S.W.A.T - The Pilot (Full Episode) | Rapid Response

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[Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Olympic three four one clear and dragging remind me to speak to the commissioner about these hours will you if I'm lucky I get home a time to see the kids off to school the wife after work well weren't you the one who made the speech when they gave us the morning watch huh the Stillness the serenity the infinite pleasure of watching a new day born Olympic three for one see the woman family dispute 757 North Coleman Rover lovely lovely six o'clock in the morning they're at each other's throats already Olympic three four one Roger [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right I'm glad it's a tomb sure we got the right number it's 421 North [Music] thank you Olympic 348 officer needs help 400 block of North thank you there's an ambulance on the way it's an ambush they got us in a crossfire there's one rifle on the roof two other guns already split by car I radioed it in how do we take it you don't we do let's go [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I just want me to control white Maverick late model no license ID proceeding East on Garwood Avenue at high speed SWAT leader Roger going yeah unless one of the street units can cut them off call wasn't phony just like all the others Ambush cold-blooded assassination why because of that color not because they're black brown or white because they're blue five minutes five lousy minutes sooner than we could have had them all and it's going to happen every time if you have to come at that Sunset division and two more weeks can operate out of Olympic that won't help that cop down there foreign [Music] thank you [Music] sorry [Music] foreign foreign [Music] she's upstairs they've got two kids and one on the way I'll talk to her what's that young officer's name Street James Street make sure he gets that wound taken care of I want to see him this is Duran I'm Lieutenant Harrelson we met some time ago at the Academy yes I remember how is he Lieutenant when can I see him same nightmare every night ever since Rob join the force thinking that it's gone Mrs Duran doctors did everything they could everything couldn't save him he's tomorrow [Music] we were going to buy the party decorations tonight [Music] come on why why oh it's a triangle across fire from what I could tell one got on the roof and two on the street pattern's the same as all the other ambushes well planned executed military style suspect descriptions fit would we could piece together from previous hits the only difference was that it was a see the woman and that doesn't tie with the others you're right it doesn't we didn't have time for introductions earlier my name's Harrelson James Street I heard what you did out there to try to save your partner all happened so fast a minute we were laughing and scratching as usual 60 seconds later was lying there dying in his own blood and every time he put on the badge every time you're on one side of a door not no one's going to come at you from the other side you know you could get blown away you know it's there it's part of the package you start to have a sense of immortality about it well you're not alone Street no one wants to believe he's going to be the one who'll get it I think we've got what we need for now we may want to talk to you later a lieutenant there's two favors you can do me if you will if I can I'd like to turn in my badge mine doesn't mean much to me anymore but officer Durant's does I'd like to formally apply for permission to wear his badge instead of mine from now on I'll arrange it or something else yes sir um Sergeant K here just told me you're going to start to operate a SWAT unit out of Olympic that's correct when you get ready to go I want to be a part of it you're already on the list Street will be in touch officer Robert Michael Durant leads two young children and a wife pregnant with their third child he died with honor in the line of duty a public servant dedicated to his ideals and paid the ultimate price to protect and serve his family friends and fellow officers will miss him a slaying of Officer Duran marks the second cold blooded on the Rocks another martini and the third police casualty from Ambush during that period a motion is running high with every officer in the department because of these killings and until those were responsible are brought to Justice [Music] number three in the history the other guy got away and he got away because of you because you got swap me I'm telling you you should have ice that second copy before he even got his gun out of the holster it happened too fast times because in Dallas here it was supposed to handle a new back episode she's got a point Dallas I couldn't get a position I mean how was I supposed to get positioned with the second gun blazing away Dallas can I see you alone can't you see that that's okay Dallas I'm gonna damn sure newlyweds got to talk just like normal people don't disappear too long brother you got business to talk about just take a minute [Music] I don't know what it is you've got to say to me but whatever it is could wait till we got home [Music] what are you talking about oh my God just killing cops for the sake of killing is insane I explained to you that that was personal family business that was funny I don't want to make any more of those phone calls my brother's waiting give me a try finishing drink take a ride find some more blue targets don't you think it's just a little soon to go no look all we're gonna do is just we're just going to make a scouting run We're not gonna make another hit until a timers right maybe