Synology DS1621+ NAS Setup

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today on geeksmart we're going to delve into the role of storage and this is a synology um storage device that i purchased myself i didn't was not sent this this is something i purchased and that's actually because my drobo that i've been using for years now finally called it ends and called quits so i needed something that i wanted to change over to and i've been looking at this for a little while so this is uh yeah this is gonna happen let's set it up [Music] hey guys welcome back to geeksmart and today we're working on this this is the synology ds16 plus it's one of their newer ones to be honest originally i kind of wanted a rack mount unit but boy the cost difference i just it didn't make sense specifically because i have a tower rack so let's see if i can get this out of the box there's a box in the box all right all right so this is their plus series um i would have loved to have the xs series but i just couldn't justify the cost and cost is you know money is always a little tight but 799 is what this goes for and i couldn't find it for a deal anywhere but let's see here so we got some screws there so that's our ethernet cables ethernet cables uh key like some kind of key and then a power cable in there so that's in that box a little bit of a quick installation guide and that's that's all that's in the box okay so this is the the back of the unit maybe i should bring it in okay so this is the back of the unit here you can see that we actually have usb ports uh four gig ethernet ports uh two expansion ports over here we actually have a pci express slot for it uh you know adding whatever a 10 gig connection whatever we want to do power port up here so it's kind of sits in the middle of where i really wanted to be i'd love to have a 10g connection on it but i can always add it so that's the nice thing but this definitely fits in a nice price point on the other side this is their six drive model so we have six drives and let's see here okay so you flip that and you can pull out the carriage and there's the carriage so these are the nice thing about like the the rackmount ones they usually have metallic parts there's gonna be more plastic but um for the price uh this seems like it's gonna be a really really good fit so uh i'm eventually gonna add multiple drives in here i actually have two drives to start and uh what i did is i actually shucked uh or took out the hard drive out of two 14 terabyte external drives from western digital just their easy store drives they were on super sale over black friday and i thought you know what this is going to be a real easy way to get as much storage as possible right away and then i it's going to be a test right so last time i definitely did higher end like just the standard nas drives these are obviously built for external storage um we're going to see how they work in a nas configuration i decided just to go this route and uh yeah so i got i actually have three of these one of them i'm temporarily using um while my drobo is not in function but let's uh see how they actually fit in the unit here real quick so according to the instructions on the back here there's these bars that go down the side and you just yeah pull out on each side it looks like and there we go all right and the rubber gasket's already built in uh put the drive in like so it seats in good okay and then we put these back in these i actually have the pieces that actually hold the drive in and that appears like that's it well that was stupid easy okay and then should be able to just slide it in and that's one drive of my two drives loaded just to show you this is the the drive that i'm using just the standard best buy special that they had on black friday um i couldn't beat the price i couldn't even come close to coming close to the price anywhere else so i can't wait to eventually have three of them loaded in here and see how they run but i'm going to get this one loaded off camera and then we'll continue on now i did want to point out a couple things i do have two hard drives in here right now my third one actually like uh i actually put data on it temporarily and so eventually i'll put my third one in here but i did want to point out a couple things first um i used three and a half inch full desktop based hard drives so i could just use the side bars for holding it in if you're using two and a half inch drives uh that's what that little bag of screws when we popped out it's actually going to screw to the chassis itself from the bottom so you're not going to use the quick access you will have to screw them in also to point out here there we go the keys that come in here um you know there's a plastic little key they actually are to lock the hard drives essentially so you can't actually accidentally remove them because they're just a plastic key right there's a little hole here on the front and if we put the key into it and turn it now i can't quick and easy remove the hard drive right like this one i can just pop out i'm not saying that you need to do that but if you put it in an area that you don't want somebody accidentally hitting it or or you definitely want to secure it a little more that's what the keys are for i'm going to have this an area that actually nobody else goes so in my house but um yes didn't want to point that out at least we do have the power cord and then we do have a couple ethernet cables as well um that we can utilize from their set obviously we're going to need the power cord for sure um so what we're going to do is actually i'm going to head back and i'm going to show you exactly how i'm going to set it up i guess so before we head back there um i did want to show you one