PS5 SSD Heatsinks - Seagate Firecuda vs WD Black vs Sabrent H/S vs ElecGear H/S

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[Music] hello and welcome back to another big comparison of heatsinks for ps5 those aren't where if you are going to upgrade the storage on your ps5 system then it is highly highly highly recommended not just by me not to buy the internet bar by sony themselves that when installing an ssd inside this system that you get yourself a heatsink heatsink is a little bit of metal that dissipates and sucks the heat off of the ssd that gets very very hot when opera in operation and it dissipates it into the surrounding air however sony themselves have not only not issued an official compatibility list for ssds on this system months and months after these upgradeable storage element is available but on top of that they don't really give much indication of heat sinks now the majority of users when this system first enabled the ability to upgrade their storage when the heat sinks like this tiny one here this is a ten dollar heatsink from a company called ella tang now this there's lots of them out there but this is general the thing again about ten dollars a little bit more um and this surrounds the ssd the ssd goes inside there this little rubber plate or silicon even on either side and it lives inside the slot of your ps5 now as good as that sounds it's worth remembering that these were not designed for this these were designed for pcs pcs with giant open tower cases they've got fans running through all the way along lots of open air and lots of space to dissipate the air of the heatsink there and therefore get rid of all the heat from the ssd that they install inside their system however in the case of the ps5 the ps5 internal storage system if you're not aware if we remove that panel is this this slot right here now that slot right there is a m2 slot inside there the ssd goes inside but because the ps5 uses negative pressure which is that it's drawing air in from the front circulates on that fan and then pushes it out the back when it's too warm and useless to use in order to maintain the integrity of that system the m2 there is covered now the m2 slot in there is not great for something like that this is designed with active airflow in mind that's why today's comparison exists this comparison here we are looking at four of the heat sinks for ps5 which pretty much everyone myself included are recommended they're not the only four there's a couple of others out there because i do think the yellow tuning is still a great 10 ssd it's just not designed completely with this in mind there are other heat sinks out there that are a little bit crazy like the massive overkill one that we've talked about the channel before the eno heat pipe which although very effective is tremendous overkill the four heat things right now that pretty much everyone utilizes or at least recommends again myself included are these now these can fall into two categories factory number one is heat sinks that are arrive with the ssd u2 so if you've been looking at seagate fire cuda or a wd black ssd chances are these are the heat sinks that you have either got or considering the fire cuda 530 heatsink there that arrives pre-attached to the ssd inside there we're going to be testing this and we're going to be facing it off with another ssd that includes a heatsink this the wd black one of the most popular drives for ps5 upgrades and indeed has a great little heatsink there on board now the other half of the spectrum is people that don't want to buy a wd or a c game hard drive ssd and therefore can't get access to those heat sinks for those users it's really been falling into these two categories this is the sobrent ps5 heatsink and this is the ellip gear the ps5 designed heatsink now these are designed for any ssd you only use so brent obviously they have their own range of ssds as well so you can get a combo with that one but it doesn't limit you to only use their heatsink now we're going to be doing lots of temperature tests we're going to be running uh six separate tests on this ps5 system we're going to install it inside we're going to utilize our trusty temperature reader we're going to make sure that all side plates are back on there again if there are images within the video that show the ssd exposed in here if it's an ssd like these two that can be installed inside there with that metal plate that metal plate will be on as well as the side plate on top there that plate that we've just removed there in the case of the elect gear and the sabrin these are ssds that do not need that little metal plate so it won't be on top although the outside plate there will be on so before we go into our tests let's take a look at these individual ssd heat tips so there is the sea gate and the wd there that is their heat sinks now the cigarette fire could is a tremendously effective heat sink there is a solid mass of aluminium that's coated there all the way around it's a surround metal surround heatsink all the way there the ssd is inside and the thermal padding has been placed inside as well we've done full reviews and testing on this independently it's a great little heatsink it's going to be interesting to see how it