Detailed NAS Setup - Synology DS1821+

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today we are taking a look at the synology ds 1821 plus and synology says this is aimed toward the it enthusiasts or the small to medium-sized business so synology sent this over along with six eight terabyte synology hard drives synology actually has their own branded hard drives now so thanks analogy for sending this along for review as usual we were not paid for this review and synology won't have the opportunity to see it before you all do when synology reached out i was excited to take a look at this because i really haven't done much with synology i've heard great things i know a lot of people who really use these day-to-day for work and for personal and it works out that i just finished building my unraid server so i'd like to put these kind of head to head and give a pros and cons i already have some in my head based on my experience with unraid so this will be a good opportunity to really compare so the head-to-head comparison will be in a future video coming up first in this video i want to get these drives installed get this thing powered up talk a little bit about the unit and what this is and then we'll dive into the web gui and go from there first of all what's in the box so the hard drives don't come in the box these are purchased separately but what does come in the box are two cat5e cables network cables look like about six or seven feet iec power cable some hard drive screws and a quick start installation guide now one of the main obvious benefits that i don't need to make a comparison video to figure out is the fact that this is a heck of a lot easier to get set up it's already built there's already a cpu in there there's already ram in there it's ready to go all i have to do is plug in a couple of cables big difference from rolling your own and building your own server from scratch let's take a look at the ports that are on this thing so this is the back of the unit we'll go right around here this is where you put your power cord right here is a kensington lock if you need to lock it down here and here is esata 1 and esata 2. these are for the expansion modules this box can support up to 18 hard drives four network ports reset button three usb 3.1 and right here it's not populated but this is actually a pcie slot now this box doesn't have 10 gigabit networking these are each one gigabit per second jacks but you can get a pcie card that's a 10 gigabit nick that can go here one thing i like just at first glance is everything is accessible via screws and it looks like this panel would come right off if i needed to replace a fan or if i wanted to put noctua fans or something else in here okay so here's the front and the first thing you'll notice other than these lovely drive bays is there is a usb slot hidden in the bottom here that you might have missed if you just put it right on a desk you have your power button status alert and then you have an indicator for each of the lan ports the network ports these drive trays are not populated yet we'll put those drives in in a moment to get them out you push on the bottom part they click up then you pull it right out put it back in and it's in so that's a keyhole you can turn the key and you can lock these drives in so let's flip it over there's a little console port there i assume that's probably for service since it's not a common connector and then this is where the ram is so we'll pop these two little screws out again love that everything is secured by screws and easily accessible for maintenance so that comes out and then here's the four gigabytes of ram that comes standard you do have two ram slots and this can be populated to up to 32 gigabytes of ram so if you do need to upgrade you can so i'm actually going to take all the drive bays out so you can see inside here so you can see across here is the backplane so when the drives go into one of these trays they slide in and they connect into the backplane you can see these are the two m.2 slots that you can populate now i'm told if you populate these m.2 slots then you won't be able to use the pcie slot so if you were going to do the 10 gig nick you'd have to choose either or since i don't have 10 gig networking it would probably make more sense for me to populate these now if you do want to access this pcie slot you actually take these screws off and take this this whole top shell off and then you have access to the port and then you can take this plate off and you'll see the pcie nick that'll go right there so it's pretty straight forward again nice there's screws there okay so now you've seen what it looks like where the ports are what it has what i'm going to do next is populate these trays with these hard drives so we'll go through the rest of the specs and then we'll turn this thing on and take a look at the web gui all right so here's our tray and these trays are actually dual purpose so you can run 2.5 inch hard disks or you can run three and a half inch hard disks so the disks i have are three and a half inch the three and a half inch do not require screws these are actually toolless but the 2.5s due so first we'll start by just pulling off these little tabs and then we'll take the hard drive we want label facing up drop it into the tray like so then you'll take your cover here put it align it back in snaps it you want to make sure you hear the snap it's really cool that they make this tool-less and there you go it's not going to fall out so now you can take that and slide it in and now we just do that six more times all right all the drives are in everything's populated this is quite a bit heavier now but it's got six eight terabyte drives i still have two bays that are empty so i do have some room for expansion even with this chassis again i can add two more chassis to it plugging into the esata ports on the back let's take a look at the synology website and just go through the specs of this box before we fire it up so here is our ds 1821 plus high capacity storage and data protection for anyone here's where it says that it's aimed toward the it enthusiasts and small to medium-sized business so let's jump over to the specs and take a look it has an amd ryzen v1500b so that's not going to knock your socks off but for what it's doing it's plenty four core 2.2 gigahertz processor 64-bit architecture like i mentioned it does come with four gigabytes of ddr4 ram and it's a single slot that's populated but you can go up to 32 gigs or 16 gigabytes times two and it's so dim a drive bays i mentioned before 18 total