Heartbeat (1946) GINGER ROGERS

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[Music] for [Music] professor good morning morning before we begin our studies I have some sad news to tell you your fellow class mate Hector is no longer with us and do you know why the fool idiot got himself pinched they nabbed him in the subway for trying to relieve a man of his wallet as ungracefully me I say as a hippopotamus I warned him I told him Hector I said you haven't practiced enough your fingers are too stiff the sap will be lucky if he gets off for three months in the CL how many times do I have to remind you that I will not tolerate slang in my classroom nor the mention of prison either l throw the curtain lock the door this unfortunate incident proves that you're not paying the proper attention to your studies model number two go on you two hurry we'll start today with the inside coat pocket the one that cost poor Hector his freedom thank you all right come on all right oie you try me yes you of course come on hurry isn't going to open his cat for you the right hand the right hand right hand brushes lightly very flat come on go to [Music] it well I can see where Hector is going to have company look at these fingers when you came here they were long and graceful now they're like sausages IAT you too well silence be seated Marinette you come here [Music] [Applause] did you notice the exterity of the fingers the graceful touch if you were all as serious as Marinette if you applied yourselves and really worked hard who is it Professor can you spare a moment someone downstairs continue good day sir miss you oh I've come an answer to the ad you run in the paper job jobs the brilliant future for hardworking series young people huh that's it I wish I could have a chance at it but I have no money for fee I take care of expenses while you're learning in exceptional cases my students are even housed and fed oh it sounds good what you trade unemployed but I used to be mechanic identification papers oh I need papers huh what do you think of course uh silly but I must have left it at home home where is your home well it's h you know you have no home I'm afraid you're right no home no papers I'm sorry but under the circumstances please sir won't you change your mind it's no use no home no papers impossible good day but I will do anything I will [Music] good good I was afraid you'd gone my man I have reconsidered oh oh you here yes by the way what's your name Eve Kar Eve kobar well my dear Eve Kar you may call me professor and now my dear Eve but first give me back my 50 Franks oh what 50 FR listen a short while ago there was a 50 Frank note here on this desk and now it's in your pocket but I swear good good very good and the expression the indignation is perfect if the anybody but not me nor the police do you know what they do with a little nobody like you without identification papers if a respectable gentleman like me reported that you'd stolen his 50 Franks Professor don't turn me in please it's the first time I ever stole anything excellent simply excellent you certainly show possibilities but no more nonsense Now give me back my few Franks come on come on [Laughter] enough come on joined by constant practice members of our profession can develop their sense of touch to the skill needed to make a decent likelihood Nimble fingers are the First Essential without them remember Hector all right let's get to work on today's lesson hurry hurry take your Places come on that's right he's eating too much he's getting heav oh Mimi you look so beautiful you're wonderful get up there you look adorable this come take get out of there get out of there get moving come [Music] on everybody looking over there come on you that come on let's get go [Music] Mar quick and Casual that's the style good talk excellent Professor there's someone downstairs good day mcure I uh I came an answer to this Splendid sit down W you uh jobs with the future yes yes I know I I wrote it you're of age oh do I have to be of course you have to be 21 oh well I'm 21 naturally you have identification papers I didn't know I had to have papers of course um where do you live well I um I did too bad too bad I'm afraid I shall have to uh excuse me I'll be back in a moment but uh don't be too hopeful no home no [Music] papers [Music] well my dear I think we shall get along famously really you think so miss you yes what's your name arlet arlet Leon arlet Leon well my dear arlet first of all give me back my 50 Franks 50 Franks yes my 50 Franks what are you hiding I'm sorry M but I was so hungry and but you will give me the job won't you please I thought I could but you disappointed me but I'm a good worker please give me the job I was so hungry and I'm just as S as you are not to be able to use you you're Frank and honest I like that but it's not enough good day M wait a minute what's this oh that's that's just handkerchief yes a handkerchief right out of a reform school I know the kind very well when did you escape so you're number 497 he yes Miss I lied to you I'm only 18 when my parents died I went to live with my aunt and she was mean to me she beat me then she got married and then there were two to beat me that's why I ran away they had me put in that reform school and it was just like a prison that's why I ran away from there too oh please miss don't turn me in I'm not a bad girl you couldn't be with those eyes and that expression Miss see your hands with these hands and what I can teach you are no limit to your possibilities come on come on come on come on all right now that you've been caught in the ACT what would you do come on what would you do put it away all right my dear what would you do uh ask forgiveness and swear never to do it again no no deny everything play innocent and deny everything that's right that's right of course you must deny everything and you must night not