Swing High, Swing Low (1937) CAROLE LOMBARD

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[Music] right [Music] more than anything else for you [Music] please [Applause] thanks [Applause] you're watching aren't you oh yes it's the most exciting thing i ever saw why did you come out look at it how you can sit there with that mud and stuff all over your face when you could be seeing this i can't understand so what do you see a lot of machinery with water dripping all over it if i see those locks again i'll [Music] scream hello hey you i said hello they weren't speaking me by any chess no i'm not perfect you know soldiers aren't sent before you're supposed to talk what can they do to me they can fire me all right i've already quit i'm all washed up for the army this is my last day say there's an idea we ought to celebrate yeah the army will probably do the celebrating hey is the rest of you as beautiful as your face no i weigh 200 pounds and i don't wear shoes ah perfect what should we do tonight how about meeting you in the dark under the moon what if there isn't a move let me turn to the dock not kidding how about you and me gold places mine when your boat gets in okay no kidding how about you scrambling so i can see some of the scenery down here i am the scenery down here i'm skid jobs in the one-man army ask anybody spin the likes for mr johnson i go away you bother me thank you so much honey i didn't think it admitted i'll meet you on the dock at balboa hey i'll be wearing my siblings now wear a carnation of my butthole so you know me i wouldn't know you through all the rose behind your ear that's an idea oh she is that wonderful you look like going down this elevator is wonderful i guess it is the first time does the tropics always smell like this look oh i've gotta watch this quick oh all you had to do was to turn off the juice as soon as the time was up well i thought you could do that for god's sake oh i must have been asleep the tropics make me so angry well how does it look lucky what have you done to her it's the traffic sale we did that tour you don't know everything's not all right cried all right yes i know you will yes you girls will both come to my cabin just as soon as you ever finish i suspected it i suspected it from the very first day you're not a beauty operator at all are you no that's where you got me how dare you recommend her to me oh no look but she's a friend of mine she's broke she's hitchhiking her way to california did she have to hitchhike on my customers faces well it was the only thing we could think of you didn't wanted to sing or anything now did you sir can they not why should i wanted to sing do you think yes but not very good well it's the only thing she does know but there's a guy in in california who don't care she don't know anything he wants to marry her he's a a car baron or something he's richer than lucifer uh lucifer wasn't rich so what was he well he was um he uh what proud proud bear see i told you don't try to change the subject office loosely so i mean if this man was so proud i mean uh rich uh why doesn't he send to your affair oh he doesn't even know i thought you said he was going to marry her no i didn't i said he wanted to know oh pardon me and on that maggie figured there must be something wrong with him yes okay so she's going out to look the situation well over before getting into anything you see she doesn't know him very well but he's known me for three years but it's so hard to explain if maggie around the stage he'd be a stage to our journey of course but he went tonight so we know what's happening i think he doesn't say no he's just frightening about it that's crazy [Music] that's crazy well you're driving me crazy [Music] now you got a bargain with these guys see i'll start on this line and you start on that one they're all three dollars but if you find one that'll take two yellows well i hope so for three dollars [Music] uh lady you take my car round through panama city one dollar how much one dollar you right there i'll have a girlfriend among the most notable public building of panama is palacio del presidente it is built on same site it was occupied by official residents of kings of spain during colonial efforts on ground floor is moorish courtyard in the center of which our waterfall in which may be seen swimming water chicken of native species ducks to you yeah well ducks to you too this isn't a palace it's a cathedral must be wrong street must be wrong guidebook too listen wise guy you can come up from behind that hat now what's the matter with the hat i got a rose behind my ear too i still don't know you say you know you're an awful liar you do wear shoes and you got the prettiest do you know this uh no it's hard to play you can stop this car right now how come i'd be a sport i told you i was just mustered out of the army today i thought it'd be fun for the four of us to celebrate who's the fourth perry he owns the car we're not interested speak for yourself hey i don't know what you got to be sore about when you hired this heap you thought you had a native guy so it turns out instead of that you gotta find upstanding clean limbed american lad and his friends here's where he lives terry i mean you like harry and instead of showing you a lot of buildings and statues and stuff we'll show you the real time you're getting a couple of guys for nothing and your new kicking come on be good guys we'll drive around i'll make my usual cracks and if you laugh i'll think i'm good if you don't i think you're done what do we waste two hours what's two hours i've never heard anybody talk so much in my life have you ever tried to sell anything sure right now me