other thing that i got that is actually going to be i'm going to put in the parts list down below that i bought because i'm putting this in a rack um but it's not rack mountable so you're basically looking at a shelf right well this is a shelf off amazon nave point it's just their 10 inch 1u shelf that the depth and everything is basically exactly what i'm looking for uh it does have kind of a tray system so you can't slide off the front or the back so that's kind of what i was going for with this so that's what i got um 25 bucks i think is what the shelf cost so in addition to this you know 825 bucks plus taxes um so that's what i'm going to be mounting the synology server on is setting it on this shelf so uh it does come with some hardware as well i don't know if i'll use their hardware i'll probably use my own but it does come with the shelf so not made by synology of course then again this whole system is something that i bought anyway and i'm trying to make it work exactly how i want it to work so let's head back to my rack let's uh get everything plugged in powered up and uh should be our next step i would assume but if we go to the quick installation guide let's take a peek at step four step three is put the hard drives in and lock them uh optional to be honest step four is plug it in cool so basically in this setup we're gonna plug power into this we're going to plug an ethernet cable from the server itself to my switch which then should be have access to all of my devices so let's get going in there so i'm going to apologize a little bit because noise in here but this is my utility room so a lot of things are going on right now that said um if you've watched my videos before you've seen my rack set up um this is the new synology server that i have here with my my 1u rack that i have already put in here um actually if you see that below that's my my drobo that died right down here um that was not in here when it died it's actually a direct connect one so it was actually at my computer so now we're going network wise wise with the synology but i have it in here just kind of keeping out of the way until i get my rental unit so i can pull the stuff off of it that said um i have the power cord ready to plug in back here i haven't plugged it in yet and then i did run the network wire from just the first ethernet port it doesn't really matter because it should just be a four port switch built into the back of it i'm just going from one of those to my main uh dream machine switch up here i can plug it into any of these switch ports it really wouldn't matter but i'm going to go into the main unit up here so that's what this is right here this is the actually the ethernet cable that came with it i actually like these cables that i have better but i don't know if i have a shielded one so these this is a shielded cable so i'm going to go ahead and just use it i can always you know shut this down or change it out later so that's just going from here down here and then plugs into the first unit and then i just kind of plug the power cord in real quick let me do that real quick power cord plugged in so then we just have the power button here and blue lights are blinking fans are turning on that's good news let this bad boy boot up and then we'll get ready to head over to the computer side and see if we can't connect to it and start from there but then that report's going to i'm going to show you the back side just so you know what it looks like back here so again just plugged into the first port there and then of course the power is plugged in over there big power port it looks like it's almost built for like a locking power plug but it just came with the standard one i don't know if they offer a different version but uh yeah we're blinking we're good to go so it did just make a beat noise just when i stopped the other one you can see land one is plugged in the other three are not status blinking amber i don't know what that means yet lights for both these two hard drives are good um and then you can actually see that i am getting a one gig connection up here so i'm not get i am getting the full connection speed um i this is a pretty chincy cable that it came with but it should work just fine because it's just a simple patch cable but just simple things that i i'm gonna point out so all right let's get over the computer okay so here we are on uh based on google right now but if i actually go to the what the piece of paper that came with it says um we go to in the web browser so searching for synology devices so there we go we got a synology nos nas we've got all the mac address and everything status not installed let's connect to it i have read yes okay you can read the user agreement privacy agreement i'm not going to go through that right now welcome let's hit setup latest dsm for new features yeah let's install it why not i understand that data on these hard drives will not be re all dead on the hard disk 12 will be removed during the installation yep that's fine they're blank anyway they're brand new hard drives and uh you know they're not even hard drives that are technically i think listed on synology's website because you can go onto to get compatible drives i decided to just go all out and let's find out but here we are so it's so it's going to be about 10 minutes i'm gonna uh maybe speed part of this process up probably just turn the camera off and come back when it's done doing whatever it's doing and then we'll talk about what it did so we'll just decide to walk you through it so it did it's installed the 100 for installing the the software now it's restarting the nas i'm assuming the 10 minutes is really the installation process while it's restarting and doing the install so