performs against the others the wd black formerly i'll be completely upfront with you my ssd heatsink of choice but further testing has kind of started to indicate to me that one of the reasons this heatsink did so well in pc testing was because of that ventilation there on the side this is an ssd that can run quite hot it was one of the earliest uh 7 000 megs ssds on the market and therefore the efficiency and stuff that's been worked in the last 12 months had happened after its initial release there's been countless firmware updates for it but it's still quite a hot running ssd there and again this heatsink is ventilated all the way through which in pc is great with the airflow through the system but in a closed system like this let's see how that pans out there because again i'm less convinced it's a great ssd and a great heat sink and if you do already have it stick with it it's a great one but again i'm just curious how it's going to weigh up against these which are less optimized around the idea of active airflow uh within such a closed environment now with regards to these two the sabrint and the elec gear i've already done independent uh temperature sensing videos and overall hardware reviews for these but these are heat sinks that not only cover the ssd inside there but fully occupied let's turn those around fully occupy the entire slot and replace there both of these filling the inside of that m2 slot out with the ssd inside both of them featuring metallic grooves all the way through that capture the air that's running through the system to cool the heatsink and therefore as the heat that's been drawn from the ssd into these heatsinks is being soaked up then the dissipation of that into the opening air is a great deal more effective and the heatsink being cooled down because of those grooves being directly in the airflow of the ps5 now obviously there's the wonder what does that do to the core temperature of the system because now we're warming up the air a tiny bit as it goes into the central fan to call the cpu the gpu and the memory before it gets spat out the back so during our testing of course we will be looking at not only the temperature of the ssd but the temperature of the outside of that bay as well in a two node test there the other thing worth bearing in mind there is obviously in the case of the seagate fire cuda and the wd black these are going to be utilizing their own ssd you can't buy these heat sinks independently but in the case of these two heatsinks we're going to be utilizing the team group t-force cardia a440 the reason being it's just a great middle point for in terms of price value price value and architecture quite similar in many ways to the seagate fire cool today it's got a five zone e18 controller it's got 96 layer 3d tlc nand it's got a decent level of durability and it spits out seven thousand megs easy on the reed and even the right five to six thousand there so i thought this is perfect to test with these without any of the heat sinks or panels included just the ssd and while we're on that subject for those who are going to point it out do bear in mind that when we're testing the ssd temperature we aren't looking at the whole ssd we're only looking at the controller the middle chip in the case of this ssd at least anyway it does change uh location depending on the ssd because the nand where your data lives can afford to get a little warm it actually works quite well when it's a bit warm but the controller the hotter the controller gets the kind of worse it can perform most controllers on ssds are designed to run quite well between about 30 to 50 c so that's absolutely fine but a minute it creeps out of 50 and closer towards 70 c then the controller will start throttling itself or lowering the performance internally because it doesn't want to degrade or kind of ruin the durability of itself and its architecture so again that's why heat sinks exist to keep these devices running at optimal temperature for a sustained use now another of you some of you may also have noticed you've certainly noticed in the other videos that this heatsink here also features that copper pipe now that copper pipe is designed to not only allow dissipation of heat onto the general heatsink but it's far more conductive for heat from the ssd itself and the thermal pads the result is that even early testing of this heat sink showed that it withdrew significantly more heat than most other heat sinks however its dissipation into the air is a totally different matter there it is very conductive and it can offset that heat quite quickly but remember that thermal pipe is not visible or accessible in the general air outside of the normal heating and it's completely reliant on the aluminium top there to dissipate it into the air it's not like the overkill one that we talked about before the eno heat pipe where it has that copper pipe and it's in a contained environment but it has kind of like an antenna structure that then fans that into the air so yes that is our setup we're going to look at these four ssd these four ssd heatsinks with their respective ssds or the cardia inside to see how they behave in two different gameplay environments and some heavy right heavy read let's go straight into the