you know if you had something good to sell you'd be really wonderful [Music] hey come on we're going out all right harry puts everything he's got into his piano playing everything girl prepare yourselves you're about to meet harry rankin the hottest channel player in panama well no wonder he's hot in that overcoat well i'm just recovering from an attack of chosen favorites would you have a corner and tablet the topics you know yeah i know it do you know it yes i really think you should have one if you're for me i've already got my pill hello how do you do i'm very glad to know both of you hello you should be glad to know anyone well thank you thank you well uh let go come on [ __ ] you better climb over that door doesn't work oh allow me [Music] hmm this is a real panamanian joint sure it don't get out here very much whatever it is hey you better move over here closer to me why well you know where you are don't you well you're in the tropics well i know that silly and it's nice oh what is it either well in a minute hey what are you getting at you oh stop but if you're gonna act like that we won't have any fun at all well you know most girls like a lot of junk like this like me without that huh well i wouldn't go that far follow you you're pretty fast for the answer don't you no they just seem fast you see you've been down here quite a little while and the tropics kind of slow you down what's the matter don't you want the rest of your oysters i don't want this one so do you feel different down here i feel different i feel well like a warm breeze is blowing on you all the time there is oh i don't mean like that i mean i feel inside that uh you know sleepy like in front of a fireplace you know yeah the trouble is the longer you're down near the opening you get that fireplace feeling of course that's bad you couldn't imagine about hanging around the process i won't be hearing that kind of music after the night you're leaving paramount yeah i hope you had more luck in new york than i had well i've got nothing to worry about if i don't hit something now go back in the army are you married no do i look like the mankind yeah i'm not well i am well not so don't get any ideas hmm so you make a lot of fuss about unimportant things look at those stars they've been up there you know that before millions of people have kissed each other so what difference is one more make is that the argument yeah okay it doesn't make any difference at all thanks feel better let's go where are we going donald pavilion to get a drink [Music] why are you so serious look at those stars you know they've been up there for millions of years okay sisters you're out [Music] music no nobody likes trumpet music uh those flattest punches i think they do look somebody might like it but you couldn't be very bright you like trumpet music well you're right i like it you do but what you like about it i can't trust them it's just noise you blow a lot of air into a tin hole and it comes out rap tap snapchat oh it's all what's the matter don't you like music music of course i like music but that isn't music it's just well of course i like music right riley i'm just really funny so sweet romance there's no romance in the trumpet romance in the trumpet what you mean is you don't like trumpet i don't like [Music] [Music] ah uh [Music] did you hear all the things i said [Music] foreign [Music] he's really wonderful [Music] uh [Music] cinema [Music] yeah he is a little fresh well why don't you stalk him or something no i can't you've got your head huh it's an old south american it means look she got a hat on yeah yeah yeah i've got my hat on come on foreign [Applause] [Music] airplanes [Applause] i didn't know that you shouldn't take your hat off you see i didn't know that all right yeah this is [Applause] you're not gonna cry kid look over here it's me harry don't even speak to us where were you last night when we tried to get you [Music] bubbles well scared i got here oh hello scared it i wish you'd let me help that maybe it's my boat [Music] 150 dollars maybe better keep quiet now can i help no you you wouldn't settle for the fix you would just woody 277 now yeah i mean i haven't any money have i and and no clothes or anything they wouldn't take me in would they another part of that well what are you gonna do i don't know if i might make a suggestion you're perfectly welcome to live with me huh oh scared lives there too i suppose that makes it all right don't worry i won't let you stay there anyway well then where will i stay i'm sure you'd find it very comfortable skid and i can sleep in the parlor and you can have the bedroom there's a key to the door and everything if you feel that you need it well i don't like it well i don't like it either very nice i lost my key about a month ago well here's where we live just you and skin oh skip just moved in last night i've been living here alone for three months now you mean you've done this all by yourself the bedroom's very nice too there's the kitchen i think it needs a little tidying up though anything like this it certainly will there's nothing wrong yeah you and skipping the better and i'll make breakfast i will clean this place up oh let's get some sleep first you can't sleep in this mix well we have [Music] this hasn't been moved since i first came here [Music] oh thank you very much it's gonna be awfully weak sorry what waste the coffee oh let's try it let's try it all the breads there isn't any i said the rest of it to the pigeons this morning oh so that's what you've had living around here with you what'd you say i said it would be a nice touch to have a couple of gulps around here too don't you think say what do you suppose