A Very British Christmas | Free Romance Christmas Movie | Full Movie | Subtitles | MOVIESPREE

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[Music] [Music] how things change in a heartbeat my flag to Vienna has been diverted due to heaven knows what and I find myself in a provincial airport in northern England as Charming as that sounds there are no hotels no restaurants and nowhere to kill a few hours at the airport I'm taking a train to the nearest civilization in hope that I can find coffee and excuse me Mom you okay there oh hi ah yes thank you there'll be one along in a minute well okay then American H yes hey um do you know if there's a town nearby I mean closer than um barston oh uh yes there is are you looking for someone or uh no my flight got diverted I have no idea when I can get another I just know it's an overnight delay oh dear you'll be needing a hotel sell then yeah surely there's one closer right yeah get on the next train and take the second stop far more there's a few b&bs there shall I get you a pamphlet hold [Music] on oh you've got to be kidding me where does this go wizard School far more two stops [Music] what is it they say when life gives you lemons make lemonade just boarded a steam train to a town I've never heard of and it's quite [Music] exciting [Music] next day sh l oh no no no where on Earth am I [Music] w [Music] oh hi I'm sorry we're just about to close fellow American what are the chances I'm Amber hi I haven't heard an accent from home for ages Jessica Jessica Bailey very nice to meet you it's not a problem just go ahead and have a seat and relax so what brings you to our sleepy little town well it's a little embarrassing but um I got on a train from the airport and fell asleep right yeah wow you've done that yes it's like a sedative I can't go anywhere on that train without dozing off well listen you're in nasbro and we're 20 something miles from the airport it's a Charming town like something out of a Charles Dickens novel complete with Dickens characters of course everyone drinks tea or some espresso based type drink but I keep a secret stash of special roast filter that I drink every morning how about I make some I mean now I believe in guardian [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] angels wow I mean that was some Serious Pie my uncle owns this place he bakes them they're legendary hey um you know if there's any hotels nearby I'm kind of stuck oh well there might be a few pubs that would have some rooms but they tend to be quite full because the main ones closed for winter season oh that's not good no well let me just go ask my uncle he knows [Music] everyone daddy food ready okay sweee I'll be there in a minute stay back now ramises that if you sit in a minute then she's give a yard to the bird don't shoot the messenger okay hold on what are you expecting us but not on time that's a first wash your [Music] hands Goose or turkey I thought we was stew it smells amazing for Christmas Christmas what do you like Mom ktie can we have mince pie for breakfast take your potato for lunch and Chate Tri for dinner oh that's a nice try puppet but it's Christmas and you are nice things at Christmas well we will see what we can do they called again today what this time they said they'd like to get the contract finished by the end of the year they said it would be a nice treat for us to have security for Christmas security why have they triped the offer it's all right sweetheart it's all right nothing to worry about mince pies for [Laughter] breakfast Pine Falls Holiday Park hi Andrew this is Amber from crumble Cafe you wouldn't happen to have any spare lodges available tonight would you I have a lovely woman here from America in desperate need of accommodation because every room in town is booked oh how many how do you want I've been empty for weeks oh fantastic um not that you've been empty but you know I know I know um well give us 30 minutes to get one warmed up is it just for the night for now but we'll [Music] see [Music] [Music] hi I'm Andrew oh hi uh Jessica Bailey let me get that oh thank you really beautiful place oh thank you it's a bit chilly in there at the moment but it soon warm up [Music] great oh wow what a cute little Lodge this is way better than a hotel room um have you eaten um crumble Cafe pie oh of course yeah they're pretty special aren't they they're good wow I love this where'd you get it really you like it yeah I mean I'm no expert but I know what I like and I love that must be a local artist right yeah really local you're talking to him yeah I know I know how can a big old lump like me paint something so sensitive right no no no I I didn't mean that I it's fine well maybe just a little but don't judge me for judging I'm jetlagged I need to sleep okay um so breakfast should I bring you over something around what he oh that's perfect Andrew thank [Music] you well you have a lovely night and I'll see you in the morning good night good [Music] night she's a singer who the guest Jessica Bailey Jessica Bailey is one of the most sought after soprano singers in the US her style ranges from gospel to classical she's won over 20 major Awards you Googled her I always do it pays to know who you have around isn't that what the internet's for oh I can think of other uses I said we'll do a breakfast we don't do breakfast oh come on she's in a bind where else she going to get [Music] food all right she like one of my paintings and I like the compliment going cry no it isn't that true most definitely