Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936) Drama, Family Full Length Film

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I never saw all men meet death with finer courage don't understand they're too long [Music] years it's father is how the well now there's beer he's well he's quite well we have no one left now but each other [Music] brother give me this book it's [Music] hood [Music] this is the most do you really like it darling it's what you wanted it's exactly what I wanted oh I do hope it is oh you will be careful won't you run away with you or anything [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning McGillicuddy before II said II a very good morning how your phone's today this is begin again no none to go down to the rain storm yesterday's me up in the Rangers how many peculiar find a bicycle ride boys the poster for them that has bicycles and can ride them I suppose everybody take it off right if today could only be to goodness induced by secular might that be it's nice present ah fine enough for the president to write has all the latest improvements Cerritos like the bells of battery sure it's the luckiest boy in the world [Music] I need not please choose my Apple now mrs. McGillicuddy but would you mind keeping it for me maggot bathroom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey where'd you get the ice wagon I'd like to get five feet give us a little ride will you bub I'm sorry no oh it's gonna get a dirty no but I'd rather ride it myself English when you get back from dear old London I'm nothing I'm an American now where'd you get that kind of gab my father was English if it's any of your affair Oh does your mother know you're out don't you dare talk about my mama want to make anything out of it I won't make you get out of the way [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh why couldn't that copper leave us alone we had them licked thank God next that makes us even for me giving you the bumps up they didn't even scratch it cheese burgers would just wipe that here's gave a lot of Felucia [Music] thank you very much for your assistance mr. O'Brien it's a pleasure serving my lad I think one anyway sure and don't I not but I have to keep you from committing murder I tell you what I'll just go once around the block and then you can write it down to mr. topstone make it later cuz right away I gotta go see my brother Benno's it's going on rich who is he picture no Chicago blended riding Mustangs and shooting dad there's my brother bed now come on dick I've got to leave what do you say to a little birthday party ginger pop and cookies and some candy only well dicks coming very soon and I was thinking if we could wait I guess I'll be enough to go around there's a lump coming I think I can big one what are you reading mr. house ah that's the way they go on now British aristocracy I've got no use for him Earl's and Marcus's going around as if they was Lords of creation wearing their coronets did you ever know any Marquess is mr. Hobbes around I should say not I just like to catch one of them inside here that's all I'll have no grasp and tyrants sitting around on my cracker barrels they wouldn't be else if they knew any better Oh wouldn't they though they just glory in it it's in them they're a bad lot here you are dick just in time for SETI's birthday peace demon Eddie ginger popping everything here's to your health Eddie many happy birthdays thank you very much mr. Hobbs I marry the mistress is Monte Oh Laurie would you look at your face very sorry mr. Hobbs but I shall be able to stay for the piece I'm not at all sure there's nothing the matter with her what happened Mary you'll be asking me any questions we're strange things if you'll forgive me mrs. arrow you must not disregard the great position to which your son is more than air through the desperate uncle your late husband's brother what it amounts to mr. havisham is but you want to take my boy away from me we see no no you must remember that I'm acting quite impersonal day simply as a lawyer of the earl of darling of the earl of dorincourt the sound is done and it's refused to recognize it grandson until now why should I give up my boy I'm afraid I've been very stupid mr. oh I should have told you my instructions are that you shall accompany Lord funds all right through them oh I've I must remind you that Lord darling God is not very friendly told you he's an old man and that always had very strong prejudices against America and Americans it was bitterly opposed to his sons Mary he's fixed in his determination not to see you you live at the lodge the suitable income will be provided to him the only stipulation if you make no attempt to visit just some of the castle now even into the path kids there's your sister Mary hello Bridget and more important things to attend I wonder what your husband's wishes would have been in this matter you you knew my husband yes and you captain arrow well and liked him and everybody did he was greatly attached to his own home [Music] he above everyone would have appreciated what this means your son the very great advantages you have yes you're right my husband would have wasted mr. havisham I must ask her to let me tell city about this in my own way and in my own time he must never know his grandfather dislikes me if he did it would make it harder for them to be friends very well your son will thank you for this we need a man I hope his grandfather would love city he has a very affectionate nature and has always been loved [Music] mr. havisham dear your grandfather is sent to see us all the way from England how do you do that so this is little Lord Fauntleroy [Music] you see dear your grandfather has no more children now then he's very lonely so he wants us to go and live with him in England because he's an earl and you are his heir you will have a new name Lord Fauntleroy and someday you will be the Earl of dorincourt Oh dearest do I have to be you know none