The Arnelo Affair 1947 Frances Gifford, John Hodiak

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[Music] [Music] I'm sorry I'm late lady calls me up I'm usually on time why are you doing this to me there's been a joke will you please stop it now please let me alone I was crazy to ever I pay for it so much let me go I don't know thing about your kind of I don't want to it please let me elope all my life I've played it smart it's not true anymore [Music] you killed her I asked myself how'd it happen a you smart guy Tony I asked and I know the answer you not for you I've never blown my tap when she started shooting off her mouth lots of women I've had lots to say to me when I got there and you ran out on it once I knew in my head you never be back but she came back and she kept after me the only a lot misses boxing I'll go to the police police why not I've got a perfect alibi what have you got I can prove I prove what but you didn't murder her maybe can you prove that you weren't with me mrs. parks what can I otere you'll never let me go now you'll never let me go why did you ever bring him home that night why did you ever bring him home none of this would have happened it couldn't have I was so happy that night I was going out again with you it'd been so long since you wanted to I remember as I waited for you I danced with Rikki life was suddenly wonderful again Oh Ted why did you ever bring him home I was so happy that night [Laughter] the mom didn't get it the little code says where have you been it's been a long off to bed Rikki [Music] gone darling slate I never get to go to dancing parties neither does your mama often now get above the bed let your mama be wall she's my style maybe oh I miss Darwin and dr. bored again they just got here front room I'll tell him I'll be with him just as soon as I say good night to Ricky you sure is something thank you very much and so Kitty is tuned in tomorrow and the buyer will the man of iron be consumed in the volcano will darling meet her fate with him well Ricky turn off the radio and say good night to mother good night darling you'll smear your lipstick done I can't take you with me okay you'll be the prettiest mom thank you I'm getting spoiled tonight mom yes how many pieces of cake make a belly ache why I have one that's how many maybe you better leave the radio on it's awfully soothing for my opinion Ricky you didn't have any cake tonight that was last night oh good night mother good night Ricky hello Ann hello Doctor well this is dr. Avery border have you any messages for me I designed it I made it and I liked it anything else you want enough it's a tool no darling times have changed since she went to your last answer in a bustle I hope Ted likes it thank you if he doesn't he ought to have a transfusion where is the man with the legal briefcase secretary told me Danny's way you want to come out with us more often you look very lovely don't let it go to your head darling when Avery says that he's referring to her appendix Ted oh hello darling you came home dead and he was with you then I felt his eyes on me wha mind uh may I present mr. arnelle oh this is my wife mrs. Parkson how do you do you have a very beautiful wife mr. Parkson oh thank you and uh this is our neighbor the eminent dress shop industrialist miss Vivian delwyn I have a beautiful soul and dr. boarder no soul no beauty how do you do I attempted like this oh no intrusion at all I speak with authority I live upstairs mr. anello is one of my clients he owns nightclubs how exciting perhaps you could lend us one later small intimate type no cover charge well I hardly think tonight's the night for that you see mr. Inoue and I have some business to transact Oh wha and why don't you go along with Vivian and the good doctor and I'll join you as soon as we're finished excuse us please right this way mr. Arnot oh nice place you got here it's my wife's taste she does all right it's one of her hobbies interrelating dead that night as you walked away and left me is you had so many times before suddenly I felt so surely you didn't need me anymore as wife as a woman as I waited the long hours for you through my tears I thought of many things and then we was a pain that had been there a long time [Music] No [Music] that's entirely up to the appellate court oh darling you didn't go after all yeah I'm terribly sorry but this matter had to be settled tonight you see we go to court in the morning and it means quite a lot of money to mr. arnelle oh this way if you'll be my guest when the just in time for the for show of my club over on Chicago Avenue Oh No thank you I think not and after all this is my fault I promise you'll find it very interesting mr. Arnold when our small fry gets in action here it's quite enough floor show for us mrs. Parkson and I don't go in for night clubs very much how about that mrs. Parkson no we don't mrs. Parkson she doesn't say it with conviction if you change your mind well thank you but I don't think we will you never can tell well I'm afraid I left my hat my coat oh yes I'll get them that's a very lovely dress mrs. Parkson thank you they're very beautiful woman like glass from Venice come now mr. Annelle really I mean that only kids an old man is supposed to say what they think but I always say what I think yeah you're embarrassing I don't well there you are thank you mr. Parkson I'd like to ask you a favor certainly what is it I was wondering if I could call on your wife for help my wife sure she said her hobby was interior decorating I thought she might be able to do a job at my place and make some money at it well hi I don't think she'd be interested but why don't you ask her I will when I'm all set goodbye goodbye and thank you very much for driving me up and your order we'll have the figures of my office in the morning but good night well I'd like to find yourself doing