Rumba '35(Full) Carole Lombard & Margo - ルンバ /HD_日本語字幕

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lottery ticket you and your hunches how could I pass by a number that adds up to 17 I ask you baby why can't you work up a passion for steamer tickets they got numbers on two and they get you somewhere else listen if I win you can have a dozen trips back home one plenty if I ever get back on Broadway they'll have to blast me off you can have Broadway I'm staying here one seven one seven one $5,000 $5,000 I tell you about seventeen now what's that Joe you want $5,000 listen Joe I am a reporter no newspaper man ever had five grand and even if I did I would okay oh you won $5,000 oh well I'll come right over and help you count it always glad to do anything to help out a friend and there are 5,000 de Goswami coca tendrá que esperar momento por el dinero t e see what these change you have to cool your heels while I write out a cheque suits me thank us for next week in my life nothing like this for you he go isn't yummy oh wait oh oh ho give me the chicken I don't think it gave it to me die if it was my lolly I'd give her all my prizes I haven't got it look in your purse wonder feet just like me there it is yo help Ave thank you how would you carry what's worthless in here eat that what fighting yeah she's got my number anybody gonna see that I mean my lottery number right oh you're basil well it's a numeric identity there's something phony you and I are the same number I thought these lotteries were run by the government they are but phonies can be wrong in by anybody anywhere I guess you're out of luck sister well I think I'll live to it that's talking you're a good sport a Pareto PR es que no tiene la marca de agua hey Senor hey da Wei de Picardie este viernes parte de kado no tiene la marca de agua los ciento muchísimo what is he talking about man chances counterfeit there's no watermark you've been gift gift oh I get it baby so you're in with the racket - wait a minute how do you mean I lost didn't I yes we go three bad luck look I got 5,000 bucks coming to me and no Dame is gonna get me out of it are you accusing me do you think oh no nothing like that I went a fries and you carpet they're not squawk this is government business I have my rights have an eye I think you've said enough never mind hobby let me handle it yeah leave it to her she's doing alright we notice in your hero status he'll get solitary another girl of course you got he knows the lotteries Hey oh shut up you get yourself one Jane you all this lady an apology Anita you should learn to take your disappointments like a good sport can you beat that right in my hands and she walks off with it that's bad oh forget it Joe just a break when I find the bird that's on me these tickets oh don't be silly you were known at this hour I know him anywhere I never forget a face you're mangaka kidney who saw me go you think a new girl shall visit another lesson elephant advantage and poverty tulip aunty what were you telling that guy about me I said you were an elephant what do you mean I'm an elephant an elephant never forgets see that's why you're an elephant you're right I never forget if time we're getting to the rolling tar come on Joe Railly died I can't see why you want to come to a place like this actually tell your brother you explain things so well change change different catches he's alive alive what what I think he means people doesn't she ever seen people before that's it always the same people it's dull I distinctly said if I want to make loudly noises now I'm still thinking push chances after all I'm a human being and I'd like to act like one occasionally I I have a solution to all your troubles you can only take it he keeps proposing in front of me and it makes me nervous why won't you marry me die it's also right we have the same background the same trend you're some very nice things happy but not even the doting mother would recommend you as a cure for what's wrong with me no it won't work what are you talking about you talking about astronomy hobby isn't that the man we saw the lottery with my victory I told you the man that had the same numbers I lost I really die I can't understand you the matter was of no consequence if you keep right on thinking about it yes I do I'm sure he needed that money do you know that Jeff Miller Oh Mary we know his name you seen your flash ask him what's the idea that look here die he's probably like his friend they're not our kind you'll know that I should say that they breathe and have blood methane well it's nice of you to join us mr. flash said I don't have a drink mr. Escher mr. Lynch mr. Fletcher mr. Watkins and I'm Diana Hill no not a dice no not the one that used to be on top of medicines great god no I mean the one that sits on top of the world out there on that 400 foot yeah it's only 210 say a robot oh boy am I am I've been trying to go find a way to meet you I got to have an interview oh you're in print da da and you brought it on yourself there's one thing I want to know that's one thing the whole world wants to know what are you doing gage No Oh couldn't you be it would be