isn't pinefalls is cozy cute and warm just like the owner it's a shame I have to leave so quickly this is a place that deserves a couple of days to explore oh I'm sorry but that's just not good enough I have to get to a concert a concert that won't wait for airline problems could you call me the second you get another flight available I can't miss that concert okay thank you hi there's bacon egg sausage mushrooms Tomatoes preserves black pudding orange juice and coffee I thought you'd prefer coffee over tea and I've baked some bread you baked wow that's great thank you um what's black pudding well I'll uh give you the recipe if you like it how's that oh okay I'm Andrew's mother by the way Sandra Oh I'm so sorry I see um would you like some coffee or or breakfast there's kind of a lot no no no no no thank you I don't like to intrude I hear you like his paintings oh I love it it's such a talent he used to be a full-time artist you know paintings and sculpture and pottery really what happened if you don't mind me asking well I'll just say he lost his Muse and leave it at that oh who is she she's adorable I love those boots that's my granddaughter Katie and she's every bit as cute as she [Music] [Applause] looks all right and there morning Ben I thought I felt the Sun going you going inside love get ready for school now no need to be like that Andy lad I'm being friendly well you weren't being so friendly when I wanted you to build a play park and you weren't being friendly when I wanted you to build a shop for my guest to buy food you've objected to everything I proposed to trying to improve my business well you best off selling up then a you Andy lad while getting's good this is business Andrew now I know that you've got an offer on the table and if you don't take it then I can't sell now we both know that then that's a shame for you what you think that's it and there a few words on your driveway and it all goes away this is a business opportunity and I'm a businessman my family has worked so hard to make this place what it is we're not ready to give it out and what is it empty buildings you can't make this work without your wife a blind man on a galloping ass can see that we'll see goodbye [Music] Ben do the right thing Andy at least have a good Christmas with what's left of your family you know I'm right o get along now Ben Richie there's nothing for you here oh but there is Sandra ask your lad there he'll tell you I don't want to give up M we've worked too hard look around I want ktie to grow up here not in an apartment just don't get worked up he's just a bully love don't give him the [Music] satisfaction [Music] would you like me to take one with you in it oh thank you that's really thoughtful smile thank you there's a kind of sfy looking guy wax jacket curly hair Ben Richie I'll bet what's the deal when I thought Andrew was a softy but this guy really got to him Ben gets to everyone remember I said this town had its Dickens characters well Ben would be two combined Fagan and Scrooge well [Music] H good afternoon ladies how are with this fine afternoon this is my uncle Adam owner and Baker extraordinaire ah so you're the artist responsible for that Heavenly fruit pie I had last night glad you enjoyed it yorkshire's finest r b but that crucial pinch of sevil orange zest elevates it to the sublime I'm sure I recognize you Jessica is a singer Madison Square guard and Chicago Symphony Orchestra movie Magic you was thep Rano that I was wow you have some memory it's only a couple of years ago five like at least five well I was there and I loved it I've never heard a better soprano I went on about you that much I thought the wife were going to make me sleep on the C thank you do you like classical music oh my gosh there's never a moment around uncle Adam without music music or poetry poetry wow don't let these be cuz hands fool you underneath this apron beats the heart of a compassionate romantic speaking of which we were just talking about Andrew legend that man Heart of Gold and his mom yeah he seems really nice oh he's more than nice are you going back up to his lodge I am I can't get hold of the airline about when I fly to Vienna for a concert oh I wish I would going to that me too hey it's not all that bad Christmas is coming oh don't say that I have to go do my concert then get back to Chicago for Christmas do you have family in Chicago no um no being a singer you're your Road's your home and well kids need their mom around husband or boyfriend no husbands and boyfriends kind of need their partner around too well why don't you just spend Christmas here then I can't because what I do have is an agent who has an awful lot planned for me over the holidays well if you have to go back let's at least have some fun while you're here deal [Music] okay would you mind taking these up for them the cakes for Katy wow jingle bells jingle bells jingle [Music] the we're waiting on the vegetables thanks for inviting me I hope I'm not intruding you carried that pile all the away from town you deserve a pece I'm the Ki I don't mind sharing well how magnanimous of you Daddy are you showing [Laughter] off Grand said you're a singer oh wow news travels fast Adam recognized me from a concert a few years ago I can sing Listen silent night holy night she's in the Nativity choir at school Round jumping mother and child that's great Katie now try sitting up straight take a deep breath now try singing from your stomach silent night holy night oh yeah K well you've learned something tonight