a job for that character darling I'm terribly sorry about tonight but after all it may be just as well because I've got to be in court first thing in the morning it's all right IRA are you coming in yes what's his trouble oh that man Oh usual thing for that sort of person he's in tax difficulties with the government why I just wondered I've thought to myself beautifully what I but you Ted no longer said it to me got a problem yep big one no big the pop is getting madder every minute ricky-ricky haven't you gone yet he's got a problem I got dishes all right mr. whatsit this morning all right speak up Maybelle tell mr. Parkson Ricky we'll be right out well what's the problem well I need 25 cents that's a great deal of money yep why do you need it I can't tell you that is a problem 25 cents and no questions asked yep can't go to school without it nope we'll run along and tell your father I said to give you 25 cents and no questions asked thanks mom I get a date you what his card as I picked it up dead my heart began to be so strangely I remembered his look his words why should I remember I was a happily married woman happily married hello good morning mrs. Parkson who is this Tony Harnell oh oh I'm fine I was really serious about your helping me how about talking it over at my place today Jarnell oh I don't even know that I could come over two o'clock and make up your mind no I couldn't really alright take it over I'll call you again goodbye go over to his place two o'clock no it's impossible but his boys stayed in my mind are you thinking of using it as a house dress or are you going to let it out for Maybelle it is attractive isn't it yeah just the thing for the boudoir when I think how I slaved over that dress Salvation Army could do business here I bought them at your shop well that was before I lost my amateur standing well what happened last night as if I didn't know be of good cheer darling maybe the lawyers building will burn down someday and ped will have to take you out please forgive me I'm the repulsive type before I've had my morning coffee come on you know and just give me a plate of bacon and eggs a full pocketbook a chinchilla coat and the man and I'm happy I'm such a simple girl how about some more coffee Roger who's Roger I still don't understand why you can't come downtown with me oh there's so much to do Mabel as our hands full with the cleaning and the curriculums Ricky just part of 25 cents to take a girl home well I will foot nine hey speaking of wolves who was that character howling around here last night barn yellow or something like that I know them well whatever it is he certainly has a pair of radar eyes don't you think something I hadn't noticed mmm-hmm get out of here thanks for the calories Vivian hmm I think I will go with you now perhaps I do need some your clothes well you change your mind faster than a ballet dancer over the edge hurry Connie tie it up before my customer gets too old to carry it out bo not slipknot hangman's knot I don't care just tie it there you are n now I hope you're aware this where someone will see you and it's wild did you see mrs. Parkson she just left well maybe I ought to put zippers on these boxes yeah suddenly I couldn't stand Vivian's chatter anymore yeah I want it to be out walk yes I just wanted to walk walk fast against the wind the wind was cold and I then well I did walk further than I thought Chicago heaven yes why not look at that place it is curious that's all I was just curious [Music] I found myself getting closer and closer I'd go in tell him that my working for me without a question and look him straight in the face back tonight taxi taxi I came home so angry with myself I was behaving like a child miss Martin yes that was a phone call by him called mr. Paz thank you [Music] as I stood there falling I thought to myself well that and your foolishness mrs. parks you'll never see the pan again never talk to him again that ends it Ricky have a good lunch yeah oh he won't eat any more eggs he said he talked it over with the chicken hello this is mrs. Parkson oh yes miss parks not a message for you mr. Parkson left for Court he asked me to tell you that he won't be home for dinner tonight thank you yes mrs. Parkson there was nothing wrong with your idea you saw I saw you leave by Jet Propulsion I was wrong the service of the floor show I'm sorry mr. arnelle oh I just changed my mind why not get a chance to make up your mind first I need your help you want to give it I'm not sure that I can but you can help me I'll take that chance why not tomorrow say two o'clock I'll think about it I promise you you'll find it very interesting goodbye mrs. Parkson tomorrow two o'clock goodbye two o'clock I thought why not why not act early and meet the man and talk to him what harm could there possibly be in talking to him he said I find it very interesting and it was interesting that next day that's the way I want the colours at my place the way he saw them bright and burning the way they never really are but should be you amaze me your longest arnelle that's what I mean I've come here since I was a kid why I like what's beautiful I think that's it thank you very much thank you well I guess that's all you'll need I think if you wait on the rub you should get a better price later on no I'm the one who's amazed you've got a business hand thank you sir am I hired what do you think I think I'm enjoying myself very much have I spent all of you money I've got enough left for lunch then I started to work in an interior decorating shop I was all of 16 and full of great ideas you know save a dollar a week before you know it you have a few headed thousand dollars and buy the place then Ted and I were married he was the boy next door I've talked more about myself today than I have in a long long time me too you know it's a funny thing what well everything you