Synology DS1621+ nas fully benchmarked - plex server test

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verizon embedded the 1500b processor in the synology ds 1621 plus desktop six bay a form factor nas from synology it's got twin fans on the back there's a pci times four it's actually an eight slot you actually get four lanes for a possible expansion card you have the possibility of adding two esata devices so you can have two uh dx5175 bay expansion units from synology to give you a total of 16 bays you got four one gig lands got two usb 3 ports and i want to tell you about my experiences with this nas one of the new lineup uh desktop form factor nases from synology and it's 10g capable i'm saying 10 gig capable because it doesn't it comes with four one gig lands i got one of synology's uh 10 gig capable or 10 gig network cards to give me 10 gig speed uh as as i look to upgrade my home network i did not pay for this synology nas incredibly when i asked him would they like to send me a synology nas for review they said they would as long as i did two videos talking about this ness content is mine my opinion is my own but i'm just letting you know how i came by this ness so i have already done the overview when i first got the nas i did a walkthrough of synology drive and it was all looking good on first setup the question was what is it capable of what kind of speeds am i getting out of it i have to say because i've installed two four terabyte evo 860s ssds in the first two bays and i have them in raid zero so am i getting the network speeds that i want 10 gigs in other words 1 250 megabytes per second of actual throughput and indeed is there any do is there any benefit from having these in raid i say is there any benefit and some of the lower end nasa's can only read and write at like 100 megabytes per second so am i getting the network speed and and indeed can these read and write at those sort of speeds can you saturate this box so that's what this video is about going to go through my benchmarking how please or not please i'm not going to give any spoilers i have been with this nest uh in the time i've had with it and i'm going to finish with a quick run-through of how you can use any synology to back up your phone or your photos all your videos back them up to synology nas three different ways of doing that so first of all my basic testing so i'm going to see what kind of network speed i'm getting and then just what i can get reading and writing over my network to the two ssds in this synology ds1621 plus nas so i'm going to start by running the anvil storage utility benchmark just using a one gig file at this point this is going to give me a general view over a range of read write scenarios as well as the input output operations per second so my sequential read writes they're looking great this is exactly what i was looking for 963 megabytes per second read 820 megabytes per second rights but of course real world scenarios we need to know smaller files random files and i can see right off the bat the issue on this particular benchmark seems to be 4k reads to compare it to running ssd my local machine i can see that's where it's falling down 4k single thread 91 22 megabytes per second obviously single thread it's only hitting one of those disks we're still cued four it's half my local machine same story again q depth 16 otherwise looking really great it is just a one gig file of course the evos themselves have a four gigabyte cache so larger files are going to tell us more what i want to know right away is what's it looking like for pure bandwidth i'm going to run an upstream downstream high perf run i'm basically getting an average of seven gigabits speed 875 megabytes a second 7.5 gigs upstream 6.5 gigs downstream so i'm going to run aga video systems disk test and try it with different size test files going to start with the big one 64 gigabyte test file i'm doing three runs i'm averaging out 837 megabytes per second right 920 megabytes per second read that's really really good now trying various size test files they're giving something averaging around 900 megabytes per second right a thousand megabytes per second read it's looking really good let's try a real world scenario i'm gonna transfer over from my pc to my synologyness through 13 gigabyte video files each one's coming from a separate ssd so we can really see what my synology raid is capable of i'm getting about 360 megabytes per second on each of those files that's a 1080 megabytes per second real world scenario that's true 10 gig speed so i'm not gonna mess about now i'm going to use a 32 gigabyte test file gonna run crystal disk mark and this is the benchmark on that pair of raid ssds on my synology nas really happy with these results if i compare it to running or ssd on my local system that's a single ssd the biggest difference it's going to be that 4k random with a single thread obviously then it's a single disk even on my raid zero system and these small files obviously latency becomes a bigger issue and i'm really happy obviously the bandwidth is absolutely there but hitting the raid array from my local machine going over my local network there is a bit of a hit compared to if i ran the exact same thing on my local machine but just keeping things in perspective if i was running off a mechanical drive on my local machine this is what i'm looking at that q depth one random 4k is so low there may be a bit of a hit running the raid over the local network but it's a million miles ahead of running a mechanical hard drive on my local machine so really really pleased with this nas it can do exactly what i wanted i wanted 10 gig speeds on my network and i wanted to be able to use that 10 gigs across the network which i absolutely can with my two raid 0 ssds but obviously you get that full benefit with the bigger files the smaller files um you are taking a hit clearly there's more latency there's more things going on when it's going over my local lan however a million miles better than using a mechanical drive for sure on my local machine and you know and similar for small files to local ssds but way better i am saturating i am getting full whack when i use uh the big files and the big transfers just for kicks i thought i'd run a geekbench five on here do a little benchmark compare it to one of the some you know the other nasties that i could have been looking at uh from synology and seeing am i getting good value from is this real bang for back which on paper absolutely uh as i went over that in my first video absolutely looks you know a sweet spot at the moment uh for a desktop nas from synology so let's run the geekbench 5. i'm running it