what's America like well now um it's a big big country so there are lots of different places but where I'm from it's nice and warm in the summer and there's a huge lake is it cold in Winter yes it is everybody wears hats and scarves does it snow at Christmas yes it does what about here you guys get snow at Christmas right no we never do it's not fair oh that's a shame it used to yeah when I was young we always had a white Christmas bet that was fun when you were a kid right oh even when I was younger it always used to sign time for Christmas or maybe it will this year will it will you make it it's snow this Christmas Katie Jessica may be special but she can't control the weather can you I wish I tell you what though Katie if I could I would get you a white Christmas Even if I'm not here to share it with you why won't you be here oh Jessica's a busy lady and she has her own family to be with her for Christmas will you help put up our tree then KY Jessica's Our Guest she hasn't got interest in our Christmas [Music] tree oh Jessica if you're foolish enough to want to be around this one while she's on a tree decorating Mission I'd love to if that's okay yeah that's fine I I'll get one [Music] tomorrow I have to say the views in this town are breathtaking everything is like a Patchwork there are no blocks of buildings everything just seems to fit together it's kind of random but it just works hello Miss Bailey uh speaking oh hello Miss Bailey I'm pleased to tell you that we're now able to offer you a flight to Vienna about time what date it will be for tonight 9:30 tonight oh I I I'm sorry I I can't I can't make tonight I'm too far away I wouldn't oh well that may be a problem we won't have anything else for a week or so then that I'll have to do could you call me when you get another date okay I'll see what I can do thank [Music] you Jessica Bailey what on Earth are you [Music] doing [Music] they're all very similar some have more bedrooms and they're very well appointed and of course they've got great artwork but nowadays lodges have to have flat screen TVs and hot tubs of course we can't afford to put those things in who goes to a beautiful Lodge in all this amazing Countryside to watch TV I sometimes wonder I can understand the hot tubs H I'd like one myself you know in the states we go to places like this to get away from TV and social media and all that stuff you know we we'd go to hike or maybe fish in the lake uhhuh when I was a kid we used to go to the sandunes and Michigan I would swim all day like walk in the woods barbecue at night oh it's Heaven you really are a country girl yeah it's funny you get so caught up in all the things you think are important and then then you realize what really is important no it must get very lonely overnight in those festar hotels yeah I know I got to to complain do I no no I'm serious you know no matter all the wealth and all the fame and all the traveling but where is home where does your heart live when Andrew was traveling you know for for exhibitions and and whatnot well he he loved it and he he enjoyed being busy and he he loved all the success say well that's what bought all this to start with but no matter how much he loved it he always wanted to come home he always loved to come home you know to the fire and the meal with the family and and his own bed going my way oh hey give this one half a chance and he'll Loop down a tree I've got some Beauty look oh wow it's going to look so good H that smell of pine oh if we could bottle that and sell candles come on jump in come on love be [Music] careful there now if you dig a 10t radius around that that' be good practice 10t well near enough I don't get too deep look just get the Ang of it so we can get these new drains dug out can't we just go on a course what you're on a course the Ben Richie Digger driers for beginners it's easy enough [Music] look hot chocolate everyone oh lovely oh I just love trimming the tree what shall we start with bubles tinsil oh now we're torn oh that's perfect I love it oh good girl here grab this and we'll wrap it around is that it that's perfect sweetheart Katie perfect thanks V now let's put a on Oh Katie you're so precious well thank you Mom here grab this and let's make a spiral [Music] okay hey Katie you know we hang C candy canes on the tree at home grandma do we have any candy canes candy canes no love but we do have chocolate coins now Katie whatever you do did not eat these Before Christmas day okay okay do you promise I promise because that would be really naughty hey what you're being naughty oh they're so good aren't they Jessica so naughty do you want to be naughty as well Grandma me yeah me naughty grandma no no no no no yes all right okay yeah hey hey I want to be naughty come on then princess let's all be just a little bit noisy shall we lovely oh that's nice hey why don't we use this as an idea what's up well your mom and I were talking about how people come to these lodges and then they watch TV or play video games when they should be spending time with their families well why not turn a negative into a positive like sure you can't afford for the upgrades that others can so we advertise that The Lodges are deliberately designed to be Retreats away from all that stuff no Andrew it's okay I understand look we can dress the lodge up in like a good oldfashioned American style photograph it for a new website I guarantee you will have guests looking for a traditional Christmas Retreat let's just put it out there well um thanks