picked out for me today I liked it it's never been that way for me with other women been a wonderful day it's gone so quickly not all God I told you you were hired when I get to work no it's so late I must be getting home all right mrs. Parkson you can stop making over Tony on Ella's place tomorrow at 2 o'clock I'll be waiting for Ted as I turned away from him again my heart was pounding what was wrong with me the men have been a perfect gentleman you came home late that night remember as I waited for you I thought of all the fun and laughter I'd had that day and I remembered the wonderful times that we'd had together very long time ago Ted yes dear how was the meeting whoa collective headache thank you for the new compact well where'd you get that I thought it in your berth bench a little while ago mmm that was supposed to be a surprise it's not Li I told you had him out to something someday paid in full anyone who sets out to be a lawyer ought to have his head examined have trial judge today the Honorable mr. Dracula Ted yeah what would you say if I told you I was going into the interior decorating business I'd tell you to forget it I've got enough on my mind Ricky gave me quite a surprise today when I came home from school he was amazingly quiet I asked him if it had anything to do with Miss dips in that school teacher he did tests he said no then I asked me that had anything to do with subtraction financial problems or his latest date he said no finally I got him to talk this time it seems he has a very special problem he's decided that he wants three brothers two sisters no less he says he simply won't take no for an answer don't you think it's about time that you talked to him father to son you know I don't understand how people can complicate their lives like this we never should have accepted this case [Music] at two o'clock the next day [Music] I kept my appointment [Music] see mrs. Parkson I like things in good taste just like you do but you can do better than this for me I know it [Music] [Music] I like open fireplaces maybe that's because when I was a kid I could never get warm enough my brothers and I used to go along the railroad tracks looking for coal all the rest of your life you're cold when you start out like that you look right in that chair flowers in the chancel dialects and roses you're like one of auxin roses yourself Carolyn think somebody like me to appreciate somebody like you [Music] my momma tell me a long time ago it isn't polite to sit in the house when you killed her [Music] good [Music] I'm glad you're not talking you must have talked a million words to yourself on your way here try to keep from coming here never sweet smile smile again Tony wants only to bring smiles to your pretty face I smile again that's better so my family is your mum sure you do [Music] my mama used to say cold grapes from a blue ball were made by the Angels for the beautiful and the good you know some people think a guy like me is no good oh good you told my mama that should tear your eyes huh yeah nobody can say anything against Tony to my mama I got a good sometimes when I go home to see her she makes me sit by the fire like this she sings all the old songs to me just like a kid she never liked any the others I brought over she'd like you you're what she's been telling me about [Music] I'd like to meet you mother someday now I think it's time we talked about changing his room No [Music] now I think it's time you were going home mrs. Parkson yes I said home [Music] tomorrow two o'clock don't bother it about [Music] two o'clock that night I went to you again damn it it took me hours to find the words to say to you well first clear day we'll take her out a test hopper I mean you will say yeah we'd better get busy and fix that broken chair okay okay pop it's got the Wiggles yeah it sure has first we will drill a hole right in here ha I'll do it no here I better do that rink you know these drills are kind of dangerous for small boys there we are I will put a screw in there tighten it up hey pop no now wait a minute I better do this to you no screwdrivers are kind of dangerous for small boys also if we just had a little dab of paint to cover this up you just as good as new sorry Ricky Rick what's matter time for the carpenter to go to bed yeah he's been enjoying himself long enough yeah I guess you had enough fun for one night huh pal dad what are you gonna do when I grow up huh oh isn't that a shame I had no idea well someday he'll have kids of his own then he can have some fun how's everything at the office Oh fine it's good everything's going all right couldn't be better then we could go away for a little while you know they don't build these things don't last anymore Ted can we go away oh sure if it's a clear day we can take the car and drive up the lake Sunday I don't mean that Ted I mean away far away for a long time well we could go to Switzerland by way of South America we've got to go away we're not together not anymore you're at the office or else you're down here trying to get outside you are please let's go away together Ted but we are together oh I know I'll try to raise to take you out more take me out Ted do you think it's the dancing the people it's to be with you talk laughs and plan tell you everything that I hope that please let go away I've got five or six fees to prepare very important cases important what's more important and I'm trying to tell you you're tired and saw mine I've worked for ten years to get where we are and I just can't simply walk out in the middle of it leave all these litigations you won't go away well now what's the use of talking about it if you're gonna be irrational [Music] and then Ted I was going to him there's no other way to say I was going to him [Applause] [Music] rinoa you've drowned Allah [Music] [Music] who are you I said who are you two o'clock that