only fervently but convincingly but don't rely on your voice alone complete innocence Mr spit all over your face and to achieve this effectively we'll once more run through those exercises which are somewhat similar to those used by professional actors we'll start with you me sir you're mistaken sir it's not me I swear it on the head of my father zero we'll try you but with a little a little emotion please yes sir me sir you're mistaken sir it's not me it's not me I swear it I swear it I swear it on the head of my father I didn't do it I don't blame you for laughing I ask you to OT in your Bellow like a sick Cal e you tried with a little less emotion me sir you're mistaken sir it's not me I swear it on on the head of my father you swear it on the head of your father just as if you were openly confessing your guilt but it gives me the Jus to swear that no why because my old man is still alive he's in a poor house but he's still alive your old man's still alive that's too bad what do you want me to do about it wait I'll let my dear you try it me sir oh you're mistaken sir I didn't do it I swear in the head of my father that's it that's it that's convincing Come Around Here My Dear that's right show them here we are that's right now innocence astonishment anger fear pleading Bravo Al bravo bravo that's your homework for tonight you each practice that exercise diligently in front of a mirror until you can do it as alette does dinner in a short while lights out as usual at 9:00 task dismissed me sir you are mistaken sir it's not me it's not me I I way oh it's not good once more oh me sir you're mistaken sir it's not me it's not me I swear it on the head of my father I'm innocent I'm innocent oh shut up we get a little sleep around here a shut up yourself who's there it's me oh am I keeping you awake too no is that that's good it's no use when I lie everybody knows it maybe I ought to go into politics where it doesn't matter tell me how do you do it I make believe like an actress in the play but the thought of stealing I'll never be able to do it well why are you here in this place for and where would you go back to the reform school you can't get a job without identification papers you know that see have ever thought of marriage why naturally that's it marriage a white marriage a what a white marriage just a ceremony you never see the groom again perfect marriage now listen once you are married your husband is responsible for you they can't put you back in the reform school you beat the up oh well who would I there that's something I wouldn't know you see I'd be glad to help you but I haven't got any papers either but I know a guy who arranges marriages like that come on what are we waiting not so fast cost money how much 3,000 Franks 3 thou where would I get money like that that's what you're here here for to learn how to steal steal to stay honest but that I'll do [Music] it [Music] taxi tax TXI T TX taxi tax [Music] the circumstances which cause the downfall of some so you in Hing your decision I beg of you to be Leni I have listened attentively to the testimony of both sides and after weighing the evidence carefully I am ready to render my decision whether this is the first time you have stolen or not is beside the point the Undisputed fact is that you have stolen the law does not say that when you put your hand in your neighbor's pocket to take his property he must apologize to you because you have never done it before nor does it say there is no guilt because you had what seemed an important reason for stealing his property after all he may have just as important a reason for keeping his property yes your H I agree and there is no excuse for my client's discretion regardless of his explanation of his desperate circumstances but I assure you that now he realizes the seriousness of his offense and if lency is shown him by the court you will not make another mistake the stolen article has been returned to the owner and the Prisoner has not profected by his error and if your honor will be merciful The Prisoner will not forget his duty to society again I I swear I never steal again it was the very first time your H Earth I promise it won't happen again I hope you are right for the next 3 months I am going to make sure that you do not do any more stealing where you are going there will be little temptation to steal but your honor take the prisoner away but your honor please please please next but bet you if we go now we'll miss the Mickey Mouse don't you like the Mickey Mouse but you what good will it do to turn me into the police this is not the police station sure I show you you're making a great [Music] mistake yes exell M captain General your Excellency your highness let me go let me [Music] go but I've got you it's important I've got a DAT all right you can keep me here by force if you want to but I warn you I'll I'll do something desperate I'll I'll complain to the men with a stick pin but I want to know is how long you going to keep me here well say something oh it isn't your conversation bores me it's just that I'm beginning to lose my patience [Music] if you don't let me out of here I'll I'll scream I'll I'll count to three one [Music] two two and a half look out [Music] three oh oh [Music] Baron Bor here at last what detained you I was with the with the secretary you received your message mhm likely story but read it vorak I mind sister is a young woman of irreproachable character are you sure yourself I don't get excited vorak but character is oh no no besides she's homely but your niece isn't [Music] look [Music] now let's go over it once again and this time get it right I come from Geneva I went to I attended a girl boarding house after boarding school boarding school I go back to Geneva tomorrow this is my first trip to Paris this is my first bow this is the first time my feet hurt too and you are I'm worn out answer who