for the thought we'll be okay what what on Earth what's happened oh I shouldn't have said anything KY would you just go and get some candles from the kitchen cupboard thank you love no it's it's all right it's I think your idea is wonderful Andrew well he's he's a proud man he wants to be strong and and he doesn't like to admit that he's not a very good businessman I didn't mean to upset him no no no you didn't no he he'll come around you'll [Music] see where have you been I've got the generator working I saw a lot of lights over by Ben Richard land probably the power company fixing the for anyway me uh generat keep this going till morning what you know what you're very short with Jessica she's a guest in the park there not burden without problems Andrew I know you better than anyone Mom good night what if today is the day what do you mean what if today is the day or tomorrow or next week or next year mom please just say what you got to say I'm really tired one day you're going to to meet someone who'll brighten up your world someone who will fill you with joy someone to share the good times and write out the bad ones but you have to let that person in Andrew Andrew I I I know what you're scared of but just wants you you and [Music] Katie she was very quick to start working on the business ideas well was that was from here not here just give it a chance yeah I'm not saying you know jump straight in at least give her a chance she's going to be soon we'll see it's really not like me and I should know better all I can put it down to is the magic of this place so peaceful so who am I kidding I'm falling for Andrew and who wouldn't but we live 4,000 Mi apart and he probably hates me now I'll call the airline first thing if I can't get a flight to Vienna I'll go [Music] [Music] home in the morning you apologize it's not [Music] hard so I left early hoping I wouldn't see anyone you haven't checked out though no I can I don't have anywhere to go I could have got a flight last night but what there was a flight to Vienna last night but I promised Katie I'd help from the tree so you put Andrew and Katie before your concert yeah I suppose I did how foolish no it's not foolish you're a wonderful warm thoughtful person no I'm not I just I don't know listen when his wife passed Andrew had a really tough time and of course his business suffered it's never really recovered oh my goodness I know I probably shouldn't be telling you his Private Affairs but everyone around here already knows he can barely even bring himself to come into town for Katie as well yeah good morning Jessica Bailey are we in fine song this morning sleep my child and peace attend thee all through the night well folks on it's not car so you haven't called the airline yet glad all through the night soft The Drowsy ows are creeping Hill and veiling Slumber sleeping I forgot the next bit room for me in the choir then [Music] Mr un Mr D can I help you I'm I'm from the power company um we've detected A Fault in the area and I was just wondering have you been without any power yes yes we have I've been run on the generator I was about to call you l oh I'm sorry about that it's a strange one this one you know our system says that there's a break in the line but there hasn't been any thunderstorms I mean the cables that feed your Park they're all underground as well I mean they run across that area over there yeah I know where they run what we'll do is we'll put you a temporary connection to the power line until we can you know trace and fix the problem but it'll take a few hours I think I might have an idea where that is [Music] morning Ben I was just been checking I've got no power on me nothing nobody asked what you were doing is he the police no hey get off my landmate he's from the power company what have you done or me nothing I found that like that this morning well you've made a right mess of it haven't [Music] you what you what you [Music] writing I'm filling out the details all [Music] right why is he doing [Music] that I've got to send the report get this fixed Pronto fer I'm sorry I was I never was any good on that dier no wor Ben these things [Music] happen hello don't shout it's 4 in the morning oh hi Marvin what are you doing up so late business never sleeps am I right Jess you're always right so you're not in Vienna that ship has failed I'm so sorry Marvin not your fault they're trying to hit us for some no show fee but I've sent them to the airline when can I get you back oh um I don't know a few days I got the big one Chicago Symphony chorus carigi hall five nights oh wow that's fantastic that's not the best of it I got three solos that's amazing Marvin when is it Christmas Eve so you got to be back by the 22nd to rest your voice yada yada oh so soon I didn't realize oh well we got to make up for the Vienna hit Christmas don't pay for itself kid no no I guess it doesn't okay well thanks a million Marvin hey where you going I got a whole bunch of stuff lined up for Christmas week uh we got new years's and then there's that new theater I want to do in will you try one of these pleas Amber's been on at me for months to try some American recipes [Music] VOA Katie had a quick whip round with extra tinsel this morning before she went to school oh it looks great oh she loves Christmas we try to make it special for her Sandra I hope you don't mind please don't be angry but I spoke to Amber what happened last night oh no no it wasn't gossip I promise we we kind of bonded she's really helped me out we become