was the time wasn't it two o'clock well wasn't it he thought he'd arranged it so cleverly I wouldn't be here no you're wrong wrong about what tell me look I'm not a pickup I'm Claire Laura stand talk to me here was a mistake mistake finding you here please let me go what did you come here for soft lights and music and the big romance well it's not that it's take what he wants and I slap in the mouth when he's through with you or was it a cheap thrill oh don't kid yourself because plenty with Tony I know shut up Oh dad Ted cannot begin to tell you how I felt at that moment all that I had done and almost done filming at all that shame but I told myself at last it was over as he tried to reach me again and again I tried to put into words what I found final sort of words that even at Tony Aiello could understand [Music] mommy I found it mommy did you hear me I found it what their a birthday present for me bill what is it a dog a genuine champion dog it says he's faithful kind and I - servant of the people sounds like a politician some present huh mom what talk to your father got it and when maybe I was busy I could sort of personally take care of him that sounds generous ya know dogs are also good for saving small children my fires in disaster darling I told you we talked to your father about it okay mom yester I've decided something what you're beautiful thank you how's your homework spelling confuses me quite for instance Oh take something simple that's perfect for me why is CAT cat why isn't it fish well because a cat is a cat and a fish is a fish well what if I catch a fish Rickey ring ring ring oh time where's my secretary it's Blodgett this box yes said it going and Kenny you just got to talk to him I am NOT at home now as crazy bad Mabel I just told you what to tell him please do it alright alright I'll tell it calling all that who's crazy mad no one that matters darling no one that matters at all yes it was over ten but the first time in all those miserable days I was happy again it was acted uh no thank you my bill once enough say where's our mr. Freud this morning he'll be late for work Here I am Oh hiya pal oh we have a problem anything you want to tell us darling I had a dream everybody has dreams yeah but not like this one well we might as well get it over with what happened I dreamt I was in a place where everything was made out of ice cream chocolate in tutti frutti well that's a pretty swell dream pal all the rivers were chocolate syrup and the lakes pineapple well that's a beautiful dream oh you haven't got a problem I haven't finished oh I beg your pardon there's more yes sir I dreamt about all this ice cream chocolate syrup but I couldn't eat it my mouth was all sewed up sewed up Ricky dan do you think I should be psychoanalyzed maybe you need a mouth full of mush [Music] [Music] police baffled by access my paper son [Music] say who wrote that see Tchaikovsky down darling what's the trouble I have a splitting headache I didn't want to tell oh that's a shame can I get you something no hobby alright how about if maybe I'll bring you some more coffee mother's murder like killing Ricky don't bother your mother yes murder means taking away another person's life my gangsters really there must be something else we can talk about your mother's right Ricky murder is hardly a fit subject for a conversation at the breakfast table you see murder means to take away another person's right to live there's no greater crime than only why do people do it well because some people just have darkness and evil inside of me sometimes they're born that way and sometimes it comes on and like a disease because someone else has been unbearable then sometimes it's there for reasons that we don't quite understand as yet and all grown up people no of course not not in all grown ups not me them that's my boy no not your mother your father your grandmother your aunt Tilly will you forget about murder and get busy with that mush there I gotta get to the office goodbye pal have a good day goodbye darling take it easy today you've been doing too much bye Dan bye [Music] Ted after you've gone and I picked up that paper I told myself with a joke some terrible joke that Tony Ornella was playing on I'd see him talk to him but it isn't a joke it's true he's here next to me and he'll never let me go not Ted Neff Oh Ted why did you ever bring him home that night why did you ever bring him home there's only one way out of this mrs. Parkson and you know what that is [Music] like contact why I saw a way to make sure you'd be back I came here to tell you that I'm not afraid of anything you might do know listen nobody's ever seen me whether you hear me nobody so I'm in the clear but if you decide to talk even Parkson couldn't take what I could say about you I don't nothing my husband would never believe maybe not the words would be in the newspapers just the same and your best friends would believe and so are the senior partners of his precious law firm yes he's been working hard for them for what is it ten years he's about ready to cash him that's big stuff would you spoil at mrs. Parkson you wouldn't dare everything you said about me would connect you with her the police had believed that that wouldn't make any difference there are thousands of women I'm sure all the same didn't let me go that's changed whether you want to or not why why I don't know I don't care I look at you and all the rest of nothing you're with me and you'll be with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Ted I know and it's my time to do the telling I've been thinking about it for the last few days and I just haven't been able to find the right words maybe that's what's the matter [Applause] I haven't said I love you Ann as much as in the beginning no more I wake up in the morning and I see you lying there and it's good during the day I know that