of the boys are elves can't I not be one I'm afraid it can't be healthier just think death soon will be starting for England do we have to go to England dearest I'd much rather not say anything else ma'am 13 cents foul man that must have been last month it's 13 today Oh indeed well never mind the butter and the dirt go any higher boo all starve to death Hey good day ma'am hello seddie what's the matter mr. ham do you remember what we were talking about yesterday morning it seems to me we was talking about England yes yes don't you remember oh yeah we did touch him up a little that's all you said you wouldn't have him sitting around on your cracker barrel so I did and I meant it to just let him try it that's all mr. Hobbs when is sitting on this barrel now what yes I am one or I'm going to be I want to save you mr. Hobbs it's the heat it is a hot day how do you feel got any pain thank you I'm all right I'm sorry to say it's true mr. hum mr. Haversham he's a lawyer came all the way from England to tell us about it my grandfather sent him who is your grandfather I couldn't very easily remember it so I wrote it down John Arthur Mullenix arrow Earl of dorincourt that's his name if he lives on the castle of two or three castles I think all his sons have died now that's why I shall be a no no I'm not funky Roy well I'll be jiggered one of us is gonna sound strong oh no we haven't we'd have to make the best of it mr. Hobbs what did you say your name was Cedric Errol Lord Fauntleroy well I am jiggy well you always did talk more English than American I think there's no getting out of it I'm afraid not mr. Holmes dear says the father would wish me to do it but if I have to be an earl I can try to be a good one I'm not going to be a tower mr. Hobbs if there's ever to be another war with the Meritor and I shall try and stop it in comes a long way off isn't it it's across the Atlantic Ocean that's the worst of it perhaps I shall see you for a long time I don't like to think about that mr. Hobbs the best of friends must part I'm afraid mr. havisham my American food very strange to you a little man I find that muffins are biscuits and biscuits or cookies but the cooking's excellent and after all it's a company that makes a meal exquisite not when your honor you'll give you know I'm not sure I know exactly what alone is I think if anybody's going to be one he ought to know don't you would you mind splaining it to me well someone is made in the earth generally because you've done some service to his table or some great deed oh oh yeah is that why you're presidents are elected and they have top slide positions bands and everybody makes speeches I think perhaps I might like to be President I never thought of being an L know being a nerd is rather different from being president I know he's generally a very ancient lineage video family Vimeo oh that's like the Apple woman she's a hundred I should think she's had such ancient lineage in too surprising how she can stand up she says was born into her bones remix what when I say the ancient lineage I didn't mean old age the first earth of dalian court was created an Earl hundreds of years ago many others have been very brave with and the 14 great battles I should like to do that myself my father was a soldier in a very brave men as bravest George Washington I'm glad Earl's are brave that's a great fountain would you excuse me a moment please listen when I must see their drum there's another advantage of being an earl some of them have a great deal of money that's a good thing to have I wish I had a great deal of money why why all so many things a person can do with money if I were very rich I'd buy the Apple woman result in to put her stolen the stove and thank you for a show because then her bones wouldn't feel so badly hmm what else would you do if you were rich my dearest all sorts of beautiful things here is I call mother deers because father did and was dick dick dick the bootleg I bash him from new plots rushes a new sign and start him out fair he says that's all he wants us to start out fair mm-hmm is there anything else well what would you get just for yourself if you were rich isn't the one particular thing you've dreamed of having yes oh but I suppose that would be too much to even dream about I'm so sorry a poor woman who's new trouble came to see me oh is it Bridget yes yeah I wish we could do something for her she has six children doesn't work he has infinitely rheumatism enact the kind of moment isn't much dreadful before I lift on in cod castle the old said that if you expressed any wishes I was to gratify them and give you anything you desire yeah here are five pounds in your money twenty five dollars if you have any desire it was just this poor woman I'm sure your grandfather would wish it and I have it now can I give it to her this minute may I be excused me stairs yes sir d-ring it it's a great deal of money mr. havisham we've never had very much I'm just beginning to realize the great power said he will have such a child still I'm a little afraid I think from what I've seen of him did you have nothing to fear I hope not he mustn't be spoilt by all these wonderful changes [Music] she said she was crying for joy I never saw anyone cry for joy before my grandfather must be a very good man [Music] it's more more agreeably being and I thought it was going to be in fact I'm almost quite glad I'm going to be one [Music] yours like that little Houston tree dearest we always will like it yes darling [Music] I've come to say goodbye I have to go to England to be alone and I shouldn't like to have to have your bones on my mind every time Oh bless your dear little hat with all your kindness to me before tis as quiet as anything can I give you a kiss of course [Music] is an apple to eat of the boat thank you very much oh why should you pay there's my late husband used to say this one's on the house thank you again well good night [Music] well well well [Music] well well