friends I would never it's okay love I'm used to it you told me what happened to you all how bad the situation is or was I don't know what it's like now but I'd just like to help if I [Music] could we have nothing we can keep the park open till the end of January then we'll have to close there's an offer from a mining company but they will destroy the park everyone in town knows it that's why Adam was so quiet about Andrew Andrew has a choice either he sells and we have enough to get a house and move away from here and the town becomes a mining town or we stay and I I don't really know how that plays [Music] out I can see why he doesn't want to sell none of us want that the thing is our peace is very small compared to what Ben Richie gets it was the guy that was here the other day yes yes our land sits right between the the access and and Ben Rich's land now if Andrew doesn't sell he can't ah Jessica morning hello love hi oh right you know I must go I I've got um got some washing I've got to do Jessica um I am I'm I'm sorry no I'm sorry Andrew I please um let me explain it's been a difficult time for us and I haven't made it any easier by being overly proud proud I'm a man I can't help it sometimes but um you only trying to help and I should have seen that and I'm sorry Andrew please let me help you and Katie and Sandra I don't even know if I can but every piece of me wants to try I'd love to have you help us thank you what time does Katie finish school cuz we need to go [Music] shopping [Music] a [Music] it's absolutely perfect except for one thing a there's nothing on top of the tree it looks unfinished do you have a star or um I know this is the one that Daddy made oh that is so amazing daddy made it wow it's beautiful should we put it up ready m two there Andrew could you make some more of those please I'll have one for the cafe and one for my flat you could sell those easily really yeah yeah I mean one of those might even make up for the lack of snow okay all right come on let's get some pictures okay everybody [Music] ready I have to say I barely recognize The Lodges they look amazing you're just used to them The Lodges are amazing this is just sales angle I'm going to send these to my agent he can sell anything to anyone and then I'll start work on the website you're a web designer as well no but I'm about to learn I can't thank you enough for all this trouble you've gone to it's my pleasure I just hope it helps I was wondering you know as a thank you if you'd like to join us at the winter wonder Park the what well as soon as we don't get any snow anymore there's his place and it's got a maze a wooden W load of Christmas stuff you know does it have hot chocolate of course with the marshmallows I forgot about you under [Music] there I'd love to come great well we going to go this Saturday the 20th yeah uh yeah I suppose it is yeah you still be here yeah of course you will be here Daddy Sweetheart's going to be here for Christmas what have you bought shares in the park or something no it's just a friend I want to help him out I admire your generosity kid but they know friends of mine and my time ain't free Marvin come on just make a phone call or two I'll make it up to you somehow well just for you kid now get back here would you no promises [Music] [Music] marf [Music] you'll see evidence all around Nigel I'm sure I mean there are plenty of car tires and feet that travel through this whole area and that's why we can't be too careful what now in ah gentlemen this is Mr Andrew Hunter the proprietor of this park gentlemen what can I do for [Music] you we are trusted professionals from the forestry commission this learned man Ben Richie thank you has brought it from our attention that your trees are [Music] have do this showa needle blight Mr Hunter and uh we've taken photos of the infected trees and it looks like all these are going to have to come down to stop the spread oh I going get my chainsaw this is no laughy matter I can assure you Andrew I mean I'm scared about this disease traveling across the landscape and decimating my Woodland I mean what would Pine Falls look like without any Pines I wonder well I'll wait to get the letter before I take any action what well surely there'd be a headed letter from the forestry commission advising me of the results of the analysis and an opportunity for me to discuss my options at an official meeting yes exactly and that is what these men will do alternatively I could just sell the L you now could night before there's any trouble well I might be uh prepared to help you solve this little problem however this land is soiled now so I will be dropping my priz oh what a surprise Andrew Hunter Mr Moore threshold minerals Mr Moore we have nothing to discuss I you didn't come to see me Mr Hunter is there somewhere that we can go and talk I'm not here to pressure you I promise you could talk here how this way Mr more what did you say about thir what did I say h this idea threshold minerals deals in facts Mr Hunter and here they are whilst your land holds no significant value as a mineral resource in order to gain access to the land that does we would need to Traverse it we're prepared to offer you the same purchase rate as the resource land these are very generous and I have to add unprecedented [Music] offer I'm sure it is however if you open a mine it will destroy nbor and the surrounding areas as we know I also deal in facts there is an alternative you can circumnavigate your land Mr Hunter most certainly be inconvenient