swell for me you can break it later and then that'll give me two big story oh I'm sorry but I'll give you an interview on another subject if you'll give me one first Jude I don't want to know about your friend the one with the wrong ticket who is it namely Joe Martin dancer here's the band to kill but no doubt it's in there but you know I have to when he comes from New York what difference does it make what comes from what's that name with a lottery ticket celebrate she's got some other place to do it mr. size would you ask mr. Malla to join us all right would you sure I'll be glad to excuse me I'm taking this for a friend of mine don't feel so good you're not responsible what are you doing at that table an interview ain't you suppose I ever work for a living listen till she wants to meet you what're that they want to meet me will you stop asking me riddles all I know is she's one of the richest girls in the world that's the trouble and I'm just smart enough to know that I can't handle it yeah she's a swell dish - swell well what harm can he do - sit down at the table don't cost anything done it I let her have a good time at my expense nothing doing now scram here's the flashy wood buddies alone let's get out of here it's cutting away I want to state Meza where they didn't trust me what are you coming he asked me to excuse him he's not feeling so good now I won't come he'd be glad to but he's been a very important appointment with a big manager from New York then I'll go to him when you show me oh it's you good evening I suppose you came to see how I was bearing up well the answer is fine do you mind if I sit up why should I mind you still think I cheated you how should I know that's okay let's forget it I can't forget it that's the trouble the money means nothing to me absolutely nothing I'm not boasting really I'm not no what I mean is we each thought we had the right ticket it was a million luck that gave me the certified one that I think was terribly unfair I want to pretend it was the other way around let me get this straight you want to give me that dough yes say I'm not taking money from you or any other thing what do you think I am I'm sorry don't be sorry for me I'll owe in one of these joints someday oh I know BEC you know how this sounds if you're interested in me I am well why didn't you come out and say so thank you it's alright with me baby I'll play you sure make the grade on looks I can't even talk about that money of course you did it was a good way to start are you gonna let me help you with the dance huh No good night what's the rush come on be yourself will you work kindly open the door you look swell when you're mad you evidently misunderstood why I came here I know why you came here baby been a long time since I've had to slap a man say I told you look swelling the next time I go slumming I'll remember to stay out of the gutter hey don't give me that this is baby 9 did you know up to the point you'll mind your own business who's gonna make me she started nothing you guys let me go will it will let you go what do you want and none of you fire thanks i cured that mug yeah thank you George a self obedient girl it'll give you a story expansion started a document and maybe the number nationality this may be the lucky number don't ask me is your sister Sonny he agrees that theatre magazine owned a long face no attention to the store he will then know he does not like this little village well I know this must be required always excusing him hello aunt Maria there's a man can I wait on you yes I would like to stand an ugly one for the PSA you know a fan yeah here we are here we have some very pretty bandana yes but I prefer the plan that's right you said a fan yeah they're over there you know the stove that night mistake which I couldn't lie and go home alone especially with a valuable fan like that I was about this gift that there's some boyfriend taking me I mean I am taking yeah Tripucka well wait dummy turning our native dancer luck you do the same right music right costumes it's an idea baby we'd be but whatever man I'm telling you this kid spent months down the country learning let's move that now we open a nightclub the understand and it's a sensation we clean up listen back in Texas I made my money in cattle and if I ever invest any of it it's gonna be in more cattle when I strike that's right that's what we're gonna have in this place the most beautiful bunch of calves in all the world now you're taught how much you need just about right oh no no no $1,000 that's all the money I'll invest to start it well that's not very much we'll have to do it will suffice can't have $1,000 and remember I'm watching you yeah I know I know 100 200 never you know your children are gonna be very proud of you when they find out about this how many little ones have you how many kids I got two three four five six seven how old is the oldest oh she's about four six seven eight in the youngin how old is the younger my little one oh he's just a baby he's just one yield just one here that's fine yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one thousand oh you know it's really a shame