you're with Ricki in our home that's good too then at night when I come home from the office no matter how tired I am when you give me that funny little smile of yours before you say well doesn't make any difference what's happened that day everything is alright again I haven't said these things to you for a long time because I I took it for granted that you know I suppose you're wondering why I'm saying them now it's because of the other night when you asked if we couldn't go away together I got angry with you because I thought you were trying to take me away from my work I've thought about it ever since I realize how wrong I wasn't speaking to either way I did 100 litigations a hundred thousand with every verdict on the books in my favor what would it add up to of if you weren't with me if you weren't happy so darling whenever you want to go away that's all I have to say except this if you hadn't come to the office today I was coming home to tell you these things because this is the day when we should say the things that are in our heart you've been so upset you haven't remembered this is our 12th wedding anniversary I love you 12 times as much my darling [Music] little darling we're here merrily Oh dancing music fun lately c-come on good evening good evening come on darling it's a surprise [Music] Oh why and you're allergic to female crooners firstly someday I'd like to detect a shot - well I love the sound of popping corks for my part I think champagne is rather vulgar touch me get good and vulgar put it in three this is indeed a pleasure mrs. Parkson how nice to see you again Oh Oh the man with the four alarm eyes hello are nello you mine of course not [Music] now waiting quicker stomach the boss won't drink he's on soda pop a little too early for me please go ahead take much as it lasts no more credit holy hold it everybody when on occasions such as this the toast is in order and I'm just the boy who could give it on order an occasion hasn't someone told you this is the 12th wedding anniversary of the lovebirds [Music] then I will drink sorry waiter this can't keep [Music] I drink to the Kasbah to end in today they do not have another anniversary with my face be red oh is it that bad that is the man I loosely call my husband no may I make a toast this I want to hear I'd like to say that someday soon I hope to have the same good fortune as mr. Parkson man aren't you gonna drink to that charming toast I did [Music] what in hell this isn't honor there's one can I talk to him why not I'm sure none of your one of us meeting my very old friends and Leonard of the homicide squad detective did i murder someone again last night darn an amnesia I try to see you this afternoon are you the deductive type or the hard-boiled slap around time I hope depends did you know a girl named Clara Larson the actress that was murdered yes the actress was murdered did you know her I knew her good girl don't look at me like that she only came into my shop she was a very pretty girl wasn't she not when I saw her Oh tell us the details was she will you be quiet my vocal : why do you ask me about it Sam oh darling I've missed you your name was found in a car to mother effect is that all with you that's enough I'm in business Sam lots of those theatrical people come in here okay you remember seeing her here no Sam all right wait a minute have a drink oh yes of course nothing that isn't polite this is mr. and mrs. Parsons wedding anniversary sure is it all over it's quite all over a third degree partner may I borrow your rubber hose and a piece of lead pipe to liquidate my wife I for one think all is applauded about one mother seems rather sardonic did you pronounce that sardonic yes short while ago millions have helped us little people were being murdered all over the world some of them murderers by behaving like nice defeated little people who are walking about scot-free this very minute and here one girl has killed him from what I read the town's being turned upside down that is a joke isn't it yeah and what's everyone so excited about if you don't mind I'd like to answer that go ahead if we've learned anything in these last few years it's at the harm done one person anywhere in the world is done to each of us individually well a humanitarian in plainclothes to our dearest darling avenging homicide squad and to a beautiful crime what's the matter wrong music crime is not funny to me mister and I won't drink to it when somebody else is buying the drinks well mr. and mrs. Parkson Samantha same idea I think one of the reasons for the increase in crime is that too many people think it's funny to break the law don't you think there's a little of what you might call larceny and everybody mr. Parkson here yeah no I think that's a false assumption and a very convenient one for the law breaker you see if he can perpetuate that bit of fiction he can always excuse himself by saying there but for the grace of God go you you'll sound like a very forgiving man I'm afraid I'm not how do you like that I'll make a toast and everybody gets burned up Oh somebody please refill my fire extinguisher I'm going to say something mr. Clarkson this probably isn't the place to say it but I get a little tired of hearing people talk like you do really what's the trouble talk about holding the law and handing out punishment it's easy enough to talk about when it isn't happening to you well I think I'd feel the same way under any circumstances any circumstances you have the body were in your own house are you speaking of murder mr. Ranallo sure murder or for that matter any crime from shoplifting to hacking up a body and bringing it in the furnace well for a night club party this certainly has turned into a visit to the morgue yes what is this material apart of your floor Joe I think this is a very interesting conversation I asked you a question mr. Parkson