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[Music] [Music] I got something to tell you Smith something I never thought I'd hear myself say to you just spill it save these two privates to headache I want you to be her Godfather congratulations sir some news conr to you too sir hey Uncle Smith Uncle SM B you man I didn't see this C no I got you congratulations my brother all right all right all right she's beautiful looks just like her mother going viral on the web with this [ __ ] don't underestimate Uncle Smith yeah go all right one two that now over up come on come on I think [Music] [Music] I [Music] go make a living but the problem is we going to be a away so you have to deal with that I've been on the road New Year's Eve 7 years in a row sometimes I didn't remember what the hell was going on on the first oh what's up the button hey sweetie how's it going hi Dad uncle Todd and I here with Mom another year sis even 7 years old now we're in the Garden today dad still feels weird with without Mom here yeah I know baby but she's looking over us every day okay remember what a told you right you can call me here anytime it doesn't matter what time it is when are you coming back soon yeah really soon just got to finish some work here and I'll be back before you know it and when I get back we'll be getting a bigger place can we get a dog you sure why not promise I promise uncle Ross is here going to go say hi let me talk to your dad love you love you too Dad go she's cute I'm growing up way too fast just was so it was here to see it all I appreciate you Todd after this contract gig I'll be in a much better place there's really no reason for you to do this Trucking but I really think this is a good thing for me I'll soon be in a place where I can support her pay you and rossback for everything you guys have done catching up we're just helping our family well looks like I got to go hit the road so um tell Ras I said hi I fell at the party tonight thank you be careful out there e [Music] Ean come on put this away it's New Year yes New Year I'm to get this thing out this late huh I know we're the coolest uncles ever happy New Year aren't you guys supposed to be kissing oh all right that one yes she is there you go go play with real people I'm going to hold on to this okay happy New Year Happy New Year I didn't know you were here I just got here you're almost as tall as me no I'm not you like snails don't you see we got the mashing ones let's keep this between you and I hey hey hey hey Eden would you do me a huge favor here hey wait hold on will you do me a favor in going into the kitchen room and play with those kids I need to talk to Smith for a second yeah yeah is that okay you later you don't have to get gifts like that for her every time you see her I mean have you looked at yourself lately Smith what that not leaving anytime soon right I was just talking to my girl daughter you come yeah but she's my niece and this is my house so I suggest you leave hey hey hey what the heck is going on here nothing Smith was just just leaving is that right hey hey hey hey hey no no no no don't stop him I mean have you smell the alcohol in him wait wait what happened in there nothing don't go your husband doesn't want this guy in his house so I'm out wait please thanks for Hospitality happy [ __ ] New [Music] Year hello can I come in yes what are you [Music] doing a big giant oh my goodness a oh my God gross candy and candy I don't know whoa who whoa whoa whoa [Music] whoa here's your check detective thanks see you tomorrow we have1 additional unit 0619 here block off all streets in a one M radius no cars in or out I'm in rout did you speak to the captain yeah mask man's beatings blood it's a [ __ ] MK get off of there this is detective finny tank okay follow me up the stairs here guys watch your step owners names are Todd and Ross Meisner gay couple both are here during The Invasion including their niece Eden she's missing it's looking like The Invader came in through a bedroom downstairs then they came in here they taken a couple over to St Joseph's around 15 minutes ago one of them's in critical condition that's all we know for now do we have any units over there uh two should get their statements ACP I think officer Manriquez is getting the statements from the neighbors I'll have them go over right after detective you should come see this we were lucky to ATT before the rain started we traced the blood from the house out here goes all the way down there we have a possible suspect playing on foot it's been on the run for about 30 minutes I need a hard target search started immediately that means all residents rest stops Gas Stations don't leave anything out suspects might have also abducted old girl brunette approach the caution what' you find out we need to get that girl photo out there checkpoint is up to 20 miles you need to contact your parents hey you done in here yeah just uh few more things and we'll be good for the night how you doing oh truck's empty I'm ready to go man Dane your boss man's been trying to get a hold of you man some kind of emergency with your brother-in-law says you need to head home right now call him on the way what's up Scott I can take you the airport right now if you want I got this go okay go no one comes in or out of this room except for staff and keep that 24-hour watch on him he's conscious I need to be the first to know stay put feeling better Mr my sir Todd please uh can you tell the nurse to come Unplug Me from this I need to see Ross I don't think that's a good idea he's safe in the other room you should rest right now I also have a few questions for you while all this is still fresh to you uh I gave my statement to the other officer um so is someone looking for my niece we are did The Invader make any sort of Demands uh we didn't exactly have a conversation it was very quick he uh held us at gunpoint he grabbed her Mr Meer is there anyone that you could think of that would want to do harm to your family no no I mean no one that I know of any enemies in converations with anyone most of the people we know are family or friends from Ross's work I we don't know the kind of monster you can't go in there sir it's fine what happened