goodbye I hope fate will be good chief trade gets any better I'll be rolling around in diamonds and oils that would be splendid wouldn't it I hope you have every sort of luck and happiness tank same to you and then think about us sometime way over there they say on foreign sir oh I don't think about you all the time and I'll write you you was like to me here's where you send your letter see I I wish it wasn't going away [Music] thanks mr. Perales well things are done for knee slightly desires it is a game little kid gee I almost forgot now I bought this for you it's a hack at you you can use it when you get among them swells it's extraordinary I'll use it always Thank You dick thank you very much well goodbye well goodbye [Music] would you mind very much not going in with me I think this time I'd better be alone certainly I quite understand [Music] this is view miss tubs [Music] to define when you're smoking it [Music] well I said he that's just what I wanted for a long time this is my real present [Music] [Music] something written on it inside the case I told man hope you say you read [Music] from his oldest friend Lord Fauntleroy to mr. Hobbs unless you see remember me [Music] unless you see remember me I don't want you to forget me well I won't forget you don't you go and forget me when you go to over there amongst those British aristocracy I shouldn't forget you whoever I was a month I hope you'll come to see me that's my grandfather right in fact you you you wouldn't mind him being an L would you I mean you wouldn't stay away just because he was one oh I'll come and see you [Music] I won't be able to help myself [Music] is this darn good Castle dearest no this is caught lunch where's Mary [Music] I'm so glad you came before us Mary we don't feel so strange buying new hair the welcomes shoot is the great happiness I wish you ma'am and your lovely new home is it mrs. Danes the cook mom and that Susan the parlour maid I'm sure we do everything them to make you comfortable oh I'm sure you will [Music] i'ma say goodbye the carriage is waiting to take me to the castle i'ma still the Earl of your safe arrival you needn't go tonight I'd so like to have him with me my first night here no I'm sure Lord darling God won't expect his grandson tonight tomorrow will be time enough I dread silver tell him that we're not going to live together anymore I'm a coward I know putting it off so long but it's it's the most difficult and most cruel thing I've ever had to do I wish you tell his lordship bleep when I'd rather not have the money I mean the income he wishes to save Lonnie I have a little money of my own it's quite enough to live simply on I must accept the house of course because that makes it possible for me in your city then grateful to him for that he'd be very angry you won't understand it though I think he will understand he must understand that I can't accept money from a man who hates me so much that he's separating me from my boy I deliver your message I think it's beautiful here don't you dare steady darling there's something I must tell you you're not going to understand it I know but I want you to believe me as you always have when I tell you it's for the best tomorrow mr. havisham will take you to your grandfather and you will live with him at the castle but I shall not go with you this pretty house will be my home and Mary will be here to look after me but dearest you don't mean you can't mean we're not going to be together just as we've always been oh no it can't I could city you must be brave and sensible if there is some things you can't understand now you will understand them later it's best for you to live there that there are good reasons why it is you mean you want me to go away from you of course not but now you're growing older and we must trust help one another without asking any questions no city your grandfather loves you wants you to love him he's so kind he wants you to be happy to make other people happy the dearest I can't be happy without you but you won't be without me all the time and not far from the castle here you'll run in and see me every day you'll love the castle will always be something new and interesting to tell me and I'll have things to tell you the whole city will have such good times together really finding things out both will be explorers yes like like mr. Stanley and mr. Livingstone it'll be exciting every night when it grows dark I'll put a candle in the window to guide you through the jungle mr. Stanley ah nuoc house his lordship this evening he is he told me - how'd you do mr. Havisham I'll have Emma oh come back Harry put that cushion right paw me with her hot needles well I've got to tell me thoughts once around his mother got caught large they bore the voyage excellent and in good health town what else he's lost sheep remains with his mother tonight I'll bring him to the castle tomorrow go on go on tell me everything what sort of a lad is he never mind about the mother what sort of a land is he I said it's rather difficult to judge the character of a child of nine before some say come I don't know much about children but I thought him rather fine led healthy well grown a guarantee he'll take quite well grown straight limb well not to look at rather handsome milord those boys go ah I'm scarcely a judge I they say you'll find him a little different from most English children Oh American children was brought up in the world I've heard that often in his case I would hardly call it impudence the difference is I think that he's lived more with older people than with children I should call it the mixture of maturity and charge exactly beastly impudence bad manners I have a message to deliver from mrs. arrow I want none of her messages less I have heard the better but this is rather an important one she prefers not to accept the income you prefers to settle on her what's that what do you say she says it's not necessary but is the relations between you and not