter and then we can duplicate it now by reflecting it again see I'm doing a lot of reflecting copy that over what I want to do now is actually duplicate the smoke once and make it white and send that to the back and then I want to reflect that over as well and that's going to make it look like this which looks way better so now you can actually see the smoke and more detail the only other thing we need to do is add some stars which you could do by going to the shapes here and go to the star tool we're gonna add two stars one that's a little bit bigger and we need it just black and we're gonna create another one and make this much smaller what I'm doing now is going back to the revolver ai file that I gave you guys on my website and I'm going to delete the white real quick and then I'm gonna re paste it because I don't want that white in there and I'll show you guys why it will make more sense in a second because we're gonna add color to this so we want to make sure that White's not in there because we're gonna create that color inside of the revolvers in a second and again it's gonna make them way more sense in a second all I did was resized it so now I have just a revolver so I'm gonna copy him so I'm gonna do command C shift command V and I'm going to merge these together and unite them and that's going to create a solid fill and then from here we can change the color to anything we want and I want to delete this inside part I don't need that where the trigger is we're just going to delete that so we have way more control over the color now and let's go ahead and start typing out some text so what I want to do to create the text is I want to just create one shape here I want to create an ellipse and we're gonna use that ellipse to create a text path okay so I'm just dragging out a lips and I want to copy the same circle as the one that I have in the center and we don't need a stroke but we can keep it on for now and then I want to use my type on a path tool to just type around it so we're gonna type out what did I have Smith and Cole's I don't know why I came up that name but whatever and then I want to use my more app font so I'm gonna change that real quick and we want to make that bigger we want to fill up that space a little bit more we could change the position of our text just by holding an option and using the arrow keys and we can change the spacing of each letter and I can change the baseline shift just a little bit more I'm at 10 right now let's go 12 that looks much better quick shortcut instead of doing the type on a path again all you have to do is do command C shift command V now that I pasted that all I have to do is use these little anchor points and rotate it to the right side you do have to mess with it a little bit until it gets in the right spot because it will kind of do something like this see how it's weird it's freaking out that's totally normal it just does that and then we're gonna rotate this one to the left because this is actually the the front one see just like that so we're gonna do Smith and cool just like that let me see what it looks like Smith in Kohl's I wanted there to be the same amount of characters on each side so it's even so if I were to put a roller down right now I can really see where each of them should sit so now I know that the right text can be up a little bit more just like that so now they're definitely aligned the only other thing I need to do now is at the bottom text and we're done so let's go ahead and do that real quick so again I'm creating a circle I'm going to my type on a path tool and I'm just going to start typing so I'm just rotating these little anchor points until they're both centered on left and right sides and once they're centered I know that they're good now I can go to character and change that baseline shift and again if anything looks off you could just put the cursor in between each character and use option and the left and right arrow keys to nudge it over what I want to do is figure out what color I want everything so I think I'm gonna leave the outside just black before I move on I want to outline all of my text just so it's a flat vector basically so I'm doing shift command oh I just selected the entire design did shift command oh and now I'm left with this and then I'm just going to make it this orange color so I have my color palette up there ready to go the reason why I'm dragging all these colors in my swatches is because it's gonna make it much easier to color everything later on so anyway now I have it all of my swatches that's exactly what I wanted now I'm gonna select the gun to make it this tan color so now I have that Brown we're gonna go to that tan color now and see what I mean by that it's gonna make it so much easier when it's in the swatches and we're gonna select our banner as well and make it that red color see how easy that is and to make the background the solid yellow color I'm just gonna drag a circle out real quick and just send that to the back really simple and I want to have the stroke off and we're gonna make it that yellow color and again just send it to the back done simple simple simple that's the basics of coloring I'm not gonna go any further than that that's just the basics that's how I do it you could go further if you want to there's a lot of things that we could do different but that's how I color okay the next thing I want to do is show you guys how I would take a texture into illustrator and actually apply it to my design what I like to do is go to the site called lost and taken for all my textures they just have some really cool textures on here and you don't have to worry about any copyright issues so I'm going to this site called Boston take in and I'm just going to quickly find a texture that I like it doesn't even have to be anything specific and then I'm just gonna paste it into illustrator and then I want to go up to image trace and then we can mess up the details by clicking on that little menu next to image trace and really adjust how you want it to look I'm actually gonna lower the threshold because I don't want it to be that intense right now it's just too dark I think this looks much better we're gonna go to ignore white and then expand that and now we're left with just the black because we ignored the white and I just want to click on the color here on the top it's on black we want to put it on white so we changed that color to white and we can literally just drag that over the top of our design it's really simple what I do is I go to my direct selection tool and I just delete half of it off and then keep rotating until I find a nice position for it so now we have this really cool design that we made an illustrator from scratch - the revolvers that I linked for you guys on my blog all you have to do is go to my website charlie kangas comm and you guys can download the revolver so I will link that in the description below that's it for this tutorial guys if you want to watch my last video you could do that by clicking right here somewhere on the screen I definitely recommend it and also you want to make sure you guys are subscribed so you don't miss another video and hit the thumbs up button as well it helps my videos out but um guys I am so stoked to start the series up in 2020 I hope you are too I'll catch you in the next one don't forget to keep creating and keep being awesome I'll catch you guys later peace
Channel: Charley Pangus
Views: 41,600
Rating: 4.9672132 out of 5
Keywords: How To Design A T-Shirt (, adobe illustrator (software), vector graphics (file format genre), t-shirt design, graphic design, how to, t shirt design illustrator, how to design a shirt, custom shirt design, tutorial (media genre), graphic design (industry), how to make a shirt design, free tutorial, merch design, learn tshirt design, T-Shirt Design Tutorial, illustrator tshirt design, free t-shirt design tutorial, pro t-shirt design, Pro T-Shirt Design Lesson, charley pangus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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