are you I am Melle you are my uncle and I am your niece Baron I mean Uncle who am I going to tell all these lies to he ex since he hasn't confided in me remember you are not to utter one word that I haven't taught you don't forget you're supposed to be a lady h ah Bor your Excellency how are you Baron oh fine fine your Excellency and I hope you fine too sir I'm very well inde oh I'm glad to hear it sir oh this is mmis De chevier my niece oh delighted and why haven't I met this young lady before well this is my first trip to Paris and this is my first fall and I'm going back to Geneva tomorrow my dear a school girl's career is hardly a subject of interest to his Excell ah but I am most interested you talk about this is later on in the evening thank you your Excellency with your permission [Music] sir my dear excuse me I must have a word of [Music] Bor Melle yes oh your Excellency how do I look Charming I feel Charming too you know this is just like a dream I I didn't bring you here to talk about your your dreams I uh want you to dance with someone oh who that man over there the one dancing with the lady in Black oh him I'm fine oh he looks very nice the lady he's beautiful [Music] hry oh when do I dance with him I have to introduce you first oh do I ask him right away he will ask you but suppose he doesn't he will and while you're dancing with him you will discretly relieve him of his watch what that stealing it's a secret mission I won't do it I must have that watch then swipe it yourself I've only stolen once and I not going to steal again and you'll go to jail for stealing my stickpin what you mean if I don't steal a second time I go to jail for stealing the first time exactly and you an ambassador you want to be ashamed of yourself [Music] my dear sh this is my wife M Baron bora's nie this your young Diplomat with a very promising future how you doing Jos is a smoother dancer as he is a diplomat don't believe a word of itman this is her first ball you are to be her first partner I'm I my dear shall we [Music] dance his Excellency is placing a great responsibility upon me I'm afraid I'm Unworthy of it young girl's first ball is a very important event she remembers it all her life so I shall be part of your memories and believe me I'm very proud and F I didn't know Bor had such a Charming me well he didn't know it himself what I mean that he's so absent minded that he never thought to mention [Music] her [Music] what time is it am I boring you oh no it's just that uh I must join my uncle at 10:00 Shar oh if it's [Music] 10:00 [Music] is it 10: you have lots of time but uh is it 10 it's only 5 10 plenty of time yet ah oh but if I let you go to your uncle will you come back quickly oh I promise I'll be waiting for you in the buffet have I finished at caviar Sandage already yes Miss Funny my dear p is you what luck for whom for both of us I have the Supreme pleasure of seeing you you have the Supreme pleasure of seeing me but your pleasure is even more Supreme than mine because you about to have the honor of doing me a little favor ah wait do some 28 please champ aren't you e oh I forgot you DED haven't you haven't you because I told you I Haden even lunched I wouldn't believe you and I think I know what favor you are going to ask me my dear Pier you're as good as [Music] gold you have it oh no no but I saw it's not worth a thing you'll not even get 50 Franks for it believe me I know you kindly do as I told you but I can get you much better but I it's got diamonds no don't you worry about what it's worth that's the one I want I do as I tell you all right all right she's got mighty funny taste well you look happy I am anything special very special I couldn't find my uncle so I hurried back very special I see what you mean oh let me introduce to you my worthless friend roron L Enchanted to meet you meno you should be shall We There here I'll wait right here I'm counting on you what's [Music] this [Music] did you see that she got his [Music] watch [Music] what you know usually at this time I give the most irresistible desire to leave I stopped hearing the music I stopped listening to the conversation all I seem to hear is the ticking of my watch telling me it's time to go [Music] home and tonight tonight I don't even hear my watch oh there's my uncle now that's what pardon [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] this time you got [Music] it are you satisfied my dear you did me a very great favor is it that important well you wouldn't understand naturally it concerns a grave matter well now your Excellency we're even not quite I still need your services another watch no it's just a question of returning this one to its owner what do I tell him that I picked it up off the floor not at all you're going to put it back in his pocket as discreetly as you took it out what put it back in his pocket put it back in his pocket that should be easy even for a beginner but they never taught us that [Music] I wasn't gone very long this time was I even longer than before I was getting older by the minute I kept wanting to look at my watch I must have been away at least that's funny my watch is gone are you sure you had it well I think so yes don't you remember I showed it to you when it was 5 10 well that's right well uh maybe it's in another pocket oh no oh no I never that's strange I never put it in that bucket well my dear where have you been all evening you keep appearing and disappearing like a magician's rabbit well you know what an embassy Ball is for an ambassador I know what a b it is for an ambassador's wife utterly well I'm sorry but now that I'm free of a great burden I'm completely at your disposal will you [Music] [Applause] dance I wish to speak to you vorak you are not going to take your niece away just for a few minutes hurry back was your mission is fulfilled his Excellency has asked me to tell you how completely