we'll let it do its thing so about halfway through i had a little over five minutes left in that countdown when it had restarted and it automatically came to this screen so i didn't do anything that's all it did so create administrator account server name username password confirm password password strength so i'm gonna do that i'm gonna be right back okay so once i hit the next it actually took about 30 seconds and then it came to the setup quick connect makes it easy to access your synology without port forwarding so basically email address password confirm password um and then subscribe and then quick connect id uh if you already have a quick connect connect id with synology you can create your own so i'm gonna go ahead and create a synology account so i can do this without poor forwarding okay after i did the create an account it came right to this screen which is going to be terms of service stuff privacy policy and hit next and we'll let it load and we'll see what happens okay quick connect is ready drag me to your desktop alright i'm going to drag this to my desktop boom let's hit next you're all set share my synology device network location to allow me to locate it and find it anywhere at i'm going to go ahead and do that hit go smart update from now on wants a new dsm update is ready your synology nas will automatically check if the update patch addresses any issues in your current configuration according to determine whether or not to notify of me of such an update that's fine great that's fantastic got it device analytics preview respects privacy do you want to enable device analytics i do actually um this is obviously something that you can choose and choose not to do i do like the fact that they give you the choice that's nice um privacy statement got it hit okay all right access all built-in installation packages from the main menu which is the i don't know if you can see that if i have that that's kind of off to the side of the screen let me zoom out a little bit there we go all right so up here is the main menu uh discover more applications in the package center okay cool more settings available in the control panel we are healthy this gives a resource monitor down here to see how much ram we're using um what the landline using how much of that we're using so that is um step one i guess um the synology nas is working i'm not going to do a whole bunch of setup with in terms of applications and stuff um because well first of all i don't know what i'm going to be doing yet and i don't know what applications i want let's just open it up package okay gotcha privacy statement a lot of privacy statements so these are suites that you can get microsoft 365 stuff antivirus um oh yeah lots of stuff so lots of good stuff installed packages we have file station and universe or universal search got it okay well um let's make sure we can actually access this from my computer from my uh well finder on my mac so this is finder um as you can see here we have you know some hard drives that i have attached to it but if i go to network right here right down here i can oh there it is right there shoe media that's my my server that i created it um connect as i'm going to put in my username and password and uh yeah let me do that real quick well i think before i do that actually i have to get a volume going so if i go to file station there are no shareable folder here hit ok no available volumes please create new volume all right well let's do that so unused devices available slots 2 um see we need to do here volume create this will create an shr volume which optimizes the performance of space allocation when two or more devices are installed data protection for drives and fault is available okay cool well i'm going to go ahead and hit quick uh raid type shr shr number of um okay so we're gonna do shr because i don't have enough drives to do shr2 anyway and i'm not looking for two redundancy i'm looking for a single drive capable failure so that's what i want shr this is the recommended raid type for beginning years and that's what i want to be honest i want on one drive if one drive fails i'm still good hit next i'm going to select both drives that are in here and of course eventually i'm going to be adding a third drive so all the data and hit ok all right let's see here supports advanced features including share folder snapshots shared [Music] nope i'm going to go ahead and btrfs which is that's the advanced one anyway that's what i want all right we'll hit apply and it's going to create the volume and we should be good to go here i don't know how long this is going to take we'll give it a minute so once it was done creating which only took a minute or so um it comes in here and now it says that there's a partial consistency check currently running on the storage pool one may affect because that's obviously it's a new pool it's checking everything looks like there's a point zero two percent it's going to take a while obviously to do that you can still obviously it appears that we can still use it we're just not going to get full resource management so that can be as fast as it could be now we have two 14 terabyte drives after formatting everything looks like 12.22 terabytes because i'm in one redundant drive even though i have two drives i'm still only getting 12.22 terabytes of total capacity that'll change when i put a third drive in it it'll up it by whatever probably six terabytes to up to about 18 terabytes that's what it should be but for that matter i can't do that until i wipe the other drive clean because it's got i think three or four terabytes of data on it so that's what i got to do next we have our hard drives all formatted everything's good to go now we're going to create a