S.W.A.T: Omega One (FULL EPISODE) | Rapid Response

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right elevator in the alley and an outside door to the garage anybody can walk right in sometimes I think the design is buildings for burglars but they have 24-hour door minister last one is 700 block Oakwood Avenue coordinates E15 what's that new fire station well that's one we don't have to worry about don't be too sure one of these days some Joker could wall us right in and hijack the fire engine got a late class tonight yes sir what's that you're into philosophy uh specifically the philosophy of non-aggression don't laugh he's laughing I think of a few hundred Crooks I'd like to see take this course teaching we got the best Dr Samuel Bruner who won a Nobel Prize for his work in bacterial chemistry you got a good man there there is a school of philosophy which holds that man is responsible for his actions alone and not for the actions of others we've studied what Aristotle had to say and Sophocles and now I want your views does an individual have a moral obligation to fight against evil one thousand words to be turned in Next Friday class dismissed under Bruner I'm sorry I was late but uh don't you think the answer to your question is rather obvious I don't think it at all obvious Mr Street whether or not to take action is always every man's private decision private and painful decision but you haven't found it painful have you Peter the demonstration you organized for tomorrow not a bit you see those bacteriological Warfare stockpiles are are not only dangerous they're abhorrent and somebody's got to do something about it I envy you your certainty especially in view of the new worldwide treaty and those people in charge of Amigo one deny the fact that there are any existent stockpiles sure just like we never bomb Cambodia all right I must say I applaud your decision to protest the experiments Dr Bruner I've never understood how you could feel this way about Omega one you're the one who designed it believe it or not I headed a team of idealists what we wanted was to use the powers of the science for the good of mankind all those years of Discovery all it's done if your suspicions are true real path of destruction and that's what we want the people to know I'm afraid it'll take more than a few idealistic students that's why I decided to join your demonstration tomorrow beautiful with you along this protest will have to be taken seriously tomorrow what's wonderful about Dr Brewer everyone will listen now you know he's putting his whole life's work on the line I just hope he's right the newspapers will be a little bit television cameras too bad I won't have time to get my hair done so everybody be there at 12 o'clock sharp and Charlie you and your publicity committee better start making phone calls right now everybody else knows what to do let's go hey Street I hear you're the only one not marching tomorrow what's the matter your mama won't let you the department won't oh I think I'll volunteer my buddies to start making picket signs Pete uh just do me one favor don't let anybody get carried away okay let's keep it peaceful hey Jim it's a whole idea man [Music] okay we'll take those two also all right [Music] don't forget the ammo got it that's it we're finished okay hello now I fixed the alarm and I got you in this place that's all you paid me for from now on my own there's a dinosaur safe behind the counter why don't we just call that my bonus will you suit yourself sport but if I were you I'd get my tail out of here you go play with your guns Sonny it's been a long time between paydays for me [Music] come on let's go [Music] [Music] of course [Music] oh there's a gunshot what do you see let's take a look [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what do you think it's hard to tell I'll take the front you covered it back [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I found it the prize hang glider and cheap [Music] the guy wants cash for a down payment all I need is 20 bucks for your share ah gee I can't make a TJ I'm a little short this week sure we just got paid this morning look you want it or not okay yeah sure I do now look the money's in the other room I'm gonna go get it you stay right here foreign how many times you told me about this routine you never miss right Dom have you poured the one hello TJ what are you doing with my sister nothing yet yet what's with you TJ you're the one who introduced this you were only supposed to say hello to him hello right okay well TJ's right here I'll tell him right that was Jim we got a SWAT call up we can change our clothes in the way Pam you go home Pam you stay right here I'll be back Pam go Pam stay sounds like an old Tarzan movie foreign [Music] we don't know who or how many are in there but they got plenty of Firepower DJ secure The High Ground over there and take a night scope with you dig around back scouted out street you're with him take that battering ram these places usually have a solid fire door Luca you're with me we'll try to talk him out inside is it Lieutenant house at the police department special weapons team has you completely surrounded you've got 30 seconds to throw down your weapons and come out with your hands in the air everything [Music] DJ what have you got [Music] I got one man for the front of the store [Music] just like you figured a thick fire door back here probably bought it from the inside [Music] you and Street get to work on that door with a battering ram that should draw him to the back I'll have Luca throw in some tear gas we'll take him in the front [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's all over good job I get that doctor in here [Music] you imagine a little talk [Music] here's his rap sheet foreign looks like your specialist in liquor stores and gas stations Geno but guns it's not your style why this time the owners tally ladder 10 high powered rifles ammunition enough for all of them looks like you had some friends with you tonight that puts enough ammunition on the street for a small Revolution I want to know who's got it I don't know look Gino you've already made the joint twice but this time if one of those guns kills somebody you're gonna buy murder one and you've already got attempted murder of a policeman burglary and Grand Theft Firearms they'll throw away the key I can't make you a deal but I could do some talking to the D.A if you open up I'm going to ask you one last time all right all right two guys hired me all I had to do was just break them into the place that's all what did they want with the guns I don't know they didn't tell me what about these guys who hired you I want a name I didn't get any name just two guys amateurs kids kids huh okay sure could use that over a knob huh Trooper if you'd have had it could have sold it here try precise [Music] right on the button fellas I think we're about ready for our peaceful demonstration [Music] gas launches 18 gas masks Jack one brown paper bag s that's my lunch well you're hiding it in there because somebody has been ripping off my hero sandwiches don't look at me man I'm a tuna salad man myself yeah dick when you see TJ I want him to make out a full report on the efficiency of those new night Scopes all right so as soon as you're finished here we better go over those roster morning Street good morning Lieutenant I want you to check with Swanson about those weapons from that gunshot Heist I already did on the way in I just sign did you get anything from Baroni nothing it helps it looks like that guy really doesn't know who hired him but anybody with a shopping list like that you can bet he's going to surface sooner or later and if those guns are on the street you better bet they're going to be used Street I understand that Dr Brunner is taking out a demonstration permit yes sir why Omega one well you see Lieutenant a number of students feel they've been lying about having destroyed all those biological warfare stockpiles on Dr Bruner thinks so too what about you well I'd say I believe there's a reasonable doubt and if it weren't for department rules you'd be picketing too yes sir it's a good thing they have those rules keep you out of trouble Lieutenant is going to be a peaceful demonstration let's hope so I feel as though I've helped create the Frankenstein monster and now this monster is loose what are the dangers as you see them Dr Bruner after all there are different safety mechanisms you've designed them yourself the safety mechanisms are sound I know that but that's not what we are concerned about the worldwide treaty directly specifies that every country in the world will no longer conduct experiments in biological and chemical warfare and they will also destroy all existing stockpiles but the authorities have made a statement they've assured you that the stockpiles have been destroyed hey come on man you're a reporter how many times have you been lied to by the authorities we are through accepting lies and phony promises we want to see it with our own eyes they'll have to show us there are no more stockpiles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lieutenant wants a report on those new night scopes [Applause] you look a little tired Dom rough night no offense TJ but it's been a long time since I had a curfew hey come on man I know how you are with girls oh yeah how am I well you know Sunday school teacher well Pam graduated from Sunday school a long time ago it's not funny Don TJ I'm dating his sister so what hey what's going on dating is one thing your apartment's another what do you want me to do give him my fraternity pin so I can ask you to dinner there's a million girls in this town why my sister I want to know what's going on uh it's nothing but 10 it's just a friendly argument no trouble no not yet well look whatever it is you police officers work it out between you this may come as a shock to you but this is not American Bandstand we're supposed to be on ready alert now get with it foreign excuse me sir I'm one of Dr Bruner's students and quite frankly sir I'm not sure we're doing the right thing I can tell you you're not well sorry if you could just let us see for ourselves we just want to know that we're not being lied to again no I couldn't well maybe uh perhaps if it were just Dr Bruner and a few of us it wouldn't take much of your time well we could dismiss the other students and if they go away I'm sure the Press will too since it's Dr Brenner sure uh Dr Brenner I've admired you for many years I was at the Santa Barbara seminar when you gave the