satisfied is with your work and to give you this naturally you will keep all the clothes everything and now Melle good night you mean you're kicking me out oh not at all only that your presence here is no longer desirable oh I almost forgot his Excellency asked me to remind you that he's counting on your discussion which will ensure you he's own but Baron can't I go back for just a moment no that is impossible but I'd like to I'll tell m d that my niece wasn't feeling well and that she has asked me to say good night for [Music] her was you're forgetting [Music] something you're forgetting something else manelle me oh I'm sorry but my uncle uh said it was time for me to go home and that he'd made my excuses but it's so early I know but well he thought my first bll and I shouldn't stay too late you know for me but your uncle is a prude explain to him all right all right then I'll take you home but I I can't why you don't think I I'd let you go home alone do you but I I'll be all right you certainly will be because I'm going with you yeah here I just made it you leave me without seeing me well stop I'm not asking for arms old man after all I keep a record of what I owe you all right and this to the account all the that's all I have on me well thanks I'll be at your house in the morning I simply must tell my troubles to somebody oh no no not to me again Pi if you don't help me I should be thrown out the street not another suit very well then I should have to sleep in a park bench but don't let that bother [Music] you did you call my friend yes I can bear to think of you sleeping on a park bench they are not wide enough look I'm leaving tomorrow night for a week or so idiot diplomatic Mission you may use my house until I come back you are [Music] AEL well thank you very much much and good night why are you in such a hurry we are not at your uncles yet oh that's try I always get mixed up well um why did you stop here because I don't want to be interrupted Again by your uncle coming back I have something to say to you have you yes it's not e is that better I wish I could say what I feel but with you somehow it's diff [Music] but you are crying I'm sorry do you always cry when Lu is I don't know this is the first time that you have cried that I've Been Kissed first ball first dance partner first kiss it's too good to be through but it is but then why are you crying I always cry when I'm happy and have you cried of this is the first time this is an [Music] [Music] [Music] oh good evening sah good evening my friend lovely night isn't it never so a lovely one good night good night sir you know him oh yes and he lets you swipe flowers out of that Garden naturally it's my garden oh that's your house beautiful you you do you live there alone yes all alone that is with Flora Flora H yes that's her name Flora she's very cute and smart too one of the smartest dogs you ever saw a dog what did you think oh nothing well don't think it and tell me how do you learn to whistle like that oh it's very simple you just you just put your tongue against your lower teeth and then you put your two fingers tongue that M and you blowy you just amazing you put your two fingers like and then you [Music] doesn't well thank you very much and good night not [Music] yet when am I going to see you again oh uh I don't know I I'm going back to Geneva tomorrow to Geneva yes I I go to school there I can believe it that's marvelous I'm leaving for Geneva tomorrow too we can travel together you are taking the night express of course well um the 6:00 then that one is no good it's always late well that's the one I'm taking it doesn't matter take it too it should be a delightful trip so I'll meet you at the station you you you wouldn't care to let me make you cry again no until tomorrow then don't forget good night good night good [Music] night [Music] [Music] oh there where Earth are you coming from with his AR you know the rules in by midnight I saw a gentleman a very elegant gentleman and I followed him oh he had a magnificent Pearl stick pin oh that's do stick p uh I followed him and followed him until he got on the bus and then I no mind the details where's the PIN I didn't get it why not I got scared you're lying oh no I sweared on the head of my father no no no not to me no not to me and remember young lady I'm not running a charitable institution here go on get a [Music] bed ah good morning I hope nothing went wrong at the embassy ball well hope again you mean you didn't have much uh success nothing gentlemen it cost me 10,000 FRS to get you into that ball I'm not in the habit of wasting 10,000 Franks I work too hard for my money I demand an explanation we demand one too now there must have been a king's Ransom in jewels of that ball last night and you say that you didn't get anything don't tell me we don't operate unless we have an exclusive we don't engage in a free-for all where somebody slips up and we might get napped I tell you there was nobody what are you looking at and you said you didn't know who was there and would you please explain how one of your pupils could get into the embassy ball unless you had made the arrangements yes that's the one the one in the checkup blouse that's the girl ah bring the model number seven today we are going to take up some of the problems in the social world now let my dear come here the most opportune moment to achieve our purpose is while dancing come on pretend you're dancing first B first Dan spner first kiss you wouldn't care to let me make you cry again I'll meet you at the station don't forget permit me to introduce M Pier D Ros atache at the embassy I might have known it a face as honest as yours could only only be dishonest could only lie I'm not to Media here get out of here you Thief get out you double drer get out give her a chance to explain if you don't want to be kicked out to I advise you to shut up and I that