tests talk over the results and then summarize at the end let's go so as always we're starting our test with red dead redemption here in autopilot mode here over the course of around 25 minutes on all four of the ssd and heatsink combination test we're running here we've got one node based on top of the controller of the ssd and again that's regardless of whether it's the wd black seagate sabrent or ellic gear those last two obviously utilizing a different ssd that t force and another node outside of the heatsink and the thermal padding area located just underneath the fan of the ps5 so as we're testing this here we can see that all of them have started relatively close the wd black certainly the higher of all of them in the ambient temperature there and all of the others living somewhere between the 30 to the 33 mark early doors now the first thing that strikes you immediately much like uh previous comparisons and tests and kind of overviews of the elect gear is the elite gear still comfortably runs at a lower um controller temperature there it definitely does one of the best jobs out there of maintaining the low temperature of the controller on the ssd of course the controller is the thing that you want to keep at the lowest possible temperature all of them are kind of only gradually growing there we're not going to see a huge increase here now one of the things i did notice early doors and definitely something when i did my comparisons between those ps5 designed heatsinks and those heatsinks for m2 ssds inside pc environments was that the wd black and the seagate certainly were the higher temp in almost every single test now a lot of that as mentioned previously is to do with these um heat sinks that the seagate and the wd and traditional like 10 15 heat sinks are out there are designed for pc installations not ps5 which has a very different physical architecture with regards to airflow and we'll talk a little bit more about that later in the game's testing but with regards to this test during the red dead redemption and focusing specifically on the node for the controller it's pretty clear early doors that the wd and the seagate there have a higher temperature both at the beginning and general increase throughout the course of the testing indeed as this controller temperature test spun out we saw that the wd black ended up rising 3.3 degrees which is still incredibly small throughout the testing the seagate raised 3.4 the subrent 2.1 degrees and finally there at the end the elect gear the smallest increase at 1.4 degrees and again that was the lowest starter as well so all the way through this early test of the controller the ellipt gear ruled the waves but of course we don't just want to focus on that we want to look at the air ambient airflow now the ambient airflow while we're playing red dead redemption again this is a second test we closed out the game gave it a minute minute and a half and then rebooted the system and in the case of this autopilot test for the exact same length of time we could see what was going on outside of the storage area now the reason we're looking at this or the second node on the temperature measurement module there an inch from the internal fan is we want to make sure that the heat that's being dissipated out of the controller chip of the ssd and then into the heatsink to be freed into the air isn't negatively impacting the overall temperature in the ps5 system it's not just about storage we have to make sure that the ambient temperature outside of the storage area isn't negatively impacting the cpu the gpu and the memory and the general components of the ps5 and its negative pressure system now in the case of this testing all of these systems started at a near identical level it was about a degree to a degree and a half between them with the highest ambient temperature being the wd at 25.9 and the lowest ambient temperature once again using that ellipt gear there because it didn't it kind of dissipated the error great deal quicker than anyone else out there but nevertheless all the way through the testing the increase across all four of these was very very small across the rest of the storage system indeed between all of them the biggest increase we saw was that of that sea gate at 0.3 degrees which is so minimal it almost bears zero relevance at all now the rest of the system was the temperatures by the end of this test session broke down as follows the wd at 0.2 degrees the sea goat we just mentioned at 0.3 the sabrin at 0.2 and once again the ellipt gear really storming it here in this test at 0.1 it's still the most expensive heatsink here but at least you are getting an understanding that you are getting something extra for that money again the tests are by no means over yet but right now as far as red dead redemption and the controller temperature and the ambient air flow throughout the system and the core temperature for the ps5 system have leaned a little bit more towards the ellipt gear than anyone else with those first-party heat sinks from wd and seagate which are originally designed it has to be said for ps us or pc systems it has to be said are ever so slightly behind but we have to remain relative and know that these differences in temperature are so