speech on synergistic relationships oh yes yes your name is Robert Dinkins you wouldn't remember me but well your speech influenced me to change my field of specialization well that's very flattering doctor I have enormous respect for you but for this time you're wrong see we have no stockpiles here fine then we'll just see that with our own eyes okay okay uh we want to be orderly about this so just put your signs down over there I have here a document from the government explaining the precautions on germ warfare look at them excuse me Dr Bruner this is also mysterious do you think you could explain some of it to us well I hope so we'll start from the bottom up now every idea needs some sort of a house it has to be fitted right has to be tested to make sure I'm sorry you can't go in there I said the Public's not allowed in there [Music] any other stockpiles so let's get on with it okay everybody shut up stock world what's this all about Trooper [Music] hey what are you doing I'd like to thank you all for your cooperation but uh your part's all done now you can all go home all except Dr Bruner oh Sam and Mrs Bruner Dr Brenner what's the meaning of this not him me this is my party I do want to thank you for the guided tour we liked it so much we've decided to stay get him out of here let's move along the control room now doctor Ms Bruner foreign [Music] [Music] office please uh you just tell him it's someone who has taken over chemical plant experimental Center Omega one okay [Music] another man look we don't have a whole lot of time [Applause] straight we are going to blow the Omega one chemical plant who are you what you want to think about is a couple hundred thousand innocent citizens [Music] what do you want deliver one million dollars in small used bills or this plant goes up and you're gonna lose a whole lot of citizens uh have a nice day [Music] all right [Music] Harrelson have you checked it out all right we'll handle it Iron Men barricaded inside the Omega one facilities hostages involved that's the deal where Dr Bruner arranged the permit can't be we'll find out let's roll [Music] [Music] you are an active destruction no I'm just an old man who should stay in the classroom sorry you feel that way but enough of this sentimentality you're the man who knows the console and the system and I want you to bypass it I won't be a party to kill him now look we are only interested in that one million dollars just the money you better help us bypass that system no Peter so you got to doctor or else they'll never believe us out there and they have got to know that we are prepared to go through with this thing I won't help you go ahead I'm not afraid I've been threatened before I wasn't thinking of you doctor I was thinking of your beloved wife my wife she has nothing to do with this well you're wrong about that doctor you might say that she is the key to this whole caper [Music] very touching you're gonna have to do it doctor or else she is going to die it should be a long time dying [Music] that's better yeah [Music] do you tell the mayor that it's been done you're the one man he'll believe see everything's quiet defense out watching how's it going in here man no sweat Trooper we are halfway to a billion dollars [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry I feel like sorry let's get those people out of there alive what's the situation bad one of the students from inside told us they kept two hostages where is the student Miss would you come here please how many of them in there ah there's Stockwell and Clinton Novak another student called trooper and two other guys they've got rifles and a lot of ammunition like an army that's a gun shop hit I understand there are hostages Dr Bruner and Mrs Bruner Jim none of us knew about this honestly I know Marcia believe me I know patch me through the Omega one control room you better get her back out of the line of fire headquarters this Olympic SWAT pass me through to Mega control [Music] Stockwell here Stockwell this is Lieutenant Harrelson of SWAT what nice of you to call we've got that plant completely surrounded you better give it up Stockwell if we have to come in there after you a lot of people are going to get hurt you have nothing to gain I have a million dollars to gain lieutenant or a lot of people are going to bid a painful and farewell including you don't you think I planned ahead Dr Bruner and Mrs Bruner are going to leave with my friends and me I swear across the border they can be flown back you'll never make it out Stockwell if that sketch isn't met wife will be the first of many to go [Music] what's the time element two hours three at the most you better call a chief you better evacuate you want to get as many people as possible out of that downwind area Lieutenant has a hospital about a mile from here a lot of their patients probably can't be moved that quickly we just have to nail stock well and his friends fast if you've got a floor plan of this plant I'll see if I can get one deacon go with him lieutenant let me try first I I know them let me try to talk to mine all right you've got it [Music] [Applause] start well [Music] this is Jim Street now I know you probably think you got it all figured out but you have it this place is surrounded there's no way you can pull