shared folder um so under the shared folder tab here we're going to hit create and i'm going to create and call this media um my media collection i'm gonna put it in volume one um hide this shared folder in my network places now hide your folders enable recycling bin restrict access to administrators only um yes that's uh well in this case no i don't need to restrict access because i want everybody that's access might think they have access to this one i encrypt this shared folder i'm not going to encrypt it at this time enable data checksum for advanced data integrity um let's find out cannot be modified once the shared folder is created file self healing and file system scrubbing are available to ensure data integrity i'm going to go ahead and do that because this is in this is important data that i'm putting in this one uh enable file compression i do not need that enable file share quota i don't need that and i'm gonna hit apply and so now we have um we can give read write access so currently read write to the admins and we have our first shared folder woohoo and now if we come back to network uh we can see shoe media right here i don't know why this but let's click on that and we can see media in there and i i already had put my password in here so you can see disconnect here but if i hit disconnect i can hit connect as and then you can put in your password information uh and there we are and now we should be able to dump some stock and there's even a recycling bin in there so under the media that was to just dump uh just put a file from over here snow storm see how good that's an almost a gigabyte in size 880 megabytes seems to be going pretty good for speed and now we have a file on there woohoo we are set up and good so obviously anytime we want to add shared files we can come into the control panel here on the synology server create a shared folder and have access to that folder so that's awesome okay so actually before i finish this video um even though i recorded the setup of this few days ago um this is my third hard drive i actually finished backing it all the stuff that was on this to the two drives that are actually on in here already and so i thought i'd video the part of me adding the third drive real quick and so i just took this out i haven't even formatted this drive uh yet so it's still in apfs i think is what i had it in um so i just pulled it out of the enclosure once it's done put it in the things here this is going to be me first putting it into here and these two are currently running obviously and so it should spin up and start blinking i would think hoping uh maybe not until i initialized it i guess there it goes all right let's go see what looks like on the other side all right so i'm gonna go to the menu and storage manager i'm assuming it's gonna be under so we can see in my 12.2 terabytes currently i've used almost four of it already and ah unused devices one down here let's see storage pool drive one drive to configurations so where do i find it at hdd drive three not initialized here we go so it's it's you can see it there obviously hmm what do i do okay i think i found it if we go to storage pool and we're in you can see our storage pool here which is currently just two drives under action we can hit add drive so i'm gonna hit add drive drive three is already highlighted hit next all the dead on the newly drive will be erased that's fine i already backed it up anyway total capacity will jump up to 25.46 terabytes fantastic hit apply and now we have three 14 terabyte drives in our first storage pool our storage pool is expanding currently it looks like it's doing its little thing because right now obviously the 12.73 is going to jump to wherever it is and i don't know how long it takes to expand i'll give it time but i thought i'd include this in the in the video since i haven't finished editing it yet sorry about the fans in the background but uh as you can see we're like 0.39 party parity consistency so it's gonna take a while before this actually reflects the actual total capacity um of the storage pool um so it's it's gonna be a little while before i actually see this so i'm not gonna actually show this in the video itself but uh all three drivers are listed they're all healthy they're all normal it's just going to take a while for it to actually do it also if we actually go to the data scrubbing page here um you know or not maybe it's under configuration so here we go so it's got to resync because it's going to actually have to take data from the two drives and put it over to the third drive um so that you always have one drive um redundancy and that's how i have it set up so it's going to take a little bit because it's obviously not trying to over uh impact the overall system performance because i am backing stuff up constantly um and that changes you know how fast my connection is between my computer and this guy it all depends on the the size of the file i'm transferring but it'll transfer between well i would say four megabits and and a hundred uh it all depends on what i'm doing um but it does you know i did change up a couple things i'm going to show you real quick back there what i did change so the first thing i i changed i had i've replugged everything back into my my switch itself so everything is going through the switch rather than going up to my my gateway and back to the switch everything goes through the switch for my computers or any device that's going to be connecting directly off of the synology i also plugged four k core cables and that's these four right here from the synology to my switch and i aggregated them so all four of these are aggregated as one continuous basically four gigabit portal to the back of the switch and i