via my docker on my synology 1621 plus and then i am going to show you the benchmark scores copy that into my browser and there are the scores this is the second run i've done two three three two was my first round two three four four my second run these are really respectable scores i compare it to what maybe my dream machine at the moment ds 1621 xs plus which has the xeon processor single core not that much in it obviously it's still advantageous to the 1621 xs and again multicore much stronger but maybe by not as much as you would expect on the ds1621 xs plus so really happy with those scores there the 1621 plus is the upgrade to the 1618 plus and as you can see the benchmarks basically are twice as high as on the 16 18 plus just for kicks i thought i'd have a look at what the highest scoring one at the moment is on geekbench in terms of the synology nas looks like the rs rs3617xs which is a four grand rack mounted nas so not really compatible in any way thought might be interesting to see if we are a world away we're not really a world away two three three two three six one nine multi and again it's the ds920 plus which is the upgrade to the ds918 plus which i have but it has the same processor as a ds 1520 plus which is the one often talked about against the ds1621 plus because has integrated graphics has hardware transcoding as you can see the 1621 plus though in terms of cpu grunt is well ahead of the 920 plus which is as i say the same process as a 1520 plus so i said in my first video i think the 1621 plus at its around 800 pound price point really does look like a sweet point in the synology desktop form factor nice family so again definitely it seems to be a sweet spot at the moment um obviously they now do an eight bay version of this nas with the same processor so a little bit you pay a little bit more you get two extra bays and obviously for some raid setups that's going to be something you may well want i'm really happy i'm getting exactly what i wanted from this nas one question we all end up asking ourselves is can it run a plex media server because there's no hardware transcoding on this cpu it's not intel it's not atom there's no integrated graphics it's all going to be done software transcoding what sort of performance can we get from plex um is it still going to be something usable so this is my plex testing blade is a 38.2 megabit per second 10-bit hdr file it's a bit of a torture test for plex the first thing we'll do is see can it software transcode in real time real time would mean it's transcoding at one times or greater i do this by going to optimize gonna transcode it down to 720p four megabits per second doing this on the server itself and i'm seeing as a first step what it looks like it's capable of 1.6 1.6 times better than real time that's a decent start what's it doing to the server so we're just under 80 so this server is doing nothing but transcoding obviously if you were doing plenty of other stuff it would be a different matter wouldn't be so doable hitting like 90 now and dropping just below real time 10 bit hdr x265 codec 38.2 megabits per second file it's going to be stuttering but it looks like it would play so i'm going to cancel this so i'm on the app on me desktop i'm going to try it playing that first of all direct play so the audio's direct play the video is direct play this shouldn't be a problem the cpu is now recovered and it's playing nice and smooth as you would hope because we're not doing any transcoding at this point and i'm gonna fast forward click through that's lovely nice lovely and smooth kicking up now let's try some transcoding imagine use on your mobile you want to take it down to say 720p three megabits per second and it's playing fine cpu is around 80 it will play you jump about now we've got some leg it's a few seconds of a leg and then it plays that is doable okay let's try something a bit more real world scenario jumanji 1080p 27.5 megabits per second file it's an 8-bit file let's see if we can transcode multiple streams 6 1080p transcoding down to 720p three megabits per second something you would could well be a scenario over the internet server is totally maxed out as you can see the one minute average 39.54 and that's 100 utilization six transcodes going on so no interaction between these six i'm getting stuttering on one that's the first bit of stuttering i've had but it plays now it's playing fine they're all playing and obviously the problem's going to come when you try and interact if you try and fast forward if you just watch this is actually working doesn't it remember no hardware transcoding on the 1621 plus so it's when you interact fast forward skip back etc that's when you're going to have your issue so let's see what it takes to get below 100 usage so at the moment totally maxed out 43 on the load average okay i've now got a single 1080p stream transcoding down to 720p three megabits per second and that's still unfortunately really smashing the cpu so the one minute average 7.1 we've got eight threads so we're just under uh where we'd want to be it doesn't look like two would play very well but that's but that should work for one so we're under the eight which means no threads should be waiting it's playing not buffering let's skip through one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi five mississippi six mississippi seven mississippi it's just over just about doable but yeah a little bit disappointing these streams play fine until you interact if you're not going to be doing much fast forwarding rewinds you'll probably get away with two streams transcoding let's have a look that's two streams transcoding that appears battery smooth we are at the same place on cpu we're at six for the load average seven just under just under full utilization and skipping one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi five mississippi six mississippi seven mississippi eight mississippi nine mississippi and there is the problem nine mississippi and we'll just do it you only want to fast forward or rewind once or something that that works okay still battery smooth all right let's go for the third so we're playing three streams all transcoding they're all working fine but our load average now 17.3 so we've got big problems on the cpu and now if we fast forward one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi five mississippi six mississippi seven mississippi eight mississippi nine mississippi now now we're into no-go territory oh just depends how much patience she got we know playing actually six trans codes until you interact you can certainly do multiple streams i'm getting six transcodes before there's stuttering and