why don't you answer oh I will by all means where crime is concerned with a criminal my own mother I'd turn her in to the authorities oh he said it the man said it does this an anniversary party or the criminal card detective like mr. Leonard sits down with you you always end up talking murder blame the council or not me blame the counselor and you're married to the character what he turn in his own mother about it mrs. Barton would he turn in my MA for murder [Music] you know an just give me a plate of bacon and eggs for food pocketbook pitch and chill a coat and a man I seem to have said that before oh you are eating within words so restful come on have some eggs please John I have some coffee I made you fall apart like that last night you know my brain may never be preserved in alcohol but I catch on quick now how could you get the toast that black without burning down the house why did you swim last night where folks are sick they should rest in peace oh that's quite a figure of speech that's quite a figure you know I'm worried about my failing appetite look darling you're obviously in the middle of a problem and a problem means a man and a man always brings Vivian on our little red fire wagon want to tell me about it I don't know what you mean huh quite a tidy breakfast well I'm the last gal to he've stones and to coin a cliche I don't blame you for trying your wings a little my only objection is to the bird you've picked excuse me miss parson telephone I told him you was busy I just kept telling him he said ten years was two o'clock it's just after 9:00 it's all right I'll answer excuse me and I was saying Canaries and Hawks don't make good playmates I have to answer the telephone tell you have to answer the telephone yes how do you feel what is it I just got a tip that Detective human in my place will visit you today in case you decide to say the wrong words I want to tell you something you don't know that letter you started to write to me about a certain lady about what's happened can't be changed about how crazy you were to do what you did remember I got that letter so now it's what the police call a complete case proof you were there proof you had a motive I didn't mean her was you but you didn't finish the letter so it's too bad [Music] murder never makes sense we ask questions sometimes don't make sense either I suppose I should be angry about all this but as a matter of fact I'm just amused okay but even the best joke will only go so far mr. Leonard what is this all about mr. Parkson you're a lawyer and they tell me you're pretty good well I bet there been times when you've gone into court and haven't had much of a case so you just kept on talking and hold it how the people keep on talking to you that's right that's where's with me I'm talking I'm hoping well I hope you get it Thanks Oh mr. Parkson do you have any hobbies yes what you make things model workshop yes how did you know more strawberry I'd like to speak to mr. arnelle oh please will you tell him that his attorney mr. Parkson call and I want him to call me as soon as possible it's very important thank you you collect tropical fish my husband does an interesting hobby did your husband know Clara Larson no did you know you ought to tell your husband he's keeping this water a little too hot keeps him having young ones How well do you know Tony our Nilla he's a quiet of my husband mrs. Parkson where were you the day Clara Larson was murdered I don't know what day that was forgotten so soon two days ago where did you go that day oh yeah home in choppy with home Vivian Darwin until what time how do I remember by the late were you home for dinner yet of course why must you ask me these questions just grabbing at straws for thanks [Applause] cause he he's nine minds eight don't forget to tell your husband about not keeping that water too hot well Maybelle I guess I'm just a farm boy at heart I still like to wash up in the kitchen oh I don't mind I'm just a farm girl from Holland myself and yes Ted guess what I'm suspected of murder you remember that detective the fella we met at our Nello's last night he dropped in the office today to see me why did he want you why'd you say why did he want you well he um he asked a lot of questions he finally admitted he was just grasping at straws that was his trick phrase not mine why you I have the slightest idea he mentioned something about being interested in my reactions to what he said about murder last night but then he didn't talk about it you're the one he should have gone after after all you're the one who fainted not I that's true you think I oughta hire a lawyer you know how Ricky feels about law and order he's a chip off my block I'm going to my room for a minute okay Maybelle how about a small snitch looks like you didn't have your life oh that reminds me you better cool off the water in the fishbowl hmm she seemed to know what he was talking about that mr. lemon one two three four hi hi coach touchdown no not tonight sound I got to talk to you man oh yeah did you hurt yourself oh I'm okay but if we busted mom's mirror no it's alright look at the pretty key mom stop [Music] I got full [Music] hello yes this mr. parks who yes I did call you I must see you right away tonight where can you meet me now I'd rather not discuss it over the phone very well my office tomorrow at 2 o'clock [Music] is anything wrong dear No no it was just a client [Music] I told you you'd hear yeah I'm sure he ain't it when when every time you've called up I've told you he don't get here to twelve oh please lady have a hard with you thank you now wait a minute mr. Parkson for the last half hour you've been throwing the book at me I'm gonna throw one at you who are you here to represent Tony arnelle over yourself I'm representing mr. anello in a tax matter but apparently that representation implicates myself and my