where's Eden detective finey I'm leading the investigation investigation Ross is in a coma down the hall what the hell happened someone someone came in the house Mr Hunt there was a home invasion your brother-in-law was attacked and your daughter she's currently missing who do you know I don't I don't know did you check the house she's a smart girl she's probably hiding somewhere maybe at the neighbors she's not in the house or at the neighbors you sure you're telling me no one saw her I'll go check the house myself we think the perpetrator might have taken her this happened last night and you believe she was kidnapped my daughter is missing detective what is it you're doing exactly to bring her back home we have a few leads and we have a search party out there looking for your daughter sir we released an amber alert and we we have plenty of checkpoints out in that area we're doing everything that we can please let me do my job thank you for your cooperation Mr Meer I'll be in touch f [Music] they said I could get back in later tonight but I don't see how I can ever stay there again Hey Brother I'm so sorry about what happened you too Todd thanks you guys remember Harry hey sorry to hear about everything we got about 19 guys some of them even saw your post on social media this morning and they wanted to help you heard from Smith yet no uh this is the latest photograph of her these out I'll make sure everyone gets one got it all right we have the East and West sides covered if you guys want to join us and do the North and South sides that would be best let me know if you need any help any word after the Press yeah I've already contacted a few Outlets good thanks for making this happen don't mention it it's no different than if it was my own daughter it's going to be a long night bro but if she's out here we'll find her she's got to have some hope and take it one step at a time I'll take this out so you were home last night take any medication insomnia I've done some pretty [ __ ] up things before but but I'm messing with kids no I mean that's that's something I've never do who said anything about kids I uh I watch the news and your mug is all over it all right now now he excuse me I really need to finish pretty sure you need a warrant for that two years is a Arc and already a detective the department Ruster ran out of [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this cter my new hobby so what do you know about the home invasion last night didn't hear anything from your road dogs I'm clean I don't [ __ ] around no more and if I knew anything I'd tell you so you don't come to my job okay that's it can I help you I have a few questions about an associate that works here perhaps I can speak to Mr Lewis Mr IES Mr lose doesn't operate out of this office where does he operate out of then I'm afraid I don't know you don't tell me that kind of information what about Mr IES is he available no he passed away years ago what who do you suggest helps me then one moment please understood thank you I'm sorry there's no one that can help you right now maybe you can help me Ross meiser it's an associate that works here you heard or seen anything out of the ordinary lately with him any strange visitors or anything other than you no is there anything else I can help you with no that'll be it have a good day [ __ ] [Music] lawyers [Music] you sure you want to stay in here yeah all right be the hospital if you need anything try and get some rest [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah came across them about 20 minutes ago one of them had a confrontation with one the customers in the bar last night welcome back handsome I need you to tell her what you told me ain't much to tell baby that little girl that we're missing we know who did it who was that be pervert that was sitting at the bar tried to rub up on me in the alley and then ask me if I knew any Youngs that he could [ __ ] with you saw that sick [ __ ] going down the street up to those rich folks' houses I mean we ain't no detectives but that's listen he's a cradle robbing pervert okay youall need to find him and lock his ass in the cooler you have a description yeah African-American male possibly 30s black jacket see if anyone else around here can verify their story you're the owner yeah 22 years you going to get those bimbos out of here all that bustle is hurting my business apparently they got into a confrontation last night with one of your customers young black male see what happened I would hardly called that a confrontation all the guy did was give them his drinks drinks which by the way he didn't even pay for so you know him yeah I know him but I ain't no snitch look I don't want to get the guy jammed up with the law huh withholding information from me take it easy the guy's name is Smith the poor bastard's deaf okay he's been in here every night drinking himself to death and running up quite a dab that's why he's banned from here forever so you didn't see anything that happened in the alleyway no that I did not thank you [Music] H that ain't going to work honey no one pays the bills around here he owes me 6 months rent I had to give him an eviction notice even though I hated to do that to someone who served this country we got three more open units out back I would hate to throw all of his stuff out but uh we did start cleaning up a bit he's going to be shocked when he gets back if he gets back have you seen anyone come around any relatives any friends you know I never really thought that he had any family or friends he's a real learner [Music] he [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know you can't hear [Music] me can you read my lips I do keep your hands up don't move [Music] a [Applause] how's your arm my arm is better than my legs how's your face don't let me rest go on sto I left the hey get off me cradle robbing pervert [ __ ] but these [ __ ] following me outside there he is that's [ __ ] hey [ __ ] where you going huh you want to explain what the hell you were doing with my girl huh you okay I had no choice I was just defending myself is that when you went to the Myers residence I didn't know where else should go for help other than d t has always been someone I