not friend they're friendly what say they would not write me listen we shop waste American Lord you could hardly call her mercenary she's asked for nothing uh-huh all done perfect he thinks he can weasel me into seeing her things I should have Meyerhoff spirit but I don't see so I had the money sent to her but she likes it or not she won't spend it I don't yeah well as she spells it she shall have it sent to her she shall tell people that she's gotten difficult papa because I'm doing nothing for her huh I suppose she's poisoning the boys mind against me too no I have another message just to prove to you she's not done there I won't she asks you not the little Lord Fauntleroy here anything that might lead him to understand that you're separating him from her because of your prejudice against her she says he wouldn't comprehend it it might make him fear you in some measure or at least call him to feel this affection for him he wants there to be no shadow on your first encounter Havisham come now you don't mean the mother hasn't told him in other words my lord nothing has been said to the boy to give him the slightest doubt of your perfection he prepared to believe you the most amiable and affectionate of grandparents in fact he already regards you as a wonder of generosity who does huh I would suggest milord that fontleroy is impression of you depend entirely upon yourself I make a further suggestion that you will succeed better with him if you take care not to speak slightingly to him of his mother voice or a nine nevertheless those nine years have been spent at his mother's side she has all his affection [Music] there is this is no concert I do thank you [Music] this is not puncture IDs and then hunter I visit mrs. Miller the housekeeper how do you do ma'am I should know his lordship anywhere sir face this way mmm wasn't you some cat I must have much obliged to you ma'am where's the doctor in the library sir controi is to be seen to him alone Lord functor I belong [Music] come back [Music] how do you do that I you the oh I'm your grandson heaven - Rob I'm not I hope you're quite well and very glad to see you huh glad to see me are you yes I kept wondering what you would look like if you'd be anything back my father Oh am i well I don't think you are very you're disappointed I suppose oh no of course you would enjoy the way your grandfather look even if he wasn't like your father you know how it is yourself about marrying your relations not sure what I do when a boy would love his grandfather especially one who's been his kind of hymns you've been oh so I've been kind to you ever yes I never so much obliged to you about Bridget in the Apple woman and dick pretty Apple woman they were particular friends of mine you know they were the one who gave me all that money for the money you told mr. havisham to give me I wanted it oh the money you were to spend as you like so you spent it all on these people idiot Bridget there can the Apple woman yes and I gave mr. Hobbs a gold watch and chain and the pipe I put some poetry in the watch it was this juicy remember me I'm going to miss mr. Hobbs very much who is mr. Hobbs he was our grocer fancy vegetables and groceries you know he's my closest friend mr. Hobbs is a very clever man you know he can recite the Declaration of Independence right through I just remembered you might not like to hear about the Declaration of Independence I forgot you were an Englishman you are English the father was an Englishman I was born in America you have to be an American if you are born in America you mr. Hobson's ever to be enough of war but I should have to be an American but I promised him that if the were to be another war I should try to stop it reward would you would you like me to help you you can lean on me you know once when mr. Hobbs had his foot potato bowing on TV not me you think you could do it I think I could I'm very strong I'm nine you know you lead on your stick on one side and on me on the other well you may try just lean on me I'll walk very slowly it would be afraid of leaning on me I'm all right if it isn't a very long way you see that old fellow in red velvet he was the 10th Earl of dorincourt King George the first decorated him the services during the war with Spain and Austria he was tremendous this town could bend the barbed iron between his hands you get your strength from him [Music] mr. Hobbs arnica is a very good thing - yeah thank you I'll try it [Music] [Music] it is warm isn't it person can't help getting warm in the summertime wait what's that it's a present from dick isn't it beautiful when this I see I I shall always remember dick hey I should think you would there's a bit difficult to forget him it's a professional bootleg you'd like him he's so square well yes he wouldn't cheat anyone or here to buy under his nose Oh ready please were there what's the matter don't you like your soup oh yes I was just wondering wondering wondering what you don't wear your carnot all the time then no it doesn't come back mr. Cobb said you wore it all the time but after he thought it over he said he thought you must take it off sometimes to put your hat on yes I I gave you two off occasional there you must be very proud of your house I never saw anything so beautiful but it's a very big house for just two people to live in isn't it oh did you get too large I was only thinking two people lived in it who are not very good companions they might get a little lonely sometimes thank you do you think I shall make a good companion yes I think you will I think you should be almost as interesting as mr. Holmes miss Hobbs and I were very great friends he was the best friend I had except Thunder I what are you thinking of who is Gary I I think I'd better get up and walk up and down [Music] he's a very nice dog he's my friend he knows how I feel how do you feel [Music] okay [Music] you see okay I never was away from my own house before it makes a person feel a strange feeling