family and some sort of a crime the either has or is suspected of having committed I want the facts in this case I'm entitled to know them does Tony Harnell oh no you're here for the last 30 minutes mr. Leonard you'd given me nothing but double-talk I haven't had one direct answer mr. Arnold was due at my office at two o'clock now if he's implicated in a criminal case I'm a title to know about it our firm is a very conservative one well Frank Knight George you were saying mr. Parkson I was saying that I want the facts in this case all of them if you haven't any say so because I haven't oh yes there's a fact for you it's the only one we have outside of Tony our Nellas name written on a card may I unusual isn't it was found next to the body and the murderer was a woman between the fact like that in the conviction is a long road I'm traveling it [Music] I'm sorry state's evidence no more questions mr. Parkson no I I [Music] No [Music] this boxer Rick is ready mr. Parkson it's alright I have a headache I'll get you some pills no Mabel you take with you to his grandmother's oh there's box and I thought I was pleased right away yes let's put on different clothes if I'm gonna take Ricky out are you sure mr. parks and said he wasn't coming home that's what he said [Music] [Music] all my life everyone's been good at home my mother and father and then Ted I've never known what has been to be hurt would you tell me that day about your mother in your home you know what it is to have nothing in to be hurt maybe that's why you're doing this to me I can't make up for what you didn't have and I'm not to blame for it I I almost told you today I went to be off I was going to take Ted I did it because I was lonely you were with me so little you thought of us so much but it was so little the crazy thing that I did I paid for was so many tears isn't that enough Ted all the tears what if he wouldn't listen to me what if he wouldn't believe me Rick Oh what if he took Rikki away from I've never understood that people could bet I'm begging you now Ricky needs me for his sake let me alone I wish I wish I could deal in your hand I mean all the years I wish I could say a hand I love you I'm Tony Aiello and I live back at the tracks with my mom my brothers I haven't had much I've got a job and I'll take care of you the rest of my life can I come over to your house and ask your mom pop it's okay for you to marry me and you will marry me that's the way I wanted with you in the morning you come to my place or I'll come to yours that's it [Music] sorry I couldn't keep our two o'clock appointment I got tied up more papers falling sign [Music] look I can't read minds talk words what about my wife what about your life she's been coming here you've been working too hard mr. chuka I want an answer [Music] mr. Parkson you've got a beautiful wife I saw it once twice they were there both times and excuse me I've had a tough day [Music] whatever's going on between my wife and you I won't discuss now I'll take care of that later but murder she's been accused of murder why do you say that don't play games with me you know it to Leonard believes that she did it he knows who she is and where she is in any minute now Arnel oh my wife didn't kill that woman you of all people know that she didn't if you tell me the truth I swear that I'll help tell me and didn't kill I can't tell you that you liar she didn't kill mr. Parkson say it a million times it doesn't change the facts even married to her for a long time but you don't know her at all you let her down she fell in love with me she killed that woman in you and I can't change that [Music] why do you think she fainted when that detective was talking to me open your eyes man remember she went out of her head she left her compact there she even wrote me a letter saying she did it let her yes let her I've got it you can read it yourself she tells why she did it and when she did it I'm going out of my head trying to figure a way out for I think I know it now but you've got to go home and keep your mouth shut her I can't help her if you really want to help an please go home [Music] I just haven't been sleeping well come to the office and let me make a thorough check oh it's so late I must get home I don't want to worry to it if you aren't feeling well if I could just get some sleep I know I'd be all right I'm all right I'll take care of that come along please I'm gonna give you these on one condition you'll be in my office at 10 o'clock in the morning it's a fetish checkup you can take two of these I think ones enough yeah take it just before you go to bed could I have a glass of water [Applause] [Music] you married the girl so you thought that was settled that's what marriage is supposed to do to a woman isn't it settle her down pretty soon it becomes a routine house worth children husband and she knows what day it is and she knows what a minute it is because it's always the same well the husband finds plenty to interest him making money making a career for himself meeting some cutie pie in the office who makes him forget what time it is then the little woman of the house starts playing around with sauce for the goose pretty soon she and the husband are running in opposite directions meeting only to discuss alimony and how often Papa should see the children understand how old brother Vivian you've got to listen to me they think that aunt killed that woman what that actress they think that aunt killed her Ted are you crazy the police believe she did it they found Anne's compact by the body do you actually believe it Anne listen if anyone had told me a week ago that my wife but tonight I was with the man I didn't kill him I didn't even hit him I just listened to him all I could do was stand and listen to him take it easy Ted so hi solder I had it an hour before she was found dead so I killed her I'm facing