could trust what the hell are you doing here is tall here he is can I speak to him please I could use his help are you joking look I don't want any trouble I'll go get him I'm not buying it running was not a wise decision I've been had my fair share of trouble with the Lord but didn't need to stick around and get that third TR now if that [ __ ] did a call cup I would well he didn't he's in a coma right now what do you know about the home invasion did she take the girl so what you're telling us is that you weren't aware of the home invasion and kidnapping when it was in progress of the Meers we matched your blood to the blood at the house we have a search party at your apartment you might as well start coming clean what you say your friend's daughter she's missing you wouldn't have to know where she is would you oh I get it I see what's happening here a good cop a bad cop [ __ ] how dare you how [ __ ] dare you ask me that get La here on the night of the crime did you happen to see or speak to Mr Whitaker why would that matter because the blood we found at your place is the same type as Mr Whitaker we're still testing to see if it's an exact match but I I think it will be Mr Hunt please have a seat I'm good you got someone Mr Smith wck was bought him for questioning I understand he's a friend of yours yeah he's my daughter's Godfather I aware of that that's why I wanted to tell you personally before the news breaks up did you talk to Smith does he know anything about Eden's whereabouts we're still trying to figure that out unfortunately at this moment I cannot give you any more information Mr Meisner are there any recent events that you can think of that would cause Smith to harm you or your family Smith and Ross had a minor argument on New Year's Eve he was drunk it was nothing Smith's family I read somewhere that half the kids gone missing like this aren't found alive is that true there's certainly lots of uh statistics out there that would indicate so but and if the the kidnappers hasn't found by day one chances of solving it go down to about 10% I assure you the detective finny here and our team is working on the clock to find your daughter doing what investigating my innocent best friend while my while my daughter is still out there waiting for her father to bring her back home we're going to find Eden 36 hours in counting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who are brother and it's good to see you yeah same to you you hanging in there yeah everything you asked for right here it's all clean too what are you plan to do with all these you can never be too careful hey I have my guys put word on the street about your daughter if I hear anything I'll keep you posted aren't it thanks for looking out [Music] J [Music] [ __ ] you [ __ ] kidding me don't you come me closer you hear me I'll [ __ ] shake you stay back stay are you come here come here what do you want man what do you want where is she I don't know who she is man I don't mess with any kids I already told you guys told you what you in the cup oh man those AR my man I don't know where those came from what was this for I [ __ ] know she is I don't know you [ __ ] died not you wor this chy I know what I tell you if I did I don't know [ __ ] please man please that's unfortunate [ __ ] hey you see this huh okay okay okay okay I'll tell you put the knif down put the knif down please got her stop stop stop I'll tell you where she is I'll tell you where she is please the next one won't be your finger I'll tell you if please please put it down girl I'll tell you I'll tell you put the knife down oh God stop stop stop please I'll tell you I'll [ __ ] take you right now I'll [ __ ] take you bro I'll take you please where's your daugh where where is she how much further I don't even know what your girl looks like all right just just keep just keep going down a little more I think it's about a quar mile up the road you better be [Music] right is that the one there yeah just let me go please I told you everything you just she's in there are you sure yeah man please untie me please who else is in there I don't know man look I I only drop off some speed here right I got nothing to do with the girl man I swear I [ __ ] I I never touched her man I never touched her let me go please what are you doing man sit tight what are you doing you're not going any please come on man come on man I told you everything I know man come on let let me go let me [Music] [Music] go [Music] B [Music] daddy dad still love you Daddy [Music] out he come on come on peam come on in come on down good sh is she here oh oh she screamed real hard oh you're too late Pig she's [ __ ] dead too late [Music] [Music] hello [Music] are you alone don't be afraid I'm going to get you out of here take my hand oh [ __ ] get down get down stay here and stay down behind look man how did he [ __ ] get there so fast shoot him Willie I got shoot him got yeah get him again get him again him again will I'm working on it coming my [ __ ] yeah time lost lost some band for that [ __ ] Mex [ __ ] out of here he that wow one more [Music] where's my daughter where is [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] the mystery man survived a violent shootout with the kidnappers of Viola Anderson an innocent 14-year-old who was kidnapped in her neighborhood of Mammoth Park last November while walking her dog the confrontation ended a few miles away from this home down the street in a car wreck two suspects were killed in the crash as Rose Bay investigators continue their search for this mystery man the locals and the girls family are now starting to call him a true hero one of the suspects in this case was Jim tominac I just wanted you to know Alicia girls home tonight can I please go home finny finny she changed her tune her friend admitted stabbing Smith just how you want to know get some rest hey hey good morning sunshine oh oh yeah oh it's good to see those eyes hi hello nurse hello oh that's it's okay Mr Meisner it's okay just try to relax can squeeze my fingers okay just keep squeezing good you're doing good good job yeah hey thanks for calling me I need to ask him some questions right away how long until I'm able to it'll take him some time