but not impossible should you decide that you do not want to sell to us your Park will inevitably neighbor the largest potach mine in the UK with a steady flow of a large Plant traversing the edge of your Woodland 24 hours per day now that's not a place I would choose to Holiday take the offer Mr Hunter [Music] quick this way come on come on she's [Music] [Music] off [Music] la [Music] [Music] looks nice look at that yeah hey Marvin really that's great could you text me the number thank you very much sit Marv I'm so sorry I don't think I'm going to get back for the 22nd I know sure the 23rd I am on it yeah I I'll call the airline and fix it no I can't I can't tonight but I will thanks again for the number Marvin I owe you another I don't hey o thank you everything okay sure it's just my agent you're not going back are you no not yet good because you're my Christmas present [Music] there you go excuse me can you tell me where you got that lovely angel from on the top of your tree sure well we have a local artist who makes a limited number of them every year we believe in supporting local talents and oh local talent yes can we have one each sure I'd better have a couple love if you're taking orders okay can we have one for our house Grandma of course you can love may half a dozen love I think we could arrange that did I mention that he also paints oh paintings I have a look at them as well love [Music] okay thanks I think my favorite thing were the owls my favorite part was the uh water fountain oh yeah now shall we go and have a nice warm birthday Katie good night can we B cookies together tomorrow of course I'm not sure it'll be any good but I'll give it a go that's okay my cookies are the best that grandma has ever tasted let's bit them in the decorated Lodge is that okay yeah that sounds like a great [Music] idea good night Sandra thanks for a lovely day good night come on now off we go let's get that nice hot bathy all right good girl up those stairs I'm so glad you came me too had a [Music] blast maybe you'd like to have a look around town with me tomorrow around town sure that'd be great what don't get her much now but they've uh they've got these lovely little r boats down by the river maybe we could I would love to well um W out warm gets uh gets cold on the river it will Andy Andy I've been waiting all day great time b as always that bloku came around to see you the other day from The Mining Company he says he made you a great offer and you've not answered that's correct well you have grandchildren that you been yeah well did you ever stop to think what their world might be like if everybody sold out their future but he do well if you sold all this lot think about it not your children and your grandchildren they all live in n and they have great lives right yeah we F quid we to live around there there won't be around here if they build a huge new mine see this town it it just can't accommodate all that a new mind brings and if the Town Center stays as it is right the shops they're going to get forced out by chains and then retail Parks housing states to C the expansion it happens every time you can be part of that or you can choose to preserve the life that we have but but the offer I mean my grandkids have a field day with that you think so think back think back to the happiest times of your life Ben no tell me about it I was probably uh probably when I was a kid around here used to build dens and that and climbing the trees for apples and berries all that kind of stuff you know yeah those long summer days eh yeah hey and a good fire in Winter Lessing about in all the snow and that yeah and how much those days cost Priceless Memories been if what times change I don't want a good life for those kids in a modern world yeah I get it I do all I'm asking just have a think about what I said and see if you'd prefer to have your grandchildren around you plan on for land breathing in the fresh [Music] air thanks Marvin oh hi Mrs Morgan it's Jessica Bailey sorry that oh he [Music] did [Music] really such a beautiful day with Andrew and his family I feel so home with them all tomorrow I'm going into town with Andrew I expect he'll be nervous as I'm told he's being a little reclusive since his wife passed even though it's been a few years hello oh Miss Bailey we have a flight for tomorrow tomorrow no no I can't why do you always give me such short notice well you said it was urgent so we been it is urgent I just need a little notice well at this time of year it can be difficult I've only got cancellation really okay listen book me a flight for the 24th Christmas Eve yes Christmas Eve to New York well that's going to be very expensive I don't care about the cost 24th 24th of December yes is a nightlight okay night flight's fine okay then I'll see what I can do thank you goodbye goodbye what am I doing [Music] have you ever been on a Ry bik before no I haven't especially not in winter it's delightful look at that beautiful Bridge oh you should see that in the snow that was built in 1851 and it's still going strong you love it here don't you yeah I do I couldn't imagine living anywhere else now and I've been around you've been to America yeah I've been to um New York um Los Angeles Austin Texas and well what I've seen is that wherever you go in the world what's important people you're with as an artist I was around some extraordinary people you know but some very greedy ones as well in nbra you've got Adam the Baker and then you got the likes of Ben Richie yeah I guess