that you have such a small family here you're right thank you very much yes you will you're Tyler will ya what are we gonna call this place the home of fine care Hey I don't know no we're gonna call this in others a kid we're gonna name this place la funky oh boy I've shaken hands with everybody in Havana tonight I haven't looked yet that sounds like a great opening even I'm excited me the man with nerves of steel if I asked you something you think you know what I'm talking about I'll answer it before yes first the Harrison yacht arrived this one second she got the card I checked third I have reserved a table in case fourth I have rolled out everything with the red carpet when you suppose that Troy think I remember I was gonna get it drink isn't it time say you look swell better than swell huh hurry that was so afraid I'd be late well if I'm gonna make the announcement I better have that drink first but you have a drink before you do it I must have a drink before I do anything Oh sit down I'm too nervous to sit down what are you nervous about you can do that dance backwards I know but with all those people staring at me to be different them how oh but don't worry I'll be all right the minute I start to them sure you will honey they'd be crazy about you just as crazy as you are about that Harrison girl you're wrong baby wait and see ladies and gent well look who's here fresh it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you our host Senor Jose Martinez and his charming partner Kamali I wonder if he's coming over here sorry Polly well I'd like to go someplace someday where guy doesn't know him evenings Harrison I don't suppose you remember me tonight I don't think I do but I do remember Joe Martin a very rude person you know affection coffee hello mr. Deane how do you do mr. Brockway señor how do you like my face look very charming do you mind if I ask miss Harrison to dance at all oh excuse me order me some food all right that's the atomic of the man like that twenty million dollars can't be wrong come on very well since the last time I thought yeah without taking money from day I'd almost forgotten about that night your judgment oh and you I said they're almost you're swell dancer thank you all that rumba you danced it was lovely no you just have to learn the steps well you got to have rhythm you've got all the rhythm in the world what are we talking about me and I thought it was very interesting that's what I think how long are you gonna be here just the two day is why and we can dance a lot together I might even learn that rumba I'll teach you I wouldn't let me I don't know is it a go maybe my perfume is bad for all I remember cost $35 an ounce that's about 50 cents a whippin just about then with like that hi I'm not the truth and dancing tonight oh that business every day will but yours turn them away I told you I didn't think I could come you want me to tell you yeah oh wow try this I remember candy now let's try it together I start do it from the beginning oh it's a love dance I love this oh what's the next step that's up to you what time it's very late I should have been home hours ago I've heard that every day for two weeks sure stay and have a bite with me why couldn't are you sure facial expand Wow you think if you ask me while we're dancing you'll have better luck stay Oh Oh to break this record such a nice record I want you to go maybe I don't want to well okay if you don't show up and left tomorrow night I'm gonna come and sit on your doorstep on a yacht there isn't any don't I'll bring one with me sing random days no never lose all the charm you lose now you got the wrong word I like the wrong word try the right tune that something should be right everything's like me you the world Oh everything what's the reason just the sea and the Sun shines and the cigarette smoke that blows through the Cabaret why don't you tell the truth all right I love him 10 have you ever had a man save you kid you're an awful swell baby no you miss tap your life thing what's it going to lead to is he in love with you we never told me in words but you want to see the expression in his eyes and in assessment town I'm so mad about Amos yes a radiogram vetericyn well leave it on the table over there thank you aren't you going to open it you read it and it your mother and I distressed by a newspaper story of you and nightclub dancer go ah you will come home as one have wide captain to stay up in New York as soon as y'all can be clear let me hear the finish time has arrived when your engagement should be announced to offset this story mmm sending me a wire like that treat me like an infant will they run my life for take it easy though I'm glad they make me shoot all I know I'm free to act as I choose in I share you can bet money on this don't be too hasty please run it and wake up a hundred miles at sea not me I know the excuse I've been looking for if there was anything needed to get me to do what I really want to do that's why come in for miss Harrison messenger is working bedroom only a pencil well here I am for better all would pick up your mind which huh think I wasn't coming baby maybe not okay