in about two weeks but I want you to remember something Raymond it's never too soon to kill a cop never I don't intend to stop killing them until we settle our account with them [Music] thank you so what is your room who wants to know why do you guys always answer a question with another question what are you some kind of a Wise Acre no I'm with the SLA you see we're going to raise this station and we're going to build up a retirement home a raging revolutionaries man Luca Ellie a super cop you're supposed to wear that ID tag Luca that spoils the line of my jacket SWAT rooms down those stairs even narcs are all beginning to look like a bunch of weirdos thanks a lot sweetheart The Killers had no way of knowing in this case or in previous attacks which officers would answer the phony call and didn't matter to them anyone wearing a uniform with a badge on it would do the largest single cause of police deaths in this country today is Ambush upon the officer while on routine Patrol a time when he's least protecting foreign yeah sorry I'm late Lieutenant but I stopped on the way to get my hair done it says ps29 Luca save the sophomore human for your off hours I want to see you clean shaving by tomorrow am goes for every man in this room you might have been hand-picked for your particular specialized skills you're the best at what you do the cream but only three of you now present will make the team it's right as Elite we're very particular about who joins the fraternity the regular jobs are handled by the street cops when it's big when it's emergency when it's Unique that's when we're called in like right now our approach is going to be Innovative our weapons and tactics hard hitting you will be trained in scouting patrolling night operations camouflage and concealment combat and built up areas ambushing and repelling the dustiers we have on each of you shows that you've all had some kind of military preparation for joining the force well you ain't seen nothing yet amen you've all met Sergeant K here brother Deacon is our resident preacher yeah it's funny how all of a sudden we get religion when we think we might be close to buying it one last word about SWAT we're new here at Olympic we have a purpose hopefully we can be a deterrent to violent crime maybe if they hear enough about us they'll be afraid to hit the streets but our present prime target is these blood suckers who declared war on cups yes that's right we're in a war nothing less and we intend to approach it just that way this is the emergency control center this is where you're going to live when you're with SWAT this is the weapons Arsenal it could save your life and the lives of a lot of other cops and civilians well that'll be it for now gentlemen collect your gear in the supply room we'll be hitting it hard tomorrow at 7am this message Hondo Harrelson and brother deacon there's a Peter right oh my God I thought for a second they were going to pass the collection plate and don't knock until you tried it they know what they're doing yeah well if I didn't think that they did I would bail out faster than you could spell swath yeah Dom Luca I've been working at anarco Jim Street McCabe TJ well it looks like we're going to be in this mess together for a while look how about a peach and a beer over crazy Mary's we can watch TV coverage on the six o'clock news or what's his name's funeral his name was officer Robert Michael Duran Duran was his partner he uh he was a pallbearer at the funeral you know sometimes my mouth runs a little faster than my brain couldn't remember the guy's name for a couple of seconds I don't sweat it he'll get over it yeah but I won't [Music] thank you hold the fire looks like we might have found a long way from it where'd you learn to shoot like that when I was a kid my my dad used to take me honey he couldn't afford extra ammunition for me so you had to make every shot count yes sir that nothing's changed McCabe sir you're gonna be my Marksman make him count yes sir man's firing [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's move it move it there we go [Music] they also really need this stuff up like to know where he gets all his energy yeah well I don't know if this means anything but uh so I'm changing clothes in a phone booth this morning [Music] it's large enough to transport two fully equipped teams and has been designed to function as a command post so it has appropriate phone and radio equipment for directing field operations and can be used to tie into the Department's mobile field command post Fleet when a post is activated it has equipment and supplies for logistical team support extra weapons ammunition tear gas tear gas projector guns forced entry equipment such as battering rams in here pry bars scaling hooks protective armor binoculars loudspeakers and medical equipment it's also going to be your dressing room on Wheels when the call-up comes if your mama didn't teach you how to dress on the Run you're going to learn damn fast what happens if we get a call up when we're not on duty you'll always carry extra equipment in your own personal vehicle if you're not on duty when the call-up comes you'll use the alternate equipment and meet the van at the emergency site so what happens if we're in an unusual maybe delicate situation When the Call Comes in you'll tell her to keep cool until you get back Luca then use the alternate equipment and meet the van at the emergency site got it yes sir I think I can remember that sir I'm even have it laminated for my wallet that's optional Luca [Music] thank you right on schedule those two cops will never be accused of being late for their own funerals right on time we go tomorrow [Music] you know I'd be