drives and then the two nvme m.2 slots inside three and a half inch two and a half inch and then as well as ssds and the nvme maximum single volume size 108 terabytes they are hot swappable four one gig lan ports and this is interesting with link aggregation and fill over support so i'm gonna have to check that out this is pretty nice scheduled power on power off so if this was in a business setting and nobody's in the office before 7 am let's say and nobody's accessing this remotely you could have it turn off all night and turn back on before everybody comes in in the morning a warranty everybody's always interested in warranty for good reason so it comes with a three-year hardware warranty extendable to five warranty period starts from the purchase date as stated on your purchase receipt just to show you on amazon what this cost today 949 looks like it's actually out of stock at this moment but a week or two ago when i checked it was in stock it's definitely not cheap but it gives you quite a bit of expandability and synology part of what you're paying for is the software and for them to continue developing the software if you just parted out the hardware spec to spec you'd get far below 950 dollars but the form factor the engineering and the software combined make it a really good solution especially for somebody who just doesn't necessarily want to go and roll their own build their own but this is just from my experience watching others i'm looking forward to getting this thing plugged in playing with it for a few weeks and then actually doing that head-to-head comparison video with the roll your own so let's jump back over and get this thing plugged in fired up and then we'll log into the web gui plug in the power we have our two network cables i guess it's black on black on black shirt so it doesn't make it so easy to see should have worn a white shirt but let's plug in we'll just plug in one of the networks for now i'm going to plug it into network jack one my new lab rack here i got everything plugged in power network so all that's left is to push the power button there we go the fans were loud for a second but now they're almost silent i think the idea is that you can have this on a desk certainly a lot quieter than server fans that's for sure might be hard to see this in the camera but there's actually leds on each of the drive bays the directions after you turn it on it says to either go to this webpage or download the ios or android app so i think i'm going to do the web page since i have that connected into my recorder all right so http colon slash slash find dot synology dot com there it is would you look at that it found it right off the bat so far this is super simple web assistant helps you locate synology devices within your local area network i might have mentioned before i'm new to synology so i have not gone through this process in the past so let's click connect user agreement next privacy next and let's click setup install disk station manager dsm dsm is the operating system running on synology nas install the latest dsm new features and security fixes let's install all data on the hard disk and it shows all six of them that's good will be removed during installation sure you want to proceed yes all right so it says it'll take about 10 minutes don't power it off and it's going to format the system and install this dsm so i'll come back when this is all finished all righty she is finished creating an administrative account okay we'll just call this cajoling strong password next quick connect makes it easy to access without port forwarding very small skip this step so i'm going to skip that step share my synology devices network location to allow me to locate a view no okay device analytics no thank you so right off the bat this is a very simple user interface i've seen videos on it so i'm aware of it but this is super simple okay so it looks like i first need to create a volume before i can really do anything so it shows the discs that are populated if i go over to volume i'll click create so we'll use the the quick mode storage pool description cajoling pool right type shr next choose all the drives next all data will be erased that's fine butter fs that's fine apply now it's creating our pool okay so the pool's created and it's running a parody check and that's going to run in the background so let me just click through here real quick and see what else is in these settings great so it's got our smart information going for the hot spare ssd cache i don't have an ssd installed right now let's go over to package center we'll take a look at what's here this is what i'm really excited about because there are just so many options and so many different things that this is integrated with at the click of a button one thing in particular i'm excited to try out is this glacier backup those of you who watch the channel know that i work for amazon so amazon glacier is kind of a cold storage cheaper version of s3 and the fact that i can back up to that is pretty cool right from the synology so the parity check will probably take a little bit of time since there's so many terabytes of hard drives here so i think that's a good point to end this video but stay tuned and subscribe to the channel because i will be doing the video of this compared to my build your own unraid that i did it was fun to do if you like to tinker it definitely took me basically an entire weekend to build a lot of little issues i ran into i still like unraid and i like that but in a half an hour i've had this completely set up drives in updates done no issues at all so if that's the type of person you are or that or you don't have a lot of time uh spoiler this is probably what you're going to want to do but i'll do that whole video so definitely stay tuned i want to thanks analogy for sending this over for a review and also thank you for watching the video give it a thumbs up if you like it and especially thanks to our patreon members who help us keep this channel going if you have questions or want me to include anything in that future synology video leave them in the comments below other than that we will see in the next video take care [Music] you
Channel: Cajoling Technologies
Views: 9,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology, synology nas, synology nas drive, synology 2021, ds1821+, synology setup, network attached storage, backup hard drive, synology vs unraid, synology hard drive, is synology reliable
Id: znDjbjqlIAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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