what you stole but I didn't steal it my men saw you but didn't they see me put it back no they didn't so they put it back eh my word of honor your word you just said that you didn't steal it how could you put it back if you didn't steal it you took it but I put it back liar in great without me you wouldn't know how to steal now that you do you want to keep it all get out of here you cook get out and stay up that's what I will do I'd rather be back in theform school in here at you're a filthy old school we come here for honest jobs and you you'll make things out of us they catch up with you one of these days you'll see you'll see then I hope it [Music] soon St [Music] there you know oh here you are at last I was beginning to get worried how are you where is your fter I haven't any where is your baggage I have it Oh you mean you intend to travel without baggage no no I'm I'm not leaving I just came down to say goodbye and and to explain goodbye you are joking of course no no I'm not honest I'm not that's absur when only last night I know a lot of things have happened since last night then when are you leaving I'm not leaving at all at all no you see Flora is disappointed too then may I see you when I get back no I'm sorry you don't want to see me again yes yes I do very much but uh but I I won't be able to see you for a a long long time a long long time are they going to lock you up yes they are who your uncle my uncle what are you trying to say I'm trying to tell you that I uh that I ran away from a reformed school reform school you don't expect me to believe that yes I do did the Ambassador tell you why you wanted my watch no he just said it was very important that I get it for him you did a terrible thing thing I'm sorry I time must for wait your train will be leaving wait for me wait for me right [Music] there [Music] wait a minute wait a minute but if your husband saw my watch he saw your picture in the back don't you see what do you mean I shouldn't worry of course I do but this is no time what tell you something nice is leaving what they found nothing in the compartment but that's not possible my Pap were there my briefcase my baggage did they jump out of the window and my dog Flora if anything happened to Flora it's your job to find them that's all [Music] I brought your things back thanks thanks I I I'll be right down I had to ride all the way to the next station and it was a long walk back you shouldn't have done that well I didn't want you to lose your dog and your luggage on my account sorry I can't open the door my man thought I had gone and he locked up everything I had to climb through a window to get in myself your umbrella thanks here's your Flor well girl what an adventure huh well good night where are you going back to the reform school at this time of night well that's all right you can always get in wait a minute what's the matter are you seek for reform school well that's not it but it'll have to be done sooner or later what will they do to you first they'll make me account for every minute I've been away inquisitive and what are you going to tell them the truth the truth you going to tell them about the embassy ball I'll have to well suppose we talk this order tomorrow morning tomorrow morning they won't let me have any visitors no I mean you can stay here tonight come on you are dead tired here alone with you I assure you I know how to behave with a young lady so I've [Music] noticed oh what's the matter that stupid servant didn't make up the bed yes um do you uh mind if I we this I certainly do put it back at once it belongs to my sister if I could suggest something um you have suggested enough well I was only going to suggest that you sleep in the other room and I could sleep here here I've slept without sheets before Oh so have I here let me help you make the bed no I don't need your help and I don't want your advice you were very kind and I am duly grateful mer good night get the idea good night well what um I didn't want to leave the wrong impression with you so I'd like to finish telling you oh now I'm sleepy look I only stole once no twice no once well anyway I gave them both back so you gave it back so you only stole once I'll keep that in mind and now good night good night you know why I stole no and frankly I want to get married you stole because you wanted to get married yes guess I wanted to buy a husband to buy what you know like a marriage and name only can you guess why no and I'm not going to guess you'll tell me anyway because if I was married I wouldn't have to go back to the reform school yes that's the law once you're married you're free EES told me so and who is this EES who knows so much about the law well he's my friend my only friend he could have gotten me a husband only I'd have to pay for him that's why I stole once I was married I I could start a new life a new life now do you see not very clearly well let me explain it to you it's very oh no not now it's really too late you can finish telling me about your life tomorrow morning and now to bed and sweet dreams and if I hear another word out of you tonight I won't answer for the consequences on a when well if it isn't M or there hello you still here no I mean yes for the love of I completely forgot I offered you my house what don't me I can't stay here why I checked out of my hotel it'll be a Calamity well you see it's like this I that is I will manage somehow well I have to pay the cab Fair I'll go ahead yeah well as the matter of fact is I uh oh I get it mhm yeah uh-uh and uh bring me the chain the snow man my Affairs are in a terrible State I want to end it once and for all it might sa us bothy a lot of bother Would You Like My Revolver no not at all no I wouldn't end it that way a man like me doesn't give up the ship he he fights courageously and how much do you need to fight courageously about uh 10,000 Franks yes with 10,000 I