drink no need one well when she surprised to get my note not very oh I see every charming young lady you teach the Rumba eventually since you are known and is tell to come around at two o'clock in the morning not always sometimes I feel tired and tell them one o'clock thanks for anubias compliment don't mention it I would have been very disappointed if you hadn't done would you really I've been hoping for weeks you'd do something like this good I've been hoping I would too aren't you even asked me what I wanted to see it with that why sure what is it things we've become copy for the new space there's a lot of it anything you do is news even when it comes to slumming around with a dancer what are you talking about the next time remember to keep out of the gutter why are you acting like this how do you expect me dad you're just another game as far as I'm concerned I'm sorry I I made the mistake of thinking we felt the same about each other now that doesn't make any difference I'll tell you something gotta water for my family they want me to come home immediately I see so you came here to tell me you were leaving no not quite I came here hoping you wouldn't let me go sure you was gotten a kick out of that wouldn't you you would have liked me to beg you to stay and tomorrow morning you would have left anyhow your mom I had a choice to make and I made it was not a hesitation came with my family I wasn't interested in coming back and I chose you instead and I wasn't just for tonight did you seem to think I never thought you felt that way about it well now you know goodbye die I'm sorry yes well girl I never knew house where you were I just want to get out of here before that funny nose feeling where thoughts and it starts to hurt you can't go don't cry golly don't worry don't say anything silly I guess I'm a little damnit you don't miss Harrison don't you I wanted to meet you thank you there's been telling me how crazy you were about him Joe's been telling you that let's get out in just a minute I didn't come here to see you walk out on me with that woman you tonight okay what I told you Joe it's not funny Frankie told me to be sure I'm coming here tonight and then when I got mistake come tell me that he hated you you told her that yeah I knew you were coming here he told me all about it he has never forgotten what you did to him and tonight he was going to pay you back you're crazy Am I he was going to let you make a fool of yourself and then treat you like all the other women I didn't thank you I guess I didn't pick it all I don't know why dance in same Joe Martin only not so obvious thank you very much so easy for a woman to like a fool of herself surprised I haven't done it before well I said what you wanted me to almost word-for-word for the crepe trick I wonder who is on a dancer in cabaret can you imagine whatever attracted her to a man like that yes I can imagine but that's not the point you are her father aren't you yes yeah but she's been home two days now why don't you say something to us am i I'm going to win immediately my day immediately you told me that yesterday and I suppose you'll block the report - no well here I am how are you don't look very well I'm sorry dear but I feel fine sit down your father has something to say to you I don't you hear me yes hello Diana Henry yes and Diana your mother has you killed yes your mother and I have been very much trouble about this mr. Kaufer yeah oh yes Spencer you see we thought that well that is if you look at this detectives report you'll see that our concern is is not without reason it seems that a few years ago this Joe Martin was connected with a gang right here in New York he got tied up with him quite innocently does it say that yes dear right here then he didn't do anything wrong himself he probably did well it doesn't say so here well we did before yes and Martin had some evidence that would send one of the gang to the chair they they tried to frame him and then they tried to bump him off there's nothing against him yet what day Martin was too clever for them and and he got away now I know why he hates Broadway I had never convey would you care to read the reporters out don't think now you'll see the kind of man he needed yes I - don't press mothers there's nothing even worry about I'm never gonna see him again and I might as well tell you I've broken my engagement with Harvey you can't do that I did oh he's such a fine young man if you like him so well dear why don't you marry me I'll tell Henry why didn't you say something to her well I I couldn't think of anything to say you know to speak conservatively my show be the biggest sensation for we've never seen if all there is in here if I can get Joe to continue or to do that rumba I've got a spot in the second act as a matter of fact I'm gonna build the whole show round it don't tell me tell him I think I've been telling him for three days why did I come to Cuba is he saying don't wondering whether I'm saying you know how much money on artichoke sure have half of what that's what you're gonna put in the paper how I'm gonna try once more it's no use I'm not interested get this