when he has to stay all night in another person's house instead of his own house but 'dearest is not very far away from me she told me to remember that after all I'm nine mil and I can look at the picture she gave me no fee and press the spring and it opens and there she is [Music] I suppose you think you're very fond of yes I do think so under strew mr. Hobbs and the others for my friends dearest is my close friend my father left her to me to take care of I mean I'm a man I'm going to work and money fire yeah what do you think of doing well I didn't think of going into business with mr. Hobbs I should like to be President we'll send you to the hustle dog instead well that couldn't be President and if that's a good business I shouldn't mind the grocery business is dull sometimes of laws but it's the business that every Earl of dorincourt goes into two beers [Music] [Music] [Music] goodnight God keep you overnight body Thomas monitor he's launching in the library sir and such goings-on I never heard nor my life but you think it'd be all right for me to see him oh yes sir he's expecting you ah morning mordant and a new employment you see any good at marbles warden my muscles are a little stiff middle but I'll see what I can do pity about that I'd forgotten about your age this is the new Lord Fauntleroy what arise this is mr. modern Richter of the peri and they'd like to make your acquaintance sir I'm delighted to make your acquaintance Lord Fauntleroy well what is it this morning boy who's in trouble now it's one of your tenants Malone Higgins a vengeful your it has told him but if he doesn't pay the rent he must leave the things the bad tenant always behind you he tells me he's devoted to his wife and children if the farm is taken from him literally stuff that's not Michael huh I forgot we had a philanthropist here come here what would you do in this case well if I were very rich I should let him stay and give him things for his children not a lot but all right time you learn to deal with these situations you can write contract yes but not very well well go over to the desk and write new if his orders no what was I saying you must say again is not to be interfered with for the prism and shine it fun ROI you think it will do yes Higgins will find it entirely satisfactory mr. Hobbs always signed his letters that way and I thought I'd better say please there's not exactly the right way to spell interfere not exactly the way it's spelled in the dictionary but I was afraid of that he gives one complaint of the spelling I think you must be the best person in the whole world don't you mr. Bartrand I shall write and tell mr. hull Oh what did you tell him I shall tell him I think you're the kindest man I ever heard of but you're always thinking of other people making them happy but I hope when I grow up I shall be just like you just like me hey Armand you take that wheel here I will indeed this is good news Thank You Malone oh don't thank me thank brother Roy thank you goodbye sir goodbye may I go to sleep here as well I think she'll be waiting for me something for you to see in the stable first bring the bell in the stables if you please I'm very much obliged but I think I'd better see it tomorrow she'll be expecting me all the time we ordered the carrot you don't care to see what in the stables do I do you don't need a pony [Music] cool is it nice I never thought I'd have a pony I never thought that how glad gears will be you give me everything don't you wouldn't you like to hear of course I want to see it I want to see it so much I can hardly wait [Music] I'm rate versus time let's see a mother this afternoon who got put it off till tomorrow I she's been thinking about me all morning and I've been thinking about her a ring a bell [Music] [Music] let me give you your stick just lean on me when you get out I'm not going to get out nope not to see dearest yes we'll excuse me go on tell her they're not even your new pony will keep you away she'll be disappointed she'll want to see you very much I am afraid naughty cage will call for you as we come back crime on campus [Music] [Music] shave parted from his own mother who could call Clark was telling Sarah she'd never have worked for a sweeter lady than mrs. Errol written by the little gentleman his old salary signing with his name - uncle Roy as pretty young singing - god bless you ma'am thank you it is lordship coming to services that's a new notion they say even is gouts improving young lord he's captain Cedric all over again he's the captain soft of them life how can add the people are see you take off your head cut why they're bowing to you [Music] god bless you don't ship long life to you [Music] some of your ancestors lived a few hundred years ago [Music] mr. Higgins yes I suppose he's got to have a look at his new landlord yes milord I understand his young lordship was kind enough to speak for me and I thought I'd like to say a word of thanks I've got a great deal to thank your lordship for why only wrote the letter it was my grandfather who did it you know how good he always is to people is mrs. Higgins well now hey yes your lordship the missus is better since the trouble was took off her mind my grandfather was very sorry about your children having the scarlet fever you see Higgins you people have all been mistaken about me god Ventura understands me if you want a little reliable information on the subject of my character applied to him getting the garish Monroy [Music] you'll miss your mother very much yes I miss her all the time you don't miss her do you I don't know her I know that's what makes me wonder she told me not to ask any questions and I won't see her on with every day don't you isn't that enough we used to see each other all the time we could tell each other things without waiting did you ever forget about her no sir never I shouldn't forget about you know if I didn't live with you I should think about you [Music] my load I believe you bought [Music] he is such a good Earl he reminds me of you he is a universal favorite well reminds me of you think of that now he's known this early a little while and we we was lifetime acquaintances I don't know as I want him to be reminded of me by this Earl they've been using influence on in my bedroom you're right they got twisty ways those aristocrats they'd wheedle their little finger around your heart as soon as look at you all for their own purposes mine it's a pity they're making an oil out of him yeah he would have been a shining light in the grocery business a shine and light do you know any particulars about that stuff like castles and oils no not much except they're hearty and mean sure is a jim-dandy letter evil almost as good as see any only attained of course oh it was a plum daisy of a kid I bet you sometimes he wishes he was back here I do he'll only I'm not so bad where you living now Oh me and two other fellas we got a room in her lodging house the other two fellas they get drunk and fighting but it's cheap oh oh that's no sort of a place for a lad like you to be living I'll look here I got a clean dry loft over my stable and there's an old bed you can have why don't you come here and stay won't cost you a cent gee you mean that mr. Hobbs but certainly I do yeah gee mr. Hogg's talking about oils you ain't no oil you're a prince oh sure I wonder where Marlon Dukes is this the boy yes Constantia this is the boy from thyroid is it your great art they need a detail how do you do great house how do you do young men your luck your father I loved him more than most people in this wicked world oh did you know my father know him closely then you must be theorist she will enormous Lee like to talk to you about him Lucy I was the only one she could talk about him to renew him and I was so small Yes Mother I didn't your great-uncle's I headed on a day off how do you do that yeah y'all the horses I confess to you Constantia that but you'll probably save yourself there's a risk of my becoming rather a tall fool about him becoming by the way the mother [Music] thank you very much indeed [Music] [Music] right I want you to be great friends with her how do you do have you met Dougal he shakes hands beautifully she can he's a great friend of mine I like making friends don't you yes I do may I be your friend oh yes if you please I can I'm bigger polish girl that I hope Thanks much better I've known dorincourt as well as anyone could know him for five and thirty years and that's the first time he's ever bothered to inquire about my health most extra I have a tummy ache what kept you big a button with all day I was detained by extraordinary news later [Music] [Music] [Applause] do you like music yes I like it when you sing it home why do you look at me so I was thinking how beautiful you are oh I make the most of your time when you're early do not have the courage to say that nobody could help saying it don't you think she's pretty too we are not allowed to say what do you think what you I shall say what he thinks I'm sure he thinks what he says I think you're prettier than anyone I ever saw except ears I think she is the prettiest person in the world I'm sure she is and I must tell her how kind you've been to me I never was at a party before and I've enjoyed myself so oh my baby oh good night little lord fauntleroy well well Havisham Wells a man something serious was gonna happen to make you behave like this what is it it's bad news the very worst of news milord I'm sorry I have to be the bearer of it why do you look at the boys home to hang over him like a bird of ill omen has it anything to do with father all the lord I waste no words my news has everything to do with him if we're to believe it it's not Lord Fauntleroy who lies asleep before us but only the son of captain Neville the present Lord Fauntleroy is the son of your boy babies and at this moment is in a lodging house in London what you mean no man it's a lie an abominable lie there is a lie it's painfully like the truth a woman came to my chambers this morning and told me that she married your son babies in London 11 years ago she showed me the marriage certificate the child was born shortly after babies deserted her and was taken by her to America obviously an impostor vicar trumped up fraud I'm afraid nothing Lord I saw the boys birth certificate she's I'm afraid a very ignorant person but she's consulted a lawyer who advises her that her son is of course not father I and the rightful heir she demands it his claim be immediately acknowledged I'll protest this to the last a little nervous boy I'll have nothing to do with him or his mother you can't discern him alone nothing we can do can keep the eldest son's child from his inheritance when you say the ignorant vulgar person man she can hardly spell her own name she's obviously uneducated and openly mercenary and I I objected to his mother I suppose it's retribution anyone had ever told me I could be fun to the child I always detest teacher I own more than most oddly enough he's fond of me you know a visual I'm not popular I never was is funny [Music] if it was afraid trust [Music] you'd have filled my place bit of a nine-fingered you'd have been an honor to the name you rank my dog dig deep Lord Fauntleroy to his room [Music] what can a the boys have celebrated into the war zone I suppose you may say it's a judgment on money news bad boy first human being he ever enough well now look stick the case of the courts doing can tell he's obstinate enough super Dibble you go in with your best you knuckles on your shoes and come out as meet your major bless my soul Constantia who ever would have dreamed that I could feel sorry for the old boy I wouldn't have minded are having a boy like that Harry yes it's a laparoscope girl if we had I'll tell you one thing if his little lordship loses his title the village loses the best friend it has all right that's right and I'll tell you another thing it'll drive