buffering without interaction and three streams with interaction just about doable again absolutely usable as a plex media server is it going to be other other options you know if you're using it on a bigger scale then i guess you're going to be looking at something a bit more horsepower and that's doing hardware transcoding but for my use and uh certainly it can do more than one transcode can certainly run a 4k a 10 bit hdr file um you know it's not going to be battery smooth as you're skipping through it but you could certainly play it directly no problem and even transcoding that down to say 1080p still absolutely usable that just leaves a quick look at how you can use this nas to back up your videos and your photos from your phone three ways to back up photos and videos with synology they all involve an embedded app called photo backup photo backup will also back up your videos the simplest route is ds file this app is a simple way to browse all files on your synology nas you'll find an option that says photo backup enable your photo backup remember using your internal ip will mean this will be network only access if you use your connect id you will have full internet access from anywhere you will need to choose a destination on your synology nas any folder you have already created and create a specific folder to keep your backup select that folder so choose what to backup i'm on android you can just back up your dcim folder which will contain your camera pictures but you won't be able to select any specific folders within that main folder you can backup all folders on your device but they won't be nested they will be in individual folders by that i mean all my folders but they're not showing where they were originally nested and dcim is one main folder even though it will contain other folders to keep it simple i'm selecting dcim i want to back up my entire phone not just all new ones from now on i'm only going to do it when i'm connected on wi-fi if i didn't want to back up my videos i would select upload photos only but i also want to back up videos and keep the original file names and that's done showing me how many photos i'm backing up and by looking on my synology nas itself file station that's my single ssd and there is the phone backup i've created and it's already downloading all my photos and of course my videos remember photo backup is an embedded app within the ds file app that's the simplest route the next route is using the ds photo app for this you will need to download from the package center photo station downloaded photo station so i can now set that up on my phone log into the nes again i'm looking for the photo backup option tap to enable so again slightly different now i'm going to just slide it on allow access sign in again now choose what to upload i have to give this a name again i'm going to be phone backup set the permissions select that phone backup folder okay now i can choose my options again very similar to last time already the destination is now selected for me because i've just created the backup folder i'm going to for simplicity backup just dcim you can backup the whole of your device back up all my existing photos and although it never says videos it does include videos unless you actually select upload only photos which i won't select it's done by the way if when you upload your photos you want to delete them from your device you can select the free up space which i am not going to do this is just a backup now i can see the number of files being uploaded to my nas as a backup but we've got more options now it's part of an embedded app on my synology nas if i go to my synology nasa open up photo station so it's not just a plain folder now we have all sorts of options including our sharing options general options photo options sharing blog user accounts groups etc view all my photos videos in a nice browser window and i can make several albums dedicate to happens if i wanted to my preferred option is synology moments this will integrate with synology drive so have synology drive already installed on your nes and then go to package center and look for moments install that so that's now installed on my nas i can open up on my phone remember signing in with your local ip will make it network only this time the backup is the main element of the app back apple photos enable photo backup remember they hit you with photo up front but it does videos as well yeah familiar options i'm backing up all my photos it will back up videos unless you tick upload photos only we now have more options upload only when in charging mode and the option to skip duplicate files and that's now backing up moments is a neat little app where everything is organized in multiple ways you can customize many of those ways integrates with the nas moments app which integrates with drive so already my moments folder is indeed part of synology drive i go to my drive folder so that moments folders already created for me within my drive but i can view it through the dedicated app so it is again at its heart a simple backup solution for your photos and videos but it's also a viewer a viewer from anywhere here i am on the actual nas itself everything is organized in date order i can view just the photos the albums and albums are they're slant on albums so i can just see my recents dedicated folder for videos you can tag you can share i can have a simple folder view or the timeline view can switch between them there indeed is the dcim folder it's worth noting once you're into root part of your folder they are then organized into subfolders named by date part of the app is an ai it will pick out the best moments for you finding similar photos so that's my video wrap up i am really happy i didn't pay for it but if i had paid for this absolutely i would have been happy i would have got exactly what i had expected to get um and i think value for money for what i was trying to get so i hope you found my video of use to you and i thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Alan Ross Reviews
Views: 5,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology, synology nas, best synology, synology nas drive, ds1621xs+ nas buy, ds1621xs nas, ds1621xs memory, ds1621+ nas, ds1621+ nas buy, synology 2021, ds1621+ memory, synology plex, ds1621+ price, ds1621+ nas drive, synology ds1621+, synology ds1621+ nas, ds1621+ ram, synology ds1621+ nas drive, synology ds1621+ plex, synology review, nas memory upgrade, ds1621+ buy, synology nas apps, best synology nas, best synology for home, nas, synology nas 2021
Id: kGhnhqmK6oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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