you want with a couple of goats it'll flip your end up a little what your end up a little you don't need to yell at me i'm right here you know how do you turn the gas on there isn't any gas you build a fire in the stove with wood hey look we're getting no place fast for this thing say i have an idea just sit down quietly and figure this thing out let's see a simple answer to it come on i can tell you eat out a lot and that certainly isn't good for you no wonder harry sticks we'll have to buy a lot of things you know staples and things and i'll do it myself wait a minute i've certainly put you in a lovely spot haven't i well with me it's just temporary you know just so my boat comes through again what are you gonna do oh don't worry about me i can always go back in the army the army what do you want me to do go native no just take that junk out burn it up what are you saving beer cap for there's a lottery ticket i almost run [Music] no ambition at all skin you can do something with it well what it's a crime to hide a talent like you've got under an army blanket you're the best comfort i thought you player i ever like public music well i didn't and i still don't but i like it when you play it i don't know what you do to it something why don't you try making a living you mean go to work i hate to bring it up the kids can go to work over tomorrow oh that's wonderful if you really all from your job but why don't you take it would you also have your own carpet oh of course you couldn't get a job in an orchestra unless you had your own horse oh but skids got it on well you don't have to tell the whole world about doing it or you might like working you might like it better than the arm you couldn't tell until you try it i can tell now though [Music] oh [Music] he's no good did you get it terry gets back how much do you get you start right away oh no not right away yeah so what's the matter it tastes good did you know you had a hen with you yeah i know what well where did you get that he was in a price what difference does that mean well he got fouled fouled didn't expect me to walk right away and leave a foul problem followed but could you he doesn't feel very good he well anybody with any heart would have done he's wounded i better go get something yeah oh you really have the master sketch oh go get me a dante sure sure you want to know his name we've got a pretty name there's field for arnold that means uh wing triumph yeah we're supposed to be just calling butch yeah hey you're not throwing me all right well uh for my betting on him standing on him yeah you see uh he's a professional now and and uh well uh he was going swell until until his knees kind of buckled under him and then he lost and i lost the money what money you didn't get johnson where's your trumpet well i pondered but but i still got my mouthpiece i need to keep my lips on it you know i just figured what's the use of working a whole week for what you can win in a couple of minutes right figuring i got just the right thing for him what's that collodion corroding you're not going to put clothing on the chicken that's the best thing for scratches i always use it okay i didn't warn you this will fix them right now push come here hey get your hands nice and now go away of course [Music] eh scared get him will you don't get him excited don't get excited there busch gosh maggie you don't know murphy i can't go in and ask for an advantage when i haven't even got the job yet can't get the job without the trumpet you can't get the compass without the five dollars but i'm too young to die all right here i'll get it no no no no girl likes to run in the parents for me oh listen you know sometimes it's easier to tell somebody else and it is yourself isn't it i mean it'd be to tell somebody i'm good then you're good wouldn't it you're right here i'll be out in a minute you'll be out quicker than that but mrs mercy i didn't ask for a job to myself oh well let it go then but you couldn't work in a better place and you're the type i like around here you wouldn't have to do much sing a little dance a little and talk to the customers i think you're making a big mistake but let it go i ain't begging you but a kid that has got a talent for making more trouble than any ten guys in panama i heard what he done at the tiara last night they got a close for a week for repairs he ain't going to buff up my joints oh sir yes that wow boy i wish you'd been there last night it was really beautiful it must have been very sick of furniture left in the place you could feel awful about everything young man just out of the army with responsibilities and everything did johnson never had a responsibility in his life well he's got me well you can't be such a serious proposition you're kind of new in skid's life ain't it no no i should say not white kid and i've known each other ever since since childhood he sent for me to come down just as soon as he got out of the army oh i wouldn't marry him as long as he was in the army would you no see how he's feeling his honeymoon with his wife working and broke without a job yeah and besides we do a swell number together skin i've always worked together well not in the army of course now you see one thing kids got a lot more attention i give them credit for hello you remember me well hello you should have been in there long enough but for people how did you do it well she just understood you're crazy she's really a wonderful woman's kid murphy's no underneath that bark and cigars she's a woman and all women are real messy murphy's romantic the minute she found out we've just been married she went positively do we had a minute she found out what kid listen don't