small there could be any number of environmental factors that could affect them we're going to wrap things up on red dead redemption 2 now and my going over to another similar but large game in the form of gta 5. let's switch over now now the testing on grand theft auto although very similar to that of red dead redemption is actually slightly different to what we saw in red dead redemption now in gta is still open world where using the autopilot there with the taxi taking us through from the south of the city to the north in single-player mode there but there's lots more random instances and high assets that we see around while going through the world there although the games aren't tremendously similar anyone that's ever looked at the data files and the size of these games and the pc loading will know that they're similar in architecture at least as far as design goes but once you break it down into the blips and blobs of data there's actually quite a lot to distinguish them now in the case of this test once again we've returned to testing the controller temperature we've got a node located underneath all four heatsinks and underneath all four heat pads directly on the controller component which is located in a slightly different area on the team group ssd along and the seagate and the wd now this was an unusual one we rebooted the system after a complete power off for a minute and a half we powered down the system and then cold booted back into this game allowing the system approximately two to two and a half minutes between game loads to let the general heat dissipation of that ssd be freed up into the air now with all of them they all started with the exception of one in the 30 or so degrees with the lowest of those three being the seagate at 34.3 degrees and the wd and the subrent starting at 39 and 38 respectively however the ellipt gear once again not only maintaining a much cooler um controller temperature on the ssd but also assisted dissipation thanks to the fans and the slits in the way of that internal cooling system resulted in the elect gear starting at an impressive 26.7 degrees now bear that in mind of course there are environmental factors these had to be recorded on different days because each test took around six to seven hours the result was that even if you factor in environmental er er temperatures that's still a great start from the elect gear on gta now as we move throughout the test we could see that the increases were incredibly similar throughout with the seagate and the ellip gear both raising um sorry the sabrin and the yellow gear raising 1.4 degrees the wd black raising 1.8 degrees but the out and out winner was the seagate raising just 0.1 degrees starting at 34.3 and ending around 34.4 a great impression let's test ambient airflow now testing the ambient airflow during uh gta and the playback here in a completely new session once again rebooted um we can see that between all of them the one that started the hottest was that sabrin the sabrin wasn't able to dissipate as much heat as it would have liked and it started off at 29.3 now the rest of them started a few degrees lower with the seagate at 24 degrees on the nose the wd at 25.6 but once again the elliott gear managing to dissipate plenty of heat and going down to start this new test session at 21.8 degrees now once again ambient airflow being as important as it is to make sure it doesn't degrade on the rest of the ps5 system i'm pleased to say that once again all of these heat sinks did a bang-up job of keeping things lovely and cool and making very small impacts on the ambient temperature none of them really going in any way negative that would be you know detrimental to the heat of the system if i had to say which one raised the highest temperature you'll be surprised to hear that the one that went the highest was the elect gear with the ellic gear raising just 1.1 degrees now as much as that sounds bigger than the 0.9 of the sabrent the 0.6 of the sea gate and the 0.5 of the wd we have to also bear in mind that it started the lowest the elect gear went from 21.8 to just 22.9 now comparing that against the sabrin at 29.3 which raised to 30.6 the sea gate raising from 24 to just 24.6 and the wd rising at the start at 25.6 ending around 26.1 all of them did a bang-up job of the ambient temperature and the ellipt gear started low and although it had the largest increase was still lower than all of the others once again with regards to ambient airflow i think and i hope this test does indicate that these ps5 heatsinks are not negatively impacting the rest of the ps5 system indeed the uh heatsinks that aren't designed around the ss uh the ssd bay on the ps5 and cooling that take advantage of pc architecture heatsinks in other words the wd and the seagate they didn't make you know any kind of negative impact but there's still no avoiding that in all but one case they did seemingly start off at a higher temp and only increased as time went on i think a lot of the time these ps5 designed heat sinks are the ones are pretty much the way forward i think for a lot of the gameplay when heat needs to be dissipated organically over a larger amount of time the increases are always much much smaller on these heatsinks let's try