can settle everything I could go to the colonies and start a new life a new life you too what do you mean me too enemy are you quite sure that with 10,000 Franks you oh positively of course with 155,000 I can start a really new life first class I think I have a way for you to earn the 10,000 15,000 10 look my old friend a really first class new life you remember the girl I was dancing with at the embassy ball BX yes that's the one only she's not borak's niece oh she's not his niece huh she's going to get married really to you no to you to me yes to you and believe me you'll never find a nicer or more Charming girl good morning good morning do you take coffee in the morning yes that is no I mean not this [Music] morning from what you said last night I gather everything would be fine if only you were married yes everything I've given it a lot of thought after all you did me a favor and I'm returning it oh you don't have to naturally my friend Roland would only marry you under certain conditions Roland yes yes Roland the marriage would be perfectly legal although it wouldn't tie either of you down immediately after the ceremony you would each be free to go your own way I see you don't seem very enthusiastic wasn't this what you wanted don't you like the idea yes of course well then what's the matter with you all of a sudden nothing nothing at all what are you thinking about what happened after the ball when you kissed me pleas let's not talk about [Music] that I can understand who is M to get excited about but this might work out very well isn't a bad fellow when you get to know him the marriage B can be published and the whole thing completed within a week and during that time of course you can stay here then I accept M the car is waiting to take you to the station I'm coming you're leaving why yes where you going to G of course [Music] oh [Music] come in M they are waiting for you in the conference room oh tell them tell them I'm sorry but I must go back to Paris immediately hello what can I do for you sir who the who are you I'm the bartler who Butler m bartler m who m p ah you are m p r Butler yes sir that I am is m p at home no sir m p is in Geneva and he probably won't be home until the end week what is he here do miss are two friends of the boss a gentleman and the lady mhm and could I speak to these friends of your bus I'll see if they in sir Whom Shall I announ Mr the boss yes sir oh I beg your pardon boss welcome home sir would you mind getting my bags in the Tex yes sir of course sir right come in please [Music] sir gone when the night wind m [Music] will help you you will find key to my rid when you findy to my heart do not we'll start again can you why I'm all a TR why I walk around in a and the girl that I resem is girl kiss the reason I'm reing I touch the ceiling of stars above must confess what it [Music] is Bravo bra hi what a pleasant surprise we hadn't expected you quite so soon hope I'm not intruding oh how perfectly silly of course not oh won't you um sit down you are very kind Pier hello good old Pier I'll come you're back so soon am I disturbing you too uh oh not at all not at all a very idea PR of sharing no thanks who would have thought it what conduct what ease what SE Fair a real little woman of the world eh you must have given her some lessons oh I did I did I thought as much what do you mean tell us about your trip what are they doing in Geneva well for one thing they are not showing their legs the way they are in Paris this year thank you so much for telling me Oh by the way uh who is the new Butler oh he's a schoolmate of mine a schoolmate from that girl's boarding school in Geneva no doubt has he any identification papers oh no but I I can answer for him he's so anxious to start a new life a new life he too certainly looks as if my house had turned into a home for reformed characters oh thanks old man thanks a lot well you are leaving yes I'm going to get dressed if you don't mind you know like they do in Geneva ah she's enchanting mind you that girl has brains as well as Beauty let me show you some of those snapshots I took AV hold your camera not bad for am eh oh very well it's your loss well in that case you better get down to Serious Business that's money by any chance yes this time not for me will realize of course I had to buy something decent to wear bearing suit sunsuit naturally want to do other little things don't expect a man like me to marry a woman in rags here are the Bills Frank I don't get it was it really necessary to buy all this for a girl you'll see for 5 minutes at a marage ceremony the fact is I think you need to wonder if our marriage really will be one in name only you know I firmly believe that the root of all my past troubles has been sheer Lous if I could feel someone by my side always ready to advise to sympathize to feel The Tender Touch of a feminine hand you you are joking of course oh not at all oh I'll let and I get on like a house of fire and to see the way she snaps up any little hints I happen to drop surely you've noticed a change in her Department huh not to mention her Grandma now look Roland just because the girl kept on quickly and and has beautiful legs that's not enough to build a permanent marriage on do me to say the charm and Grace and femininity aren't important yes they are but what do you know about her her family or oh we'll go to the colonies anybody who plays bridge is accepted I have teacher the strong not Trump and what will you live on your money first it won't go very far TTI you live on Seafood coconuts bananas ah those sales are simply enchanting canoes garlands of flowers lovely dative songs and at night [Music] Bridge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who's in there oh someone or other male or female why should you care look EES you're not playing fair with me don't be a fool I just don't want you to get mixed up in something