How To Make Your Own Graphic Tees! Start Your Own Clothing Brand After Watching This!

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what is up to all my creatives out there charlie pangas here today i'm showing you guys how to make your own graphic tees so that after this video you guys can start your own clothing brand if you choose to and if you don't want to start a clothing brand no worries at all you'll walk away knowing a little bit more about photoshop than you did before hopefully that's always the goal here but we're going to get right into it today i'm going to focus on just using a photo for today's graphic tee t-shirt design merch design whatever you want to call it and the reason why is because a lot of you have access to that and most of you probably don't know how to draw so a lot of you will have access to the image that i'm going to be using today i love doing it this way because it gives everybody an opportunity to create something really awesome because again not all of us know how to draw so you're going to be learning some really cool photoshop tricks today and we're going to be learning how to take a photo and make something cool out of it so i'm going to stop rambling now the first thing i always do when i'm in photoshop is i hit this create new button this is really important because this is how we set up our document in order to actually start designing so we're going to hit create new and the first thing we want to do is go to the right hand side here go to inches and we want to set this to 14 by 16 18 whatever you want to do right there whenever you're designing something for print just make sure this is set to 300 and you are good to go i'd never keep it at 72 because 72 is more of a display resolution for instance when you're displaying something on instagram facebook anything like that that's 72 display resolution usually but anytime you're printing again you want to make sure that is set to 300 resolution and i don't worry about color mode i'm not a huge fan of working in the cmyk color mode the most common question i get is why do you design an rgb that's a personal preference and a lot of screen printers don't really care if i use rgb because a lot of them have their own software to convert it to cmyk it's a long story but trust me rgb is fine and the only other thing i do is i change the background color to match whatever merch that i want to print on so let's say if i want to design for black shirts then we'll just set a black background color and then hit create everything else can stay the same now i need to go to the internet and grab a photo i already have one pulled up on if you didn't know this already unsplash is completely free to use for for personal use and commercial use so we are completely okay to use this so i'm going to go ahead and copy this over and then we're going to paste that in place and i do want to resize it so i'm going to hit command t on my keyboard i'm not going to focus too much on teaching you guys every little shortcut in all honesty if you don't know how to use photoshop you should probably take a basic photoshop course before getting into this stuff but for the most part i will explain everything that you need to know the layout that i'm currently using by the way is 3d so if you want you can switch it to 3d i don't really like these layouts honestly like i want to close this so if anything let's go to essentials layout so on the top right next to the magnifying glass you want to just switch it to essentials that way we're all on the same page i have my layers palette right here that's really all we need so we could title this photo by double clicking on the layer 1 name if you double click on that you can change the name to whatever you want i'm just going to simply name this photo for now and what that's going to do is give me a nice little starting point we can even duplicate it to create a copy in case we need the original copy later on but let's go ahead and focus on a really simplistic design maybe even a street style design for this particular one i want to make sure i'm selecting photocopy and then i want to go under quick actions and then hit select subject or remove background let's try remove background first it did a phenomenal job which is never the case i promise you it never works that good but it just so happened to work pretty good for this one so i do want to touch it up right here i don't know if you guys can tell but his beanie right here is a little weird so i do want to kind of go through that and just clean it up a little bit so i'm making a selection with my polygonal lasso tool and we're going to fill this with let's say black to delete so black deletes white ads and now we have a really clean selection but i'm just going gonna quickly go around and make sure that everything looks great this turned out way better than i anticipated really worked too easy i almost felt like i cheated there for a second but anyway um what i want to do is focus on editing him first before moving on to other design elements so what i want to do is actually right click on him and convert this to a smart object because now i already have the selection the way i want it so we're going to make that a smart object so we can start making adjustments to him so the first adjustment that i do want to make is go up to uh image adjustments and we're going to add a hue and saturation adjustment to him and the reason why is because i want to take the saturation and completely desaturate him just like that and then hit okay another adjustment layer that we can make is levels and this is really easy to use basically you're working with shadows on the left midtones in the middle and on the right we're working with highlights so what i want to do is just kind of mess with some of these levels and kind of get a feel for what they do right so we're going to go down here that's way too dark we don't want to lose detail on him but i do want to darken him just a little bit add a little contrast is basically what i'm saying i don't mind that but again i'm kind of losing too much detail at the bottom there and i don't like that so i'm just going to bring the mid tones down to the right a little bit and mess with the highlights a little bit i kind of like the muted color personally i think this looks okay another thing that we could do to really take this photo to the next level is add a camera raw filter and i really like working with camera raw filter because you can do a lot of really amazing edits with it it basically works like lightroom in photoshop first things first i want to take these shadows up because i want to bring more of that detail back in him and maybe even raise the exposure up a little bit lower those highlights so they're not popping too much and then we can raise the clarity and the texture even dehaze it if we needed to raise the whites maybe lower