some heavy read activity now with the heavy read activity what we were doing was moving data from the m2 ssd that we've installed and onto the ps5 system between all of these we're copying over around 350 gig of data we're not looking at how long each one took because between each of these tests there was a couple of small updates to games that increased their size just incrementally what we're looking at here is temperature increases now as data is moving over we can see that the increases on all of them while data is being moved from the ssd that we've installed over to the ps5 ssd that the increases aren't that big indeed but once again much like our pc testing of the wd black sn850 that we've done before we know that that ssd can run a little hot and that was once again indicated here with regards to the opening temperatures once again the ellip gear certainly had the lowest controller temperature early doors starting at just 29 degrees and then in ascending order the next one up was wd black at 31.4 the seagate at 33.1 and the sabrin which hadn't dissipated all the heat from the previous testing started at 40.1 which seems like a lot but then you have to factor in that the increases are what we're really looking at here and as we went through this test we can see that increase wise between all of them it was a very different story now if we're looking at the original temperature that's always going to be an important factor but as these increased increased the results were as follows the largest increase was from that wd resulting in ending at around 44 degrees next up was the sea gate that ended things um at a notable increase of 7.8 degrees of increase ending at 40.9 which is still pretty impressive and then finally we have the likes of the sabrina ending at 45.1 uh with a five degrees increase and the ellip gear at 5.6 degrees of increase once again so again lots of interesting results and with red activity being something we're not really going to do that much we're going to pay too much heat to these but still nonetheless this was a time when the early temperatures were incredibly diverse the next test was moving that same data back onto the m2 ssd so that's copying data from the internal ps5 ssd back onto the m2 ssd that we're using whether it's the wd the seagate or that team force cardia that we've installed with the sabrent or the elect gear once again the general system temperature i say system the general controller temperature that we're only looking at in these tests we could see that once again the sobrent was the one that started the highest at 39.2 again this been the general temperature i think of that day affecting slightly there it's still a great ssd heatsink something i'll talk about more in the conclusion but that was also the ssd that had the smallest increase as well something that will be played out during the course of this right operation unsurprisingly the one that started with the lowest core temperature early doors was of course the elliott gear stand at 24 degrees once again with the seagate starting at 27 and a wd steiner 33.4 once again the right operation is where we really want to see how these ssds perform because this is going to be quite an extensive operation being performed here now with regards to um how they've all increased with the exception of one all of these heat sinks increased uh more than 10 degrees but one the biggest exception being the wd there that really did increase more than any other heavy write operations aren't really going to be that common when you're using the ps5 maybe when you're downloading games and it's going to be very incremental based on your internet speeds or when you're migrating games around but still right activity is important because this can be the most detrimental thing you can do to an ssd and bear in mind once again we're only looking at the controller during the course of these particular tests overall these results were already beginning to indicate just how clear the ellipt gear keeps temperatures nice and low it is a much more expensive heatsink that's unavoidable but one can't argue you're getting you know a little bit extra for your money but really are you going to need that and that's kind of the big takeaway that i have about looking at all of these heatsinks the ps5 heatsinks there as we draw the test to a close clearly do have the advantage um in terms of overall calling of that controller on the ssd but now as all of the results now complete we can take a good long look of what we've seen here now throughout all of the heavy write testing that we saw the of all of them the heaviest increase between all of them unsurprisingly is that wd the wd throughout the course of its testing went up a complete 17 degrees during that heavy write operation now in of itself that's still pretty pretty good you know that's not a bad um increase for that amount of data being written very very quickly in a sustained hit and obviously the dissipation afterwards was very very quick too but it was still notably higher than every other heatsink that we saw here so for example the seagate there increased 12 degrees at the sabrent increased just 1.6 degrees but it did start the highest overall and the ellipt gear increased 12.1 