to recover from what we're seeing so far this morning he's been showing signs of Rapid progress hey I'm right here are they where are they even even they came theide they they're trying to pain them [ __ ] on me boo well it's not a big deal I hav deal with worse hey that's not going to happen Ross is out of a coma he's recovering he'll vouch for you I was never supposed to be like this bro every sudden we got back things haven't been the same I know I have gone overboard with the drinking and haven't been myself but people around here shoting me like I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm sorry I know I haven't been around for you as much as I wanted to be n bro you been supporting your family I'm sorry I'm sorry I wasn't there super her when you couldn't I fa you I fa e I've been trying though I really feeling life has no me to me anymore I'm going walk in here listen to me listen to me I'm going to find Eden and then we're gonna get you out of here you have my word you okay to detective careful it's hot oh I only ordered one it's my lunchtime too and you look like you could use some company thank you plus I'd also like to get to know my best Tipper it's a cute kid do you have any kids a detective um finny please no I do not neither do I but if I did I sure as hell wouldn't let them be Glu to crap like that I mean when I was a kid we used to go play outside with friends no such Electronics to get glue to didn't you it's crazy oh [ __ ] what thank you so much for the [Music] [Music] suit [Music] Mr Hunt what's this your daughter had a tablet she used do you have access to that yeah you watch cartoons on it together I gave it to her for her birthday do you happen to know the login information yeah I think so you got something yeah email and password to the cloud connected to Eden's tablet what tablet you never got a tablet from the house exactly what does that mean it was connected to a Wi-Fi internet signal there gray dot means the device will not fly to that location looks like that's right at meisner's yeah I'm pretty sure while it's in lock mode the device can still keep track of itself for at least 24 hours or so but in order for us to locate it it needs to be on and connected to a Wi-Fi signal again oh [ __ ] clean on it's on and connected how could that be though 1805 Cold Water Canyon rad hands up keep your hands up it's clear relax Kid Put Your Hands Down have you seen a tablet around here bottom drawer this my dad's place I'm just kind of hanging out right now where did you get that I found it I I didn't steal it I swear it just came off of our b84 truck a few days ago my buddy's going to fix the screen for me he had your for truck yeah the trash truck it's very important you tell us where you got that can you give us the exact route of the b84 sure yeah [Music] for where C all clear sir okay secure the entire perimeter so what do you think really for on their way [Music] we're [ __ ] late take grab that grab that open it [Music] hey [Music] dad [Music] babe well I'm a nice guy right yeah yeah you are plus if I didn't do anything you'd give me [ __ ] so that's very true hey welcome home buddy thanks okay that's a long enough hug you look good thank you so is uh is Eden here yeah upstairs napping food's ready though okay can I can I wake her go all right thanks thank you wow Ross who's phone is is that guys food's about to get soggy hey whose phone is this what what are these threats what the hell am I reading the firm they gave me anything that I wanted the house the cars for free yeah bonuses no they weren't bonuses I thought that that's what they were but that's not what they were they had me Bill clients outrageous fees until I paid them back but it wasn't enough I uncovered dirt about the firm moneya laundering and fraud I threatened to talk and that's when the harassment began I'll go get him whoa oh who whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] he get out of my house oh my Mr Lewis would like you to get back to him make your payments and keep your [ __ ] mouth shut [ __ ] spring her come on hey hey you got a problem you were supposed to only Shake him down you know he's in a [ __ ] coma right now well he shot at us look things got wild I had to do what I had to do plus I'm sorry boss but we had a witness what witness they're little girl what are you saying you [ __ ] idiot they don't have a little girl Fu where is she now uh we have her here what do you want me to do with her sir I don't know that wasn't part of the plan well we could just seal her off in here yeah yeah do that for now let me figure out a way to get rid of her and don't call me anymore I'm sorry I had no idea that they were going to take it this far Eden she's my what were you thinking I promise that I will do whatever it takes to fix this my daughter was kidnapped and held in a [ __ ] warehouse for days my innocent 7-year-old daughter from your house you've done enough I'll take it from here for [Music] you got two bikes behind hey R keep an eye on those two bikes in the back the [ __ ] hey why didn't you make the turn huh hey hey I'm sorry Mr Lewis got a couple of maggots rolling up on us all right here we go here we go take care on your left don't let him come around we got two more back there what do I pay you guys for what the [ __ ] is going on here man on way up quick I'm out I'm out hey man I'm going to speed up hang on no we don't keep whe get [Music] Fred roll the window down I'm walking over now you part of Rosel these guys huh I did this all of this go ahead kill me then what pardon me aegs for vengeance for what you've done but this isn't that this is a warning if you ever come near my family again I will finish what I started tonight we're good I'm good Harry [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you want to race sure ready ready set set go go miss you always bab hurry up little cheer I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] winning
Channel: Movie Chamber
Views: 1,430,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QsO0cRlmknU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 17sec (5177 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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