willing to trade my super Nifty collection in National Geographics right now for just 15 minutes in a hot shower National Geographics it looked more like a Playboy centerfold man to me look at the yeah well Geographics Playboy in our same difference with each issue you get to look at sites you'll never visit hey Sam how's it going same what could be different how's Harrison treating you oh he's impressed I always knew you were a massacre hey over here you guys are invited to boys night out is Harrelson going to be there yeah that's who's throwing the party why yeah well I get a feeling I know him as well as I want to already you weighed ball this is it you made it the three of you made the team and Hondo just wants to throw a welcoming blast [Applause] [Applause] don't get too close Raymond don't get too far either [Music] when it gets dark we'll go pig on it [Music] you are going to be a priest so I thought so for most of my life spent two years in Jesuit training until I got restless and decided that for all from the mainstream was no longer what I wanted so maybe you found a better way to save Souls except that it wouldn't exactly call a war wagon a confessional excuse me yeah I make it two make mine rare the rarer the better maybe I can pick up some of the Harrelson's characteristics that is what you do isn't it I mean you throw them a piece of raw meat every morning before you let them out to face the world look contrary to the rumors that are running rapid throughout this division I'm not his keeper and when you guys get to know him you'll find there are more things to like I don't think it's a matter of dislike I think it's more wonder what makes the man go at the pacing Full Throttle every time you see it he's got a job to do it's important it means something one of the great all-time competitors a solid brick wall if he thought there was the slightest possibility of there being a weak spot in it competitive sure competitive he was captain of the Titanic he would have assured the passengers in the crew there's no need for alarm we're just stopping for a little ice foreign [Music] hanging in there yeah I know what you mean where he fell no thanks look straight if you'd rather I found another hunk of bar rail to lean on just say the word nothing personal attend I uh guess I'm just not in a party mood stop bugging you I can help you with well you mentioned in your opening statement the day we joined Peppa you needed 100 mental and physical input from each man in the unit hear it correctly look I'm all tuned into SWAT saving lives I keep thinking about Rob Durant a nightmares about what happened to us and I knew when I saw him dying in the street that I had to do something about it personally I mean not a vendetta but something I don't know every now and then I have second thoughts about some things maybe I'm just not convinced that SWAT is the way to go here I am busting my tail like some college kid and the guys who wasted Rob and the others are still out running free and you want to know when you're going to get a piece up let's just say lieutenant but I don't want to leave my fight in the gym like straight I looked at your credentials before we chose you were top of the class at the Academy you're an expert Marksman you have every other qualification we want in a team member but if your head's not in the right place it's not going to work for either of us and if your head's not in the right place I'll lay you odds you don't last long with the team anyway the important thing is if you have the guts to try do you try me lieutenant don't worry Street I will handle you got a call okay thanks for the call two officers were just ambushed on the north side it happened so fast they didn't even get a chance to call for assistance how bad they just brought them into Memorial Emergency one is DOA and the other is critical have they been identified they're out of our division Frank Johnston and his partner Sam Hanks dead were there any Witnesses three each told the same version after the shooting after Johnston and Hanks were lying defenseless in the street one of the attackers danced a jig over their bodies foreign thank you all right come on waste them pigs officers I want some really good coffee sure black oh it's good enough [Music] oh the cops when you didn't I how bad was it oh we're waiting to hear from Dallas he went to check out the hospital they took him to you told me when it started that you weren't going to do any of the shooting that you were just gonna drive for them so I changed my mind besides I Know Jack and Dallas have done all the actual killing but don't you know that you're an accessory every time out whether your shots killed them or not oh you every time they make you look I mean Jack and Dallas and me we're family but they're crazy I wanted to be loud and they said they'd kill me yeah they got some Revenge thing and the cops worked their old man over and bang they shot it I was never proved all I know is I got nowhere to go on anyway I'm already a two-time loser so when it comes down to wasting cops are getting wasted myself now that decision's easy where is it wow first one is dead before they get him in the ambulance the other one he's in critical condition but according to a nurse he's not expected to live beautiful yeah the man it's really getting hot out there I'll tell you I pulled up to a stoplight near the hospital two cops pulled up right next to me look me over the answer went there I thought they almost made me don't worry your head about it we only got one more hit in this bird and then we'll be out of here and if that second cop dies that means we got five already yeah five so that means we only need one