this thing off now please let the produce go but not your weapons and come out peacefully Stockwell please listen to me [Music] what does your SWAT book say about a situation like this I'm writing that chapter now [Music] what if they don't meet your demands on time did you look at the indicator they will foreign what if they don't look we've still got Dr Brenner and Mrs Brenner and nobody's going to be foolish it will be long gone and safe by the time this plant goes better go check out Clinton Novak just in case those cops decide to become Heroes right McCabe you're right about that hospital there's no way to evacuate all those patients in time where's that money let's take a couple of minutes to get together a million bucks a couple of minutes that's all we've got [Applause] [Music] it Allison that's right find this please [Music] you want to count it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's an underground tunnel here right here Deke Ewing Street if you go through here and flank them from the right now McCabe take your repelling gear I want you and Luca to take care of those two guys there and then you climb up on the roof and get inside and wait for a go that goes for everybody no action and no noise until I give you the word you're just going to stroll in the front door with the money I've got this I'll have to keep him busy if they see anybody else they'll dump those hostages what do we do after that how do we handle it like always just be in place when I need you now I'll start in 60 Seconds [Music] [Applause] in with the money [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] cop [Music] foreign you heard me cop raise them high [Music] good Hospital friend I brought you a million dollars you did it man you did it just like I said now go get the money [Music] we delivered our half of the bargain Stockwell what's happening [Music] be cool man all we want to do is inspect the merchandise [Music] you kicked that suitcase right over here [Music] um here it is [Music] well that's my favorite color I ain't never seen that much money before you got a picture that much you know all we got to do is get out of here ain't no sweating hey you get out there and keep an eye on that cup [Music] quietly as possible [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] I've got one in custody [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Stockwell it's all gone wrong I'm getting out of here True Blood Clint what the hell's going on out there did you really think they'd let you get away with this you're really beginning to bug me [Music] foreign [Music] listen out there [Music] still got two hostages in here and in five minutes his whole place goes up man that's a point [Music] Stockwell do you hear me I hear you we are running out of time all of us not us you I want to make a deal I'm listening you still got Dr Brenner and Mrs Brenner that's right I've got men stationed everywhere outside they've got orders nobody gets out unless I say so maybe you better say so I can't I can't communicate with them one of your bullets bought my walkie-talk I need to get to that telephone in the control room all right but alone and no gun you got a deal you take care of things from this thing tell TJ to get ready for a go um TJ get ready for Greenlight [Music] okay come right through the door nice and easy [Music] it isn't the man himself hold it [Music] and [Music] where's the phone forget the phone I've got an even better idea you and me are living together your boys are gonna blast you give it up Stockwell while you're still alive no more talking no [Music] okay I can't let you do it Stockwell we've got to stop that explosion we'll let them worry about that after we've gone [Music] doctor where's that switch the Council on the panel this thing is on the peg it's about ready to blow we've got to turn it off we can't knock until the proper sequence is punched out on the country then the key will deactivate the system doctor you're the only one we can turn to Sam I can't remember I can't remember the sequence thing doctor is it prime numbers is it is it a street address [Music] it's a date a date the sequence is a date [Music] [Music] doctor that that date the one that made the sequence work what was it 12 7 41 Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt said it was a date none of us would ever forget [Music] good night straight if you've got another class tonight yes sir Advanced sociology did you ever think about dropping out and I have it done TJ you ready what's a rush the rush it's a lovely little travel agent by the time I get to Phoenix hey aren't you having dinner with Pam tonight what's the matter my sister I'm not good enough for you you're talking about not good enough for you I thought you didn't want me to date your sister the dating I don't mind I don't mind the dating that's the other stuff how about something to eat before we start writing the reports you must be reading my mind the only trouble is we haven't got time to go out we might happen to know where there is a hero sandwich really big one [Music]
Channel: Rapid Response
Views: 63,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gy63xjbyknQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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