had to do that on both the synology side as well as my switch side and of course i'm testing it out and it didn't make a huge push in speed but i think it's going to make more redundancy specifically excuse me when i have multiple devices connecting to this simultaneously that's four one gig uh pathways for it to reach the data off the synology then i'm going to make this look a little cleaner in the end but this is more of a trial and error type item so if i go to my control panel and i click on my network this is where i can actually go to my network interface and i created a bond and let me see if it shows anything on here so yeah you can see all four lan ports on the back i bonded together as a single aggregated connection and then after i did this on this side i did it on my switch side as well and that's how i got one ip address for all four connections and it's using them in you know between all four so that's it's not gonna increase my connection speed from my one computer because that's still one line going to four so one line is the is the restriction but if i have multiple devices reading stuff off the synology it should help balance that bandwidth off over four connections so that's the only benefit that doing the the well the bonding in this case so all right back to me closing out this video i i closed out this video before i actually did this part so just so you're aware okay it's better it's been actually a couple days but um it took a little while for it to do the whole moving of data back and forth and to even it out but now we can see we actually have a 24.4 terabyte array with the three drives i have in place so we're fully set we're healthy we're good to go so yeah that's that's that's how you can easily add a third drive or an additional drive maybe to whatever you started with and there we have it um i didn't want to go too crazy into the setup on this part because i would have a lot to learn on this and i want to have more hands-on approach but this is more of the unboxing and setup and initial first use at least so you can actually get data from your computer to the synology server the more i play with it the more happy i'm going to be with it and of course the more uh well the more i'll know about it because it's one thing about seeing it from somebody else's perspective than it is to see it from your own perspective so that is the setup to be honest in all reality really pretty simple um there are i'm sure there's a lot of uh sources out there that can walk you through the setup of it but if uh yeah if nothing else you saw it was kind of weird now when you first first got up and running i went to the the find to find her on my mac to see if i connect to it i could see it and i connected it it failed immediately and then oh yeah i haven't created a volume yet so i created the volume and then i went over and tried it again failed immediately but when after created the shared file or the shared folder then it worked immediately so don't get distraught you know obviously things have to be in a certain order for them to work properly which makes sense i have to create a volume i have to create a file or a folder to share stuff out of on the device and i have to tell who has access to that folder once you do that then you're good to go and golden so that said guys obviously you can create more users you can create there's a lot of stuff you can do with this and that's for future videos if nothing else so that's my start with the synology server i'm really hoping that uh i love it as much as i'm hoping to love it um i'm bowing out of the drobo mainly because it failed on me the drives lasted my drobo itself so drobo i loved you i really did i thought it was a fantastic device but when it it died died um i can't wait to get the drobo rental unit so that i can get all of my data off of my drobo and then back well now on to the synology so yeah unfortunately with any of these proprietary hard drive format setups where you have that hybrid drive capability i can't get the stuff off that drobo without actually having a drobo so i'm stuck waiting but the good thing about drobo is at least they're getting me a rental unit i'll have to pay for it but it is what it is my data is worth way more than the hundred bucks essentially that the durable rental is gonna cost me so there you go if you have any questions about this setup or anything else let me know uh head over to you can get a hold of me directly and of course i'll have a full write-up or full review video review on this product once i have ample time using it this is going to be more of trying video editing off it trying connecting it to my apple tvs my lap my my tablets my macbooks everything i want to see how it works with all my devices and then i'll have more sit straight forward from there you could also connect to it directly from your mobile devices like your the iphones and android phones out there and there actually is a qr code in that little book it came with um so you could probably even set it up directly through that i did not i set it up to the computer but that's easier and faster in my opinion for this so that's it guys thanks for watching we'll catch you back here on geekshark for another future video setup and tutorial we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: GeekSmart
Views: 6,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, how-to, how, to, geeksmart, techgooch, synology, Synology setup, setup, nas, network storage, networked storage, drobo, qnap, ds1621, ds1621+, best synology, Synology install, ds1621 setup, ds1621+ setup, ds1621 install, ds1621+ install
Id: rfaKnaKjXKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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