the facts are nello told me that he had a letter that Ann had written which he says it okay what's the matter what time was Claire lorrison in your shop what time did you say Claire Larson was in your shop well I was just closing she made me open up for her what time tell me six thirty six but we had dinner together at six o'clock at home and was at home do you hear me mama saw lieutenant Leonard this is mr. Parkson oh yes exactly what time was Claire lorrison murdered well as near as those things can be figured the car and her estimates it happened between seven and eight o'clock why nothing at all thank you very much I [Applause] [Music] love you I love you very much I love you as much as I did at first I love you [Music] you'll be the prettiest mom mom I decided something you're beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright George bring them along to headquarters stay with us mr. Parkson see Tony just saved you from having your head blown off don't underestimate him I remember hearing your ma said and the righteous man is finally moved to fury it's like the hand of God okay I'll take care of you for Christmas you can drop me off at the next corner this ride is longer than that even let me add one I want to get out haven't you wondered why I let you get away with murder this long did I kill somebody it was nothing to connect you with the death of Clara large milling it all until that nightclub party when your bruised ego ran away with your tongue and mrs. Parkson fainted and I saw the whole thing as clear as if you'd written it out for me play out your blood you were doing the bluffing do you thought mrs. Parkson had never talked about you and now she will because her husband found out that she was home the very hour Clara Larson was killed a gambler like you should know that bluffs don't pay off in the end not if you can back him up I'm sure of her little in this life honey but I'm sure you're cooked she was just a matter of my waiting until the husband started working on the suspicions I gave him you better tell me the truth Tony probably otherwise you're a dead man what's funny I'm gonna spoil your ride saying I'm gonna stay alive and you know it not when I get through not on you or tell the judge and I got to good to stick to your design for what you call living punching a time clock watching the nickels tipping my head to the boss yes sir no sir thanks for the gold watch but I'm too old to hear a tick surely you're not going to tell the judge of this case you got against me Sam because I'm where I said there's nothing but a bright idea and nothing to back it up that even a two-bit lawyer wouldn't blow up right in the DA's face dead man Sam no a beer huh you'll go to trial I've got enough on you for that you'll go to trial and you'll get up and look courtroom and they'll call your murderer and you'll know it's true even if you get away with it you'll know it's true okay say like I told you I was still the era and mrs. Parkson he must have wanted her a great deal to mix her up in this what are you talking about doesn't make any difference to you that every time I dirty you over the trial she gets it too you never thought about her in the trial did you know I should you she'll be there she'll be on trial just the same as you'll be I'm asking you what are you talking about a woman who is mixed up with Tony Yarnell or the murderer that's her ticket from now on how do they call you at the station the preacher you'll throw your money around and maybe get away with this it's not the end for her she's got a face your neighbors and friends you're not a preacher you're an old woman with a running mouth well they won't forget and they won't let her forget that she was part of the dirty life for Tony Yarnell Oh it's a terrible thing about this a life of endless tears once she enters that courtroom and gets in the newspapers no for nothing well because of you guy that's never had a thought about anything but himself in all his life it's a fitting climax to your life Tony murdering one woman killing another is your trial of killin Parkson show her normal life with her husband and their kid a normal life of good people tell me you wouldn't understand what that is sure it's 9:00 to 5:00 and punching a clock and gettin old without any easy money but there's other things too there's loving somebody and having her love you no matter what having a kid's buyer working and hoping with her and getting old with her besides you still loving you no matter what pure you're right I'm the preacher and you're one of the wise guys it's inherit of the earth [Music] I'm talking to you about this you have no reason to Karen thing about her guy just never cared for anything in his life never loved anything I know Tony [Music] [Music] excellent parks I lied all the way didn't Maybelle what's it did Averys with her now I came down to talk to her and Pam I gave her some pills this afternoon she took too many she's alright hello darling - quietly you're not supposed to talk please miss I know Avery was a little too generous with those pills that it's not going in her up believe me it's all right I'm not you Ricky how about you why no I worried about business the world and what I said that day and now I know it's true nothing adds up unless you're happy unless we're really together he won't let us dead you don't know him he won't let us I know you better fix your pretty face [Music] see I told you we tomorrow something someday listen matter you got a problem [Music] goodnight mom [Music] [Music]
Channel: Donna Fan
Views: 179,167
Rating: 4.7554898 out of 5
Keywords: Fracnes Gifford, John Hodiak, George Murphy, Arnelo Affair, Classic Movies
Id: zq7cjxwN9LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 17sec (5237 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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