more how's that five and one cousin six Daddy's lucky number this last job we do is going to be a beaut as old Junior College grounds we've been scouting out well they're abandoned completely isolated tomorrow afternoon Rita you call the Olympic station tell them your kid is playing in the school grounds and he's lost over there somewhere in his own car around we're gonna ice us one more Pig maybe two [Music] three [Music] you know they could be working in north south paddle Lieutenant seem to be jumping back and forth with each assault in almost a constant zigzag I'm thinking of relieving you from SWAT Duty Street because of the discussion we had the other night that and some other things like what I'm not sure you've recovered from what happened to you and officer Duran you said it was a nightmare I know it was I don't have to take your word for it the street before SWAT was formed I lost two partners of my own both damn good men with families Blown Away by some Maniac with a gun and no conscience I'll never forget those guys or the nightmares I went through because of it but I don't let it rule my life you don't think I could handle the pressure is that it there's no room in this job for personal emotions Street what you said the other night about not having a vendetta in mind when you joined SWAT I'm not sure you're being truthful with yourself or me we got one see the woman an abandoned school grounds she said a child was playing there and he's lost dispatch ran a voice print matches the last Pony let's go [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] assistant [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right now the entrance throws faces North and they'll expect anyone coming in to come in North to South Peak okay I want you to go over that West wall and set up a North perimeter now instead of coming in north to south we're coming east to west and start clearing this way we got to go to the baker location Here Charlie location here Lieutenant they'll be looking for a black and white why don't we give them a flash one to hold their attention [Applause] slightly to control I want one decoy black and white to make a pass at the front gate not close enough to take any fire just close enough to give him a taste when we come in from the rear control the SWAT leader Roger foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] moving from down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got two positions spotted there's an automatic man with an M1 carving in a tree brush area facing north of the entrance horseshoe and an assaulted with a handgun positioned off the street beyond the horse could be other layoff men or sitters waiting to initiate a second line of assault there's a sniper out there somewhere and we're coming in from the rear Roger let's go out to North Side [Music] right what have you got zero what's going on anyway that zone car should have been here 10 minutes ago I don't like the Vibes Jack something's going down I can feel it [Music] all right wait a minute hold it I think we got our pigeon now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right what's wrong man why did you get back in the car and drive away wrong you see anything else on ground level I don't have to see it I can feel it I'm telling you we're being set up [Music] okay okay pull back right get the wagon or pick us up in front of the library [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have neutralized one but lost the position of the other two all right continue the perimeter that you've locked in on the others Roger [Music] thank you [Music] got the other two the library One South is Corner far Wendell looks like an automatic weapon second Southeast Corner near window weapon unknown 60 seconds to establish a rear position and ding anyone with a weapon on your side of the building I want to draw them to the front while we go in from the Second Story rear Roger [Music] Rizzy with that wagon it's what I heard something out there [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign ready we're going free one two three hold it right there help I need a doctor you'll get one [Music] I thought in the back of my mind when the time came to pull the trigger enjoy it [Music] welcome to the club [Music] we booked Alice in the prison where the car is picking up Rita Benelli to bring her in ah that little broad didn't have anything to do with it she made those phony see the woman calls I mean they made her do it oh Dallas and Jack I'd say you're going to have a lot of trouble if that's your trial defense and that Revenge motive you told us about yeah what about it I had a computer readout pulled on what happened with your uncle there was a shootout with police officers all right after the robbery but they didn't shoot your uncle and they didn't work him over he shot himself after he was surrounded by the officers and there was no Escape you mean they made that up he brought me all the way out here from Kansas City helped him get revenge for something that never happened you got it man I knew they were crazy as loons I mean half my family's crazy I'm here that's my trial defense maybe I plead Insanity huh take this man where I can't see him before I kick his butt around the block and halfway back to Missouri yes sir [Music] for no reason Rob and the others were killed for no reason a lot of times reason has nothing to do with its Street nothing at all [Music]
Channel: Rapid Response
Views: 148,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d3y1q4B8DTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 56sec (2996 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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