that's none of your business listen are we yes I know of course we are you know that but I'm also the sort of servant you approve of discreet look for yourself are you afraid Pier of course I'm not afraid but it's not exactly comfortable when your husband knows I had your picture in my watch but he doesn't know when his jealous is terrible and he has never been sweeter in more more considered than he is right now not so loud I beg of you is there someone else in the house no but the servants might hear or your secretary what will you think of next first of all she only comes on Wednesday pretty hideous fake glasses and pigeon toad what do you think of this one for the wedding tomorrow oh I beg your pardon my what a pleasant surp priz and how is his Excellency very well I hope fine and how is your uncle fine fine I'm afraid I've neglected him a little of late and now if you'll excuse me the dress maker is waiting his fitting you know such a deadly boy see you soon I hope let me explain to you it's quite clear I understand perfectly no no it isn't clear at all you are completely mistaken oh stop lying and give me back my picture now I understand why you invented that silly story which didn't make sense this girl means nothing to me you'll soon be convinced of course not you're just buying her pretty clothes because you are sorry for her Pi I want my picture back I already told you your husband took it look for yourself [Music] e [Music] you can be irritating beyond words what do you want haven't I got enough trouble females females always under your feed are in your hair nothing but trouble I've got happy mind to to trade you in for a male dog get away get away go on [Music] one poor old funny face I know I take it out on you but I don't really mean it what should I do about it yeah where are you oh there you are l no man I've come hot from the courthouse everything's in order the bands are published I must say gave me quite a kick to see my name right alongside ourlet oh by the way that reminds me you owe me 300 Franks to cover the cost of the license here's the itemized account that's be Hasty follow oh no this has to be fade at once you see these papers are essential to the marriage and the big days tomorrow don't forget there's not going to be any marriage no there's not what are you talking about I refuse to be a party to this FS that's rather a sudden switch isn't it sudden the last two nights I haven't F the wink why because because she's on my mind constantly so I of her I rushed back from Geneva when she's around I'm seized with a terrible desire to take her in my arms and all I do is to be rude and unkind to her the whole thing is insane but I can't fight against it any longer you're right R of career social position what do they matter compared to love who's talking now oh come on pull yourself together it's quite different with me I can marry arlet because I blotted my social copy book ages ago you'll be amazed the number of houses I'm not invited to but you you have a brilliant future real career F you to Mar our let is out of the question definitely out and as for anything else well believe me Pierre this is her one chance to lead an honest life don't take it away father her and don't make a fool of yourself either look at me just through a series of just such brainstorms that I landed where I am now with a ticket to Tahiti one Mark you she didn't want to come I asked her she turned me down it's up to you Pier let I go all right all right all right go and marry but do it quickly as quickly as [Music] possible article 22 husband and wife ow one another mutually Fidelity mutual sympathy and mutual assistance article 23 the husband as head of the family has a right to designate the place of mutual residence the wife is obligated to live there with him and the husband turn to receive her will the bride and groom please rise m do you take for your wife mm arlet La present here yes yes I do do you take as your husband present here excuse me would you please read article 2113 again the husband head of the family has the right to designate the place of mutual residence the wife is obligated to live with him there and the husband in turn to receive oh you mustn't say oh say say yes I know mmis do you take as your husband Miss r isn't here uh no excuse us your honor my my fiance is a little upset we'll uh we'll be back another day I hope just a moment Madame oh pardon me m i congratulate you for 30 years now I have had a monotonous job I've been marrying couple after couple I ask them all the same questions and they all give me the same answers and just when I felt Bor to death you come along and have the courage to say no Bravo mmis believe me it is much better for a marriage not to come over at all than for it to end in divorce bra thank you thank you very much your honor [Music] why I dress like that if you should ever think of me I want this I will that first dance meant so much to me here one last Dan I'm already late but it will be a memory to put away with the first one please I think it will be better not [Music] to but you don't know how much it would mean to [Music] me I'd rather not Just One Last [Music] Dance [Music] back well I guess I'll get my things together giving up M if I thought it was any use I'd never give up but as things are but as things are a good thing you gave up being a crook there was no fature in it for you you haven't enough Insight enough observation enough understanding of human nature enough uh Gena to be quite Frank you're not bright enough look why does a man P back and forth like this for hours to exercise no another question why does a man stand in front of a mirror like this staring like this to admire himself to catch a glimpse of his neckti no still another question why does a man refuse to dance with a pretty girl is it such a big thing no it's nothing unless unless he's in love