degrees so of all of them the sprint was the one that increased the least but we also of course have to factor in that it started at the heaviest temp and it was one that dissipated he helped the heat um earliest doors the least so let's resolve and talk about the results so those were our tests and let's look at what we saw let's be completely frank about it whether you look at all the individual results or all the scores as a whole i think it would you'd be hard-pressed to disagree that in terms of dissipation of heat and the lowest temperature overall test against test the one that did the most heat dissipation was clearly the elect gear there with its incredible ability to dissipate the heat very very quickly it was by far the best heat sink in terms of cooling the ssd in your system and therefore better performance long term however it's worth remembering of course that it's not just about the ssd's temperature you've got to think about the rest of the system temp and in that regard it has to be said that the subrent was the better on balance for maintaining not only the ssd's temperature to an incredibly similar degree to the elect gear but also in terms of the rest of the system temperature being still greatly improved upon and not affected too negatively in the overall running of the system now of course these two heat sinks are ones that are designed for if you buy an nvme without an additional heatsink already included what about the number of you that are either already purchased or on the verge of purchasing the fire cuda 530 or the wd black sn850 two questions one should you buy their ssd heatsinks and two which one should you go for well first question there i'd say if you're going to buy the wd black or the fire cuda 530 go with their heatings i know they cost a little bit more and certainly the way things have gone with regards to availability and pricing since this system included the ability to upgrade to these the price of the heatsink version of these have risen from originally around 30 to about forty to fifty dollars but given that they are applied at the factory level and that they are applied um in a dust free environment with all of the uh thermal paste and thermal padding directly onto the right chips i'd still recommend their controllers and they do do a very good job of dissipating heat maybe not quite as well ssd focused only as these two here but still exceptionally well in this system right here which leads us to the other question of these two which would you buy and based on temperature alone certainly the fire cuda was the one that dissipated the most team even in our original pc testing when we looked at these two drives on their own we noticed that the wd black didn't dissipate heat quite as well as the fire cuda but do remember nearly a year release difference between them you would hope to see improvements like that between the two of them but when it comes to all four of them here on the table if you're gonna buy once again a seagate or wd drive go for their own heatsinks if you can get them at a good price however if you're going to go for any brand of ssd out there certainly between the two of them i still probably vouched the most for that spread there it's a great little price at about 20 which is nearly half that of the elect gear with a great deal more availability in the elective being a lot harder to find around the internet globally not just on your amazons either so regardless of which one of these four that you go for you're gonna end up with a nice cool operational playstation so don't worry if you've already bought one and now you're starting the right buyer's remorse don't worry they're all really good but if you're on the verge of buying you're on the cusp of choosing between them then certainly go first party if you can and if you don't need to go first party certainly that sabrina is still the king of the hill for me thank you so much for watching i hope you've enjoyed this video if you have chuck like it genuinely helps the channel and helps me understand what you guys like about these videos and then i make each video better than the last if you want to learn more stay equipped for the rest of these videos as we talk more and more about storage capabilities network attached storage direct attached storage and of course storage upgrades for your gaming systems then click subscribe in the bell to be notified and do take advantage of the free advice section over on nas compares linked in the description made by two humans me and eddie the web 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Channel: NASCompares
Views: 2,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best PS5 heatsink, Best PS5 SSD Heatsink, Heatsink for PS5, ps5 best heatsink, PS5 heatsink, Recommended Heatsink for PS5, Recommended PS5 Heatsink, ps5 expansion heatsink, ps5 ssd, PS5 SSD Heatsink, Sabrent Heatsink, Sabrent Heatsink PS5, Sabrent PS5 Heatsink, PS5 Heatsink Test, Seagate Firecuda vs Sabrent Heatsink, WD Black vs Sabrent Heatsink, Sabrent vs Elecgear Heatsink, PS5 Heatsink Comparison, wd black heatsink, seagate firecuda heatsink, ps5 heatsink ssd
Id: 1P0AZgIebSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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