through your dome I'm not going to New York why think of the money if I was after money do you think I would close up the space just when it was cleaning dough I'm fed up with the whole dance racket I'm through I'll make it 250 week Moreland play everything if I said I throw you leave me wouldn't you sure then why don't you make me when I say I won't go but there's no sense to all let me live my own life will you I'm not going to New York I'm not gonna dance in your show let me alone I give up tomorrow I sail for a home I quit a good newspaper job to manage it answer just when he quits dancing oh forget it it's because you lost the Dane you closed up the business I've got the option of going to work or starting today right get a hold of Sallah you tell him I changed my mind I'll go in this review huh don't sit there with your mouth open aren't you taking an awful chance pulling a New York get him and draw up the contract we mr. Harrison is not in with that Joe again he gave another name you run out of name soon he's been turning heaven and earth upside down trying to see you letters telegrams flowers it's all a waste of time I'm through definitely I think all right I don't like you so needing me to close these constant reminders I would agree I'll have one too silly cheap thing but I took for romance was merely a trick of excitement I thought it this time you get the name mr. Bern what are we doing about opening night are we going I'm not but I did all the tickets okay no message come in mr. Martinez a man left this note said it was important guy how did you get in here what difference does it make I have to see you alright let's get it over with well what is it you don't think I like coming here do you it had been any other day my would have forgotten how long ago I've been trying to with you I can't seem to do it what else maybe you don't know it the only reason I'm back in New York is on account of you well that's very flattering I'm sure you're right you walked out on the in abandon you thought that would finish it did as far as I was concerned not with me it didn't that's the reason I've been trying to get in touch with you you've got to know that I know I thought you'd realize it wasn't any use none of this means anything to me anymore you're only part of a very unpleasant episode in Havana now if you don't mind I have a lot of things to do with another headache listen Jose - the same guy used to call himself Joe mark wants to know about here my Harrison I'm trying to tell you something where did he pick up this room in the interior of Cuba does he do besides tasting a stain Jose Martinez listen I had to hire a [ __ ] with a club stand outside his door to beat the women away that was in Havana I want to hire a giant here why the delegation to reporters hold it we've got time for a few questions mr. Martino in a minute come on inside flash I want to talk to you read this letter I got think it's on the level name the fridge so what are you gonna do I'm staying right here I'm opening up our whole yard crash they hit a note warning if you're gonna be pop star opening night you have to take the tip with you nothing like a good story that's tell avoid nothing doing come on let's get rid of it Wow what do you suppose happened to those boys give me the copy desk get this Mac call it the dance of death Jose Martinez will defy death as College is opening Monday night my last will and testament joke please miss nuff said here don't weaken now baby you're doing swell the men at their posts yes sir everything is covered there okay Jim do you think they'll shoot him at the beginning of his dancer at the end of it but they have any sense of drama but they haven't they've probably shoot him right at the end for the big wow finish who do you think to do it I love quite a few looks like candidates to me now you feel kid how would you feel if you were in my place I'd shoot unless your guns are here a shot you are too nervous let me do it for you come on keep that chin up baby I want to do it really quick I'm going out oh you can't do that I can't watch me but you've no single routine I'll handle it you know but they have a torch an event you as well nobody's more surprised than me okay I guess I better change they're killing from now on things we're going to do that before when you take your vows cut about you take no more chances Wow oh you want to brother there's no thank you all those guys are behind bars I made sure that when I wrote the letter you wrote the letter sure it was a publicity stunt best one I ever thought up put you over with a bang another great trick like that and I'll shoot you when you take your vows please come on honey demise will learn how to take them you
Channel: V mutsuki
Views: 17,513
Rating: 4.889401 out of 5
Keywords: キャロル・ロンバード, ガイ・エンドア, ハリー・ラスキン, ジョージ・ラフト, ゲイル・パトリック, アイリス・エイドリアン, Marion Gering, Guy Endore, Howard J. Green, Seena Owen, Frank Partos, Harry Ruskin, Paul Girard Smith, George Raft
Id: yEV0i4IIqx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 42sec (4242 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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