the Earle matter if this goes wrong for him why he's being so proud of the boy you'd hardly believe it if you knew him for what he was before and the new ones no lady that's sure bold face thing that's what she is the dark eyed fresh and faced wench well coming now with mr. Havisham you somebody here calling us up lady fun to ride I want to see I call me where's milord this way my lord turn loved Arrancar pleased to meet you I'm sure my lord Devon oh shake hands with your grandpa so that's the way you're gonna treat your grandson is it I can even try to look so fierce about it he's your grandson all right yes my lord we have proof of the young gentleman's birth he is the son of the late Lord Fauntleroy allow me to introduce myself Joshua's Sneyd at your service my god I've already had the pleasure of making stew Havisham's acquaintance lady Fauntleroy has placed all the evidence in my hands I can assure you my lord it is sufficient to justify her case should it come into court that may I suggest that we come to an arrangement and settle this matter amicably on a friendly basis friendly look at him staring at me as though I was dirt me his own daughter-in-law hello your son Bevers marry me all right I'm a fine router he was but he was the father of my boy and I can prove it Lida front row please may think you can fight me but I do you they don't love you around here and you know it I've heard plenty about you and your dirty snobbish pride plenty applied you'll have when I'm finished with you unless you want to find out off your high horse and get reasonable with your own flesh and blood maybe for real shut up I'll stop at nothing here here I'll drag this case to every court in the land I'll let the whole world know what you are you and your precious son gevis deserting me in his own town a baby not how I've suffered heaven only knows and you stand there looking at me and my boy as if we were scum you ought to be ashamed to yourself you say you married my eldest son if that's proved to be true the laws on your side in that case your son will be Lord hotta ROI and you will be provided for but I warn you the matter will be shifted to the very bottom I don't hear did I want to see nothing of you or your boy as long as I live after my death you can unfortunately do as you please yes you're exactly the kind of person that I should have expected my son babies to choose I'm afraid I thought there can be no two opinions at least that's how I see it you agree simple yes I'm afraid we could see it no other way Thanks it's monstrous that woman that boy utterly unfit alas the law can take no connaissance of such things I sympathize darling court more than I can say if we take it to the court you think that can be only one result I'm afraid so the birth certificate everything we have quite the same way to take you to court you have the expense and the notoriety and only I fear one possible result perhaps the boy won't turn out so bad as you fear perhaps you can do something with him that boy Oh who is the other one yes I have no other course but to accept your judgment come have something with Louis and you mr. Singh it's your mam the early self join in [Music] she didn't I believe yes I'm mrs. arrow I am Lord darling caught the boys I didn't like you people have often said so I'm glad to think he's like his father to take my son won't you sit down [Music] I've come to tell you that I've had a very best the highest legal opinion I'm sorry just woman a child perhaps she cares for him as much as I care for studying blood her son is Lord you boy I'm afraid you're red perhaps you would prefer the city should not be the Earl of dorincourt it's a very magnificent thing to be the Earl of dorincourt milord I know that but all I care about is that he should be with his father ray just a striking contrast to what his grandfather I haven't had the pleasure of knowing his grandfather I know my little boy believes I know that said it loves you would he love me if you killed him why I didn't receive your Takashi no honestly I think that that's why I didn't wish him to know very few women who wouldn't have told him yes City is under me [Music] and I'm finding hidden I can't say I was ever funded anyone before but he pleased me from the first I'm an old man and he was tired of midnight but he's can be something to live more than that more than that I'm proud of him [Music] I was satisfied to see that one day he'd be taking my place as head of the family [Music] please sit down you've been so much trouble you must be tired and you need all your strength thank you perhaps it's because I'm miserable it had come to you you stage maybe Jennifer disgraceful business has changed on that after seeing this blessing woman who I felt it be a relief to continue and Knox's middle for I suppose [Music] I know I've treated you badly but I because the boy he cares for you and a good idea [Music] chicness what did you [Music] whatever happens he shall be provided say they shall be taken care of now and in the future always thank you you like the house oh very much it's a cheerful room may I come back again and talk this matter as often as you wish [Music] [Music] you've heard bad news haven't you yes the worst I'm not gonna fall to Roy anymore am I she's beaten me then the other boy he will have to be your boy now won't he like I was no common little Rachel liver into this piece in my life I'll take care of that I can still be your boy even if I'm not going to be the air just like I was before [Music] yes my boy as long as I did I do sometimes I think you're the only boy either the head I don't care about the L part at all I thought you see but one that was going to be you had to be your boy but I couldn't be you never take anything from you that I can hold for you come what may you have all that I can give Oh you can take that into ah nothing from either of you come come come ignore asleep [Music] [Music] the agent Earl remains secluded in his castle