the highlights a little bit more add some contrast and we should have something that looks like this what i want to do is work with a shape actually i think this would be better so i'm going to go to the triangle and we're just going to create a triangle like this and i'm not going to just keep it upright like it is right now i'm actually going to rotate it and just make it look really random and kind of unique if that makes sense i don't want to be too perfect i want to click on the shape again i'm going to go up to the fill on the top left here we're going to make that a transparent fill and then on the stroke we're going to make this a really poppy color let's say maybe more of a teal color let's try that out you know what i think red would really or maybe even like this color yeah i think this will look really cool this will look super dope with the purple color on him so i think i'm going to go with this kind of pinkish red color and we're going to tilt it just a little bit more kind of like that this looks really really cool and then i want to add a outer glow so i'm going to go to effects down here we're going to go all the way down to the fx on the bottom and then i want to add a outer glow and what this is going to do is obviously add a glow right but we want to select the color and we want to make sure we color pick that same pinkish color i can't even honestly tell exactly what color that is but yeah and then we just want to mess with these settings so i'm messing with the spread the size you can even mess with the noise if you really want it to be noisy which i don't really like but um the goal here is just don't go too crazy with it honestly because then it starts looking super fake so i'm going to actually make this a 14 stroke just like that i want to be very subtle if that makes sense and then um from here we can duplicate it once and then i'm going to drag it above him we're going to rasterize this add a layer mask we're going to go to a soft brush and then we are going to just delete this top part right here and i think this looks pretty cool the way it is and we can even delete the shoulder there too just make them popping out of it kind of like that and i like the way that looks a lot i think it looks super super nice so i want to add a layer mask to him and then we're going to just kind of paint at the bottom here kind of make it kind of fade in maybe even cut the bottom of them off actually because i think that looks a little bit better it's a little cleaner and then from here what i want to do to really make him stand out is i want to add a gradient map above him and then we're going to force it inside of him so i'm going to hold an option on my keyboard i'm going to hover between the gradient map that we just added and the photo copy 2 which is him and then we are going to just click once and it's going to add a clipping mask and then from here we can start messing with some colors so the first color i had in mind is more of a purple color so i'm just going to mess with these colors real quick and see what we can come up with and some of them might work really well and some of them might not work and then you know if you don't like the way that looks you can even change the blend mode as you can see you can do some really interesting stuff with these i don't want him to be too intense so i'm just going to kind of lower the feel a little bit really cool trick if you double click on gradient map right to the right side of the name you can see at the bottom here it says blend if and it's on gray we can keep that and then what we can do is we can actually change the blend of the dark so we can take away that purple from the darker areas if we want to and make it look a little nicer sometimes less is more that's all i'm trying to say um so we're doing really good now so i have everything pretty much in place the way i like it i'm going to duplicate this triangle once at the bottom and we're just going to add some random triangles kind of on the outside again we're really making these random to finalize this i am going to try to add some text actually i decided to i'm going to hit t on my keyboard and just probably stick with this rock grotesque font extra wide extra bold this is a font that actually comes with the adobe font kit if you pay for adobe creative cloud you can get this font right now but if not use any font that you want we're just going to type in luxury street i don't know what's inside i literally don't know what to type in i'm going to make this much smaller i want it to look really trendy and then let's go and change the color of this to something else and then below that we can add some other text and we can put established in 1991 and we can make that much smaller again it's kind of a trendy thing but i think it looks kind of cool and then on this color we can make it that that um other color and i think it's fine the way it is so we're gonna go ahead and copy that over to a different mock-up now let's say this vintage t looks pretty cool paste that in place and just kind of put it where you want it to be yeah the bottom text is a little hard to read but keep in mind it's not going to print that smaller obviously and if you wanted to you could just make it bigger but i think this looks really clean and we did that in a matter of minutes so um yeah i mean this is pretty much the workflow if you guys want to make your own designs this is a great place to start find some images online put them in photoshop and just mess with the blend modes add some text to things mess with shapes and if you don't know how to use photoshop the biggest tip i can give you guys right now to get better is to simply learn photoshop it helps a lot knowing how to use the program and knowing where everything is but uh today we used some really basic tools in photoshop to create this made in the streets design hope you guys enjoyed it you should be able to make your own designs now using some of the skills that i taught you today um if you guys need to play the video back over and over again practice always makes perfect remember that guys share it with your friends i'll catch you guys in the next video peace [Music] foreign
Channel: Charley Pangus
Views: 16,323
Rating: 4.9425836 out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Your Own Graphic Tees, Start Your Own Clothing Brand, how to, graphic tees, t-shirt design tutorial, photoshop 2021 tutorial, how to make t-shirt designs, photoshop 2021 t-shirt design, how to start a clothing brand, clothing brand, diy photo tee, diy photo t-shirt, diy portrait photo t-shirt, clothing line, designing clothing, t shirt business, custom t shirts, learn, graphic design, online t-shirt design course, merch design, merch design tutorial, charleypangus
Id: rh01ejVJtvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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