then a dance is a big thing then he has to fight him because it can can lead to believe me it can lead well all right all right then why shouldn't it lead why should he have to fight it if he loves me why doesn't he just just say so it would be so easy so nice because my poor child it's not true that a man in love forgets everything 75% positive a certain emotional type like me even 80 but never a and with what is left over he thinks now the boss perhaps he's thinking of the 10 years he started to be a diplomat even to marry you it's not so easy to toss those 10 years out of the window why should he have to toss him out of the window listen for example he's on his way to the Embassy reception could he take you with him and why not why should he be be ashamed of me oh he should maybe be proud of you he should maybe present you to the Ambassador like this uh you remember this little girl your Excellency she steals witches yeah you mean I'm not good enough maybe H than an ambassador who gets somebody to steal for him or his wife who who doesn't love him or the baron who's an accomplished to a crime just to keep his own bread buttered they think I'm not good enough to associate with them huh well I'll just show Miss Pier The Rush that I can handle a whole mess of them and make them like it e are you sure you're very sure that Pierre loves me I swear it I swear it in the head of my father [Music] Lil Lil [Music] oh all of [Music] them oh thank you thank you [Music] alette where is she oh she she's gone gone did she tell you where she was going no sir but she asked where you were going where did you tell her yes sir I told her you were going to the to the Embassy reception good sir yes shall I put those in water oh [Music] underlying principle that must guide our negotiations is that in fact the situation must be handled with great [Music] delicacy [Music] ooh what nothing you said ooh oh me yes you why did you say ooh in the first place I didn't say ooh I said oh my dear husband I'm not deaf I heard you distinctly say ooh my dear I had no reason to say oo I simply said oh P Baron your niece Excellency Uncle hello Uncle oh your Excellency this is a pleasure madelle you didn't tell me your Charming niece was coming come and sit with me my [Music] dear for's niece he's intering it as my niece well isn't she naturally now explain to me my dear why you disappeared so early from the embassy ball the other night oh well um my uncle the baron seemed to think that since it was my first ball I shouldn't stay too late he's an old foggy even now he's beginning to get that you better go home early look it isn't late is it of course not besides you when just arrived why what a lovely watch isn't that beautiful what is my weakness oh mine too [Music] really Melle may I have the [Music] pleasure my pleasure seniority thank you the trouble with seniority is that it's always wasted on Old Men darling since you're so anxious to dance I'll accommodate [Music] you [Music] here you excy good evening P good evening [Music] sir how are you tonight sir I'm very well thank you I'm glad oh I have a state secret to tell you my shoes [Music] spinch she's dancing with Theos I saw them she's captivated him oh this is terrible Baron do you realize our responsibility our responsibility yes ours that Excellence it was really huge no no no no no don't be technical this could have serious complications think of something come on think think think I am your Excellency I am oh come on youve made a conquest the minister seems to find you irresistible ridiculous is it he's a man of excellent taste spare me your sarcasm I meant it ins spare me your charm Al I was very happy to find you here did you come to the ball to quarrel with me you wanted to dance at least enjoy it very generous of you did you notice the Ambassador and his wife how nicely they dance how she smiles at him I wonder how charmingly they would smile at me if you hadn't taken that picture out of my watch so you finally figured it out yes thank you thank you very much I must say it took you a long time personally I don't think you have much future in the Diplomatic Corp no you haven't enough Insight enough understanding of human nature enough htic I know you are right completely right it worries me I need someone to help me someone clever with Thea that I like someone like a secretary no not exactly someone more like a wife I don't suppose I don't suppose you'd be interested it doesn't sound like much of a future what with getting you out of scrapes with women and recovering all the luggage that you lose being gracious to a lot of high class Crooks like the Ambassador no time at all You' probably have me stealing watches for you too no it it doesn't sound very [Music] appealing I don't even know why I I would consider it no oh no I well why should I because I was your first partner at your first ball because a young girl's first ball is a very important event which she should remember all your life because I want no one else in your thoughts in your memories because I love [Music] you you must find a solution a solution that's it you have one no of course not I have turned your lie into a reality the doctor makees what do you want a ugly black Scandal or a lovely young nie how it my darling aren't you happy yes very happy well why aren't you cry but I am darling [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 174,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ginger Rogers, CLASSIC, ROMANCE, classic movie, #classicmovies, FREE, MOVIE, Heartbeat (1946), classic movies, filmstruck, MOVIES, inger Rogers, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Heartbeat (Film), COMEDY, Adolphe Menjou, Basil Rathbone
Id: hLPy4_gxmQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 2sec (6002 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2013
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