be mad because i told her we were married married well you cared very much she's got you a job and she even said i could do something to rather for a couple of weeks and by that time i will be back and if i go away don't get sore i'm not sore sore i'm not saw it off hi emmer you got a new blog working for you yeah well she ain't army rations so relax josie hey [Applause] hey maggie say you look swell out there committed those things look like an elephant there oh thanks like oh well i'm lazy i was so excited murphy told me you were working here i uh uh uh alvarez this is miss king how do you do oh miss king why i thought you were the new mrs johnson i've been hearing so much about i am really yeah this did i thought i knew you walked me well i didn't think you were the marrying kind and i still don't know you know you used to know yeah unless you want to supposed to lose our job you better introduce me as your wife you know we're supposed to be married yeah but you're not my wife i know but i'm supposed to be now a days every dance academy exercises your whole anatomy too you're supposed to be working you know yeah i'm supposed to be a lot of things while beaver that rages [Music] 25 for all the champagne they ordered and only 10 for the scotch and will that mission is wheeling you'll be revealing the sadness in you who is that girl anita alvarez white cute kid i've got a white mr muscle like may i present his job glad to meet you miss johnson have a scotch and soda in the didn't you know it was poison to drink hard liquor so near the equator oh champagne's the only thing you mean to say everybody in the tropics drink champagne she's quite brightness wait a minute your condition and i told them they'd have to order a hundred grocer coat hangers or they wouldn't get any at all are you listening [Music] [Applause] excuse [Music] say you shouldn't encourage those dumb guys like that they're able to figure it wrong oh what's possible this one's gonna make for you no difference not even at all but you gotta remember we're supposed to be married yeah but we're not [Music] [Music] i wonder who designs these things for mercy you know you're longer on one side than the other yeah he was born on the side of a hill no i think that's what's grabbing my foot when i keep down the music go on keep on playing but at this time allow me to introduce to you our newest converter to the fine art of companies when you played it it thrilled me to the narrow my bones it killed me hey there's a lyric the trumpet thrills me to the narrow of my bones it kills me that's not bad it's not good better than that school song i wrote tried on for redland conservatory of music boy i bet that was a hit yes it was [Music] hey wait a minute harry play that little floor [Music] kids you know i think we got something here get a paper my bones of children when you blow that horn you [Music] reaching out to me like oh oh [Music] ah [Music] i hear a claw [Music] uh [Applause] oh well isn't he terrific last time i was through here he was just plain wonderful yeah but the last time you were through here was two weeks ago [Applause] [Music] wipe that yearning look right off your face georgie he ain't ready for broadway yet anyway he's under contract to me contracts should be broken murphy yeah so connects what do you mean by that craig yours ain't exactly made a rubber is it you're leading with your chin falling for a guy like skid why what's the matter with everything uh oh i know he's sweet need lots of friends those kind of shaky names they don't stand up in an emergency how do you know have you ever seen skid have an emergency i don't have to they all run true to form i used to think you had a lot of sense but how you can give up that guy with that wrench in california for i'm not kidding myself about skid i know he's not perfect he's just a human guy that likes to have a lot of fun and has it with that kid he's good enough for me it's not half good enough for you say you were sick well i don't think well all right say you were sent skids for a doctor well he don't forgot oh she'd go on the run you bet and get the best doctor in town if he didn't pass a crap game on the way well if he did he'd win oh if i say you [Music] [Laughter] what are you fussing about you didn't know anything to do with this you don't have to be so personal with robert you'd ought to be here any minute well he'd better hurry i gotta get back to my vote oh you know skitty always have to take a few bombs how many of these things do you want just keep on working so michelle were your folks keeping people no why well you're always going away on a boat yeah i know and i always dreamed of settling down on a chicken farm somewhere i don't think that would work out very well why not i don't know hens don't seem to like me too bad skid didn't come home he's really good he couldn't have gone to tyre they wouldn't let him in out there why should he come home if he wants to go out with his crowd he doesn't know us anything it was me a doll and a half i suppose he'll pay up though yes he'll pay his debt cuz you're never getting debts for anything but money never anybody any part of he doesn't himself to give you what he can't hear he wants to play free and he lets you know us the nice way to be if you're bill clinton yes it is if you built that one a little left you wanna oh thank you you know i thought after meeting you he'd change well this kid always was a great hand for something new something wrong yeah i saw him he left here a couple hours ago with that bunch of back flappers and alvarez murphy i think i will tell you you know scared the perfect right to do as he pleases we're not married we just