that's true I love my top America it's an amazing country I'm some amazing people so what about little olding England land we enjoying your time here it's an amazing country with some amazing people are we talking about Adam again no we're not Andrew Hunter you are such a Shivers gentleman would you just kiss me [Music] please [Music] can you put in the vanilla please sweetheart oh sure um how much half a teaspoon please oh how do I of course don't worry sweetheart you'll get the hang of it gu you can tell I've never been a mom right well it can be mine [Music] now just for Christmas then okay you dear thing I wish that well you going to stay sweet you know that oh Katie look I want to let you know that I do love it here and I love being with you and your grandma and daddy yes of course daddy too but Katie my life is in Chicago I have a house there and my work yes B can sing here if you like there's a Christmas choir I want to hear you sing Oh Katie I'm so sorry I just want you to be prepared I will have to go soon okay okay then sweetart did you pray eat the [Music] oven hello Mrs Morgan you have orders for 16 Angels 16 and Uncle Adam wondered if you'd like to put some of your paintings up for sale at the cafe I mean I know it's not the Mo but oh yeah oh thank you Amber this is great news you'll be back in full swing in no time thank you so much I'm please thank Adam For Me sure right well I'll be get cracking on these angels if they want them to time for Christmas Andrew Andrew are you there you okay what's mess up nothing's wrong I have great news I just got a call from a distribution buyer in the US a woman that supplies all the major chains they want to work with you I W that Christmas angel they love it they want to use the design and work with you to create more pieces I don't understand you would be doing what you've always done being that great creative artist but this time the world gets to see what you can do who do they Supply who don't they Supply they're mainstream Andrew you're going to do so well B OD from ambis customers they want you to keep painting and designing and and doing all the things you love they want Andrew Hunter the Yorkshire artist working with them I can't believe this I can't take this in this is huge Andrew does this mean that we can keep the park open yes oh easily that beautiful landscape that I love so much in my Lodge yeah they want to print it and they want to see the rest of your collection Andrew you worries are over y we unbelievable yeah we're staying that's good yay we're not going anywhere yes you B to the 24th okay yes thank you it's going to be an 8:00 flight one way to New York is that all right Miss Bailey yes great and if you can just confirm that we can use the credit card that's stored yes I I can confirm you can use my stored card [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh yay Oh yay citizens of nbra are pleased to welcome Miss Jessica Bailey of Chicago in the United States of America Oh yay Oh yay Miss Bailey has to return to her native country but she is to be thanked for her generous and magnanimous behavior from her friends and beloved nurra citizens the hunter family here now all ye citizens Miss Bailey has a lifetime of free coffee and zerts at the crumble Cafe who wish her all the best for her return to Chicago God Save the [Applause] Queen come on let's go get a decent cup of [Music] coffee when are you going back Christmas Eve oh what a shame you're going to miss Christmas I have to I have a concert on Christmas Eve I'm going straight from the airport to the Carnegie Hall wow that sounds tight foolish is what it is I don't know what I'm thinking I think we both know what you're thinking I'm a strong independent woman I've built a career we all want someone special right I've never needed anybody and now you do aren't you [Music] lucky iav like a Lovick teenager and it feels good right of course feels great but if I miss that concert I can kiss goodbye to my singing career there's nothing worse than being unreliable and I already missed Vienna that wasn't your fault besides you'll recover you could say that you were ill but I'm not no I have to go like this is great I have had a wonderful time but I have to go and that's [Music] it smell the power of my flow ladies spice minc meat Christmas crumble slices oh Adam you're pulling out the big guns oh I hope you don't mind Jessica but I've asked the choir to save a space for you in our Christmas Carol service I know it's just our daff little quiet but hey what's wrong it's just a bit of singing Jessica has to go home on Christmas Eve oh oh I see H this is silly I'm being pathetic no you're not off I gave up the finest Partiers of France to set up here I don't regret it for a second you did no I I work for the best in the world but people like Andrew Hunter and his family they only come around once in a lifetime people like them combined with our beautiful town and its unspoiled Countryside makes up for the lack of Christmas snow I only came here for a summer writing holiday and that was 2 years ago oh you're not helping or maybe we are Jess maybe we are have a crumble slice [Music] Ben listen I can't match what threshold minerals are offering but if you still want to sell your land I'll pay you over the market price maybe half what they're offering why because I can't live myself if I Stand By and Watch all this get ruined NB deserves to stay the great town that it is for generations to come can you afford it not yet but just give me a couple