and refuses to have any communication with the rightful heir we know that stuff they've been printing that for the past weeks is anything new about setting yes here it says the prospects do not look very bright for the false claimant Cedric Errol of Brooklyn well I'm jiggered at last they've succeeded in robbing him out of being a Earl I thought you was against toils so I am ain't it just like him cheating the poor kid out of his rightful estate no what's gonna become over I know one thing he done everything in a well for me and he can always come back here and have half of my shoeshine in business well no I'll tell you dick I'd always had it in my mind that said he would come in with me someday he'd be a shining light in the grocery business a new lady Fauntleroy was formerly an actress she is said to have played in New York and London continued on page five here's a picture of it holy mackerel what's the matter here look at this it's her her she ain't no aristocrat GA I know her as good as I know you it's men offends why your brother sure you mean it's some kind of hocus-pocus sure I do well I'm jiggered she was married before but I never fight ever having another kid but Ben's kid you mean the one Ben went out to Chicago to look for er maybe she have another kid in England and maybe she didn't maybe she didn't we'd ought to do something about this get right we gotta we gotta get the proper advice she I wished I knew all them and wifey I know alderman Murphy it do ya come along let's go right now emerl they've always had a spite against us Americans ever since a revolution what a hole I'm sick to death of it cooped up here week in and week out with nobody to talk to you're complimentary I wasn't meaning I'm grateful you're getting your money aren't you business is business you know I want some fun why don't you go up to London for a while London mouth on your tintype nothing but please that old devil up at the castle better than to see me clear out well I'll stay here here in this rotten country Bob have you lived in worse places in your time I've no doubt that's none of your business you'll keep a civil tongue in your head around hand your walking papers I wouldn't what do you mean that's what I said I wouldn't try anything like that Mina I'm Lady Fauntleroy do you uh come in why it's not done hi this is a pleasure a real pleasure I'm sure don't you take it Oh Mina hi hi Ben what are you doing here where have you been all this time you know her son if he didn't see us how he was my second husband where's the child what child you know what child our boy Tom oh but you know you must have heard someone must have told you told me what it was only three days and he was gone I meant to write you but I didn't know where you were if that's true who is this boy you've got with you that's none of your business Ben Kiptyn can I see him no you can't why mr. Pipkin should not see your body uncle dick well I'll be jiggered you're a dirty pair you are coming all this way to spy on me trying to do me hurt I'll have the law on you for the way you're hounding me you heard us come here tom I knew nothing of listening oh I assure you there's a little matter of a forged birth certificate but I swear to you never mind Havisham I've had enough of this too much the sooner the pair of you were after this country the better come on hurry up you'll be sorry for this you will its persecution that's what it is it's robbery this will be somewhat in the manner of a museum milord well or not exactly moved here mr. harvest their portrait of my ancestors your aunts sisters all of them I'll be Jewish your great-uncle he must have had a family did he raise them all oh you mean that they were earlier distinguished members of the family do you know well I used to have a very poor opinion of you aristocracy but I've changed I'll take you for instance you're a pretty good sort even if you are neural I'm very gratified but gay wasn't he yes that's why I have the gout mr. Hogg oh there was all worlds and said he's going to be one and old all this and he'll be worthy of it mr. Harnish sure he will all these girls you know I wouldn't have minded being one myself [Applause] thank you very much it's such a lovely day I always like having birthdays but never one so much as this because you're all so kind to me my grandfather wants everybody to be happy and comfortable now I wanted to when I'm grown up I think that's all because I'm not very good at making speeches but I must say that I'm very much obliged to you for liking my birthday idea Daisy I bet you boys elect him King someday I didn't know the little fella could talk so good why he makes a better speech and alderman Murphy bye Joe well I'll be jiggered and I have another birthday present for you another one besides all the things this morning yes best of them all I was wanting you here I was wanting you here some terribly much were you darling how do i your mothers come to live with us in the castle do you live with us to live with us for always are you sure you really want me we've always what are you but we weren't exactly a aware of it well mr. Hobbs it's so nice having you here with us I dread to think of you ever going back to America not to live there not to live there America's a good enough country for them that's young and Stern but there's faults in it there's not an ad sister among our neural [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
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Keywords: movie, classic movies, public domain, classics, film, old movies, best movies, cinema, classic movies channel, classic movies hd, classic movies to watch, classic movies english, full movie, best english classic movies, classics movies full length, classics movies channel
Id: OMmxSELuP-8
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Length: 101min 34sec (6094 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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