told you that yeah i kind of guessed that you're in love with him i guess that too yes i'm in love with him lazy what is it what's good every once in a while i get the crazy ideas in love with me and every time that happens he acts as if he's sore about it i can't figure it i can you're good princey now stop on a guy like skid maggie take my advice and clear out way out more branding for branding three curious all three kill herself you're pretty crazy about her aren't you who me what'd you want to go out with me for because i had a date with her that makes a lot of sense sure it makes sense i was going for a doctor's team i passed a crap game on the way good yeah still awake yeah absolutely ella was telling me about a swell new job in new york i was thinking of taking it now you're getting some sense you should have done that weeks ago maggie maggie aren't you gonna ride me about not coming home maggie good night [Music] i want a ticket to new york [Music] get your hello yeah i got it there you'll see it on the docker i hate to see people's pull ups so where are you well i hope you have a goodbye well you don't have to say goodbye yet i don't leave till the morning no i i just want to say goodbye now goodbye soldier meg before you go i just like to tell you something i think you swallow you got good sense you're nice you're not bad looking i think i'm good-looking yeah that's right nice time to tell me i'm the kind of guy that well i guess i'm the kind of guy but look look yeah look we could duck right out after a number tonight and nobody would even miss this week it doesn't take very long to get married and we could be back and nobody didn't know we'd gone okay let's get johnson are you sick i don't know my stomach is funny i hear a call [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's fine i've got a job in new york with the el greco you know the el greco yeah i know the old record of the aggressor know you my reputation who doesn't say if you're a skitter to get to new york be sure to look me up won't you no are you talking for yourself a kid talking for both of us say you're pretty sure of yourself listen skit's just a quick change artist now you see him no you don't that's why you don't bother me in the league you know you have to do it just wait your turn you're wonderful you're really wonderful you look lovely too have your hair coming down on that side rosie i can't believe my eyes oh it's so good to see you it's good to see you too margarita you look fine more places are running how did you know i was here oh some girl sent me a wire here there oh ella yeah you said you were stranded here on your way to me but she shouldn't have told you that javi i i uh now you listen i'm not kidding myself i know you're not in love with me or you married me a long time ago but you don't understand sure i do i always have but i'm so in love with you that we're just having you around that's enough for me margarita come on we haven't got much time happy holidays to great good friend tonight get down oh driving uh we're on our way to get married mary yeah tonight maggie isn't taking any chances on waiting until tomorrow she knows a guy's got to tell the truth i'm watching his birthday hey why don't you come along harry's going we need a couple of witnesses and well he's a piano player and well maggie knows you and no no i i'd like to margaret oh that's well for better or worse i guess let's get the bride we don't open till 9 o'clock the free pretty ready and at nine o'clock down with the whiskers yes ma'am but it sure is hot hot or cold it's christmas go act like it and you boys [Music] open [Music] then it's nothing more than a game my heart [Music] i don't care that it's really long and i won't complain if it's really long [Music] yeah that first one wasn't so good well i know it second one wasn't so good either well you don't have to rub it in just like a woman i don't know why you're saying to me on christmas eve who's mean to you you are oh no honey i was only kidding guys you can sing it any way you want to well i know it's no good oh it sounds fine you got a handkerchief no you didn't do the wash last week oh darling i'm sorry i'll do it in the morning i'll help you yeah i'll help too oh i just love christmas don't you you know we ought to bring butch over to see santa claus nah butch is too old for tiny clowns we haven't had him a year yet seems a lot long in there doesn't it what oh no honey i mean it doesn't seem that long does it it's just like a man thank you i'll let me a call now that we're all friends again could we rehearse the introduction you know that guy could play chopsticks and make it sound like number one on the hit parade yeah he's brought more business in here than any ten acts i've had yeah see she's still at the el greco someone they haven't caught up with her by now who alvarez she says merry christmas and she feels so sorry for her down here well she needn't how do you like the new number all right you know you never get a swell head around murphy would you you never gonna swell that anyway you're too smart this kid belongs to the big time mr johnson he blogs off broadway and that's where i want to put it but will he listen to me he said he'll listen to you certainly he'll not listen to me you mean you offered kid johnson a job in new york and he turned it down i got a spot where he could step right into it and a honey well don't worry he'll take it but when would you want us to come well by look honey games are built on the market skid this kid's got something that's different he's got something set that town on his ears see sure sure now if you let him go on ahead and kind of get the feel of