of [Music] months Sandy yes love there's something I have to tell you all right love I know I feel terrible I don't know how I'm going to tell Katie or Andrew they'll understand and Katie's young it's Christmas she'll be excited yet not to mention all the presents you've bought her and [Music] Andrew ah Jessica glad you're here I'd like to ask you to stay for Christmas I've just been through old a goose [Music] and what's wrong Andrew I'm so sorry I'm going home on Christmas Eve have a flight booked no that's um that's good uh it's fine yeah okay um [Music] and wish I could stay even for a little while longer but maybe that would just make things worse I have to remember who I am and how I felt before I arrived here this trip has changed me but I have to stay strong hi Marvin Hey kid you can't make that concert what a flight direct to New York on Christmas Eve you'll be in no shape to sing even if you could make it on time which you won't how do you know it's my business you checked up on me of course I did for your own good you didn't need to do that yes I do it's my job I look out for you so you can do the things that you love am I right yeah yeah you're right uh I think I got a little caught up in things here I will make that concert though listen Jess if you want me to cancel I will but you need to let me know now so I can fix it no no I'll make it sorry Marvin maybe I just needed a vacation right after Christmas we'll get you on some nice Island somewhere what would I do without you see you soon kid [Music] hey Katie hey jica hey come here Katie I have something really important but sad to tell you and know Grandma told me this morning but it's okay are you sure you'll be back sweet talk okay I'm not sure about that but hey maybe we can be pen friends and write to each other sure I love [Music] you I love you [Music] too and I going to miss you so [Music] much [Music] Jessica oh he oh sorry about last night no I'm sorry it had to happen at some point guess it's just bad timing I would have loved to have been able to spend Christmas with you but no I know I know you got a great opportunity ahead here it's uh it's important I can't be selfish and expect you to drop everything life goes on isn't [Music] it you know I'll never forget [Music] you changed my life in so many ways you deserve it and your mom and [Music] Katie so uh why don't you come to the car service tonight it' be a great sendoff and uh we never did get to hear you sing did we it's going to make say goodbye so much harder just one more now thank you for [Music] everything [Music] Jessica Jessica dearest Andrew I know that you're going to be disappointed by what I've done but please believe me when I say it's the only way that I could leave seeing you and Katie tonight at the Carol Serv would have been too much for me to bear I hope that you can see that it's only because I have such strong feelings for you that I have to leave like this I wish that we could have met under different circumstances please forgive me all my love [Music] Jessica [Music] there they are right now you go and join them and good luck D good luck she's taking it so well I thought she'd be upset well now there's a lot of dist AC and she said that Jessica is coming back maybe it's not such a bad thing that she thinks happened she'd be over it in a couple of days before she realizes that Jessica isn't coming back good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the nbor choir Carol service please please feel free to join in and a merry merry Christmas to you all thank you thank [Applause] [Music] you well good evening Mom hi you got organize with some accommodation then yeah well I uh I hope you enjoyed you Vis it not much like where you're from I'll bet no no it's really not well uh this Train's due to depart in uh 12 minutes I hope you've got a warm coaton it's going to snow snow I thought it didn't snow here until January that's right but there's an Arctic wind coming down now it looks like going to have a white Christmas here it comes [Music] look oh it's a good old man everything's going to be okay hey what a beautiful sight it just makes we think of family and the magic of Christmas how you'll have a smashing time back with your loved ones this Christmas Mom oh yes indeed now you look after them there's nothing more important than your loving family nothing in this [Music] [Music] world [Music] is [Music] is oh wow would you look at that wow oh that's magical Oh Katie you'll be so [Music] pleased ask me to stay stay we need you I need you I need you too [Music] hey I knew you come back I should have just listened to you then shouldn't I listen to this you're going to be very happy with us s y Christmas angel [Music] is our offer still available Andy lad it will be yes or you can hold on to it I'm not selling you g with threshold minerals listen to what I said I'm not [Music] selling what at all this one and his cousins deserve what we had don't they can't P price on that [Music] thank you Ben thank you for making the right decision Merry Christmas to you andelot Merry Christmas Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen I am very proud to announce that for the final Carol of the evening we are joined by the internationally celebrated soprano Jessica Bailey Fant [Music] holy Stars [Music] sh [Music] [Music] yeah [Music]
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Length: 90min 38sec (5438 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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