things then he can send for you meantime you can hold onto the job here and the skid should draw a blank up there you'd have something to come back to that makes sense don't it sure sure that makes sense too better turn down but i've got to talk to him [Music] oh but maggie this is christmas the last time it was your birthday you know the time before that it was butch's birthday pretty soon every day will be a holiday then where will we be closed honey you have to take care of yourself in your condition this matter of my condition you don't know but you're about to come aside just fix it tell her you've opened thanks man i'm telling you you'll be very proud and happy to go to new york with it oh no here's what you can send from me in no time at all it's your chance you got to take it look maggie i've already told the guy i don't want to go to new york i like it here gosh we're doing all right we have fun you want to blow a profit of cheap pokestop all your life why not so it doesn't mean anything for you to become a salient go right to the top all right i go right to the top what do i do when i get there but honey you'll be a sensation you know really a sensation i'm a sensation here isn't that enough no hey murphy maggie wants me to go to new york i couldn't go if i wanted to could i tell her why what's stopping you well you got a contract with me yeah well listen young man my contacts ain't worth the paper they're written on my lawyer sees do that good luck kid thanks man and if i got a spot for you have i gotta spot the el greco you heard of the old greco you better take these pills with this kid i sure laugh at you too if i turn out to be a prize flop this more supposed to be very good i have a flop right now i know you can always go back in the army i think i better get off now scared i'm beginning to get sick oh hello harry you better take the lemon no thank you making a big mistake oh oh no darling come on ready all right i'll stand for you right away honey you'll be already get packed and everything all right darling i will give mr murphy so [Music] i'm sorry you have to wait let my soul responded [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and the safe to predict that skid johnson's magic compass will still be alabacco nicely you know we'll have to start a clipping before him right away he doesn't photograph badly at all and listen new york public completely fooled get ready to sail in a week last kid what do you think of that not much what's he waiting a week for well you have to pay back jersey doesn't he have to buy some new clothes you wouldn't want him running around new york and ice cream pants would you i wouldn't want him running around new york at all maggie when the carpet i don't have much time to get ready at all will i do anything it's pretty good if saving enough money to send from you already it's a miracle yeah with new oh mercy harvey seems getting stuck he's a terrific success here i knew he would be [Music] hey come on kid we're gonna miss the main event hey wait am i gonna find the wire come on we've got a big bet on you can send it later well listen you remind me to send it out for a fight [Music] well the guy that owned him told me he was going you for rides kid yeah there goes maggie's passage money hello [Music] hey look you're famous as a sandwich named after you oh boy what's in it ham and cheese [Music] very funny oh [Music] writing another letter yeah kind of carrying on a monologue ain't you what would you do murphy i suppose what you're going to do let me just say it's 125 ain't it you sure you want to go up there a telegram came for you i gave it to alvarez oh yes i opened it honey it was just another cry for help this town has more broke guys than we're in the army [Music] how much is that seventeen hundred and fifty now i can shout out to the queen mary and send for maggie who's maggie don't give me a hundred that's wonderful but don't you think that calls for a celebration somebody going to meet you here miss what oh yes there's nothing come on i paid for it i paid for it is this your room or why it's mine oh come on in and have a nicer come on it'll do you good once it's right here while i get to a drink so you need to live in the hotel please will you please let me go to the room hello hello is that you skip yeah this is kid the one-man army who goes there i say who's got a one-man army who goes there i say who goes there hello i told you what happened [Music] it's been chasing me all over town because well now listen and don't laugh oh ellis what the [ __ ] sorry and me can you imagine my life yes i will what's the matter are you crying or something no no i'm slappy have you seen skin oh [ __ ] get oh i'm getting a divorce oh i don't know it's gone a long time that's the way it goes i guess oh well you finally got some sense did you is mr harvey howell still registered there but i'd like to speak to him please my wife that's what he said he called up three times no no well i can't fathom a letter from her probably some girl pulling a gag [Music] oh no maggie last night and the night before and all day that's all he's been doing reading that letter for a week now he's been reading that letter i say a week's too long to read any letter my letter isn't it just because i can read his own letters of yours all right all right but the boys that run that place you think you're working are plenty sore if you don't show up tonight you're fine hey are you listening to me you've read that a dozen times too and it says she's sailing on the normandy tomorrow no matter how many times you read it it'll say the same thing she's sailors on the normandy tomorrow this would be a sacrifice and say goodbye to it right over here let her know okay harvey couldn't have any kick if i just want him to say goodbye to her with his wife yet all i want to do is go up and say goodbye a couple of drinks and say goodbye come on hey what do you want me for come on bring party with you oh why the french divorce aren't our divorce is good enough for you well how did you turn your arrangement that way did you tell this kid i wrote him how'd you take it i haven't heard from him it never was much of a hand for writing letters he never was much of a hand at anything he doesn't play a bad droplet how long did he finish the boss's cake i don't know i guess we can't afford the paris i've never been there before i was there once in my first house let him wrap you're not in there's no sense of being unfriendly now you just keep on picking him up and dusting him off every time he falls down and the first thing you know you get harvey saw i don't know but you might be in trouble maggie [Music] how's that for ninja oh you're kid you're looking swell oh say this is georgie herbert my agent do you remember him and this is tony ronnie i keep around just for last last honey excuse me that's enough tony honestly oh hi yella glad to see you oh yeah hey let's see you scared hey this looks like old home week in panama doesn't it hey you're looking awful well is anything wrong helen and i got married no well i guess the guy that said there was one board every minute was right hi tony he's funny daddy don't be better ella shall i say something no thanks i'm an old bartender from way back thank you don't work your thought or maybe one of these days you'll be in the door like i am thank you sir hey it's a good thing i brought up these drinks we got some celebrating to do thank you gorgeous nothing oh come on come on this kid's going away party for maggie [Laughter] by the way i uh that's your valentine why didn't you come up alone i couldn't shake these guys they've been with me since last night last night i haven't looked a bed in the face for a week king of the night club huh gotta let the people see me don't i might you get the black eye but my knee taken bars who's the knee you ought to see the other fellow business champions yeah that's what i thought well you could ride me i'm doing all right anyway certainly are you two weeks notice written on every bottle of scotch from town hey layoff you got a new guy to worry about now yeah stepping off pretty soon i've got to get a divorce first don't i yeah that's right so you've been crying i have not don't kid me i've seen you cry too often if that's for me don't put too much water in it okay sweetheart this for you you'll have to play for yours professor well it won't be the first time you're talking about wait about fast and funny so you used to be a professor huh quite often dear old redlands conservatorium music remember that megan you're driving what's that a kid nothing i was just thinking we had fun riding at that resort yeah we did this boy we used to wear him and found him out with that number didn't we georgie hey hey remember when i saw my trumpet you had to bother say did we ever pray that five bucks back to murphy mercy he's who well she ran the joint in panama where we used to work she's butch's mother now pushes out chicken tell you to die the chicken trying to murder harry that's funny a chicken tried to kill you and he got attacked by a bed one too oh gee you look silly you see i got the house on fire you think she did they got the bed stuck in the door she wanted goats i never could figure that out oh an indie goats in a house yeah hey boy was that a night maggie took off her head when you think of your head and you know you had to make a noise like a boat together [Music] like this having a party maggie no no come in harvey hello mr howell hello ellen how are you how hello kid boys this is mr hall he's an old cowan from way out west how are you mr house glad to meet you any palace kids is a fella of mine oh do you know harry certainly we were witnesses it's good wedding weren't we yeah that's right that was some wedding we didn't even know what the guy was talking about maybe we weren't even married maybe you two were going a lot of trouble for nothing that would be a laugh wouldn't it well how do you have a dream for you right well there's no sense of standing around like this isn't it i know no i don't want to spoil anything for you it sounded very gay here to me when i came in why don't you go all of the music right surely mr howell play harry yeah please comfortable yeah come on play something harry the hull doesn't want to spoil anything for us come on beautiful how about you coming out with a song no would you like to hear a thing folks what would you like to hear seeing mr howell i think maggie knows what my favorite song is yeah i guess you all know what your favorite song is go and sing it for him no i don't want to sing that you're going to be cooked you're not going coy unless no i'm not drawing kroy one a little bit [Music] if it doesn't drive you instead if it's not a slave then nightly then it's nothing more than a game [Music] i'm not that way my heart never was taken commentated [Music] we're supposed to be celebrating away we ought to be happy and gay i ought to be giving the bite away get stopping boy who's got a better right to give the bride away it shows there's no hard feelings why do people have to be sore when they lose out in marriage why can't they join in the festivities come on here you play the wedding march went fast and hot this is a hot wedding come on harry play it [Music] no we're celebrating a wedding come on sing it everybody here comes the bride come on singing [Music] i think you better go now all right all right mr hall i'm going i'm going don't worry i'm going hello maggie [Music] yes we've looked every place to you do you know what time it is it's really time for you to go on get away from me kid snap out of it will you get away from me dude you've got to listen to me if you don't show up you'll get fired i said get away from me uh [Music] foreign [Music] before i got the nice people here i can have drums you know that hey wait a minute now this is the last time huh but take care of yourself oh you remember him let's just kid jump sure you certainly on the skids are now a skid of this kid did you hear that he can reset the humans [Music] hello check your coat yes please oh there's one for you too no never mind uh bye tony goodbye goodbye pretty soon oh hello booking agent told me i might find scared johnson here well he was here about three minutes ago but he went out you wouldn't have any idea where he went well i have no idea no no thank you it used to get my wife's manny she couldn't take it i used to say it just a teaser say what honey i can also get back in the army but you can't you know i never thought what did you say we can't use you you're all shot better put your clothes on son you're pretty shaky [Music] hey watch it hey oh hurry scared i've been looking all over town for you hey you're looking fine how are you doing i'm doing all right it's good i got a proposition oh straight i got to see no i know but first i got a proposition come on get in with me see we got a mighty sweet little swing bar now on me we're playing in towns in long island new jersey we're in long island tonight that's where you and i are going now oh you can't get out here skid we're on the bridge we're crossing the river i had a lesson in hunts come in town look for you so the band's getting a radio audition tonight i thought maybe you could jump in and help us out oh sure you can't scared uh you must be going nuts how often do you think i can get a band like yours by through to a sponsor you know what this chance means to you and ella you said a name i meant a name somebody remembers well i remember this i work my head off for a radio spot i get a big sponsor all steamed up i get it all set to pipe the bathroom in new york and then what do i hear all the time oh you said that before now listen i'm putting our programs due tonight hot or cold do we have to go through with it sure we'll have to go ahead too late to call it off now it's your funeral not mine i can always have another band i don't know where mrs skid johnson's stopping and move i gotta get in touch with him before she gets out of town you gotta help me mrs johnson you could always do anything with this kid and this is his last chance i was getting a bad guy mr johnson i sort of figured maybe he doesn't get wrong sure well yeah he had ruled me out to try give it gonna be a town long no i'm flying to the coast tonight i'm gonna be married as soon as i get there good view i guess just well just to forget all about skid i guess he does no good seems kind too bad though the kids got a lot of talent however then if he goes on his face ain't your turn elizabeth tell you by this johnson good luck a lot of happy thanks [Music] wow [Music] you'll never make it the broadcast isn't till 10 o'clock he's out like a life come on let's get some stuff maggie oh hello well how did you get him no don't tell me i know and i'll ring his neck how are you headed no i don't know georgie's home oh what is the other one you remember those emergencies i told you about [Music] not supposed to broadcast at 10 o'clock still there you see her brother don't kid me i've been seeing things lately i wouldn't catch it oh that's all you need i'm not ashamed of me are you mate no kid you're not going to like me are you i'd like a ride yet did you know something i can't get back in the army well you don't have to now oh you're going to be a big hit tonight only you got to put yourself together skid look look you know they're going to leave you listening to new york at 10 o'clock i don't think i can make it oh sure you can make it you've got to skid why without you well in here they're thinking you know they've been good friends about you can't walk out on them now i'm all shot oh you can come out of it no i didn't think i was pretty good you'll be all right gotta be all right get ready boys good evening friends we're broadcasting from the harmony dance hall the brightest night spot outside the city of new york there it is now we have a surprise for you tonight friends of course you all remember skip johnson and his magic trumpet back together again they're back together again right here and skib's going to play for you most any minute now he's doing a grand comeback he's climbing right back up on top the heap again better than ever come on let's give skid a hand [Applause] important [Applause] [Music] is that your hot truffle oh no no no i can't hear that there's probably somebody clowning [Music] yes you can darling put your arms on me with you somebody can't do it later candy [Music] i hear [Music] reaching out [Music] that's all right with me darling [Music] oh [Music] i hear a clone [Music] so so [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 70,751
Rating: 4.7027602 out of 5
Keywords: Swing High Swing Low (1937), Carole Lombard, Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Lamour, Mitchell Leisen, THE DANCE OF LIFE (1929), LOVE STORY, SCREWBALL COMEDY
Id: krSkukBYs1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 43sec (5803 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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